The work is about its relevance and significance. Relevance of course work: what is it, how to write, example

The relevance of the topic of the course work is the degree of importance of research and scientific work at the present stage.

In this part of the Introduction, it is necessary to formulate the essence of the problem situation, the scientific or applied significance of the chosen research topic, and its timeliness. Relevant arguments are given, citing examples from legal practice, statistical data, opinions of authoritative persons, government bodies, etc. In this case, links can be to various sources - scientific research (monographs, journals), printed and electronic media, etc.

Justification of the relevance of the chosen topic of the course work involves:

1. a clear understanding of the essence of the chosen topic;

2. study of relevant literature;

3. disclosure in the work of the theoretical and practical significance of the research being carried out.

The linguistic design of a written text may include the following constructions: the work is devoted to a current topic...; the relevance of the topic is due to..., the relevance of the topic does not require additional evidence (it is beyond doubt, quite obvious, etc.).

Coverage of relevance should be within 1-1.5 pages.

2. The degree of theoretical research of the topic. This part of the introduction should report on the state of development of the selected topic. The ultimate goal is to show that this particular topic has not yet been disclosed (or has been disclosed only partially or in the wrong aspect) and therefore needs further development.

Very often, when performing this section of the introduction, the following technique is used: the initials and surname of the scientist are indicated in the text, then the direction of his research on this issue is briefly reported, and in the footnote the name of his work is given, where this direction is reflected.

3. Object and subject of research.

Object of course work is a process or phenomenon that generates a problematic situation and is chosen for study.

Subject of study– this is a specific component (element) or properties of the research object that is of direct interest to the researcher. An object is something that is within the boundaries of an object.

It must be remembered that the object of scientific research is social relations generated in the process of legal regulation of the branch of law of the same name, in this case, civil law.

For example, if the civil legal status of an individual is the object of study, then its specific components (elements, parts) are the subject. These may be such elements of the object “Law capacity of an individual”, “Institute of guardianship and trusteeship in civil law”, “Declaring a citizen dead”, etc.

It is the subject of the research that determines the topic of the course work. In other words, the object and subject of research are related to each other as general and special (or special and individual).

The volume of this section is usually small. Typically, definitions of an object and a subject fit into one or two sentences. But first the object is determined, then the subject.

3. Purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is the predicted, assumed (mentally modeled) future result of the exchange rate analysis. The goal answers the question: WHAT the author wants to achieve with his research: analyze, characterize, prove, justify, identify features, consider for the first time, expand the field of knowledge about the subject of research, confirm one or another hypothesis, etc. The purpose of the work is reflected in the title of the topic and the definition of the subject of research.

4. Research objectives. Research objectives are a brief description of the actions that must be performed to achieve the result outlined in the goal.

If a goal is a research strategy, then objectives are a research tactic. The objectives reflect the structure of the research (this structure is reflected in the section of the course work “Contents”. In fact, the titles of the chapters and, especially, paragraphs of the work, built logically consistently in accordance with the purpose of the research, are the formulation of the research objectives. When determining the objectives of the research, as a rule, the following phrases are used: “Based on the stated purpose of the research (course work), its main objectives are: 1) study (research, analyze, etc.) ..., 2) identify (identify, delimit, etc. ) ..., 3) justify (prove, etc.) ..., 4) develop ..., 5) compare (carry out comparative characteristics) ... etc.”

So, for example, if the topic of the course work is “The legal capacity of an individual.”

“The purpose of the course work is to study the legal capacity of an individual.

In accordance with the goal, the following research tasks are solved in the work:

Define the concept and content of “citizens’ legal capacity”;

Consider legal capacity as an element of civil personality;

Analyze the features of partial legal capacity of minors from 6 to 14 years old;

Characterize the partial (incomplete) legal capacity of minors aged 14 to 18 years;

To reveal the incapacity of citizens and the recognition of a citizen as partially incompetent.”

Goals and objectives must be formulated clearly, concisely, specifically and understandably.

