What is an adverb in Russian. Adverb Adverb as a part of speech morphological features

Adverb– an independent part of speech that denotes a sign of an action, object or other sign and answers questions How? How? Where? Where? When? How many? Why? For what? In a sentence it is most often used as a circumstance, less often as a definition.

To identify an adverb in a text, you need to ask a question about it:

Boy (how?) attentively I read the rule. We decided to go for a walk (when?) during the day. In mathematics lessons he (how long?) a lot of found out.

How to distinguish an adverb from other parts of speech?

Most often, adverbs are confused with nouns, adjectives, numerals, words of the state category and auxiliary parts of speech:

  • Adverbs differ from prepositional nouns in that they do not have an ending and cannot be changed by gender, number or case.

    Examples: the hat slipped off on the side(adverb) – he fell on the side, lie on left side(noun with preposition); make a step towards(adverb) – to be late on important meeting, at the meeting it was interesting (noun with preposition).

  • Words of the state category differ from adverbs in that they denote the state of a living being or nature, and are also used in impersonal sentences (sentences without a subject) as a compound nominal predicate.

    Examples: the boy was Badly(state category word) – girl Badly writes (adverb); children funny(state category word) – we funny spent time (adverb).

  • Unlike adjectives, pronouns and numerals, an adverb has no qualifiers and does not agree with other parts of speech.

    Examples: assemble the table manually(adverb) – put meat by hand meat grinder (adjective); cut the pie three times(adverb) – leave for three days (numeral).

  • Unlike auxiliary parts of speech, an adverb has the lexical meaning of a feature, answers questions and plays a specific role in a sentence.

    Examples: the bullet flew by by(adverb) – I passed by at home (preposition); he has eaten and wants more(adverb) - he did everything a long time ago, more yesterday (particle).

In addition, an adverb in sentences and phrases can be replaced with another adverb:

easy to find - easy to find, waste of time - waste of time.

How to find an adverb in a sentence?

  1. There are different types of adverbs. They can provide additional information about the image and nature of the action (talk - how? - loudly). They distinguish adverbs of measure and degree (beautiful - how much? to what extent? - very, incredible), place (sit - where? - nearby), time (came - when? - recently), reason (lied - why? - on purpose), goals (to deceive - why? - out of spite).
  2. In the vast majority of cases, adverbs do not change by number, gender, case, etc. Since this is an unchangeable part of speech, adverbs do not have endings. Only those adverbs that are formed from qualitative adjectives can have different comparative forms. For example, “fast”, “faster”, “fastest”. Simple form, comparative form, superlative form.
  3. As a rule, in proposal adverbs play the role of circumstances, so they must be emphasized with a dotted line with a dot. Depending on the specific type of adverb, they are adverbs of place, time, manner of action, etc.

    So, to find an adverb in proposal, you need to ask a question for each word. Adverbs are determined by questions characteristic of this part of speech: how? Where? When? how? how much? and so on.

    If in doubt, try to determine the adverb by elimination. “Try on” the form of a noun for the word, try to decline it by case. Then suppose that you have an adjective, a verb. Adverb will not meet all the morphological characteristics of these parts of speech. At the same time, the adverb independently carries a semantic load, answers the question and is a full member of the sentence, so it is difficult to confuse it with any auxiliary part of speech.

1. Adverb- an independent part of speech that denotes signs of actions, signs of signs and answers questions How? Where? When? Where? Why? For what? in what degree?

Basic features of adverbs

A) General grammatical meaning Examples
This is the value of the action attribute or attribute attribute.
  • If an adverb is attached to a verb, it denotes an action.
  • Laugh cheerfully, run fast, talk loudly, do things in the heat of the moment, do things out of spite.
  • If an adverb is attached to an adjective or other adverb, then it denotes a characteristic attribute.
  • Too fast, too fast.
    B) Morphological characteristics
    Adverbs have no gender, number, case, are not inflected or conjugated.
    B) Syntactic features Examples
    In a sentence, adverbs are usually adverbs. The moon brightly illuminated the entire valley.
    Adverbs usually depend on verbs, adjectives and other adverbs, forming phrases with them. Approach from the right, very cheerful, very cheerful.

