Where can I find out the details for transferring taxes? What details are needed to pay the tax and where to find them?

The tax authority code is a four-digit number consisting of Arabic numerals assigned to the tax organization. Each tax department has its own personal code.

The first two digits in the number are the Russian code, and the following ones are the tax code.
When filling out a tax return, you should enter the code of the department to which the specific document is being submitted. The code may also be needed to fill out other forms for the inspection.

Search Features

You can find out the code in several ways - at the address of the tax office, by the taxpayer’s TIN, thanks to the Internet and in person, when visiting a tax organization for consultation.

By the address

On the official website of the Federal Tax Service nalog.ru there is a service called “Determining the details of the Federal Tax Service”. Thanks to this service, you can find out the desired code without leaving your home by simply clicking on the link.

A request form should appear in the window, in which you must enter the following data:

  1. Federal Tax Service code. Since this is not possible, you should click the “Next” button.
  2. Select a region from the list offered by the site.
  3. District - you can skip this item if you wish.
  4. Choose your own from the cities offered by the site.
  5. Enter a locality or street.

After the form is filled out, the Federal Tax Service website will give the user a plate with information about the tax office at the entered address. The first line will indicate the required four-digit code.


TIN is a taxpayer identification number, a number assigned to each citizen paying taxes. In order to find out the required tax authority code, you just need to look at the TIN.

First four digits are the code of the tax office that assigned the identification number. In general, the TIN consists of twelve digits. Next six- number of the individual’s tax record. Two extra digits needed for insurance and document verification.

A reliable way to find out the branch code is to personally visit the Federal Tax Service and consult at the reception window. Perhaps for some this option will be preferable.

It is possible to make an appointment with the tax authority via the Internet. This can be done thanks to the website of the Federal Tax Service, using the “Online registration for an appointment with the inspectorate” service.

In the form, you must select the type of taxpayer - individual, legal entity or individual entrepreneur, and also enter information such as full name, tax identification number, contact telephone number and email.

Before planning a visit to the inspection, it is advisable to find out the exact days and hours of reception of visitors, and also take into account a possible lunch break. It is best to sign up for a consultation in advance to save time, effort and nerves.


The abbreviation OKTMO stands for “All-Russian Classifier of Municipal Territories”. should be indicated in tax payment orders.

Previously, there was an “All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division”, abbreviated as .

OKTMO objects are:

  • villages;
  • cities;
  • urban districts;
  • municipal areas;
  • territories within a municipal district;
  • self-governing parts of federal city territories.

Individual entrepreneurs can find out their OKTMO code immediately after registration, in the received statistics letter. Other individual entrepreneurs can use several methods:

  1. Find the required number on the official website of the Federal Tax Inspectorate. In this case, there are some tricks, for example, information about the taxpayer should be entered in the following order: street, locality, city of residence. In the search, names should be indicated separated by a space, only with a capital letter and in the genitive case. After entering, wait until the desired name appears in the list and select it.
  2. Use the services of the Unified Information and Analytical System for collecting and reporting of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation minfin.ru. There you need to check the OKATO and OKTMO codes, and use your old code to find a new one.

Determination in case of tax reorganization

It is still possible to find out the required number even in case of reorganization. If the local tax office has recently been reorganized in your area, you can find out its number using the directory of unique SOUN codes. To do this you should:

  • go to the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • enter an outdated tax code.

A new code should appear on the computer monitor, as well as contact numbers, address, days and hours of reception.

The taxpayer can also use the services of the website gnivc.ru, where there is a section “Classifiers and reference books”. A directory of unique SOUN codes will appear on the PC monitor.

You can work with it after downloading and installing the program on your computer, as well as if you download the ready-made database of information contained in the SOUN. The database is constantly updated.

With the necessary knowledge of how and where to look for the local tax office code, any taxpayer has the opportunity to sort out their problem. It should be remembered that a citizen always has the right to contact the Federal Tax Service for help, in person or via the Internet. And the development of technology helps to increase the speed of service in tax offices.

