How to slow down the aging process. How to stop the aging process of the body Stop the aging of the body

Aging is a natural and irreversible process. Scientists have been trying for centuries to find a recipe for eternal youth. Gradually, science accumulates knowledge about the processes of entropy and learns to prolong the active period of life. But a lot in preserving youth depends on the person himself.

Why do we get old

Our body exists due to constant cell renewal. They are able to divide and create new generations of their clones. But it still doesn't stop the aging process. Why?

During the reproduction of copies in the cell, the division of the chromosome, which carries the genetic information, occurs. But not all parts of the chromosome are capable of division.

At the tip of the DNA carrier is a small section called a telomere. It plays an important function - it prevents other chromosomes, viruses and proteins from sticking to the chromosome, which protects the genetic information of the cell.

With each division of the chromosome, the telomere mechanically decreases. In older people, this area is critically small. Cells that have completely lost their telomere are no longer able to reproduce their copies and therefore simply die.

This is the cause of aging - the body ceases to renew itself.

Why does our body age unevenly?

Recent studies by American scientists have established an interesting fact. It turns out that our body ages very unevenly. For example, the biological age of the mammary glands is always greater than the general biological age of their owner. The difference is 2-3 years.

But the cardiovascular system is younger than the rest of the body. And younger by as much as 8-10 years. The reasons why this happens for scientists remain unclear. If the rapid aging of the skin can be explained by direct contact with the environment, then age-related fluctuations in the chest and heart remain a mystery.

According to numerous scientific observations, it is known that genetic data play an important role in slowing down the aging process.

Children of centenarians usually live and remain active longer than their peers. But even more important is the right way of life.

Sport and physical activity rejuvenates the body

People who constantly and extensively go in for sports look much better than their peers who prefer a passive lifestyle. Sitting at work, lying down as a rest signals the muscles that they are not needed.

Without exercise, muscle fibers gradually atrophy. The body is decrepit. Blood supply worsens, which automatically leads to problems in the nutrition of all organs and tissues.

Therefore, if you want to look younger, start exercising. Observations of the cardiovascular system and lungs of elderly people who started training at an advanced age revealed that sport rejuvenates these organs. They are significantly updated after six months of regular physical activity.

For the lungs, heart and blood vessels, aerobic exercise is especially beneficial. These are running, swimming, jumping rope, cycling and even brisk walking. It is important to push the boundaries of your body's endurance. Then his strength will grow, and his youth will last longer.

How to save joints

The good condition of the joints is maintained due to technically correct loads. For joints, both incorrect positions and lack of activity are dangerous. You need to carefully monitor your posture. A varied, balanced diet is essential.

After 40 years include a variety of natural jellies in your diet. Bone broths from fish or meat are the best dishes for the prevention of joint diseases.

How to stop skin aging

The skin quickly ages from the wrong lifestyle. It is greatly influenced by bad habits like smoking and alcohol.

At any age, contrast douches and a diet with plenty of B vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids will help to renew and improve skin condition.

Mental work helps slow down the aging process

The brain is the most mysterious human organ.. The most studied and the most unexplored. It would seem, what does he have to do with youth? But it has the most immediate. People who engage in intellectual activity a lot and for a long time remain active to unimaginable limits.

Often there are scientists, lawyers, teachers who, at a very advanced age, not only still work, but are the leaders of huge organizations.

But what to do those of us whose profession does not require significant mental effort? Keeping a clear head and sound memory will help constant exercise. It can be the solution of logical problems, mathematical or physical examples.

Card games will be extremely useful. Bridge and preference named by scientists as the most rejuvenating games. They are far ahead of even chess.

Probably, the combination of mental work and communication with game partners plays a leading role here. So play for health, have fun and get younger.

