English toys for little betsy. Development of a lesson on the topic "Toys for little Betsy!"

Lesson on introducing new material.

Subject: Toys for little Betsy.

The purpose of the lesson: organize students’ activities to master and use new lexical units and the possessive case of nouns in speech;


Educational: develop the ability to voluntarily and involuntarily memorize new lexical units; develop reading skills with an understanding of new lexical units and the grammatical structure being studied.

Educational: introduce the grammatical structure of the possessive case of nouns based on knowledge from the Russian language course.

Educational: cultivate respect for your toys, respect for the property of your comrades.

Planned results:

Students master new lexical units;

Students use them in monologue and dialogic speech;

Students recognize and read with comprehension new vocabulary and possessive noun structures.

List of classroom equipment for the lesson:

    Textbook and workbook UMK Spotlight 3rd grade (Bykova N.I., Dooley D., Prosveshchenie publishing house).

    Presentation for the lesson.

    Visual material: toys, cards with words, presentation.

    audio discs Spotlight 3.

    Song “Hello” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeQlnlMpizI)

    Stamp "Flower"

Lesson structure:

    Organizational moment (2 min).

    Checking homework (2 min).

    Goal setting (introducing students to a new topic) (2 min).

    Preparing students to learn new material (3 min).

    Learning new material and ways of doing things (2 min).

    Initial testing of new knowledge (2 min).

    Application of what has been learned (2 min).

    Generalization and systematization (4 min).

    Physical education minute (3 min).

    Using new knowledge in a knowledge system (14 min).

    Knowledge control (2 min).

    Homework (3 min).

    Reflection (2 min).

    Assessment (2 min).

    Organizing time.

T.: Good morning, pupils!

P.: Good morning, Alsou Nailevna!

T.: Sit down, please. Let's sing our “Say Hello” song. (song “Say Hello” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeQlnlMpizI )

    Checking homework

T.: Guys, please show me the emoticon that would indicate the completion of your homework. How did you deal with it, was everything clear to you?

Students show emoticons. Those students who showed a sad emoticon explain their problems in completing homework. Together with the class we eliminate problems - explain, repeat, consolidate. The active stamp of the flower is placed in the notebook. Checking the mastery of the studied material in speech, the connection of stages.

T .: I"ve got a car. This is my car. I give toy Elvina. Elvina has got a doll. It's her doll. I givetoy to Khalil and ask the children to say about Khalil and his toy.

P1: Khalil has got a dog. It's his dog.

P2.: Aliya has got a ball. It's her ball.

We repeat possessive pronouns.

    Goal setting (introducing students to a new topic).

T.: Look, children! We have some toys at the lesson. They are so nice! (the toys are on the table, slide No. 1 is displayed on the board). This is Betsy and her toys!

pp.: WOW!

T.: What is it?

pp.: It's a ball.

T.: Whose is this ball? - Whose is it? (the teacher gives the toy to Arthur)

pp.: Arthur.

T.: It's Arthur's ball. What's it?

pp.: It's a dog.

T.: Whose is this dog? (the teacher gives the toy to Alina)

Pp .: Alina. It's Alina's - in chorus with the teacher.

T.: And who will say what new things we will learn, learn and learn today?

Pp .: We will get acquainted with the names of toys and learn to say who they belong to.

T.: How do we talk about this in Russian?

pp.: Sasha’s briefcase, Sonya’s car, mom’s cat.

T.: Let's see if we are familiar with all the toys, do we know what they are called in English?

Pp .: No.

T.: Let's then get acquainted with their names in English. Listen please!

    Preparing students to learn new material.

Phonetic exercise. Introduction of new lexical units. We listen to CD: Module 4, new words and repeat the words in chorus, individually with visual support on the pictures that are on the board, later in the textbook on page 58, ex. 1.

There are cards with words on the table. The cards are read (choir work, then individual work).

    Learning new knowledge and ways of doing things.

T.: Show the toys and name them in English. Don't forget to add something of your own. (presentation)

Picture number 1 is a teddy bear. It's yellow.

Picture number 2 is a car. It`s white.

Picture number 3 is a doll.

Picture number 4 is a ball.

Picture number 5 is a drum. I like it.

Picture number 6 is a flag.

Picture number 7 is a train.

Picture number 8 is a pyramid.

Those who use already familiar words in given structures are encouraged.

    Initial testing of new knowledge.

Students open their workbooks on page 52 and do 2 exercises. Then they change with each other and check their notebooks. Then they do exercise 3. The students who answered at the board receive a flower stamp in their notebook.

    Application of what has been learned.

