Make soup from fresh honey mushrooms. Honey mushroom soup

Mushroom season occurs in autumn; at this time, many mushroom picking families prepare soup from fresh honey mushrooms. Of course, such a dish can be prepared without going to the forest, because mushrooms can be bought in the store. You can prepare different versions of soup from honey mushrooms; here are several recipe options.

Honey mushrooms belong to the category of the most valuable edible mushrooms. The most delicious are fresh honey mushrooms collected in the forest. But you can also use mushrooms sold in supermarkets. Fresh frozen mushrooms are usually on sale. They are used in the same way as fresh ones.

If you use fresh honey mushrooms collected in the forest, then you should start preparing the soup by sorting and cleaning the mushrooms. To make cleaning easier, it is recommended to pre-soak honey mushrooms in cold water. During the cleaning process, be sure to cut off the lower part of the leg.

Fresh honey mushrooms must be boiled first, and the broth can be used as a base for soup. But frozen mushrooms do not need to be boiled beforehand; they can be placed directly into the broth. The remaining ingredients of the dish are prepared in accordance with the recipe. Potatoes and other vegetables are usually added to mushroom soup. In addition, you can use cereals, vermicelli or noodles as additives. The mushroom puree soup is very tasty and tender.

A simple recipe for fresh honey mushroom soup

The simplest recipe for mushroom soup will appeal to those who do not like to spend a lot of time on cooking, but love to eat tasty food.

  • 700 gr. honey mushrooms;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

Read also: Beef broth soup - 13 simple recipes

Soak fresh honey mushrooms for a quarter of an hour, rinse and clean, cutting off the lower part of the stem. Place clean mushrooms in a saucepan, add 2.5 liters of water and set to cook the broth. When cooking mushroom broth, just like when cooking meat, you need to carefully remove the foam that floats to the surface. At the very end of cooking, season the broth with salt.

Pour the broth into another container through a sieve. Boiled honey mushrooms, if they are small, leave them whole. If you come across larger specimens, they need to be cut.

Peel and wash all vegetables. Send the diced potatoes to cook in mushroom broth. Heat the oil in a frying pan and make the dressing. To do this, lightly fry the onion, add to it carrots, which have been cut into thin strips or grated, as well as boiled mushrooms.

Fry everything over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Then we transfer the dressing into the pan, where the potatoes have already been cooked in the mushroom broth. Stir and season with spices to taste. Cook for another five minutes and leave to steep under the lid for at least half an hour.

Advice! You can serve honey mushroom soup with a boiled egg. To do this, boil the eggs, peel and cut in half. Dip half an egg into each serving of soup and sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Fresh honey mushroom soup with barley and potatoes

Another simple version of the soup, which is prepared with potatoes and barley.

  • 500 gr. already prepared (cleaned) honey mushrooms;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 0.5 cups pearl barley;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons oil;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

It is better to pre-soak the pearl barley for several hours (overnight is possible), then the cereal will cook much faster.

Pour two and a half liters of water into a saucepan, add honey mushrooms to the water and cook until tender, adding bay leaves and salt. The mushrooms will be ready in 15-20 minutes. After this, pour the broth through a sieve and pour it back into the pan. Dip the pearl barley into the mushroom broth and cook until soft. It will take approximately 35-40 minutes to cook the cereal.

Read also: Kholodnik soup - 6 best recipes

Preparing the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, add them to the almost finished pearl barley and cook everything together until tender.

Prepare the dressing by frying onions, carrots and boiled mushrooms in oil. First you need to add the onion and fry until the pieces become translucent. Then add the carrots, which have been grated on a medium-sized grater, and add boiled honey mushrooms. Stir and reduce heat. Cook for about fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally.

Transfer the prepared dressing into a saucepan with soup. Add, if necessary, salt and seasonings to taste. You can add fresh or dried herbs.

Delicate cream soup with cream

The cream soup made from fresh honey mushrooms is very tender and light. Let's prepare it with the addition of vegetables and cream.

Advice! If you want to make a dietary soup puree from honey mushrooms, then the heavy cream in the recipe can be replaced with milk.

  • 300 gr. honey mushrooms;
  • 1 potato;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 glass of cream;
  • 1 teaspoon butter;
  • spices, salt and herbs - to taste.

First of all, you need to boil the honey mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms are cleaned, washed and filled with cold water. You don’t need to take a lot of water; the liquid should only cover the honey mushroom layer. The mushrooms will be ready in 20-30 minutes.

