4 as we see in Pierre's epilogue. Composition “Is Natasha’s behavior in the epilogue logical

Thoughtful - the fruit of all the mental work of my life ...

L. Tolstoy

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is an artist of great and powerful talent, a philosopher who discusses the meaning of life, the purpose of man, the enduring values ​​of earthly existence. All this is fully reflected in his largest and most beautiful creation "War and Peace".

Throughout the novel, the author thinks a lot about topics of interest to him. In our fast-flowing time, it is almost impossible to force oneself to read slowly his colossal work, but how it is necessary for us, the young, to be imbued with the “Russian spirit”, patriotism, true nationality, and not that alluvial fuss, which has been so actively planted lately by various sources.

Tolstoy's philosophy is difficult to understand, but necessary. And the epilogue of the novel "War and Peace" opens the door to the author's secret pantry. One can agree or disagree with the writer who worked in the middle of the 19th century, we - the readers of the 21st. But a true artist, he foresaw the changes that would come in time, and spoke about it with genius. “Just as the sun and each atom of the ether are a sphere complete in itself and at the same time only an atom of the whole inaccessible to man in terms of the immensity of the whole, so each person bears his own goals in himself and meanwhile wears them in order to serve common goals inaccessible to man ...

Man can only observe the correspondence between the life of a bee and other phenomena of life. The same with the goals of historical persons and peoples. Unfolding a huge canvas of historical events of 1805-1820, Tolstoy at first slowly leads the story, including vast spaces and countless heroes in the narrative. With the main historical event, 1812, this unhurried narration ends, and in the epilogue the author specifically tells the further destinies of his favorite heroes: the Bezukhovs and the Rostovs. Life does not stop, no matter what happens, and the characters obey the flow of time, and vice versa. Life is much wiser than all the arguments of philosophers about it.

In the epilogue we see the ideal of a woman created by the writer. Princess Maria and Natasha Rostova, once romantic girls, become good friends of their husbands, faithful mentors of children, true guardian angels of the family hearth. The touch of romance came off as unnecessary, but soulfulness, sincerity, kindness remained. They are limited to the range of family problems, but gradually affect the husbands. So, Nikolai Rostov involuntarily softens under the influence of his wife, becomes more tolerant of human weaknesses and imperfections. And when he still “breaks down”, it is Marie who helps her husband find peace of mind.

But Tolstoy speaks not only about the values ​​of the family, the writer talks about the technical political changes that took place in Russian society after 1812. Tolstoy intended to write a continuation of the novel, where he would show the Decembrist uprising. It can be assumed that Pierre would not have remained aloof from such great events. And Natasha? She would follow her husband. But we are left with only conjectures and conjectures. And in the epilogue - a specific description of the family structure of people in the first quarter of the 19th century, their thoughts, experiences, dreams and thoughts. Much has changed since then, but patriotism, a reverent attitude towards the motherland, the enduring value of the family and the upbringing of children have remained unchanged.

Arguing in the epic about important social problems and events, Tolstoy only in the epilogue proceeds to the ideal that he saw in the mission of a woman - the mother of the guardian of the hearth. Without this, the image of the “descended” Natasha, her unwillingness to live in the world, would not be clear. LN Tolstoy, without in the least belittling women, expresses his views on the upbringing of children, love, and the social role of man in the life of the country.

In the epilogue, the narrative speeds up its course, the events are concentrated and given by the author in general terms. You understand that a continuation will follow, life is not interrupted by the end of the novel. But the writer failed to continue the epic, to implement his plan. The epilogue to the novel "War and Peace" was not so much an afterword to the work as a worthy conclusion to it, connecting it with life. For the heroes created by the artist's imagination continue to live in our memory.


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This summary of the epilogue of "War and Peace", divided into parts, covers the "peaceful" events in 1819-1820. In the final chapters of the work, the author describes the life of heroes in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Lysy Gory, and also discusses the significance of individual historical figures in the history of entire nations. The epilogue of War and Peace is one of the most important compositional elements of the entire book. In it, the author sums up the work, bringing to the fore the idea of ​​the importance of spiritual unity between people. The role of the epilogue of "War and Peace" is to show the reader how much love, friendship and mutual understanding can lead people forward and overcome any difficulties.

To better convey the spirit of the work, we have included important quotes in the retelling and highlighted them in gray.

Part 1

Chapter 1

The events of the first part of the epilogue of "War and Peace" take place seven years after the military events of 1812, which ended the fourth volume.