Reinforcing the material we have learned

Let's practice. Let's consolidate new words in the structure with the possessive case. The guys go to the board and write. Assignments on pieces of paper. Students who answered receive a flower stamp in their notebook.

    Generalization and systematization.

Let's talk. Let's talk.

Toys are handed out to children, and children talk about their friends' toys.

It's Varya's doll.

It's Danil's train.

It"s Nastya"s musical box.

It's Nikita's airplane.

It"s Olesya"s tea-set.

It's Danila and Semyon's ball.

It's Yan and Ksenya's rocking horse.

It's Vadim's elephant.

Students who answered receive a flower stamp in their notebook.

Physical education minute .

Hands up, Hands down

    Usage new knowledge V system knowledge

T.: Open your books at page 59. Look at the pictures and say: what are we going to read about now?

Pp .: About toys.

T : Let's listen. After listening, name the toys you hear.

T .: Kamila, Khalil, Arthur (weak students) name the characters they heard (differentiated approach).

Students show emoticons as they understood the text: smiling - excellent, reserved - half, sad - less than half. Children tell what they understand. Name the toys they heard and saw.

Listen and understand.

Paused reading of the text. Students read sentence by sentence in chorus behind the speaker, then by role. Independent reading.

11. Knowledge control

Answer the question based on the text in the textbook.

The teacher points to the student and asks his neighbor a question:

T.: What is it?

P.: It's a train.

T.: Whose is this train?

P.: It's Arthur's train.

The teacher continues the questioning.

12. D domestic her task

T.: Guys, look at your neighbor's diary and check whether he/she wrote down his/her homework correctly. Open your workbooks and look at your homework. What needs to be done?

13. Reflection

T.: Guys, what new and useful did we learn today? What did you learn to do? What will you tell your parents when you get home?

Pp .: Learned to express who owns an object. We learned to name new toys in English.

T.: Guys, show me the emoticon that will reflect how you understood today's topic.

14. Assessment

Grading (those who received 5 or more flower stamps - 5, 4 stamps - 4, less than 4 - stamps are credited in the next lesson).

1.Ball (Larry) Larry`s ball.

4. Teddy bear (Betsy)

5. Ballerina (Lulu)

Write to whom these things belong.

1.Ball (Larry) Larry`s ball

4. Teddy bear (Betsy)

5. Ballerina (Lulu)

Write to whom these things belong.

1.Ball (Larry) Larry`s ball

4. Teddy bear (Betsy)

5. Ballerina (Lulu)

Write to whom these things belong.

1.Ball (Larry) Larry`s ball

4. Teddy bear (Betsy)

5. Ballerina (Lulu)

Write to whom these things belong.

1.Ball (Larry) Larry`s ball

4. Teddy bear (Betsy)

5. Ballerina (Lulu)

Write to whom these things belong.

1.Ball (Larry) Larry`s ball

4. Teddy bear (Betsy)

5. Ballerina (Lulu)

Write to whom these things belong.

1.Ball (Larry) Larry`s ball

4. Teddy bear (Betsy)

5. Ballerina (Lulu)

Write to whom these things belong.

1.Ball (Larry) Larry`s ball

4. Teddy bear (Betsy)

5. Ballerina (Lulu)

Write to whom these things belong.

1.Ball (Larry) Larry`s ball

4. Teddy bear (Betsy)

Subject : Toys for little Betsy!

The purpose of the lesson : formation of linguistic, speech and social competencies.

Lesson objectives:

    educational aspect: practicing vocabulary on the topic “Toys”; familiarize yourself with the rules for using articles a/an; designs thisis/ thatis;

    developmental aspect: develop the ability to describe toys using articles a/an and possessive case of nouns;

    educational aspect: develop motivation to learn a foreign language, cultivate a sense of teamwork and mutual support.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

The teacher shows the teddy bear and says:


Look! It's Moodatbear. He is happy! And how are you?(changes the bear's facial expressions)

- Areyousad ( angry, happy)? (children answer)

I'm happy too. And I'm glad to see you.

2. Speech warm-up .

My pretty doll

Is very small.

I love my pretty

Little doll.

3. Announcing the topic of the lesson. Goal setting.

T.: Wow! Toys! How nice they are! (takes one of the toys) What’s this?

Cl.: It’s a teddy bear!

T.: Whose is it?WhoseHe?


T.: It’s Oleg’s teddy bear!What did I say? How? What do you think we will learn today?

Cl.: Let's learn to tell whose toys!

    Updating students' basic knowledge.

    1. Individual work using cards.

Translate into English.