We peel the potatoes, cut them arbitrarily, but not too large, so that the root vegetables cook faster. After the water boils, add salt.

Fry the finely chopped onion in butter, then add the boiled mushrooms and fry everything together for about fifteen minutes, reducing the heat.

Place the potatoes and mushrooms in a blender bowl and blend until you get a smooth puree. You can also grind food using an immersion blender. Dilute the puree with plums or milk, add a little potato broth.

Add the broth little by little, achieving the desired thickness of the dish. We warm up our puree soup without letting it boil. Pour into soup cups and sprinkle with herbs.

Mushrooms do not belong to either the plant or animal world of our planet.

Their world is so diverse that one can only marvel at it!

Or try cooking some dish, for example honey mushroom soup.

Honey mushroom soup - general technological principles

Honey mushrooms belong to the category of the best edible mushrooms. The most valuable are considered to be autumn honey mushrooms, which are collected from mid-August until the first frost. Pickled honey mushrooms are more often found on sale. If it is not possible to collect these mushrooms in the forest, you can prepare a soup from pickled honey mushrooms. It is better to buy mushrooms from trusted sellers, and this is the main technological principle for honey mushroom soup, as for all other mushroom dishes.

There are some other rules for collecting and preparing mushrooms:

After collection, the mushrooms are carefully checked, sorted and cleaned. First, they cut off the very bottom part of the stem, which was in the mycelium, then soak it for a while to make it easier to clean.

For making soups from honey mushrooms, not only fresh honey mushrooms are suitable, but also dried, frozen, salted or pickled (for hodgepodge, sour cabbage soup or pickles).

Mushrooms are neutral in acid-base composition, so they can be combined with almost any food group. But most often they are combined in dishes with dairy products, which emphasize their smell and taste. Honey mushrooms go very well with poultry, buckwheat, rice porridge, and beans. Mushrooms with a lot of sautéed onions and carrots are especially tasty.

If you need to emphasize the mushroom smell of honey mushroom soup, then be sure to use dried porcini mushrooms in the dish. You can also buy a special mushroom seasoning for sale, but you must take into account that such packages contain some stabilizers and preservatives that affect the taste of honey mushroom soup. Using such seasonings, you will have to take into account the presence of salt in it, which is not always necessary for a dish. Therefore, if possible, prepare powder from dried porcini mushrooms and add it to dishes. There is no need to be afraid of poisoning - dry mushrooms, especially white ones, cannot be poisonous.

If after a walk in the forest the house smells of mushrooms, then it’s time to make honey mushroom soup. It often happens like this: there is a product and you start thinking about how to prepare it. With honey mushrooms, everything is simple. They can be used in almost any dish, even in recipes that do not include them. You can see this for yourself!

Recipe 1. Honey mushroom soup, with rice and pork ribs


Honey mushrooms, dried 200 g

Rice, steamed, round 100 g

Water, filtered 3.0 l

Carrots 150 g

Ribs, lean, pork 0.5 kg

Flour, for sauteing 50 g

Cooking fat or margarine (for sautéing vegetables and frying mushrooms)

Milk, whole 100 ml (for soaking mushrooms)

Potatoes, peeled 350 g


Greens and sour cream, for serving


It is advisable to soak dried honey mushrooms overnight in milk with added water. Rice can be washed and soaked two hours before cooking. Place the pork ribs in a pan of cold water and begin to cook the broth. When it stops foaming, add spices, a small, whole carrot, a peeled onion, and a piece of celery. When the meat broth is completely cooked and the meat easily separates from the bones, strain it and return it to the stove. We cut the prepared vegetables: potatoes - into small cubes; dice the onion and grate the carrots. First, discard the soaked honey mushrooms through a colander and rinse them under cold water. Let the water drain and cut large mushrooms in half. Fry honey mushrooms in a frying pan in butter. After that, we send them to a pan with broth. There is no need to pre-cook the mushrooms, because dried mushrooms are not poisonous. Fry the onions and carrots in hot fat - use any to taste. After 15-20 minutes, add chopped potatoes and rice into the soup, followed by another five minutes, sautéed onions and carrots. Let it boil, cook for about five minutes, and remove the pan from the stove. Let the honey mushroom soup brew. When serving, add the meat separated from the bone to a portion plate, season with herbs and sour cream.

