Timur Batrutdinov: “Everyone is so insistent on my marriage that there is a rejection effect. Timur Batrutdinov: about girls, marriage, rap and male friendship Duet with Kharlamov

Timur Batrutdinov is a resident of the Comedy Club on TNT and one of the most enviable bachelors in our country. His favorite dish is everything that his sister cooks. By the way, Timur does not eat meat, believing that he has no right to eat thinking beings. He is very close in spirit to Horton - the elephant, whom he voiced in the cartoon of the same name, and he considers his work on this project a great achievement, because this is his first work, "which can be shown to children." Soviet comedies make him laugh again and again, and he is millions of admirers.

What is your sense of humor?

A sense of humor is what sets us apart from other mammals. But now I just said - and remembered cats and dogs. They probably have a sense of humor - how can you run after candy wrappers without it, for example. And for me, a sense of humor is an innate ability, but developed over the years.

How did you become a comedian? And are you comfortable in this role?

I avoid using the word "role". Because first You you make a role, and over time Role"makes" you. And you can get lost in it. In my opinion, a role is how people perceive you, and often it is very different from who you really are. I wouldn't call myself a comedian. I'm just a fun and nice guy.

Agree one hundred percent. Are you planning to act in a serious movie?

Don't want. And so there are too many serious things in our lives.

You so convincingly play quarrels with Garik Kharlamov in the Comedy Club and the new HB comedy program on TNT. Do quarrels occur in real life and are there disagreements in creativity?

Of course not. In the creative process, common sense wins, not emotions. Garik and I have long learned to agree with each other. All our fights are made up. Only friends can convincingly play a quarrel.

How did Comedy Club influence Russian show business?

No way. I would say that this Russian show business influences the Comedy Club, giving us new reasons for jokes and inspiring us with new songs, new awards.

Recently, a new project "HB" has appeared. Its slogan is "the regulator of brain activity." How does HB affect brain activity?

"HB" affects not only brain activity, but also all activities of the human body and spirit.

Do you have an acronym for the new show?

Bread / roll, Cotton, charisma / mediocrity ... but in fact this is just a decoding of the names - Kharlamov / Batrutdinov.

How do you see the future outside of Comedy Club and HB projects?

So far, it is very difficult for me to imagine what will be ahead - outside of what I am producing now. Everything can be.

What interesting things await us in new projects?

Watch and find out (smiles widely).

How close is the stand-up show to the Russian audience? What will you highlight before the appearance of the Comedy Club?

I would call Mikhail Zadornov one of the first stand-up artists. We had improvisation, it was just called in a different way - theatrical skits (semi-prepared scenes with elements of improvisation). While studying at the university in St. Petersburg, we showed entire improvisational performances on stage. I do not believe that until the word stand-up entered our everyday life, this genre did not exist.

Timur Batrutdinov about creativity

You represent the new "predatory" Old Spice collection in Russia. How do you take care of your appearance? How do you manage to look great on set, especially in the summer?

I wash and brush my teeth (smiles). And like any normal guy I use a standard set of products: shower gel, shampoo and deodorant. All this can be found in the collections of Old Spice - Wolfthorn, Foxcrest and Hawkridge. All of them are dedicated to wild predators - the wolf, the fox and the hawk. By smell, the Wolf is the most suitable for me - he is strong, uncompromising and daring.

Please tell us what will be the new video you are shooting with Isaiah Mustafa?

What part do you take in the life of your godchildren?

Yes, I am a godfather three times! I have two goddaughters: the daughter of Tatyana's sister named Sofia and Anastasia Kharlamova. And also I am the godfather of Timofey - the son of Alexei Likhnitsky from the duet "Sisters Zaitseva". I am often asked in interviews when I plan to have children. And I already have them. Three whole pieces! Thank God, the blood parents of the kids are healthy and hard-working people, so my participation in their lives is limited to conversations and gifts. I try to indulge, of course.

- All of your recent Twitter posts are related to the World Cup. Are you an active fan?

