Victor: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person. Name Victor: characteristics and meaning Victor profession


The meaning of the name Victor

Winner. “Winner” (lat.) You can teach Vitya to play the violin and piano, but you will not be able to make a little Mozart out of him. He will invariably be attracted to books about spies and films about intelligence officers. He's not a dreamer. He prefers something concrete, tangible. This is a gullible boy who unconditionally believes everything they say, but when he learns about the deception, he is very upset. Fortunately, these boys are not vindictive and quickly forget about it, once again gaining trust in people. An adult Victor will feel great where there is no place for dreams and long thoughts. They make good electricians, many of them are football players, and the profession of a football coach is also suitable for them. If they have artistic talent, then it is best realized in graphics. They enjoy playing tennis and love driving. They look for justice in everything and, if they witness the unseemly actions of loved ones, they will admonish them for a long time, appealing to conscience and prudence. These men have a lot of things that can make a marriage with them strong and happy. They are thorough, unhurried, willing to do hard work, and have great patience. Victor takes care of the family’s material wealth; not stingy. He treats his wife’s commanding tone condescendingly, without making a problem out of it. The exception is “winter” Victors: they have a stubborn and tough character. Because of a sense of duty, which he understands very strictly, he can live for a long time with an unloved person. If he gets divorced and remarries, he suffers from remorse all his life. He brings up children in strictness: he can create a “daily routine” for them, schedule it by the hour and demand strict compliance. His pedantry often irritates his family, and the children, growing up, tend to live away from their father. Alcohol can bring trouble to a family - Victor loves to drink. And if “summer” Victors can be quite successfully cured of this addiction, then “winter” ones are very difficult to treat.

Name days: January 31 (February 13), March 10 (23), April 18 (May 1), September 16 (29), November 11 (24) (February 13) - Holy Martyr Victor the Warrior, among others suffered for the faith of Christ under Emperor Detius in 251 in Corinth. (November 24) - The holy martyr Victor the warrior, after long torture for Christ, was beheaded in the 2nd century. Seeing his suffering, the Holy Martyr Stefanida believed in Christ and suffered for him. NAME DAYS: February 13 (January 31), March 3 (February 18) and March 23 (10) - martyr Victor. April 2 (March 20) - martyr Victor, named Photin, Samaritan. April 28 (15) - martyr Victor of Mesukeviy. May 1 (April 18) and July 19 (6) - martyr Victor. September 2 (August 20) - martyr Victor of Philippopolis. September 29 (16) - martyr Victor. October 10 (September 27) - Rev. Victor, abbot. November 19 (6) and November 24 (11) - martyr Victor.

Numerology of the name Victor

Soul Number: 7.
Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, art or religion. “Sevens” perfectly understand other people, which determines the large number of leaders among them. Also, “sevens” often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. Sevens are always reserved, do not like to show their emotions, are averse to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, “Sevens” rarely show themselves on the positive side. Money matters are not their strong point; money in general is not their primary interest; “Sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.

Hidden Spirit Number: 8

Body number: 8


Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo.
Color: Variegated, variable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: Mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: Emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: Basil, parsley, walnut, celery, valerian.
Animals: Fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

The name Victor as a phrase

In Vedi
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
To Kako
T Firm
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Victor

B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative personality, focused on the future.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
K - endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, the “all or nothing” life credo.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

Translated - winner (lat.).

On February 13, the memory of Victor the warrior, who suffered for the faith of Christ under Emperor Detius in Corinth in 251, is honored. Another holy martyr, Victor the Warrior, was beheaded in the 2nd century. At the sight of his suffering, the holy martyr Stefanida believed in Christ. The saint's memory is honored on November 24. In the 4th century, the Roman historian Victor Sextus Aurelius lived, who wrote a brief history of the emperors from Augustus to Constantius II. He was governor of Pannonia, and in 389 became city prefect of Rome.

Later in Europe this name became very popular. It was worn by four popes and many theologians. This name was especially common among the names of the Dukes of Savoy, who later became the kings of Sardinia.

Characteristics of a person named Victor

As a child, Victor, like many other children, is romantic, loves books and films about spies and intelligence officers, adventurers and travelers. He is kind and very trusting. When he finds out about the deception, he is upset, but, as a rule, he does not remember the evil. As Victor matures, he loses some of these qualities. He is no longer such a dreamer, rather, on the contrary, he is a man of action, very efficient, enterprising and diligent. Victor willingly does painstaking work and has enormous patience.

Victor knows how to carefully plan his future, is endowed with spiritual harmony and the ability to correctly assess life situations. He is hardy and insightful, knows how to use every minute of his time to benefit his business. Able to not be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the essence of the problem. Sometimes he is a little overconfident. Victor is a very strong person with powerful energy. You should speak to him as specifically and clearly as possible; long discussions most likely will not find a response in his soul. There is pride in Victor. If the interlocutor senses a joke or even ridicule behind his serious tone, he should joke in response. Victor has no serious friends.

Victor often becomes the leader of some initiative. He can also successfully work as a teacher, but in commerce and business he needs outside help; he can also be a worker, a watchman or a military man.

Victor is, as a rule, an intelligent, somewhat ironic, witty man. He is elegant, loves to please, but at the same time is faithful to his wife, attached to his home and children. He has a heightened sense of duty, and he will raise his children in strictness.

According to numerology, the name Victor corresponds to the number 7, which speaks of abilities in science, art, philosophy or religious activity. In the natural world, the thistle and the cricket became the personifications of Victor.

Patron planet of Victor: Mercury.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Victor: yellow-green, as well as red, symbolizing passion.

Victor's favorite color: brown.

Victor's talisman stones: carnelian, agate.

Famous people named Victor in history

In Russia, the name Victor is extremely common these days, but it existed before. The future artist Viktor Vasnetsov was born in 1848 in the remote Vyatka province into the family of a rural priest. He graduated from theological seminary, but refused his rank and went to study at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Vasnetsov was one of the first among Russian painters to turn to folklore, depicting the sad princess Nesmeyana, courageous and kind heroes - people's intercessors (the artist worked on this picture for more than 25 years), and the resourceful Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf. “I have always been convinced that... in a fairy tale, song, epic, drama, the entire integral image of the people, internal and external, with the past and present, and perhaps the future, is reflected. The people who don’t remember, don’t appreciate, don’t love their history are bad... I only lived in Russia...” said the artist. Vasnetsov had the typical character traits of a person named Victor: the desire to be an innovator, diligence, and efficiency.