How to eat to stay young

  • The older a person gets, the smaller the portions should be. After 40 years, you need to gradually reduce the amount of meat and fat consumed. Vegetable dishes form the basis of the diet. Nuts, seeds, vegetable unrefined oils are added.
  • Cellulose. Found in vegetables, fruits and cereals. Insoluble dietary fiber cleanses the intestines and makes it work at full strength. Fiber contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Buy ready-made fiber and take according to the instructions. Change it from time to time. This month - oatmeal, the next wheat, and then flaxseed, etc.
  • Water. One and a half, two liters of water per day is the required norm. Our body constantly suffers from dehydration and therefore quickly ages. Water is the cleansing and nutrition of tissues. Water is beautiful skin, good mood and vitality.
  • B vitamins are involved in all vital processes. They are responsible for the cleanliness of blood vessels, the work of the heart, the nervous system and much more. With their insufficient number, a person loses the taste for life. Contained in offal, mushrooms, meat, legumes, green vegetables, some cereals.
  • Fractional nutrition in small portions. Keeps the stomach in its natural size and allows the alimentary tract to fully process food and absorb nutrients.
  • Less sugar. Sugar contributes to inflammation and leaches useful vitamins from the tissues. It displays B3 - a vitamin of beauty, clean vessels and healthy nerves.
  • Less bad and more healthy fats. Margarine, animal fats, full fat milk and butter should be consumed as little as possible. Pork fat is not required to be repressed. It contains essential amino acids and beneficial cholesterol. More include fatty fish, sunflower, olive, linseed and other vegetable oils in the diet.
  • Eat in moderation, but enough. Under no circumstances should you go hungry. Whether you like it or not, eat at least three times a day. All components of a healthy diet are required: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Eat more complex carbohydrates: whole grain cereals, whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables. Eat less soft wheat pasta, potatoes, white rice.
  • Include antioxidant foods in your diet. Antioxidants bind free radicals that destroy our body and bring them out. They can be found in colorful foods: carrots, beets, citrus fruits, apricots, cherries, tomatoes, green vegetables, melons…
  • Replace full-fat milk with low-fat fermented milk products.
  • All types of teas, coffee beans, herbal teas are excellent antioxidants and rich in vitamin complexes.
  • You also need meat. It is the main source of protein.

Why stress accelerates aging

Stress in the cause of premature aging is fighting for the first place with malnutrition and winning on all fronts. Women know that it is worth being nervous in the evening and extra wrinkles will be added in the morning. Nerves are deposited in other places as well. The cardiovascular and hormonal systems are especially affected.

External aging on the basis of excessive unrest, of course, is sad, but the destructive effect of stress is not limited to this. Negative experiences also increase the likelihood of somatic diseases. Stomach ulcer, diabetes mellitus, allergies, asthma- the list can be continued for a long time. Stress wears out the body faster.

Therefore, if you want to live long, learn how to deal with stress:

  1. It is necessary to get rid of stressful factors in a timely manner. Doesn't work - change it. People cause only negative emotions - stop communicating. You should not forgive mistreatment to anyone, not even relatives. Everyone who dumps their anger on you, devalues ​​you, demands for them to sacrifice important interests and needs that are superfluous for you.
  2. Learn breathing relaxation techniques. They are the easiest to learn and are good for surviving acute stress.
  3. Rest. Once again, get enough rest. Even the heart is at rest twice as long as it works. Always allow yourself time to recover.
  4. Get yourself a hobby and pets. A hobby helps to turn off your head from everyday thoughts and brings a lot of pleasure. Pets are positive and energy charging, which are always at hand.
  5. Walk a lot and drink water. Walking and other physical exercises saturate the blood with endorphins, and water flushes out stress hormones.
  6. Hang out with positive people a lot.
  7. Dose the negative information rushing from the TV screen.
  8. Think positively: the glass is always half full, not the other way around.

Face and posture - how to keep youthful

By the face and posture, we determine the age of a person. The good news is that many unpleasant and upsetting things are reversible. Flabby cheeks, wrinkles, stooped shoulders - everything can be fixed:

  • Ruthlessly remove from your life everything that works against you. A tyrant husband, a drunkard or a reveler is the first on this list.
  • The diet should contain vitamins B, E, A, C and omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
  • Restore correct posture. Distortions in the spine, the "widow's" hump below the back of the head worsen the innervation and blood supply to the muscles of the face, neck and skin.
  • Work on the muscles in your face. It is they, and not the skin, that are responsible for a clear, beautiful contour and the presence of most wrinkles. To do this, use asahi massage and special gymnastics - facebuilding or faceculture.
  • Contrast washing will “wake up” the skin and increase blood circulation.
  • Use cosmetic three whales: cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition, focusing on your skin type.