I can't consider myself a football fan. For me, this game comes alive when there is a World or European Championship. This year I was rooting for the Netherlands. I am not rooting for our national team, I worry about it, like most residents of the Russian Federation. Looking at the game, I constantly remind myself that we have become world champions in hockey. In general, it's good that we got to this Championship, where many countries are fighting for the leading positions. Yes, they only lost once. When ours took to the field with Algeria, I was in Paris, where there are a lot of Algerians. And at a time when all of Russia was upset, I was in a cloud of all-consuming happiness. The whole city rejoiced so that I was not myself.

- Do you do any sports yourself?

Photo: @asmuskristina(Instagram Christina Asmus)

Certainly. I grew up on the Baltic Sea, then, wherever I lived, there was always some kind of water nearby. That's why I've been swimming since I was little, surfing. I am fond of all “liquid” sports. On vacation, I always find time to stand on the board.

- That is, this summer, will you fly somewhere to conquer the waves?

No, I won’t be able to go on vacation this summer, I will work. But I will try very hard to combine business with pleasure in Jurmala, during the Comedy Club festival. Last time I had a rest in January, I flew to the Hawaiian Islands. Awesome place. By the way, this year was marked by the fact that I flew around the entire globe.

- What other hobbies do you have besides surfing?

On a warm summer morning, we arranged a shoot with Timur Batrutdinov for the site. The action took place on the "Red October" and inevitably attracted the attention of everyone who was lucky enough to be there at the same time as us. Teenagers and adults, couples in love and "real boys" - no one could pass by the charismatic hero of the Comedy Club (TNT). And so Timur worked on two fronts, torn between the camera of our photographer and the smartphones of passing fans. But the distractions did not spoil the shooting: it took place in a light and positive atmosphere and ended just before the start of a severe downpour. Having managed to hide in time in a cozy and not crowded restaurant overlooking the Cathedral of Christ the Savior,
Timur and I started our conversation, which was supposed to last 15 minutes, but ended up stretching for an hour and a half ...

“You tell me how tired you are of having a conversation, and we will finish right away,” I warn my interlocutor. He smiles shyly and remarks:
“I just often stop at interviews, then I read what I said there, and I am horrified. I am sure that I will also supplement and rewrite this interview later. I take my interviews seriously." I cross my fingers under the table, wishing that this clip would not happen in our dialogue. And - it works!

Eleventy T-shirt, Tommy Hilfiger shirt and jeans, Strellson jacket, Barracuda sneakers

Let's talk about our shooting first. How was it? And how often do you take part in such photo shoots?

When the Comedy Club was just gaining its popularity, such shootings took place very often. Because it was really interesting for us, we climbed everywhere, even where we were not invited. We wanted to be in the frame both there and there ... Well, in general, such photo shoots are a great opportunity to work with professional stylists, to see what he will pick up for you.

Yes, I noticed that today you wanted to keep some of the things that our stylist Alyona chose for you! How often does it happen that you take away the sets selected by the stylist?

Constantly. To be honest, I only dress for filming. But at the same time, I am by no means the most accommodating “dummy”. It also happens that I don’t like what stylists choose for me at all. For example, Comedy stylists are constantly tormented with me: one thing will not work, then another.

Wrong size or other reason?

Mostly for other reasons. For me, clothes are a kind of “skin”, I have to organically feel myself in it. In these clothes, you should greet the guests beautifully, and lie on the floor in miniature. But lately I have become easier and still trust the professionalism of stylists without disputes.

Clothing, style - this is just one element of the shooting. Another important component is posing. As a man, this is probably not easy for you?