5. Research methods. An obligatory element of the introduction is also an indication of research methods that serve as a tool in achieving the objectives set in the course work. The term “method” in the broadest sense of the word means “a path to something” 1. A method is a system of rules, principles of knowledge; representing a certain sequence of actions, techniques and operations necessary to obtain scientific results 2.

Research methods can be classified into the following groups:

Logical methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, modeling, comparison, analogy.

General scientific methods: historical method, system method (and its elements: system-structural and structural-functional), method of concrete sociological research, mathematical method, statistical method, comparative method (method of comparative research), formal logical method.

Special (private scientific) methods. These are methods that are characteristic of one or another individual scientific discipline or group of sciences that have the same or similar objects of knowledge.

In relation to branch legal disciplines, such methods include the historical-legal, comparative-legal, method of interpretation of law (and contract), technical-legal method (method of legal technology), comparative legal method (method of legal comparative studies).

The student needs to become familiar with the content and features of the application of these methods in the relevant educational and specialized scientific literature.

At the end of the introduction, it is advisable to reveal the structure of the course work, i.e. give a list of its structural elements, approximately in the following form: “The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, three chapters, including six paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of sources used.”

If the work contains various types of applications, then the presence of these applications (including their number) is also indicated.

Thus, the Introduction is devoted to the justification of the chosen topic, setting the goals and objectives of the study, defining the object, subject and methods of research.

In the main part The work reveals the questions posed. Each question should include an introductory, descriptive and concluding part.

The main part of the course work is presented in accordance with the table of contents (outline). The presentation of all issues in the course work must be independent, consistent, interconnected and strictly consistent in accordance with the titles of the chapters indicated in the content. The materials presented in paragraphs must be logically interconnected, each subsequent material must be a continuation of the previous one and follow from its provisions, recommendations, and conclusions. Phrases and formulations must be precise, simple and literate. Repetition of the same words, phrases, and figures of speech should not be allowed. After each paragraph it is necessary to formulate brief conclusions.

Chapter 1 - contains a description of the problem, introduces the problem itself, describes the state of the theory of research on this topic. When writing it, it is advisable to use historical aspects and the possibility of applying the experience of foreign countries on the topic under consideration.

Chapter 2 and subsequent ones contain a detailed analysis of the subject of research and a description of its main parameters and characteristics.

The main part of the work must reflect the use of sources. In this case, rewriting text from textbooks or other literature is not allowed. The material must be creatively processed. The most important theoretical principles of the topic are presented in your own words and, if necessary, supported by quotes. Quotations are formatted in accordance with bibliographic rules and are accompanied by page-by-page references to the source used, indicating pages.

When working with literature, it is recommended to find problematic situations and conflicting views. It is advisable to reflect the various positions of the authors in the content of the work and present arguments in support of their criticism and support. After analyzing points of view on controversial issues, it is recommended to state your own position.

The main part of the work is followed by conclusion. The conclusion should not be a summary of the entire work. It summarizes the work as a whole and provides clearly formulated conclusions and proposals from all chapters of the course work. Conclusions and proposals must be succinct in content and concise in form, justified and supported by relevant arguments and facts.

The conclusion and introduction are drawn up, as a rule, at the end of the work, when the author is well versed in the problem under study and can briefly and reasonably summarize the results of the study. A well-written introduction and conclusion give a clear idea of ​​the completeness, depth, quality of the research, the range of issues considered, methods and results of the study.

The approximate volume of the conclusion does not exceed 1.5-2 pages.

List of sources and literature used– an element of the bibliographic apparatus, which constitutes one of the essential parts of the course work. It is placed after the conclusion and must contain a bibliographic description of the sources used in the course work. The list should include only those sources that were actually used by the author and that are referenced in the text of the work.

After the bibliographic list, the course work may contain applications. They are presented in the form of tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, questionnaires, certificates, etc. Applications are not a mandatory element of the course work structure.

Requirements for the formatting of coursework text

Coursework is prepared in accordance with existing GOST requirements.

Overall volume coursework should be 30-40 pages of typewritten text. Recommended volumes of introduction and conclusion are 2-3 pages.

