Lesson on differentiation of sounds. Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson using modern educational technologies “Standing in the Teremok field”

Summary of speech therapy classes in 1st grade, type VII.

Subject. “Differentiation of sounds [w] - [zh].”

Target: development of motor, cognitive and speech activity during educational activities in children of primary school age.


I. Educational.

1. Differentiation of sounds [ш], [ж].

2. Consolidating the skills of correct pronunciation, phonemic analysis, synthesis.

3. Clarification and expansion of students' vocabulary.

II. Corrective.

1. Develop VPF.

2. Develop articulatory, general and fine motor skills.

3. Develop communication functions in children.

III. Educational.

1. Form a positive emotional attitude in speech therapy classes based on the game moment.

2. Foster a desire to learn and develop cognitive interest.

3. Foster a culture of the educational process.

Form: subgroup lesson.

Equipment: mirrors, computer, educational - developmental program “Learning to speak correctly”, subject pictures, cards with tasks, pictures with professions.

Lesson plan

1. Organizational moment.

3. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

6. Development of phonemic hearing. Differentiation of sounds in words. Sound-syllable and graphic analysis of words.

7. Physical minute.

8. Lexical - grammar exercises.
9. Summary of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. moment

The children go into the office and sit at their desks. Greet the speech therapist and guests.

Speech therapist:- Hello guys, today we have guests for our lesson. Let's say hello.

Children and guests greet each other.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: - To ensure that our speech is clear and understandable,

We need to exercise our tongue!

"The Tale of Cheerful Tongue."

Once upon a time there lived a Merry Tongue in his house. What kind of house is this?

In this house

red doors,

Near the doors

White animals.

Animals love

Candies and buns.

Did you guess it? This house is a mouth.

(When performing articulatory gymnastics, each exercise is repeated

5 – 7 times).

The doors in the house open and close. Like this (mouth closed, open). Restless Tongue does not sit still. He often runs out of the house (stick out tongue). But you can’t run far from home, let’s punish the naughty tongue (open your mouth slightly, put your tongue on your upper lip and, smacking your lips, pronounce the sounds of five-five-five). So he went out to bask in the sun, relax on the porch (tongue “spatulat” on the lower lip). A slight breeze, the tongue quivered (language with an arrow), hid in the house and closed the door behind him (remove tongue, close mouth), And in the yard the sun hid behind the clouds and the rain began to patter on the roof (we hit our teeth with our tongue and say “d-d-d-d”). Tongue was not bored at home and gave the kitten milk. He lapped up the milk (run your tongue along your upper lip from top to bottom, mouth open), then the kitten licked his lips (lick the upper and lower lips from right to left, left to right) and yawned sweetly (mouth wide open). The tongue looked at the clock, it was ticking: “tick-tock” (mouth open, lips in a smile, touch the corners of the mouth with the tip of the tongue). The kitten curled up into a ball. “It’s time for me to sleep,” thought Tongue.

3. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Today we will continue to distinguish between the sounds Zh - Sh in pronunciation and writing.

4. Consolidation of educational statements based on sound characteristics.

Vowels or consonants Zh – Sh? (children's answers)

Are these consonants hard or soft?

Which of these consonants is voiced and which is voiceless? (children's answers).

5. Pronouncing isolated sounds.

Let's all say Sh – Sh – Sh together .

Let's say everything together Zh - Zh - Zh (while pronouncing a sound, correct articulation is recalled, the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth, the teeth are almost clenched, between them there is only a narrow slit, reminiscent of the correct one) .

6. Development of phonemic hearing. Differentiation of sounds in words.

Sound-syllable and graphic analysis of words.

Speech therapist:- To find out how well you have learned to distinguish the sound Ш - Ж, I have prepared various tasks for you.

Work with computer

The educational and developmental program “Learning to Speak Correctly” will be included, section “Speech Sounds”, topic: “Sounds - Twins”, game: “Place the sounds “F”, “W” in the box.”

A physical moment for the eyes.

Speech therapist: - You successfully completed the task on the computer; you correctly distinguished sounds. The next task will be more difficult.

Listen to the words: HEAT, BALL.

Show a picture that matches the word HEAT,... BALL.

