The character of Tatyana in the work of Eugene Onegin. The ideal image of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

>Characteristics of heroes Eugene Onegin

Characteristics of the hero Tatyana Larina

Tatyana Dmitrievna Larina - the main character of the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", married Princess N, Olga's sister. She is the epitome of a Russian woman. Even the name of the heroine has a common origin and indicates a connection with national roots. The distinctive features of this heroine are a pure soul, dreaminess, directness. She showed that she could be both a staunch friend and a heroic wife. Outwardly, Tatyana was the complete opposite of her ruddy and blond sister. She could not be called beautiful, but she was very good-looking. There was nothing cutesy, vulgar in it, but only simplicity and naturalness. From childhood, Tatiana was quiet and thoughtful. She preferred solitude to cheerful companies.

In the first part of the novel, she was seventeen years old. She spent a lot of time reading sentimental novels, due to which her inner world was formed. In anticipation of sublime love, she met Onegin. It was he who became her romantic hero, to whom she, as befits the heroine of a French novel, wrote a letter. With this act, she violated all the norms of behavior of that time, but this timid girl had no courage. Not having met reciprocity, Tatyana was very upset. The girl's peace of mind was disturbed for a long time. Onegin, in turn, acted nobly. Seeing in her a dreamy person, he did not dare to play with her feelings, but soon explained himself. Tatyana's romantic personality is also revealed in her fascination with everything mysterious. She loves to tell fortunes at Christmas time, believes in omens and dreams. So, for example, in a dream she foresees the imminent death of Lensky at the hands of Onegin.

With the departure of Onegin, she began to spend more time in his mansion, reading his books, studying various decor items in order to better understand his nature. Soon, Tatyana's mother took Tatyana to Moscow for a "bride fair" and the girl was given in marriage to an important general. At the end of the novel, Tatyana appears completely different. She became a secular person, a princess, a lady who sets the tone in society. Despite such changes, she managed to maintain her inner qualities. When Onegin accidentally saw her, he noticed that she had the same simplicity, lack of pretense, nobility and spiritual subtlety. However, she behaved with restraint, courteousness, without betraying her emotions in any way. Having fallen in love with the “new” Tatyana, Onegin began to write her one letter after another, but did not receive an answer to them. Despite the fact that love for Onegin still lived in her, she chose fidelity to her husband and humbly continued to fulfill her life duty.

Tatyana Larina symbolizes the image of a Russian girl. It is difficult to understand the soul of a Russian without being a Russian. It is Tatyana who appears before us as a symbol of the mysterious Russian soul.

From childhood, she was distinguished by her dissimilarity to others. Her originality, sometimes wildness, seems to some to be pride, affectation. But it's not. A meek disposition, but the strength of character is manifested and even more emphasized against the background of Olga's sister. It would seem that a young girl in a noble family can worry. Is it inherent in such a greenhouse environment deep thoughts, the ability to reason and analyze. Ease, carelessness should have become her companions, but everything turned out differently. The desire to study, self-development made the girls a strong character, deeply thinking, empathizing. Frequent solitude contributed to deep immersion in oneself and self-knowledge.

The first feeling that flooded over Tatiana completely swallowed her up. She was ready to meet love. Reading novels contributed to this. And so, the image of a person who corresponded to her fictional character appeared in reality.

Tatyana, a pure and open person, went towards the feeling. She accepted it and decided on a difficult but necessary step - recognition.

Busting girlish pride, I dared to take the first step. What did she get in return? Condescension on the part of the brilliant Onegin to a provincial girl, a humane act of refusal. First love often breaks youthful hearts. But this defeat made Tatyana stronger. The feeling did not fade away, but only lurked somewhere in the depths of the soul. Nothing could stop her from loving Yevgeny, neither his indifference, nor cruelty, nor cynicism, nor the murder of Lensky. You can’t love for something, you can love in spite of. Only then is it love.

Tatyana is a sensual but proud person. She did not humiliate herself and ask for Onegin's love. She tried to pull away and forget. Only she herself knows what was going on in the soul, what a struggle between the mind and the heart raged. The mind allowed the provincial savage girl to turn into a sedate lady, the hostess of the salon. An unloved husband, even for a second, cannot doubt the tenderness and fidelity of his wife.

