Sun day card meaning. Arcana Sun: Meaning and description

Tarot Sun card is a positive lasso. It symbolizes creativity, the pursuit of truth, and the enjoyment of one’s quiet happiness. Often it says that a person has found harmony with himself and managed to overcome various fears and complexes.

In the article:

Tarot Sun - meaning

The Sun Tarot card has a positive meaning in the upright position. Almost all tarot readers agree that this is the most positive card of all the major arcana. There is no ambiguity or exorbitant sublimity in it. It symbolizes simple happiness and success.

At this point, the individual is reaping the benefits, receiving even more than what he could have expected. Do not reject the gifts that fate sends you. For now, we need to learn to enjoy them. Don't question everything good that happens to you. Move towards your goal, enjoy the process and the reward.

The appearance of the Sun in a reading predicts good prospects for a person, joyful events, liberation from illusions and doubts. Today, Fortune is on your side, and a bright streak begins in life.

Be active, achieve success and be happy. It doesn’t matter what kind of alignment was made and what the question was, the appearance of the Sun Tarot indicates that the answer will be positive, you will achieve what you want if you make every effort.

Be sure that your most cherished and brightest dream will come true. The situation will be resolved not only successfully, but also painlessly. In some cases, the appearance of a map may indicate that a long journey awaits you.

Inverted position

The Sun reversed Tarot has a less optimistic meaning. The card can warn of difficulties in communicating with people, confusion in relationships, and conflicts in the family. Perhaps the individual is very busy with problems that do not concern him, doing things that will not bring any success.

In some cases, such a situation may indicate separation from a partner or a postponed wedding. It cannot be said that in an inverted position the Sun lasso has a completely negative meaning.

Rather, it is a weakened positive meaning of the upright card. That is, success is possible, but you have to work hard to get everything you want. Dreams will come true, but not completely. You won't be able to earn a lot of money, but it will be enough to live on.

In very rare cases, tarologists say that the lasso can prophesy internal emptiness due to the fact that a person puts in too much effort and does not receive what he deserves. The negative aspect of the card can be strengthened by a nearby Tower, in which case the card prophesies some kind of physical damage: fire, burning.

Sun Tarot - meaning in relationships

If we talk about the relationship between a man and a woman, the Sun card is the most positive lasso that can appear in this layout. Both partners are generous, kind, enterprising, caring. There is a warm relationship between them, a man and a woman are ready to show generosity, condescension, pamper each other and care.

The lasso is positive, as it is a symbol of lightness and richness of relationships. Partners are ready to fill each other and supply each other with energy. The appearance of the Magician in the scenario speaks of the genius of one of the partners, the Emperor - of power. Power - the sexual aspect is extremely important in a relationship.

In almost any combination with any arcana, the Sun will speak of strong, stable relationships that will constantly develop. The exception is the proximity to the Devil, the Hanged Man or the Hermit. In this case, partners will either constantly try to win the palm, or constantly blame the other for not giving him enough freedom.

Work and finance

Rest assured, if the 19th Arcana Sun appears in a money scenario, then you will definitely receive a big reward, win the lottery, receive an inheritance, and so on. The card itself symbolizes wealth and material security.

Now you can say goodbye to money problems, improve your financial situation, and improve your standard of living. The card also speaks about a person’s ability to use their finances correctly and enjoy well-being. Rest assured, luck will be on your side. It is possible to conclude profitable contracts and the emergence of reliable partners.

The individual clearly understands his purpose. He enjoys his work. Most often this applies to creative people. For businessmen, the appearance of the Sun in a reading is also a positive sign. You can persuade others, inspire employees, get along well with other individuals, and not only have authority, but also have excellent control over situations.

A person is able to self-realize, improve, and form various associations. Arkan prophesies career advancement, triumph, and rewards. You will always be the center of attention, and you may receive awards.

Health status

The Sun Tarot card in a health reading predicts powerful vital energy, activity and vigor. The person has excellent physical and mental health, he is full of vital energy. If a person was previously sick, then he will be able to overcome the disease.

In an inverted position and surrounded by negative cards, the lasso may indicate professional burnout, problems caused by large amounts of heat (sunburn, heatstroke, burn after a fire). In some cases, the lasso speaks of heart problems and seasonal depression.

Tarot Sun in combination with other cards

To interpret any layout correctly, you need to pay attention not only to the meaning of the Sun in the layout, but also to which arcana are combined with it. This will allow you to get a more complete and clear interpretation of what is happening. The Sun - combination with the major arcana of the Tarot:

  • Jester - inspiration, search for truth, the ability to realize oneself;
  • Mag - the emergence of a brilliant idea, by implementing which you can make good money;
  • The High Priestess - gaining skills, knowledge, advanced training;
  • Empress - conception or birth of a child;
  • Emperor - happy marriage, new relatives;
  • Hierophant - a quick wedding with a loved one;
  • Lovers are a very close union based on love;
  • Chariot - a successful trip, problems will be solved by themselves;
  • Strength - you will be able to get rid of negative habits that were destroying your life;
  • Hermit - searching for oneself;
  • Wheel of Fortune - sudden changes are possible, but don’t worry, they will only be positive;
  • Justice - you will be able to win the trial;
  • Hanged - possible health problems;
  • Death - you work too hard, save your strength;
  • Moderation is good conditions for development;
  • The devil is vanity, unreal emotions, machinations;
  • Star - inspiration, realization, a very positive sign for creative people;
  • Moon - minor problems;
  • Court - you will be judged according to your merits;
  • Peace - you will be able to implement a project that turned out to be impossible.