- Repeat what is shown in each picture. Tell me what it is HEAT and what is BALL.

In which word - HEAT or BALL- is there a sound [zh]? At the beginning, at the end or in the middle of a word this sound;

What is the first sound in a word BALL?

Name all the sounds in order in the word HEAT,... BALL.

What letters should be written in the empty cells?

Read the words between the pictures. Find a card with the word on your desk BALL,... HEAT.

What letters are the same in these words? What letters are different in these words?

Write the word BALL. Write the word HEAT.

Come up with a sentence using any of these words .

heat ball

Do the same task with words BUG- NOISE, MEADOW - FLUFF.


wow wow

lu-zhok Pu-shok

7. Physical minute.

The cubs lived in the thicket."

The cubs lived in the thicket, turning their heads:

Like this and like this, like this, like this,

The cubs were looking for honey, shaking the tree together:

Like this and like this, they rocked the tree together.

They waddled around and drank water from the river:

Like this and like this, they drank water from the river,

And then they danced together and raised their paws

Like this and like this, they raised their paws together.

Children imitate teddy bear games.

8. Lexico-grammatical exercises.

"Ball game"

Speech therapist: A picture with a profession is shown (shoemaker, seamstress, fireman, miner, driver, artist). The ball is thrown and the question is asked: - What profession is depicted. The student throws the ball and names their profession.

Questions are also asked: - What does a shoemaker do at work? Seamstress... etc.

What sound is found “Zh” or “Sh” in the word shoemaker? Seamstress... etc.

9. Summary of the lesson.

What sounds were distinguished today in class? - How are the sounds different in pronunciation? (w – voiced, w – unvoiced).

10. Assessing children’s work in class.

I thank the children for their good work in class (by name). We say goodbye to the guests and the children leave the office.

For children of senior preschool age

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! The one whom my voice calls will sit quietly on the chair! (The speech therapist calls the children one by one, the children sit on chairs.)

An image of two girls and a letter appears on the interactive board (slide 2).

Zhanna and Shura received a letter from their friend Zvukovich (the speech therapist takes out an envelope). The sound guy writes that he has lost two sounds, and he asks the girls to find them for him. Let's help Zhukovich together with Zhanna and Shura? Then let's hit the road!

2. Introduction to the topic.

First of all, we need to find out what sounds are lost? We learned that one of these sounds lives at the beginning of the name Zhanna. What sound is this? (Sound [F].) Indeed, this sound is one of Zhanna’s favorite sounds, so she decided that she would look for this particular sound.

The second sound lives at the beginning of the name Shura. What sound is this? (Sound [Ш].) This sound is one of Shura’s favorite sounds, so she will look for it.

3. Articulation gymnastics. The following image appears on the interactive whiteboard.

We went out into the yard together - there was a fence in front of us (exercise “Fence”). (Slide 3.)

In the yard behind the fence we saw a swing and decided to swing on it (exercise “Swing”). (Slide 4.)

Then we spun around on the carousel (we licked our lips in a circle). (Slide 5.)

We were tired and wanted to drink juice from a straw (exercise “Pipe”). (Slide 6.)

4. Characteristics of sounds.

Zhanna and Shura decided to remember how these sounds were pronounced and began calling them. Shura called: “Sh-sh-sh.” Her lips were rounded in the shape of a window, her tongue rose upward in the shape of a cup. “I understand,” said Shura, “This is a hard consonant sound!” Zhanna also began to call her favorite sound: “Zh-zh-zh.” Her lips also became rounded, and her tongue became like a cup. “And I understood!” - Zhanna exclaimed, “My sound is also consonant, and also hard!”

“Oh, but these sounds are so similar! How can we tell them apart? - said Shura.

Guys, let's tell the girls how to distinguish these sounds. Let's pronounce the sound [Ш] and place our palm on our throat. Does our throat tremble when we pronounce [Ш]? Is the sound [Ш] voiced or unvoiced? (The neck does not tremble, the sound [Ш] is dull.) Let's say the sound [Zh] together and put our palm on the throat. Does our throat tremble when we pronounce [F]? Is the sound [F] voiced or unvoiced? (The neck trembles, the sound [F] is ringing.)

