Drawn posters for April 1st. Material for a wall newspaper dedicated to April Fool's Day

Galina Udovenko

1 April - April Fool's Day,humor, fun, dancing. songs. On this day it is forbidden to be sad. But this holiday and funny clowns, And wall newspaper.

So the guys and I decided to release our wall newspaper, congratulate moms and dads on a holiday of humor.

We also made funny clowns during the lesson on appliqué from geometric shapes.

Here they are for us.

We decided to make the costume of the main clown Tepa from colored palms. The children received an assignment to house:outline and together cut out palms with parents. But what is the secret for? And whoever didn’t bring it completed the task in the group. The guys puffed and snorted. In the middle group, it is still difficult for them to cut out such complex curves. The teacher will always come to the rescue. That's why I came.

They decided to make the clown's hair from a dishwashing sponge. They were able to cut colored pieces. The result is on the head!

We had fun making balls from strips of corrugated paper. And they worked in pairs amicably, without quarreling. On one side of the strip the corners were rounded, and on the other they were tied with ribbon for balls. And they rounded it up.

And how friendly the guys worked in pairs! I always want to see them so friendly and responsive. hardworking.

Bant Tepe was made from corrugated colored paper. The strips were rolled into tubes using pencils.

There was a place for every hand. The guys were proud of their work.

Wall newspaper hung in the locker room on the eve of entertainment at 1 April. With delight, the children told their parents about the newspaper and about Tepa. And Tyopa was not slow in coming to us holiday.

Publications on the topic:

Children along with their teachers in this wall newspaper are presented in the form of some animal or insect. Each child chose for himself.

A surprise awaited the children from the very morning! The teacher looked unusual and cheerful. This is how they learned that today is April 1st, a holiday of jokes! Kids.

Photo report “April 1st – Day of Humor and Laughter.” In kindergarten “Solnyshko” on April 1, according to the good old tradition, in older groups.

April is here! And with it comes a cheerful and joyful holiday - FOLKS' DAY! We decided to please our kids and made a fun one for them.

While I was putting the kids to bed, I drew a few smiley faces, and the staff helped me cut them out. They were attached to the walls of the music room.

Scenario for the holiday of humor and laughter “April 1st” 1 Presenter. Guys! Do you know what day it is today? If you don't know, then listen. Laughter and fun are inseparable from human nature. Counts,.

Holiday of Humor and Laughter - fun and joy for everyone! Holiday of Humor and Laughter - fun and joy for everyone! The motto of our joyful holiday is: “He who jokes and laughs a lot has a healthier heart!”

Nesterova Elena Vladimirovna

We decided to congratulate our parents "With day laughter» :

Let's make wall newspaper! It will be big, beautiful and bright! Parents' mood will definitely improve!

So, who is the main funny guy? Of course - a CLOWN!

It’s decided, we found the brightest picture with a cheerful clown.

The kid sighed and said:

A handsome clown, but where are his hands?

And we fixed it with him This: traced the palms on colored paper and cut them out.

What about our empty-handed clown?

...And in the clown’s hands there appeared a lot of multi-colored balls made of colored paper, which the guys happily cut out and pasted together.

The girl looked at the clown sadly and said:

And I was at the circus with my parents, and there the clown was telling jokes all the time, but here he is silent!

... This is how jokes about children appeared on the balloons!

Read it, laugh:

Parents will love the jokes! They will laugh at the jokes and say that our children are not like that. They are obedient, neat and smart!

...We also remembered a song about smile:

Let the clown sing to her parents! And parents love poetry!

No sooner said than done!

Let's see, something is still missing to complete the picture! How else can you make your parents laugh?

And now the girl gives out speech:

And my mom always makes her friend laugh with emoticons! Well, he writes and draws a letter on his phone when he can’t talk, but he wants to laugh!

It turned out to be a conversation with a demonstration of pictures about "emoticons":

A smiley is an opportunity to convey a certain emotion in writing. Here is such a wonderful bun that can smile, laugh, tease (sticking out its tongue, be surprised, be sad and angry... and much more. But in April Fool's Day, guys, we, of course, will draw our smiley bun with only positive emotions and make our parents happy!

The children's imagination ran wild - a lot of smiley buns were baked! Without tidying everything up wall newspaper, they happily settled down in the clearing nearby.

We have one boy who always has his own opinion (and loves cars):

It's easy to draw a bun! Try the machine like I did!

... Thus, on a car drove into the wall newspaper full of smiles!

