Composition “Prince Andrei is a man of honor. An essay on the theme of the road of honor of Prince Andrei based on the novel "War and Peace. The life path of Bolkonsky's road of honor" table

In the work “War and Peace”, a historical novel, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy traces how, under what life circumstances, that conscience and that high understanding of honor awakened in a person from a noble, aristocratic environment in the era of wars of 1805 - 1812 and debt, which led him to deny his environment, and then to break with it. Tolstoy was interested in the “Decembrist element” in its moral and psychological content, and hence the disclosure of the appearance of the Decembrists in this regard.

It became one of the tasks of "War and Peace". Tolstoy artistically solves it, talking about the life path - the "road of honor" - one of his favorite heroes - Andrei Bolkonsky.
The spiritual development of Prince Andrei begins in the novel with deep dissatisfaction with the way of life that he has to lead. We meet the hero in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Sherer. Tolstoy describes him this way: “Prince Bolkonsky was small in stature. A very handsome young man with definite and dry features.” On the face of the prince, fatigue and boredom. “This life that I lead here, this life is not for me,” he says to Pierre.
Striving for useful activities, Prince Andrei goes to the army. In the war of 1805, his activity was associated with ambitious dreams of glory, of "his own Toulon." His idol at that time was Napoleon, an active and strong personality. The fascination with Napoleon was characteristic of many representatives of the advanced noble youth of the early nineteenth century. But Prince Andrei strives not only for personal glory. He wants happiness for people, his dreams are imbued with civic pathos. The author distinguishes his hero from the crowd of staff seekers of an easy career and awards, such as Drubetskoy. Andrei Bolkonsky is a patriot, not a lackey, indifferent to the master's cause.
The romantic notion of Napoleon and his honor, the dreams of his fantastic fate, were finally dispelled on the Field of Austerlitz. There he accomplishes the feat he so dreamed of: with a banner in his hands, he drags along soldiers who are already ready to flee. Having been wounded, lying on the battlefield, Prince Andrei looks into the sky and reflects on the insignificance of man compared to eternity. Disappointed in his previous aspirations and ideals, having experienced grief and repentance, Prince Andrei comes to the conclusion that life for himself and his loved ones is the only thing left for him. But the active and ebullient nature of Bolkonsky cannot be content with just the family circle. By strength of will and character, by the desire for practical activity, by a sober view of life and people, by the dominance of reason over feeling in him, by the richness and diversity of his abilities, Prince Andrei is close to the Decembrists of the Pestel type.
It is difficult for Andrei Bolkonsky to return to a real, worthy of his life. A milestone on this path of revival is the meeting with Pierre Bezukhov, returning from Kyiv estates. Friends argue about the meaning of life, about the situation of the people, about the relationship between nobles and peasants. The idea expressed by Prince Andrei in a conversation with Pierre that serfdom corrupts the very owners of "baptized property" was anti-serfdom; it was, in particular, one of the arguments of the Decembrists in their struggle against serfdom.
After Pierre's departure, Andrei Bolkonsky carried out a number of measures on his estate to alleviate the situation of the peasants and improve their life. He was one of the first to apply the law on free cultivators, which was met with hostility in noble circles. But farming can no longer satisfy Prince Andrei, and he goes to St. Petersburg, where his state activity in the commission begins. Realizing how far this work is from the vital interests of the people, Andrei Bolkonsky is close to a new spiritual crisis. From him, Prince Andrei is saved by love for Natasha Rostova, in which, as it seems to him, he found true happiness. The more tragic for him is the break with Natasha: now “it’s like an endless vault in which there was nothing eternal and mysterious.”
The last and most significant stage in the life of Prince Andrei is associated with the terrible events of 1812. The French invasion arouses in him the desire to fight against the invaders. Bolkonsky shares the feelings experienced by the army and the people. In the actions of the conquerors, he sees a manifestation of the same evil, selfish force that, in the person of Anatole Kuragin, invaded his life, distorting it. Bolkonsky asks to send him to the regiment. There he is his own man, the soldiers call him “our prince”, they love him for his courage. Here, in the regiment, Prince Andrei begins to understand that the main purpose of a person is to serve the interests of his native people. Thus, in terms of views, attitude towards the surrounding reality, the people, Prince Andrei is a man of progressive convictions. People like him later came to Decembristism.
Andrei Bolkonsky - Tolstoy's favorite hero; in his image, the writer sought to reveal his ideal of a positive person. Prince Andrei, dying from a wound received on the Borodino field, Tolstoy reconciles not only with Natasha, but with the whole world, including the wounded Anatole Kuragin. Bolkonsky finally comprehends the meaning of life: "Compassion, love for brothers, for those who love, love for those who hate us, love for enemies - yes, that love that God preached on earth. And which I did not understand." The writer put into this image his cherished idea that only love rules life, that only love can become the basis of true perfection, save humanity from torment and contradictions.
So, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" raised problems of universal significance. Maxim Gorky wrote that “War and Peace” is “a documentary presentation of all the searches that a strong personality undertook in the nineteenth century in order to find a place and a deed in the history of Russia.”