Additional information on how to find out your tax details is presented in this video instruction.

The characters in this cipher are four Arabic numerals. The combination of the first two is the code of the subject of the Russian Federation, and the last two are the number of a specific tax office. Now let’s move on directly to how to find out the Federal Tax Service code.

Method 1: on the Federal Tax Service website

The easiest way is to go to the Federal Tax Service website. So, how to find out the Federal Tax Service code at the address in this case:

  1. Open the main page of the site, find the “Electronic Services” section. Click on the "All services" button.
  2. Among all the variety, you need to find “Address and details of your inspection” and select this service.
  3. The window that opens will illogically ask you to enter the code of the Federal Tax Service you need. Without entering anything, click “Next”.
  4. In the next window, enter your region. In the “district” field you can enter the name of it, if this is appropriate, if not, then skip the line. Next, enter the name of the city. Then the name of a smaller settlement - village, hamlet, district center, if relevant. If you live in a large city, you must also indicate the street on which the inspection is located.
  5. Click on "Next" again.
  6. How can I find out the Federal Tax Service code now? In the next window, under the subheading “Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service” you will see the four-character code you need. That's all!

Method 2: by TIN

How to find out the Federal Tax Service code if you are filling out a declaration or other document for There is another fairly simple way - take a look at yours for each taxpayer - private or legal entity. Its first four characters are the code of the inspection in which you are registered.

Of course, this is not a universal method - you can resolve your affairs far from your “native” branch of the Federal Tax Service in the tax office of a completely different region, so such information will be of no use to you. However, in some cases it is still useful.

Method 3: according to the reference book

How to find out the Federal Tax Service code if you cannot use the service? In this case, downloading the SOUN directory containing tax authority codes, as well as other information useful to the taxpayer, will help you. In addition to the code you are looking for, in this collection you can find out the full name of the inspectorate or other organization of the Federal Tax Service, its address, current telephone number and information about the reorganization.

These are all the methods that help you find out the code of the Federal Tax Service inspection. It is also possible to obtain information about him by directly contacting her, calling there or the hotline, using the service’s SMS service.

Question: how to find out the details of the Federal Tax Service?, only at first glance seems insoluble. In fact, to obtain information, it is enough to go to the online service service.nalog.ru/addrno.do, enter a number of available parameters and solve the problem. Below we will look at how to find out the tax code (by address and TIN), as well as the nuances of this process.

What is the INFS code?

First, it’s worth understanding what the essence of the tax service code is. In essence, this is a unique numeric parameter consisting of 4 digits and is used when filling out many documents. Using this indicator, you can identify a specific department of the INFS. Decryption is done as follows:

  • The first pair of numbers reflects the region of the state in which the Federal Tax Service is located.
  • The next pair is a unique personal tax number.

When preparing tax reports, it is necessary to write down the code of the inspectorate to which the documents are submitted. The question is how to find out these Federal Tax Service details? What methods are there?

How to find out the INFS code at: step-by-step instructions

The most common case is when the applicant does not know which tax office is responsible for a particular territory. In this case, the best way is to use the capabilities of the site service.nalog.ru/addrno.do.

You need to go to the resource and go to the section for determining the details of the tax service. After completing these manipulations, a request window should appear. Next, enter the following information:

  • The Federal Tax Service code is a column that must be skipped, because this information is unknown.
  • Region where the tax service is located. The system provides a drop-down list in which you can select the desired region (the one by which you need to find out the tax service code).
  • The area where the organ is located. Here, as in the previous case, a list appears from which you need to select a tax office. If you couldn't find your area, you can skip this section.
  • City or street (on request).

When all the information is specified, a table with the details of the Federal Tax Service is displayed on the monitor., which interested me most, namely:

  • Unique code of the tax office.
  • Full name of the Federal Tax Service.
  • Location address.
  • Contact phone numbers.
  • Additional data - OPKO code, as well as exact reception hours.