We have posted our colorful wall newspaper on"Creativity board", smiley little buns nearby on the grass are smiling! Beauty! No one will pass by, they will definitely admire and smile!

And then the boy, with a special opinion, reminded everyone that we know and really love to dramatize a Russian folk tale "Kolobok" and it would be nice to show it to your parents. And we sat down to come up with a script for the holiday « April Fool's Day» , because our children are talented and, of course, we won’t limit ourselves to just one production of a fairy tale) We must please the parents)

But that's a completely different story)

What is the history of one of the most fun holidays. Why exactly the first of April is a legitimate reason for jokes, laughter and drawings , not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

The holiday of April 1 is not included in any calendar of significant dates and national holidays, but it is celebrated with great success in Russia, Germany, France, and even in the East. Only the name differs: in some countries April 1 is called April Fool's Day, in others - April Fool's Day.

There are several versions of the birth of this fun holiday. Some believe that this is a reminder of the ancient spring festival, which was celebrated in April and was accompanied by games and jokes.

Others believe that the custom of making friends and acquaintances laugh was born in the Middle Ages.

It is not known for certain where this holiday came from. The custom of having fun, joking and deceiving each other on April 1 is common in many countries.

There are many different assumptions about the origin of this holiday, which, however, are similar in one thing: its roots go deep into the medieval European carnival and farce tradition. In general, this holiday is one of the most persistent elements of paganism remaining in the Christian consciousness.

Some argue that the Day of Jokes and Laughter was celebrated in ancient Rome. It was called the Feast of Fools. Others say that this celebration was celebrated in ancient India, where the Laziness of Jokes was also celebrated on March 31st. Still others believe that only the Irish joked on April 1 in the ancient world. Icelandic sagas confirm that the tradition of deceiving on April 1 was introduced by the gods in memory of Skadea, daughter of Thiass.

There is also such a strange opinion that this holiday appeared thanks to the Neapolitan king Monterey, who was presented with a fish as a gift on this day on the occasion of the cessation of the earthquake. A year later, the king demanded exactly the same fish, but they could not find it, and the royal cook prepared another one, very similar to last year. But the king revealed the forgery, but this did not anger him one bit, but only made him laugh heartily. And since then, apparently, the tradition of celebrating April 1 has become the custom of playing a prank on someone.

And those to whom the poor child came “remembered” that they had already given this instrument to Others, and sent it to the next yard, and so on until someone took pity on the baby and told him that it was a joke .

On April 1, you can hear the most incredible things and accept them as truth. So, many years ago, in the April Fool's issue of a newspaper, a note was published that a real baby mammoth had settled in the Moscow Zoo, which was found frozen in Chukotka, warmed up and sent to permanent residence in Moscow. They believed this joke, and one teacher even brought a group of schoolchildren from Siberia to admire this miracle. Another funny note appeared in 1990. Then the newspaper published “the most sensational research” proving that the poet A. Blok never actually existed. Almost all serious literary scholars believed this and entered into heated debates with the editors of the weekly.

April 1 Let's wish each other to laugh as often as possible, and on all other days too.

According to doctors, laughter has a beneficial effect on a person’s physical condition, relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, and prolongs life. Norwegian doctors believe that three minutes of laughter are equal to fifteen minutes of physical exercise. .

So have fun, just try not to offend other people with your jokes!

Since the 18th century, in almost all countries of the world, everyone has enjoyed making fun of their friends on April 1st.

Of course, you also like to play pranks on your parents, friends, and even teachers. Well, why not? The main thing is to remember that jokes should be kind - why put a person in an awkward position? There is a rule: the best joke is the joke at which the one who is being joked laughs the loudest.

How to celebrate April Fool's Day in Russia

In Russia, foreign courtiers celebrated April 1 with jokes. Peter I liked this custom. “The jokes amused the king a lot, and every year around this time he invented something similar,” wrote one of his contemporaries. In 1700, one owner of a troupe of fakirs announced to Muscovites that he would fit into the neck of an ordinary glass bottle. People poured into the theater. When the curtain rose, the audience saw a bottle on the stage with the inscription “April Fool’s Day”. Tsar Peter was also present at this performance, which amused him a lot and did not anger him at all. He only said about this: “The liberties of comedians.” Thus, the tradition of celebrating April 1 began to spread among Russians.


Australians are a cheerful people. And April 1st begins with the laughter of the kookaburra mockingbird. Having woken up, everyone immediately begins to play pranks on each other and give unusual funny gifts. You just need to have time to do all this before lunch, otherwise the joker himself will be considered not very smart.