I try to turn off posing during filming. If earlier on the set I wanted to grimace, show the possibilities of my facial expressions, now everything is different. As I got older, I realized that all these antics and grimaces are just a cover, a mask. A person is beautiful when he is natural. So I try to eradicate the craving for “posturing” in myself. But it's not so easy: after all, the work leaves its mark, because I'm a comedic person - not an actor, of course, but with a humorous gut. I grew up on Jim Carrey, on the love of Jim, and our tandem with Garik Kharlamov was born. But work is work, and in life I am of the opinion that you don’t need to portray anyone, you need to let go of all the masks as much as possible. If we imagine that life is a photo shoot, and the people in it are photo models who are simply offered “bows”, then all that is required of them is to remain themselves in any image.

This is very true. I want to continue the topic of your work with Garik Kharlamov. You are friends and off the stage for so many years. No fatigue factor from each other?

We have overcome everything, we have gone through different stages. Once Garik left Comedy for his Bulldog Show project, and I was left, so to speak, “alone”. But it was a very useful experience: I had a reason to open up solo. It was then that my character Egor Batrudov appeared, who, however, existed on the air only in the absence of Garik. But Egor Batrudov travels with us on the HBDS tour (Kharlamov-Batrutdinov - Demis-Skorokhod) and is a powerful interactive part of our concert program.
In general, Garik is more than a friend to me. He is like a brother to me who is not chosen. He just is. As I said, we have been through a lot together and we accept each other for who we are. We are not trying to change each other. Moreover, we are similar in many ways. At the same time, we are just as different. I think this is the secret of the HB duo. Now I am the godfather of his daughter, a wonderful girl Nastya, and we are already, consider, relatives. So, we are not going anywhere from each other.

Eleventy T-shirt, Tommy Hilfiger shirt and jeans, Strellson jacket

You and Garik have been in Comedy for so many years that a logical question arises: have you really lost the desire to create, come up with new jokes?

No, absolutely not. There is no sense of "exhaustibility" of humor. There is always a reason for a joke. The main thing is not to lose touch with the ever-changing reality and do not forget to get out of your jeep and go down to the subway. On the plus side, you get an objective picture of reality.

Are you on the subway yourself?

Certainly. But mostly it happens if I really don’t want to be late for something.

Did you run down the escalator right in a tuxedo?

No ( laughs). Casual style always helps me out.

Do other passengers recognize you?

In fact, it is enough to put on a hood and bury your face in the inscription "Do not lean" - and anonymity is guaranteed. In the subway, people look no further than their own noses. Perhaps things are different with female colleagues, but I am a man, and it is not very interesting to consider me.

Based on our experience, this is not entirely true. During today's photo shoot, you were the center of everyone's attention! Do you feel uncomfortable when everyone is looking at you, nervous?

No, I'm not nervous. I'm just terribly shy. But it all depends, of course, on the situation. There are times when too much attention is not at the right time. For example, if they ask me to take a picture at the airport when I am late for a flight. This is a paradox: I don’t like to wait, so I come back to back and in the end it turns out that they are already waiting for me. When you run lathered to the final landing, you are definitely not up to the photo. When I refuse, I always apologize and explain the reason for the refusal. In other cases, I take pictures if the person is sober and well-mannered. I will never forget with what an inner squeal of happiness I walked away from Matt Damon, whom I accidentally met on the streets of London, with a joint photo in an iPhone. Since then, I try not to deprive people of this small, but still joy. It's not difficult for me, but it's nice for a person.

And speaking of giving back, are there times when you feel drained after performing? When you come home and do not want to see anyone at all and talk to someone?

It's not always the same. The ideal option is when you give your energy during a performance, the audience gives its own, and you recharge. And it's like a drug, it's what we work for, create. And if I had some kind of spare or parallel life, I would also choose a job related to the stage. I would like to be a rock star… It’s amazing: you go out to a huge stadium, more than tens of thousands of people are looking at you, they all sing along with you, light lighters when you perform something lyrical… And slam into the crowd? This is incomparable to anything. At the Comedy Club concerts, I slammed, it was the case.

By the way, about music: what do you prefer to listen to? What is constantly playing in your headphones, in the car?