Arcana paired with wands:

  • Ace - happiness, luck, optimism;
  • Two - lack of confidence in the future;
  • Three - no matter what business you take on, fortune will be on your side;
  • Four - a happy future;
  • Five - it is necessary to look at the situation from different angles;
  • Six - your merits will be appreciated;
  • Seven - minor troubles are possible;
  • Eight - enjoying life;
  • Nine - don’t believe all the people who shower you with compliments;
  • Ten - a person is tired of public life;
  • Page - the beginning of a new project;
  • Knight - aggression;
  • Queen - optimism;
  • King - achieving the goal.

Sun - combination with Tarot cups:

  • Ace - cornucopia, happiness;
  • Two - jealousy, negativity, difficult relationship with spouse;
  • Three - you will be lucky;
  • Four - the black streak in life ends;
  • Five - you will receive just a huge inheritance;
  • Six - a pleasant trip;
  • Seven - an important discovery, self-realization;
  • Eight - the appearance of a young mistress;
  • Nine - victory, triumph;
  • Ten - acquisition of movable and immovable property;
  • Page - the appearance of a young admirer;
  • Knight - movement towards the goal;
  • The Queen is the ideal spouse;
  • The king is a rich, confident man.

The meaning of the arcana if there is a card of the suit of swords nearby:

  • Ace - you can get rid of the yoke;
  • Two - betrayal from two acquaintances;
  • Three - happiness will be illusory;
  • Four - getting rid of illness;
  • Five - struggle, resistance, tears;
  • Six - you will be able to achieve your goal, but you will have to sacrifice something;
  • Seven is a waste of money;
  • Eight - in order to understand what is happening, look at the situation from the other side;
  • Nine - exposure;
  • Ten - complaints, torment, tears;
  • Page - infantilism;
  • Knight - selfishness, winning the lottery, arguing with a narrow-minded person;
  • Queen - making a profit;
  • The king is discretion.


The Sun in the 5th house is a symbol of the joy of life, creativity and enjoyment of play.

Straight position:

THE SUN symbolizes truth, the desire for light, quiet happiness, self-confidence and spiritual peace, reconciliation with one’s “shadow” side. The card means the achievement of something important, long-awaited, the fulfillment of desires.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: misunderstandings, false ideas about success, disruption of plans. Everything comes true, but not immediately and not fully.

19 Sun (direct position)

General value:

Always talks about the fulfillment of a wish.


1. Stable business. Good relationships with partners and in the team. Stable income.

Work is the ideal option.

2. Excellent health. Energy that is shared with others.

3. Love, friendship, mutual understanding, Family, home, the possibility of marriage, having children. A person wants to be together with the questioner and, first of all, in a spiritual sense.

4. magnanimity, nobility, generosity, openness, condescension towards the weak.

Moodiness, touchiness; the desire to be above everyone else, at least formally.

The desire to have an enemy whom you can periodically defeat without much effort and thereby rise in your own eyes and in the eyes of others.

5. Don't sit alone, communicate. Find friends and supporters. Think about children, about family. Finish the job. A warning about good things too: a well-deserved reward is in the distance.

6. Yes, even if the other cards are unfavorable.

19 Sun (reversed position)

General value:

Okay, not really. Incompleteness, incompleteness. There is a lot of work ahead to achieve the goal. Achieving the goal is not as fast as we would like. Everyday life, everyday life.


1. Ordinary affairs that will not end soon. Shortcomings, inconsistencies with partners (not fatal). Unfinished business.

2. There are chronic diseases that are not life-threatening. Infertility (temporary).

3. Temporary separations, arguments, disagreements, nothing special.

5. Do what you do. Get your old things in order.

6. The desire is feasible, but there are obstacles (not soon, or not quite as we would like) “yes, but”

General value:

The Sun card expresses love of life, joy of life, warmth and confidence in the future. In our minds, it corresponds to the forces that help us gain clarity, overcome concerns and deep fears, and overcome delusions. In addition, the Sun personifies youth and such freshness of feelings, as if a person was born again. This is the bright, sunny side of life. On a deeper level - advice to overcome our dark side, allow our sunny nature to reveal itself, recognize our “shadow self” in ourselves and bring it to the light of God.


The Sun means that work gives us joy and we do it with enthusiasm and success. In addition, it symbolizes a warm, friendly atmosphere in the team, good relationships with partners, superiors, colleagues, a good aura and the ability to express one’s ideas and considerations in an accessible and intelligible way.


This, perhaps, is the main meaning of the Sun card. This is the awakening, flowering and maturation of our solar nature, identified with our true Self. Solar nature includes, firstly, such qualities as self-confidence, self-confidence, self-knowledge and self-awareness, independence. Secondly, renunciation of oneself, selfishness, egoism at the lowest level and the transition to awareness of one’s Self at the highest level. This process has nothing to do with the flight from oneself, which underlies the self-sacrificing impulses of those who like to help everyone. The true path to oneself begins with the paradoxical question about Joseph Müller formulated by Dirkheim: “How can Joseph break through Müller?” Here the surname Müller, as one of the most common in Germany, symbolizes the impersonal external Self, and the name Joseph the individual essence, the inner Self of a person. Try asking the same question to yourself and you will understand what we are talking about.