The power of love, its beauty is most colorfully revealed in tragedy. Tatyana is not destined to be with Onegin. Love is alive in her heart, and perhaps only intensified over time. But, alas. A sacrifice of love for the sake of honor and the promised oath at the altar.

A short essay-reasoning on the topic: The image of Tatyana in the novel "Eugene Onegin". My favorite character of the novel: "Tatyana, dear Tatyana"

Pushkinskaya Tatyana Larina is perhaps the most striking female image in Russian literature. Many other writers will write off character traits for their heroines from her in the future: Tolstoy (Natasha Rostova), Dostoevsky (Sonya Marmeladova), Turgenev (Lisa from the Noble Nest). This speaks of the unique "national" character of the image. Belinsky called her "an exceptional being, a deep nature", Dostoevsky supported this idea, saying that Pushkin would have acted more correctly if he had titled the novel with the name of Tatyana, and not Onegin, "because she is undoubtedly the main character of the poem." The author himself admires her, absolutely not hiding it: “Forgive me: I love Tatiana so much / my dear!”. What was so special about her that so many men found that Onegin did not see?

“Nor the beauty of your sister,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not attract eyes.
Dika, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe, timid ... "

This is how Pushkin paints a portrait of Tatyana. She is inconspicuous, unsightly, quiet and calm. Men do not look at her, and ladies do not see her as a worthy rival, although they consider her "very good." Perhaps it was meant that she is beautiful by nature, but does not lead to proper, in their opinion, care. But she doesn't need all that. Since childhood, Tatyana was not interested in dolls, or fashionable things, or jewelry, “she didn’t play with burners,” but she loved to spend time alone, thoughtfully sitting by the window, contemplate nature, listen to scary stories at night from the nanny and read romantic books. The latter just “replaced everything for her”, leading her into the world of dreams and dreams, which was for Tanya a mile of the present.

Hiding from everyone alone with books and thoughts, she, without realizing it, cultivated in herself the strength of character and learned the wisdom of life. However, this made her a naive toy in the hands of Onegin. The very fact that she writes the letter first testifies to the simplicity of her soul and independence from the opinions of the world, because in those days it was not appropriate for a girl to show her feelings ahead of a man. Having not sufficiently experienced real life, the heroine believed that the book world of Richardson and Russo was real, and the people in it were just as romantic and bright. The rest of the characters consider Tatyana old-fashioned for her time: name, clothes, occupations, values, but Pushkin shows that she is the brightest and wisest of them. Lensky is ardent and naive, Olga is dissolute and empty, Onegin is cunning and careless, and she is restrained, honest, smart, simple and noble, although at first she seems like a gray mouse. Even her naivete disappears after Onegin's refusal. Tatyana marries by calculation, still harboring feelings for Eugene, but later refuses him in order to maintain a strong family: “But I am given to another / and I will be faithful to him for a century.” But she could have escaped from the general ...

All this allows us to call her a “sweet ideal”, because the image of Tatiana contains eternal moral values: loyalty, devotion, honesty, wisdom, readiness for self-sacrifice, naturalness, simplicity. Her inner core is strong and unshakable, she will never deceive even a loved one. Pushkin saw traits of his own character in this image, and his friends confirmed this. That is why she became his favorite heroine, perhaps even an unattainable peak: he treated her with awe and love, as the ideal of a woman. And many have accepted this ideal. Therefore, the image of Tatyana Larina is one of the brightest not only in Eugene Onegin, but in all Russian literature.

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The image of Tatyana Larina absorbed all the author's dreams of a female ideal. Tatyana remained forever the beloved heroine of the great poet and prose writer. For the first time, the reader meets the heroine in her parents' estate, which the mother of the Larin sisters sympathetically watches. Tatyana's father is a "kind fellow", a little "lagging behind" the modern pace of time. Life in the family is calm, monotonous, patriarchal.