Right! Now Zhanna and Shura know that the sound [Zh] is voiced, and the sound [Ш] is unvoiced.

5. Didactic game “Confusion”. On their trip, Zhanna and Shura took objects with their favorite sounds, but these objects got mixed up in their backpack. Let's help them figure it out. Presentation on differentiation (slides 7-13).

6. Didactic game “Which one?” Which? Which?" Let's come up with phrases with these words, but the word we come up with should also contain the sounds [Ш] or [Х], for example: yellow pear (slide 14 from the presentation).

7. Exercise to develop fine motor skills.

Shura told me this warm-up, interesting about her balloon. Repeat after me.


Hot air balloon, hot air balloon. Flexion-extension of the hands

Naughty, naughty. "Rings"

He ran away with the wind. "Lock"

And where to? Didn't say. 3 claps, hands behind your back.

(F. Bobylev.)

8. Practicing clear pronunciation of sounds and developing intonation expressiveness of speech.(Slide 15.)

There is a bright summer sun outside, which accompanies us on our journey.

Listen to the poem:

The sun extended its yellow palms,

The sun ran into the field along the path.

Pay attention to how the sounds [SH] [ZH] are pronounced correctly.

Pronounce these sounds with clear articulation (one at a time, two at a time, together).

In which words did you hear the sound [Ш] [Ф].

So we found the lost sounds [SH] [Zh].

Say the rhyme while clapping the rhythm;

Fun and loud, quiet and sad;

Emphasizing the word sunshine;

With a questioning intonation, posing a question from the word yellow.

(Lopatina L.V., Pozdnyakova L.A. Speech therapy work on the development of intonation expressiveness of speech of preschool children: Textbook.)

8. Summary of the lesson.

Our adventures have come to an end. We found sounds that were missing from Zvukovich! Zvukovichok sincerely thanks his friends, and Zhanna and Shura thank you guys from the bottom of their hearts, because you helped them a lot, they couldn’t have done it without you!

Novikova S.N., teacher-speech therapist of the Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution of the Municipal Formation of Nyagan “Kindergarten No. 2 “Fairy Tale”.

Lesson objectives:

  • Corrective
    • clarify the articulation and correct pronunciation of the sounds [w] and [zh];
    • practice comparison, discrimination and correct pronunciation of sounds [w] and [zh] in syllables, words, phrases;
    • practice sound analysis and word synthesis.
  • Developmental
    • develop the ability to select a certain quality of attribute for an object;
    • develop visual attention, thinking skills, coherent speech.
  • Educational
    • cultivate interest and desire to work with computers.


    • Multimedia equipment
    • Table mirror.
    • Didactic game “Smart Train”.
    • Magnetic board.
    • Karinka “Teremok”


  1. Organizing time.
  2. The speech therapist shows the picture “Teremok”.

    What game should we play?

    Game “Teremok” (Children take turns saying the words “There is a Teremok-Teremok in the field, it is neither low nor high, in this little tower the sound ... lives,” name any speech sound and sit on the chairs).

    So we ended up in a clearing near Teremok. Who lives here? (Speech sounds)


    Children, look at the screen, did something happen here? What do you think?

    How to help these sounds get into the tower?

  3. Isolated pronunciation and characteristics of sounds.
  4. Speech therapist. What does the snake song sound like? Hiss (briefly, now for a long time). What does a beetle's song sound like? Buzz (quietly, now loudly).

    Tell us how these songs are made. (Children take turns telling the characteristics of the sounds [SH], [Zh] - the lips are rounded, the tongue rises up, turns into a cup, in the middle of the “cup”, a warm breeze passes, the bell does not work (it works with [g]. Since there is an obstacle in the mouth - the tongue, this means that this sound is consonant and hard).

    How are the sounds similar and different?

  5. Sound analysis and synthesis of words.
  6. Do we need all the sounds? Why? Prove it.

    What happens if the sound [Ш] disappears?

    Pictures appear on the screen: hat, fur coat, mouse, pencil . (The child explains what can come out of these words, and because of this, the object on the screen disappears).

    Similarly with pictures whose names contain the sound [Zh] - toad, giraffe, hedgehog, scissors.