Personal relationships:

Here the Sun personifies the most cloudless, warm relationships, a minimum of problems, enterprise and all sorts of joys of life. At the event level, it can mean vacation. At a deep level - generosity, generosity, the ability to give oneself without losing oneself at all. This is a symbol of cordiality, kindness, light that disperses clouds. Partners take care of each other, even pamper each other, mutual understanding and love reign between them.

In a love relationship

The sun symbolizes sincerity, positivity, simplicity and clarity in relationships.

There is the ability to recharge through partnership or to recharge your partner with energy and cheerfulness. Symbolizing the lightness, warmth and richness of relationships. If the Moon man is looking for a donor and support, then the Sun man himself is ready to sponsor another. The sun also gives strength to the neighboring Arcana, as if pumping them with its energy. Therefore, the Sun will add genius to the Magician, power to the Emperor, sexuality to the Strength, and arrogance, anger and irritability to the Tower. However, being in the middle of the Gebo layout, the Sun can indicate both strong cohesion and the risk of rapid burnout in relationships, especially cards from partners indicate an unwillingness to bring positive forces into the relationship. Also, the unfavorable position of the Sun may be its opposition to the Hanged Man, the Hermit or the Devil. The Devil and the Hanged Man may indicate a desire to pull the blanket over oneself. While the Hermit, located on the other side of the Sun in the Gebo reading, will indicate a greater need for solitude, while the partner, symbolized by the Sun, will need mental and physical closeness. Moreover, in opposition to the Moon, the Sun can create a completely acceptable alliance. In general, the Sun can be ambivalent even when standing with negative cards. It seems to give them strength and, at the same time, compensates for their harmfulness, bringing these problems to a conscious level.

XIX. The Sun in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - a creative impulse, inspiration.

The “Mage” card is a brilliant idea.

With the “High Priestess” card - useful knowledge.

With the “Empress” card - the birth of a child.

With the “Emperor” card - happiness in the family; replenishment of the family.

With the Hierophant card - a happy marriage

With the card “Lovers” - mutual love.

With the Chariot card - a happy journey; problem solving.

With the “Strength” card - getting rid of a negative habit.

With the Hermit card - find yourself.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - happy changes.

With the “Justice” card - achieve justice; favorable court decision, acquittal; conclusion of a promising contract.

With the Hanged Man card - blindness, eclipse, sunstroke.

With the “Death” card - burnout.

With the “Moderation” card - favorable conditions.

With the “Devil” card - bluff, vanity, pomp, artificial facade.

With the “Tower” card - suffering hidden behind external splendor.

With the “Star” card - a flight of creative imagination.

With the “Moon” card there is confusion.

With the “Court” card - recognition of creative merit.

With the “World” card - implementation of a creative project.


With the Ace of Wands card - incredible optimism.

There is not enough clarity with the Two of Wands card; there is no complete certainty.

With the Three of Wands card - success in business.

With the Four of Wands card - the appearance of the “sun” in the house.

With the Five of Wands card - consideration of the case from all sides; constructive conversation.

With the “Six of Wands” card - successful promotion of the project; recognition of merit.

There are minor difficulties with the Seven of Wands card.

With the Eight of Wands card - an opportunity to bask in the rays of glory; enjoy love.

With the Nine of Wands card - do not believe the dazzling smile; doubt your luck.

With the Ten of Wands card - get tired of fame and popularity; there is no way to hide from annoying attention; burn out.

With the “Page of Wands” card - to generate an idea.

With the Knight of Wands card - reach the boiling point.

With the “Queen of Wands” card - self-confidence; incredible optimism.

With the “King of Wands” card - share the light.

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Short description

In the Marseille Tarot, the Sun card traditionally depicts two children, presumably twins. Hence the numerous references when deciphering this card to many twin myths, in which one can find examples of cooperation between twins and enmity between them.

But Waite rejects this design. He uses the instructions of Eliphas Levi from the second volume of the Teachings and Rituals of High Magic, chapter 22. Levi writes that the Sun card can depict “a naked child on a white horse with a scarlet banner in his hands.” Obviously, Levy is referring to a very unusual 17th century deck published under the pseudonym of Jacques Vieville.

In their book “Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot,” Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin point out that there is an opinion that Pamela Smith hid the word LOVE (love) next to her signature. However, no matter how closely I looked, I couldn’t find even a hint of this word.


  • Directly the sun
  • Light, clarity
  • Warm
  • Health
  • Safety
  • Happiness

Key Ideas

  • Happy childhood
  • Power
  • Wealth
  • Family hearth

Basic meaning

Traditionally, Waite gives a complex and confusing interpretation of the meaning for the Sun Tarot card. He connects it with the destiny of the Supermaterial East, which, according to Katz and Goodwin, is correlated with the Heavenly City of Jerusalem. Waite draws a parallel between this map and the light that illuminated the path of Moses from captivity in Egypt to the Promised Land. The child on the card, according to Waite, represents humanity. Waite writes: “In its simplicity it bears the stamp of Nature and Creation; in his innocence he personifies the recreated world.”

