“Kitty” - the meaning of the name, the origin of the name, name day, zodiac sign, mascot stones. Kitty Kitty, in English, is a female full name

This article presents a decoding of the female name Kitty, what is best suited, and what people who wear it should be wary of. You hear the sounds of your name every day; from infancy they influence you. Understanding what will attract love to you, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your character, you will achieve a lot.

    Meaning of the female name Kitty

  • How to spell - in English - Kitti
  • This name refers to the element – ​​Fire
  • The color that will bring good luck to your life – Gray, Gray-green
  • Attractive success for this name, metal – Magnesium
  • Suitable for this name, the tree is Ficus
  • The planet that brings happiness is Mars
  • Constellation of joy and well-being – Microscopium
  • According to numerology named Kitty, numbers bringing good luck – Seven
  • You are better off eating fish food
  • Animals are your symbols for the name Kitty– marten
  • Stones - amulets for women with the name Kitty - Malachite

To attract financial success and happiness, girls named Kitty need a strong Money Amulet, the main thing is that it is encoded for you personally, for your full name and your date of birth. I can only recommend This is a verified site! The Luck Talisman really works to create an aura of well-being, it is important to wear it constantly and not tell anyone about its purpose. Activate it on yourself or the person you are buying it for, according to the instructions.

What suits women named starting with K in life - Kitty

  1. It is better if a girl named Kitty was born under the zodiac sign - Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21)
  2. It will be most successful if a girl with the name Kitty was born according to the eastern calendar in the year of the Pig (Boar) - the years 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043
  3. It’s better to start things on Friday and Monday
  4. The most favorable days of the year are January 12, April 19, June 22 and October 20
  5. Favorable time of day for you is morning
  6. The dangerous age at which you need to be careful is in childhood and adolescence - six years; in youth - twenty-three years old; in maturity - fifty-three years, in old age - seventy-two years
  7. A name starting with the letter K - Kitty leaves an imprint on the health of these people; diseases of the left arm, spine and right arm are especially dangerous
  8. Women with the name Kitty are best suited for professions related to – Creating comfort

Character meanings named by the female name Kitty

Values ​​honesty, decency, mutual respect between people, as well as a rational and thoughtful approach to life. A woman named Kitty has a noble grandeur and rather eccentric behavior, often very attractive to men, loves to manipulate. He studies religion and has a rich spiritual world.

It is best to have common interests with her; she gets along well without a husband, but pays attention only to strong men. Despite her attentiveness and ardor in love, even in the strongest relationships a woman named Kitty, there should be a time and place for privacy in which it is better not to pry your nose. Doesn't listen to anyone when she quarrels, first you need to let her cool down. A woman named Kitty rarely tries to outshine a man, whether married to him or not. They are sentimental, dreamy and romantic, with one stroke of their eyelashes they bring brave knights to their feet, ready to kiss a gentle hand!

It is better to show tact and delicacy so as not to evoke negative emotions in other people, for example, ill will. The characteristics of a woman named Kitty are a reminder to all men that she cannot be tamed; you can only earn her favor by buying expensive gifts and doing beautiful deeds in her honor. Characterization is a constant confirmation of one’s own exclusivity.

Table of the main character traits of a woman named Kitty

The calculation of character traits was carried out on the basis of the name and month of birth, for a more accurate calculation you need to know the full date of birth and first name, patronymic and last name, if you need this, VISIT THIS PAGE.

The vertical column of the table (on top), select your (or a girl’s name - Kitty) month of birth, the horizontal (on the side) line are aspects of character. Their intersection will show a coefficient from 1 to 100, the higher the value, the better.