    Note. In a number of manuals, along with adverbs, state words are highlighted. They are similar in form to adverbs and answer similar questions. But, unlike adverbs, in a sentence they do not depend on other words and are always predicates in an impersonal sentence (cf.: In my heart funny; At night light ). In this manual, state words are included in the category of adverbs.

    2. Classes of adverbs by meaning:

    Adverb meanings Questions Examples
    1 course of action How? how? Fun, loud, friendly, friendly, whispering, together.
    2 measures and degrees in what degree? how much? Very, slightly, too much, completely, completely, twice as much.
    3 places Where? Where? where? Far, to the left, from above, into the distance, back.
    4 time When? since when? How long? how long? For a long time, always, in the spring, at night, late, already, at first.
    5 causes Why? from what? In the heat of the moment, blindly, involuntarily.
    6 goals For what? For what? On purpose, out of spite, for laughter.

    3. Degrees of comparison can have adverbs starting with -о (-е), formed from qualitative adjectives:

    Wed: cheerful → fun; loud → loud ; fast → quickly .

    A) comparative May be:

      simple(formed using the suffixes -ee (-ee), -e, -she);

      More fun, more fun, more fun, louder, louder, farther, farther.

      complex(formed by particles more and less);

      More fun, less loud.

    b) superlative Usually it is complex and consists of two words - the comparative form of the adverb and the word all.

    The most fun of all, the loudest of all.


    1) Qualitative adverbs in -о (-е) coincide in form with the neuter forms of short adjectives.

    Wed: The sea is calm(adjective) - He calmly left(adverb); The sea is calm(adverb).

    In order to distinguish between these forms, it should be remembered that short adjectives are usually the predicate in a two-part sentence; adverbs - an adverb or predicate in an impersonal one-part sentence.

    2) The simple comparative degree of adjectives is the same as the simple comparative degree of adverbs. In order to distinguish between these forms, you should replace the simple form of the comparative degree with a complex form (they are not the same for adjectives and adverbs) or replace the comparative degree with a positive one.

    Wed: He's calmer than me(adjective - he is calmer than me; he's calm) - Speak more calmly(adverb - speak more calmly; speak calmly).

    4. Morphological analysis of adverbs:

    Adverb parsing plan

    I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
    II Initial form (unchangeable word; positive degree form - for qualitative adverbs). Morphological characteristics:
    A Constant morphological characteristics:
    1 immutability;
    2 rank by value;
    3 for qualitative adverbs - mark if used in comparative or superlative degree.
    III Role in sentence(which part of the sentence is the adverb in this sentence).

    Examples of adverb parsing

    Trofimov stepped forward and stood at attention(Ketlinskaya).

    (stepped) forward

    1. Adverb; denotes an action sign and a sign sign, answers a question (stepped) Where?
    2. N. f. - forward. Morphological features: unchangeable word; rank is an adverb of place.
    3. In a sentence there is a circumstance of place.

    (Frozen) at attention

    1. Adverb; denotes a sign of an action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (frozen) How?
    2. N. f. - at attention
    3. In a sentence - a circumstance of the course of action.

    It got completely dark(Chakovsky).

    (It became) dark

    1. Adverb; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (became) How?
    2. N. f. - dark. Morphological features: unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action.
    3. In a sentence - the nominal part of the predicate in an impersonal one-part sentence.

    At all (dark)

    1. Adverb; denotes an action sign and a sign sign, answers a question (dark) in what degree? how much?
    2. N. f. - at all. Morphological features: unchangeable word; rank is an adverb of measure and degree.

    The sun warms the barns and courtyards more tenderly in the calm(Bunin).