Follow the tips given in the article and be always young and beautiful!

Hello, our dear readers! Age is the gradual accumulation of experience and wisdom. But, unfortunately, age also brings with it negative effects for our body. Aging affects our entire body, but the first place where unpleasant changes appear is our skin. Aging of the skin of the face and neck can be expressed in the appearance of pigmentation, sagging and wrinkles. What to do, you ask?

Today we will reveal to you effective methods on how to stop facial skin fading.


Let's not say once again that our body borrows all the necessary trace elements from the food that we eat. So, if the nutrition is balanced, then the skin receives a sufficient amount of nutrients to maintain elasticity and constant cell renewal.

If not, aging touches our skin much earlier than it should.
That is why close attention should be paid to the principles of rational nutrition. Your menu should contain enough fiber, which is good for our intestines, and therefore for the skin.

Also, do not forget about vitamins A, B, E and C, which give skin cells enough resources to produce collagen.

Great attention should be paid to the fact that a sufficient amount of clean filtered water enters your body. Water is necessary not only for the timely cleansing of our body of toxins, but also is a blood-thinning element. This property is very important, since thick blood complicates the flow of trace elements to skin cells.

But what should be limited in consumption is fatty, fried, sweet and starchy foods, as well as the consumption of various convenience foods and fast food.


There is an opinion that active facial expressions are one of the reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles.

This is only partly true. On the other hand, it should be noted that laughter reduces the level of the hormone cortisol in the cells, which is responsible for the appearance of wrinkles. And also a smile can increase the level of serotonin, the hormone of joy, which can slow down the aging process.

One way or another, stress does not bring with it anything good for our body. In this vein, you should take care of how to prevent it from entering your life. For these purposes, you can use the video course "How to manage stress in order to live and work comfortably" .

Massage and gymnastics

Muscle tone is an obstacle to the spread of the aging process. To keep the muscles of the face in good shape, you need to devote a little time to facial gymnastics or massage procedures every day.

In the morning, after you wash your face, try tapping your fingertips on the surface of the skin a little, and then do a little massage with rubbing and pressure.

Medical approach

Often wrinkles or other signs of aging that become visible on the skin are the first signs that speak of any disease. These may be endocrine disorders, diabetes mellitus, circulatory disorders or neurological abnormalities.

To be sure that no diseases have crept up on you, you need to be examined by specialist doctors who will help you identify the disease and prescribe a comprehensive treatment for it.


The aggressive influence of the outside world, whether it be strong solar radiation or hard frost, can significantly accelerate the aging of our skin. That is why facial skin needs daily protection.

In summer, be sure to use sunscreen, and in winter pay attention to skin nutrition. A wide range of protective equipment can be found in the section "Beauty and health" online store OZON.

Cosmetic care

Anti-aging facial and neck care consists of: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and preventive anti-aging measures. All these measures must be distributed according to your usual daily routine, and try to systematically carry them out to achieve a positive effect.

All care activities should be carried out not only in the face, but also in the neck and décolleté. We have compiled for you the basic rules of care that you need to start following after you reach the age of thirty.


Cleansing is the basis of care. It includes daily washing, as well as the use of peeling once or twice a week. Washing should be carried out with warm filtered water, washing with decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile, is also good for sluggish skin.

Do not use soap when washing, as this can lead to excessive dryness of the skin, it is better to use special foams or milk for this purpose.


Toning is necessary to maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

To do this, you can use a tonic that does not contain alcohol. Usually, the composition of tonics includes substances and trace elements that can restore moisture loss and improve the overall tone of the skin, for example, it can be collagen or essential oils.

Contrasting compresses based on decoctions of herbs with the addition of sea salt have an excellent tonic effect.

Hydration and nutrition

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin are very important components of the entire skin care process, since dry skin is more susceptible to the adverse effects of the external environment.

A day cream for the skin should be selected taking into account what problems it should solve, so for sagging skin you need to choose a good moisturizer, and for skin with wrinkles - a nourishing base. It is also worth focusing on your skin type when choosing a cream.

However, remember that even if you have oily facial skin, the skin in the neck and décolleté may be normal or dry. Keep this in mind when choosing creams.

