Who will I marry? Fortune telling online. True fortune telling for marriage: on cards, on a ring, on the hand

Most girls dream of a family. Meet your destiny, your prince, give birth to his children and share with him the long road of a happy life.

Many representatives of the fairer sex begin to rush things in order to find out when their lucky day will come. After all, love and marriage are often the most important female values. One of the surest ways to achieve results in this is fortune telling for marriage. For this purpose, you can turn to professionals or do everything yourself.

Rules for conducting rituals

To find out when heaven has assigned your marriage date, you should use fortune telling. This could be playing cards or Tarot, a birth result, a ring or other methods. The main thing is complete trust in certain forces and adherence to conventions.

  • Firstly, any magical manipulations must be performed during the full moon.
  • Secondly, before such things it is recommended to fast for a day or two.
  • Thirdly, you can’t tell anyone about this. “You have to hide happiness,” our grandmothers and great-grandmothers said.
  • Fourthly, it is best to organize the process in a bathhouse or a wooden hut, then the relationship with the other world will be much stronger.
  • Fifthly, look for answers on special days: on Christmas Eve, on Christmastide, on Midsummer, on Krasnaya Gorka (a symbol of the birth of love), or at least on the full moon. Your own birthday is also a good time for fortune telling.

Fortune telling for the year of marriage

For the procedure you will need:

  • Pea grains.
  • Wooden blocks.

Before midnight, pour peas into a basin, place exactly 33 candles around it and light them. You need to cut out numbers from 1 to 12 on the blocks and randomly put them in the cereal. Mix everything well with the words:

“I circle, I tell fortunes, I’ll tell you my fate, I want to know when I get married.”

Exactly at midnight, you need to find a strip with a number with your eyes closed - this will not be the year of marriage, but the answer to the question: “In how many years will you get married?” If you pulled out several blocks at once , shuffle them and choose, with your eyes closed, one that will tell you the exact answer. Ask questions out loud; if you don’t have wooden pieces at hand, write them on paper.

When I get married? The ring and the thread will answer

Girls in Rus' often used rings for fortune telling. You will need:

  • Ring.
  • Thread.
  • Cup

It should be red wool and tie a ring to it. You can’t use someone else’s, it’s better to buy a thin ring from the church. Wind the ring on a thread, mentally asking the question about marriage, release the thread and ring with the words:

“Turn and spin the ring, find my heart. In how many years will the betrothed and I be together?

The number of times the metal hits the glass, after so many years you will be destined to get married. You can also ask any questions with a “yes” or “no” answer. One ringing blow will be “yes”, several in a row will be “no”.

Find out your fate by date of birth

For example, your date of birth is 08/08/2008. It follows 0+8+0+8+2+0+0+8=26, break the number: 2+6=8. The last numbers will be the answer to the questions. For example: in 26 months you will get married, and 8 months after that you will become pregnant. But the date of birth is also a fateful prediction, which is interpreted according to the answers.

  1. People who have one in their destiny always strive to be first in everything; they rarely connect their lives with a happy marriage; career growth, money and work in general are important to them.
  2. The deuce makes it possible to establish good relationships with relatives and friends. People whose birth number is 2 are kind, sympathetic and cheerful by nature. Everyone loves them.
  3. Nature most often gifts three to creative people who become famous only after the end of their lives. They are talented, but melancholic and cannot make it on this earth.
  4. Four, the sign of all workaholics. Unfortunately, they rarely ask for monetary compensation for their work due to their modesty. But, one way or another, work comes first for them.
  5. Five makes people gravitate towards change, a constant desire for new sensations and adventures. They make good artists, writers and even swindlers. They achieve their goal and give up because they lose interest. But with a good leader (companion), they can be useful.
  6. Six is ​​given to kind, open and balanced people who love to absorb new knowledge. They are family-oriented and hospitable. Perhaps this trait will not be revealed to them immediately, but with age.
  7. Seven gives people excellent intuition, the gift of foresight and even mystical capabilities. Not everyone is able to develop such abilities. Many, under this pressure, begin to drink, get sick, join sectarians, or go crazy. Money eight. Those born with it can sleep peacefully: they have a natural flair for money transactions and operations. But there are also disadvantages: terrible stinginess.
  8. Eight is always among good, family people who are ready and able to adapt to any changes in life. They are strong and confident.
  9. Nine gives the owner natural luck. But not everyone can take advantage of this quality, because a person is also given caution, and sometimes fear. Not everyone can combine this.

Marriage fortune telling with Tarot cards

You can guess regardless of the presence of a groom; they will tell you not only the timing of marriage, but also the state of future family life.

