How to instill in children a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle. How to instill in children a love for sports and a healthy lifestyle Interesting works for children 10 years old

Good day, dear readers! I propose today to pick up books for children 9 10 years old. It seems that they are still children, but already with their own unusual reasoning, thoughts, desires.

What should they find for themselves in the literature they read? What are they interested in? What is the classification of book production? Let's do this: first I will tell you what I managed to find, and then you will recommend something from yourself. Agreed? Then let's get started!

Vanity and impatience, the main characteristics of a nine-year-old child. What qualities does your child have at this age? But boys and girls have their own characteristics. The male sex tends to be distracted, they do not catch the information being said. You can't call them particularly attentive. In short, they catch what they are interested in and what they are well versed in. The rest of the information is more difficult.

Therefore, as far as printed publications are concerned, here it is necessary to choose exclusively together. The student should also participate directly in this, choosing a topic. Look for a compromise: let him first read what he is interested in, and then what he needs. You can’t press, you will beat off all desire.

For girls: it's a little easier. They are more diligent and attentive. There is no need to force them to read. Although themes must also be selected according to the characteristics of the little princess. How are you doing with this?

Of course, I described the general standards. After all, it happens when the beautiful half of humanity is actively interested in sports. They have more boyfriends as friends than girls. What should I do? Dear parents, probably the main rule that must be observed from the birth of a baby is the search for a compromise. This applies to very adult children, who have been exchanged for more than a dozen years!


Since both princes and princesses may be interested in completely different topics, I recommend a general classification. I repeat, it all depends on the characteristics of the child: wow, 9 years old, this is already a personality!

  1. Fairy tales. They still are, don't be surprised. They just take a slightly different turn than before. They have a lot of instructive moments and meaning.
  2. Stories and novels. They are closer to the truth, there are also sad ones that you need to think about. And there are funny ones: well, being distracted is also useful!
  3. Cognitive.
  4. Poetry.
  5. Adventure.

Fairy tales

How would you characterize, for example, the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? Surely they have already drawn an analogy with publications for an earlier age. The text is lengthened, yes. And what else? Certainly! The plot has become more twisted, a greater role is given to human relationships. While reading, the child begins to empathize with the characters, imagining himself in their place. Here are some editions:

  • "Black Hen or Underground Dwellers" Pogorelsky A.
  • "Bambi" Felix Salten. In my opinion, a very kind story about a deer. One of the most popular Disney characters.
  • "Peter Pan" James Barry.
  • "The Canterville Ghost" Oscar Wilde.
  • "Urfin Deuce" A. Volkov.

Stories and novels

The concept of honor and courage will give a reading of the correct story. What books to read from this genre? I found the most popular ones. See for yourself:

  • "All About... Stories About Animals" Seton Thompson E.
  • "Stories of War" collection. Works of famous authors: Kassil L., Oseeva V. and others. Quite a suitable product for 9 - 10 years old.
  • "About Babak Kostochkina" Nikolskaya A. One of those stories that you read in one breath! A sea of ​​laughter and kindness! Definitely a must have in the arsenal for maturing children.
  • "Knight on Skates" Usacheva E. Miracles for the New Year! Do you believe in them? It seems to me that adults have lost this gift, because they no longer pay attention to such compositions. And for the kids, it's the best! Do not deprive them of faith in miracles.
  • "When I grow up, I will be a hockey player" Michael Sanadze. Just at the age of 9, boys begin to get actively involved in various sports. This book is about hockey. How great it will be to introduce the child to the useful through artistic characters!

I think every essay is worthy of taking a place on the bookshelf of a fastidious schoolboy. And any of these can be given as a gift. How do you think? Oh! By the way, about gifts: the very best option is a series of educational books based on real events. However, not only on real ones ... Agree, a child should recognize this world in all its colors! How many unknown animals and plants live in it! Yes, millions! Let me tell you better with specific examples.