January February March
Strength of will 99 67
Energy 72 85 41
Learning ability 75 51 98
Hard work 19 20 43
Kindness 48 25 66
Patience 58 23 25
Creation 49 28 55
Intuition 64 11 25
Sociability 69 100 3
Self-esteem 64 43 20
Money 5 30 61
Talent 85 21 50
Spirituality 14 8 79
Determination 56 83 76
Stability 89
Love 13 59 16
Duty 63 59 63
Mentality 22 59 100
Prudence 54 30 62
Emotionality 26 43 65
April May June
Strength of will 12 90 69
Energy 87 45 66
Learning ability 3 29 68
Hard work 23 79 16
Kindness 96 1 95
Patience 25 57
Creation 95 34 89
Intuition 70 55 3
Sociability 42 38 29
Self-esteem 21 10 17
Money 99 76 23
Talent 91 19 81
Spirituality 55 14
Determination 14 31
Stability 41 77 21
Love 17 87 46
Duty 1 74 82
Mentality 51 77 48
Prudence 19 64 83
Emotionality 100 51 35
July August September
Strength of will 29 40 64
Energy 65 20 62
Learning ability 66 46 88
Hard work 29 80
Kindness 84 30 13
Patience 29 61 28
Creation 94 32 33
Intuition 18 11 49
Sociability 89 53 81
Self-esteem 84 24 83
Money 80 10 7
Talent 71 48 39
Spirituality 89 30 52
Determination 38 49 51
Stability 52 26 84
Love 52 35 51
Duty 38 3 19
Mentality 52 80
Prudence 55 26 82
Emotionality 60 39 71
October November December
Strength of will 84 99 78
Energy 64 50
Learning ability 13 4 13
Hard work 49 58 90
Kindness 95 85 73
Patience 35 45 59
Creation 97 53 56
Intuition 83 12 37
Sociability 15 51 9
Self-esteem 32 92 69
Money 35 24 97
Talent 28 55 2
Spirituality 79 90 65
Determination 78 15 62
Stability 19 24 44
Love 97 24 84
Duty 94 25 76
Mentality 15 49 36
Prudence 81 51 82
Emotionality 58 100 46

The main character traits that are present in people named Kitty are indifferent, aware, phlegmatic.

Compatibility of a girl named Kitty in the family

This table shows the love compatibility of women named Kitty, depending on their birthday. The vertical column (on top) is your zodiac sign, the horizontal (on the side) line is the horoscope sign of your beloved man. Their intersection will put the extent and aspects of the relationship into perspective.

If there is no love and joyful relationships. strong will help you Amulet of Love, it will attract the real feelings of the person you need into your destiny and give you the joy of life with your loved one. The main thing is that it is encoded for you personally. I can only recommend this one official site!, where they make a real Amulet of Love. But, do not forget to set it up for yourself, in full accordance with the instructions.

Fish Aries Taurus
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) bad nervousness for you part as enemies
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) rich house and joy emotionality Not recommended
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) peace in the house it will be better bad
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) long relationship excellent peace in the house
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) difficult relationships rich house and joy hassle for both
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) difficult relationships good rich house and joy
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) peace in the house acrimonious relationship nervousness for you
Libra (24.09 – 23.10) contempt melancholy and routine long relationship
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) contempt troubles and troubles happiness, but not for long
Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) it will be better short-lived love be together for a long time
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) nervousness for you difficulties partnerships
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) all according to plan love and happiness common dreams
Twins Cancer a lion
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) difficult relationships calm home long relationship
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) passion and jealousy not a boring life together bad
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) troubles and troubles adoration and love good
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) love and happiness peace in the house melancholy and routine
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) financial difficulties vain dreams disappointment
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) troubles and troubles good together part as enemies
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) parting long life together wasted worries
Libra (24.09 – 23.10) all according to plan peace in the house rich house and joy
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) common dreams bad all according to plan
Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) joyful experiences money will separate you adoration and love
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) difficult relationships be together for a long time long relationship
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) nervousness for you bad feelings good
Virgo Scales Scorpion
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) short-lived love financial difficulties long relationship
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) short-lived love adoration and love common dreams
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) well-being and prosperity adoration and love all according to plan
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) well-being and prosperity you shouldn't start a relationship it will be better
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) bad empty worries Everything will be fine
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) calm home calm home explosion of feelings
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) bad feelings rich house and joy hassle for both
Libra (24.09 – 23.10) acrimonious relationship short-lived love peace in the house
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) difficulties wasted worries financial difficulties
Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) well-being and prosperity wasted worries adoration and love
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) family happiness parting all according to plan
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) it will be better empty worries passion and jealousy
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) family happiness peace in the house bad
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) parting not a boring life together bad feelings
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) common dreams it will be better nervousness for you
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) troubles and troubles not a boring life together you shouldn't start a relationship
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) difficulties often misunderstandings be together for a long time
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) emotionality long relationship difficult relationships
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) part as enemies financial difficulties happiness, but not for long
Libra (24.09 – 23.10) melancholy and routine calm home troubles and troubles
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) Not recommended long life together peace in the house
Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) it will be better excellent nervousness for you
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) difficult relationships difficulties good
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) bad financial difficulties be together for a long time

List of characters from Kitty's family, Hello Kitty, with names and their images.

Also here - about Kitty's pets (and she has several of them).