Tolstoy reflects on the driving forces of history, as well as the role of Alexander I and Napoleon in it. The author leads to the conclusion that it is impossible to unambiguously assess the activities of historical figures, since such an assessment will always be subjective.

Chapters 2-3

Tolstoy reflects on the reasons for the movement of European peoples from east to west and from west to east and the ambiguous role of Napoleon in these movements. The author writes that Bonaparte's actions were stupid and vile.

Chapter 4

Description of the role of Alexander I in the movement of the masses from east to west. After the end of the Patriotic War and with the beginning of the European personality of the sovereign comes to the fore.

Chapter 5

In 1813, Pierre and Natasha got married. In the same year, the old Count Rostov died. After the death of the count, the financial situation of the Rostovs worsened even more, so Nikolai had to resign and enter the civil service. The debts turned out to be twice as much as the estates, so Nikolai, Sonya and his mother settled in a modest apartment in Moscow. At this time, Pierre and Natasha live in St. Petersburg, not knowing about the difficult situation of the Rostovs.

Chapter 6

Princess Mary comes to Moscow. Having learned about the changes in the life of the Rostov family, the princess comes to them. Nikolai met Marya solemnly and dryly (since the thought of marrying a rich bride is unpleasant to him), which greatly upset the girl. After Marya's departure, Countess Rostov persuades Nikolai to go to the princess.

Visit of Nicholas to Marya Bolkonskaya. During the conversation, an explanation takes place between them: Marya understands that the reason is that he is now poor, and she is rich and is amazed at the nobility of Nicholas. Marya and Nikolai realized that now "the distant, the impossible suddenly became close, possible and inevitable."

Chapter 7

Marya and Nikolai got married, settling with Nikolai's mother and Sonya (Nikolai's former lover, a relative of the Rostovs) in Lysy Gory. Rostov turned out to be an excellent owner and in three years was able to pay off all his debts, continuing to increase his property.

Chapter 8

Contrary to the requests of her husband, Marya fails to fall in love with Sonya, who lives with them. Once, when Marya and Natasha were talking about Sonya, Natasha compared Sonya with an empty flower: “Sometimes I feel sorry for her, and sometimes I think that she doesn’t feel it, as we would feel.”

Living with the Rostovs, "it seemed that Sonya was not burdened by her position." "She, like a cat, took root not with people, but with the house."

Chapter 9

Bald Mountains, the eve of the winter St. Nicholas Day, 1820 Nikolai and Marya quarrel: the woman thinks that her husband does not love her, but he assures that he cannot find a place without Marya. The woman thinks that she would never have believed that it was possible to be so happy.

Chapters 10-11

After marriage, Natasha has changed a lot. Completely immersed in caring for her husband and family (she had three daughters and a son), she completely stopped taking care of herself, while being jealous of Pierre even to the governess or Sonya. The most important thing in their family relationship was Pierre's desires, which the woman tried to instantly guess and fulfill. "After seven years of marriage, Pierre saw himself reflected in his wife".

Chapters 12-13

December 1820. The Bezukhovs are visiting the Rostovs. Everyone in the Bald Mountains loved Pierre, especially Nikolenka, Andrey's son.

The old Countess Rostova was already over 60. After everything she had endured, “she felt like an unintentionally forgotten creature in this world, having no purpose and meaning.” The children understood her condition and took care of her in every possible way.

Chapter 14

A conversation between Nikolai, Pierre and Denisov (who also visited the Rostovs) about the state of affairs in Russia. Pierre says that the country is dying, and the sovereign is not trying to do anything. He is sure that there will be a coup. Bezukhov admits that he is a member of a secret society and believes that the activities of this society are the way to improve the state of affairs in Russia. Nikolai Rostov sharply objects to Bezukhov, as he believes that there will be no coup.

Chapter 15

Marya and Nikolai discuss the fact of Pierre's entry into a secret society. They are afraid for their children, and especially for Nikolenka, who was very excited when he heard Bezukhov's words about a secret society. Marya asks her husband to bring Nikolenka into society.

Chapter 16

Description of the warm relationship between Pierre and Natasha. They understand each other perfectly, can talk on any topic and always feel each other's mood.

Dream of Nikolenka Bolkonsky. He dreamed that he and Pierre, in helmets, as in the book of Plutarch, walked ahead of a huge army to glory. But then they were stopped by Nikolai Rostov, who threatened to kill the first one to move forward. Turning around, Nikolenka saw that Pierre had become his father, Andrei. Nikolenka felt love for his father, but Nikolai approached them and the boy woke up in horror. Sitting in bed, Nikolenka thought about his father and that in the future he would achieve everything that even his father would have been pleased with.