  • "Way of the Kangaroo" Gerald Durrell. On the one hand, a story, on the other hand, informative stories based on real cases! The author travels to Australia, New Zealand and Malaya, it is here that he meets many interesting animals! The writer has a lot of such publications. Be sure to read it with your little ones!
  • "Guinness Book of Records". By the age of 9-10, children have an excellent memory, and they remember unusual things very well. For their general development, it's time to introduce them to unusual records known to the whole world!
  • “I know the world. State" Eidelman T.
  • "On guard of Rus'" Tikhomirov O. A wonderful publication about the attempts of foreign invaders to enslave us.
  • "Come back to us, Maclay!" Oleg Orlov. Yes, yes, that same Miklukho-Maclay, the favorite of the people and the traveler! Unusual illustrations will give you the opportunity to dream up and develop an interest in reading.
  • "Illustrated Atlas. Dinosaurs».

By the way, I remembered now: in our childhood there was no Internet, but there were books and crossword puzzles! Remember spending time with your parents for this exciting activity? By the way, it is also educational. Moreover, writing develops and brings the family together!


Perhaps, for independent reading, the child will not be interested in poems. But still, it is necessary to convince me to learn at least a couple of lines. What’s more, it’s mandatory for schools to do so. I would like to recommend the following collections:

  • "Poetry" Pushkin A.S.
  • "Poetry" Yesenin Sergei.
  • "Funny Lines" Gurkova I.V.

Adventure and fantasy

Kids love it too, regardless of gender. Well, the kids are so arranged that they get used to the role of characters. Of course, the book is different from book to book, it may be that, apart from the title, there is nothing good there. As always, the filling is important. You agree with me? So try to read for yourself first what the story is about. If it is not possible in full, find at least a brief summary on the Internet. Well, let's get down to the list:

  • "Time is always good" Andrey Zhvalevsky. How many works were devoted to time travel! And this is one of the best, dedicated to children. Schoolchildren will be able to compare what time is better: where they play in the yard or where computer games flourish?
  • "Treasure Island" Robert Louis Stevenson.
  • "The Big Book of Dunno" Nikolay Nosov. Remember these funny people? Here are intertwined and adventure, and fantasy, and a fairy tale. Colorful stories will delight kids!
  • "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" Rudolf Raspe. Adventure and unprecedented stories of the most truthful person on the planet!
  • "The Hobbit or There and Back Again" Tolkien John Ronald Ruen. A fantastic story, a backstory about the very Lord of the Rings.
  • "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Mark Twain.
  • "The Baby Carriage Mystery" Viktor Dragunsky.

As you can see, I have indicated more serious works, and those that can not only captivate, but also make a child laugh. The choice is yours!

Tell us, what kind of stories does your student like? Perhaps he has already read something from my list? Share tips and comments! And I invite you to subscribe to blog updates. Stay up to date with interesting things! All the best!

This section of our website contains stories of favorite Russian writers for children 7-8-9-10 years old. Many of them are included in the main school curriculum and the extracurricular reading program. for 2nd and 3rd grade. However, these interesting stories for children are worth reading not for the sake of a line in the reader's diary. Being classics of Russian literature, the stories of Tolstoy, Bianchi and other authors have educational and educational functions. In short children's stories, the reader is faced with good and evil, friendship and betrayal, honesty and deceit. Younger students learn about the life and way of life of previous generations.

The stories of the classics not only teach and edify, but also entertain. Funny stories of Zoshchenko, Dragunsky, Oster are familiar to every person since childhood. Plots understandable to children and light humor made the stories the most readable works among junior schoolchildren aged 7-10.

Read interesting stories of Russian writers online on our website!

stories for children 7-8-9-10 years old (for grades 2-3) read

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    Zhenya in the country of Kuzi

    Golovko A.V.

    Chapter 1. Acquaintance Zhenya was known among his peers as an intelligent guy, he was respected in boyish affairs-showdowns. Although by nature he was a dreamer, he just tried not to show it, fearing that his friends, especially his classmate and neighbor Tanka, would consider ...

    Uika and Ika

    Golovko A.V.

    I had a strange mysterious dream, as if I, dad, mom were sailing across the Arctic Ocean at night. There is not a cloud in the sky, only stars and the Moon, which looks like a round ice floe in the boundless ocean of the sky, and around - myriads of stars, ...

    cat fidelity

    Golovko A.V.