A night cream, on the other hand, should be selected taking into account its high nutritional value, since it should remove traces of fatigue that have accumulated over the whole day, or have restorative properties. Do not forget to apply weekly nourishing and regenerating masks for the face, neck and décolleté.

Folk remedies

Home remedies based on natural ingredients will be a great additional source of nutrition for your skin.

The following folk remedies are the most popular:

  • Dilute two tablespoons of wheat flour with a glass of warm milk to a thick consistency. Put the resulting mass on the face and leave until it begins to dry out. But do not let the mixture dry completely, as this can greatly tighten the skin.
  • The egg white is separated from the yolk and whipped into foam, after which a little honey is added and beaten again. Any moisturizer is applied to the face, and the resulting foam is left with the top layer for twenty minutes, then washed off.
  • Beat cottage cheese in a blender with finely chopped banana, kiwi and strawberries. Add a few drops of olive oil to the resulting mixture and apply on the face. Leave the mask on for fifteen minutes, then rinse with chamomile decoction and apply a moisturizer.
  • Beat the yolk with two tablespoons of olive oil and one spoon of flower honey. Apply to face for twenty minutes, then rinse with cool water.

  • Grate two carrots, then add one yolk. Apply the resulting mixture in a small layer on the face, neck and décolleté, wait 20 minutes, then remove the mask with a damp swab. Suitable mask for dry skin. Recommended for those with oily skin.
  • Kefir with a low percentage of fat content should be mixed with freshly squeezed orange juice, put a small spoonful of starch into the resulting mixture. Apply the resulting mixture for 10 minutes, then wash with warm water. The mask is recommended for owners of oily skin.
  • Against wrinkles, you can use a nourishing mask with aloe in the composition. To do this, add the yolk to the pulp of a three-year-old aloe leaf, then add three tablespoons of powdered milk and one honey. The resulting mask is applied for 10 minutes, then washed, and at the end, the face is wiped with an ice cube.
  • Do not forget about exfoliating masks or belongings. Grind a spoonful of oatmeal with three nuts in a coffee grinder until flour is obtained. We add squeezed orange juice to this flour, bring it to the consistency of a mask, then apply it on the face and neck in a circular motion for two to three minutes and rinse with water.

Any of these masks is done no more than once or twice a week.

Cream of Cleopatra

However, the greatest effect in the fight to preserve youthful skin can be achieved with Cleopatra cream, which is also prepared at home.

Everyone knows the famous Queen Cleopatra. Her beauty was legendary not only in Egypt, but all over the world. One of her beauty recipes was a milk bath. A small pool filled with warm, whole milk. Some honey was dissolved in it.

Now, such a procedure is quite expensive to perform. It is enough to pour one liter of milk with honey into warm water and take a bath for 15 minutes. Then do not rub, but blot the body with a soft towel.

Another beauty recipe is Cleopatra's cream. According to legend, she applied it daily to her face. It is worth remembering that Egypt is a hot country, which means that it moisturized and nourished the skin of the queen well. The cosmetic product can be bought in stores, but this does not guarantee its completely natural origin.

It is much easier to cook it yourself, especially since the ingredients are inexpensive and quite affordable.


To prepare rose water cream you will need:

- distilled water;
- infusion of rose water (essential oil of roses);
- honey;
- aloe juice;
- pork fat.

To prepare an infusion of rose water, you need to grind rose petals, preferably fresh. Pour them with one glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes to an hour. After sieve, so that no pieces remain. Then he adds distilled water (40 ml.) And the same amount of aloe juice. All liquids should be at room temperature. Honey is better to take liquid, so it will dissolve better. All this is placed in a water bath. As it heats up, pour in the pork fat, stirring constantly so that pellets and pieces do not form. When the entire solution is an example of a homogeneous consistency, it should be poured into a jar and allowed to cool. Because of its naturalness, it should be stored in the refrigerator.

There is also a vitaminized cream. It contains vitamin A, which helps retain moisture and elasticity. Camphor alcohol fights micro-inflammations and bacteria in them. Lemon juice whitens the skin, evens out its color.