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On the very first pages of the novel, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky appears before us. One of the main characters of the novel and, without a doubt, one of Leo Tolstoy's favorite characters. Throughout the novel, Bolkonsky is looking for his destiny in life, trying to choose a business to which he should give all his strength.
Selfish interests, secular intrigues, pretense, pretense and unnatural behavior, false patriotism rule the world of the rich. Andrei is a man of honor, and such petty encroachments, ignoble aspirations are unacceptable to him. That is why he quickly became disillusioned with social life. Did not bring him happiness and marriage. Bolkonsky strives for glory, without which, in his opinion, a real citizen who cares for his Fatherland cannot live. Napoleon was his idol.
In his ambitious aspirations, Prince Andrei, too, must be admitted, becomes infinitely selfish. He is not sorry to sacrifice all the most precious things in life for the sake of moments of glory and triumph over people: “I love nothing but glory, human love. Death, wounds, loss of family, nothing scares me.”
In Andrei, by nature, there is such a quality as truly Bolkon pride, inherited by him from his father, from his ancestors. But he strives for glory not only for himself, he wants to benefit his Fatherland, the Russian people. On the day of the Battle of Austerlitz, Bolkonsky, during a panic in front of M. I. Kutuzov, with a banner in his hands, took an entire battalion into the attack. Andrew is hurt. All his ambitious plans collapse. And only now, when he was lying on the field so helpless and abandoned by everyone, did he turn his attention to the sky, and it caused him a sincere and deep shock: “How could I not have seen this high sky before? And how happy I am that I finally got to know him. Yes! Everything is empty, everything is a lie, except for this endless sky.
All life flashed before my eyes in an instant. Bolkonsky looked at his past differently. Now Napoleon, with his petty vanity, seems to him an insignificant ordinary person. Prince Andrei is disappointed in his hero. A revolution is taking place in Bolkonsky’s soul, he condemns his recent false aspirations for glory, understands that it is by no means the main stimulus for human activity, that there are more lofty ideals.
After the Austerlitz campaign, Prince Bolkonsky decided never to serve in the military again. He returns home with a completely changed, somewhat softened and at the same time anxious expression on his face. But fate takes revenge on him for excessive pride. His wife dies from childbirth, leaving him a son Nikolushka. Now Bolkonsky decides to devote himself entirely to his family and live only for her. But at the same time, the thought does not give rest that a person should not live for himself.
The meeting of Andrei Bolkonsky with Pierre Bezukhov brings him out of a difficult state of mind. Pierre convinces Bolkonsky that it is necessary to live for all people. In the spring, Bolkonsky goes on business of his son's estates. Passing through the forest, where everything was already green, only one oak tree, an old, kind of angry and contemptuous freak, stood between smiling birches, Prince Andrei thought: “Life is over ...” But on the way back, seeing that even this tree turned green, Andrei decided that nothing is over at thirty-one.
Now Andrey strives to take part in those things that are done for the good of the Fatherland, condemns his selfishness, measured life, limited by the boundaries of the family nest. Bolkonsky arrives in St. Petersburg, falls into the circle of Speransky and takes part in the development of a project to abolish serfdom in Russia. Speransky made an indelible impression on Andrei with his mind, he turned out to be a man who knows how to find the right approach to any problem, any state issue. But as soon as Volkonsky meets Natasha Rostova at the ball, he kind of begins to see clearly. She reminded him of the true values ​​of life. Andrei is not only disappointed in Speransky, but also begins to despise him. The recent interest in state affairs is disappearing. “Can all this make me happier and better?”
Natasha, as it were, revives Bolkonsky for a new life. He falls madly in love with her, but something tells him that their happiness is impossible. Natasha also loves Bolkonsky, although he seems to her dry, disappointed, lonely, while she herself is an energetic, young, cheerful girl. They are like two poles, and it is perhaps impossible to connect them. Natasha does not understand why the prince postponed their wedding for a whole year. By this delay, he provoked her betrayal. And again, purely Bolkonskaya pride does not allow Andrei to forgive Natasha, to understand her. In a conversation with Pierre, Bolkonsky said: "I said that a fallen woman must be forgiven, but I did not say that I can forgive, I cannot." At this moment, we see that Bolkonsky, as we recognized him at the beginning of the novel, the same cruel egoist. Bolkonsky forces himself to forget about Natasha.
However, the war of 1812 changed a lot in this man. She awakened patriotic feelings in him, he is trying to help the Fatherland, fighting for the salvation of his Fatherland. But fate develops in such a way that Andrei is wounded, and he will say: “I can’t, I don’t want to die, I love life, I love this grass, earth, air.”
But when Andrei felt that death was very close, that he did not have long to live, he stopped fighting, lost all hope, did not want to see anyone.
Andrei Bolkonsky died not only from a wound. To a certain extent, his death is connected with the peculiarities of character, with the worldview, with the attitude towards the society of people. At the end of his life, he became, in fact, an almost ideal person, devoid of flaws: he loved everyone, forgave everyone. And forgiveness, sacrifice, non-resistance to evil by violence, the preaching of universal love prevent a person from living his usual earthly life, because the more perfect a person is in his moral qualities, the more vulnerable he is. And therefore more likely to die.