    - My friend, you know how much has been written about cats, but no one says a word about mine ... No, “my” cats do not live in my apartment, they are street, I just know something about them that I don’t ...

    prickly ghost

    Golovko A.V.

    A funny thing happened to me last night. At first I was awakened by street sounds, similar to a cat's cry, I looked at the luminous clock, it showed a quarter to one. I must say that in the spring under our windows it happens especially ...

    What is everyone's favorite holiday? Of course, New Year! On this magical night, a miracle descends to earth, everything sparkles with lights, laughter is heard, and Santa Claus brings long-awaited gifts. A huge number of poems are dedicated to the New Year. IN …

    In this section of the site you will find a selection of poems about the main wizard and friend of all children - Santa Claus. Many poems have been written about the kind grandfather, but we have selected the most suitable for children aged 5,6,7. Poems about…

    Winter has come, and with it fluffy snow, blizzards, patterns on the windows, frosty air. The guys rejoice at the white flakes of snow, get skates and sleds from the far corners. Work is in full swing in the yard: they are building a snow fortress, an ice hill, sculpting ...

    A selection of short and memorable poems about winter and the New Year, Santa Claus, snowflakes, a Christmas tree for the younger group of kindergarten. Read and learn short poems with children 3-4 years old for matinees and New Year's holidays. Here …

    1 - About the little bus that was afraid of the dark

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale about how a mother-bus taught her little bus not to be afraid of the dark ... About a little bus who was afraid of the dark to read Once upon a time there was a little bus in the world. He was bright red and lived with his mom and dad in a garage. Every morning …

    2 - Three kittens

    Suteev V.G.

    A small fairy tale for the little ones about three restless kittens and their funny adventures. Small children love short stories with pictures, that's why Suteev's fairy tales are so popular and loved! Three kittens read Three kittens - black, gray and ...

    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about the Hedgehog, how he walked at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone carried him to the shore. It was a magical night! Hedgehog in the fog read Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and began to play ...

    4 - Apple

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a hedgehog, a hare and a crow who could not share the last apple among themselves. Everyone wanted to own it. But the fair bear judged their dispute, and each got a piece of goodies ... Apple to read It was late ...

The amazing events described in this book began with the fact that ...
Indeed, how did it all begin? Maybe because once the father of the boy Mitya brought a crocodile egg from a long voyage? Or from the fact that in the spring the school was closed for repairs, and Mitya brought the inhabitants of the living corner to the company of the domestic crocodile? Or from the fact that one fine day Mitya's mother delivered an ultimatum: either she or the animals? Oh, and everything would be fine if the girl Katya Pastushkova had not volunteered to look after Mitya's pets ...

The boy Zhenya is seven years old, and he has lived all his life at the state farm.
How many interesting events are preparing here every new day! You can dig an underground passage in the Big Ravine, or build a metro line in caves, or try to catch a nimble lizard... But one day the usual way changes: Aunt Vera comes to visit with her daughter Sanya. Zhenya could not even imagine how much trouble it could bring
four-year-old snub-nosed girl! First, because of her, Zhenya did not go to the lake, then Sanya broke his favorite cup, took away a hefty beetle that looked like an airplane, and then completely stayed to live while her mother left to build a power plant somewhere very far away. Zhenya will have to learn to be an older brother!

2) Ariadna Borisova
Notes for my descendants

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Valentinka spends her summer holidays in the village with her grandmother, together with a group of friends and her dog Malva. So much happens during the summer! Expedition to the mysterious Blue Forest, meeting with the taiga giant Syrbyrkhirchik, digging up and burying innumerable treasures, mastering deduction methods, getting to know the dinosaur that lives in the river... These incredibly fun and to some extent dramatic adventures deserve to be the main character "Notes ..." shared them with their future descendants.

3) Tamara Mikheeva
asino summer

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


"Asino Leto" is a very unusual story about the most ordinary girl Praskovya Shustova. Praskovya, or simply Asya, leaves for the summer in a camp where fabulous adventures await her: she meets cheerful gnomes and other wonderful inhabitants of the forest, learns to fly, goes in search of living water to revive a dried flower. But that's not all: Asya has to do what no doctor could do - to cure the boy Kolya, whom she really likes. Fairy friends agree to help, but the main thing depends on Asya: will she have the courage and perseverance to go to the Thunderman and complete his task? ..