This is a Lulu doll.____________


This is Bob's train.___________


    1. A game “Whose is this toy?”

      Repetition of vowels and consonants.

  1. Initial study of new material.

1) Introduction of the article a/an. Features of use. The Tale of the Article " A" and his friends.

Once upon a time there was an article A . He was so handsome, good and kind, but he had no friends at all. And that's why he was very bored. And then one day the article A I decided that I had enough of living alone and went to look for friends. First he met... a cat. And in English cat - cat. He approached him and offered to be friends. The cat happily agreed - he was also bored. They stood side by side and it turned out... (a cat).

The meeting with a dog and a crocodile occurs in a similar way.

There is an article A with his friends and meets...elephant. Wow! What a great! I want to be friends with him. This will be my greatest friend! He approached the elephant and said: “Let’s be friends with you!” And the elephant answers: “No! I don't want to be friends with you. I'm already friends with the article an

Why do you think the elephant did not want to be friends with the article?A ?

    Primary test of assimilation.

Ex.1, p.60 (written)

Physical education minute

2) Introduction structures this is / that is

Problematic question.

Look at the rule on page 60, how are the sentences different?

Why is it spelled differently? Look at what distance from your hand are these objects?

(If difficulties arise. The teacher points to identical objects located on the children’s tables at different distances and says:Thisisabook/ Thatisabook)

3) Speaking. Working off structures this is/that is.

(the teacher places objects at different distances from the children and asks them to say this is / that is )

    Primary consolidation.


Ex. 3, p.61


Ex. 4, p.61

    Explanation of d.z.

Exercise 2, p. 60 – letter, exercise. 3, p.61 – read.

    Lesson summary.

T.: what did you learn in the lesson? Draw your mood on the board.

Subject: Toys for little Betsy!

Target: formation of communicative competence of students on the basis of studied LE, speech and grammatical structures on the topic “Toys”.

Tasks :


Introduction, practice and initial consolidation of the topic “Use of the indefinite article a /an”;

Introduction, practice and initial consolidation of the topic “Demonstrative pronouns this / that”;

Repetition of the rules for reading “o” in open and closed syllables;

Generalization of educational material on the topic “Toys”;

Activation of oral speech skills;

Activation of writing skills;


Development of lexical and grammatical skills;

Development of reading skills;

Development of students' cognitive needs;

Development of memory, attention, imagination;


Fostering the need for practical use of a foreign language;

Fostering love and interest in nature.

Equipment: textbook, workbook, laptop, projector, blackboard.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

D . - It is time to say “Hello.”

It is time to say “Hello”.

It is time to say “Hello”.

And start our lesson.

U. – Who is absent today?

D. – All are present.

    Phonetic exercise. A tale about a tongue.

U. - The tongue woke up and began to pull itself up [оi]. He ventilates his house, opens the door and the door slams in the wind.

And in the yard near the tongue there lives a dog. This is a very kind dog, when she meets her friend, she roars joyfully: .

I heard a cow moo on the farm: .

The geese cackled: .

Then the hedgehog came running, snorting, and the two beetles were talking angrily, .

Suddenly a storm broke out, a strong wind blew and rain began to pound on the roof [p].

    Speech exercises. Game "Reporter".

U. – Let’s play. Let's play. Who will be the leader?

The “reporter” interviews students, asking them questions. Then students take turns asking questions to the leader, and he answers.

    Checking homework.

U. - Let's repeat the words that we met in the last lesson.

I show pictures and say what it is, and you repeat after me once.

U. – Now I say the word in English, and you say it in Russian.

U. - Now I show you the picture, and you guys say in English what it is.

U. -Let's do the following exercise. Read the word, name the missing letter.

T_a s_t Ba_l

Mus_cal box D_ll

A_roplane Ele_hant

Ro_king ho_se Tr_in

    Physical education minute .

U. - Now, let's have a rest. Stand up, please!

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap your hands together.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump,

Jump, jump, jump together.

Run, run, run, run, run,

Run, run, run together.

Swim, Swim, Swim, Swim,

Swim, Swim, Swim, together.

Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly

Fly, fly, fly together.

U. - Now. Let's play. Let's play. The game is called "Confusion". I give you a command, you carry it out, but be careful, I will confuse you. If you make a mistake, you are out of the game and sit down. The most attentive ones remain in the game.

    Acquaintance with new grammatical material. Indefinite article A / An .

U. - Now we will get acquainted with the rule for using the indefinite article a /an.

The indefinite article a /an is used before singular countable nouns if the subject is being spoken about for the first time.

    a used before nouns starting with consonants:

a ball a pencil case

    an used before nouns starting with vowels:

an airplane an elephant

U . – Now, open your exercise book. What date is it today?