10 Tarot card spread

Before starting the procedure, you need to place 12 red candles (the number of months in a year) in a wide circle at midnight and light them clockwise. Divide the cards into arcana, major in one direction and minor in the other. From the deck of elders, lay out the outer circle of five pieces at random, remembering exactly which layout you started with. In the inner circle, lay out five folds from the deck of the minor arcana.

The external one will give information about marriage (dates, related facts), you need to take cards only with your left hand. Take internal information about life in it (advice, options) only with your right hand. This truthful fortune telling will give the girl the necessary advice on how to make her marriage better, how to speed up the approach of the wedding. Take turns in one place and another, clockwise from the first card you laid out.

Choose in turn one from the left circle, the second from the right. Before asking questions, you should focus on the topic itself or on a specific person.

External, use only the minor arcana:

  • Will I be able to get married this year?
  • What will my future spouse be like?
  • Under what conditions will a meeting with your spouse take place?
  • What will the relationship be like?
  • Are my future spouse and I suitable for each other?

Internal, use only the major arcana:

  • What should you do to speed up your marriage proposal?
  • How to behave while waiting for a man?
  • What prevents you from marrying him?
  • How to stabilize relationships?
  • How will relationships in family life go and how will they end?

Accurate fortune telling with playing cards (36 cards)

For this fortune telling, you will need a deck of 36 cards, which should be divided into numbers and pictures, shuffle each of the decks, concentrating on your question about marriage.

Course of action

Lay out the cards according to your date of birth, for example, if it is December 27, 1998, then:

  1. In the first row you place only digital cards: 27=2+7=9 pieces.
  2. In the second row you put again with numbers: 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 pieces.
  3. The third row you put only pictures: 1998=1+9+9+8=(27)2+7=9 pieces.

Then look and add up the meaning of the cards:

Top row. The number should be no more than 12, like the months of the year; if more, we add it up again. This will be the month of marriage.

Count as in the picture: sixes are 6, sevens are 7, and so on. Then everything is summed up to the desired state. Let's say that in the top row, as mentioned, you have 9 cards: 7+8+6+7+9+6+10+10+7=(70)7+0=7. In the seventh month there is a wedding.

Second row. A number greater than 10 will answer how many years later you will get married. For example: 10+10+8=(28)2+8=10. In 10 years your wedding will take place, so you will find out how many years it will take place.

Third row. It is interpreted according to the meanings of the pictures: how happy you will be in your marriage. For example, you have 9 cards, you should carry out a “revision”: leave the repeating plots, remove the rest. Then again remove the smaller number of repetitions, leave the larger number and look at the value.

Meaning in fortune telling

  • Jack - troublesome relationships. Red is love troubles, black is useless, quarrelsome.
  • Lady - a marriage, red - a man dominates a marriage, black - a woman.
  • King - Stability in marriage. Red – everything depends on relationships. Black - it all depends on your financial situation.
  • Ace – reliability, loyalty. Red - a faithful man, a reliable family, black - the man will be a wanderer and will bring suffering to the woman.

True prediction by thread and needle

This is a variety; many girls used it to accurately find out the number of children and age of marriage. Prepare a needle and red thread, mentally asking a question. Raise it above your palm and freeze; it will sway. If the movements go in a circle, the answer is yes, if the movements go in a cross, the answer is no.

Before each new question, you should give your hand a rest. So you can ask about when you are going to marry your loved one, specifically the one with whom you are already in a relationship, or in how many years the unknown future husband will meet.

How to find out about marriage by hand?

This is an accurate fortune telling that was known long before you and I were born. Each dash and line on the palm has its own special meaning. By looking at your hand you can learn about fate, health and even the number of marriages. The marriage lines lead from the edge of the palm to the mound of Mercury; they can be clearly seen when the arm is bent. There will be straight lines and broken lines. Straight ones are marriage, and broken ones are serious relationships, without legal consolidation of the union. Look at the lines on the right hand. The absence of such does not mean that there will be no husband or wife at all, but only about the prudent and pragmatic personality of the owner of this very hand.

Free gypsy fortune telling

You will need a pair of fortune telling bones and an interpretation of the answers. It is better to purchase them in specialized stores and store them in a wooden box. Playing with them is strictly not recommended, as is giving someone else's hands. Things endowed with magic must be personal.

"Not really"

An ancient fortune telling with bones, in which you need to clearly pose the question. An example of an inaccurate question: “Will I marry the person I think about?”

An example of an exact question: “Will I get married this year?” You need to throw the dice over your left shoulder, shaking them well. The numbers are summed up: even means “Yes”, odd means “No”.