A noble and honest man was Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, the hero of Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. For him, the concepts of life and honor were inseparable. Prince Andrei was honest not only in relation to the people around him, but also to himself.
Bolkonsky can be cold, for example, with his wife, who cannot exist outside of secular society, but affectionate and gentle with Pierre, an adult child who is just as alien to the world as Prince Andrei himself.
Bolkonsky made the decision to go to war, partly fueled by the general desire of noble youth to accomplish a feat, defending the fatherland, but there was another reason: the desire to break with the usual circle, to find a different life, different from the one he led before.
In his vain dreams, he portrayed himself as the savior of the Russian army. But after the battle of Shengraben, after the panic and confusion of the retreat of the allied forces, everything turned out to be not so heroic as he dreamed.
On the eve of the Russian offensive at Austerlitz, Prince Andrei again feels a surge of ambitious impulses. Death, wounds, personal life all recede into the background. In the foreground is only the hero, Prince Andrei, and the people who love him, whom he does not know and will never know, but who (oh, dreams, dreams!) will never forget his feat ...
Obedient fate (or rather, the hand of the great writer personifying it) provided the ambitious prince with such an opportunity. The decisive moment has arrived! Bolkonsky picked up the banner from the hands of the dead soldier and led the battalion to the attack. But the injury separated him from real events, and the high sky with nondescript gray clouds made him feel his worthlessness before eternity. He also felt the still greater nothingness of death. And even Napoleon, against the background of this eternal sky, seemed insignificant to him. Diligently erected ideals collapsed in an instant.

    The novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy introduced us to many heroes, each of whom is a bright personality, has individual features. One of the most attractive characters in the novel is Pierre Bezukhov. His image stands at the center of the “War...

    Tolstoy's novel was hailed as a masterpiece of world literature. G. Flaubert expressed his admiration in one of his letters to Turgenev (January 1880): “This is a first-class thing! What an artist and what a psychologist! The first two volumes are marvellous... I have cried out...