Recipe 2. Cheese soup from honey mushrooms


Fresh honey mushrooms 0.5 kg

Seasoning, mushroom (dried mushrooms) 20 g

Water 350 ml

Cheese "Viola", soft processed (60%) 400 g

Grated carrots 250 g

Milk of any fat content 300 ml

Fat (any, to taste), for sautéing and frying 50-70 g

Mixed peppers, salt


Prepare the mushrooms: sort them and wash them thoroughly. Boil in a separate bowl, discard and wash the mushrooms again. Cut large mushrooms in half lengthwise. In a saucepan, in hot oil, simmer the chopped onion and prepared, grated carrots until soft. Add mushrooms to them and fry with the lid open until cooked. Transfer the contents of the saucepan to boiling water and season with mushroom powder, spices, and lightly salt. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Place the cheese in a blender glass, pour in the milk and blend until smooth. Pour the milk-cheese mixture into the boiling soup and wait until the cheese mixture dissolves. Add the herbs and let the honey mushroom soup brew.

Recipe 3. Cream soup of honey mushrooms, with chicken breast

Product composition:

Broth, chicken 1.25 l

Carrots 100 - 150 g

Honey mushrooms, fried 300 - 350 g

Potatoes 0.4 kg

Fat (for sautéing) 50 ml

Cream (15%) 0.5 l

Mushrooms, white (dried) 150 g

Fresh parsley leaves 90 g

Flour 70-90 g

Boiled chicken breast 600 g

Sour cream 20%, for serving 150 ml

Preparation procedure:

Boil potatoes in broth, remove them with a slotted spoon and prepare mashed potatoes. Sauté carrots and onions, transfer them to mashed potatoes and add two or three tablespoons of wheat flour to the vegetables. Blend the vegetables again with a blender. Combine the hot cream with the broth and gradually add it to the vegetable puree, continuing to whisk at low speed. When the mixture acquires the consistency of a thick sauce, pour it into a saucepan and, bringing to a boil, season with salt, dried mushrooms, and spices. Place finely chopped mushrooms, chopped parsley and boiled breast into a saucepan with honey mushroom soup. Serve with sour cream.

Recipe 4. Honey mushroom soup, in pots


Muscovy duck breast 0.7 kg

Honey mushrooms, frozen 1.5 kg

Prunes 180 g

Potatoes, peeled 400 g

Sour cream, low-fat 250 g

Cheese "Dutch", hard 300 g

Carrot 200 g

Buckwheat 150 g

Purified water 3.0 l

Cooking fat (for sautéing vegetables and mushrooms)

Parsley, ginger roots

Greens (for serving)


Muscovy duck is a less fatty breed of duck, so it is better to choose its meat. Dip the prepared breast into cold water prepared for soup (3.5 l) and put it on the stove, cook, not forgetting to skim off the foam. When the duck is half cooked, add one small, washed onion, peeled from the top skin (not completely) and cut off the root part. To the meat broth, also add a small piece of ginger root (2 cm), cut into slices, a whole carrot (100 g) and a parsley root (chop it more thoroughly). Season the broth with bay leaves and peppercorns. When the broth is ready, remove the meat, strain it and cook the diced potatoes in it until half cooked. Cut the meat into portions.

Sort out the buckwheat, wash and dry in a dry, hot frying pan. When it is steamed and fried, it will be flavorful and cook faster.

Wash the prunes and lightly steam them with boiling water so that it is convenient to cut them into strips.

If honey mushrooms were washed before freezing, then they can be boiled immediately, in a separate bowl and in a large amount of water. Then drain through a colander, rinse again and set aside to drain, so that they do not steam later, but fry in a frying pan.

Cut carrots and onions into thin strips. Fry mushrooms and onions with carrots separately. When frying mushrooms, it is better to use vegetable oil first, and add butter at the end - the mushrooms will not burn, and the mushroom aroma will be brighter when adding butter.

Now place the prepared ingredients in order in the prepared pots: prunes, sautéed onions and carrots, buckwheat, potatoes, mushrooms. Place pieces of duck breast on top. Fill each pot with broth so that it only lightly covers the contents, add a tablespoon of sour cream and generously cover everything with grated cheese.

Pour a little water onto the baking sheet so that the honey mushroom soup is well cooked first, and when the water evaporates, it should be covered with a golden brown crust of melted cheese. Bake for a total of 15-20 minutes, based on the technical capabilities of the oven. Before serving, garnish with leaves of your favorite greens.