  7. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.
  8. Speech therapist. You told about the sounds, they no longer quarrel and sing songs. Support them, sing with them. (One child pronounces syllables with the sound [Ш], and the second words with the sound [Zh]. Then they change)

  9. Visual gymnastics.
  10. We open our eyes - once,

    And we close our eyes - two,

    Open your eyes wider.

    And now they have closed again,

    Our eyes were rested.

  11. Differentiation in words.

And now the sounds invite you to play “Find the extra object.” Don't forget that the game is offered to you by sounds. Pictures on the screen:

  • Fur coat, shirt, shorts, vest. (Which item is extra? Why? Where in the word vest is there a sound [Zh]?
  • Scissors, pliers, putty knife, hacksaw.
  • Hedgehog, cat, giraffe, foal.
  • spoon, cup, knife, jug.

Speech therapist. Well done. So that the sounds do not quarrel and quickly return to the mansion of speech sounds, we will give them gifts. Guess the riddle and find out what you will give them.

The brothers are ready to visit,
They clung to each other.
And they rushed off on a long journey,
They just left some smoke.

Game “Smart Train”

What train do you think “snake song” should be given? (A train that will carry trailers with objects whose names contain the sound [Ш]).

What about the “bug song”? (child answers).

Don't forget to use signs to make the train beautiful and smart.

Independent work of children on a magnetic board.

Now... tell me about your gift. (The child describes the objects, selecting for them the values ​​of the attribute that will be located above the trailer with this object: for example - a train with the sound [F] will carry carriages with a buzzing beetle, a green toad, iron scissors).

The second child tells his story similarly.

Great. Let's check, have our sounds returned to Teremok? On the slide, the sounds are in Teremka.

  1. Reflection.

What were we doing now?

How did we do it?

Why did we do this?

Sections: Speech therapy

Purpose of the lesson. To develop the ability to distinguish sounds [w], [z] by ear and pronunciation in isolation, in syllables, in words, in sentences and texts.


Correctional and educational.

1. To form an idea of ​​the mechanism of formation of sounds [ш], [ж].

2. Repeat the comparative characteristics of the sounds [w], [z].

3. Practice the skill of exaggerated reading and writing with pronunciation.

Correctional and developmental.

1. To develop the skill of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

2. Improve articulatory motor skills.

3. Promote the development of phonemic hearing.

Correctional and educational.

1. Foster in the student a positive attitude towards speech therapy classes.

2. Promote the formation of self-control skills.


  • syllable table,
  • mirror,
  • reference table for comparative characteristics of sounds [ш], [ж].
Lesson stages Types of tasks Activities of a speech therapist Student activity What tasks were solved during the tasks?
Organizing time Exercise “Infinity chain”. Greetings; the psychological mood of the student for the upcoming educational activity. Selection of words in accordance with the rules of the game:

Zhu ToTo O TT opo RR uk AA lfavi T...

Development of phonemic analysis, concentration of the student’s attention on completing educational tasks.
- From the written word, form a chain of words so that each subsequent word begins with the last sound of the previous word.
Updating knowledge and skills Articulation gymnastics. Supervising assistance: for the correct execution of articulation exercises. Performing articulatory gymnastics exercises: “ Painter”, “Fungus”, “Delicious jam”, “Cup” (visual control using a mirror). Development of articulatory motor skills.
Clarification of articulation and characteristics of sounds [ш], [ж]. Explanation of articulation of sounds (using visual control)

When pronouncing the sounds [w], [z], the lips are rounded, the tongue in the shape of a “cup” is raised to the upper front teeth, the exhaled air passes through the middle of the tongue, but when pronouncing the sound [z], “the voice motor is working,” and when pronouncing the sound [sh] ] - “silent”.

Comparative characteristics of sounds (based on tactile sensations and a table)

The sounds [w], [zh] are consonant and always hard, but the sound [zh] is voiced, and the sound [w] is dull.

Development of tactile sensations, phonemic perception.
Differentiation of sounds [ш], [ж] isolated, in syllables Fizminutka “Encryptor” - Listen and “encrypt” the chain of sounds and syllables.

sound [zh] - running in place (“Runner”),

sound [w] - one jump in place (“Ball”).

Completing the task

physical exercises “Cryptor”.