    In “Anna Karenina” the exciting begins immediately, from the first lines: “All happy families are alike. Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Everything was mixed up in the Oblonskys' house. We are immersed in someone else's complex life, barely having time to open ...

    In the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy tells not only about the life of fictional heroes from high society, not only describes the real events of the beginning of the 19th century, but also expresses his view of history. The writer has a peculiar conception of the historical...

    A positive hero in a literary work is an advanced person of that era, which is discussed in this work. L.N. Tolstoy wrote his novel at a time when the leading figure in Russian reality was a revolutionary democrat, ...

The novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy makes us understand how a person and his inner awareness of duty and honor can change. We are talking about Andrei Bolkonsky. It was with him that cardinal changes took place during the years of the war eras of 1805-1812. The environment in which he grew up was the nobles and aristocrats, which he subsequently rejected and began to deny.

Tolstoy wanted to show in his image the appearance of the Decembrists, which the writer was very interested in. To do this, he talks about the "road of honor" of the hero of the novel.

To introduce us to Prince Andrei Bolkonsky Tolstoy

Starts with the salon Sherer Anna Pavlovna. Where the hero of the novel complains about his life, which does not bring him satisfaction. This young, short guy, with handsome and dry features, is bored. He does not understand the lifestyle of a nobleman and aristocrat that he leads. This oppresses him.

To change his life, to make it useful, he goes to serve in the army. He spends the war of 1805 in his thoughts, where he dreams of glory. He wants to become like his idol Napoleon. Bolkonsky appreciates his strong personality and determination in action.

Such dreams and a thirst for fame were characteristic of many young people of that time, but Tolstoy singles out Andrei. Since his desires are connected not only with his fame, but also with the happiness of all the people around. In this he differs from his peers, who wanted pretentious fame and awards.

He will accomplish his feat on the field of Austerlitz. Where, with the banner that he holds in his hands, Andrei will be able to lead the soldiers behind him. Which at that time no longer expected anything and wanted to retreat. Bolkonsky was wounded. At the moment when he lies in the middle of the field, his reflections that the world is insignificant in relation to eternity. At this moment, he completely abandons his former life. At the same time, he understands that his fate now is life for himself and his family.

But a quiet family life is not a lot for such ebullient people as the hero of Tolstoy. Bolkonsky is very difficult to return to his usual life. Bezukhov's meeting becomes a breath of fresh air in his life. Who returned from the estates in Kyiv. Friends spend a lot of time arguing about the people, the meaning of life, the relationship between ordinary peasants and nobles. He pronounces the phrase that serfdom is the corruption of property owners.

When Pierre Bezukhov leaves, Andrei introduces new rules for his peasants on the estate, making their lives easier. But this life does not suit him either. Andrei goes to St. Petersburg, but even there he comes to a personal crisis. In war, he comprehends the meaning of life. He understands that the true human destiny is the service to the people.

Tolstoy created the hero Bolkonsky in order to show his attitude to life in him. He raises problems that had dimensions common to all mankind. This is a work about the fortitude and litigation of the 19th century.

Sections: Literature

Lesson type: Classical. A lesson in consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities in the analysis of a literary text.

Lesson form: Heuristic search conversation.

TOPIC OF THE LESSON:"Road of Honor" by Prince Andrei Bolkonsky "(Slide 1)

  • “Go with God your way. Your road is the road of honor.” (Tolstoy L.N. War and peace. Vol. 3, part 2, ch. 16.)
  • “The moral path of Prince Bolkonsky is a change of opposite cycles of spiritual life: faith is replaced by disappointment, followed by the acquisition of a new faith, the return of the lost meaning of life.” V.E. Krasovsky, Ph.D. Sciences, Associate Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The purpose of the lesson:(set before the study of the entire topic on the work of L.N. Tolstoy - this is the main goal in the study of literature in high school.)

  • Learn to analyze literary texts, highlight the main thing, prove and refute, determine and explain the reason, compare, build analogies, systematize, select material on the topic of the lesson.
  • To educate a good reader, to teach to see the depth of a literary text, so that the perception of real literature causes aesthetic pleasure.
  • Build knowledge to succeed in exams. To teach to see in the book a tool for learning about life, and not just a textbook.