Even newspapers, radio and television take part in the draws. Agree, fooling a friend or colleague is not too difficult, but playing a prank on the whole country is no joke!

One day, one of the main metropolitan newspapers published a “true” story that employees of Chinese restaurants delivering food carts around the halls would now have to obtain a special driver’s license. Restaurant owners grabbed their heads - they would have to pay for the training of their subordinates! And another newspaper reported that drought had forced many freshwater crocodiles into southern rivers. Of course, no one swam in the rivers that day...


In England, it is customary to play pranks on each other only until 12 noon. Standard April Fools' jokes are to say: “Your shoelace is untied”, change the clock, or something like that. In England, it is customary to send each other funny cards or souvenirs on April 1st.


Armenians, as you know, have always been famous for their sparkling humor. And for some time now in Armenia, April 1 is celebrated as the Day of Satire and Humor quite officially. They say that the reason for this was the vagaries of the spring weather - Armenians try to appease nature with jokes and practical jokes.


In Bulgaria, April Fool's Day is held in special esteem. Residents of this country are very fond of jokes and practical jokes. Children especially enjoy the holiday. Newspapers and radio are also happy to play tricks on the population, presenting simply stunning news!

There is a city called Gabrovo in Bulgaria. Residents of this city are famous for their unsurpassed sense of humor. There are constantly exhibitions of caricatures and humorous shows. The residents of Gabrov have a reputation for being terrible misers, and they make fun of themselves because of this.


“April Fool's fish” is what this international holiday is called in Italy. Italian jokes are completely harmless. On April 1, on the back of some Italian you can see a cute paper fish, carefully drawn and colored.

If it rains on April 1st, someone might throw confetti at your umbrella. Open your umbrella and there will be real fireworks! And one of the family members can easily set all the clocks in the house back an hour. For some reason, instead of sugar, salt appears in the sugar bowl, and sugar, out of nowhere, appears in the salt shaker!


In Romania, April Fool's Day is not an official holiday, but Romanians love this day very much and find a reason to make fun of someone. Romania in general is often called the country of laughter and humor, its inhabitants are so witty. They always have an anecdote, a joke or a funny story ready.

The main characters of jokes in Romania are Pecale and Tindale, who most often make fun of themselves. Pekale is small, cunning, but kind and honest. Tyndale is tall, rustic and roguish. Romanians' jokes are very kind and not at all offensive.

In America, April 1st is a very harmless joke. Something like this: “Oh, your shoelace is untied!” or “What are you wearing?” Schoolchildren tirelessly play pranks on each other, and the one who “gets caught” is called the April Fool.

But on TV on this day they may announce a list of the stupidest people, and usually the most famous people are included in it. But at the same time, the announcer must first warn that an April Fool's joke will now be made.


In Finland, April 1, as in other countries, is considered the Day of Jokes and Deceptions. And the Finns know how to joke! For example, for a long time, during major holidays, parents gave their children comic orders - they sent them to the neighbor’s yard to get something non-existent, for example, to get glass scissors.


In France, as in Italy, on April 1 you can meet people with paper fish on their backs. They are called "April fish". Everyone is trying to be vigilant, “not to remain a fish,” that is, a fool.

The French also joke like this: they add salt to their friends’ sugar bowls and put pepper in a sweet pie. They also like to give each other meaningless tasks, such as finding and bringing sweet vinegar.


In Scotland, April Fool's Day is celebrated not just for one day, but for two! The first day is called Cuckoo Day, and those who were deceived are called “Cuckoo Day.” The second day of the celebration is called Tail Day. The Scots are happy to place special rubber bags on each other, which, when pressed, make not entirely decent sounds.

Entries in school diaries

1.Dear parents! Give your son a haircut! I want to look into his eyes.

2. Feed your child better. Eating flowers in offices.

3. Spoke Russian.

4. I ate a cactus during biology class.

5.Kdodgedwithout swearing. Parents, take action!

6. Lying under the table in class!

7. I drank a liter of blood from the teacher during class.

8. Came to school wearing only shorts!

9. Hanged himself on the uneven bars without permission.

10. I didn’t get out of my briefcase throughout the lesson.

11. Forgot where he lives.

11. Snarled with the teacher.

13. Didn’t hand over money for breakfast to the class teacher.


Teacher: Tell me at least who the heroes of the play “At the Bottom” were?

Student: Really divers?

Teacher: Make a sentence with the word "iceberg"

Student: There lived a large iceberg in the forest.