D. – Today is the 21st of December.

U. – Write the date. Write down the number. Classwork. We carry out No. 1 page 60.

they are used by the article.

Ex. 1 p. 60

Tea set, egg, animal, pencil, ruler, umbrella, rocking horse, orange.

a ____, ____, _____, _____.

an _____, _____, _____, _____.

    Demonstrative pronounsThis / That - This that.

U. – The next rule with which we are becoming acquainted is “Demonstrative pronouns This / That - This / That”.

    This is used when talking about or pointing to nearby people, animals or objects.

This is a doll.

    That used when talking about people, animals or objects that are far away or pointing to them.

That is an elephant

Ex. 2 p.m. 60 Look and say. Look, say and write down.

This is a tea set. →

... apple. →

...train. →

... ball. →

...egg. →

...pencil case. →

...banana. →

    Physical education minute .

W. - Now, let’s have a rest.

Charger For eye.
Look left, right (look left, right)
Look up, look down (look up, look down)
Look around. (look around)
Look at your nose (look at your nose)
Look at that rose
Close your eyes (close your eyes)
Open, wink and smile. (open, blink and smile).

    Repetition of the rules for reading “O” in open and closed syllables.

U. – Now we will listen to the fairy tale and find out how and why “o” is read in open and closed syllables.

The letter "O" in a closed syllable.

Vowels don't like guests,

Recluses are terrible.

The doors are closed tighter

And “e” (and-and) are not allowed on the threshold.

The king became angry and ordered:

"For avoiding good deeds,

Because you offend “e” (and-and),

As said, so it happened,

It worked out as written.

Now the letters don't sing,

They don't recognize themselves at all.

“O” (oh) complains, groans (oh-oh-oh).

U. – What sound does the letter “O” make in a closed syllable? What is a closed syllable?

D. - The letter “O” in a closed syllable gives the sound [o]. A closed syllable is a syllable where the word ends with a consonant.

The letter "O" in an open syllable.

On the first street straight

Every letter is good.

They welcome their friends.

They dote on guests.

The table is set at the same moment

And they are treated to tea.

There is a silent letter “e” (and-and).

He quickly writes letters to everyone.

Although she herself is silent,

He wants to listen to others.

Only suitable for doors

He's embarrassed to go inside.

When the letters speak

She smiles at them.

For your kindness you should

Be vowels awarded.

The king issued the following decree:

"I order now

From the first street to everyone

Daily, hourly

Pronounce sounds like this

As the alphabet tells them!

Since then all the vowels have been singing

“hey, ah, and, yu-yu, oh, yay.”

U. – What sound does the letter “O” make in an open syllable? What is an open syllable?

D. - The letter “O” in an open syllable makes the sound. An open syllable is a syllable where a word ends with a vowel.

Ex. 4 p .61 Read the words and put them in the appropriate column.

U. – We read the words and write them down in a notebook.

Nose, close, frog, dog, hot, box, home, doll, no, open.

D. – We must insert the word Open in the second column.

U. – That's right, according to the reading rules, the word Open ends with a consonant, that is, it is a closed syllable, but there are exceptions to every rule. The word Open is just that case. Therefore, we write it in the second column.

Ex. 3 p .61 Improving reading skills.

U. - Now we will listen to two sentences. In these sentences, you will hear the letter "O" in closed and open syllables.

U. - Now I will read these sentences again, and you listen carefully and read after me.

U. - Now we read together with the girls, the boys listen.

U. - Now we read together with the boys, the girls listen.


U. - To summarize, I would like to know your attitude to our lesson, for this you need to complete the following sentences:

I found out……

I learned…..

I like it….


U. - You will be able to use the skills you learned in class today when doing your homework.

Open your daybooks, write homework. Workbook Ex. 3.4 p. 31.

    End of lesson.

U . – It’s time to say Goodbye.

D . - It’s time to say Goodbye.

It's time to say Goodbye.

It's time to say Goodbye.

Our lesson is over.

U . - Our lesson is over. Thank you for lesson. You are free.

Development of an English lesson

Class: 3

Date of__________

Teacher Dzus Elena Ilyinichna

Subject: Toys for little Betsy!

Objectives: repeat vocabulary from the previous lesson; explain how the indefinite article a/an is used; introduce demonstrative pronouns this, that; learn to read the letter o in open and closed syllables; develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.

Equipment: pictures of children, cats, dogs, toys; poster In that room!; toy; bag or opaque bag.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Hello, children! (Hello!)