In the poetry of the Silver Age, the poet Khlebnikov plays a special role. In 1908, a student at Kazan University, Viktor (Velimir, in the spirit of Slavic roots, he would call himself later) Khlebnikov, who was fond of mathematics and natural sciences, but already wrote a little poetry and prose, came to St. Petersburg with the good goal of completing his higher education. However, finding yourself

in the midst of Russian “leftist art”, he almost never attended university. His fate was determined - literature and philosophical and mathematical research. By the way, Khlebnikov himself throughout his life considered his studies in calculating the “laws of time” to be his main task, and poetry and prose as a way of presenting them. An unsociable and strange provincial in the metropolitan environment, Viktor Khlebnikov amazed with his independence of views, which was rare for his age. Being a co-author of most futurist declarations and generally the leader of the “sturm and stress” of futurism, Khlebnikov receives a rather ambiguous fame. Among like-minded people, a kind of cult of Khlebnikov arises, a cult of his “quiet genius” (Mayakovsky). The character of Viktor Khlebnikov is proof that men named Viktor are silent, modest, strict and know their business.

Victor Hugo is a French romantic writer, poet and playwright, author of the novels Notre-Dame de Paris, Les Misérables, and The Year 93.

Victor Hess is an Austrian-American physicist, winner of the 1936 Nobel Prize for the discovery of cosmic rays.

Viktor Shklovsky is a writer and literary critic, author of books about Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Mayakovsky, Eisenstein.

Viktor Tikhonov is a hockey player and coach of the CSKA team; under his leadership, the USSR national team won many times at the World Championships and Olympic Games.

Viktor Korchnoi was one of the strongest chess players in the world in the 1970s.

Victor Ponedelnik - football player, forward; sports journalist, was the editor-in-chief of the weekly Football.

Viktor Konovalenko is a hockey player, goalkeeper of the Gorky Torpedo and the USSR national team.

Viktor Chernomyrdin is a former prime minister of Russia.

Viktor Kuzkin is a hockey player, defender of CSKA and the USSR national team.

Viktor Saneev is an athlete, winner of three Olympics in the triple jump.

Viktor Tsoi - rock singer, poet and composer, leader of the Kino group; died in a car accident.

Viktor Proskurin is a theater and film actor who starred in the films “Big Change” and “Cruel Romance.”

Meaning of the name

Victor is a strong, decisive, energetic, ambitious and impulsive man who cannot always control his emotions. This is an adventurer and romantic who cannot stand loneliness and boredom. He is confident in himself and always clearly knows what he wants from life; for him there are no insurmountable obstacles on the way to achieving his goal. In general, this is a fair person who is condescending towards the weaknesses of others, although he is quite self-critical of himself. Victor belongs to the category of people who know how to learn from the mistakes of others, which helps him avoid many troubles. But still, the character of the owner of this name depends to some extent on the time of year in which he was born.

1. 6.

Characteristics of the name Victor

Winter Victor stern, principled and capricious. He loves orderliness and consistency in everything, believing that they help him cope with any life situations with minimal physical and emotional costs. This man resembles a rock, which is not afraid of either storms or squalls. At the same time, few people realize that he dreams of great love and all-consuming passion. Winter Victor is a monogamous man, so it is not surprising that he chooses his chosen one for a long time and carefully. His woman must have patience and even sacrifice, because Victor in family life can behave like a spoiled child.

Spring Victor – a creative person predisposed to frequent mood changes. He is assertive and stubborn, hardworking and ambitious, but failures leave a deep mark on his vulnerable and sensitive soul. This man values ​​in people, first of all, sincerity and responsiveness, kindness and openness. The chosen one of spring Victor should be calm, good-natured and gentle; only with such a woman will this romantic be happy, ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of his muse, to whom he will dedicate his achievements, with whom he will share defeats.

Summer Victor - a modest and reserved man. At the same time, he will not keep a low profile in society; he simply allows only a select few into his small world of harmony. Those around him are afraid of his tough character and tough disposition, not even suspecting that in fact he is a vulnerable man who dreams of a quiet family haven, where his beautiful wife and beloved children will always be waiting for him on the pier. Summer Victor is extremely selective in choosing a life partner, so he starts a family at a fairly mature age. His chosen one will be a strong, wise and energetic woman who will be able to surround him with tenderness and care.

Autumn Victor is a self-confident and vain intellectual who is ready to prove his point of view and challenge someone else’s all day long. He is obstinate and assertive, he is attracted by difficulties and vicissitudes of fate, which he will gladly overcome. One cannot envy the chosen one of this sexually jealous man: firstly, he is always surrounded by female attention, and secondly, he treats his woman like a real owner, locking her in a golden cage. A woman who knows how and is ready to forgive and sacrifice herself for the sake of her lover, for the sake of family well-being, can build a harmonious family with the autumn Victor.

Stone - talisman

Selenite and carnelian are Victor’s talisman stones.


This stone clears the mind and calms the nervous system, helps to concentrate on the main thing, strengthens the will and gives strength. At the same time, selenite endows its owner with such qualities as romanticism, tenderness and sentimentality. At the same time, daydreaming will be balanced by prudence.

Selenite is considered a benevolent stone that will bring peace, warmth and comfort into life, strengthen family relationships, and smooth out controversial situations. This amazingly beautiful stone is suitable for everyone, without exception, but selenite is especially favorable to creative individuals.

Our ancestors believed that selenite helps to find your soulmate, to find true love.


This mineral is rightfully considered a love talisman and family amulet. It brings warmth, tenderness, family happiness, and fidelity to the lives of spouses. At the same time, it is carnelian that is able to protect a spouse from someone else’s love spell.

Red carnelian is a symbol of passion, sexuality and temperament. In addition, this stone is a reliable protection against ill will, scandals, quarrels and accidents.

Carnelian helps preserve and increase vitality, develops intuition and insight.

This stone helps to make the right decision and establish communication, and will attract material well-being.

But! You should beware of stones with dark or white inclusions, as they have negative energy.


Green, blue and dark blue are favorable colors for Victor (you can read about their influence in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).



Uranus and Mercury are the planets that patronize Victor (you can read about the essence of such patronage in the article).


Air is the element of those named Victor (you can read about the impact of this element on a person’s life and character in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).


Animal - symbol

The horse and the cricket are Victor's totem animals.

Horse (horse)

Horse (horse) symbolizes strength, power, glory, grace and harmony. This is the personification of freedom, independence and fearlessness, but at the same time loyalty, wisdom and agility.