New Year's dice predictions

A prediction about what this year will be like. It can be done both on the holiday itself and within 40 days after it. You will need a pair of dice marked with the numbers 1 to 6. Shake them for at least 30 seconds before throwing them and throw them over your left shoulder. Let’s say the number 1 falls on one of them and 1 on the other, we add it up, we get 2, let’s see what we are destined to do based on the answers below. If you roll 2 and 2, look at prediction number 4 accordingly; 2 and 3 at number 5 and so on.

What does the sum of two dice predict:

  • Two – A big gift awaits you this year.
  • Three - They confess their love to you in the middle of the year.
  • Four - The person is not worthy of you, this year you need to make a choice. Don’t sacrifice yourself, then good changes await you at the end of the year.
  • Five - Do not abuse the trust of your loved one, this year you still have to marry him, because he is preparing a proposal.
  • Six - An intimate relationship awaits you, without love.
  • Seven – Love is impossible this year.
  • Eight - In the near future you will meet your destiny, but the year will not be easy, try to hold on to it.
  • Nine – The person who dreams about you is not the one you dream about, but it’s worth thinking about. Otherwise, the year will pass in dreams.
  • Ten - A good year for love, meet more often, it is fateful.
  • Eleven - In the middle of the year, separation from your loved one awaits you, perhaps due to betrayal and perhaps even yours.
  • Twelve - A good year for marriage, hurry up.

Fortune telling for a new marriage

Unfortunately, there are a lot of divorces these days, but this does not give a reason not to think about a second marriage. We suggest using the power of other worlds that answer your question: “Will I get married again?” You will need:

  • Peas or beans.
  • Ring with stone.
  • Thread, wool.

Place the peas in a circle in piles (numerology from one to ten), you should get a small circle. Tie the thread to the ring so that the stone is on the side and not at the bottom. It is convenient to lean your elbows on the table, make as many circles with a thread as there are full years, while asking the question:

“My ring is spinning like a wheel, like the disk of the sun in the sky, screw me a ring in how many years will I be able to get married again?”

Stop turning and wait until the ring stops. At which number of peas the stone is directed, after so many years the girl will get married. If the stone ends up between the embankment, then the figure is approximate. You can, of course, write all the mathematical values, but it’s better to stick to the old rules.

To start fortune telling online for free, click the picture below. Think about the person you are guessing about. Hold down the dice until it feels like it's time to take the plunge.

Fortune telling online for free using bones - Will I marry the one I think about? Here, with the help of dice, you can find out whether you will marry the mysterious person. A very simple and accessible fortune-telling, not difficult either in interpretation or in execution. Can be performed by anyone, even an inexperienced fortune teller. All the answers given by the cubes are very clear and unambiguous; you will not have any difficulties understanding them.

Dice throwing technique

You will need two dice, do not use them for anything other than fortune telling in order for the result to be true. The glass for shaking must be either specially designed for this purpose or simply new, not having absorbed external energy. Place the bones in a glass, then you will need to shake them thoroughly. Then make a roll on the table and analyze the resulting result; here it is not the sum that is interpreted, but the combinations that fall out, for example 1-1, 2-1, 4-5, etc. In order to better understand, perform fortune telling using our system and everything will become clear to you.

All women, regardless of age and social status, are most afraid of being alone. Even despite speeches made out loud to the contrary. Fortune telling for marriage is exactly what we will discuss in today’s article.

Fortune telling rules

Initially, every girl should remember that there are certain rules of fortune-telling that are very important to follow. So, what you should not forget:

  1. Fortune telling “Will I get married” will not be true if done on Monday. We must not forget that on this day the Moon is very changeable. Magicians advise not to perform any rituals on this day at all.
  2. For fortune telling to be effective, girls need to conduct it on so-called “women’s” days. This is Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
  3. You can’t guess several times a week, much less a couple of times a day. In this case, it will not be possible to get a truthful answer.

Ring to the rescue

There is a fairly simple and correct fortune telling. "When I get married?" - many girls ask this question. And I want to know about this as soon as possible. To get the answer, just stock up on your long hair (alternative: red thread), a glass of water (three-quarters full) and a ring (the simplest, smoothest, without a stone, best of all - silver). To get the answer, you need to thread a thread or hair into the ring and gradually lower it into the water. The ring should touch the bottom. Now you need to really focus on your question. Girls can imagine their wedding, themselves in a bride's outfit, etc. Next, the ring must be slowly removed so that it does not touch the water, but is still in the glass. Now you can look at the result. If the ring freezes in place, there will be no wedding in the near future. If it starts to sway, this is a very good sign. The next fortune telling - “At what age will I get married” - can be done this way: you need to count how many times the ring hits the walls of the glass. At this age the lady will become a bride. If the number of years is small (for example, five or six), then, most likely, the girl still has that much time to spend as a girl. However, if the ring only slightly, once, touched the walls of the glass, the girl will soon put on a wedding dress.