How are you? (Fine, thanks.) I think we can start.

II. Phonetic warm-up

(On the board are pictures of children, a cat and a dog (their names are written next to each other).)

Look and listen.

(The teacher reads the poem, pointing to the children and animals shown in the picture.)

This is Jack. And that is Jill. This is Bell. And that is Bill. This is Al. And that is Dot.

(Students repeat the poem after the teacher in chorus and individually.)

IӀI. Updating knowledge

1. Checking homework

(One of the students writes the answers to exercise 1 (p. 30) on the board, the rest check and, if necessary, correct mistakes.)

2. A game « Guessword»

Let's play a guessing game.

(The teacher takes one picture of toys so that the children do not see what is shown on it.)

I"ve got a picture. Try and guess what"s in the picture.

Is it a train?

Is it an elephant?

Is it a tea set?

Yes, it is! Well done!

(The one who guessed goes to the board, takes another picture, and the game continues.)

3. Working with cards

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Use of articles

(The teacher writes words with the indefinite article on the board.) An apple, a ball, an elephant, a banana, a school, an ice cream.

(The students read the words in chorus behind the teacher. Then he asks the children a question.)

Why do you think we say and write a before some words, and an before others?

The article a is used before nouns starting with consonants (a ball, a banana, a school);

The article an is used before nouns starting with vowels (an apple, an elephant, an ice cream).

2. Work with cards

Control. 1 (With. 60).

Read the red words, please.

(Students read the words aloud. Then the teacher reads the assignment or asks the children to read it aloud. Students complete it independently, and then check it together.)

3. Introducing the pronouns this and that

(The teacher points to a toy lying next to him, for example on the table.)

(The teacher writes this sentence on the board, highlighting the word this, and says it. The students repeat the sentence in chorus. Then the teacher points to some object that is further away.)

(The teacher also writes this sentence on the board, highlighting the word that, and says it. The students repeat in chorus. After this, the teacher points to other objects and says phrases, highlighting the words this and that with his voice.)

This is a pen. That is a school bag. This is a doll. That is a map. This is Dima. That is Anna.

In what cases do you think the word this is used, and in what cases the word that is used?

(Children should be given time and the opportunity to answer the question correctly themselves. Then the teacher helps the students formulate the rule.)

If we point to an object or person next to us, then we use the pronoun this,

If we point to an object or person that is far away, we use the pronoun that.

4. Work using cards.

5. Work according to the textbook.

Ex. 2 (p. 60).(Students read the sentences in the grammar table on page 60, and then do exercise 2.)

V. Dynamic pause

Let's have a break. Listen to me and do the same.

Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill. (Point fingers up.)

One named Jack, (One hand forward.)

One named Jill. (Other hand.)

Fly away, Jack. (One hand behind back.)

Fly away, Jill. (Other hand.)

Come back, Jack. (Return one hand.)

Come back, Jill. (Return other hand.)

(The teacher reads the poem and performs the appropriate movements, and the students repeat after him.)

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1.Work according to the textbook.

Ex. 3 (p. 61).(The teacher points to the pictures in exercise 3.)

Look at the pictures and listen to the tongue-twisters.

(Students listen to the recording and follow the text from the textbook. The teacher draws the children’s attention to how the letter o is read in different words.)

In an open syllable, the letter o is pronounced [ee]: rose, close, go, home;

In a closed syllable, the letter o is pronounced [d]: Bob, dog, frog, box.

(Students repeat the tongue twisters after the speaker, and then read them in chorus and individually as many times as the teacher deems necessary.)

Ex. 4 (p. 61).(The teacher draws a table on the board, as in exercise 4, the children do the same in their notebooks.)

In the first column, write words in which the letter o is pronounced [ee], and in the second column, words in which the letter o is pronounced [d]. Underline these letters.

(Children do the task in notebooks, two students do it at the blackboard. Then the guys check the answers and read the words in chorus and individually. The most prepared students can independently add words that correspond to these rules, for example: phone, potato, Soke, etc.

If time permits, students read the words and texts in Further Reading Practice to practice their reading skills.)

VII. Homework instructions

Open your books at page 60. (Teacher points to the pictures in exercise 1.)

Read the red words, please.

(Students read the words aloud. Then the teacher reads the assignment. The teacher writes down the homework on the board, and the students write it in their diaries.

VIII.Summing upresultslesson

Can you talk about things near and far from you?

Can you read the letter about in different words? (The teacher evaluates the students’ activities in the lesson.)

We"ll have to stop there. Goodbye! (Goodbye!)