The work is performed on white sheets of A4 paper (210-297) on one side, computer typed at 1.5 intervals, Times New Roman Cyr font, 14 -th pin. Italics and underlining are not allowed in the work. Chapter and paragraph titles appear in bold (bold) font. Margin sizes: left – 30 mm, top – 20 mm, right – 15 mm, lower – 20 mm; paragraph indent size - 1,25 cm.

Numbering All pages of the work must be continuous, sequential, starting with the title page and ending with a list of used sources and appendices, inclusive. The title page is the first page of the work, but the page number is not indicated on it. Page numbering begins with the table of contents, which is indicated by a number 2 . Further, all subsequent volumes of work are numbered in order until the last page. The page number is written in Arabic numerals at the top center of the page without a dot at the end.

The main part of the course work should be divided into chapters (sections) and paragraphs. Paragraphs, if necessary, can be divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs. When dividing the text of a work into paragraphs and subparagraphs, it is necessary that each of them contains complete information.

Chapters and paragraphs are numbered in Arabic numerals. Chapter numbering begins on a new page with a paragraph indent. Chapters must be numbered sequentially throughout the text. The paragraph number includes the chapter number and the serial number of the paragraph itself, separated by a dot (1.1., 1.2., 1.3., etc.). The subclause number includes the chapter, paragraph and serial number of the clause, separated by a dot (1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3., etc.).

The names of all structural parts and paragraphs in the text of the course work must have a title in exact accordance with the name in the content.

The name of each structural part (headings) is written in capital letters, highlighted in bold and placed in the center.

Paragraph titles begin with a capital letter, the remaining letters must be lowercase. The paragraph titles are also highlighted in bold and placed on the left edge with a paragraph indentation from the beginning of the line.

Hyphenation of words in the headings of chapters, paragraphs and paragraphs is not allowed. There is no period at the end of the title. The name is not emphasized. If the title consists of two sentences, they are separated by a period.

Each section of the work (including the introduction, each chapter, conclusion, list of sources used, appendices) should start on a new page. Paragraphs are not placed on separate pages of the work.

On the page where the title of the paragraph and paragraph is given, there must be at least two lines of subsequent text; otherwise, the paragraph and clause heading and text begin on the next page.

Footnotes are required elements of the work and are used to provide accurate information about the sources used. Footnotes accompany not only quotes, which are highlighted in quotation marks, but also any position borrowed from literature or materials (for example, digital and other not generally known material of other authors, when mentioning points of view on the problem under consideration of certain authors, etc.) In this case, presentation is allowed the material used in its own edition, but respecting the semantic content. The link is made directly in the text of the work in the form of a corresponding number at the end of the semantic unit of the text (at the end of the sentence (group of sentences) or at the end of the quotation to which the link refers).

Sublinear references are separated from the main text by a solid line about 1/3 of the page size wide, printed with a paragraph indentation at 1 interval and numbered with an Arabic numeral, on each page starting with the number 1 (page numbering). Continuous numbering of links is allowed. The footnote mark is placed at the top of the line. In the text, a footnote sign in the form of a corresponding number must appear at the end of the sentence (group of sentences) or at the end of the quotation to which the link refers.

For example:

1 Zenin I.A. Civil law: textbook. - M., 2008. – P. 231.

2 Reshetina E. N. Problems of civil liability // Russian justice. - 2012. - No. 4. - P. 64-66.

With multiple references to the same work a full description is given only in the first link, and in subsequent ones the surname and initials of the author, the title of the work and the page number are given. Long titles are shortened, omitted words are replaced with ellipses.

1 Zenin I. A. Civil law: Textbook. - M., 2011. - P. 54.

2 Zenin I. A. Op. op. - P. 54.

1 Svirkov S.A. Qualification of an energy supply agreement at the current stage of development of relations in the electric power industry // Civilist. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 50.

2 Svirkov S. A. Qualification of an energy supply agreement at the present stage of development of relations in the electric power industry. - P. 50.

1 On licensing of certain types of activities: Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2011. - No. 19. - Art. 2, paragraph 1.