- lemon zest (3 pcs.)
- olive oil (2-3 tablespoons)
- yolk
- margarine (100 g)
- lemon juice (60 ml.)
- vitamin A (10 drops)
- camphor alcohol (tablespoon)
- honey (1 tablespoon)

Peel the lemons, grate or chop in a blender. Pour boiling water over and leave for at least 8 hours. Melt margarine in a water bath, add olive oil, lemon juice and honey. It is important not to overheat the liquid and constantly stir. At the very end, you need to add vitamin A and an infusion of zest. Pour into containers and let cool.

Cream Benefits

Cleopatra cream has a huge number of useful properties. First and foremost is hydration. As we age, the skin loses its ability to retain moisture. Becomes drier or vice versa oily. And the correct water balance and the presence of hyaluronic acid prolong youth, elasticity and healthy appearance.

The skin, like the entire human body, needs vitamins. When applied, the active ingredients are absorbed into the epidermis, directly nourishing these cells at different depths.

Natural aloe juice not only moisturizes, fortifies, but also rejuvenates. Its use promotes the production of collagen, which is responsible for elasticity. After its application, the oval of the face is tightened, mimic wrinkles disappear.

Uneven complexion is easily removed with the help of substances included in the Cleopatra cream, such as honey and lemon. They also contain a large amount of vitamins and amino acids, so useful for skin of any age.

How to use

Sharp, pulling and jerky movements can only harm the skin. In no case should you stretch the skin when applying any cosmetic product. So you run the risk of simply stretching it, which will subsequently lead to sagging. Also, if the cream was made from candied honey, small particles of sugar will damage the surface, and inflammation will form in this place.

Apply the cream with light, massage movements. Do not try to rub the product, it will only bring harm. Fairly easy application. Then nature and active ingredients will do everything for you.

Have you tried this cream?

If homemade creams are not for you, then you can always find the right anti-aging cream in the online store. In chapter "Beauty and health" .

It should be remembered that, like any cosmetic and natural remedy, Cleopatra's cream can cause allergic reactions: redness, peeling, itching. If this happens, you just need to stop using and find out which component was allergic to.

Otherwise, it is completely harmless and only benefits the body. Also, it should not be applied to wounds, scratches and other damage.

Maintaining the youthfulness of the skin of the face and neck requires simple, but daily activities. At the same time, effective cosmetics can be prepared at home from available products.

See you soon!

“Old age is in a person’s head. I survived a helicopter crash and back surgery. I got a pacemaker. I suffered a stroke and nearly killed myself. But I tell myself: I have to grow and learn more. It is the only antidote for old age.” So says the American actor Kirk Douglas. But can the inevitable aging of the body, which sooner or later overtake every earthly person, be stopped only by increased mental work? Is this enough? And is it even possible to emerge victorious from the duel with old age? It turns out that there is such a possibility. And today you will learn how to achieve the desired result.

Reasons for aging

From time immemorial, people have longed to protect youth from the harmful effects of time. This is the best evidence of the epic of different peoples, in which one can meet both the tale of rejuvenating apples and the legend of the elixir of immortality. Modern representatives of homo sapiens have not gone far from their ancestors, continuing to cherish the dream of eternal youth and beauty. Only today's dreams are supported by the conclusions and results of the experiments of scientists, which gives the hopes a confident, realistic shade.

What have the scientists of today come up with? There are many versions of the origin and development of aging processes, but it is worth highlighting four main theories that have found partial confirmation in a series of experiments.

Programmatic or genetic - declares a specific gene, recently discovered by researchers in the human genetic apparatus, to be the cause of old age. It is he, according to the assumption of researchers, that provokes the body to inexorably enter the phase of regression preceding biological death. In addition, scientists argue that every person has a “program” literally laid down by nature, according to which he is able to live a certain number of years. Conclusion: it is not possible to compete with old age.

The second hypothesis is called the theory of wear of cellular structures. Everything is extremely simple here: under the influence of negative external environmental factors, cell elements are modified without the right to restore the previous structure, malfunctions occur in their functioning. Thus, the metamorphoses that have taken place inside the concentration of life, the cells go out of order faster. The proof of this theory lies in the fact that living creatures with a high metabolic rate live very little (for example, insects), and vice versa.