Part 2

Chapter 1

The second part of the epilogue of "War and Peace" begins with the author's reflections on how historians study the life of peoples and the individual. Tolstoy condemns historians who believe that "peoples are led by single people" and that "there is a certain goal towards which peoples and humanity are moving."

Chapters 2-3

Chapters 4-5

The author's reflections on the appointment of power, its consideration as the totality of the will of the masses. Tolstoy writes that the life of the whole people cannot fit into the biography of several individual persons, and the power of these persons cannot become the cause of historical events.

Chapter 6

Tolstoy's thoughts on how orders affect historical events. The author gives an illustration of the distribution of orders in the military hierarchy, in which "ordering people take the least part in the event itself", since their activity is limited exclusively to "ordering".

Chapter 7

Chapters 8-10

Chapter 11

Tolstoy argues with historians, saying that history should stop looking for particular causes of events, focusing on the search for a general law that drives the history of mankind.

Chapter 12

Tolstoy's thoughts on the struggle between the old and the new view of history. The author believes that when considering historical events, "it is necessary to abandon the non-existent freedom [the will of a historical personality] and recognize the dependence that we do not feel" .


Results and conclusions

In the epilogue of his novel, Leo Tolstoy not only depicted the end of a huge story woven from the cunning interweaving of human destinies, but also presented his own historical and philosophical reflections on the law of endless mutual influences and interconnections of human life. It is this irrational law, elusive to the mind, that determines, in the author's opinion, the fate of peoples and individuals. We recommend not only to read the retelling of the epilogue of the novel "War and Peace", but also to fully appreciate the great work.


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The most important element of the composition of the novel "War and Peace" in the ideological sense is the epilogue. It carries a great semantic load in the overall design of the work. L.N. Tolstoy sums up his vast history, touching upon such vital topics as the family and the role of the individual in the historical process.

The idea of ​​the spiritual foundations of nepotism as an external form of unity between people received a special expression in the epilogue. In the family, as it were, the opposition between spouses is erased, in communication between them, the limitations of loving souls are complemented. Such is the family of Marya Bolkonskaya and Nikolai Rostov, where such opposite principles of the Rostovs and Bolkonskys are combined in a higher synthesis. Wonderful is the feeling of “proud love” of Nikolai for Countess Marya, based on surprise “before her sincerity, before that sublime, moral world, almost inaccessible to him, in which his wife always lived.” When Princess Marya arrives in Moscow in the epilogue and learns about the position of the Rostovs and, as they said in the city, that “the son sacrifices himself for his mother,” she begins to feel even greater love for Nikolai. And touchingly “Maria’s submissive, tender feeling for this man, who will never understand everything that she understands, and as if from this she loved him even more, with a touch of passionate tenderness.” Now Nikolai works hard, his fortune is rapidly increasing, despite large debts; peasants from other estates come to ask him to buy their farms.

In the epilogue of the novel, under the roof of the Lysogorsky house, a new family gathers, uniting in the past heterogeneous Rostov, Bolkonsky, and through Pierre Bezukhov also Karataev beginnings: “Like in a real family, several completely different worlds lived together in the Lysogorsky house, each of which and making concessions to one another, merged into one harmonious whole.

This new family did not come about by chance. It was the result of the nationwide unity of people, born of the Patriotic War. Thus, in the epilogue, the connection between the general course of history and individual, intimate relations between people is affirmed in a new way. The year 1812, which gave Russia a new, higher level of human communication, removed many class barriers and restrictions, led to the emergence of more complex and broad family worlds. Karataev's acceptance of life in all its diversity and complexity, the ability to live in peace and harmony with everyone is present at the end of the novel. In a conversation with Natasha, Pierre remarks that Karataev, if he were alive now, would approve of their family life.

As in any family, sometimes conflicts and disputes arise in a large Bald Mountain family. But they are peaceful in nature and only strengthen the strength of relations. The keepers of family foundations are women - Natasha and Marya. Between them there is a strong, spiritual union. “Marie, this is so cute! - says Natasha. How can she understand children? She seems to see only their souls.” “Yes, I know,” Countess Marya interrupts Nikolai’s story about Pierre’s Decembrist hobbies. “Natasha told me.”

Natasha in the epilogue appears in a different guise. By this time she already had three daughters and one son. She has gained weight, and now it is difficult to recognize the former Natasha Rostova in her: “Her features now had an expression of calm softness and clarity. Now only her face and body were often visible, but her soul was not visible at all. In Tolstoy's words, she is a "fertile female". Everyone who knew Natasha before marriage is surprised at the change that has taken place in her.