In an additional chapter, Waite gives the following meanings for the 19th Arcana of the Tarot: joy, financial prosperity, happy marriage, satisfaction. And for the reversed Sun Tarot card the meaning is the same, but to a lesser extent.

Modern ideas about the map are not much different from those proposed by Waite. Arcana Tarot Sun: the meaning is associated with happiness and almost all favorable aspects of life: a strong and stable financial position, excellent health, a happy family life.

Video: The meaning of the Sun card

Meaning in relationships

Open - hole card

The Sun is a very open card. She generously shares her warmth, and others are drawn to the Sun. Sometimes, however, the situation reaches the point of absurdity, to the idea of ​​conquering or winning back one’s place in the sun.

Relationship intensity

A parallel can be drawn between the seasons and the intensity of relationships. Under the gentle spring sun, everything comes to life and blooms, the summer heat contributes to bliss, but it can also lead to stuffiness, heat, and sunburn. The autumn sun sends out stingy, cool rays. And you can’t say better about winter than Pushkin: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!”

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

Sun Tarot card meaning in relationships: a great card for relationships. People are happy in relationships, whatever they are: work, family, love... Partners have the same interests, they have a common worldview. They cooperate, not compete, combine their efforts, and do not each pull in their own direction.

In working relationships, the team is perceived as a family. Moreover, the family is healthy, one where there are no freaks anymore. There is no reason for mistrust. People respect each other and themselves. The bosses not only do not seek to deceive their subordinates, but also generously pay bonuses and bonuses.

Sun Tarot meaning in love: a card of ideal family relationships without ostentation and falsehood. Family members enjoy visual and physical contact and spending time together.

In combination with the Major Arcana

  • in combination with the card: Intuitive insight
  • in combination with the card: Excellent relationship
  • in combination with the card: Noble Profit

Psychological condition

One of the best emotional states in the cards. Warmth, light, safety. Self-confidence that tomorrow will be as prosperous as today. State of happiness.

In combination with the suit of Wands

  • in combination with card: Active start of the process
  • in combination with the card: Tranquil times
  • in combination with the card: Protect the interests of your family

Importance in health matters

The main meaning of the card in health matters is associated with excellent health. But sometimes the card indicates problems. For example, she may talk about high fever, burns, overheating and sunstroke.

In combination with the suit of Cups

  • in combination with the card: Open relationships with friends
  • in combination with the card: Happy life
  • in combination with card: Blonde woman

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

Very good, stable card. High degree of management and control. Claims to be the best card in the deck. Peace and Ace of Pentacles are significantly inferior to her.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)
In a healthy body there is a healthy mind: everything that is somehow connected with the physical body and its healing. Sanatoriums, holiday homes. Tourism, healthy eating, healthy lifestyle.

Also sale and installation of what warms this very body: boilers, heating systems, fireplaces and baths. And, indirectly, fire fighting equipment.

If the question concerns the person himself, this is a complete rest. “If you exist, there will be business.” You need to put everything aside and relax.

The meaning of the Sun Tarot card in work: a positive state - going to work with pleasure, going home with pleasure too. Normal, comfortable situation. The ideal option for work is as if you are working with relatives, but not real ones, but ideal ones who will not be abandoned or let you down.

Family business without coercion.

General state of finances and trends of changes

Stable, sustainable and profitable state. The situation is really very fundamental, the trends are the most rosy, and you have to try very hard to ruin everything.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The most positive card in the deck. Finally, the clouds cleared and the sun came out, it shines and warms. It is a symbol of victory over circumstances, despite the accompanying negative cards. This is health, and a surge of energy, and a state of internal warmth and pleasure from work. It's hard to find a negative. If it happens, then it is something strange, exotic. System overheating, loss of control. Fire. Not always literally, “burned out at work” - from the same opera.

Other names for the nineteenth arcana of the tarot: Well-being, le Soleil, die Sonne, Q - Earthly Happiness, Earthly happiness, Veritas facunda, Truth of eloquence, Veritas humana, Truth of man, Aurum philosophae, Gold of the philosophers, Lux Respiendes, Light of circumstance

The Sun card expresses love of life, joy of life, warmth and confidence in the future. In our minds, it corresponds to the forces that help us gain clarity, overcome concerns and deep fears, and overcome delusions. In addition, the Sun personifies youth and such freshness of feelings, as if a person was born again. This is the bright, sunny side of life. On a deeper level - advice to overcome our dark side, allow our sunny nature to reveal itself, recognize our “shadow self” in ourselves and bring it to the light of God.


This, perhaps, is the main meaning of the Sun card. This is the awakening, flowering and maturation of our solar nature, identified with our true Self. Solar nature includes, firstly, such qualities as self-confidence, self-confidence, self-knowledge and self-awareness, independence. Secondly, renunciation of oneself, selfishness, egoism at the lowest level and the transition to awareness of one’s Self at the highest level. This process has nothing to do with the flight from oneself, which underlies the sacrificial impulses of those who like to help everyone. The true path to oneself begins with the paradoxical question about Joseph Müller formulated by Dirkheim: “How can Joseph break through Müller?” Here the surname Müller, as one of the most common in Germany, symbolizes the impersonal external Self, and the name Joseph the individual essence, the inner Self of a person. Try asking the same question to yourself and you will understand what we are talking about.