The horse is a symbol of unbroken spirit and courage, thanks to which any obstacles can be overcome. Also, at all times, this animal has been identified with fertility.

In the Christian tradition, the horse symbolizes victory, ascension, nobility and generosity. According to the Bible, the horse is the embodiment of God's perfect creation. At the same time, one cannot help but mention the four horses of the Apocalypse, where the white horse represents plague, the red horse represents war, the black horse represents hunger, and the pale horse represents death.

Ancient people believed that horses knew the secrets of the afterlife, for this reason they were involved in funeral rites as guides to the afterlife.


Since ancient times, it was believed that the cricket brings happiness and peace to the house. But if the cricket left the house, then trouble should be expected.

In general, it is a symbol of courage and rebirth, the personification of home and family well-being.

In China, a cricket was an integral attribute of any home, because it was believed that its chirping brings longevity, happiness, prosperity and good luck to the house.


Birch, white carnation and thistle are symbolic plants of Victor.


This tree symbolizes fertility and light, rebirth and hope.

Birch is a magical tree that protects from evil spirits and any negative influence, connecting earth and sky, the world of the living with the world of the dead. This is an ambivalent symbol that can represent both good and evil, both light and darkness.

In addition, birch is a symbol of girlhood, femininity, tenderness, purity and innocence. It is this tree that announces that spring has come.

White carnation

Carnation is a symbol of devoted love and marital fidelity, although among Slavic peoples this flower is often identified with cemetery symbols.

According to Christian tradition, the carnation bloomed for the first time on the birthday of Christ. It was the carnations that grew from the tears of the Most Holy Theotokos, which she shed when Christ went to execution. Therefore, the carnation is revered as a flower of immeasurable maternal love.

The white carnation symbolizes spiritual unity, innocent love, untainted by passions and broken promises. Also, a white carnation is considered a wish for good luck and success.


This plant symbolizes defiance, defiance, loneliness and vindictiveness. In many world traditions, thistle represents sin, sorrow and alienation.

It was through thistle that Adam was punished by expelling him from paradise. In addition, the thorns of this plant in Christian symbolism are identified with the torment of Jesus, with earthly malice, which is irreconcilable with virtue. Thus, for Christians, the thistle is a symbol of martyrdom.

Thistle in China symbolizes courage, perseverance and longevity. It is believed that this plant protects the house from evil spirits and protects against the evil eye and damage.


Victor's metal is considered to be mercury - a symbol of impermanence and coldness, elusiveness and intangibility. This metal brings ambiguity, energy and mobility to life, but such transformations are not always beneficial. In addition, mercury has long been revered by magicians and alchemists, who endowed this metal with protective properties.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Victor

Name translation

The name Victor translates as "winner".

History of the name

The name Victor comes from the Roman family names Victor, Victorinus and Victorianus.

This name came to the territory of Rus' with the spread of Christianity. It must be said that initially the name Victor was baptized exclusively for the sons of clergy, and only a few centuries later this name began to be used first among the nobility, and then among ordinary people.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Victor are: Vitya, Vityusha, Mitya, Mityai, Vitasya, Vitasik, Vik, Vitakha, Vityushka, Vityakha, Vityasha, Vityulya, Vityunya, Vityusya, Vityukha, Vityusha, Viktorka, Tora, Vitek, Vitasik, Vik.

The mystery of the name Victor

Patrons of the name

  • Martyr Victor of Rome.
  • Martyr Victor of Mesukeviy (Georgian).
  • Martyr Victor of Corinth.
  • Martyr Victor.
  • Martyr Victor of Nicomedia.
  • Bishop and confessor Viktor Ostrovidov.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Victor Morigerovsky.
  • Hieromartyr and Archpriest Viktor Kiranov.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Usov.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Victor Evropeytsev.
  • Martyr Victor of Thracia.
  • Hegumen Victor.
  • Martyr Victor of Chalcedon.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Victor.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Karakulin.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Nikiforov.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Victor of Ellan.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Basov.
  • Martyr Viktor Frolov.
  • Martyr Viktor Krasnov.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Klimov.
  • Martyr Victor of Damascus.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Ilyinsky.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Voronov.
  • Hieromartyr and Archpriest Viktor Smirnov.
  • Martyr Viktor Matveev.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 21st and 30th.

February: 13th and 23rd.

March: 3rd, 7th, 23rd and 30th.

April: 2nd and 28th.

May: 1st and 2nd.

June: 1st and 20th.

July: 1st and 19th.

August: 1st number.

September: 2nd, 8th, 15th, 24th and 29th.

October: 10th, 21st and 29th.

November: 11th, 19th, 22nd, 24th, 27th and 29th.

December: 8th and 31st.

The legend of the name Victor

There is a well-known legend about Victor of Damascus, originally from Italy, who lived during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, famous for his persecution of Christians. Victor of Damascus served in Damascus under the command of the military leader Sebastian. Victor did not hide his faith and openly professed Christian teaching.

Marcus Aurelius ordered his soldiers to prove their loyalty to the gods of Rome and the emperor by performing sacrifices. Those who evaded the order were subjected to severe torture. Victor was among those who refused to make a sacrifice to the Roman gods, citing the fact that he was not a warrior of the earthly king, but worshiped only the Lord. Then Sebastian ordered Victor to be tortured, but the disobedient man did not change his faith.

However, the military leader did not give up and called the sorcerer for help, ordering him to poison Victor, but this plan did not work either. Victor, having prayed before the meal, tasted the poisoned meat and remained alive. More than once the sorcerer tried to poison the Christian, but Victor miraculously avoided death. Seeing all this, the sorcerer himself believed in the Lord.

And Sebastian continued to torture Victor, inventing new sophisticated tortures. But nothing could break the spirit of a Christian. As a result, the tormenting warriors were punished: they became blind, and only the prayer of their victim helped restore their sight. Then the soldiers appealed to Sebastian for mercy towards Victor, but such a request only angered the military leader, who ordered the skin to be torn off from the martyr.

The young Christian Stefanida, who was the wife of one of the warriors, also stood up for Saint Victor. Sebastian wanted to persuade Stefanida to sacrifice to idols, but she refused, for which she was brutally executed. Along with her, the martyr Victor of Damascus was beheaded.

Famous people

Famous writers named Victor:

  • Victor Hugo;
  • Victor Dragunsky;
  • Victor Nekrasov;
  • Victor Erofeev;
  • Victor Konetsky;
  • Victor Pelevin;
  • Victor Astafiev;
  • Victor Shestrem.