Recipe 5. Honey mushroom soup with beans, olives and tomato dressing - mushroom solyanka


Beans, white 250 g

2 whole carrots, for cooking beans and meat and 2 pcs. for seasoning soup

Black olives, salted 200 g (net)

Honey mushrooms, fresh or frozen 0.8 kg

Canned tomatoes, 1 can per tomato (750 g)

Onion 2 large onions, for sautéing and 2 pcs. – small, for broths

Oil (preferably olive) 100 ml

Garlic 2-3 small cloves

Water (as needed)

Parsley, root and leaves

Lemon wedges (for serving)

Celery (root) – for broths

Dill, fresh – for broth and for serving

Broccoli 350 g

Sour cream (for serving)

Potatoes 350 g

Turkey breast 900 g


We soak the beans the day before, preferably 7-8 hours before starting to prepare the honey mushroom soup. Then you need to boil them - do this:

after boiling for five to ten minutes in salted water, drain the beans through a colander;

Fill with water again, adding celery roots, parsley and fresh dill stems;

and cook until done.

We remove all excess from the broth in which the beans were cooked, cook small cubes of potatoes in this pan, and leave them temporarily.

You can also cook poultry broth in advance, also with the roots of herbs, but in a small amount of water - the meat should be stewed rather than boiled. Cut the finished meat.

Prepare the mushrooms - boil them in a large volume of salted water, rinse and lightly dry.

Sauté broccoli florets and onions, cut into large cubes, and transfer them to a pan with beans, in which the honey mushroom soup will continue to be cooked. First, the onion is fried, and then the broccoli is added.

First fry the carrot cubes in oil flavored with two cloves of crushed garlic. Add a little sugar to caramelize the carrots and acquire a sweetish taste, then simmer until tender. To do this, pour one to one and a half glasses of tomato juice into a saucepan, in which the tomatoes were canned, and simmer the carrots until the juice thickens. Cut 5-6 canned tomatoes, finely, into cubes and add to the saucepan with carrots for a couple of minutes, just to warm them up.

We cut large pitted olives in half, and small ones can be thrown whole into honey mushroom soup.

All prepared ingredients - mushrooms, carrots with tomatoes, olives and pieces of meat, with the broth in which it was cooked - are sent to a saucepan with beans, broccoli and onions.

At this time, you should try the honey mushroom soup and season it with all the necessary spices. Don't forget to add dry mushroom powder to enhance the flavor of the mushroom soup. If necessary, add boiling water so that the ratio of solid and liquid parts is the same, bring the assembled soup to a boil and cook a little so that all the flavors combine, no more than five minutes.

Add chopped herbs to the soup, cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for a while. To serve you will need sour cream, lemon slices and some fresh herb leaves.

Recipe 6. Soup of honey mushrooms marinated with cucumbers and pearl barley

Product composition:

Pearl barley 150 g

Potatoes 400 g

Smoked meat (or pink salmon) 0.5 kg

Pickled honey mushrooms 250 g

Carrot 150 g

Water - as much as needed

Tomato paste 75 g

Sour cream (for serving)

Salted or pickled cucumbers 300 g

Celery (stem or root) 80 g

Cooking fat (for sautéing)

Garlic 3 cloves


Essentially, this is pickle soup. So set the salt aside. It is unlikely that it will be needed for such a honey mushroom soup. If only very, very little, in the end.

Before cooking, rinse the pearl barley until the water is clear and soak in cold water for at least 3-4 hours.

Preparing the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes or sticks. Finely grate the carrots and chop the onion thinly into strips. Cut large mushrooms; small ones - leave whole. Cut the meat or fish into strips, pickles into cubes, finely.

Place a pot of water on the stove, do not add salt, and let it boil. Throw pearl barley into it and cook until half cooked.

Following the cereal, we send potatoes with grated or finely chopped celery root.

When the potatoes are almost cooked, add pieces of smoked meat, cucumbers and honey mushrooms, let it boil, and set the pan off the heat.

Heat the fat in a frying pan, fry the crushed garlic in it first, and then sauté the onion, followed by the carrots, add one or two tablespoons of flour, sauté for another minute and pour in the tomato paste, diluted to a sauce consistency with water or broth from the soup. Simmer until thickened and until the tomato acquires a rich red hue.