The most popular version of the development of aging processes is free radical. It is based on the mechanism of the negative impact of single oxygen atoms on the work and condition of organs and tissues. In other words, free radicals oxidize cellular elements, creating favorable conditions for the occurrence of diseases, including cancer, and the onset of old age. Abroad, this version has a large number of supporters, the result can be a significant increase in the life span, well-being and appearance of foreign citizens due to the constant and sufficient intake of antioxidants that neutralize aggressive O + ions. In our country, for some reason, until now, most scientists and doctors are skeptical about it, with distrust - the results of this attitude of domestic specialists are eloquently demonstrated by the statistics of cancer mortality and life expectancy of the older generation of Russians.

Another very interesting hypothesis puts the body's aging to blame ... stress. The fact is that negative emotions have a bad effect on the state of blood vessels that permeate our entire body and transport blood to important objects of vital activity. When a person is peaceful, in a good mood, the microscopic pathways of communication are relaxed, expanded. It is worth falling into tears, being offended, envying - the vessels instantly narrow, preventing full blood flow. Muscles lack nutrients and oxygen for breathing, as a result of which the epithelium loses its elasticity, smoothness, internal organs work at the expense of internal reserves, for wear and tear. And how, tell me in youth, to look with everything, while being young and attractive for many years? ..

How to stop aging

No matter what scientists say about the irreversibility of the body's aging processes, no matter how much they talk about genetic obstacles, it is still worth trying, if not to prevent, then at least to reduce the wear rate of the body. As they say, an attempt is not torture, and water does not flow under a lying stone.

Proper Diet

The first thing you need to pay attention to is nutrition. It should be balanced in terms of essential nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. Red fish, which contains a lot of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, whole grains of cereals, vegetable oils in their natural form, dairy and sour-milk products, nuts, meat rich in proteins must be present in your diet (if possible - in the daily menu) . Strengthen the antioxidant defense of the body through the regular consumption of plant foods (fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs), natural tonic drinks (coffee, green tea), mushrooms. It is advisable to take antioxidants in the form of dietary supplements in addition to healthy food: these can be both multivitamins and certain supplements. Here are some powerful antioxidants: tocopherol, selenium, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, astaxanthin, zinc, coenzyme Q10, manganese. And do not allow overeating - being overweight is not a friend of youth.

Not a moment of peace!

“Life is in motion,” someone said, and it turned out to be absolutely right. Everyone knows that physical inactivity gradually leads to weakening and disruption of the functioning of the muscles. The main processes in the body slow down, a person begins to gain extra pounds, that is, energy is not fully consumed. Ideally, you should visit the gym several times a week, but if this is not possible, you should take daily long walks (or even twice a day) and do morning exercises. Even if you are doing mental work that burns calories perfectly, a little sport still does not hurt.

Rejection of bad habits

This is smoking and alcohol abuse. The first “gives” a woman’s face a yellowish-grayish tint and early wrinkles, comes around to periodontal disease and many chronic diseases. Constant hysterical cough, bad breath and the risk of lung cancer completes the picture. As for alcohol, in addition to psychological dependence, which is very difficult to overcome, passion for it also provokes early aging, weight gain or, on the contrary, a sharp weight loss, and the destruction of antioxidants. Red wine is the only intoxicating drink that is good for health. It supplies the body with a shock dose of antioxidants, but due to the alcohol content, it should be consumed in moderation.

Factors contributing to aging also include lack of sleep, UV radiation from the sun, the use of decorative cosmetics, contact with an aggressive environment stuffed with synthetic components. But there are more than enough ways to solve the problem: laughter therapy, regular high-quality sex, outings into nature ... Set your personal record in the fight for youth!

Ponomarenko Hope

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What is aging? Is this process natural? Is it possible to stop aging? You will learn about this in this article.

From the moment of birth until death, each person observes the aging of his own body and the people around him. Is aging as common as the growth of hair or nails?

Growth and aging: is there a difference?

Is the process of aging related to the process of growth and development of the body? Many believe that these processes in the body are identical. However, it is not. Newspapers, television and other media often discuss people who age extremely quickly. So far, modern medicine cannot cure this disease and stop aging.

Is the aging process natural?