Famous actors and artists named Victor:

  • Victor Sukhorukov;
  • Victor Tsoi;
  • Victor Avilov.

Famous athletes named Victor:

  • Viktor Maygurov - biathlete, Olympic champion;
  • Viktor Korchnoi - chess player and international grandmaster;
  • Viktor Onopko is a football player.

Famous scientists named Victor:

  • Victor Goldshmidt – chemist and geologist;
  • Victor Hess – Austro-American physicist and Nobel Prize laureate;
  • Victorin Deryabin – physiologist and psychiatrist;
  • Viktor Vinogradov is a linguist and literary critic.

Famous politicians named Victor:

  • Viktor Chernomyrdin - Russian statesman;
  • Victor Emmanuel - the last Italian king;
  • Victor Jacqulard - leader of the Paris Commune;
  • Victor Cousin is a French philosopher and politician.

Famous painters named Victor:

  • Victor Vasnetsov;
  • Victor Borisov-Musatov.

Victor Gusev - Russian sports commentator.

Victor Fleming - American film director and author of the famous film "Gone with the Wind".

The meaning of the name Victor

For a child

Little Vitya is an active, restless and mischievous child with an irrepressible imagination and a desire for adventure. However, curiosity and a developed imagination can serve him badly, so it is better for parents to control their child’s games and direct the boy’s energy in a calmer direction (for example, send him to a design club).

Sometimes impulsiveness and inconsistency are visible in Vitya’s actions and thoughts; he grabs onto everything at once, which prevents him from bringing what he started to its logical conclusion. Such lack of composure causes the boy to study rather mediocrely: he lacks patience and perseverance. This is especially true for the humanities, which require a lot of reading and analysis to master. At the same time, Victor is very responsible and efficient; his willpower and strength of character can be envied.

It is impossible not to note the gullibility and vulnerability of Vitya, who experiences betrayal and deception hard, but at the same time his heart does not harden and knows how to forgive. Victor's responsiveness and good nature attract his peers to him, who see him as a reliable friend and a strong shoulder.

For a teenager

Young Victor is characterized by such character traits as daydreaming and impulsiveness. He does not measure seven times before cutting, which is why he himself suffers. This is a true fighter for justice and defender of the weak. People come to him for friendly advice and help in the most difficult situations. It is interesting that he is much better at giving competent advice to others than at putting things in order in his life, which, however, does not particularly burden Victor.

The optimist Victor is often compared to the Phoenix bird, which rises from the ashes. And such a comparison is quite justified, because no blows of fate can break Victor. He quickly regains his strength and goes into battle again, enjoying every new day, no matter how difficult and unpredictable it may be. Difficulties only strengthen this purposeful young man.

He tries to live in harmony not only with himself, but also with the people around him, so he has many friends and acquaintances, and his life is full of adventures, new discoveries and achievements. But Victor cannot avoid disappointment, and all for the reason that he blindly trusts people, turning a blind eye to their shortcomings and mistakes. Over the years, he will become more selective in terms of choosing friends, and will learn to hide his thoughts and feelings from those who are not trustworthy.

For a man

With age, Victor is still impetuous and impulsive, he is driven by emotions, and he cannot do anything about it. He immediately puts his ideas into execution, helped by such qualities as hard work and perseverance. But, unfortunately, due to thoughtlessness and haste, the result is not always what Victor expects.

This man gives the impression of an open, witty and interesting conversationalist, but his excessive narcissism can negatively affect his relationships with others. However, this behavior, which many perceive as narcissism, is the result of the fact that in his youth he was often deceived and betrayed. Only truly close people know that Victor is actually a trusting and vulnerable man who will give his last shirt to anyone who needs it.

Assertive and ambitious, Victor becomes irritable if things don't go according to plan. At such moments, nothing remains of his cheerfulness, and optimism is replaced by causticity. In fairness, we note that in general he is a patient, tolerant, unforgiving and non-vindictive person who knows how to forgive and forget insults.

Description of the name Victor


Despite the fact that Victor is a sympathetic and fair person, in order to achieve his goal he can neglect the principles of morality.


One of Victor's problems is gluttony, which causes excess weight. In addition, stress and excessive emotionality can lead this man to nervous breakdowns and disruption of the heart. The owner of this name must also treat alcohol with caution, to which he may develop an addiction.


Women like Victor because he is sociable, generous and witty. He knows how to beautifully look after and surprise, it’s not for nothing that he is called the ultimate romantic and ladies’ man. But he also seeks attention, care and courtship from his chosen one. She should not only be beautiful and smart, but also mysterious. Ideally, he is looking for a woman who can sacrifice her interests for his sake. But he is absolutely not interested in frivolous young ladies who believe that reading books and self-development is a waste of time.

In general, it is not easy with Victor, since he is not only demanding of his beloved, but also jealous, which can poison the lives of both partners and destroy family life.


Victor rarely marries once and for all. His first marriage is often hasty and therefore short-lived. For the second time, this man approaches the formation of a family more carefully, not only carefully choosing a companion, but also rethinking his views on family life.

As his wife, he chooses an active, sociable, but at the same time attentive and caring woman with a calm disposition. It is very important that his chosen one puts the interests of the family above her own. In addition, it is important to always maintain the fire of love and passion in Victor, otherwise he will seek warmth from another fire. But even in this case, he will not leave the family, since a sense of duty is above all for him.

Family relationships

Victor is a good family man who values ​​family values ​​and traditions. He is kind to his wife and loves his children, although he can be strict with them. In his house, everything is subject to a strict routine, which children may not like. It should also be remembered that excessive severity can subsequently lead to the fact that, as they grow up, children will move away from their father.

It is not difficult for him to help his wife with the housework, so domestic quarrels rarely happen in his family. What really bothers Victor's other half is his impulsiveness and jealousy. But the patience, wisdom and forbearance of his wife will certainly help not only to save the marriage, but to make it truly happy and strong, especially since Victor is always ready to compromise, especially when it comes to his family. This man does not claim leadership in the family, although he will not tolerate obvious dominance by his wife either.


Victor is temperamental and sexy, he welcomes experiments and novelty in his intimate life, so he is not attracted to shy women. But experienced partners, ready not only to accept the love potion, but also to give it back a hundredfold, attract him and feed his wildest fantasies.

But you shouldn’t expect Italian passions from your relationship with Victor. On the contrary, he is gentle and romantic, attentive and gallant, which captivates women, since it is this attitude that allows them to feel fragile and sensual.