2 On licensing of certain types of activities: Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2011. - No. 19. - Art. 2. clause 2.

When linking for one document on one page in a repeated reference the words “Ibid” and the corresponding new pages are given. If the pages of the repeated link coincide with the pages of the previous one, then they are omitted.

1 Sergeev A.P. Civil law: textbook. M., 2009. P. 98.

3 there. P.112.

List of sources and literature used is formed from three parts:

    list of normative legal acts,

    list of references;

    list of materials of law enforcement practice.

The section “Regulatory legal acts” is built according to two criteria: by legal force and in chronological order.

The following strict sequence of listing regulatory legal acts must be observed:

    International regulatory legal acts ratified by the Russian Federation;

    Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    Federal Laws of the Russian Federation;

    Laws of the Russian Federation;

    Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;

    Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation;

    Acts of ministries and departments of federal government bodies;

    Decisions of other government bodies.

Bibliographic description document, book and any other material used in the preparation of a scientific research work is a set of bibliographic information about the source (document), given according to established rules, making it possible to get an idea of ​​the source itself, its content, purpose, volume, etc.

The required elements of a bibliographic description include:

    when indicating books (textbook, monograph, teaching aid, etc.): surname and initials of the author (authors), title (title), place of publication, publisher, year of publication, number of pages;

    when indicating an article, abstract from a collection, book or journal, includes: the surname and initials of the author (authors), the title (title) of the article and after a double slash - the name of the journal, year of issue, journal number, page numbers;

    when indicating regulatory legal acts and materials of law enforcement practice: the full name of the act, the type of document, the date of its adoption, number, as well as information about the official source where it was published.

The description of the material from the Internet source includes all required elements of the description, including the email address.

For a sample bibliographic description of sources and literature, see Appendix 3.

The completed course work must be bound and have a cover.

Research should not be meaningless for the scientific world. Why waste time on something that has long ceased to be important? It's better to concentrate on learning something really useful today. Future scientists are taught this idea in advance, starting from their student days. This is why it is necessary to justify relevance of the coursework.

Let's figure out what the relevance of the course work is. This is a justification for the importance of studying the research topic chosen by the student, taking into account the current state of this field.

The relevance of the course topic is determined by the practical meaning, which consists in improving the situation, identifying problems with their subsequent solution. All this should ideally improve the life of society, the state of the country’s economy or its individual sectors, the legal system, productivity mechanisms, and advance the development of science.

Where should I write the relevance of the course work?

Not only the tasks are indicated, but it is also justified how topical the topic being studied is in general. The rationale for relevance must be written at the very beginning of the introduction. It rarely exceeds one page, try to fit your opinion into one or two short paragraphs. The optimal text is placed on half a standard page, since the volume of the project is always small.

What should be written to justify the relevance of the course work?

Let's try to create an algorithm that will help you describe the relevance of scientific research.

If you don’t know how to justify the relevance of your coursework and compose it, the example in the article will help you understand the practical aspects of implementation.

  1. Review material on your chosen topic. Pay particular attention to how the other author articulates the rationale for its significance. Analyzing the information will help you understand when the first problems arose, what has already been researched or done, and what has not been studied at all by scientists.
  2. Determine for yourself the essence of the chosen problem. To do this, you need to understand why the object of the course work is so important. To do this, you need an already formed understanding of the scientific discipline, since this significance must be linked to the goals of its study.


Topic: “Risk management at JSC Raiffeisenbank.” The course work must be written in the discipline “Banking Management”, that is, it is important to emphasize the management aspect.
The beginning of the justification of relevance can be done in this way:
“One of the important functions of banking management is risk management in the process of credit operations. Thus, the nature of credit risk is the banking activity itself. To ensure ongoing operations, the bank must be able to manage risks.”

Next, you need to justify why it is important to study this topic today, what has changed in the world.


“The process of managing banking risks is acquiring particular relevance in the context of improving bank policies aimed at optimizing financial stability. This is explained by the existence of an inverse relationship between maintaining a low level of risk and the return on the bank’s assets, since the bank’s reduction in risk causes a loss in the return on its assets.”