From the moment of conception, cells begin to divide exponentially. DNA¹ contains information about the sequence of all amino acids, which, in turn, are assembled into proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Cells form tissues, tissues form organs, and organs form an organism. It becomes clear that all the processes that occur with the body begin at the molecular level in the cells.

The process of growth is quite natural, but why cells stop functioning remains a mystery.

When cells stop working, they die. They are replaced by new cells, but if there are too many dead cells, the dividing cells do not have time to replace them. Because of this, the density of cells adjacent to each other in the tissues decreases. As a result, the elasticity of the tissues themselves also decreases. Wrinkles² and creases appear – the visual effect of aging.

According to scientists, cells are able to "live" up to fifty years. So why do they die after a few days?

All problems originate at the molecular level. The amino acid sequence contained in DNA is copied using ribonucleic acid (RNA).

If we assume that RNA can copy DNA incorrectly, then this can lead to the malfunction of the entire cell.

How does what we eat affect the aging process?

Everyone knows the phrase: "You are what you eat." It fully reflects the nature of things, and now you will understand why.

After eating food proteins replace similar proteins in the body. The impulses running through the nervous system are electrical in nature. It is known that an electric field is formed around a closed conductor. But an electric field cannot exist without a magnetic field, which is also formed around the conductor. Thus, an electromagnetic field (EMF) is created.

Blood also has electrical conductivity due to the NaCl salt present in it. This means that, like the nervous system, blood vessels also serve as a source of EMF.

The electromagnetic field destroys beauty!

Microwave ovens heat food using electromagnetic radiation. According to the law of conservation of energy, when an electromagnetic field is radiated, electricity is converted into electromagnetic energy, which is transferred to the molecules of the heated food.

However, electromagnetic radiation destroys bonds between molecules. A living organism is a complex system of energy consumption and processing. From any consumed product there are substances that are not used in life processes. Such substances are excreted from the body or accumulate in it.

Electromagnetic radiation destroys the molecules in the cells of the body, as a result, they cannot function normally and die prematurely. They are replaced by new cells, but resources are spent too intensively. Cells do not have time to be replaced in time and tissues lose their shape.

What should be taken into account to stop aging?

1. A lot of what we eat is bad for the body³.

2. Consumption of foods irradiated in microwave ovens is also harmful to the vital activity of body cells.

3. Daily exposure to electromagnetic radiation, direct exposure to a strong electromagnetic field is harmful to humans.

Aging is the process of wear and tear of the body during its life, which is significantly accelerated due to the above points.

Pchelintsev Sergey Alexandrovich

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a macromolecule (one of the three main ones, the other two are RNA and proteins), which provides storage, transmission from generation to generation and implementation of the genetic program for the development and functioning of living organisms. DNA contains information about the structure of various types of RNA and proteins (

How to stop the internal clock?

Beginning of this article

  • "The skin is like a diagnostician. Look at your skin and you will see a reflection of your health."

Cosmetic procedures stop working on the skin after 40 years, because the internal state of the skin cells begins to deteriorate dramatically. And the reason for this process is the increasing changes in the level of hormones. Skin cells are saturated with hormone receptors, especially on the skin of the face and neck. It is the neck and face that are the first to feel the onset of old age. Small wrinkles, flabbiness, pigmentation - these unpleasant phenomena inexorably say that youth is leaving.

Why is youth leaving?

Until recently, it was believed that the internal mechanisms of aging and aging under the influence of external factors (stress, unfavorable environment, free radicals - cell destroyers, solar radiation, etc.) play approximately the same role in the deterioration of our body. However, studies of recent decades have convinced scientists that the totality of external influences on the body does not exceed 30% in the causes of aging. The main violin in the inexorable process of fading is played by a decrease in hormonal levels, which begins to increase from about 40 years old.

Mother Nature took care of us until about this age. By the age of 40, we must already fulfill our main natural function - to leave and raise offspring, our further fate, from the point of view of Nature, is no longer so important.

Each person has their own supply of sex hormones. Gynecologists are well aware that women, for example, have very different levels of hormones. One can easily get pregnant even at 45, while the other has a hormone level that allows you to conceive a child only up to 30.