Work and Business

The Sun means that work gives us joy and we do it with enthusiasm and success. In addition, it symbolizes a warm, friendly atmosphere in the team, good relationships with partners, superiors, colleagues, a good aura and the ability to express one’s ideas and considerations in an accessible and intelligible way.

Relationships and love

Here the Sun personifies the most cloudless, warm relationships, a minimum of problems, enterprise and all sorts of joys of life. At the event level, it can mean vacation. At a deep level - generosity, generosity, the ability to give oneself without losing oneself at all. This is a symbol of cordiality, kindness, light that disperses clouds. Partners take care of each other, even pamper each other, mutual understanding and love reign between them.

Inner meaning of the card

Now you can see your path clearly. What you've worked so hard on is ready to bear fruit. You may even receive gifts that you didn't deserve and might not have expected. Don't analyze them, don't question them, don't break them into small parts trying to understand their real meaning. Just accept and enjoy them.

You worked very hard. You deserve to enjoy what you have earned and what you have received as a gift. Take the time to at least taste the fruits of your labor. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your achievements and enjoying the results of your work. If you didn’t know this simple truth until now, now is the time to learn it: you don’t live to work. You work to live.

The moon shines with reflected light, it is not bright enough to illuminate the hidden knowledge. But the Sun is a source of light and warmth, illuminates knowledge, gives understanding, clarity and happiness.

Halfway between Heaven and Earth, the Sun serves as a mediator between God and humanity. At the same time it is the lowest aspect of the divine and the highest aspect of the worldly. The Sun Tarot card symbolizes the transition between the visible light of this world and the spiritual light of the world to which you strive. If you are able, with a child's heart, wise in its innocence, simplicity and readiness to enjoy life, to accept the gifts of the Sun, this will be the next step towards the divine.

This is not a command to stop using reason! Not at all like that. Children are constantly learning. This is, in essence, an injunction to follow the instructions not only of the mind, but also of the heart. You are receiving a huge gift. What you've learned so far allows you to simply enjoy yourself without being overwhelmed by introspection.

Perhaps the lesson taught here is no less difficult to apply than Temperance. Throughout all the previous stages of your quest, you have had to strive for and achieve a very important goal. The Sun card teaches that sometimes there is a need to stop and smell the roses. You are allowed to enjoy what you have learned and achieved!

As a midpoint between the divine and the mundane, the Tarot Sun is an allegory of the seeker's self-identity and his joy in living in the here and now, as well as the hope that life will move to a higher level of existence.

Combinations with other cards


6 of swords: depression, lethargy

8 of Cups: Fatigue

Moon: confusion, disorientation, illusions

5 of Pentacles: overwork, fatigue


Tower: insight, rebirth

Peace: completion of something, great achievement

2 of Wands: personal strength, vitality, wit

6 of Wands: approval received, position achieved



Sun. The source of independent (individual) action, intention, energy of life.

Letter Resh. Hieroglyph Head. Peace. Left nostril. Orange color. The name Rode is commanding. Forms plants. It is ascribed to the first principle of God, which is applied to the animal kingdom and gives it life. Number 200.

Give your light to everyone, without doubt, clouds and shadows will not extinguish you. Generate speech and silence, energy and peace, the dual forms of your play.

Fame, winning, wealth, triumph, joy, sincerity, truth, selfishness, recognition, insight, restoration of strength. Success in everything. Glory. Acquisition. Achievement. Satisfaction. Fulfillment of desires.

Reversed: Everything is the same, but with a time delay.

Description of the lasso

The old man depicted on this card radiates joy into the world, similar to a child's. A feeling of goodwill surrounds him. He feels at home with himself and with what life has brought him. He appears to be playfully interacting with the mantis that sits on his finger as if they were best friends. The cascade of pink flowers surrounding it represents a time of liberation, relaxation and freshness. They are a response to his presence, a reflection of his own qualities.

Straight position

The innocence that comes from the deep experience of life is like that of a child, but it is not childish. The innocence of children is beautiful but ignorant. It will give way to mistrust and doubt as the child grows and learns that the world can be dangerous and frightening. But the innocence of a life fully lived has the quality of wisdom and acceptance of the ever-changing miracle of life.

The meaning of the card

Zen says that if you drop knowledge and everything that is contained in that knowledge - your name, identity, everything that has been given to you by others - if you drop everything that has been given to you by others, your being will have a completely different quality - innocence . This will be the crucifixion of personality and the resurrection of your innocence, you will become a child again, born again. (Osho)

A huge, round-faced Sun, its golden rays interspersed with flowing locks of hair, shines on two children in loincloths, hugging against the backdrop of a stone wall. The fact that the children are almost naked means that they have nothing to hide from each other. The wall behind them depicts the efforts and events of the past that occurred in a spiritual and physical sense, but now everything is calm. Children hug each other, which means happiness and contentment. The sun shines victoriously over them, and its rays touch the ground. The sun's rays emanate strong and positive solar energy, which penetrates into all living things and evokes feelings of joy and satisfaction. Two children symbolize the reward for harmonious interaction between two people, as well as the enlightenment and happiness that can result from the accomplishment. This card depicts the satisfaction of love and friendship, of love and devotion between two people. Day comes to replace night. After the moon comes the sun.