How else can you find out the details of the Federal Tax Service? It is easy to find out the information you are interested in using the taxpayer code. Let's look at how to do this correctly below.

How to find out the details of the Federal Tax Service using the TIN?

During the registration process, the individual entrepreneur receives a certificate confirming the fact of registration with the Federal Tax Service. Wherein the registered person receives an individual TIN code. It is formed from 12 digits, including:

  • The first four are the TIN of the Federal Tax Service.
  • The next six digits are the taxpayer record number.
  • The last pair of numbers are “control” numbers. Thanks to them, a tax employee can check whether the entry was made correctly or not.

Entrepreneurs and organizations that use the “simplified” tax system make payments under the simplified tax system several times throughout the year. In accordance with accepted reporting periods (quarter, half-year and 9 months), upon completion of each quarter, advance payments are made within 25 days:

  • until April 25 - for the first quarter;
  • no later than July 25 - for half a year;
  • October 25 is the payment date for 9 months of the current year.

There is no advance payment for the last quarter, since the tax period ends at the same time. In this regard, the taxpayer has the obligation to report and pay tax based on the results of work for the entire year. The deadlines established for the transfer of tax to the simplified tax system by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are: until March 31 and April 30, respectively.

Where can I get the details for transferring taxes?

The transfer of the single tax amount under the simplified tax scheme is made to the account of the territorial inspection of the Federal Tax Service, which is located at the place of activity of the enterprise or in the area of ​​residence of the entrepreneur. Therefore, there are no common details for paying the simplified tax system for all.

You can clarify the payment details of your tax department by contacting the inspectorate directly, but it is easier to do this on the official portal of the Federal Tax Service. To do this, on the website of the tax department there is a service “Determining the details of the Federal Tax Service”, where you need to enter the code of your inspection. If you don’t remember its number, you need to select your region, district, or municipality name from the drop-down list.

If you use specialized services for entrepreneurs, payment orders for paying under the simplified tax system are generated automatically, independently “loading” the necessary details.

How to fill out a tax form?

To transfer the advance payment and the simplified tax system, you will need the following details of the tax authority:

  • payee (regional Federal Tax Service No.);
  • INN/KPP of the tax authority;
  • name of the local body of the federal treasury;
  • BIC of the receiving bank;
  • Account number.

The payment document also indicates:

  • name of the taxpayer-legal entity, TIN, KPP in accordance with the registration certificate of the organization);
  • for individual entrepreneurs – full name; address of residence, enclosed on both sides in a double slash (“//” sign);
  • payment type – 0;ov
  • KBK: for the simplified tax system at a rate of 6% on income - 182 1 05 01011 01 1000 110; for “simplified” 15% of income minus the amount of expenses - 182 1 05 01021 01 1000 110; to pay the minimum tax 182 1 05 01050 01 1000 110;
  • taxpayer status: LLC – 01, individual entrepreneur – 09;
  • basis of payment – ​​TP (current year payments);
  • tax period – calendar year (GD.00.2014);
  • date of signing of the simplified tax system declaration.

Since the beginning of 2014, the Russian Ministry of Finance has made changes to the procedure for processing payment orders for transferring taxes and fees to the budget. When filling out the details for paying the simplified tax system in 2015, you must follow the rules approved by Order No. 107n dated November 12. 2013

In accordance with them, until the approval of new forms, it is necessary to indicate the OKTMO code (according to the classifier of municipal territories) in the “OKATO code” field. You can clarify the required code at the tax office or using the table of correspondence between OKTMO and OKATO codes. For municipalities it consists of 8 digits, for settlements - of 11.