Teacher: What is the purpose of fins in fish?

Student: The fins are designed to allow the fish to slow down.

Teacher: Birds have special glands that secrete a liquid that lubricates their feathers. Why is this necessary?

Student: So that the feathers do not creak.

Let's laugh
Good luck - let's smile,
And we'll meet failure
Without sorrow and without tears.
April Fool's Day is a good holiday.
Let sadness get bogged down in laughter,
And then we are omnipotent,
And this is serious.

April Fool's Day at school

1. Do not open your mouth wide.
2. Do not remove your hands from your stomach.
3. Keep piercing and cutting objects with the tip down.
4. Inspect everyday items before use.
5. And the main thing is to have fun, have fun and have fun again, as the great Lenin bequeathed!

1. When studying the ABCs of life, do not forget about the letter of the law.
2. Don't take life seriously - this is a temporary phenomenon.
3. Don't stand anywhere - you'll get hit again.
4. The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it.
5. Speak briefly, ask little, leave quickly.
6. If your wife is silent, then it is better not to interrupt her.
7. Don’t trust the traffic light - trust the traffic coming towards you.
8. Do to others what they are going to do to you: strike first.
9. Never respond to anonymous letters.
10. When you say what you mean, think what you say!
11. Even if you are eaten, you have 2 options.
12. Do not offend the weak if he is stronger than you.
13. Remember that willpower is not always equal to the square of your jaw.
14. Before you say something, think, and then remain silent.
15. Beware of non-drinkers! They never show their true colors.
16. Believe in luck, otherwise it won’t believe in you!
17. Take everything from life, but leave it for tomorrow!
18. Don’t drive the car faster than your guardian angel flies.
19. It’s better to have a tit in your fist: the crane may not fit.

1. I will walk your dog, car, apartment, dacha.
2. The company invites a chief accountant. The work schedule is in three years.
3. The dog is missing. @ Do not offer!
4. Notice on the door: Before you enter, think: are you needed here?
5. A farsighted man seeks a nearsighted woman to exchange points of view.
6. A megalomaniac bacteriologist will trade a microscope for a telescope.
7. The bankrupt is selling a wonderful collection of amulets that bring good luck. Expensive.
8. There will be no exams. All tickets have been sold.
9. I’ll rent an apartment. I guarantee order in the area. I'm changing the player to the winner.
10. The black diplomat got lost. The finder is asked to hand him over to the Nigerian embassy.
11. Driving school students require distracted pedestrians.
12. An aspirin tablet in full bloom is looking for a migraine to face off.
13. I am selling cheap subscriptions to the entire series of modernist music concerts. Great place: in the stalls, next to the exit.

Fun newspaper for teachers

On this day, you can hang a funny newspaper in the teachers’ room, where there will be sections: “Teachers joke” (favorite jokes, phrases, ironic statements, etc.), “Who said what” (“guess” by phrases), “Unexpected angle” (photos), “Anecdotes from life...”, “Bylinka”, “Fun tests”.

Who will this child be? (the code will accept)

We suggest starting this funny collection of signs, addressed primarily to parents and teachers, with a funny introduction. For example like this:

Our teachers, not to mention our parents, not without the help of our entire system of very secondary education, have been racking their brains since the first grade about who this very child will grow up to be. However, the ability for a particular profession is inherent in a young citizen from a young age. You just need to take a close look at him, and especially at his behavior! So, if the child:

He loves to cock, which means he can become the owner of a poultry farm;

Looks into everyone's mouth, he should be trained to be a dentist;

He squirms often, which means he can grow into a fisherman;

He grasps everything on the fly, he will most likely become a juggler or an interceptor pilot;

Walks on tiptoe in front of everyone, he should be sent to ballet school;

He works both at school and at home on a tree stump, which means he can become a lumberjack;

Swims in all exams, a career as a sea captain or swimmer awaits him;

If a child has wind in his head, he can become a hang glider, as well as a specialist in repairing ventilation equipment;

He constantly gives hints to others, which means he will become a prompter or assistant for a deputy;

He likes to give everyone heat, which means he will be a strict leader or a fireman in a boiler room;

He loves to make a scene for everyone, he is a future actor or deputy of the LDPR faction;

He likes to rub glasses on everyone, he will probably grow up to be an optometrist;

He looks at the book and sees nothing; in the future he should enter the Institute of Subtropical Crops;

Hovering in the clouds, it means it can become an important bird;

It's all down to earth, he is the future electrician of the DEZ (directorate for building maintenance);

He looks down on everyone, he will probably grow up to be a basketball player or a big boss;

He writes essays ridiculously poorly, which means he can try to become a humor writer.