4) Vera Novitskaya
It's good to live in the world! Notes of a happy girl

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Nine-year-old Marusya is simply called Musya by all relatives and friends. The little mischievous woman herself describes funny stories from her life: how she makes fun of the governess and catches crayfish, how she plays croquet and participates in the play, how she rides a boat and prepares to enter the gymnasium.
Musya's stories - direct and sincere, funny and naive - are the notes of a happy girl who is happy to live in the world.

5) Victor Hugo

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The story of little Cosette is part of Hugo's Les Misérables, in which the writer shows the hard life of ordinary people. Cosette herself resembles Cinderella, and her miraculous rescue by a mysterious stranger resembles a fairy tale. Hugo urges people to be humane, kind, noble, not to pass by the grief of others, to help the unfortunate and destitute.

6) Dick King-Smith
Lady Daisy

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The fairy tale "Lady Daisy" is a touching story of the boy Ned's friendship with a doll, but the doll is not a simple one, but a talking one.
Ned found it in the far corner of the attic closet, in an old shoe box. This unusual friendship, which began so surprisingly, taught him a lot and made him understand: how important it is to always remain true to yourself, to be honest and fair, to be able to endure any trials and never lose heart.

7) Irina Pivovarova
About Lyuska Sinitsyna and Lyuska Kositsyna

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Irina Pivovarova wrote quite a few stories about two restless friends. Luska and Luska often quarrel and reconcile, write poetry and celebrate birthdays, go to the skating rink and write essays. Naturally, both often get into trouble, but they do not lose their sense of humor and know how to laugh at themselves.

8) Anne-Catherine Westley
Dad, mom, grandma, eight kids and a truck

There are books that must be read as a child. Among them are books by the famous Norwegian writer Anne-Katrina Westley.
At home, her name is known to everyone, and her popularity can only be compared with the popularity of Astrid Lindgren. Fortunately, Westley's books are well known in our country as well.
“There was a big, big family: dad, mom and as many as eight children ... And they also lived with a small truck, which they all loved very much. Still not to love - after all, the truck fed the whole family! This is how the writer introduces her characters. She tells about the life of a large family in which parents always find a common language with their children. The author does not hide that she loves her characters, and her love is transmitted to readers.
“Dad, Mom, Grandmother, Eight Children and a Truck” is a book for family reading, in which life lessons are presented to the young reader without moralizing and edification, with humor.

9) Lev Davydychev
Lyolishna from the third entrance

How often have you been to the circus? But such a circus performance, which was arranged by the children's writer Lev Ivanovich Davydychev on the pages of this book with a parade of participants and in three sections with intermissions, you hardly had the opportunity to attend.
This is a fascinating humorous story about a courageous and kind girl Lyola, whom everyone calls Lyolishna. She is only 11 years old, but she herself takes care of her grandfather and runs the household. And who else will we see in the arena? Petka-Para, the evil girl Susanna, the hooligan Goloveshka, the brave boy Viktor Mokrousov, you can’t list them all ... What they just don’t get up in their numbers! Sometimes these numbers are kind, sometimes not so, some are so simply incredible, but everyone is sure to teach us the most important things in life.

10)Edward Uspensky
About Vera and Anfisa

The girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa live in Moscow, in an ordinary city apartment. Therefore, Anfisa climbs not on palm trees and vines, but on cabinets and curtains. She looks a little like an animal, and a little like a child, because of this outrageousness and hooliganism, it turns out twice as much. But you guys probably know this yourself from the cartoons about Vera and Anfisa. And in this book you will read about the new adventures of Vera and Anfisa. After all, when a girl and a monkey go for a walk together, to a kindergarten, cinema, zoo and other interesting places, funny stories happen at every step!

11) Varvara Andreevskaya
doll notes

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The story of the Russian writer Varvara Andreevskaya (1848-1915) is written from the perspective of a doll named Milochka. The main character of the story will fall into the hands of a variety of housewives - rich and poor, good and not so good, and little readers will be able not only to follow the adventures of Milochka, but also learn a lot of interesting things about the life and life of girls of the 19th century.