There is nothing that plays "constantly". Everything is very random. Electronic, jazz, grunge, classical, speed power thrash metal, lounge, Choi. I've been listening to rap a lot lately. There was a day when I only listened to Face in the car. I learned about him by watching his interview with Yuri Dudya. I liked that he respected Civil Defense, which I listened to as a child. A smart guy, in his work he is a rap-punk, eschkere! I met LJ not so long ago, during my vacation in Phuket. It also shakes, the image is remembered. I'm friends with Kravets. With him, we generally cook joint creativity. Of course, Guf: he is real, his songs come from the soul. “Caspian cargo” is a clear, harsh male lyrics. It's a pity they broke up. In general, Russian rap began for me with "Casta" - hip-hop veterans respected by me - I am happy that I know them personally.

What do you think about Oksimiron?

As a battle MC, he is certainly talented. I enjoy watching battles with his participation. There are no questions here. But his solo work does not impress me too much. So he assembled the "Olympic", but it seems to me that such music as his, such a platform as the "Olympic", will not be able to shake.

By the way, I was in the Olympic.

It was a very powerful concert in terms of energy and atmosphere! And it was amazing that the public could so unanimously support such a non-standard artist.

Wow. Well, kudos to him then. Will have to listen laughs).

, sneakers Fratelli Rossetti

From foreign music, what do you listen to?

Metallica, Chemical brothers, Justice, Air, Skrillex, Daft Punk, Two Feet, Ratatat and so on. I can list for a long time - I am an absolute music lover. If we talk again about rap, then I, for example, like Kendrick Lamar.

Yes, he is very talented! He recently won a Pulitzer Prize for his Damn album, have you heard? The first rapper whose work was awarded such a high professional rating.

Did not know! Cool! He is a very complete artist. I saw one of his live performances - Kendrick does a great job. It’s a pity that I can’t discuss this with my colleagues: they don’t really know what the new school of rap is, and they ask: “What about the old school? Demolished? ( laughs)
I generally like the trend that now new names are born on the Internet. Bypassing television and radio rotations. Feduk, for example. I met him at Kravets, even before the explosion of the song "Rose Wine". Together we dispersed them with Kravets on a joint track. By the way, it will soon be released on YouTube. It will also contain lines invented by me, do not miss it. So, such Fedor was sitting - a modest kid with an unusual voice. And in a couple of weeks I watch YouTube - he is already a star and his name is Feduk. Internet rules!
But when I was driving to the shooting, in my car it was not rap that played at full volume, but “The King and the Jester”, the album “Stone on the Head”. I know all the songs from it by heart, I drove and sang. I have loved this group since I was a student. And now, when I listen, I remember those times when I was young and ambitious. Not as much as now, of course, but still ( laughs). So music is also a kind of soundtrack to different periods of life.

Then, in your student years, everything was just ahead of you. Now you have already achieved so much that perhaps sometimes thoughts arise: “what next?”. Or is such reflection not peculiar to you?

It happens, it happens. I'm at that stage in my life right now. I still have everything ahead of me.

Were there any ideas to quit everything, change the field of activity or even go to a desert island?

No, this was not, because the field in which I work, I chose myself. Unless there is a desire to change the form of self-expression. For example, our joint humorous show “HB” with Garik Kharlamov is just such a new form of self-expression for us. The continuation of the show - "HB2" will be released soon. I recommend watching it - thanks to our brilliant producer Semyon Slepakov, we got a very sharp and bold humor. By the way, Semyon is the most ironic and self-ironic person I know.
Now Garik and I are taking our first steps on the Internet: there is so much freedom that your head is spinning. The level of audacity on the web is similar to the level of audacity on television when we launched Comedy. We recently uploaded the pilot episode of our Amazing How to YouTube. It turned out well for a start. Plus, this year Comedy and I will go on a tour of Russia, more than 10 cities are planned. And in September we will arrange a festival in Armenia. So let's have a rest in the summer and continue to bomb!

In general, is it difficult in our time to create, to joke?