After which you need to go directly to your topic of the course work, simultaneously noting the problems you have identified and possible solutions to them.

“Given that banking institutions are the institutional basis of the system of monetary relations, a modern system of regulation and supervision of credit risk must be organized. Under such circumstances, it is relevant to study global experience in managing credit risk and develop, based on it, your own approach to assessing it, taking into account the specifics of the activities of banks in Russia.”

The first part of the justification for the relevance of the course work is ready

  • Use the information you have researched on the topic to determine who has worked on the topic. There is no need to write in detail about their scientific works; a simple listing of the authors is sufficient.

“Analysis of scientific research shows that scientists pay great attention to the study of this topic. Among them we can note A. Lobanov, V. Muravyov, P. Rose, A. Chugunov, A. Shapkin and others, as well as domestic ones - I. Voloshin, V. Zinchenko, A. Kovalev, A. Kireev, O. Kutsenko , M. Sorokin and others.”

  • Note the undeniable importance of the work of other authors. Write what has not yet been studied at the moment. Why this topic should be considered undeveloped and relevant to the scientific community.


“However, the scientific works of most researchers highlight global standards and approaches to bank risk management. Therefore, there is currently a lack of work that would combine bank risk analysis and management methods with Russian regulatory approaches.”

With this you can complete the rationale for your course work.

Tips on how to better justify the relevance of your course work

Here are some basic rules on what not to do when describing how important a project is

  • It is desirable that this part of the text is absolutely unique, that is, does not contain plagiarism. Therefore, avoid copying other people's scientific works. Minimal preparation will be sufficient to explain why the coursework is relevant. If there are no thoughts, then paraphrase in your own words the most successful justification found.
  • There is no need to describe the significance of each chapter in a scientific work.
  • It is not enough to simply list the problems; the importance of solving them must be justified, and, if possible, the benefits of this must be described.
  • The identified problems must be truly relevant, and not solved by someone many years ago.
  • The work must not contain errors. The introduction is the most readable part, so after writing, spend a couple of minutes proofreading.
  • If you don’t want to redo what you’ve written, it’s better to write this part of the project after you have studied the main material on the topic. While reading, write down successful phrases and phrases that can then be used to describe the significance of the project.

Registration of the relevance of course work

There are no special requirements for the design of this part of the coursework. It is written in the same font as the rest of the chapters. First, you should write the word “Relevance” in bold and put a period. Then there is a direct description of the significance of the research topic.


"Relevance. Modern economic science believes that one of the best and simplest measures that indicate the activity and state of the economy of any country is the volume of total production of goods and services over a certain period of time. To measure it, two indicators are used: gross national product and gross domestic product.”

After finishing the description of significance, you continue the text of the introduction without any spaces or skipped lines

Choosing a topic for your coursework is half the battle. But competently justifying the relevance of the chosen topic is the key to the success of the coursework already at the initial stage. Moreover, relevance is considered one of the main GOST requirements for the content and design of coursework.

In our article we will tell you in detail and even show you how to write the relevance of the coursework topic clearly, concisely and without unnecessary problems.

How to write relevance in coursework: nuances of justification

Even if the relevance and acute problems of the topic are obvious to you, you will still have to convince both the supervisor and the inspector that your topic is relevant to the moment.

In the introduction, in addition to goals and objectives, it is necessary to correctly indicate the feasibility of the work.

The rationale for relevance lies before the goals and objectives. Standard volume - 6-10 proposals. In other words, about half an A4 sheet.

In some cases, the volume can reach one and a half pages. For example, if to formulate relevance, a brief literature review is needed to explain to the reviewer the reasons for researching the topic.

An important aspect of explaining relevance in course work is a clear and concise formulation of thoughts, capacious and convincing argumentation. After all, after reading, the inspector should have no doubt that the research conducted is valuable from a practical and theoretical point of view.