Dream book for teachers

We offer the following option:

Gone are the days when dreams were treated as a type of superstition. The works of Z. Freud, C. Jung and other luminaries of the scientific world laid a solid foundation for the scientific approach to dreams and hallucinations. Today we introduce our readers to the latest achievements of the Laboratory named after. Morpheus at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Russian Federation, commissioned by our editors. It turned out that dreams are prophetic not only after rain on Thursday, not only on New Year's Eve, but also on the night of April 1st. So, if you dream:

Anchar- Mice and cockroaches will be poisoned at school. Afanasy Nikitin - you can be sent to all four directions. Baba Yaga - you can fly into the chimney.

Petrel- receive news about the next reorganization of the educational process.

Woland- you will be stuck in routine tasks all day.

Ghoul- management will suck all the juice out of you.

Hamlet- today you will be overcome by doubts.

Dante- to be examined by a dentist.

Bitter- to sweet dreams.

Gerasim- catch laryngitis.

Herzen- you will start ringing all the bells.

Gogol- you may be left with your nose.

Desdemona- Today you will be overwhelmed with joy from meeting your students.

Danko- give your heart to children.

Eugene Onegin- there is a danger of being the odd person out at work.

Call- to a possible change in life.

Dragon- Today you will have to “treat” the inspector.

The Golden Cockerel- fate will want to peck you in the crown.

Idiot- to meet an interesting person.

Ivan Susanin- fate can lead you to the “wrong steppe”.

Kabanikha- your colleagues may screw you over.

The Little Humpbacked Horse- Today at school you will “hunch your back” and work hard like a horse.

Princess Mary- a woman, an executive from the mayor's office, will visit the school.

Lomonosov- today fate may hit you on the nose.

Manilov- you will be enticed to work at a private lyceum.

Minin and Pozharsky- lessons may be canceled due to false calls about a fire and mining at the school.

Moidodyr- the director will give you a headache.

Mu Mu- a commission from the education service will “drown” you in class.

Nakhalenok- an inveterate loser will be able to “knock out” a C for himself.

Nozdryov- catch a runny nose in the school hallways.

Gadfly- pity for the unfortunate schoolchildren will blind you.

Othello- management will make an attempt to “keep you in a black body.”

Desk- today, both at home and at work, you will be “taught to live.”

Plyushkin- High-calorie buns will be delivered to the school cafeteria.

Pierre Bezukhov- there is a danger of not hearing the voice of reason.

Raskolnikov- colleagues will “split” you at the festive table.

Mermaid- you will “wag your tail” in front of your superiors.

Nightingale the Robber- your wallet can be “whistled”.

Troy- Today, expect only “satisfactory” answers from your students.

Fonvizin- another teenager will come to class.

Khlestakov- to rumors about an audit from the ministry.

Shchukar- you might get pinched.

Aesop- Today you should keep your mouth shut.

Educational horoscope for April

A pedagogical horoscope is prepared by high school students specifically for teachers. You can draw up a horoscope on a separate sheet of Whatman paper and hang it in the teacher’s room or broadcast it on the school radio during a big break.

Aries(March 21 - April 20). Aries will look at new methodological guidelines as if they were new gates. Fortunately, they will not look at their students as a herd of sheep, even if they are spoiled by one black sheep. And although sometimes the sky seems like a sheepskin to them, all the troubles cannot turn them into a ram’s horn.

Taurus(April 21 - May 20). We remind Taurus that only calf tenderness with students will not help you gain authority, because what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the Ox. Therefore, try to be affectionate only with your superiors and the head of the family, since the affectionate calf of two queens suckles.

Twins(May 21 - June 21). If Gemini begins to be torn between family and school, then they are in danger of having a split personality without doubling their cash. In April, love your neighbor, trying to stay away from him.

Cancer(June 22 - July 23). If Cancers continue to move backwards, fate may grab them by the throat with its claws. Therefore, Cancers will have to do everything not to blush with shame at their pedagogical failure. If necessary, curb your addiction to beer and lies, and then you may be rewarded with a trip to the Tropic of Cancer.

a lion(July 24 - August 23). African passions await Leo this month. Directors of educational institutions may imagine themselves as kings of beasts, so their subordinates will tremble before them, like sheep. The lion's share of success among ordinary teachers born under this sign, on the contrary, will depend on the ability to restrain their pride.