Lesson objectives:

  • To teach students to analyze a literary text, highlight the main thing, prove and refute, determine and explain the reason, select material on the topic.
  • To develop the ability of students to read, perceive, analyze a literary text.
  • Involve students in the complex spiritual search of the protagonist.
  • To comprehend the topic and strictly observe its boundaries, prepare students for writing on this topic.


  • Color photograph of L.N. Tolstoy, made by S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky.
  • Illustration for the novel “Farewell of N.A. Bolkonsky with his son”. D.A. Shmarinova.
  • Feature film based on the novel “War and Peace” (frames “Wooship of Prince Andrei”, “Andrew and Pierre in the scene on the bridge” (dispute).

During the classes

Organizing time.(Checking for literary texts, notebooks, etc.)

Preparing students for active and conscious assimilation of the material(message of the topic, tasks, lesson plan) (slides 2,3,4)

We begin each lesson on the work of Leo Tolstoy with a message from the history of one masterpiece. (slide 5)

(Students' story about the photograph of L. N. Tolstoy.)

During the life of Leo Tolstoy, many famous artists painted his portraits: Repin, Shcherbakov, Ge, and this color photograph is the only lifetime photograph of the writer. It is completely satisfied by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudny-Gorsky, professor of chemistry at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute. He was the only scientist in Russia involved in the scientific development of color photography, which was only a novelty at that time. He came to Yasnaya Polyana on behalf of the journal Notes of the Imperial Russian Technical Society and stayed there for two days. The photo was taken on May 23, 1908. The picture appeared a few days later in St. Petersburg in the August issue of the magazine. The most important part of the work involved in the synthesis of colors. Under the picture published in the magazine was Tolstoy's own signature: “Leo Tolstoy. May 23, 1908 Below is the author's signature: “From nature. Prokudin - Gorsky.”

Let's think about the title of the topic of the lesson “The Road of Honor”.

What is the meaning of the word honor in Dahl's dictionary? (slide 6)

“Honor is the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience.”

What are some synonyms for honor?


What does it mean to be ambitious? (It means to strive and achieve a high position, to crave fame and glory.)

And the Russian proverb says: “The mind gives birth to honor, and dishonor takes away the last.”

This means that the “road of honor” is the road of striving for a high goal, truth, straightforwardness, conscientiousness of moral and ethical principles.

Is the road always straight and smooth?

This means that the “road of honor” is a road, sometimes through bumps, pits, and ups.

In the novel "War and Peace" next to the name of Andrei Bolkonsky in the author's speech there is always the word "prince": Prince Andrei, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.

Why is Bolkonsky always called with a title and never, in the author's speech, simply by his first name? (prince is a polysemantic word.

In Russia, an honorary hereditary title of nobility. The award of a princely title was introduced by Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century.)

So the prince is the heir of his father, Prince Andrei is the heir of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, who, dying, thinks about the fate of Russia.

What were the last words of N.A. Bolkonsky? (destroyed Russia).

The name Andrew means brave, courageous. The Apostle Andrew, a disciple of Christ, preached the precepts of Christianity in Rus' (much was said about the main commandments of Christianity when studying Dostoevsky's work.)

The words of Tolstoy, which he said in a conversation with Rusanov, are known: “I have faces written off and not written off from living people, the former are inferior to the latter; unwritten closer to me.” Prince Andrei is a fictional, unwritten hero. Tolstoy polished the details of the image to fit it into a typical family clan, where the prototypes are real people. Andrei was preceded by Count Zubtsov, and most of his features were taken from Prince Volkonsky (the surname is known among the Decembrists), only then Tolstoy would call him Bolkonsky.

What is life like through mistakes to the high, moral and ethical principles of a son worthy of his father, brave, courageous, who came to the precepts of Christianity Bolkonsky? (problem issue).

One of the modern literary critics Krasovsky noted (we refer to the 2nd epigraph). (slide 7)

When do we first meet Bolkonsky on the pages of the novel? -What is he like? What does he think? (vol. 1, part 1, chapter 3-4). (student's answer).