From April 1, 2014, an additional field No. 22 called “code” appeared in payment documents. The details “UIN” are entered into it - a unique accrual identifier necessary for transferring payment information to the GIS GPM information system. For legal entities and entrepreneurs who pay tax on their own based on a tax return submitted to the Federal Tax Service, a UIN is not generated (payments are identified based on the BCC). Thus, when paying the simplified tax system, you must indicate “0” in the Code detail (field 22).

You can independently generate and print a “payment slip” to pay the simplified tax system by cashless means or through a bank branch on the Federal Tax Service website.

The need to develop a taxpayer culture in Russian society has become the main reason that today the tax service itself tries to inform citizens as much as possible about where to go if they have questions about the Federal Tax Service. But if you do not want to wait for clarification from the tax office and intend to find out for yourself all your rights and obligations as a taxpayer, then you first need to contact the Federal Tax Service with which you are registered as a payer of fees. Learn more about how to find out your tax office later in the review.

How to find out which tax inspectorate the taxpayer is assigned to

The easiest and fastest way to find out your Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service) is to carefully study the certificate of assignment of an individual tax number (). This document must indicate the tax authority that registered the payer and issued the certificate.

Important! It should be noted that several decades have passed since the first TIN certificates were issued, and during this time the tax service has been reorganized several times. As a result of such modernization, new inspections could appear and old ones could be eliminated.

Therefore, even if you have a TIN certificate, and it indicates the name of the tax authority that issued this document, double-check the available data for relevance. Fortunately, now such a check can be carried out without leaving home within a few minutes. You can quickly find out your Federal Tax Service Inspectorate through the State Services website.

Information about your Federal Tax Service via the Internet

Information about which inspections are assigned to certain territorial districts is on the official website of the Federal Tax Service: nalog.ru. If you are not registered on this site, but are a user of the State Services portal, then from the gosuslugi.ru resource you will have access to all online services of the Federal Tax Service website.

To find out your Federal Tax Service online, you need to log into your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website using your State Services login and password. Click on the tab marked with the black arrow “Contacts and inquiries”:

We go to the page for filling out an online request to provide information about the taxpayer’s Federal Tax Service:

From the request form it is clear that the payer is only required to indicate his temporary or permanent address. After the data is entered correctly by the user, the system will provide information about the Federal Tax Service that serves the territory specified by the payer in the request:

Further, in the “Contacts and Appeals” tab there is a list of all Russian Federal Tax Service Inspectors, where the taxpayer can find the tax office to which he is assigned by territoriality. The following information is available online:

  • address and telephone numbers of reference and information services;
  • Driving directions;
  • payment details;
  • information about the heads of the Federal Tax Service and the schedule for receiving citizens;
  • procedure for submitting requests;
  • list of departments that work with taxpayers.

This information is enough for any visitor to quickly navigate and quickly resolve the issue that falls within the competence of this Federal Tax Service Inspectorate. If the necessary information is not available, it can be clarified by calling for help: 8 (800) 222 – 222 – 2.

Difficulties in changing residence

In cases where a citizen has lived for many years at his permanent registered address, it is not at all difficult to determine the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate to which he is attached. But what about those payers who often change their place of residence or do not live at their place of permanent registration? How can such citizens find their tax office?

In this case, the taxpayer is assigned to the Federal Tax Service at the place of temporary registration. Such an attachment is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and a citizen does not need to do anything additional in order to register with the Federal Tax Service that services the territory of his temporary residence.

To fulfill his duties, the payer only needs to obtain information from the local tax office about his current tax obligations and fulfill them on time. Up-to-date information is provided by the Federal Tax Service both when the taxpayer personally visits the inspection office and on official Internet resources: on the Federal Tax Service website and on the State Services portal.


If you have not yet been interested in where your Federal Tax Service Inspectorate is located and how to get to it, then take a few minutes to obtain this information through Internet resources (State Services portal, tax website) or other reference services. In some cases, timely consultation with an inspector will help you deal with your tax obligations and avoid penalties for violating tax legislation.