Yes, against the backdrop of the political world situation is not easy. A lot of negativity, over which it is impossible to joke. But still there are themes and angles for humor.

Iceberg sweatshirt and jeans, Aeronautica militare bomber jacket

Speaking of the times when Comedy started. Since then, you haven’t changed much outwardly - you look great, as if you haven’t changed at all! How do you keep yourself in shape?

I have a certain discipline of nutrition, but with sports it is more difficult. There is a fitness club where they have been waiting for me for a very long time. They don’t even want to take money from me for a subscription, they just say: “Come! We will do everything for you at the highest level!” But I still delay the moment, although I even have a fully assembled sports bag, it has been in the car for two months now. This happens, firstly, because I don’t have much time, and secondly, because I have some form of social phobia.

Come on! Do you also have social phobia?

Well, imagine: let's say you do yourself a calm exercise on the press, do not touch anyone, eyes from tension on your forehead. And then someone comes up to you, "you're a joker, listen to jokes." I have nothing against joking, but it's very hard to laugh and do abs at the same time. I prefer to be one on one with sports. To avoid such awkward moments, I thought about training at home. I have already found an ellipse and a sports wall for my apartment.

And today, during the shooting, you showed a real class on a skateboard!

It's true. When summer comes, boarding becomes my favorite pastime. Last summer, when we were with Le Havre ( Gavriil Gordeev, CEO of TNT4 - approx. website), when associates with Gudok ( Alexander Gudkov - actor, participant in the Comedy Woman show - approx. website) met and drove together on boards in Gorky Park. Gudkov, however, periodically flew out of our company, and in the literal sense: he always found some curbs or bushes and crippled himself in every possible way. But in general, riding with such a company is, of course, very fun. In general, I like to play sports in the fresh air, I love surfing, I have been doing it since the time when Pasha Volya was not married ( Comedy Club resident Pavel Volya got married in 2012 - approx. website). We started learning to surf together, it was in Bali during our big traveling travel party. In the near future I plan to once again go for a drive to Sri Lanka.

Iceberg sweatshirt and jeans, Aeronautica militare bomber jacket

Everything is clear with the cheerfulness of the body, but what about the cheerfulness of the spirit?

I have come to the conclusion that discouragement is extremely destructive. There is only one life and there is no point in wasting it on sadness and longing. With optimism I pull myself out of creeping depressions. There is no point in feeling sorry for yourself, there is no point in summing up some life results ahead of time. The world is full of happy people with bigger problems than you. For example, after the filming of The Bachelor, so much negativity hit me ... Especially due to the fact that I didn’t get married in the end. And I, to be honest, did not intend to marry the project. After the project - perhaps. In general, he did not exclude such a possibility: in life there is always a place for the “what if?” factor. I thought: if I refuse to participate, I won’t know what this show can give me. And so - I imagined: if something suddenly works out, I will tell my children and grandchildren how I met my wife in front of the whole country: “I kissed first with one aunt, then with another ...” (Laughs). By the way, the producers of the show persuaded me to kiss in front of the cameras for a very long time. I was terribly shy. But it was useful: I was able to get rid of some of my clamps and now, if necessary, I can do it again. I had an amazing experience at The Bachelor. At least because there were a lot of extreme moments during dates with girls, and I could not show even a hint of cowardice in front of the camera, and I had to agree to everything. So I jumped off a cliff, decided to jump with a parachute ... Sometimes it’s useful to pull yourself out of your comfort zone. You immediately grow as a person.

Since we have touched on the topic of romance, how are things in your personal life now?

I am a happy bachelor. This is my period, and I live it comfortably. In life, it’s like: it’s good where you are not. A bachelor wants family happiness, a married man longingly recalls the bright times when he was a bachelor. I understood this and decided that I would just enjoy the way I live now. Mine won't leave me.

Here the fans are wondering: how is it? A charismatic, beautiful, free man with an excellent sense of humor - and one.