Who says these parting words to Prince Andrei? Retell this episode from the text

And which of the episodes of “War and Peace” is depicted in this illustration. Farewell to the father with his son before leaving for the army)

Who can give me the content of this episode?

Are these two orders similar? Similar!

(Now Kutuzov, as a father, gives parting words to Prince Andrei.)

And where else in the literary works studied by us, does a noble father give his son an order to preserve honor, to preserve honor? (Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter")

Let's draw a parallel:

“I am writing to Kutuzov not to keep you as adjutant for a long time - a bad post. And remember one thing, Prince Andrei ... (slide 9)

“Do not ask for service, do not refuse service ... take care of honor ...

The concept of honor among the nobles included an attitude to service, service to the tsar and the fatherland.

Prince Andrei is in the army with a report from Kutuzov, he is in Brunn (student response).

Upon arrival in the army, he asks Kutuzov to stay in Bagration's detachment, but Kutuzov replies: “I myself need good officers,” but still Bolkonsky insisted on his own and came to Bagration.

“If this is one of the ordinary staff dandies sent to receive a cross, then he will receive an award in the rearguard, and if he wants to be with me, let him ... come in handy if he is a brave officer,” thought Bagration. The meeting with the hero of the Battle of Shengraben, Captain Tushin, showed Prince Andrei who the true heroes of the war were (student response).

Write in a notebook: The spiritual crisis after being wounded at Austerlitz, dreams of glory, and even Napoleon himself, who was for Prince Andrei the standard of a great man, now seem to him infinitely small compared to “high, just and kind heaven.” Bolkonsky understands the insignificance of his dream of military glory and the insignificance of a person's desire for selfish happiness.

Meeting with Pierre (vol. 2, r. 2, ch. 11.12)

Bolkonsky returns to the Bald Mountains. What is waiting for him here? (wife's death (symbol of an extinguished candle))

How does he feel about Lisa? (guilt)

(This feeling haunts him for a long time.)

What does Bolkonsky decide? / live for yourself and your loved ones, raise a son /.

Guilt is the main thing Bolkonsky lives with. And only the arrival of Pierre, a conversation, an argument with him, transformed Prince Andrei.

Do you remember what Pierre and Andrei are arguing about? (about good and evil, about the meaning of life, about self-sacrifice, that is, about the eternal, about the most important thing. What does Pierre say? (student) “We must live ...”) (film frame)

What struck Pierre in Bolkonsky? How Prince Andrei is transformed at the end of their conversation (prepare an individual answer to vol. 2, part 2, ch. 11,12).

Prince Andrei has been living in the village for two years. What does he do, what transformations did he introduce?

(He transferred one estate of three hundred souls to free cultivators, in others he replaced the corvée with dues, the priest teaches peasant children, wrote out a grandmother to help women in childbirth, reads, studies and draws up a project on changing military regulations and decrees).

Trip to Otradnoye, “meeting with the oak” (vol. 2, part 2, ch. 23)

On matters of guardianship in the spring of 1809, Prince Andrei went to the Ryazan estates of his son ...

A trip to Otradnoye, a meeting with Natalia, a night conversation! A turning point is outlined in Bolkonsky's soul: he feels rejuvenated, reborn to a new life. The oak became the symbol of this revival.

Returning from this trip, the prince decides to go to St. Petersburg in the fall (work with Speransky, vol. 2, part 3, ch. 4-6.18.)

At the ball, Prince Andrei meets Natasha Rostov. He is again going to "live for himself" and not for the "illusory improvement of mankind." (slide 11)

He goes to the Rostovs, hears Natasha's singing. Passes his contempt for life, his disappointment. Tolstoy notes that Prince Andrei seemed and was a completely different person. Where was his longing?

Have you ever thought about why the love of Andrei and Natasha turned out to be tragic?

Isn't Bolkonsky's male egoism the reason for this?