12) Pamela Travers
The Mary Poppins Trilogy

Main trilogy:
Mary Poppins (in Russian translations also "House No. 17" and "Mary Poppins from Cherry Street")
Mary Poppins is back
Mary Poppins opens the door

Mary Poppins in the park
Mary Poppins A to Z
Mary Poppins in the Kitchen
Mary Poppins in Cherry Lane
Mary Poppins and the house next door (in Russian translation also "Mary Poppins and the house next door")

The heroine of fairy tales by children's writer Pamela Travers, a magical nanny who brings up children in one of the London families. Books about Mary Poppins, the first of which appeared in 1934, gained immense popularity, both in English-speaking countries and in the rest of the world. In the Soviet Union and Russia, the stories about Mary Poppins translated by Boris Zakhoder were and are still popular.

13) Yuri Ermolaev
House of the Brave Cowards

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


We rarely think that being healthy is real happiness. And Nadya Ermakova knows this for sure, because from early childhood she cannot run, jump or swim, and the girl can hardly walk only on crutches. But fate still smiles at her, and Nadya ends up in a clinic with a famous surgeon - they say he works wonders... dream.

14) Otfried Preusler
Little Baba Yaga. Little Ghost. Little Water

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Little Baba Yaga is not an evil witch at all! She is, in fact, a small child who can be naughty, punish offenders and disobey adults. And making friends with her is so exciting and fun! One day, the main character receives the task "Become the best witch in one year" and pass the exam! How to deal with this, because what is considered mandatory for a witch is not at all in her character?

The little merman is a playful and funny boy. Only he lives in a pond, in an underwater house among his relatives and fish. Something always happens to them!

The little Ghost wanders at night through the halls of the castle, which is now a museum, and remembers its glorious history, and also dreams of looking at the world not in the moonlight, but in the sunlight. And the adventure begins...

15) Yuri Dyakonov
Eight magic acorns, or the adventures of Zheludino and his younger brothers

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Before you is a wonderful fairy tale story about a little girl Zhenya and eight magic acorns. Grandfather Zhenya turned them with the help of wire and matches, feathers and poplar fluff into the boy Zheludino, the ostrich Zhelustryonok, the foal Zheluryonok and the dog Zhelugavchik, and not simple ones, but living, very real ones. You will learn how brave heroes fought caterpillars in the forest, from whom they rescued insects and birds, what the "Opening of Kind Eyes" is and why it is so important to take care of nature.

16) Yuri Olesha
three fat men

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

The publication presents two stories by Mira Lobe in a magnificent, which has become a classic translation by Lilianna Lungina. "Grandma on the Apple Tree" Little Andy, suffering from loneliness, long dreamed of a grandmother, but not at all the same as his friends, but a brave, desperate one, with whom you can surf the seas, fight pirates and tame tigers. And finally, he found her ... on an apple tree! "How was the case with Mokhnatka." Playing hide-and-seek, Freddy and his sister Gedi found a tiny, plaintively whining puppy in the bushes and brought it home. The children loved this funny baby very much, and the dog reciprocated them. But once Mokhnatka found owners. Do the guys really have to part with their pet now?

19) Angela Nanetti
My grandfather was a cherry

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


A cherry tree named Felice was planted in honor of the birth of her daughter and grew with her. And it became the hero of her son's childhood memories: his friend in games, a place of knowledge and adventure, a symbol of the continuity of life.
The protagonist of this book is a grandfather who, with his energy, sense of freedom and the ability to hear the breath of a tree, seems a little "weird".
And as easily as a tree breathes, the author of the book touches on such topics as the suffering and death of loved ones, and sincerely believes that "a person does not die while cherry trees continue to live for him."

20) Eugene Muller

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The little orphan found herself in an unfamiliar place, among strangers - like Robinson Crusoe after a shipwreck. But no, there will not be a desert island here, as in Daniel Dafoe's book; The action takes place in the most ordinary populated area. But isn't a lonely person, abandoned by everyone, forced to make his way on his own, deprived of help and assistance, on a desert island, even if he lives in a huge city with a population of many millions?
Little Robinsonetta managed not only to survive, but also to independently create her own, quite successful economy. Thanks to fortitude, perseverance and hard work, the girl managed to win the love and respect of others, overcome all sorts of difficulties, hardships and, in the end, find her happiness.