Mind (intelligence)

Victor has a synthetic mindset; he will not pay attention to details, giving this opportunity to others. He is always interested only in the essence.


Victor is a responsible, purposeful, hardworking and efficient person, so he can handle any job perfectly. But not only material, but also moral satisfaction will be brought to him by professions in which he will be surrounded by attention, where the outcome of the entire enterprise will depend on his decisions.

In addition, it is very important that the work is not monotonous, although Victor has enough patience for any routine work. This man will not feel entirely comfortable choosing a creative profession, unless it is original and allows him to make a lasting impression on others.

Victor moves up the career ladder with quick and confident steps, since he is not going to be content with submission. He wants and will lead.


Victor is great at organizing the work process. He focuses all his strength and attention on the essence of the issue, while leaving his subordinates the right to solve minor pressing problems and understand the details. His business can become quite successful if Victor learns to control his emotions and be guided when making any decisions solely by the voice of reason.


Victor is a gambling person, he is attracted by extreme sports and everything connected with it. With rare exceptions, he will prefer passive relaxation on the river bank to an active and interesting pastime.


Victor belongs to that category of people who crave universal recognition and attention. It is very important to him what others think of him, so he works hard on his image. This is a person of mood, whose actions can be dictated by a momentary impulse. This is a strong-willed and courageous man who is afraid of loneliness and indifference.

Taking everything to heart, Victor uses up his reserve of optimism and faith in people early, so sometimes he just needs to be alone in order to regain a charge of energy and love of life.


Victor has good intuition, which he often listens to.

Horoscope named after Victor

Victor – Aries

This is a bright and assertive man who has unconventional thinking and determination. Victor-Aries knows no peace; ideas are constantly ripening in his head, which he will definitely bring to life sooner or later. At the same time, this person always looks calm and even cold.

Few people know that Victor-Aries is actually touchy and vulnerable, and sometimes unyielding and selfish. It is extremely important for him what others think of him, although he rarely listens to their advice. This man enjoys increased attention from women, he is passionate and generous, but he is in no hurry to tie the knot.

Victor – Taurus

Restraint, equanimity, scrupulousness and caution are the main features of Victor-Taurus, who is used to planning everything. He is practical and hardworking; he moves towards his goal slowly, but persistently and confidently. However, his persistence often develops into stubbornness and unwillingness to take other people’s opinions into account. As a family man, Victor-Taurus is loyal, honest and fair. He values ​​family and makes every effort to ensure that prosperity, peace and comfort reign in his home. He will create a family with an economic and domestic woman, for whom the priority is family, not career.

Victor – Gemini

Energetic, cheerful and charming, Victor-Gemini never loses heart and is always optimistic about the future. But behind such openness and an easy attitude to life there may be superficiality in judgment and inconstancy. Daily routine, stability and constancy are not his path. On the contrary, Victor often changes friends, places of work and women in anticipation of new emotions and impressions. His feelings flare up quickly, but fade away just as quickly. He has practically no real friends, because many consider him two-faced. Victor-Gemini has several marriages, and his chosen one cannot guarantee that tomorrow her husband will not find another passion.

Victor - Cancer

Attentive, good-natured and responsive, Victor-Cancer is always ready to listen and help, but he himself most often refuses help, even if he really needs it. And all for the reason that he fears betrayal and deception (let’s be honest, he doesn’t trust people at all). Moreover, in the role of an adviser, he realizes himself as a decisive and strong-willed person, whereas in real life Victor-Cancer is afraid to take responsibility for himself, trying to shift it onto the shoulders of another. He marries once and for all, but not every woman can tolerate his melancholy, vulnerability and suspiciousness.

Victor – Leo

Erudite, observant and energetic, Victor-Lev knows how to impress others. It seems that his positive attitude and faith in the future are transmitted through airborne droplets. In fact, this man struggles with his laziness every day, and he does not always manage to emerge victorious from this struggle. Victor-Lev is a leader and a perfectionist by nature, so if he takes on a task, he always brings it to the end. He loves a comfortable life and beautiful women, but after tying the knot, he will be devoted to his family and his woman. The authority in the family of this owner and jealous person is indisputable.

Victor – Virgo

Diligence, responsibility and workaholism distinguish Victor-Virgo, who is also endowed with a clear mind, logical thinking and the gift of persuasion, which helps him build a dizzying career. At the same time, he is calm, reasonable and unhurried: passions are not included in his plans for life, he gravitates towards stability. Friends appreciate and love Victor for his reliability, ability to support in difficult times and a wonderful sense of humor. Victor-Virgo attracts women with his thoroughness, care and attention. But such qualities of this man as pickiness, irritability and self-centeredness can become an obstacle to building a family life.

Victor – Libra

Polite, courteous, reserved and taciturn, Victor-Libra is proud and filled with self-esteem. It is extremely important for him to live in harmony with himself and others. When this does not happen, he becomes irritable and nervous. In addition, Victor-Libra is vulnerable and subject to frequent mood swings; he rarely expresses a categorical opinion, because he does not want to come into conflict with public opinion. This is a diplomat who does not strive for leadership either at work or in family life. He needs an easy-going, cheerful, active and cheerful companion who can take on the role of head of the family.

Victor – Scorpio

Victor-Scorpio's arrogance, inability to forgive, selfishness and secrecy push people away from him. However, his coldness and external calm are deceptive. In fact, this man has a hard time experiencing his loneliness, therefore, in order not to get bored, he creates problems for himself, which he subsequently heroically overcomes. He is vindictive and vindictive, categorical and demanding of others, although he does not make high demands on himself. For all his shortcomings and characteristics, Victor-Scorpio is a reliable and devoted husband, a loving but strict father. He always puts family first.

Victor – Sagittarius

Romantic, dreamy and sincere, Victor-Sagittarius is never a hypocrite and always speaks the truth to his face, for which many consider him arrogant and tactless. In fact, he is an open and responsive person who tries to make the world cleaner and brighter. This man never judges people, but tries to accept them as they are. Life for Victor the Sagittarius is a big gamble, full of adventures. His chosen one must share his views on the world, be able to enjoy life and accept it in all its manifestations. But one should take into account the fact that this man is not constancy on the love front, and neither starting a family nor having children will change the situation.