    More affectionately (warms)

    1. Adverb; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (warms) How?
    2. N. f. - kindly. Morphological features: unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; used in the simple comparative degree.
    3. In a sentence - a circumstance of measure and degree.

    Exercise for the topic “3.5.1. The concept of an adverb. Morphological features of adverbs. Adverb categories. Morphological analysis of adverbs"

    The book presents in a concise and accessible form the necessary reference material for all types of analysis in Russian language lessons for the primary school course, and presents many diagrams and examples of grammatical analysis.

    Our speech is rich and diverse. One of its parts is an adverb. What are the morphological features of this part of speech? And what questions does the adverb answer? This will be discussed in our article.

    Adverb as part of speech

    First of all, you need to find out what an adverb is as a part of speech? This is a very important aspect. It will help us clearly identify the questions that adverbs in sentences answer.

    So, an adverb is a part of speech that expresses signs of an action (most often) or signs of other signs. It should be noted that this part of speech is independent and unchangeable, regardless of the position it occupies in a particular sentence. As a rule, adverbs in sentences are tied to the corresponding verb, less often to a gerund.

    The term itself has Latin roots and was formed through linguistic tracing. In Latin, the word “adverb” sounds like “adverbium” (“ad” - to, on; “verbum” - speech, language).

    Adverbialization is the mechanism for forming adverbs from words belonging to other parts of speech. Thus, adverbs can be formed from individual forms of adjectives, nouns, verbs, as well as some other types of word forms. Thus, through adverbialization, a word qualitatively changes its grammatical meaning.

    What questions does the adverb answer?

    There are quite a lot of adverbs in Russian speech. Let's list what questions the adverb answers:

    • How? How?
    • Where? Where?
    • How much?
    • How long? When?
    • Why?
    • For what? For what?

    These are the most common groups of questions. Let's look at them in more detail, using specific examples of words.

    So, depending on what question the adverb answers, several groups of them are distinguished. This:

    1. Adverbs of method or manner of action (quietly, sadly, amicably, etc.).
    2. Adverbs of place (close, below, to the right).
    3. Adverbs of degree and measure (little, too much, three times).
    4. Adverbs of time (already, recently, constantly).
    5. Adverbs of reason (rashly, stupidly, involuntarily).
    6. Adverbs of purpose (out of spite, on purpose).

    It is very easy to determine which question is answered by an adverb from a particular group. Thus, the adverb of place answers the questions “where?”, “from where?”, the adverb of reason answers the questions “why?”, “why?” and so on.

    In addition, according to the algorithm of their formation, adverbs can be prefixed, suffixal, or prefixed-suffixal.

    Basic features of adverbs

    An adverb is a part of speech that is constant in a sentence. They cannot be declined or conjugated, they have no genders or numbers. Also, adverbs have no endings. Some adverbs (namely those that were formed on the basis of adjectives) can have degrees of comparison, in particular comparative and superlative (for example: strongly - stronger - more strongly - stronger than all).

    If we talk about the syntactic features of adverbs, then in sentences they are, as a rule, tied to verbs or adjectives (less often to other adverbs), with which they form phrases. In the structure of a sentence, an adverb in most cases acts as an adverb.

    It is worth noting that in a text it is often very difficult to distinguish an adverb from a preposition (or from a particle). The reason for this lies in the fact that the latter are very often formed from adverbs. Here you need to carefully analyze the specific proposal. Compare, for example, two sentences:

    1. Our bright future is ahead! (In this case, the word “ahead” is an adverb answering the question “where?”).
    2. Run ahead of the locomotive (here the word “ahead” is a common preposition).

    In addition, quite often the adverb is confused with a neuter adjective. To solve this problem, the problem word should be put in the plural. If this works, it means that the word is an adjective; if not, it is an adverb. For example:

    1. This artist's painting is amazing! (This artist draws amazingly).
    2. The paintings of these artists are amazing! (These artists draw amazingly).

    Thus, in the first case the word “delightful” is an adjective, and in the second it is an adverb.