Virgo(August 24 - September 23). The feelings, actions and cherished thoughts of Virgos in April will be distinguished by virginal purity. This month they are recommended to engage only in their direct teaching responsibilities. Under no circumstances should you enter into left-wing connections, for example, left-wing parties, law enforcement agencies, etc.

Scales(September 24 - October 22). Your weight in the teaching staff, as well as in the class entrusted to you, will depend on your ability to correctly weigh your words and actions. Beware: in April you may be subject to additional extracurricular workloads.

Scorpion(October 23 - November 22). Scorpios risk finding themselves in a desert of misunderstanding. They will be stung not only by others like them, but also by the pangs of conscience. But don’t rush to quit teaching and go to work at a bank - there are plenty of Scorpios there.

Sagittarius(November 23 - December 22). In April, astrologers recommend that all teachers born under this sign direct the fire of their hearts to the most desperate shooters in their class. Unmarried and young teachers will hit the desired target if they shoot accurately with their eyes! Those who like smoking breaks should use fewer cigarettes.

Capricorn(December 23 - January 20). In the coming month, Capricorns are not recommended to rely on a cornucopia in their teaching activities. Fate may show a goat's face. However, if you skillfully use the capabilities of new Russian parents, then any scapegoat can be turned into a cash cow.

Aquarius(January 21 - February 19). Those born under the sign of Aquarius will be inclined to pour empty things into empty things at various meetings, which greatly risks tarnishing their reputation.

Fish(February 20 - March 20). Pisces will not fight like fish against ice this month. Although some people will have a worm of doubt about the correctness of their choice of profession, you should not rely on the help of a goldfish. Feel free to swim against the current and then, even if you go to the bottom, it will turn out to be golden!

Fun school dictionary

Subtraction- a mathematical operation performed with the pocket money of a student buying a bun at the school cafeteria.

Deuce- an ordinary story.

Additional classes- additional regiment.

Board- a traditional place in the classroom from where students share their knowledge with teachers and classmates.

Magazine- 1) a collective dossier compiled by teachers for students in each class; 2) the main recipient (see Grades).

Holidays- the best, but very short time in the life of students and teachers.

Classroom teacher- tiger tamer.

Ratings- paychecks (see Journal in 2 values).

Briefcase- the still living grandfather of modern student backpacks and cases.

Five- I remember a wonderful moment.

Urn- Your best friend. Spit on her!

Lessons- something that a student cooks every day but cannot eat.

Students in the cafeteria- fighters.

Gone for the chalk- missing person.

School- an institution where illiterate people are admitted.

Exam- a procedure of educational control, almost equally painful for both teachers and students.

April Fool's interview

This comic pseudo-interview can either be placed in an April Fool's wall newspaper, or broadcast on the radio during one of the breaks:

Our special correspondents interviewed educators at a number of high schools in the city, asking them the most pressing question: “How did you spend April Fools’ Day last year?” Today we introduce our readers (listeners) to the most interesting answers:

Geometry teacher. The whole day of the first of April turned out to be a continuous vicious circle for me. I couldn't find the corner!

Geography teacher. I dreamed of going on a trip around the world, but they sent me to all four directions...

School doctor. Instead of injections there were continuous jokes.

Mathematic teacher. He proved the theorem: if chickens are counted in the fall, then chicks are counted in the spring!

Physics teacher. On this day I was doing something serious - writing poetry! After all, on the first of April, even physicists become lyricists!

Chemistry teacher. He brought to light all those who like to use chemicals...

Physical education teacher. Together with the physicist, he achieved a culture of speech.

Foreign language teacher. During the day, together with the physical education teacher, I proved to someone that a long tongue will not only lead to Kyiv, but also to the police. In the evening I preferred veal tongues with horseradish.

Literature teacher. Instead of studying classics, he allowed the students to play hopscotch all day.

Labor teacher. I took students to the zoo to show how work turns a monkey into a man.

Drawing teacher. In the morning, students painted the walls of the corridor at school. In the afternoon I signed my fiancee's wedding. And in the evening some jokers tried to decorate my face.

Astronomy teacher. On this day, I managed to prove to my colleague that he was missing stars from the sky!

Singing teacher. I'm so impatient with singing lessons!

Voenruk. On this day, I only had three in formation.

A history teacher. And I wasn’t at school that day at all, because they had a medical history on me.

On this page you will find interesting jokes and competitions, as well as funny scenarios:
