Essay excursion and trip to the museum. Essay my impressions after visiting the Russian Museum (Essay on a free topic) Essay plan structure of impressions from visiting the museum

The other day I visited the Russian Museum in the city of St. Petersburg with friends. I am a student from out of town and have never visited such a big museum. While visiting the first halls, I saw ordinary paintings depicting people and nature, but over time I noticed that each painting has its own character. It was evident that each picture is different and carries some kind of individual harmony. A look at nature in everyday life and at life from pictures shows how deep the artists are in their worldview, they manage to see a lot in everyone. Although I am not an artist and some of the creations were not clear to me, I confess that in many paintings I found little things that at first glance are not even noticeable at first glance, it remains only to spend a lot of time in my own reasoning.

One has to think about how deeply thinking people artists are. As time passed, I saw other exhibits, not only paintings, these were tools that our ancestors used before, jewelry, painted figurines and teapots, crosses, carved objects from wood, all this was made of wood, porcelain, metal and glass. It is surprising how many events these exhibits have experienced and still live their museum life. Just think, it's all preserved to this day. Most of all, I liked the keys of strange shapes, there were in the form of a bird, a butterfly, keys with all sorts of patterns, because people knew how to make things in such a different period of technology development from us. Are you joining in 2019? Our team will help you save your time and nerves: we will select directions and universities (according to your preferences and recommendations of experts); we will issue applications (you will only have to sign); we will apply to Russian universities (online, by e-mail, by courier); we monitor competitive lists ( we automate the tracking and analysis of your positions); we will tell you when and where to submit the original (we will evaluate the chances and determine the best option). Entrust the routine to professionals - more details.

Of course, it is worth noting that the museum is mainly dominated by a large number of paintings.

I had to walk for several hours to look at at least one third of all the paintings. Many of the paintings were huge, which shocked me; I noticed such paintings already in the second half of the time I visited the museum. The pictures were in great accuracy, conveyed the fullness of their meaning. But when I saw Karl Bryullov's painting "The Last Day of Pompeii", I could not pass without stopping, its large scale, in my opinion, is most appropriate for describing that terrible event. I saw how accurately the faces of the inhabitants of the city in distress are displayed, this fear and horror were creatively displayed by the brushes. I was also told that the artist himself is in the picture, this is a self-portrait of the author of the picture. On the day when I visited the "Russian Museum", the concepts of people's life in that century before my birth were revealed to me. Such places introduce us to the history and culture of our ancestors, allow us to see with our own eyes a part of that life and feel it.

Useful material

My city is rich in its historical culture. It has a large number of monuments, memorials to the heroes of our country, Russia. There are architectural monuments - buildings where very famous people of the last century lived. I love my city and my country very much, and I am proud of my historical heritage.

One day, our class teacher decided to give us an excursion to our state museum of local lore, located in the very center of our city. My classmates and I thought it would be very boring, but when we got there, we were pleasantly surprised by how beautiful it was.

The guide was a young pretty woman with a beautiful voice. She told a lot of interesting events and facts from the past life of our ancestors.

The museum had several halls, each of which contained paintings, chairs, tables, clothes from different periods of time in our history. I really liked the ancient weapons and daggers, which were decorated with ancient stones. In the museum, all the exhibits are conveniently arranged, each has a name plate, and some even have their own history.

After the guide took us through all the halls and told us everything he wanted about the museum, we were allowed to wander around it on our own. I could very closely examine the ancient tools of labor, knightly armor, earthenware jugs, stuffed birds and animals. All these expositions seemed to be alive, it just seemed that time stood still a little.

A visit to the museum left an indelible pleasant impression on my past life in my head. This tour sparked my interest in history. For a while, I even wanted to become a historian or archaeologist.

Our world, in which we live now, which surrounds us, was created from the past and is closely connected with it. In order to understand the present, correct today's and prevent future mistakes of mankind, it is necessary to look into the past and then everything will fall into place.

Composition on the topic Excursion to the museum

Recently, the whole class of us went on an excursion to the ethnographic museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia. The museum is located in the open air, outside the city of Ulan-Ude, in Verkhnyaya Berezovka, and covers an area of ​​about forty hectares of land.

Our excursion coincided with the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of this museum, and we could not only observe, but also participate in festive performances. The artists performed in national costumes, everything was colorful and exciting.

I really enjoyed visiting this amazing museum. Firstly, it is located in nature, right in the forest, and the air here is clean and fresh, everything around is buried in greenery. On the territory of the museum there are many architectural complexes that reflect the life and way of life of various peoples of Transbaikalia. Here are collected old houses, churches, yurts, various outbuildings. You can go inside these rooms and see the ancient environment in which our ancestors lived. All these old houses and other buildings were brought here from all over Buryatia and restored. All architectural monuments are kept in perfect order, and it seems that people still live in them. The houses are very cozy and clean, and in one of the Old Believer houses, we were even treated to fresh, hot pies.

Also on the territory of this park-museum there is a zoo corner where various animals of Buryatia and other regions of the country are kept. All conditions have been created for animals, and the fact that the museum is located in the forest gives them the opportunity to feel like they are in the wild. Bears, wolves, camels, reindeer, tigers, and many other representatives of the animal world live here.

Walking through this museum is very interesting and informative. We not only looked at the unique creations of human hands, but also learned a lot about the life of different nationalities. We learned about the culture and traditions of Evenks, Buryats, Old Believers, got acquainted with their customs. We saw the national costumes of these peoples, household utensils, ancient agricultural tools.

A visit to this extraordinary open-air museum left an unforgettable impression, and I still want to return here, now with my parents, let them see such incredible beauty. It is good that in our country there are such ethnographic museums that store not only ancient monuments, but also pristine nature.

Option 3

Once, my mother decided to expand my and my father's horizons. She said that next weekend we will go to the museum. There are many museums in our glorious city, but this museum is unusual. It is located on board the S-56 submarine, which has frozen in an eternal parking lot, on the Ship Embankment of the city of Vladivostok.

Our mother is interested in everything that has to do with the glorious Russian fleet. And the history of the submarine fleet interests her the most. So we went to see the museum boat. It is very large, the upper part is painted gray to be invisible among the waves. Next comes the white stripe - it is called the "waterline". And the bottom part is painted green.

There is a red star on the wheelhouse and it is written in large letters "C-56". While we were walking to the boat, my mother said that she was reading a book written by the commander of this boat. Of course, we did not climb into the boat through the top hatch. An ordinary glass door was made, as in any museum. We bought tickets at the box office on the street, next to the boat.

When we went inside, we saw that everything was covered with carpets, so we were given special cloth slippers with drawstrings. They are worn over street shoes so as not to cause dirt. When we were all ready, the guide came - an officer in a naval uniform. Half of the boat is like an ordinary museum, the other half is made to look like a real boat.

Our guide began the story with the history of the creation of the submarine fleet in Russia. This was at the end of the 19th century. He told how the first submarines were delivered to Vladivostok by rail in disassembled form. They were assembled at a local shipyard.

Then he talked about the further development of the submarine fleet in Russia. It was so interesting. Mom did not take her eyes off the military at all. During the Great Patriotic War, submarines sank German submarines. In addition, they accompanied the ships of our allies, which came to Murmansk and Arkhangelsk with cargo.

On one of the walls hung a huge portrait of the legendary S-56 commander. The showcase displays the personal belongings of the commander, the ship's log. The guide told about the exploits of this boat, how much it sank Nazi ships. What trips did you participate in?

Then the most interesting began. We went down a narrow corridor. Behind the glass in a tiny radio room sat a radio operator in headphones. Of course not real. But it's made to look like it's alive. Next is the wardroom. There was an ordinary metal table bolted to the floor. On the wall is a portrait of Stalin and Lenin.

In the bow of the boat is a torpedo compartment. There were two torpedoes. Certainly not combat. Inside are empty, only the body from them. What a pity that it can not be touched!

We thanked the officer for a very informative tour, took off our slippers and went outside. Everyone was impressed by what they saw. Dad said it was a pity he didn't serve on a submarine.

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    IBDA 1 course ZR


    “How visiting the museum helped me in studying the course of the history of Russia”

    With classmates after couples, we decided to visit the Historical Museum, which is near Red Square. From the very beginning, the exposition of the museum attracts the attention of visitors. Residents and guests of the capital have the opportunity to see the genuine car of the leader of the world proletariat - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The black and long British car is really striking, not only in its size, but also in its design. After passing through the frames, you find yourself in a hall that looks more like a palace from the 17th century. The patterns are not very surprising, but they look decent. Further, going to the first museum hall, you can see the finds of antiquity. Various blades, piles of metal and stones may be of interest only to archaeologists, as well as several further halls. Exhibits of approximately similar content do not cause a desire to admire them for a long time. What is worth noting is antique jewelry. You are amazed at how well they have survived to this day. After boring antiquity, you plunge into the world of history, which is already more familiar and interesting to us. How the ancestors lived, and it does not matter 30 years or many centuries ago, should be of interest to any citizen and patriot. Various household items are already more similar to what many have read about in legends and fairy tales. I would like to highlight the exhibit that made a greater impression on me - this is the first set of laws in Rus', adopted by Yaroslav the Wise - "Russian Truth". Before that, I could not even imagine what he looked like. For me it was something like an epic phenomenon. But when you come across him in real life, I don’t know why, a picture of those years appears. The book smells of antiquity. It becomes even more terrible when you realize how important this step was for the Old Russian people. Further, everything goes towards modernity: icons, gates of churches and clothes. And so it comes to the 18th and 19th centuries. Here, of course, the basis of the exposition is military uniforms and various uniforms, but also household items. Snuff boxes and smoking pipes look very exciting. Such attention to detail is unusual now, but then it was taken for granted. The military uniform of those years is one of the most beautiful that could be: red pants, dark blue uniforms, golden epaulettes and buttons, white collars. It is also worth noting the ladies' fluffy dresses, it is difficult to imagine how they could move around in them. Summing up, I would like to say that the Historical Museum is a must-visit for any person, regardless of his citizenship and attitude to the Motherland, if he is from Russia. This is the most unique place, which is not so much in the world. Considering the long and complicated history of the Russian State, the exposition is mostly interesting rather than boring and tedious.

    Volkova Evgeniya

    An essay on the problems of preserving cultural heritage and attracting young people to this topic



    Head Mukhamedyarova N.A.

    E. Volkova gr. MO-32

    What are museums for?

    In order to talk about the role of historical and cultural heritage in our lives, that is, the role of museums, we will answer the questions: what are the so-called museums, why are they needed and what needs to be done with them so that young people start visiting them.

    Museum - an institution engaged in the collection, study, storage of monuments of naturalstories, material and spiritual culture. At first, this concept meant a collection of exhibits on art and science, then from a certain period of time, we will not go into details, since no one will remember it anyway and will not consider it necessary to remember, it includes the building where these monuments were located. Now there are a lot of museums, such as: local history, historical, literary, musical, natural science, theater and so on. With the development of computer technology, virtual museums have appeared. From this small explanation, we can build the answer to the question: what are they for.

    There are few people who have never visited a museum at least once in their lives, if only because a person has been involved in culture since childhood. If parents do not do this, then in educational institutions visiting such institutions is included in the educational program. Sometimes, after visiting a museum, children ask the following question: “Why do we need museums?” this question can be forgiven for children, but adults should understand why a museum is needed.

    To understand why museums are needed, it is necessary to understand what exactly they are - museums are memory. Therefore, in order to answer the question why they are needed, one can only say that they remember, appreciate and know. Museums represent history, so it is necessary to understand that without knowing history, it will be difficult to imagine the future, which means it will be difficult to build it.

    At a certain period in the life of each person, there is a need to consider the path traveled and understand something. The appearance of museums at the moment is connected with the same. Museums arose at a time when humanity and society had a need to look back, as well as a need for self-awareness and self-knowledge. All modern museums have appeared over the past few centuries.

    Museums are reliable keepers of historical memory and heritage of past eras. Museums are of great importance in our life. They reflected the life of those people who lived a long time ago and not only.

    There are many different thematic museums and exhibitions in the world. Significant and not very significant, they offer their visitors to get acquainted with the exposition and form their opinion about this or that artist, sculptor, period of history or country. Among them there are those who claim unconditional leadership. These are the largest museums in the world, which have a huge impact on the rest and shape public opinion, and also act as trendsetters.

    One of the most famous is the Louvre, located in Paris, the capital of France. Its exposition is located in the royal palace, built 800 years ago - and he himself can act as one of the exhibits. It represents all eras and peoples, here you can find both Assyrian bas-reliefs and modern art nouveau. In London, there is its old competitor - the British Museum, which was opened in the middle of the 18th century and has the same collection. Rome, in turn, also seeks to establish itself as the cultural capital of the world. Italy, the cradle of the Renaissance, gave the world such masters as Leonardo da Vinci, Caravaggio, Michelangelo, Raphael. It is their works that are central to the Vatican Museum - Musei Vaticani. In addition, there you can find the art of the Ancient World, as well as the Middle Ages and industrial Europe. Sometimes the administration organizes open-air exhibitions in the Colosseum, and then the ticket price increases significantly. The Metropolitan Museum, unlike the previous two, is no longer in the Old, but in the New World, to be more precise, in New York. It contains works by artists of Western Europe and America, as well as cultural monuments of the peoples of Africa, Asia, the Far and Middle East. Its exposition includes not only painting, but also graphics, sculpture and even decorative and applied handicrafts. The museum is relatively young, so its exhibits are close to admirers of contemporary art trends. The Spanish Prado Museum is located in Madrid and is one of the largest museums in the world. The collection is so large that only a small part of it is presented to the public due to lack of space on the walls. In addition to painting, the Prado has sculptures and jewelry.

    Do these museums compete with each other? In a way, yes. But cooperation, nevertheless, is put above all: art does not tolerate pragmatism. To maintain the world's cultural heritage, one must be truly devoted to this cause in the first place, and not to commerce.

    There are about 2,700 state museums in Russia. They are part of the cultural space in which objects of history, culture, nature function, called by society to be valuable and to be preserved and passed on to future generations as a cultural and historical experience. The museum world embraces not only the objects to be preserved and included in modern culture, but also the entire set of institutions, people, and ideas that perform these tasks.

    There are approximately 444 museums in Moscow. And they are all good.I love painting, so I look at paintings, and the best thing to do is in museum halls, where there is a special atmosphere, special silence, smell, and interiors. Therefore, when I have free time, I certainly go to the Tretyakov Gallery or the Museum. Pushkin. In general, I like, for example, just to sit in the Panorama Museum of Borodino, among the portraits of the Patriotic War of 1812, and when I studied "War and Peace" at school, I often ran there, got acquainted with people of that era.I was in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War. I really liked this museum, I learned a lot of new things about the war. I advise everyone to visit this museum. every person must know the history of his country, without the past there can be no present and future! This museum has a real military dugout and the Red Army headquarters, where you can try on a real military uniform, get acquainted with weapons (MMG - pistols, machine guns, rifles, machine guns). You can take a picture with the class, group, family, etc. Get a set of artistic photographs in a stylized package to commemorate your visit to the museum. In my opinion, this is all very, very interesting and informative.
    But b Most of all I like the museum in Tsaritsyno. It is located in the south of Moscow.Surprise and attract the strange fate of Tsaritsyn, the still unsolved mystery associated with its construction, the very appearance of a huge estate, romantic and somewhat mysterious, similar to a museum of rampant undertakings of the 18th century, rich in inventions, fantasies and whims, repeated attempts to complete it, slow, over two hundred years, extinction. Fate and time were merciless to Tsaritsyn. Much perished, was lost, sometimes irretrievably. But in our days there has been an almost incredible revival of the failed residence of Catherine the Great near Moscow. And today it is the most popular place in all of Moscow. The flow of people does not dry up neither in summer, nor in winter, neither in the afternoon, nor in the evening.

    If I ever get to Paris or Madrid or Toledo or Florence, it's not hard to guess where I'll be on the very first day.

    I would very much like to visit the State Hermitage Museum, go to the Winter Palace, visit the Museum of Cinema (The Museum of Cinema collects, describes, restores and stores documents and materials on the history of Russian and Soviet cinema, organizes exhibitions based on its funds and collections stored in other museums and archives). The Museum of Cinema regularly shows in its four cinema halls the classics of domestic and foreign cinema, retrospectives and thematic cycles of films that give an idea of ​​the best achievements of film culture of the past and present. The museum has cinema clubs specialized in topics, types of cinema (animation, non-fiction films, film opera) and countries of the world (France, Germany, Hungary, India, etc.). I would also like to visit the Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve. The Sergiev Posad Historical and Art Museum-Reserve is one of the largest repositories of Russian art. The unique originality of the museum is given by its location - it is located within the walls of the ancient Trinity-Sergius Monastery (Lavra), founded in the first half of the 40s. 16th century son of the Rostov boyar Sergius of Radonezh.) I dream of visiting these museums and would advise everyone to go there and learn a lot of interesting things.

    I was also in the Museum of Fine Arts, I really liked this museum, because I am fond of paintings and love to draw, I also managed to visit the Museum of Photography, this museum interested me very much. My hobby is photography, especially nature, and in this museum there are a lot of such beautiful and interesting photos that this museum has become one of my favorites.

    But with special warmth I would like to tell you about the Museums of my native city - the city of Podolsk.Museum of Local Lore- a place where the present and the past meet. When you walk through its halls, you feel how the spirit of bygone times fills you. Here you can take notes, look at amazing exhibits for hours, or you can just dream, imagining yourself either as a Scythian, or a soldier of the Northern War, or a soldier hoisting a banner over the Reichstag. The Podolsky Museum of Local Lore was opened in 1971. It was created through the efforts of community enthusiasts. The museum is located in several historical buildings and has a number of unique collections. The section "Archaeology" is recognized as the best among the museums of the Moscow region. Of great interest is the hall dedicated to the crafts of the Podolsk region. The collection of sewing machines of the Singer Company is unique. The exposition "Nature of the Podolsk Territory" is located in a separate building. In October 2011, a new exposition of the museum "230 years of the city of Podolsk" was opened in a restored building of the first quarter of the 19th century. It tells about the most important events in the history of the city and the country: the Patriotic War of 1812, the feat of the Podolsk cadets in the battle of Moscow in 1941, the industry and culture of the city. The artistic design of the exposition was carried out by the creative workshop of the Honored Artist of Russia A.N. Konov "Media Museum" and has an innovative character, based on the principle of immersing the visitor in the space of history. The scientific concept of the new exposition, called "Podilsky Meridian", provides for the display of the main events in the history of the city, starting from 1781, when Catherine II signed a decree on giving the village of Podil the status of a city, up to the present day. The museum is small but has interesting exhibits. The documentary film that is shown in the museum tells mainly about the people who lived in Podolsk in the 19th-20th century. and their lifestyle. Going to the next room, I find myself in the Soviet era.The first years after the overthrow of the monarchical power in Russia were quite difficult for Podolsk: there was a decrease in the pace of industrial production, unemployment increased, factories stopped. The outbreak of the Civil War forced the Soviet government to resume military production. Since many military factories in Russia were occupied by the Whites, it was decided to build a new cartridge factory in Podolsk. He occupied part of the Zemgor shell factory. Since 1919, the Podolsk Locomotive Repair Plant (the future Plant named after Ordzhonikidze) has been operating in Podolsk, which was deployed on the territory of the cable and copper-rolling plants.

    Another interesting museum that our city can be proud of is the Historical and Memorial Museum-Reserve of Podolia. The basis of the museum-reserve is the house-museum of V.I. Lenin, whose exposition has existed since 1937. The new status of the museum (since 1991) reflects the process of its growth and expansion of the range of its scientific interests and problems to be solved. The traditional exposition gives a fairly broad idea of ​​the history, culture, life of Podolsk in the 19th-20th centuries. The territory includes part of the historical buildings of Podolsk, as well as valuable archeological monuments in its immediate vicinity, the security zone covers the most integrally preserved part of Podolsk within the boundaries of the last century. The museum is located in the landscape area of ​​the Pakhra river basin in the riverside part of the city. The museum was opened as the Memorial House-Museum of V.I. Lenin in Podolsk, where in 1900 V.I. Lenin: mother - Maria Alexandrovna, sisters Maria Ilyinichna and Anna Ilyinichna, brother Dmitry Ilyich. V.I. came here twice in the summer of 1900. Lenin. The decision to restore the former Kedrova's house was made in January 1934. The museum was created with the direct participation of the Central Museum of V.I. Lenin, relatives and friends of Vladimir Ilyich. The architectural appearance of the house and its everyday furnishings were restored in the form they were by the end of the 19th century. The basis of the exposition of the memorial house is authentic objects. A yard with outbuildings and a garden adjacent to the house were also recreated. In 1991, by decision of the Podolsk City Council, the historical and memorial museum-reserve "Podillya" was created on the basis of the memorial complex. Further along the street there are five more buildings that represent a Russian hut. The museum complex includes a museum of historical traditions. Today, the Podillya Historical and Memorial Museum-Reserve is a monument of the history and culture of the city and the region.

    Now I want to tell you how our group went to the Museum of History. The museum building is large, old and beautiful. There was a Christmas tree in the lobby of the museum, because it was the winter holidays, the New Year had just arrived. We climbed the stairs to the hall, which tells about the life of ancient people. On the walls were paintings depicting scenes of ancient man hunting for mammoths, bears, buffaloes. And on the stands were demonstrated spears, arrows, tools that people used in the Stone Age. All this is very interesting, because people had to fight for their existence, hide from the cold and predators in caves, learn to use fire. The further we moved through the halls, the more developed human society became. It's already the 16th century. During this period, people already knew the structure of the universe and the solar system. The architects learned how to build stone buildings, beautiful churches appeared in Rus', painted by Feofan the Greek and Andrei Rublev, chronicles began to be written in monasteries. When I was at the museum for the first time, it was very interesting for me to see the sights and very interesting things of those times. At first we did not really want to go to the museum. Apparently we are just used to cinemas, clubs and other entertainment centers. When our group entered the museum, stepped on the threshold, we were visited by a strange feeling. A sharp interest seized us. Some interesting, unusual things that we have never seen appeared right before our eyes. We looked at everything very quickly, could not see enough, it was very interesting. Of course, there was a person who explained everything, told the history of this item, where and how it was used, but I had no time for that, I moved away from my group with whom I went to this museum. Seeing such interesting exhibits, I walked in circles, trying to capture it all in my memory. Unfortunately, soon everyone began to gather, the tour was coming to an end.

    Not having seen enough of the exhibits, but with a joyful face that I still managed to see and capture for a long time what I had never seen, I left. For a very long time I remembered those minutes that I spent in this interesting place. My attitude to everything immediately changed, I began to visit theaters and museum exhibitions more often. In general, I began to join the art. I began my spiritual development, which should be in a person, first of all, now I have become a spiritually developed person. This is how I remember this first excursion with a group, thanks to which we joined the art, became closer to each other and better understand ourselves and others.

    After this event, I decided to find out what my co-groups think about museums and conducted a survey. Basically, the answers to my questions made me happy, because. everyone understands the importance of museums in our lives, that you can learn a lot of interesting and useful things in them, that we have the opportunity to see another world by visiting a museum, to learn other dimensions and get out of communication with this world enriched, enlightened, matured in the spiritual and moral aspect. But there were also such answers:I don't like museums. I hate to waste time going to museums. It doesn't really matter which. I do not like them. I'm bored there. I'm not interested. I'm lazy. Besides, I don't like walking. On weekdays I get tired, I have no time for going to museums. I live two hours from college. I don't have the time or desire. On weekends, I prefer to sleep, eat, listen to music, read books, but never go to museums. I'm not waiting for the weekend to go to some museum. I am not attracted to such a prospect. I don't like to go outside. At all. I go to the store with grief in half, and then there is the museum. House, silence, book, coffee - photo it, the guarantee of MY happiness. And I do not want to change anything in the way of my life. Therefore, museums for me - an empty place. Not because there is something wrong, because many people like it. It's just not in my area of ​​interest. Everything that interests me, I can find with my dad in the library. Old records of The Beatles, Rainbow, Queen, Pink Floyd, Scorpions, Whitesnake. All. I don’t need anything else, I always have it at hand ”- this is the most curious answer, but he is not the only one of this kind, so I bring it up. What I want to say to such people - I feel sorry for you ... Because the world is beautiful, because you have to strive to learn all the time and the museum is perfect for this. And even in our time of a continuous subjective view of life - do it in the end for your immortal soul, get invaluable experience for the future life, if there is neither the opportunity nor the strength to make this world even more beautiful with your life.

    Then I decided to find out what needs to be done so that my peers would like to go to the museum, what needs to be done so that they are interested? And this is what I heard: “If I didn’t have the opportunity to find out about my favorite bands, then I would like the following: The Old Museum is a cheekbone. The walls in it will be made of suede and always purple. Guitars that would hang on the walls, those that were in the hands of great musicians in my understanding, drum kits. Projectors that will show videos of old interviews or concert recordings on the walls, without sound. The museum must be dark. And sofas, armchairs, white, leather would not interfere. There are carpets on the floor and very loud music.

    So that would be the atmosphere. Another answer that I will give was the following: “I would like that the museums were interactive, that you could touch everything, that we would be met by the characters of that era, that there would be theatrical performances – it would be very interesting…”. I think that such museums have a place in our lives, and as far as I know, there are museums of this kind.

    But still, museums are necessary. How to imagine our life without the Museum. A.S. Pushkin, without the Tretyakov Gallery, without the Hermitage, without the fact that you can just stand in front of Vrubel's "Demon" or Rublev's "Trinity". How to understand Russian fairy tales without paintings by Vasnetsov, how to remove St. Basil's Cathedral from life, when the heart stops with inexpressible delight, when you just stand next to it, how to erase from memory the first trip with my mother to the Darwin Museum - this has entered our lives and it will remain with us to the end.

    Therefore, museums have a place in our lives, because only the heritage preserved by museums forms a person, preserves traditions, shows the life of our people. Especially in our time, which is not easy, when the younger generation needs material evidence of the path that our people have traveled, the pride of belonging to this people and the happiness that you live here and now - in this beautiful country with such a great past, and no less wonderful future, and the joy that you can continue the traditions of the people.

    Also, I think it's good that there is a museum in our college, which gives an idea of ​​what kind of people worked and studied in it. I think such museums are necessary, because. you get acquainted with the profession, you are proud of it, you are proud of your institution and, in the end, of your Motherland, because love for the Motherland begins with love for your “small Motherland” - for your loved ones, for your friends, for your street, for your College. And since we all come from childhood, we will carry this love all our lives, and the role of our small college museum in it is not the last, and this circumstance is very pleasing, because thanks to it, you become involved in your people, Fatherland.

    And finally, I will say the following, I advise everyone to visit museums, because theyintellectually enrich your inner world, broaden your horizons, introduce you to the beautiful, allow you to feel ownership of the world and time.Probably people visit museums because there is something different that you don't see in everyday life. Museums are a separate world, sometimes it even seems that there is a fourth dimension in time.I love going to museums and I advise everyone to do it.

    Visit report

    Museum of Fine Arts

    them. A.S. Pushkin

    In the Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin collected monuments of art of the Ancient East, the ancient world and Western Europe. Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin was created for a very long time. In 1831, donations began to come in from private individuals for the construction of a special building. And before that, there was an office at Moscow University in which exhibits and collections were collected for the future museum. In 1894, work began on designing a building for the museum. The project was developed by architect R.I. Klein, who received the title of academic architect for him. In 1898, the construction of the museum began, which was completed only in May 1912. The museum is located on Volkhonka street.

    At the entrance to the museum there are memorial plaques to the founder of the museum, Professor of Moscow University Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev and the builder of the building and the author of its project Roman Ivanovich Kleik. In 1937, in connection with the centenary of the death of A. S. Pushkin, the museum was named after the great poet.

    According to the composition of the monuments, it used to be poorer than at present. Its exposition was limited to the department of the Ancient East and the departments of sculptural casts relating to subsequent cultures up to the 16th century. After the October Revolution, the museum was enriched with a wonderful art gallery, authentic monuments of Western European painting, and outstanding collections of graphic art.

    The museum exposition includes private collections of Western European painting and sculpture, collections of paintings, engravings and drawings of the former Rumyantsev Museum, a number of exhibits from the State Hermitage, etc. Many material monuments were brought to the museum by its employees as a result of archaeological expeditions in the Crimea and the North Caucasus.

    The museum has wonderful collections of monuments of art and material culture of Ancient Egypt. The exposition contains originals that are over 6000 years old. The rarest collection of originals dates back to the 4th millennium BC. e. - III century.

    The exposition of the museum contains reliefs from ancient tombs, facades, sarcophagi, mummies. As you know, in Egypt since ancient times, a funeral cult has been cultivated, which was associated with a belief in an afterlife. Hence the very high art of embalming and mummification. The body of the deceased, cleaned of the entrails, was soaked in sodium. Then it was dried, filled with fragrant substances, covered with resins and wrapped around with linen bandages. A mask with a headdress was put on the face of the deceased. In this form, the body was placed in a coffin. Similar mummies, well preserved to this day, the visitor sees in the museum.

    In this section of the museum there are many material monuments, confirming that the Egyptians in ancient times gave a lot of work and talent to the religious cult. The body of the deceased was covered with amulets. Many animals were declared sacred beings. The museum exhibits mummies of sacred cats and other animals.

    Jugs, dishes, vessels, casts illustrate the high culture of pottery. Necklaces, beads, writing instruments, toilet vessels, small sculpture speak of the development of artistic crafts, and objects made of wood, stone, faience, and metal show a high level of art. Of exceptional interest are papyri (a special type of paper obtained from the stems of the papyrus marsh plant), which, as well as the inscriptions on ancient stone slabs, were used to decipher the complex Egyptian script, consisting of hieroglyphs.

    Art monuments of the countries of Western Asia are displayed in a separate hall. Along with ancient Egypt, in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in the so-called two rivers, the states of Western Asia arose. By the end of the III millennium BC. e. a strong Babylonian kingdom is formed with Babylon as its capital. In ancient times, the Babylonian kingdom was also famous for its very high and advanced culture for its time.

    By the end of the 11th millennium BC. e. Another ancient state, Assyria, also rose. We admire the extraordinary Assyrian art to this day. Its architecture, palaces, fortresses still evoke universal admiration for their scale and majesty. The museum displays casts of Assyrian culture with fantastical creatures. Such huge figures were placed at the entrance to the palaces of the Assyrian rulers. In addition to casts, the exposition also includes a number of originals.

    It was very interesting for me to visit the Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin. I was in this museum for the first time and I really liked it, because I was able to look at the culture of beautiful civilizations, at the culture of the renaissance. It is better to see it all once than hear it a hundred times.