And, finally, at the end of the epilogue, filled with philosophical reasoning, Tolstoy once again tells about the historical process, that it is not a person who makes history, but only the masses, guided by common interests, make it. Personality is important in history only to the extent that it understands and accepts these interests.

Seven years have passed since the 12th year. The agitated historical sea of ​​Europe has subsided to its shores. It seemed quiet; but the mysterious forces that move mankind (mysterious because the laws governing their movement are unknown to us) continued their action ...

Despite the fact that the surface of the historical sea seemed motionless, humanity moved as continuously as the movement of time...

During this period, a reaction took place in Russia, the main culprit of which was Alexander I. Much has been written in Russian literature about his mistakes during this period of his reign. Historians approve of Alexander for his liberal undertakings, the fight against Napoleon, the campaign of 1813, but they condemn him for the creation of the Holy Alliance, the restoration of Poland and the reaction of the 20s.

In 1813, Natasha married Pierre, and this was the last joyful event in the Rostov family. In the same year, Count Ilya Andreevich died and the old family broke up. Nikolai Rostov at that time was with the Russian troops in Paris. Having received the news of his father's death, he resigned and came to Moscow. After the death of the count, it turned out that the Rostov family had a lot of debts, the existence of which no one had suspected before: “there were more debts than estates.” Relatives and friends advised Nikolai to abandon the inheritance, but he did not want to hear about it. The younger Rostov accepted the inheritance, pledging to pay all debts. Creditors every day more and more insistently demanded money, and Nikolai was forced to enter the service and settle with his mother and Sonya in a small apartment.

Natasha and Pierre at that time lived in St. Petersburg. Nikolai, having borrowed money from Pierre, hid his plight. It was difficult for him to support his family on his salary, especially since his mother could not and did not want to understand the new situation and constantly demanded either money, or expensive meals, or a carriage. Sonya now ran the entire household, trying to hide from the countess the situation in which they found themselves. Nicholas admired her patience and devotion, but gradually moved away from her.

The situation of Nicholas, despite all his efforts, was getting worse every day, and he did not see any way out of the situation. Friends advised him to marry a rich heiress, but pride did not allow Nikolai to do this. He resigned himself and did not expect anything good from the future.

At the beginning of winter, Princess Marya arrived in Moscow. From city rumors, she learned about the position of the Rostovs and how “the son sacrificed himself for his mother,” as they said in the city.

“I didn’t expect anything else from him,” Princess Mary said to herself, feeling a joyful confirmation of her love for him. Remembering her friendly and almost family relations with the whole family, she considered it her duty to go to them. But, recalling her relationship with Nikolai in Voronezh, she was afraid of this. Having made a great effort on herself, however, a few weeks after her arrival in the city, she came to the Rostovs.

Nikolai was the first to meet her ... At the first glance at her, instead of expressing the joy that Princess Mary expected to see on him, Nikolai's face took on an expression of coldness, dryness and pride that the princess had never seen before. Nikolai asked about her health, took her to her mother and, after sitting for about five minutes, left the room.

When the princess left the countess, Nikolai again met her and especially solemnly and dryly escorted her to the hall. He made no reply to her remarks about the health of the Countess. “What do you care? Leave me alone," his eyes said...

But since her visit, the old countess had spoken of her several times every day.

The countess praised her, demanded that her son go to her, expressed a desire to see her more often, but at the same time she always became out of sorts when she talked about her.

Nikolai tried to remain silent when his mother spoke about the princess, but his silence irritated the countess ...

After her visit to the Rostovs and that unexpected, cold reception given to her by Nikolai, Princess Marya admitted to herself that she was right in not wanting to go first to the Rostovs. “I didn’t expect anything else,” she said to herself, calling on her pride to help. “I don’t care about him, and I just wanted to see the old woman who was always kind to me and to whom I owe a lot.”

But she could not be comforted by these considerations: a feeling akin to remorse tormented her when she recalled her visit. Despite the fact that she firmly resolved not to go to the Rostovs again and forget all this, she felt constantly in an indefinite position. And when she asked herself what it was that tormented her, she had to admit that it was her relationship with Rostov. His cold, courteous tone did not follow from his feelings for her (she knew this), but this tone was covering up something. This was something she needed to explain; and until then she felt that she could not be at peace.

In winter, when Princess Marya was studying with her nephew, she was informed of the arrival of Rostov. Looking at Nikolai, she realized that this was a simple courtesy call. They talked about common topics that meant nothing to them, and Nikolai got ready to leave.