Letters to help

There is another fortune telling “When will I get married.” You don't need anything special for this either. You just have to prepare 33 cardboard squares with letters written on them in advance. These homemade cards need to be thoroughly mixed, while thinking about your cherished desire - marriage. Next, you need to draw out 7 signs, each time thinking through the details of your wedding. You will get a set of letters from which you need to try to form a word.

  • It’s good if you get the word “year”. This means that the girl must get married in the next 365 days.
  • If you get the word “soon”, the girl will be a bride in about 2-3 years.
  • If you get the word “late”, the wedding will not happen earlier than in 5 years.
  • If you get the word “never”, don’t be upset. After all, you can live not in an official, but in a civil marriage.
  • It is worth noting that it is not only time that tells this fortune telling. For example, the name of the future husband may be formed.

A logical question may arise here: what to do, since the same letter cannot appear twice? Everything is simple here: one letter in a word can be used the required number of times.

Nuts to the rescue

The next very interesting fortune telling is “Will I get married?” Requires walnuts. You need to take three of them. You will also need a hammer. Next, you need to take the first nut and put it on the table. Think carefully about marriage. After this, you need to hit the nut with a hammer. If it splits the first time, there will be a wedding in the near future. If not, you'll have to wait a little. In the case of the first successful attempt, you need to move on to the next stage of fortune telling.

The second part of the ritual. Again you need to put the nut in front of you, but you need to focus on the groom himself. You need to ask a higher power: “Do I know my betrothed?” If the nut cracks at the first blow, then the pair is already familiar.

The third part of fortune telling. The last nut will tell you whether the groom loves the girl. If the nut cracks on the first try, then the guy is already in love and will soon propose.

Calendar to help

What other fortune telling can you consider? "When I get married?" - this question worries many ladies. And they are trying in every way to find the answer to this question. So, you can try to do this using a tear-off calendar. You need to focus carefully on what you want and tear out the piece of paper that your heart tells you. But always with your eyes closed. Next you need to look at the day of the week that is written there:

  1. Monday. In this case, the girl will have a boyfriend who will propose. But the wedding may not happen; the lady’s whims will be to blame.
  2. Tuesday. In this case, the girl herself will initiate a break with her man. This means there won’t be a wedding anytime soon.
  3. Wednesday. If a girl is worried about the question: “When will I get married?” - Fortune telling can help. So, if it falls on Wednesday, it means that the girl will become a bride this year.
  4. Thursday. If this particular day happens, then the girl will have a chance to become someone’s wife. However, you will have to be very careful here, because you cannot miss your chance.
  5. Friday. In this case, the girl will get married very soon, even if at the moment she does not have a beloved man.
  6. Saturday. This day suggests that the girl intuitively does not want to connect her life with anyone. Therefore, she will still be unmarried for a long time.
  7. Sunday. In this case, the girl herself will be able to decide when to get married. After all, she will have a man who will adore her and at any time, at the slightest desire, will connect his life with her with great pleasure.

Maps to help

What other divination can be used? “What age will I get married?” - this question often arises for many women. And you can get the answer using a regular deck of cards. However, it is worth remembering that the cards must be new or special, fortune-telling. First you need to really focus on your desire and pull out three pictures in a row. The indicators need to be summarized. If these are numbers, then everything is clear: they mean months. Jack is one year, queen is two years, king is three years, ace is four years. By adding up all the numbers, you can understand how long it will take for the girl to become a bride.

If a girl chooses fortune telling “when will I get married,” it is worth remembering that all the results are very approximate. Magic suggests the path, but it can never show the end result.

"When I get married? – this is the question that most worries our young ladies, regardless of age. And then, in essence, age is such a formality! It's just a number in your passport, nothing more! Look around you, because in recent years the trend of, as they used to say, “unequal marriages” (this is when she is much older than him or he is her) is only intensifying. From which one can actually draw one single conclusion - everything is ephemeral and everything is conditional, only love matters, because it is the beginning of everything.

Fortune telling When will I get married is quite simple. A deck of Tarot cards will help you find the answer to this question. Any tarot reader knows that the above-mentioned fortune-telling system is really capable of a lot. The list of questions that Tarot can illuminate is very wide. Just the same question related to the timing of marriage is no exception. After all, each card, each suit has its own meaning, from the point of view of time. Thus, the card you are dealt will not only orient you according to the time of year, but also give a more detailed answer to your question.