Victor – Capricorn

This is a timid, shy and secretive man, hiding a vulnerable and soft heart behind a strong character and coldness. He is afraid of deception and betrayal, so he prefers loneliness. He builds an impregnable wall around himself, although in his soul he longs to find many true friends. Victor-Capricorn may seem rude and harsh, but it is precisely behind these manifestations of his character that he hides his self-doubt. This man is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of his family. When choosing a life partner, he pays attention primarily to the woman’s docile and gentle character, and not to her external data. He treats his wife with care and tenderness.

Victor – Aquarius

The friendly and sociable rebel and adventurer Victor-Aquarius does not know how and does not want to live by the rules. He believes that a person must learn everything in this life, the whims and trials of which must be treated with humor (which is what Victor does). However, such a life position leads to the fact that his interests and goals are fleeting, while knowledge and judgment are superficial. This independent man with women becomes shy and lacks initiative. Victor-Aquarius is rarely a faithful husband, because he is unable to part with his love of freedom, even when married. But he will not limit the freedom of his chosen one.

Victor - Pisces

This is a kind and fair person, an intellectual interlocutor and a loyal friend, who does not need much to be happy: bread, circuses and the opportunity to dream. Victor-Pisces is endowed with a vivid imagination, so sometimes it is quite difficult for him to come to terms with the surrounding reality and the imperfections of the world in which he lives. Relationships with women for this man are not always easy, since he does not like to talk a lot, and women, as you know, love with their ears. In addition, Victor-Pisces is an idealist who is looking for a woman who is ideal in all respects. Overall, he is a great family man who cares about his family and the favorable weather in his home.

Compatibility of the name Victor with female names

Victor and Olga

This is a surprisingly tender and romantic relationship in which Olga ceases to be strong and tough, but becomes soft and flexible, sensual and caring. And this is the merit of the attentive and sensitive Victor, who is ready to do anything for the sake of his family.

Victor and Anna

In this interesting creative union, both partners are looking for self-realization and recognition. Victor and Anna are doing everything possible and impossible to diversify not only their lives, but also the lives of those around them.

It is important not to forget that the interests of the family should always come first.

Victor and Elena

Victor and Vera

Charming, fragile, but at the same time hidden Vera is in no hurry to fully open her soul to Victor, which worries him very much. He wants to protect his chosen one from all the troubles in the world, but the strong-willed and independent Vera is not ready to completely surrender to the power of her man, which is why serious disagreements can arise in the couple.

Victor and Yana

From the first meeting, the witty and cheerful Yana charms the practical and thorough Victor, but over time both realize that their views regarding the family differ. A man wants stability and peace, while a woman is not ready to give up her independence.

Victor and Daria

The basis of this union is love. Victor and Dasha live with each other and for each other. They cherish their feelings, which neither material difficulties, nor everyday problems, nor rare quarrels can overshadow.

Victor and Alena

The relationship of this couple is interesting and creative. Victor and Alena understand each other without further ado. These are philosophers and adventurers who create their own world of harmony, trust and peace, into which they rarely let even the closest people in, they feel so good together.

Victor and Veronica

The family life of Victor and Veronica is prosperous and stable. Partners have similar characters and temperaments, which helps them solve any problems with ease. At the same time, the love of freedom of both does not prevent them from building strong relationships.

Victor and Valeria

The impulsive and eccentric Valeria will not let the calm Victor get bored, which will generally have a positive effect on the relationship. But Lera’s excessive activity may over time become an obstacle to building the family model that Victor dreams of. Only the desire and ability to compromise will save this relationship.

Victor and Larisa

Larisa is used to being the center of attention. She devotes a lot of time to her self-development, because she should be admired. But Victor is a workaholic and a pragmatist who wants to see at home not a brilliant star, but a gentle and caring woman preparing a delicious dinner. If Larisa is ready for such transformations, then everything will work out.

Victor and Angelica

In this union, partners strive for the same goals. For them, family is the basis of life, so they direct all their efforts to its development. But the relationship between Victor and Angelica cannot be called ideal, which is due to the woman’s ambition and the man’s love of freedom.

Victor and Evgenia

This is a rather complicated union, since Evgenia puts her career, rather than her family, in the first place, which does not suit Victor, who dreams of a cozy home full of children. Frequent conflicts on this basis will sooner or later lead to the couple breaking up.

Name Victor of Latin origin, derived from the word of the same name, which translated means to win. The name became popular during the formation of Christianity. In those days, it meant the victory of the bright Higher Powers over evil devilish entities.

Now the name Victor is not very common, but in the mid-20th century it rose to high positions and enjoyed success until the 70s. However, gradually the downward trend in popularity took over.

Like many other names of Latin origin, Victor with the baptism of Rus was approved and canonized by the Orthodox Church, which venerates many saints with this name.

Victor - character traits

Victor grows up as a responsive and trusting child. He is attracted to adventure games, books and activities. Dangerous adventures inspire him. He loves to go to the forest, hike, play Indians and pirates. Victor is too impressionable. Having learned about the deception of friends, he is very upset, but, as a rule, he quickly forgets the grievances and again treats others with confidence.

Having matured, the owner of a “victorious” name looks at the world around him with more realistic eyes, but the craving for adventurism and everything new will remain with him until old age. Victor is a purposeful person, but before going to the goal, he thinks through a win-win plan.

Victor is a typical workaholic. Such qualities as patience and the desire to carry out his plans to the end deserve praise, so he can easily cope with even the most painstaking work that requires constant concentration. The melody of the name is such that its bearer will find application in various areas of professional activity. He does not strive for leadership, he is not characterized by sharp turns of mood; Victor is usually a calm and balanced person.

A characteristic disadvantage of Victor is his penchant for gambling and frequent consumption of alcohol (in particular, “winter” Victors). In addition, he becomes irritable if something does not go well in life. Negativity can be avoided if a man shares his experiences with his family, but the problem is that Victor is secretive and keeps everything to himself.

Victor – name compatibility

A ladies' man will rarely pass up an opportunity for an affair. And the point is not that Victor likes to “collect” girls - he is simply looking for an ideal created in his mind. If you try to force him to marry you, he will go to great lengths and begin to almost openly cheat on “his” woman.

Victor will not allow himself to be put under pressure, but if a man truly falls in love, he will completely open up to the lady of his heart, adore her and pamper her in every possible way. He is also kind to children. Victor is a strict but fair father, and family, in his understanding, is sacred. He likes to eat a hearty meal and, in privacy, sit comfortably on the sofa after work.

To create an ideal marriage, Victor should pay attention to Galina, Dina, Zoya, Larisa, Lydia, Lyudmila, Nina, Polina and Tatyana.
Antonina, Victoria, Elena, Ekaterina, Irina and Yana are absolutely not suitable in temperament.

Famous people named Victor

V. Hugo - French writer, V. Damascus - holy martyr who lived in the 2nd century, V. Dragunsky - writer, V. Vasnetsov - artist, V. Nekrasov, V. Goldschmidh - scientist, V. Tsoi, V. Maigurov - biathlete , V. Hess - an outstanding physicist, V. Fleming - an American film director, V. Sukhorukov - an actor, V. Astafiev - a writer, V. Shtrigel (1514-1569) - a Protestant theologian.

Victor – interesting facts

- astrological sign - Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo;
- celestial body - Uranus;
— colors – green, yellow, blue;
- treasured plant - carnation, birch;
- animal - horse, cricket;
- a mineral that brings good luck - selenite, agate, carnelian;
- St. patrons - Victor Rimsky (name day April 2), V. Nicomedia (May 1), V. Damascus (November 24).


Chinchila 04/14/2016

I completely agree with the statement that Victors are incorrigible workaholics! Victor cannot live without work at all! If you put them before a choice - a strong family or a job, in my opinion, they will choose the job. Without it they will not be able to feel happy.

Tina 04/14/2016

What I really like about Victors is that they will not be angry with you for a long time and will not put you on the “black list”. In general, Victors forget insults very quickly, and in my opinion, they don’t even draw conclusions about what’s bad. They are trusting and believe in people's good intentions.

Valentina 04/14/2016

The Victors are nice people. Our neighbor is Victor. I have never met such caring fathers; all the women in our neighborhood constantly set him up as an example to their husbands! I have not been noticed to abuse alcohol; it probably does not suit everyone.

Meaning and origin: winner (Latin).

Energy and Karma:

The energy of the name Victor has significant impulsiveness and impetuosity; in the music of this word one can feel the ability to quickly ignite with any ideas, without much fear of the upcoming difficulties and consequences.

But at the same time, there is also a sense of readiness to stop at the right moment. In fact, this may push Victor to take ill-considered steps, perhaps he will be tempted by overly risky but promising projects, however, having encountered a significant obstacle on the way, he is unlikely to try, as they say, to break through the wall with his forehead. In addition, Victor knows how to learn from his own mistakes and therefore, having suffered from his impulsiveness in his youth, he becomes more careful with age.

Secrets of communication:

In a conversation with Victor, it is advisable to speak as specifically and clearly as possible; long discussions about something most likely will not find a response from him. It is quite possible that behind his serious tone there may be a joke or even ridicule hidden, in this case, try to joke back too.

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  • Planet: Mercury.
  • Name colors: blue, dark grey.
  • Talisman stone: carnelian, agate.

Meaning of the name Victor option 2

1. Personality. Men who love their home and are attached to it.

2. Character. 95%.

3. Radiation. 97%.

4. Vibration. 95,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Green.

6. Main features. Sociability - efficiency - receptivity - intelligence.

7. Totem plant. Thistle.

8. Totem animal. Cricket.

9. Sign. Virgo.

10. Type. These men feel good only in their shell. All of them, like children, are afraid of difficulties. They are very attached to the hearth, just like their totem - the cricket...

11. Psyche. These are extroverts, receptive to everything external. Like children, trying to hide from danger in their family.

12. Will. They have a natural will that must be allowed to develop freely. These young people should not be given advice like: “I would if I were you...”

13. Excitability. Quite strong, they show ardor in both words and actions.

14. Reaction speed. They are very irritable, therefore capable of rash and unpleasant reactions. You need to stop them with a smile, making it clear that you do not take their momentary aggressiveness seriously.

15. Field of activity. Work is a drug for them. They are very enterprising, diligent, diligent, love classical sciences, and show an ability for languages. They can successfully teach at universities and be high-ranking officials.

16. Intuition. They have great intuition.

17. Intelligence. The Victors have a synthetic mindset; they do not like to delve into small details, leaving it to others to do. Intelligent, witty, sometimes ironic, but not malicious.

18. Receptivity. Very impressionable, sometimes even too impressionable. Very elegant, they love to use their charm. They have a certain femininity.

19. Morality. They want to be liked at any cost and easily ignore strict moral standards. Their promises are not worth a penny, since from words to deeds...

20. Health. Tend to be overweight. These are gourmets who are irritated by the very word “diet”. Predisposed to osteochondrosis.

21. Sexuality. Of all pleasures, delicious food is most valued; They also like to drink. Sexual life depends on feelings, they are faithful to home and family.

22. Activity. This is one of the main traits of their character.

23. Sociability. They are hospitable hosts and excellent cooks.

24. Conclusion. Victor is a calm man and a good father of the family.

Meaning of the name Victor option 3

The name comes from the Latin word "Victor" - winner.

You can teach the boy Vitya to play the violin or piano, but you are unlikely to be able to make a little Mozart out of him. He will invariably be attracted to books about spies and films about intelligence officers.

Victor is not a dreamer. He prefers something concrete, tangible. This is a gullible boy who unconditionally believes everything they say, but later, upon learning about the deception, he is extremely upset.

Fortunately, these boys are forgiving and quickly forget such incidents; gaining confidence in people again.

An adult Victor will feel great in a field of activity where there is no room for dreams and long thoughts. They make good electricians, many of them are football players, and the profession of a football coach is also suitable for them. If they have artistic talent, then it is best realized in graphics. They enjoy playing tennis and love driving.

They look for justice in everything and, if they witness the unseemly actions of loved ones, they will admonish them for a long time, appealing to conscience and prudence.

These men have a lot of things that can make a marriage with them strong and happy. They are thorough, unhurried, willing to do hard work, and have great patience. If Victor is a teacher or a doctor, this does not mean that the taps in the apartment will leak, he cares about the material well-being of the family; not stingy. He treats his wife’s commanding tone condescendingly, without making a problem out of it. The exception is “winter” Victors: they have a stubborn and tough character.

Because of a sense of duty, which he understands very strictly, he can live for a long time with an unloved person. If he gets divorced and remarries, he suffers from remorse almost all his life.

He brings up children in strictness: he can create a “daily routine” for them, schedule it by the hour and demand strict compliance. His pedantry often irritates his family, and the children, growing up, tend to live away from their father. Alcohol can bring trouble to a family - Victor loves to drink. And if “summer” Victors can be quite successfully cured of this addiction, then “winter” ones are very difficult to treat.

A happy marriage awaits Victor with Angela, Agnia, Aza, Alevtina, Alina, Berta, Borislava, Valentina, Venus, Vesta, Veta, Galina, Gella, Zoya, Inna, Claudia, Clara, Larisa, Lily, Lyubov, Maya, Maria, Nina, Oksana, Olga, Rimma, Roxana, Ella. You can hardly hope for happiness with Veronica, Evgenia, Danuta, Ekaterina, Lada, Zinaida, Yana, Tatyana.

"Ave, Victor!" - Long live the winner - the exclamation with which the Romans greeted their generals on the days of triumphs.

Meaning of the name Victor option 4

Victor - “winner” (lat.)

It should be protected from infectious diseases. He tends to be overweight, but he is such a gourmet that even the word “diet” irritates him. Subsequently, he is threatened with osteochondrosis. Very active and strives for fame.

Able to become serious and focused at the right moment. This person has a strong character, but is capable of suddenly relaxing and doing stupid things. Eloquent, attentive, unsafe for the weaker sex. He feels good only in his “shell”. All my life, like a child, I have been afraid of difficulties and various complications in my personal life. Very attached to home. An extrovert by nature, he is receptive and sensitive to both his own failures and those of others. He is defenseless and needs a sense of security in a strong, friendly family. Must develop freely, without parental pressure. You should not constantly patronize him and strongly give him advice; he will still do everything his own way.

Victor is so excitable that he shows his ardor at the most inopportune moment and, of course, ruins everything. In a state of passion, he is not responsible for his actions. In this case, it is best to turn everything into a joke and make it clear that his aggressiveness is feigned and does not suit him. He will quickly calm down, since he cares about his reputation.

Work for him is the meaning of life. He is enterprising, diligent, diligent, and gravitates towards the exact sciences. Capable of learning foreign languages. Can become a researcher, chief accountant, or high-ranking official. Possessing rich intuition, he uses it only in gambling and calls it luck or momentary luck. Has a synthetic mentality. Doesn't get bogged down in details, leaving the opportunity for colleagues to sort out the details.

Intelligent, intelligent, witty, often ironic, but without malice. Impressive, sometimes even too impressionable. Graceful, charming and takes advantage of it. He is characterized by a certain femininity, which parents should pay attention to in childhood. Wants to be liked at any cost, easily abandons strict moral standards. Unnecessary, his oaths are not worth a penny, and his promises are never fulfilled. But he remains faithful to the hearth and home. A woman should not trust him. Victor is moderately sexy, but when his feelings are touched, he can be an unsurpassed partner.

Activity is one of the main traits of his character. The owner is hospitable and also serves the table with his own dishes. He is a calm husband and a wonderful father. He drives the car quickly, he is a reckless driver, he is a virtuoso, he knows how to repair it himself, but he does not have enough time for this.

“Winter” Victor is artistic, stubborn, assertive, and fair.

“Autumn” - serious, curious, can become an investigator or journalist. The best combination of this name with patronymics: Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Mikhailovich, Dmitrievich, Stepanovich, Adamovich, Arsentievich.

“Summer” is a weak-willed person. Prone to alcoholism, easily susceptible to the influence of others.

“Spring” Victor is frivolous, unnecessary, hot-tempered, but kind and quickly calms down. Inclined towards pedagogy and leadership positions. The patronymics most favorable for such a child are: Arturovich, Olegovich, Miroslavovich, Yakovlevich, Bogdanovich, Tarasovich.

Meaning of the name Victor option 5

Even in childhood they try smoking and drinking. Spineless, especially summer Viti.

Winter ones are contradictory, capable of pulling themselves together. They drive well, love children and nature. They attract women with their complaisance.

Meaning of the name Victor option 6

Victor - from lat. winner.

Derivatives: Victorka, Tora, Vikta, Viktusya, Vitya, Vityulya, Vityunya, Vityusya, Vityukha, Vityusha, Vityanya, Vityasya, Vityakha, Vityasha, Vityosha, Visha, Vishuta, Vika.

Folk signs.


A persistent, very purposeful person who knows how to consider any problem from all sides before he undertakes to solve it. But if he takes it on, you can be sure that he will cope with it. Victor is fair, patient and punctual; He is a typical workaholic, it is not difficult to take advantage of this and, as they say, “sit on his neck.”

The interests of the family are sacred to Victor. An intelligent, strong woman binds him to her for a long time, but with an unloved wife, Victor is a typical womanizer. It is difficult to communicate with Victor when he falls into melancholy: he can be simply unbearable. But the difficult days pass, and he is “on horseback” again. His straightforwardness, decency and charm involuntarily force him to forgive everything.

Meaning of the name Victor option 7

VICTOR - winner (lat.).

Name day: February 13 - Holy martyr Victor the warrior, among others, suffered for the faith of Christ under the emperor Detius in 251 in Corinth. November 24 - The holy martyr Victor the warrior, after long torture for Christ, was beheaded in the 2nd century.

Seeing his suffering, the Holy Martyr Stefanida believed in Christ and suffered for him.

  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius.
  • Planet - Uranus.
  • Green color.
  • Auspicious tree - birch.
  • The treasured plant is the white carnation.
  • The patron of the name is the horse.
  • The talisman stone is selenite.


Victor seems to be born into the world already knowing exactly what he needs. He cannot be called fast-acting, but this is because he must certainly look at the problem from all sides before accepting it as his own and fighting for it in every possible way. Fair, patient and punctual; he is a typical workaholic.

As a rule, his workmates cleverly take advantage of this and sit on his neck.

The interests of the family are sacred to Victor. An intelligent, strong-character woman can twist ropes out of him, but with an unloved wife, he does not miss a single skirt.

Like any other person, Victor can get tired. In this state he is especially unbearable. However, his straightforwardness, decency and all-crushing charm involuntarily force him to forgive everything.

Meaning of the name Victor option 8

Kind and unforgiving. Very trusting, in childhood and adolescence he is easy to deceive. The adult Victor draws conclusions from such lessons, becomes more careful, and yet does not completely get rid of gullibility. At first he believes everything that is said, but then, after reflection, he figures out where the truth is and where the catch is.

During my school years I am a little lazy, but this goes away with age. Adult Victor is a normal worker who takes responsibility for his assigned work. He can be an excellent football player, a team captain. Can work as an electrician of the highest category. The choice of profession for him is unlimited, in each he can succeed significantly.

Victor's problem is a predisposition to alcohol. Moreover, the “winter” one can pull himself together and get rid of this vice, but the “summer” one is weak-willed and cannot be treated.