Well, firstly, I almost never go alone. And secondly, imagine, I’ll get married - and I’ll be so beautiful and wonderful only to belong to one. But what about the other girls? Not fair ( laughs)!

But you can not advertise! Marry secretly and keep your family life a secret. Some of your colleagues do this.

You know, I really have such thoughts. So if I do get married, then it’s not a fact that I will talk about it. In general, I think that everything has its time. And I am sure that the appearance in my life of the wife and mother of my children - let's call her that - will be very organic. This will happen when I can raise my children to be truly mature individuals. Give them everything so that they grow up as worthy people, carrying the flag of love and justice, who know what family values ​​are.

Well, what to dissemble - you would definitely be able to do it now.

I agree, I have matured. We just have to meet. In addition, due to the fact that I was late with marriage, I do not exclude that my wife will be 15 years younger than me.

Is this age difference important to you?

No, it's not essential. I say - do not exclude. Maybe younger, maybe older. All ages are submissive to love. You love a person, not his age.

It's right. By the way, about the future wife: where do you think it is likely to meet her? When you are an ordinary person, you can afford to calmly meet a girl in a restaurant, for example. When you are a public person, you can no longer do this.

Yes, in matters of personal life, publicity rather hinders than helps. You don’t even calmly go on a date - someone will take it off and lay it out. Therefore, I avoid novels with media girls: I don’t like the hype around my personal life. Enough of my publicity. But I can meet a girl under different circumstances. For example, at a traffic light in a traffic jam.
And one more time I communicated with girls through a well-known Internet application. It was interesting, however, I was constantly bombarded with questions in the spirit of: “Is that really you? Why are you sitting here? You can go outside, and any girl will be ready to be yours! Why do you need online dating? But these are sheer stereotypes, a delusion.

Ice Play sweater, Iceberg pants, Strellson sweatshirt and bomber jacket, Ray Ban sunglasses

Let's talk about travel. This winter you were in Phuket, did you like it?

Yes very! This was my first trip to Thailand. Planned to visit several islands but plans changed and I got stuck in Phuket. What I do not regret - Phuket for the first trip was enough for me. Now my task is to someday return to Thailand and fly to Phi Phi, Koh Phangan, Koh Samui.
I also like to fly somewhere for the sake of concerts, festivals. Been to Sensation White and Black in Amsterdam - cool! Went to Milan for a U2 concert. It would be interesting to fly to Nevada for the Burning Man festival. Heard there are some perks for those who come to the festival by parachute! A great excuse to skydive from an airplane.
I would also like to visit somewhere in New Zealand ... There is insanely beautiful nature. After watching the film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, I also had a desire to visit Iceland, because this film was filmed there. In the meantime, of all the places where I have been, Hawaii has sunk into my soul most of all: I have visited almost all the islands there. Imagine, on one island there can be several completely different beaches: somewhere the sand is green, somewhere red, somewhere black ... An amazing place, I really want to go back there.
Late last year, I saw Niagara Falls for the first time. I experienced indescribable feelings, I did not want to leave there! The scale is amazing. I was in Seattle, on a bench in front of the house where Kurt Cobain "flew to heaven" ... It does not sound very positive, but this is a cult place of pilgrimage for fans of Kurt's work, which I am.

Are there places you would like to visit?

I really want to go to Easter Island! To dig up to the shoulders next to the idols and try to feel what they feel, standing on this earth for an eternity. I am interested in mysterious, sacred places. I dream of flying to Peru, looking at the pyramids of the Indians and the rock paintings of the Nazca plateau, and being in Japan during the cherry blossom season. We inhabit an amazing planet, and the more places you see with your own eyes, the more you realize the uniqueness of our life.

He gave an interview to the star editor of Lady Mail.Ru Nino Takaishvili, in which he told why he still remains a bachelor, what are the disadvantages of popularity and how he meets girls.

Timur, in the press you are often called "an inveterate bachelor." How do you yourself feel about such a definition addressed to you? Doesn't hurt?