Development of phonemic hearing, relieving emotional and muscle tension.
Working with syllable tables.

Exercise “Alien Conversation”

Controlling assistance: for clear articulation during speaking and writing (with commentary). Reading and writing syllables with exaggerated pronunciation “in alien style.” Consolidating the skill of exaggerated reading and writing with pronunciation.
Finger gymnastics Exercises “Castle”, “Flower”, “Goat”. Controlling assistance: for clear articulation during speaking, correct execution of gymnastics movements. Performing exercises with speaking. Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.
Differentiation of sounds [ш], [ж] in words, in sentences Exercise “Lost syllables” (ball game). - I throw the ball to you and say the beginning of the word (first syllable), and you return the ball and add a syllable live or shi so that it becomes a word. this...(zhi) - this and

u...(zhi) - u and

but...(zhi) - but and

small...(shi) - small w

lands...(shi) - lands w

stri...(zhi) - stri and

karanda...(shi) - karanda w

Development of phonemic awareness; observation of the deafening of a voiced consonant at the end of a word.
Exercise “Save words from Bookbooks” - Insert the missing letters and correct Dunno errors

(Mi?a butter the bread.

I put on fuzzy mittens.

Babu?ka?Fry the fish in a frying pan).

Completing the task (independently); self-test according to the sample; work on mistakes. Development of phonemic hearing, formation of self-control skills.
Lesson summary Reflection - What did you learn in class?

Give a comparative description of the sounds [w], [z].

What did you like most about the lesson?

What tasks did you do best, and why?

The sounds [w], [zh] are consonant and always hard, but the sound [zh] is voiced, and the sound [w] is dull.

(answers on questions)

Formation of the ability to evaluate, together with a speech therapist, the result of one’s actions, to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities.

(differentiation of sounds [ш], [ж] in the text)

Exercise “The rain has passed” A brief briefing on the progress of homework and possible difficulties in completing it. Recording homework, questions about the progress of its completion. Development of phonemic hearing (differentiation of sounds [ш], [ж] based on text material).

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [Ш] - [Х]”. Goal: To develop skills in differentiating the sounds Ш-З in syllables, words, sentences. Lexical topic “Professions”.


  • To develop skills in differentiating the sounds SH-Zh in syllables, words, sentences.


  • Teach auditory-pronunciation differentiation of the sounds Ш-З in words, sentences, text;
  • consolidate children's knowledge of the sounds and letters Sh-Zh;
  • Expand words knowledge;
  • develop skills in constructing a coherent statement;
  • develop articulatory motor skills:
  • to educate the emotional-volitional and motivational sphere, taking into account the correctional and educational needs of children.


  • subject pictures for each student, cards with words, computer, mirrors, snowflakes, cards with printed letters “Ш”, “Ф”, medals, suns, diagrams.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Hello guys! Stand up straight, pull yourself up and, of course, smile. Have a seat.

We have many guests today. I will smile at you, and you will smile at me and our guests. We are calm and kind. We are friendly and affectionate, we are healthy.

Let's take a deep breath through our nose and breathe in freshness, kindness and beauty. And through our mouth we will breathe out all the resentment, anger and grief.

Let's start the lesson.

With the motto: “We listen carefully,
We pronounce it carefully,
Speak calmly, clearly,
So that everyone can understand"

Teacher: Well done, guys!

Tell me what date is today?

What day of the week is it today?

What time of year is it now?

How many spring months are there?

Name the spring months.

Mimic exercise.

Teacher: Now I will show emoticons with different moods, and you must depict one or another mood with facial expressions.

What do these emoticons express? (Slide 1 (a), (b), (c))

Children: Calm. (A)

Children: Sadness. (b)

Children: Joy. (V)

Teacher: In what mood will we continue our lesson?

Children: Happy!

Breathing exercises

Teacher: Spring has come and soon it will drive winter away. And now we will send snowflakes on a long journey, which will come to us again next winter. So, take some snowflakes. (Slide 2) A strong wind came. We blow on the snowflakes strongly (inhale through the nose, shoulders down, exhale through the mouth). Little by little the wind subsides and we blow quietly. A strong wind blew again. We blow strongly, but silently.

Articulation gymnastics.