Farewell, princess, he said. She recovered, blushed, and sighed heavily.

Oh, it's my fault, - she said, as if waking up. - You are already on your way, Count; well, sorry...

Both were silent, occasionally looking at each other.

Yes, princess, ”Nicholas finally said, smiling sadly,“ it seems recently, but how much water has flowed under the bridge since we first saw each other in Bogucharovo. How we all seemed in misfortune - and I would give dearly to turn back this time ... but you won’t turn back.

The princess looked intently into his eyes with her radiant gaze when he said this. She seemed to be trying to understand the secret meaning of his words, which would explain to her his feeling for her.

Yes, yes, - she said, - but you have nothing to regret the past, count. As I understand your life now, you will always remember it with pleasure, because the selflessness that you live now ...

I do not accept your praises,” he interrupted her hastily, “on the contrary, I constantly reproach myself; but this is a completely uninteresting and sad conversation.

And again his eyes took on their former dry and cold expression. But the princess already saw in him again the same person whom she knew and loved, and now spoke only with this person.

I thought you'd let me tell you this, she said. - We have become so close to you ... and to your family, and I thought that you would not consider my participation inappropriate; but I was wrong, she said. Her voice suddenly trembled. “I don’t know why,” she continued, recovering herself, “you were different before and ...

There are a thousand reasons why (he put special emphasis on the word why). Thank you, princess, - he said quietly. - Sometimes it's hard.

“So that's why! That's why! - said an inner voice in the soul of Princess Mary. - No, I'm not the only one with this cheerful, kind and open look, I fell in love with more than one beautiful appearance in him; I guessed his noble, firm, self-sacrificing soul, she said to herself. “Yes, he is poor now, and I am rich ... Yes, only from this ... Yes, if it weren’t for this ...” And, remembering his former tenderness and now looking at his kind and sad face, she suddenly understood the reason for his coldness.

Why, Count, why? she suddenly almost cried out involuntarily, moving towards him. - Why, tell me? You must say. - He was silent. “I don’t know, count, your why,” she continued. - But it's hard for me, I ... I'll admit it to you. For some reason you want to deprive me of my former friendship. And it hurts me. She had tears in her eyes and in her voice. - I have had so little happiness in my life that any loss is hard for me ... Excuse me, goodbye. She suddenly burst into tears and left the room.

Princess! wait, for God's sake, - he cried, trying to stop her. - Princess!

She looked back. For several seconds they silently looked into each other's eyes, and the distant, the impossible suddenly became close, possible and inevitable...

In the autumn of 1814, Nikolai married Princess Marya and with his wife, mother and Sonya moved to Lysy Gory to live.

At the age of three, without selling his wife's estate, he paid the remaining debts and, having received a small inheritance after the deceased cousin, he also paid the debt to Pierre.

Three years later, by 1820, Nikolai arranged his money affairs in such a way that he bought a small estate near the Bald Mountains and negotiated the purchase of his father's Otradnoye, which was his favorite dream.

Natasha married in the early spring of 1813, and in 1820 she already had three daughters and one son, whom she passionately desired and now fed herself. She grew stouter and broader, so that it was difficult to recognize in this strong mother the former thin, mobile Natasha. Her features were defined and had an expression of calm softness and clarity. In her face, as before, there was not that incessantly burning fire of animation, which constituted her charm. Now only her face and body were often visible, but her soul was not visible at all. One strong, beautiful and prolific female was visible. Very seldom did the old fire ignite in her now. This happened only when, as now, the husband returned, when the child was recovering, or when she and Countess Marya remembered Prince Andrei (she, assuming that he was jealous of her memory of Prince Andrei, never spoke about him), and very seldom did anything accidentally involve her in singing, which she completely abandoned after her marriage. And in those rare moments when the old fire ignited in her developed beautiful body, she was even more attractive than before.

From the time of her marriage, Natasha lived with her husband in Moscow, in St. Petersburg, and in a village near Moscow, and with her mother, that is, with Nikolai. In society, the young Countess Bezukhova was little seen, and those who saw her were dissatisfied with her. She was neither nice nor kind. Natasha not only loved solitude (she didn’t know whether she loved or not; it even seemed to her that she didn’t), but she, carrying, giving birth, feeding children and taking part in every minute of her husband’s life, could not satisfy these needs otherwise, like refusing the world. Everyone who knew Natasha before her marriage was surprised at the change that had taken place in her, as something unusual ...

In the autumn of 1820, Natasha, with Pierre and the children, visited her brother. Pierre went to St. Petersburg for some time on business.