Put the pan with honey mushroom soup on the fire again, boil and thicken it with tomato dressing. A minute after the honey mushroom soup boils, turn off the stove. Generously sprinkle the finished soup with herbs and close the lid. Serve with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs in a plate.

The readiness of mushrooms during cooking can be determined as follows: boiled mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan, and raw mushrooms float.

Apart from mushroom broth made from champignons and porcini mushrooms, no mushroom decoctions are suitable for food, even if the mushrooms are edible.

Honey mushrooms are lamellar mushrooms. They have a loose cap and a dense stem. Young mushrooms also have a dense structure. If you need whole mushrooms for honey mushroom soup, use small mushrooms or mushroom legs. Caps and larger mushrooms are suitable for puree soup.

Remember to wash your hands when preparing mushroom dishes and whenever you touch raw mushrooms.

Before cooking, keep fresh mushrooms in acidified water.

Thawed mushrooms should be processed immediately so that you don’t have to throw them away.

Honey mushroom soup is tasty, easy, nutritious and varied. Don't deny yourself simple pleasures!

Mushroom soup can rightfully be called one of the most common gourmet dishes. And this is not surprising, because the aroma and taste that it possesses will not leave any gourmet indifferent. Among all the mushroom dishes, one of the most popular is the soup with honey mushrooms, which has an original and unsurpassed taste.

Selection of mushrooms for soup

You can cook mushroom soup from honey mushrooms either with or without additional vegetables, the main thing is to correctly select and prepare the main ingredient - mushrooms. According to many culinary experts, In order for the soup to have a more pronounced aroma, it is best to give preference to fresh honey mushrooms. Naturally, in addition to fresh honey mushrooms, you can also use frozen ones; they do not differ in taste, but the aroma of the finished dish will not be as rich. In addition to frozen and fresh, you can use dried mushrooms.

Versatility and benefits of the dish

In addition, soup made from honey mushrooms is very nutritious, and its calorie content is minimal. So, 100 grams of the finished product contains only 18 calories.

Cooking recipes

Preparing honey mushroom soup can be quite simple, because the variety of recipes today is great, and every housewife can easily choose the most suitable recipe for herself.


Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and boil them to detoxify.
  2. The mushrooms are finely chopped, placed in clean water and cooked for another 10 minutes after boiling.
  3. While the mushrooms are boiling, you need to wash, peel and chop the potatoes. Next, it is added to the mushrooms and boiled together for another 30 minutes. At this stage of cooking, you need to add salt and spices, everything except herbs.
  4. To prepare the frying, you need to heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan, add pre-chopped carrots and onions. Fry for about 10 minutes until the vegetables turn golden brown.
  5. Next, the frying is moved to a boiling pan, and greens are added. The soup is cooked for another 10 minutes.

After cooking, cover the pan with a lid and leave for about 1 hour. This time will be enough for the soup to infuse and acquire a more pronounced aroma. Just before serving, add sour cream to the plate.

Making cream soup

In addition to the usual soup from fresh honey mushrooms, you can also prepare an unusual delicacy called cream soup, which is sure to please every gourmet. For this preparation, different types of cheese are used, mainly hard ones.


  • Honey mushrooms - 500 g.
  • Raw potatoes - 400 g.
  • Cheese - 250 g, it is best to use hard cheese, then the aroma and taste of the finished delicacy will be more intense.
  • Onions and carrots - 1 piece each.
  • Tomato paste or sauce - 2 tablespoons.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Spices - salt, sugar, basil and ground pepper.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

7 minutes before readiness add basil.

Mushroom soup prepared according to this recipe can be served both hot and cold. Just before serving, you can add finely chopped herbs to the plate.

Secrets of a delicious dish

In general, honey mushroom soup is easy to prepare, however, there are some secrets, knowing which you can get a simply stunning finished dish.

Mushrooms are an amazing product that can often be found on our table. Frozen, dried and fresh, pickled and salted mushrooms are used to prepare not only amazing snacks, but also nutritious soups. The neutral taste of mushrooms allows them to be combined with various foods and seasonings. Today we will prepare mushroom soup from honey mushrooms.

Mushrooms always give off an extraordinary flavor. And to emphasize it, fermented milk products are added to soups, in particular, cream and cheeses of various varieties. There is nothing special about making mushroom soup. You can cook it in vegetable or meat broth and add any ingredients based on your personal taste preferences.