Bookshelves by age from 0 to 12+ can be viewed here

    1 - About the little bus that was afraid of the dark

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale about how a mother-bus taught her little bus not to be afraid of the dark ... About a little bus who was afraid of the dark to read Once upon a time there was a little bus in the world. He was bright red and lived with his mom and dad in a garage. Every morning …

    2 - Three kittens

    Suteev V.G.

    A small fairy tale for the little ones about three restless kittens and their funny adventures. Small children love short stories with pictures, that's why Suteev's fairy tales are so popular and loved! Three kittens read Three kittens - black, gray and ...

    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about the Hedgehog, how he walked at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone carried him to the shore. It was a magical night! Hedgehog in the fog read Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and began to play ...

    4 - Apple

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a hedgehog, a hare and a crow who could not share the last apple among themselves. Everyone wanted to own it. But the fair bear judged their dispute, and each got a piece of goodies ... Apple to read It was late ...

    5 - About the little mouse from the book

    Gianni Rodari

    A small story about a mouse who lived in a book and decided to jump out of it into the big world. Only he did not know how to speak the language of mice, but knew only a strange bookish language ... To read about a mouse from a little book ...

    6 - Black Pool

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly Hare who was afraid of everyone in the forest. And he was so tired of his fear that he came to the Black Pool. But he taught the Hare to live and not be afraid! Black pool read Once upon a time there was a Hare in ...

    7 - About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit A piece of winter

    Stuart P. and Riddell K.

    The story is about how the Hedgehog, before hibernation, ask the Rabbit to keep him a piece of winter until spring. The rabbit rolled up a large ball of snow, wrapped it in leaves and hid it in his hole. About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit Piece ...

    8 - About the Hippo who was afraid of vaccinations

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly hippopotamus who ran away from the clinic because he was afraid of vaccinations. And he got jaundice. Fortunately, he was taken to the hospital and cured. And the Hippo was very ashamed of his behavior... About the Behemoth, who was afraid...

Good day, dear readers! Did you know that the model of the world for a child is formed from the moment of his birth to 12 years? It turns out that 9 years is almost the final stage. But it is not too late to direct the baby in the right direction. I wonder how?

This is what I want to talk about today. One of our main assistants are books for children 9 years old. But how to choose and classify them correctly? Let's try not to miss the right moment and choose the right literature for our children!

From a conversation with one teacher, I learned some information regarding the culture of reading and raising children. Adults often forget that they are doing something reprehensible in the presence of a baby. Have you been like this? We demand from our child what we ourselves do not fulfill.

For example, almost everyone talks while eating. Well, yes, the most common situation: evening, the family gathered together for dinner. People share information. So why are we reprimanding kids if they are also talking stuffing their mouths? The ban should be for everyone. Oh yes! Well, of course! Our information is much more important than theirs. That's why let the kids be silent, and we will continue the conversation.

Well, that's just one example: touches on anything. And the crumbs build themselves and their views on the world, looking at you and me, at their surroundings. And they will not take up a book edition if this is not the case in the family. Therefore, if you want to instill in your child a love of reading, start with yourself. And what works will be useful at this age, we will now find out!


Parents of third-graders may face the problem of restlessness and inattention. Yes, it happens. Everywhere it is necessary to look for a compromise. By the way, how do you deal with this? Be sure to give your children the right to choose, ask what he wants to take from the bookshelf for reading today. After all, what suits one person may not suit another. Incorrectly selected literature will push the child away from the world of books in general.

Of course, kids are all different. I understand. But today I will try to offer the most suitable options for everyone. And first I will divide the books into categories. Then I will give a list for each separately. And in the end, I will also recommend options for boys and girls separately! So the classification is:

  1. Tales and stories.
  2. Poems.
  3. Adventure and fantasy.
  4. Cognitive.
  5. For boys.
  6. For girls.

Tales and stories

During this period, magical stories will be more interesting, with humor and miracles. But teachers advise already offering students works with a share of tragedy. Those that affect interpersonal relationships. Difficult? But rose-colored glasses should be slowly removed. No! Let them continue to believe in miracles! But you also need to prepare for life. This is what is known through books.