Since the time Pierre's vacation expired two weeks ago, Natasha has been in an unceasing state of fear, sadness and irritation ....

Natasha was sad and annoyed all this time, especially when, comforting her, her mother, brother or Countess Mary tried to excuse Pierre and come up with reasons for his slowdown ...

She was feeding when Pierre's cart rustled at the entrance, and the nanny, who knew how to please the lady, inaudibly, but quickly, with a beaming face, entered the door ...

Natasha saw a tall figure in a fur coat, unwinding a scarf.

"He! He! Is it true! Here he is! - she said to herself and, flying into him, hugged him, pressed him to her, head to chest, and then, pushing him away, looked at Pierre's frosty, ruddy and happy face. - Yes, it is; happy, satisfied…”

And suddenly she remembered all those torments of expectation that she had experienced in the last two weeks: the joy shining on her face disappeared; she frowned, and a stream of reproaches and evil words poured out on Pierre.

Yes, you're good! You are very happy, you had fun ... And how do I feel? If only you had pity on the children. I feed, my milk has spoiled. Peter was dying. And you have a lot of fun. Yes, you're having fun.

Pierre knew that he was not to blame, because he could not have arrived earlier; knew that this explosion on her part was indecent, and knew that in two minutes it would pass; he knew, most importantly, that he himself was cheerful and joyful. He wished he could smile, but he didn't dare to think about it either. He made a pitiful, frightened face and bent over...

Let's go, let's go, - she said, not letting go of his hand. And they went to their rooms...

Everyone rejoiced at the arrival of Pierre.

Nikolenka, who was now fifteen years old, thin, with curly blond hair and beautiful eyes, a sickly, intelligent boy, rejoiced because Uncle Pierre, as he called him, was the object of his admiration and passionate love. No one inspired Nikolenka with special love for Pierre, and he only occasionally saw him. His tutor, Countess Marya, used all her strength to make Nikolenka love her husband just as she loved him, and Nikolenka loved his uncle; but he loved with a slight tinge of contempt. He adored Pierre. He did not want to be either a hussar or a knight of St. George, like Uncle Nikolai, he wanted to be a scientist, smart and kind, like Pierre. In the presence of Pierre, his face always had a joyful glow, and he blushed and gasped when Pierre addressed him. He did not cut through a single word of what Pierre said, and then with Desalles and with himself he remembered and pondered the meaning of each word of Pierre. Pierre's past life, his misfortunes until the 12th year (of which he formed a vague poetic idea from the words he heard), his adventures in Moscow, captivity, Platon Karataev (whom he heard from Pierre), his love for Natasha (who also the boy loved with special love) and, most importantly, his friendship for his father, whom Nikolenka did not remember - all this made for him a hero and a shrine from Pierre.

From the speeches that erupted about his father and Natasha, from the excitement with which Pierre spoke about the deceased, from that cautious, reverent tenderness with which Natasha spoke about him, the boy, who had just begun to guess about love, formed for himself the idea that that his father loved Natasha and bequeathed her, dying, to his friend. This father, whom the boy did not remember, seemed to him a deity that he could not imagine and about whom he did not think otherwise than with a sinking heart and tears of sadness and delight. And the boy was happy as a result of Pierre's arrival.

The guests were glad to Pierre, as a man who always enlivened and united any society. Adults at home, not to mention the wife, were glad to have a friend with whom life was easier and calmer ...

That's what, - began Pierre, without sitting down and now walking around the room, then stopping, lisping and making quick gestures with his hands while he spoke. - That's what. The situation in Petersburg is as follows: the sovereign does not enter into anything. He is completely devoted to this mysticism (Pierre did not forgive anyone for mysticism now). He seeks only peace, and peace can only be given to him by those people "..."

Well, everything dies. There is theft in the courts, in the army there is only one stick: shagistika, settlements - they torment the people, they stifle enlightenment. What is young, honestly, is ruining! Everyone sees that it can't go like this. Everything is too tight and will certainly burst, - said Pierre (as, since the government exists, peering into the actions of any government, people always say). - I told them one thing in Petersburg ...

At this time, Nikolai noticed the presence of his nephew. His face became gloomy; he approached him.

Why are you here?

From what? Leave him, - said Pierre, taking Nikolai by the hand, and continued: - This is not enough, and I tell them: now we need something else. When you stand and wait for this stretched string to burst; when everyone is waiting for an inevitable upheaval, it is necessary to take hand in hand as much as possible and as many people as possible in order to resist the general catastrophe. Everything young and strong is attracted there and corrupted. One is seduced by women, another by honors, the third by vanity, money - and they go to that camp. There are no independent, free people like you and me...