On a note! Choose fresh honey mushrooms carefully. First courses made from dried or pickled honey mushrooms are no less tasty. By the way, these mushrooms can be bought in processed form in any supermarket all year round.


  • 1.5 liters of chicken or vegetable broth;
  • 1-2 pcs. carrot root vegetables;
  • onion head;
  • rice cereal;
  • 0.5 kg honey mushrooms;
  • 3-4 pcs. potato tubers;
  • bay leaf, salt and allspice to taste.


  1. Let's prepare the necessary products.
  2. The broth must be boiled in advance and strained. You can cook mushroom soup in filtered water.
  3. Peel the vegetables and rinse thoroughly with running water.
  4. We use frozen boiled honey mushrooms to prepare the soup.
  5. Pour meat (vegetable) broth or filtered water into a thick-walled saucepan.

  6. While the broth is boiling, prepare the vegetables.
  7. Cut the peeled onion into small cubes.
  8. Grate the peeled carrots on a medium or coarse grater.
  9. Pour refined sunflower seed oil into the pan.
  10. Heat it up and add the chopped vegetables to the frying pan.
  11. Stir and sauté over low heat until golden.
  12. Cut the potato tubers into small cubes.
  13. Add a little rice cereal to the boiling broth.
  14. Boil for five minutes and add chopped potatoes.
  15. After 10 minutes, add the chopped honey mushrooms.
  16. Cook until the potatoes are ready. Don't forget to stir the soup periodically.

  17. Salt to taste, season with allspice.
  18. Add chopped bay leaf.
  19. Finely chop the parsley with a knife and add to the soup.
  20. Boil it for another 2-3 minutes over low heat.
  21. Infuse the soup for 10-15 minutes under a closed lid, and then pour into portioned plates.

Tenderness of creamy taste

Mushroom soup from frozen honey mushrooms can be prepared with the addition of processed cheese. Such dishes, as a rule, acquire an incomparable alluring aroma and unique taste. If you want to surprise guests or pamper your household, beat the finished soup with an immersion blender. Before serving, garnish the puree soup with croutons.


  • frozen honey mushrooms – 0.2 kg;
  • 1 carrot root;
  • 1 liter of meat broth;
  • 4-5 pcs. potato tubers;
  • processed cheese – 2 pcs.;
  • onion head;
  • salt and spices to taste.


  1. We do not defrost honey mushrooms first.
  2. Melt butter in a frying pan.
  3. Place the mushrooms and fry them until fully cooked. All moisture should evaporate.
  4. Chop carrots and onions.
  5. Sauté vegetables in refined vegetable oil until golden.
  6. Pour the previously prepared broth into the pan and bring it to a boil.
  7. Combine fried vegetables with mushrooms.
  8. Add mushrooms and vegetables to the boiling broth and stir.
  9. Reduce heat to low and simmer for five minutes.
  10. Meanwhile, peel the potato tubers and rinse them with running water.
  11. Cut into cubes.
  12. Add potatoes to the broth and cook until tender.
  13. At this time, grate the processed cheese on the finest grater.
  14. Add their soup at the end and stir until completely dissolved.
  15. Before serving, decorate the soup with herbs or croutons.

Warming nutritious soup

Mushroom soup made from dried honey mushrooms will be no less aromatic. In this form, wild mushrooms can be purchased at the grocery store. To make the soup even more nutritious, add noodles, buckwheat or rice.


  • 0.2 kg chicken fillet;
  • onion head;
  • noodles – 0.2 kg;
  • 2-3 pcs. potato tubers;
  • dried honey mushrooms – 500 g;
  • ground allspice and salt to taste.


  1. We wash the dried mushrooms.
  2. Place them in a deep bowl and fill with filtered water.
  3. Leave for 2-3 hours for swelling.
  4. Meanwhile, rinse the chicken meat with running water.
  5. Remove the film from the fillet.
  6. Place in a saucepan, add water and cook until the poultry is done.
  7. Salt the broth to taste, add a laurel leaf.
  8. Remove the boiled fillet from the broth with a slotted spoon.
  9. Cool, chop and return to the broth.
  10. Bring the broth to a boil.
  11. Chop the peeled potato tubers and add them to the boiling broth.
  12. Reduce heat to medium and cook potatoes until tender.
  13. Pour refined sunflower oil into a saucepan.
  14. Heat it up and add honey mushrooms.
  15. Fry them until done.
  16. Place the mushrooms in the soup.
  17. Place the chopped onion in a saucepan.
  18. When the potatoes are almost ready, add the vermicelli.
  19. Cook the soup for another 10 minutes and set aside from the stove.