It does not hurt, there is nothing offensive in this - just the real state of affairs today. For now, I'm married to my job!

- What's new at work?

At the end of April, we launched the first part of the KhB show on the TNT channel together with Garik Kharlamov, recently launched the second, and now I am working on a new project. But it's still a secret.

Timur, what do you think, is there any most successful age for marriage? Some, for example, believe that it is stupid to get married before the age of 30 ...

Is it stupid to get married before 30? I really like this idea, because I am already over 30. I once planned that I would get married at 27, as my dad once did. But, as they say, if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. Now I want to believe that after 35 years is the best time to take this step. Because I'm already 35. (Smiling.) By this time, the necessary life experience has been acquired, and at this age a man can already understand that he definitely wants to belong to only one person.

Do you think it depends on age?

Including. In youth, hormones boil, interfere with thinking, and over time, you understand the true values. For me, this is just a theory. In fact, I'm afraid I'm already too used to the bachelor lifestyle. But I travel a lot - I can afford it.

- Do you have any favorite places, countries?

Our planet is my favorite place! I like America, Europe, and places that civilization has not really touched. In January I was in Sri Lanka, poor but happy people live there...

- Could you drop everything and go live somewhere in Thailand?

- There is an opinion that comedians and comedians in real life are the saddest people. This is true?

I often hear about it, but I ended up in humor, because initially a cheerful person. Perhaps, over time, venerable comedians begin to have some kind of hostility, a purely professional attitude towards humor, but I hope that this will not come to me. When you start to think about what you are doing, about how other people will react to it, then collapse is close. But when everything is easy, when you get pleasure from work, then everything works out.

- Did you want to become an artist since childhood, or were there any other plans?

I wanted to be recognized, I wanted to be famous...

- And how, there was no disappointment?

I learned all sides of the coin. Of course, I'm not Michael Jackson, and certainly not (smiles), nevertheless, compared with Philip Bedrosovich, it’s easier for me in life. But sometimes elements of social phobia “surge”. For example, I go to the store at night. It's not that they don't let me through, no. I'm just shy of attention.

Often in real life I have to keep my stage image, which is sometimes very difficult. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood? Here you are walking through the supermarket all in your thoughts, choosing bread and squash caviar, and suddenly they come up to you with a sincere desire to take a picture ... And you understand that you don’t want this now.

But there is also a big plus in the fact that I attract the attention of the public. For example, a contract with Old Spice. I present a new predatory fragrance collection in Russia. It's nice that I was chosen, especially since I personally like Old Spice. Opportunity to star in a viral video with Issiah Mustafa (International Ambassador for Old Spice). A new and interesting experience for me.

- But it's easy for you to meet any girl ...

And here the opposite effect often works. That is, the girls form an opinion, a certain stereotype, that since I am a public person, it means that I am spoiled and not serious.

But I still like being famous. I remember, as a child, I wrote in an essay that I wanted my name to be in the encyclopedic dictionary. And now my name is on Wikipedia! And in crossword puzzles sometimes comes across ... (Laughs.) By the way, a good surname for crossword puzzles - you can always make a mistake with some letter.

- Timur, what should a girl be like to please you?

The more I live, the more I realize that I do not know the answer to this question. Because there are external factors - you see a beautiful girl, but she turns out to be ugly inside. And vice versa…

- Where do you usually meet girls?

I sometimes meet on the Internet! Because I don't go to clubs...

- You write yourself: “Hi, how are you?”?

Communication is done in different ways. And so I can meet someone on the set, at a party, at a wedding or on vacation - but, as a rule, everyone comes there either with their own "samovars" or with the wrong goals. By the way, this is the answer to the question why I am still not married.

- Have you ever met a girl on the Internet and went on a blind date?

Yes, and it happened. But the Internet is a different story - in social networks I have my own style of communication. I follow the Internet life, I observe such phenomena as trolls and "hamsters". Sometimes I even start talking to them myself! Often this helps to come up with some new humorous twists ...