How to correctly reveal the relevance of the topic of the course work

To learn how to correctly write relevance in a term paper, you need to learn one single rule - you don’t need to start from afar. It is important to immediately highlight that a topic or any aspect has not been studied sufficiently or not at all, and to correctly explain the reasons.

Usually the reason for insufficient knowledge is:

  • scientific and technical progress;
  • discovery of new research methods;
  • emergence of new information;
  • shortcomings of already conducted studies.

You can also describe the practical value of the course work. This means making a case and explaining who might need the results of your research.

For example, the topic is extremely important for the development of the international movement “For caring for nature”, etc. The relevance of the topic is a reflection of the importance, prospects and timeliness of the work.

And here is an example of writing relevance to the coursework "Analysis of an organization's pricing policy"

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Checklist for a correct description of the relevance of the course work


How to do it right

1. Incorrectly placed At the beginning of the “Maintenance” section, before the goals and objectives.
2. Deviated from the standard volume Minimum - 4 sentences, maximum - 1.5 pages.
3. Weakly argued The information provided in the relevance description must be current and reliable. Simply listing numbers and facts is not a sufficient condition for a quality substantiation. The information should be presented in such a way as to convince the reviewer that you are knowledgeable and interested in the issue under study, and also know how to improve the current state of the subject of research.
4. The content was not consistent with the main part If during writing the content of the main part was changed, then, as a result, the content of the rationale for relevance will need to be changed, partially or completely.
5. Not unique Each university has its own uniqueness indicators and recommended preferred verification services. Usually the indicator is not lower than 70% for popular anti-plagiarism programs.

We hope that after reading our article it will become clearer in your head how to correctly write the relevance of a term paper.

And if not, then don’t despair - contact the student service, whose specialists will certainly describe the relevance in such a way that they will want to deal with the problems of your coursework at the state level.

Each coursework, and even more so, thesis, is a critical element of a student’s education. A full disclosure of the topic is not possible without formulating the relevance of the coursework or thesis.

When taking a responsible approach to writing a term paper, it is important to pay special attention to writing the introduction. The formulation of the relevance of the course topic allows the work to become a scientifically based research of a theoretical or practical nature, depending on the topic.

If the coursework lacks relevance, then the coursework loses its meaning and, accordingly, such work will not be counted. As for the thesis, if it is not relevant, it should not be allowed to be defended.

The relevance of a course topic is a justification of the reasons why a particular topic was chosen, as well as a formulation of the degree of importance of the topic at the moment, for a given science, etc.

For the first time, a student is faced with the need to think about relevance in the process of choosing a topic for a course work. The scope of relevance of the topic of the course work should not be too large and, usually, should not exceed half a page.

Characterizing the relevance of the topic of the course work involves a justification procedure. Relevance in coursework should be clear, concise and strictly related to the stated topic.

The process of formulating the relevance of the topic of the course work is based on the following:

  • Studying literature on the chosen topic;
  • Reading the latest scientific articles on the topics of the course work;
  • Identification of key factors that allow the course topic to remain interesting within the framework of science;
  • Formulate the relevance of the course topic

Studying the introduction in those literary sources that are selected for work on the research topic can help in formulating the relevance of the course topic.

Below are some examples of relevance statements in coursework.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is due to the fact that business contracts, like business activities in general, are subject to the rules of public and private law. Therefore, attempts to study them, focusing only on the provisions of civil law, turn out to be one-sided and do not allow us to obtain a complete understanding of them. In addition, the constantly changing regulatory framework of business agreements requires constant study and improvement.

It is not necessary to begin the formulation of relevance with the phrase “the relevance of the course topic is due to...”. You can construct the first sentence differently, for example, as in the example below:

In modern Russian conditions, management of the healthcare system remains one of the problem areas. Currently, the search for effective models of domestic healthcare continues, the main actors of which are healthcare authorities and medical organizations. Based on this, it is necessary to create a system of effective public administration in the healthcare sector. The combination of the above factors is the basis for considering the chosen topic of the course work to be relevant in modern conditions.

Features of the formulation of the relevance of the topic of the thesis

Relevance of the thesis topic is based on the need to briefly formulate the reasons for choosing a particular topic and to characterize the features of processes and phenomena that actualize the choice of topic.