On a note! Don't add too much pasta. After a few hours they will swell, and if there is an excess of them, the mushroom soup will turn into a thick porridge.

Step 1: prepare the mushrooms.

First of all, we prepare the mushrooms, sort them out and remove damaged ones, eaten by worms and slugs. Place the mushrooms in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running cold water to remove all kinds of contaminants for 2 – 3 minutes.
Afterwards, transfer the honey mushrooms into a deep bowl, fill with cold water and soak for 10 minutes in order for most of the harmful alkaloids to come out.
Then we put the mushrooms in a colander again, let all the liquid drain and dry each mushroom one at a time with paper kitchen towels. We cut off the stem of each mushroom with a knife, this part is a little tough, and it can be used for drying, pickling or canning, but for soup it is better to take the tender parts, that is, the caps. Place them on a cutting board, cut them into layers up to 5 millimeters and transfer the slices back into the deep bowl.

Step 2: prepare the vegetables.

Peel the onions and potatoes, rinse the vegetables under cold running water, dry with paper kitchen towels, place one at a time on a cutting board and cut the potatoes into cubes with the diameter 3 centimeter, cubed onion with a diameter of up to 1 centimeter
Place the chopped potatoes in a deep saucepan, fill it with 2 liters of clean distilled water and place the container on the stove, turned on to medium level.

Step 3: stew mushrooms with onions.

Turn the stove on to medium level and place a frying pan on it with the required amount of butter. When the fat is hot, add chopped onion and simmer the vegetable for 3 – 4 minutes until transparent.
Then add the mushrooms to the onions, pour 200 milliliters of pure distilled water into the frying pan, add salt, ground black pepper, chopped bay leaf, dried ground dill to taste and mix the mass with a wooden kitchen spatula. Stew onions and mushrooms for 15 – 20 minutes until half cooked and almost complete evaporation of moisture.

Step 4: Bring the soup to full readiness.

While the mushroom dressing was simmering, the water in the pan began to boil and the potatoes began to cook. Through 15 – 20 minutes add onions and mushrooms to it and cook the soup until it is completely cooked 15 – 20 minutes. Then turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and let the first hot dish brew 10 minutes. Then, using a ladle, pour the mushroom soup into deep plates, add sour cream to taste and serve on the dinner table.

Step 5: serve mushroom soup with potatoes.

Mushroom soup of honey mushrooms with potatoes is served hot, along with any kind of bread. This delicious and very tender first course can be supplemented with sour cream, whipped cream or homemade mayonnaise. It is pleasant to savor this yummy along with fresh vegetable salads or freshly sliced ​​vegetables. Enjoy! Bon appetit!

- – If you are going to use dried mushrooms to prepare the soup, then you should soak them in lightly salted water for 2 to 4 hours. Then boil the honey mushrooms in the same water in which they were infused for 40 - 60 minutes, add potatoes, fried onion dressing, salt spices and bring the soup until fully cooked for another 20 minutes.

- – If you have pickled butternuts, you can cook soup from them, but first, just like dried ones, you need to soak them in cold water, but for 2 hours. Then chop, simmer along with the onion and throw into the pan with the potatoes. Then proceed according to the recipe.

- – If you have harvested a late harvest of boletus mushrooms, then during cleaning it is worth removing the spore-bearing part from old and overripe mushrooms; it contains a large amount of alkaloids.

- – It is advisable to use fresh mushrooms immediately, otherwise they will spoil in a few hours, but if you still decide to cook the soup not today, but for example, within 2-3 days, then the mushrooms should be put in an enamel bowl and put the container in the refrigerator, without covering it with a lid. In this case, the temperature in the refrigerator should be at least 2 - 3 degrees.

- – Despite all the beneficial properties of mushrooms, they should not be consumed by people with weak digestion and generally should not be given to children under 3 years of age. For everyone else, it is advisable to enjoy mushroom dishes no more than 1-2 times a week, since their frequent consumption can cause gastrointestinal upset.

- – The spices and herbs indicated in this recipe can be supplemented with any others that are suitable for preparing first courses.

- – This type of soup can be cooked with vegetable broth or any type of broth.

- – The dressing can be prepared together with carrots.