From a very young age, Tatyana was very different from other village children. She did not like simple children's amusements, resembling a "shy doe", which is good in solitude. The girl was brought up on the legends of an old nanny and loved to pass the time reading books. The atmosphere of "old times" in her native estate instilled in Tatiana a belief in ancient customs, girlish divination, and interpretation of dreams. Having matured, Tatyana turned into a dreamy and thoughtful young lady. Not possessing a "flashy" beauty, she attracts people with her rich inner world, naturalness and innocence.

It's time for love. Tatyana, as if she lived in anticipation, when Onegin appeared on her horizon - mysterious and unknown. And the girl loved it. Ardent, anxious and wholeheartedly. Tormented by exciting torments, Tatyana decides to take a desperate step and writes a letter to her lover with a confession. She delivers the real confession and herself with it into the hands of Eugene Onegin. Tatyana hopes for reciprocity, but her chosen one rejects her. He was alien to such sincere feelings and impulses.

Tatyana, without ceasing, loved Onegin. Even when he caused the death of Lensky, her sister's fiancé. And when he left on a long journey. She visited his empty estate, trying to better understand the man she fell in love with. Two years later, the reader meets Tatyana again. She is married to a noble prince. There was no trace of that inexperienced and outspoken girl. The "new" Tatyana matured spiritually, became impregnable, but at the same time she did not lose her natural simplicity. Rotation in high society and the nobility of the new position did not spoil her at all. The meeting with Onegin, of course, stirred up a storm of feelings in Tatyana. But she didn't show it. Having received a letter from him with a confession, the heroine sheds tears of sadness, but does not honor her former lover with an answer. Once alone with Onegin, Tatyana does not hide the fact that she still loves him, but at the same time intends to remain faithful to her legal spouse. Tatyana does not hold a grudge against Yevgeny, but leaves no reason for his hopes.


So, she was called Tatyana.
Nor the beauty of his sister,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not attract eyes.

Dika, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe is timid,
She is in her family
Seemed like a stranger girl.

She couldn't caress
To my father, not to my mother;
A child by herself, in a crowd of children
Didn't want to play and jump
And often all day alone
Sitting silently by the window...

Thought, her friend
From the most lullaby days
Rural Leisure Current
Decorated her with dreams.

And there were childish pranks
Alien to her: scary stories
In winter in the dark of nights
They captivated her heart more ...

She liked novels early on;
They replaced everything for her;
She fell in love with deceptions
And Richardson and Rousseau...

For a long time her imagination
Burning with grief and longing,
Alkalo fatal food;
Long hearted languor
It pressed her young breast;
The soul was waiting... for someone...

A.S. Pushkin is a great poet and writer of the 19th century. He enriched Russian literature with many remarkable works. One of them is the novel "Eugene Onegin". A.S. Pushkin worked on the novel for many years, it was his favorite work. Belinsky called it "an encyclopedia of Russian life", since it reflected the whole life of the Russian nobility of that era as in a mirror. Despite the fact that the novel is called "Eugene Onegin", the system of characters is organized in such a way that the image of Tatyana Larina acquires no less, if not more importance. But Tatyana is not just the main character of the novel, she is also the beloved heroine of A.S. Pushkin, which the poet calls "sweet ideal". A.S. Pushkin is madly in love with the heroine, and repeatedly admits this to her:

... I love my dear Tatyana so much!

Tatyana Larina is a young, fragile, contented sweet lady. Her image stands out very clearly against the background of other female images inherent in the literature of that time. From the very beginning, the author emphasizes the absence in Tatyana of those qualities that the heroines of classical Russian novels were endowed with: a poetic name, unusual beauty:

Nor the beauty of his sister,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She would not attract eyes.

Since childhood, Tatyana had a lot of things that distinguished her from others. In the family, she grew up as a lonely girl:

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe is timid,

She is in her family

Seemed like a stranger girl.

Also, Tatyana did not like to play with children, was not interested in the news of the city and fashion. For the most part, she is immersed in herself, in her experiences:

But dolls even in these years

Tatyana did not take it in her hands;

About the news of the city, about fashion

Didn't have a conversation with her.

Something completely different captivates Tatyana: thoughtfulness, dreaminess, poetry, sincerity. She has read many novels since childhood. In them she saw a different life, more interesting, more eventful. She believed that such a life, and such people are not invented, but actually exist:

She liked novels early,

They replaced everything

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson and Rousseau.