The relevance of the thesis is the justification of the importance or necessity of conducting research in one direction or another.

It is important not to forget that the thesis provides a justification for the relevance of the topic, and not for an entire area related to the topic of the work.

In contrast to the relevance of the course topic, the relevance of the thesis can reach one or two pages.

Now let's turn to what it means to justify the topic of a thesis. This, first of all, means that it is necessary to provide compelling arguments in favor of choosing a research topic, supported by evidence. Undoubtedly, the relevance of the topic of the thesis can be safely called justified if convincing arguments are found indicating that this topic is not only important for our time, but is also the engine and key factor without which the evolution of certain processes in a particular area is impossible .

In developing the relevance of the thesis, studying the introduction to those literary sources that are selected for work on the research topic will help.

To substantiate the relevance of a scientific direction, reading newspaper articles, referring to the speeches of politicians, scientists and practitioners, becoming familiar with regulatory documents, etc. will help. and so on.

The relevance of the thesis topic requires the student to be able to concentrate on the research topic and highlight key aspects, namely those that are important here and now.

The process of formulating the relevance of the thesis is based on the following aspects:

  1. In order to correctly formulate the relevance of the thesis, it is necessary, first of all, to study the problem areas within the framework of the topic being studied;
  2. The next step should be to include the fact of the presence of problems in the area under study and confirmation of this within the framework of modern trends and processes;
  3. The final stage of formulating the relevance of the topic of the thesis is to justify why this or that problem is included in the thesis project.

As an example, let us cite the relevance of the thesis on the topic “Overcoming physical underdevelopment in preschool children with mental retardation in the context of inclusive education”

The relevance of the topic of the thesis research is due to the fact that the modern education system of a developed democratic community is designed to meet the individual educational needs of the individual. This aspect is directly related to the problem of mental retardation in preschool children. It is important to emphasize that the problem of mental retardation is one of the most pressing not only in defectology, but also in general pedagogy, since it is closely related to the problem of school failure.
Children with mental retardation are a large and heterogeneous category. A certain group of children has mild disorders of the central nervous system due to its early organic damage. In another group of children, mental retardation occurs against the background of functional immaturity of the central nervous system.
Often, diagnosing the emotional characteristics of children with mental retardation is a secondary task. However, in the presence of a basic defect of organic origin, unfavorable social and psychological conditions of upbringing, deficiencies in the formation of the emotional and volitional sphere contribute to the consolidation of maladaptive forms of behavior in this category of children. That is why increasing the level of social adaptation of preschoolers with mental retardation should be one of the tasks of correctional pedagogical work in preschool educational institutions.

As a result, it is necessary to highlight an important point: verbosity, confused logic, repetitions - these are the worst enemies of formulating the relevance of both the diploma and the coursework. It is for this reason that the formulation of relevance must be approached as responsibly as possible. Before choosing a thesis or coursework topic, it is recommended, if possible, to study how important it is in modern conditions and how its evolution is reflected in the scientific process.

Coursework is a uniquely processed scientific and practical material in a certain discipline, which is completed during the acquisition of education in higher and secondary educational institutions within a strictly established time frame.

Author's note: “At first glance, this is a strange definition, but it is as close as possible to modern realities. Alas, in coursework, what is valued, first of all, is the uniqueness of the text, and not the originality of the work and the magnitude of the scientific contribution.”

You can read about how to write a term paper.

One of the main requirements for coursework is their relevance.

The relevance of the course work is the part of the text of the work with the help of which the choice of the course topic is justified.

When writing this section, try to convey to the reader why you chose this particular topic and conducted research. To determine whether the topic of the work is really necessary and relevant, you need to study the available literature on the issue. Otherwise, the teacher will write in the review about its absence and you will have to write a new coursework.

In order for the reviewer to agree that the work is truly relevant, it is necessary to provide justification. It is necessary to prove that the topic needs research and needs to be studied further. Perhaps, having developed the topic of your coursework, you will be able to write a thesis and continue further scientific research.