Therefore, a woman, choosing hormonal methods of contraception, should think seven times: after all, by artificially suppressing the level of hormones, she significantly shortens her life of youth and beauty! Very often, in women who are fond of hormonal contraception, cosmetic problems with the skin of the face, neck and hands appear after 30 years!

Indeed, without a normal hormonal background, an outwardly attractive and young appearance cannot be preserved. Androgens and estrogens control skin thickness, specific gravity, subcutaneous fat thickness, chemical composition, skin elasticity, its ability to stretch! By the way, the lack of androgens and estrogens is also the cause of such age-related diseases as osteoporosis and periodontal disease!

If the drop in the level of sex hormones occurs like an avalanche, then a flowering woman in six months can literally turn into an old woman! For many, this fact becomes a real life disaster!

How to recognize a drop in hormone levels? cosmetic signs.

The first sign is the appearance of severe dry skin. At some point, after every wash, bath or shower, the skin becomes so dry that you want to constantly apply a moisturizer. The elasticity of the skin decreases, longitudinal wrinkles appear. After all, estrogens control the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Less collagen - more sagging skin, more wrinkles and more visible pores.

Skin regeneration slows down. Healing of wounds and abscesses is very slow. Indeed, in youth, a skin cell develops for 28 days, and in old age this period doubles. A clear sign of a decrease in the level of hormones (androgens) is the sagging of the triceps and the appearance of wrinkles on the knees. If you're in your 40s and have these signs, it's time to sound the alarm - your hormone levels are dropping too fast!

The same sign of a decrease in hormones can be frequent freckles, poor condition of the nails and hair on the head.

Often there is hair on the upper lip. This is not at all because the level of male hormones has increased. This is the level of women's too sharply dropped. Temporal imbalance and generates "whiskers".

But the most unpleasant thing is that the face begins to "float", the contours of the face and body are deformed. Lips decrease in volume, the so-called "purse-string" mouth appears. The contours of the nose and eyes are distorted, they become dull and sad. Often the faces of women with low levels of sex hormones become very similar, even if they are separated by decades!

This period is the most difficult in the fate of a woman. She has to say goodbye forever to the old way of life and get used to the new body and face.

And after all, the decrease in hormone levels is not limited to cosmetic results. They are followed by excess weight and problems with the cardiovascular system.

What to do? How to stop the aging process?

First, don't be discouraged when you discover the first signs of a drop in the level of sex hormones. Once you know, you are already warned and can take countermeasures. If you had remained in ignorance, then a sudden blow of fate in the form of catastrophic changes in appearance could hit you with extraordinary force, like that woman who had aged in six months.

Secondly, remember that you can very well resist the inexorable clock counting down your life.

The main thing that a woman after 40 can and should do is to help her body produce sex hormones.

Why develop? -- you ask. If hormones have such a direct effect on the youth of the body as a whole and the skin in particular, then with insufficient production of them, the simplest solution is to introduce artificial hormones from the outside. No, friends, it will not work: by receiving hormones in the form of injections, our body reduces the already small amount of hormones produced on its own: hormonal dependence is formed. This dependence is fraught not only by itself (after all, injections must be done every day!), but also by possible complications, the most serious of which is oncology.

Therefore, you will have to limit yourself to helping your body.

The simplest and most important thing - do not reduce the intensity of your sex life. After all, if hormones are still in demand in your personal life, they will continue to be actively produced by your body! Also try to keep your physical form at a high level.

Second, help your body with vitamins that directly affect the production of sex hormones. First of all, it is (in Latin - tocopherol - life-bearing), as well as B vitamins (especially folic acid), vitamins A and C.

Vitamins E, A (also beta-carotene) and C are also antioxidants, which means they prevent the destruction of cell membranes by free radicals - eliminating the remaining 30% of the causes of aging. Vitamins A, C and E are also rightly called cosmetic - because they help our skin to remain elastic, hair - strong, eyes - shiny.

It is clear that with age, the need for additional intake of these vitamins only increases. Therefore, it is worth stopping at multivitamin formulas with a high content of these vitamins.

By following these simple rules, you can prolong your youth for many years, pushing the onset of the autumn of life to the maximum possible limits. Your skin, eyes, hair will continue to radiate the power of life, and every birthday will remind you not of your defeat, but of your victory. The victory of the power of knowledge and the power of the spirit!

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