Nikolai felt stumped. This angered him even more, because in his soul, not by reasoning, but by something stronger than reasoning, he knew the undoubted justice of his opinion.

I'll tell you what," he said, getting up and nervously putting the receiver in the corner and finally dropping it. - I can't prove it to you. You say that everything is bad with us and that there will be a revolution; I don't see it; but you say that the oath is a conditional matter, and to this I will tell you: that you are my best friend, you know that, but if you form a secret society, you begin to oppose the government, whatever it may be, I know that my duty obey him. And tell me now Arakcheev to go at you with a squadron and chop - I won’t think for a second and go. Judge as you please...

When everyone got up for dinner, Nikolenka Bolkonsky went up to Pierre, pale, with shining, radiant eyes.

Uncle Pierre... you... no... If papa were alive... would he agree with you? - he asked.

Pierre suddenly realized what a special, independent, complex and strong work of feeling and thought must have been going on in this boy during his conversation, and, remembering everything he said, he became annoyed that the boy heard him. However, he had to answer.

I think so, - he said reluctantly and left the office ...

At dinner, the conversation no longer went on about politics and societies, but, on the contrary, the most pleasant thing for Nikolai started up - about the memories of the 12th year, to which Denisov called and in which Pierre was especially sweet and funny. And the relatives parted in the most friendly relations.

When, after dinner, Nikolai, undressing in the office and giving orders to the waiting manager, came into the bedroom in a dressing gown, he found his wife still at the desk: she was writing something.

Marie kept a diary, but fearing her husband's disapproval, she never told him about it.

She would have wished to hide from him what she had written, but at the same time she was glad that he had found her and that she had to tell him.

This is a diary, Nicolas,” she said, handing him a little blue notebook covered in her firm, large handwriting.

A diary? .. - Nikolai said with a hint of mockery and picked up a notebook ...

Nikolai looked into the radiant eyes that were looking at him, and continued to leaf through and read. The diary recorded everything from the childhood life that seemed wonderful to the mother, expressing the characters of the children or suggesting general thoughts about the methods of education. These were for the most part the most insignificant trifles; but they did not seem so to either mother or father when he now read this children's diary for the first time.

“Maybe it shouldn't have been done so pedantically; maybe it’s not necessary at all, ”thought Nikolai; but this relentless, eternal emotional tension, which has as its goal only the moral good of children, delighted him. If Nicholas could be aware of his feelings, he would have found that the main basis of his firm, tender and proud love for his wife was always based on this feeling of surprise before her sincerity, before that sublime, moral world, almost inaccessible to Nicholas, in which always lived his wife.

He was proud that she was so smart and good, realizing his insignificance before her in the spiritual world, and all the more rejoiced that she, with her soul, not only belonged to him, but was part of him ...

The soul of Countess Marya always aspired to the infinite, eternal and perfect, and therefore could never be at peace. On her face appeared a stern expression of hidden high suffering of the soul, weighed down by the body. Nicholas looked at her.

"My God! what will happen to us if she dies, as it seems to me when she has such a face, ”he thought, and, standing in front of the icon, he began to read evening prayers.

Natasha, left alone with her husband, also spoke as soon as a wife speaks to her husband, that is, with extraordinary clarity and speed, knowing and communicating each other's thoughts, in a way contrary to all the rules of logic, without the mediation of judgments, conclusions and conclusions, but in a completely special way. ...

From the very moment they were left alone, Natasha, with wide-open, happy eyes, approached him quietly and suddenly, quickly grabbing his head, pressed it to her chest and said: “Now it’s all, all mine, mine! You will not leave!" - from that time this conversation began, contrary to all the laws of logic, contrary only because at the same time they were talking about completely different subjects ...

Natasha told Pierre about her brother's life, about how she suffered, and did not live without her husband, and about how she fell in love with Marie even more, and about how Marie was better than her in every respect. Saying this, Natasha sincerely confessed that she saw Marie's superiority, but at the same time, saying this, she demanded from Pierre that he still prefer her to Marie and all other women, and now again, especially after he had seen many women in Petersburg, he would have repeated this to her.

Pierre, answering Natasha, told how bored he was at evenings and dinners, shared his impressions of the trip, sometimes expressing, in Natasha's opinion, "great thoughts."