Already by the name of his heroine, Pushkin emphasizes Tatyana's closeness to the people, to Russian nature. Pushkin explains the unusualness of Tatyana, her spiritual wealth by the influence on her inner world of the people's environment, the beautiful and harmonious Russian nature:

Tatyana (Russian soul, without knowing why)

With her cold beauty

I loved Russian winter.

Tatyana, a Russian soul, subtly feels the beauty of nature. One more image is guessed, accompanying Tatiana everywhere and everywhere and connecting her with nature - the moon:

She loved on the balcony

Warn dawn dawn

When in the pale sky

Stars disappear dance ...

...with a foggy moon...

Tatyana's soul is pure, high, like the moon. Tatyana's "savagery" and "sadness" do not repel us, but on the contrary, make us think that she, like the lonely moon in the sky, is extraordinary in her spiritual beauty. Tatyana's portrait is inseparable from nature, from the overall picture. In the novel, nature is revealed through Tatyana, and Tatyana through nature. For example, spring is the birth of Tatyana's love, and love is spring:

The time has come, she fell in love.

So the fallen grain into the ground

Springs are animated by fire.

Tatyana shares with nature her experiences, sorrow, torment; only to her can she pour out her soul. Only in solitude with nature does she find solace, and where else should she look for it, because in the family she grew up as a “stranger girl”; she herself writes in a letter to Onegin: "... no one understands me ...". Tatyana is the one who so naturally falls in love in the spring; bloom for happiness, as the first flowers bloom in spring, when nature wakes up from sleep.

Before leaving for Moscow, Tatyana first of all says goodbye to her native land:

Farewell, peaceful valleys,

And you, familiar mountain peaks,

And you, familiar forests;

Forgive the cheerful nature ...

With this appeal, A.S. Pushkin clearly showed how difficult it is for Tatyana to leave her native land.

A.S. Pushkin also endowed Tatyana with a "fiery heart", a subtle soul. Tatyana, at thirteen years old, is firm and unshakable:

Tatyana loves not jokingly

And betrayed, of course

Love like a sweet child.

V.G. Belinsky noted: “Tatyana’s whole inner world consisted in a thirst for love. nothing else spoke to her soul; her mind was asleep"

Tatyana dreamed of a person who would bring content into her life. This is exactly what Evgeny Onegin seemed to her. She invented Onegin, fitting him to the model of the heroes of French novels. The heroine takes the first step: she writes a letter to Onegin, waiting for an answer, but there is none.

Onegin did not answer her, but on the contrary read the instruction: “Learn to rule yourself! Not every one of you, as I understand! Inexperience leads to trouble! Although it was always considered indecent for a girl to be the first to love, the author likes Tatiana's directness:

Why is Tatyana guilty?

For the fact that in sweet simplicity

She knows no lies

And he believes in his chosen dream.

Once in Moscow society, where “it’s not surprising to show off with upbringing,” Tatyana stands out for her spiritual qualities. Social life has not touched her soul, no, it's still the same old "dear Tatyana." She is tired of the magnificent life, she suffers:

She is stuffy here ... she is a dream

Strives for field life.

Here, in Moscow, Pushkin again compares Tatyana with the moon, which overshadows everything around with its light:

She was sitting at the table

With the brilliant Nina Voronskaya,

This Cleopatra of the Neva;

And you would rightly agree

That Nina marble beauty

I couldn't outshine my neighbor

Even though it was stunning.

Tatyana, who still loves Yevgeny, firmly answers him:

But I am given to another

And I will be faithful to him forever.

This confirms once again that Tatyana is noble, steadfast, and faithful.

Highly appreciated the image of Tatyana and critic V.G. Belinsky: “The great feat of Pushkin is that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce the Russian society of that time and, in the person of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, male, side; but the feat of our poet is almost higher in that he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman. The critic emphasizes the integrity of the nature of the heroine, her exclusivity in society. At the same time, Belinsky draws attention to the fact that the image of Tatyana is a "type of Russian woman."