Meaning in fortune telling

Satisfaction. Achievement. Contentment. Success. Favorable relationships. Love. Joy. Devotion. Selfless feeling. Engagement. A favorable omen. Happy marriage. Pleasure in everyday existence. Earthly happiness. The satisfaction that comes from giving oneself to another person. Good friend. A good mood. Heat. Sincerity. The reward is a new friend. The pleasures that come from simple things. Achievement in art. Liberation. Appreciation for small services. The ability to accept life as it comes and live contentedly.

Reversed meaning

Misfortune. Loneliness. Perhaps a broken engagement or marriage. Canceled plans. Victory delayed, all is not necessarily lost. Foggy future. Lack of friendship.

The Sun is shining in the sky, looking at you calmly and sternly. Below is a peaceful landscape. In many variations, this card depicts a child (or children) against the background of a low stone wall. In Pamela Smith's Rider-Waite maps (1910), a child sits on a horse as sunflowers rise from behind a wall.
One way or another, this map depicts that long-awaited world of light and joy that we have been striving for throughout our journey. We were able to get to it only because we were guided by a power greater than human, thanks to which the spark of life does not fade at all its stages, no matter how many there are. The end of the next stage is coming, but it no longer frightens us: we know that the next one will come after it. Our mind is clear, it has learned to comprehend the main thing, cutting off the unnecessary. Much is available to us, much is within our power; but reason is a formidable weapon, and it must be used with great responsibility.

Meaning of the card:
You have reached a high level of consciousness. You have a rich, wise soul, and now you know what happiness is. You gave birth to offspring, grew a tree and killed a snake. You understood what your purpose is, paid off your karmic debt and can now help others with this. Be kind to them.
The Sun is one of the best cards in the deck. When answering almost any question, she gives a favorable answer. As a rule, she talks about good health (recovery), the well-being of children, and success in business. Sometimes it confirms the indication of the birth of a child. And even in an inverted form it retains its meaning, except perhaps by pointing to a light cloud running towards the Sun; but this cloud will soon dissipate.
And, because the Sun circles the celestial circle every year, this chart can indicate a period of time lasting one year.

For businessmen:
Oddly enough, nothing good, unless they invest money in pharmacology or education, be it primary or higher. If not, then they are not personally in danger, but their business will experience difficulties due to government policy.

The sun is a symbol of rebirth and light replacing darkness.

The two figures represent the two sides of our soul and symbolize their integrity and unity.

Energy. Optimism. Joy. Confidence.

Traditionally, this card shows a child or children in a beautiful garden with the sun shining overhead. The Sun balances and complements the Moon, but if the latter reflects the dark depths of the unconscious, then the Sun is a symbol of consciousness illuminated by the bright light. It sheds light on the surrounding darkness and gives us clear vision in the most difficult and uncertain situations. We are able to discern our path, determine where we are, and not worry about what lies ahead.


The Sun signifies our ability to clearly understand the meaning of what is happening and bring order, organization and consistency into our lives. It is a source of energy and strength for us and helps us realize the purpose of our life. This card embodies clarity of mind, spiritual purity and the beauty of good deeds. The sun gives us the gift of foresight and allows us to move forward, aware of the consequences of each step we take. Intuition tells us that we are on the right path. The sun is associated with the ancient Greek god of poetry and music, Apollo. It also symbolizes the power of the mind and the male function of rational use of one's experience. Without this function, we will depend on the vagaries of our mood and will not be able to adequately assess our place in life. This card fills us with optimism, energy and ambition to achieve our goals and fulfill our desires. It often signifies a period of intense creative work, self-expression and the manifestation of one's unique abilities. It is not surprising that the Sun heralds joy and happiness, as well as a feeling of deep satisfaction.


The Sun card signifies happiness and satisfaction. The darkness surrounding you has dissipated, and you can clearly see the path to solving your problems. You think clearly and clearly and have the energy and optimism to successfully achieve your goals. You radiate warmth and well-being. You love and respect yourself and are ready to teach this to others. You become aware of the conflicting aspirations of your soul and find a way to channel them into a single direction, which gives you a feeling of freedom and integrity. Your positive attitude means you are able to enjoy life to the fullest. You have a reason to celebrate, or you simply experience the feeling that you have reached the pinnacle of mental and physical development. You can move forward, confident in the complete success of all your endeavors.


Thought form: Happiness.
Number: nineteen.
Hebrew letter: kof.
Yellow color.
Stone: diamond.
Astrological analogy: Pisces, Sun in Leo.
Other names: "Radiant Light", "Radiance".


Arcana "Sun" is the best card of the Major Arcana. The symbolism of the card is very simple and does not require lengthy explanations. After all, everyone knows that the sun is a source of light and warmth, a symbol of life and joy. The warm, bright yellow color of the card, symbolizing earthly happiness, is not clouded by unnecessary details and characters. It penetrates into all fields of the map, and even the letters and symbols depicted there seem like cheerful children's pictures. The only character is the great Ra himself, appearing before us in all his splendor.