Natasha would not doubt that Pierre's thought was a great thought, but one thing confused her. It was that he was her husband. “Is it really such an important and necessary person for society - at the same time my husband? Why did this happen? She wanted to express this doubt to him. “Who and who are those people who could decide if he really is that smarter than everyone else?” she asked herself and went over in her imagination those people who were very respected by Pierre. Judging by his stories, he respected no one of all people as much as Platon Karataev.

Do you know what I'm thinking? - she said, - about Platon Karataev. How is he? Would you approve now?

Pierre was not at all surprised by this question. He understood his wife's train of thought.

Platon Karataev? - he said and thought, apparently sincerely trying to imagine Karataev's judgment on this subject. "He wouldn't understand, but I don't think so."

I love you terribly! Natasha suddenly said. - Terrible. Terrible!

No, I would not approve, - said Pierre, thinking. - What he would approve of is our family life. He was so eager to see beauty, happiness, tranquility in everything, and I would proudly show him us ...

At the same time, downstairs, in the department of Nikolenka Bolkonsky, in his bedroom, as always, a lamp was burning (the boy was afraid of the dark, and they could not wean him from this shortcoming) ...

Nikolenka, having just woken up, in a cold sweat, with wide-open eyes, sat on his bed and looked in front of him. A terrible dream woke him up. He dreamed of himself and Pierre in helmets - such as were drawn in Plutarch's edition. He and Uncle Pierre walked ahead of a huge army. This army was made up of white oblique lines that filled the air like those cobwebs that fly in the autumn ... Ahead was glory, the same as these threads, but only somewhat denser. They - he and Pierre - rushed easily and joyfully closer and closer to the goal. Suddenly the threads that moved them began to weaken, to get confused; it got hard. And Uncle Nikolai Ilyich stopped in front of them in a formidable and stern pose. - Did you do that? he said, pointing to the broken sealing wax and feathers. - I loved you, but Arakcheev ordered me, and I will kill the first one who moves forward. - Nikolenka looked back at Pierre; but Pierre was gone. Pierre was the father - Prince Andrei, and the father had no image and form, but he was, and seeing him, Nikolenka felt the weakness of love: he felt himself powerless, boneless and liquid. The father caressed and pitied him. But Uncle Nikolai Ilyich moved closer and closer to them. Horror gripped Nikolenka, and he woke up.

Father, he thought. - Father (despite the fact that there were two similar portraits in the house, Nikolenka never imagined Prince Andrei in a human form), my father was with me and caressed me. He approved of me, he approved of Uncle Pierre. Whatever he says, I will do it. Mucius Scaevola burned his hand. But why shouldn't I have the same thing in my life? I know they want me to learn and I will learn. But someday I will stop; and then I will. I only ask God for one thing: that what happened to Plutarch's people be with me, and I will do the same. I will do better. Everyone will know, everyone will love me, everyone will admire me. And suddenly Nikolenka felt sobs that seized his chest, and began to cry.

And Uncle Pierre! Oh what a wonderful person! And the father? Father! Father! Yes, I will do what even he would be pleased with...

When, many years later, Tolstoy was asked if Nikolenka Bolkonsky should have appeared in a novel from the era of the Decembrists, Tolstoy “with a smile that lit up his face, said: “Oh, yes! Absolutely!” The story about the fate of the "semi-fictional" heroes of the novel is over. It poured out from the author's pen harmoniously and was not subjected to alterations either in terms of ideas or composition.

He listened to Pierre's argument with Nikolai, and "every word of Pierre burned his heart." It was important for him to find out if his father would agree with Pierre. Pierre confirmed this. The argument that excited the boy turned into a terrible dream that he saw that same night. He saw himself and Pierre in helmets in front of a huge army, "easily and joyfully rushing towards the goal." Pierre was suddenly replaced by a father who "caressed and pitied" his son. Waking up from sobs, Nikolenka thought about what a "wonderful person" Uncle Pierre was, and dreamed that he would do something that would please his father. There is no Prince Andrei in the epilogue; his role will be continued by his son, the future Decembrist.

Pierre "from the time of his marriage, after the extraordinary discoveries made by him that real marriage is subordination, resigned himself to his fate with pleasure and found new strength and support in this subordination."

The role of Natasha went beyond the family. If the idea of ​​the novel "The Decembrists" had come true, Natasha's fate would have become the fate of the Decembrist's wife. The epilogue concludes (both in its first edition and in the final one) fifteen-year-old Nikolenka Bolkonsky. He loved his uncle Nikolai, but "with a slight hint of contempt." The subject of his "admiration and passionate love" was Pierre. Nikolenka "did not want to be either a hussar or a knight of St. George, like Uncle Nikolai, he wanted to be a scientist, smart and kind, like Pierre."