- So the Internet inspires you?

Exactly! I try to get the most out of this. I try to get in touch with real life, and the Internet today is that very real life.

- Doesn't this substitution of the real by the virtual world scare you?

This is not about me - I do not live on the Web. For a while, I generally retired from social networks. And now my stay there is more connected with the work and promotion of the HB show, especially since the premiere episodes of the program are now on TNT. I also protect my personal life from social networks - I don’t post any personal photos ... I have an Instagram - I like to photograph landscapes, clouds ... Someone may find my blog boring.

- How do you see the development of your career? Would you like to play a dramatic role, for example?

To a dramatic role, of course, you need to grow up. Both for me and for the viewer. To me - in terms of conveying the depth of mood and emotions. And the viewer needs to be ready to perceive me not only in a comedy role. To be honest, there are no dramatic roles in the nearest plans yet.

- Timur, how did it happen that you, dreaming of becoming an artist since childhood, entered the Faculty of Economics?

It was the 90s, the Union collapsed, cinema was gone, everything was gone, a whole layer ... Gone was what we, the children of the Soviet Union, believed in. At that time, the economist and lawyer were the most promising professions.

- After graduation, did you work in your specialty?

Yes, I worked as an economist for a while. This had its own certain charm, even the creative side - I amuse the team! (Laughs.) Today I do not regret at all that I received an economic education, served in the army ... One way or another, all the turns of my life led me to the result that I have now. And I'm quite happy with them!

38-year-old Timur Batrutdinov has not yet married. According to the showman, he has not yet found his soul mate. However, almost all of the comedian's friends have already started families and strongly recommend that he do the same. Yes, and a bachelor life does not make a TV star happier. Batrudinov lacks something for a full life. And he doesn't stop thinking about it. Perhaps the middle age crisis also did its job in creating a negative emotional background. According to psychologists, modern men are going through this difficult period of rethinking themselves at the age of 38-42.

“I have an internal reboot: I think about who I want to see myself in the future. Should I change or stay the way I am now? I delve into myself, analyze my actions, character ... What worries me most is that I am not married. To make matters worse, all the friends around me are married. And they constantly tell me that time is running out, we are not getting younger, and so on, ”says Batrutdinov.

After Batrutdinov took part in the Bachelor show, he seemed to have found his soul mate and even handed her a ring. However, the comedian's romance with the finalist of the TV project Daria Kananukha, a native of Kazan, did not turn out to be long. The couple was forced to leave. According to Daria, the reason for their breakup was the busy schedule of the TV star, as well as the huge distance between Moscow and Kazan. Timur and Daria practically did not see each other, in addition, as the girl said, Batrutdinov was not as interested in building relationships as she was.

Now, a year after the finale of The Bachelor, Timur Batrutdinov says that this project helped him understand what his ideal soulmate should be. Timur went through many trials on it, he was also forced to constantly face the wrath of viewers, who sometimes did not approve of his choice of this or that girl.

As for the portrait of a dream woman, the resident of the Comedy Club does not put appearance in the first place. He must feel that his beloved is on the same wavelength as him, otherwise they will not have a long-term relationship. The heart cannot be commanded, states Batrutdinov. A meeting with the same one can happen at any moment, however, if this does not happen, the humorist will not be upset. So this is his fate.

“If a fateful meeting happens, I will be happy. If not, then no luck. I don't want a child for the sake of having one. I want my child to grow up in love. In the meantime, I won’t say that I’m lonely, but I live alone ... You can’t order your heart. After participating in the “Bachelor”, I realized what my chosen one should be. She may fully meet the criteria that I present, but still will not be my person. The energy, the kinship of souls is important, ”Batrutdinov shared.

Timur also refutes the rumor that he is a womanizer. The TV standup star confessed his love for women, but, according to Batrutdinov, this is not due to his popularity. In addition, as Timur said in his interview "TV program" He is not alone, but he is used to being alone. And so he lacks peace of mind.