    So, an adverb is one of the independent parts of speech, which has its own morphological and syntactic features. From our article you learned about the main types of this part of speech, as well as what questions the adverb answers.

    For interpersonal communication, various parts of speech are used when people talk. The most significant of them is adverb. It endows a specific action with a specific attribute, or a certain attribute with a specific attribute. An adverb can be attached to almost all parts of speech. It all depends on the part of speech that is in conjunction with the adverb; it has different designations:

    1. If an adverb is attached to a verb (gerund), it denotes a sign of a certain action (for example, to cook deliciously is attached to the verb, someone who cooks deliciously is attached to the gerund);

    2. If an adverb is attached directly to a noun, then in this case it denotes a characteristic of a specific object (for example, far from the stop);

    3. If an adverb is attached to an adjective, another adverb or a participle, then it denotes a feature of the attribute (for example, very boring - to an adjective, extremely long - to an adverb, deliciously baked - to a participle).

    What questions does the adverb answer?

    I would like to note the fact that adverbs belong to the indeclinable part of speech. In sentences, as a rule, adverbs serve the function of adverbs. Adverbs in the Russian language can answer many questions, depending on this they are also divided into groups:

    1. Adverbs of place - answer questions - “Where from?”, “Where to?”, “Where?” (there, near, from far);

    2. Adverbs of time - “How long?”, “When?”, “Until when?”, “Since when?” (Very long, yesterday, today, until tomorrow);

    3. Adverbs of purpose answer the question “Why?” (specially);

    4. Adverbs of manner can be defined by asking the question “How?” or how?" (slow, bad);

    5. Adverbs answering the questions “At what time?”, “To what extent?”, “How much?”, “How much?”, “To what extent?” are adverbs of measure and degree (very piercingly, a lot, for a long time);

    6. Adverbs of reason answer the question “Why?” (involuntarily).

    Morphological analysis of the adverb. Example.

    For a more detailed study of the adverb, there is such a concept as morphological analysis. It is used to highlight two constant characteristics, since the adverb does not have non-constant ones. Below is a parsing diagram with an example of the word “Low”:

    1. Part of speech – Low – is an adverb because it denotes a sign of a certain action.

    2. Morphological characteristics:
    rank by value – definitive;
    if there is, then the degree of comparison is lower;
    unchangeable word - the word is unchanged.

    3. Syntactic function - The switch in the apartment was so low that Alexey had to bend down to turn on the light. The adverb "low" is an adverb that describes a manner of action.

    Adverb suffixes.

    In order not to make mistakes in the spelling of adverbs, you must remember that:

    Adverbs with the prefixes –do, -s, -iz will have the suffix –a (again, long ago);
    Adverbs beginning with the prefixes – in, - on, - for – have the suffix – o (to the left, to the right).

    A characteristic feature of all adverbs is their immutability: this part of speech does not change by gender, number and case. For this reason, in most cases they have constant morphological characteristics, but in some cases they also have inconsistent characteristics. This article describes in detail all the morphological features of the adverb with examples.

    What are the morphological features of adverbs?

    - an independent unchangeable part of speech that answers questions How? Where? Where? When? Why? For what? How many? and denotes a sign of an action, object or other sign. In Russian there are permanent And fickle morphological features of adverbs.

    Adverbs are not conjugated or inflected (they do not change in number, gender or case), therefore, for the most part, they have only constant grammatical features. A non-constant feature (degree of comparison) is isolated during morphological analysis only in attributive qualitative adverbs.

    Constant and inconstant signs of adverbs

    Morphological characteristics


    Constant signs of an adverb

    Rank by value

    - quality ( How?)

    - causes ( Why?)

    point to a sign without naming it

    come from there, somehow cope with, once relax

    Inconstant signs of an adverb

    Degree of comparison of adverbs (only for attributive qualitative adverbs)

    low - below;

    finely - finer;

    louder - louder

    low - lowest;

    finely - the most finely;

    loud - loudest

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