In order to convince the reader of the relevance of the work, it needs to write how the work can improve the state of affairs in the issue being studied.

While completing the work, you can contact your teachers for advice, and if you understand that you will not be able to complete the work, then order the work from a specialist.

In the first lines of the introduction, you should immediately reveal the relevance of the topic and the importance of studying it.

After this, you need to identify the purpose of the course work and set goals to achieve. Do not use template words and expressions or literary text to write this part of the text. It will be much better if you correctly write your personal opinion. If the student has conducted a sufficient amount of research on literary material and conducted the experimental part, no difficulties should arise with the disclosure of the theoretical and practical parts. After all, having studied a large number of sources and performed practical work, the researcher becomes an expert in this matter. Having well substantiated the relevance, it is easy to explain why such goals were set and how they can be achieved using tasks.

It is necessary that the initiative comes from the student himself. This is necessary so that completing the course work will benefit you. It is necessary to understand for yourself the issues of study of the topic at this time. At the same time, it is important to understand what problems currently exist in this area. It is imperative to mention the connection of the topic with the situation in the country, using statistics and open scientific data. There you also need to write how you can change the situation in solving the issue under study.

The relevance must also be justified from a scientific point of view - it is important to explain at what stage the research on the issue is currently at. Perhaps new research methods and methods of performing work have appeared.

Thus, after reading the rationale for relevance, the reviewer must be convinced that the work will actually be useful from a scientific and practical point of view.

Despite the large volume of tasks that must be covered when writing, the section should consist of only 7-8 sentences, and only sometimes reaches 2 pages. It is clear that the text should be concise and not contain “water”.

In order to competently and quickly write this most important part of the coursework, it is better to first study the work of other students who have passed the defense. It is much easier to write according to a model, since the relevance of many issues often coincides.


For most commercial organizations, tasks that help increase the level of capital productivity and use available assets with greater effect are relevant. The relevance of the work carried out in this area can be summarized as follows:

Option 1

The profitability of manufacturing firms and organizations is inextricably linked with the efficiency of the company’s economic activities. An important indicator of this work is capital productivity, increasing productivity and reducing costs per unit of production. The result will be an increase in the economic efficiency of the company. According to data from the Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the State of Economic Assets of the Russian Federation, the depreciation of production assets today is approximately 80%. In this regard, the development of methods for increasing capital productivity is relevant and has scientific and industrial significance. Resolving this issue is extremely important for the development of commercial organizations and improving the economic situation in Russia.

Option 2

According to statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the period from 2007 to 2017 there was an increase in the number of offenses committed against police officers and the percentage of deaths of officers while working. These facts indicate the advisability of increasing the level of sports and mental training, developing new educational methods and training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Innovations introduced into law enforcement agencies in order to increase the level of professionalism of employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be based on scientific theses, which do not exist at the moment. Thus, carrying out work on this topic is relevant and practically justified.

Common Mistakes

Writing relevance in coursework is a challenging task and yet not as hard as most students think. The scientific supervisors have developed recommendations, so there is nothing complicated about it.

To avoid the most common mistakes, consider some of them:

1. The relevance of the work does not meet the requirements of the RD in terms of volume or structure.

The easiest way is to write this section according to the model and not invent too much. Remember that you must indicate relevance in the introduction, then set goals and identify the tasks emanating from it. The introduction should be no more than a couple of pages long.

2. The uniqueness of the text does not meet a certain percentage

Therefore, in this section it is important to express your personal opinion, formatting it in a competent manner. Your supervisor should help you with this. If you copied relevance from another work, this will be considered plagiarism and the work will be returned for revision.

3. Relevance is not sufficiently substantiated

To prevent this from happening, refer to scientific sources, statistical data, and recent publications. It is important to be competent in the question, then you will be able to competently present your idea. In this case, the reviewer of your work will see the student’s interest and ability to influence the state of affairs in the field of study.

Sometimes in the process the content of the coursework changes, amendments are made to the goals and objectives. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly monitor the compliance of the parts with each other.