Self-massage of face and neck.

Children must wash their hands before class. It is advisable to carry out such self-massage before each articulatory gymnastics lesson.

We rub our hands and warm them up (rub our palms, clap)
And we wash our face with our warmth (we run our palms over our face from top to bottom)
Rake rakes away all bad thoughts (rake-like movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples)
We rub the ears up and down quickly (rubbing the ears up and down)
We bend them forward, pull them down by the lobes (bending the ears forward, pulling them down)
And then we put our fingers on the cheeks.
We stretch our cheeks to puff up.
We knead our lips to make them smile (we knead our lips: upper and lower)
Now we, ducklings, will stretch our beaks (lips into a tube)
Knead them gently, without touching them with your nails (thumb and index fingers knead both lips)
We lift our cheeks with the corners of our lips (fingers take turns lifting the corners of our mouth)
And you and I give each other a smile.

Teacher: Now we will stretch our tongue.

  • "Smile"
  • "Proboscis"
  • “The tongue is wide-narrow”
  • "Cup"
  • "Painter"
  • "Swing"
  • "Mushroom"

II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will learn to correctly pronounce and distinguish the sounds SH-Zh in words, sentences and text.

III. Work on the topic lesson.

1. Characteristics of the sounds SH-Zh.

Teacher: Pronounce the sound Ш. How are the speech organs located when pronouncing this sound?

Children: The lips are rounded and extended forward, the teeth are close together, the tongue is raised up to the alveoli in the shape of a cup. A strong stream of air.

Teacher: Say the sound Zh. How are the speech organs located now?

Children: The organs of speech are located in the same way, but the vocal folds vibrate, the exhaled stream of air is weaker and the gap between the tip of the tongue and the hard palate is smaller.

Teacher: How are the sounds Ш and Ж similar?

Children: Consonant sounds, always hard.

Teacher: How are they different?

Children: Sh – deaf, Z – voiced.

2. Differentiation of letters.

What letters represent these sounds?

Think about what the letter Z looks like? What does the letter Sh look like?

This letter is wide and looks like a beetle.

And at the same time, it’s like a beetle makes a “buzzing sound.”

What does the letter Sh look like?

To the snake that rustles in the reeds.

Draw these letters on the sand, on your palm, in the air. Draw the letter Z. Lay them out of small objects (for example, mosaics, beads, etc.)

How many letters are there Zh and Sh?

Underline the letter Z in the row of letters:

3. Differentiation zh-sh in words.

1 task.

Read the words. Choose antonyms.

What words are called “antonyms” (words with opposite meanings).


Task 2.

Find words among the letters.


Name it in one word.

What is a profession?

Read the names of professions that contain the sound sh, zh.

Task 3.

Pick up the card with the letter g. If there is a sound w or sh in a word, if in a word we hear the sound sh (by ear).

He writes, plants, plows, sews, guards, stews, plasters, conducts, juggles, dreams.

What question do these words answer?

What part of speech are they?

What do they mean? (actions of people of different professions)

Differentiation zh-sh in a sentence.

Exercise 1.

Fill in the missing letters. (mutual check)

What do you think needs to be done?

What is the rule for missing letters in words?

Journalist Grisha was reporting... He climbed into the depths. How nice... landscape...! There are trees around. Here are the lands... . Here f... . Crawling at... . We are running. Chi flies... What a t...t! Only the noise of the kama...

Task 2.

Read the card. Are these suggestions? Why? (No, because the words are not grammatically related)

Put the words in order and make sentences based on the questions.




Differentiation zh-sh in the text.

Exercise 1.

Look at the story plan using the pictures. (the pictures are cut, they need to be collected and the person must guess what profession these things belong to)

Tell us about your profession. Use the plan on cards.

  1. Name.
  2. What is he doing.
  3. What tools or devices does he use?
  4. Where does it work?



Task 2.

Restoring deformed text.

Suggestions are written on separate cards. After composing the letter from memory.

All professions are important.
All professions are wonderful.
We know that our hands
The Motherland will need them.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Make a proverb out of words.

He is not good who has a handsome face, but he is good who is good at business.

What did you learn in class?

In what mood will we end our lesson? Choose an emoji that matches your mood.