Mythological dossier

Ra in Egyptian mythology is the sun god. Like many other solar deities, he was embodied in the image of a falcon (sometimes a huge cat), depicted as a man with the head of a falcon, crowned with a solar disk. In many texts, Ra is called the daytime sun, in contrast to Atum - the evening sun and Khepri - the morning sun. Ra pushed aside the more ancient Atum and, identified with him, became the head of the Heliopolis ennead of gods. He began to be considered a demiurge, the creator of the world and people (who arose from his tears), the father of gods and kings. Ra was identified with many other gods: Amon (Amon-Ra), Horus (Ra-Garahuti), Montu, Ptah. Many other gods are also associated with him. Ra created Thoth-moon as his deputy at night, Thoth was also considered the heart of Ra. According to the myth, during the day, Ra, illuminating the earth, sails along the celestial Nile in the barge Manjet, and in the evening he transfers to the barge Mesektet and descends to the underworld, where, fighting the forces of darkness, he sails along the underground Nile, and in the morning he reappears on the horizon. There are other myths that explain the rising and setting of the sun. The pyramid texts speak of Ra as a golden calf born of the Cow-sky. There is a well-known myth according to which Ra arose from a fiery island, which gave him the power to destroy chaos and darkness and create order in the world based on truth and justice (her embodiment is Ra’s daughter Maat). Ra rules the world like a king. From his barge he sees everything that is happening on earth. According to one myth, when Ra grew old, people stopped revere him and even “plotted evil deeds against him.” At the council of the gods, it was decided to punish people. The Eye of Ra Sekhmet in the form of a lioness killed and devoured people - until the lioness was cunningly given beer as red as blood. She fell asleep and forgot about revenge, and Ra, having proclaimed Gebe his deputy on earth, climbed onto the back of the Heavenly Cow and from there continued to rule the world.

The sun sends us not only heat and light, but also a whole spectrum of different types of radiation. In addition, it breathes intensely. Every two and a half hours, the surface of the sun rises and then falls as much as eight kilometers. So the sun really is life. It gives us warmth and light, gives us life. The sun loves us, but if we disappear tomorrow, it will love others the same way. There will be no one - the sun will remain just as festive and will just as generously send its life-giving warmth into the void. His job is only to be, only to shine. The light of the sun symbolizes divine absolute, altruistic love. The Arcana "Sun" symbolizes human sublime love, in which we not only receive another, but also give ourselves completely. Without the complete death of one's own egoism, there can be no resurrection for a new spiritual life.

Throughout all the previous stages of your quest, you have had to strive for and achieve a very important goal. The Sun card says that sometimes there is a need to stop and breathe in the scent of flowers. You are allowed to enjoy what you have learned and achieved. The moon shines with reflected light, it is not bright enough to illuminate the hidden knowledge. But the sun is a source of light and warmth, illuminates everything, gives understanding, clarity and happiness. The Sun Arcanum symbolizes the transition between the visible light of this world and the spiritual light of the world to which you strive.

What you've learned so far allows you to simply enjoy life without getting caught up in self-analysis. Perhaps the lesson taught here is as difficult to apply as any other. Remember what fills your head during the holidays or vacation, how difficult it is to let go of all your worries, anxieties and fears. If you are able, with a child's heart, wise in your innocence, simplicity and readiness to enjoy life, to accept the gifts of the sun, this will be the next step towards the divine.

Value in the layout
In a straight position

The "Sun" lasso symbolizes earthly happiness. The card portends good health, material well-being, great success and achievements in any field of activity. In a word, the flourishing of life. Can mean achieving any kind of happy union in love, marriage, friendship, partnership. Perhaps the birth of a child or the emergence of a new project, idea or career. Sometimes this card means a celebration after achieving something important - triumph, reward, well-deserved respect from others. Symbolizes the long-awaited fulfillment of desires. If luck has not yet come to you, then it is already close and quite real. In general, the card speaks of the rebirth, transformation and realization of personality. Brings happiness, success and prosperity. You are completely safe.

Advice. Think about what you need to be happy? And when you have this, will you definitely become happy?

In an inverted position

The Arcana "Sun" does not lose its positive meaning, but the beneficial influence of the sun is somewhat weakened. The card foretells success, but after considerable effort. Hopes and dreams regarding matters of the heart will not be fully realized. Temporary separation from a loved one is possible. Sometimes minor health problems or family troubles, defeat and emptiness. Your sun has set, but maybe it just went behind a cloud?

Advice. There are no objective measures of happiness. Healthy, rich and loved ones are known to cry too. Happiness is your subjective feeling. So if you want to be happy, be it.

The sun gives a joyful, radiant feeling of happiness and well-being. This card can be described in one word: "YES!" The source of happiness can be something specific or the joy of being alive and simple pleasures. Sometimes the sun foretells success, honors, prosperity, triumph of the mind and prosperity of the individual - at least for a short time. Perhaps you have just achieved a goal that you have been striving for for a long time, for example, a new addition to your family or the founding of a new business. The Sun suggests natural playfulness and spontaneity, and your perception will be characterized by childlike freshness and innocence. This card can mean working with children or animals, or with the inner child. Dejection is dissipated, life is full of brightness, tasks turn out to be small, things are simple, and problems are insignificant. You become an optimist, and this allows you to freely express your individuality. Working and playing outdoors is fun. You may be caught up in a brilliant new idea or making the best use of your talents and abilities. Now you have the power to make the lives of others happier and inspire them with your optimism, creativity and bold vision - and thus promote a product or concept that you truly believe in. This card suggests that in your personal universe there is a certain center around which everything revolves - be it a child, work, relationships, home, health or any other matter. Also, the Sun is self-confidence and self-confidence.