At this age, you need the concept that everything is given for work, and not just like that. I hope I wrote clearly. The line is very thin and the topic is serious. But I managed to find something interesting in the online bookstore. See for yourself:

  • "Malachite Box" Bazhov P.
  • "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" Nosov N.N. A very good example about the school to push the child to learning.
  • Oorfene Deuce and his Wooden Soldiers Volkov A.
  • "Kashtanka" Chekhov A.P.
  • "Filipok" Tolstoy L.N.
  • "Noseeaters" Schrute P. The weirdest sock-eating creature on the planet! That is why they disappear so often! A funny and light work that young readers will love.

You see, there is already something to think about in these books. It is very good if the child readily retells the texts. Help him with this, talk about what you read. Explain meaning. Yes, about retelling! Great selection of poems! Let's talk about them.


And memory training, and general development, and love for nature! That's how many functions at once in one bottle, as they say! What books to read, what to choose, so that this fidget finally calms down and starts doing business?

  • "Paper Umbrella" Boroditskaya M.
  • "The Ballad of the Little Tugboat" Brodsky I. Unusual poem, I would say, informative. What is interesting about it is that the narration comes from the name of the tug!
  • "Poetry" Pushkin A.S.
  • "Poems for children" Yesenin Sergei.

In my opinion, easy enough to remember and interesting. And now I will talk about adventure writings.

Adventure and fantasy

How interesting it is sometimes to go into the world of fantasy! Especially if you are a child of 8 - 11 years old! Are you familiar with any works? Perhaps you remember what you yourself read as a child? And I recommend a small list of the best publications:

  • "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" Gubarev V.
  • "Alice in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll.
  • "Walking castle" Diana Jones.
  • "Northern lights" Pullman F. This is already a more complex work than the previous ones from this list. But reading is not forbidden! If a student is interested, he knows how to comprehend, why not?
  • "Endless story" Michael Ende.

How is that an offer? There are well-known to us, and more modern editions. If a child knows how to comprehend the material he has read, then he will learn all the good things that books bring. But there are publications that, using completely truthful examples, tell about what is happening around. Guess what I'm talking about? Certainly! Cognitive encyclopedias and not only encyclopedias.


Curious kids will be very happy if you present them with such compositions as a gift. To be honest, everyone will be happy with this. Do you know why? Yes, there are completely unusual facts, acquaintance with the unknown world of animals and plants. Even with space!

  • "Why Don't Birds Fall" Kolmanovsky Ilya. I decided to start the review with this fascinating book. It's just that the author collected all the variety of children's questions and gave answers to them in his publications. Here he talks about birds. And the story is told in a language that children can understand. Recommended reading for ages 7 to 10. Although there is a lot of interesting things for adults too.
  • The Guinness Book of Records will be very exciting for young readers. The most interesting facts collected from different spheres of human life! Just what you need for curious kids!
  • "Insects. School guide» Mark Mahlin.
  • "Mysteries and secrets of pets", « Dog riddles" And " Cat riddles”, by Svetlana Lavrova.
  • "The Big Book of Knowledge".
  • "What is good and evil?" Oscar Brenifier. I wanted to interrupt the list, but then I came across this encyclopedia of goodness. Unusually, because it says in simple language how to act in this life. A distinction is made between good and bad. Get to know this edition.

For girls

The beautiful half will be curious about stories about themselves, that is, about princesses! And the fantasy genre is also unlikely to be bypassed if the main character is a girl! Well, now the list itself:

  • "Alice's Adventure" Kir Bulychev.
  • "Blue Bead" Mary Kruger.
  • "Pippi Longstocking" Astrid Lindgren.
  • Prostokvashino Edward Uspensky.

For boys

Mostly boys are adventurous and all that. And I made a selection based on these interests.

  • "Distant countries" Arkady Gaidar.
  • "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Mark Twain.
  • "Tim Thaler, or Sold Laughter" James Crews.

Here are some tips for your little ones. Tell me, what works are you familiar with? How well did they affect young readers? What are they interested in at the age of 9? I look forward to your comments! And subscribe to blog updates. All the best! Bye!