What does Bolkonsky know firmly? (teacher). He loves Natasha. A well-bred, respectful son, he goes to the Bald Mountains and asks his father for consent to marriage. You need to be with your father, sister, son - everything is right, he is impeccable in all his actions. The only thing he did not consider it necessary to do was to warn Natasha, a trifle. And she waits, that she just does not think. The wedding has been postponed for a year. And again, Bolkonsky knows everything, he knows that he can withstand separation, he knows everything about himself, but once again he forgets to think about a close loving person. This is what we call selfishness.

Princess Mary considers his brother's pride to be his main shortcoming. (Natasha says to her mother: "I'm afraid of him" (viewing an excerpt from the feature film "War and Peace" "Bolkonsky's Matchmaking").

The master of the episode, Tolstoy very accurately shows Bolkonsky's egoism here. Did director Sergei Bondarchuk and film actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov succeed in conveying this character trait of the hero?

What is the main thing in Bolkonsky is the mind or feelings, the calculation of the mind or heart.

The break with Natasha (analysis of ch. 21, part 3, vol. 2) The break with Natasha caused a new and, perhaps, the most acute mental crisis of Andrei Bolkonsky. Natasha’s betrayal “struck him the more, the more diligently he concealed from everyone the effect made on him!” Bolkonsky wants to meet Anatole, dreams of a duel. Anger, unrequited insult, poisoned the “artificial calmness that Andrey tried to find in military service”

War of 1812. In the fate of Bolkonsky(vol. 3, part 2) (Student messages.)

  1. Chapter 5 Prince Bolkonsky at the beginning of the war.
  2. Chapter 24. Bolkonsky on the eve of the battle, his mood, thoughts.
  3. Chapter 25. Nervous irritation and excitement of Bolkonsky, thoughts about the war and about Natasha.
  4. Chapter 36. Regiment of Prince Andrei in reserve. Wound. Dressing station. (Slide 12).
  5. Chapter 37. The tender mood of Bolkonsky at the dressing station.

“He wanted to love with that new pure divine love. Vol. 3, ch. 31. (students) Vol. 3, ch. 3, ch. 32. (students)

“Love is God and to die means for me, a particle of love, to return to its common eternal source,” Prince Andrei thinks, feeling that he is dying (slide 13). The consciousness of alienation from life does not leave him. Before he was afraid of the end, but now he did not understand it. Already in a dream he saw death. This was the sign that the beginning of the end was approaching. He was confessed, communed, he blessed and said goodbye to his son. "It's over," said Princess Marya, when his body, motionless and cold, lay in front of them.

The “road of honor” of Prince Bolkonsky ended.

Problem question.

Is it possible to consider the life of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky “dear honor”, ​​and how does this thought of Tolstoy in the novel “War and Peace” combine with his idea of ​​​​how to live in order to live honestly” (answer of the guys). Calmness towards spiritual evolution is a trait of the heroes beloved, spiritually close to the author and, of course, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. (slide 14). To truly live, one must love and suffer - this is the moral dominant of the novel "War and Peace".

Prince Andrei was confused and mistaken, trying to resolve the eternal questions of life:

What's wrong?

What well? How to live?

What to love and what to hate.

What is life, what is death?

The incessant work of the soul, the eternal search - this is the seal of the elect, a sign of talent, inner improvement.

An interesting interpretation of the image of Andrei Bolkonsky is contained in the recently published book by B. Berman. "Secret Tolstoy". “Prince Andrei, in the image and fate of which Tolstoy has long solved the personal problem of the true greatness of man, little by little in the process of creativity rises above people, and at the end of the novel, having shown the image of heavenly and earthly greatness, he finally becomes a “personal God”, the center of the nearest spiritual gravity, the embodiment of the "spiritual sun" of Tolstoy himself.

Work on the basic position of the topic. Bolkonsky's life can be represented as a broken line. The lower points are the moments of the hero's spiritual and mental crisis. Upper - emotional and moral rise. (outline essay) (slide 15)

D / s.(slide 16)

1. Pierre in the Scherer salon.

2. Pierre on Natasha's name day.

3. Pierre near his dying father.

4. Pierre I in the volume of the novel “War and Peace”.

Do you agree with Pierre's words:

“If all vicious people are interconnected and constitute a force, then honest people should do the same. It's so easy…”