Wherever the Sun shines, hidden facts and motivations become apparent, and the situations in question lie before you in full view. The source of enlightenment can be a sudden insight or unexpected realization of the truth. You can openly and consciously join some alliance, confirm friendly relations, or achieve reconciliation in any conflict. Now you are able and ready to generously share your luck with others. Or perhaps you are just planning to go on vacation somewhere with a lot of sun.

Traditional meanings: enlightenment, revelation, clarity. Happiness, contentment, joy, satisfaction. Success, honor, glory, achievements. Effulgence. Triumph of reason. Sincerity. Material wealth. Marriage, happiness in marriage. Good friendship.

Reversed Sun

In general terms, an inverted sun acts the same as an upright sun, but there is either not enough or too much of it. In both cases, pleasure and satisfaction are somewhat weakened. Perhaps you refuse to see joy in your life, or something is clouding it. You do not understand or misunderstand something that is quite obvious to others. Perhaps you're afraid to give yourself joy, to embrace good things, or to fear that they won't last long or that they're "too good to be true." There may be a lack of self-confidence or belief that you deserve recognition and success. You are probably hiding your inner light from yourself and others.

On the other hand, your life may be too intense right now. You may be too busy with yourself or trying to show off others, you may be too energetic and domineering, suppressing others with your self-confidence and inflated ego. Or you yourself feel burnt out and exhausted. Perhaps the weather is too hot or, conversely, impenetrably cloudy. If other cards confirm the presence of problems, these will most likely be broken agreements, canceled contracts or some kind of dirty stain on a seemingly excellent situation. However, if a divorce occurs, it will be amicable. At worst, you will put on a false guise, full of bluster and arrogance, fake optimism and insincere pleasure in life. Or you will begin to take credit for other people’s merits.

You may act childish and immature, or be afraid to show off your vulnerability and playfulness. One of my acquaintances, a tarot reader, believes that the inverted Sun indicates a romantic relationship with a person younger than the querent in age, in which there are more external manifestations than genuine feelings. For one of my clients, this turned out to be a profound image of life-in-death, for the card represented in the reading his recently deceased wife, who, according to the Chinese calendar, was born in the Year of the Horse. He had statues of horses all over his house. And now his girlfriend was smiling at him from the map, reborn and free from pain and suffering.

When you project this card onto another person, you see him as a creative leader, full of youthful optimism and enthusiasm, but at the same time either too focused on himself, or gullible and naive. Such people illuminate the world around them and generously share their happiness with others.

In terms of health, this can include heatstroke, heart attack, skin cancer and sunburn. It is par excellence a card of good health, vitality and rebirth; it alleviates symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, fears and anxiety.

On the internal plane, the card represents the ability to lovingly accept oneself as a unique individual.

Shamanically and magically, it is enlightenment, the completion of the Great Work, hierogamy or sacred marriage, the creation of alchemical gold, the outpouring of the Spirit and the awakening of the divine inner child, free and free from sin.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: happiness, joy and success, but less than in the upright position. Heat, flame. Passion. Enlightenment. Vanity, pride. Deceptive greatness. Bluff, facade. Misunderstanding. Vague future. Broken engagement or canceled marriage. Delayed triumph.

1 - Thanks to Elizabeth Hazel from TarotL. - Note. author.

Astrological meaning:
The Sun in the 5th house is a symbol of the joy of life, creativity and enjoyment of play.

The Sun card expresses love of life, joy of life, warmth and confidence in the future. In our minds, it corresponds to the forces that help us gain clarity, overcome concerns and deep fears, and overcome delusions. In addition, the Sun personifies youth and such freshness of feelings, as if a person was born again. This is the bright, sunny side of life. On a deeper level - advice to overcome our dark side, allow our sunny nature to reveal itself, recognize our “shadow self” in ourselves and bring it to the light of God.

19th Arcana - Sun

This card in the Tarot deck is one of the most prosperous. Its traditional name is “Sun”, but sometimes “Lord of World Fire” is also found. Look at the picture in front of you: two children, completely naked, playing happily. The sun is shining brightly, and a dilapidated wall is visible not far away. The whole picture exudes serene happiness.

Before you is innocence and virtue, to which the world generously gives its warmth and light. This whole image is a reminder to you that without these invaluable qualities, any action or even thought will be doomed to quick death. True success comes only to those who, like children, perceive life simply and wisely, without complicating it with ambitions and ambitions.

The Arcana “Sun” fell out in your personal scenario! Well, that means you are a nature generously endowed with the gifts of nature. Life has given you not only an attractive appearance, but also an unusually clear, truly “sunny” character. It’s as if you carry a piece of the sun within you, under whose protection you invariably remain.

Undoubtedly, you have already appreciated such powerful patronage: after all, there has never been a case in your life when events would have led you to the final collapse of all your plans. Even in times of the darkest despair, a “ray of hope” always shone for you, allowing you to see the light of a new day behind the wall of darkness.

Given the situation, the Arcanum “Sun” foretells an unusually calm and successful resolution. Your plans will certainly come true, although perhaps not as soon as you would like. Nevertheless, the overall outcome of the situation will be extremely successful, and you will soon forget that you had to wait some time for the fulfillment of your hopes.

In a narrower sense, this card predicts a happy married life and (or) the imminent birth of a child.

18th Arcana - Moon | >>