Kitty's family is dad, mom, grandma, grandpa and little sister Mimmi. Mimmi has a yellow bow on her right ear, so as not to confuse her with Kitty (Kitty has a red bow).

Kitty's pets are Charmmy Kitty and Sugar the hamster.

At first there were doubts about the cat's name. Its creator was choosing between Hello Kitty and Kitty White - that was the name of one of Alice's cats from the book Alice in Wonderland. But the latter option was ultimately rejected, but he remained as the family surname - White.

Kitty is a character of Japanese culture, a world-famous little white cat in a simplified drawing.

Full name: Kitty White.

This is a little girl with a heart of gold. Wants to be a poet or pianist. She loves the apple pie that her mother bakes.

Favorite color - red, Scorpio according to the horoscope, height - like five apples, weight - like three apples. Born in the suburbs of London, England.

Hobbies: Baking cookies and making pancakes; origami; foreign cultures; playing the piano; tennis; collecting little stars, ribbons, and other cute little things

Dad's name is George, the mainstay of the family, with a great sense of humor.

George White is Hello Kitty's papa. He is the backbone of the family. Ever-reliable, with a wonderfully dry sense of humor!

Mom's name is Mary. Loves to cook, wash and clean. Preparing his famous apple pie.

Mary White is Hello Kitty's mama. Kind and caring Mama loves cooking, cleaning and washing. Her apple pie is famous!

Mimmi is Kitty's twin sister. On the right ear - yellow ribbon (bow). She dreams of being the most beautiful bride, loves embroidery and handicrafts.

Mimmy White is Hello Kitty "s twin sister. She is quiet, shy and very girly. She loves her sister very much and looks just like her, although she wears a yellow ribbon on her right ear. She is good at embroidery and patchwork, and her favorite subject in school is home economics. She often dreams about getting married and being the most beautiful bride.

Grandfather's name is Anthony. In his spare time he likes to draw and knows many stories about old times.

Anthony White is Hello Kitty's grandpa. He paints for a hobby. He is also full of knowledge and great stories of the old days.

Grandmother's name is Margaret. She makes delicious pudding, and most of all she loves to sit in her rocking chair and do embroidery.

Margaret White is Hello Kitty's grandma. She makes a delicious pudding, and loves nothing more than to sit in her rocking chair doing embroidery.

Charmy Kitty, Kitty's pet cat that her dad gave her. Loves everything shiny. She wears the key to Kitty's jewelry box around her neck.

Charmmy Kitty is Hello Kitty"s pet cat, given to her by her papa as a gift. Charmmy looks like her owner but acts more like a cat than a person. She"s very tranquil, sweet, obedient, and loves shiny objects. She wears the key to Hello Kitty's jewelry box around her neck.

Hamster Sugar. Charmy Kitty's best friend. Kitty was given a hamster by her friend Daniel.

Sugar is Hello Kitty's pet hamster and Charmmy Kitty's best friend. Sugar was given to Hello Kitty by her childhood friend Dear Daniel.

Hello. I will try to briefly describe my situation and ask for at least a few words from an outside perspective.
I have been married for 9 years, I have an older child, and I am now pregnant with my second for exactly 8 months. The husband is a mid-level manager in a highly specialized industry. A year and a half ago, he reached a dead end at his job; there was misunderstanding and non-acceptance of his work on the part of his management. I advised you to look for a job in another region. Well, I found it. In another region, 1.5 thousand km from home. I told him to get a job there, look for a job for me and I’ll come to you as a translation (we work in the same industry) because... If I quit, it will be difficult to fit into this structure later.
He moved, I found him an apartment, it was paid for by the company, I collected things, went with him and set him up there. This was in May '18.
A couple of months later I went to see him on vacation, he took me to 2 interviews, at one of which I was offered a job as a mechanic (I work as a leading specialist) and at the other interview I was not expected at all.
That was the end of it, I had nowhere to go and work. In the fall, my retired mother and my son came from the village from the summer holidays and the three of us began to live at home and my husband there. We quite often had conflicts on the topic that I was not satisfied with this situation, that he might have another wife, that his son was growing up without a dad, and his son adored him. Okay, in the fall he came on a business trip, I became pregnant. We continue to live the same way, I’m pregnant, I live at home with my son, he goes to kindergarten and my mother, I work to get maternity benefits, etc. In April, mother and son again leave for the village, there is an 80-year-old grandmother, a vegetable garden, and everything. In May, I first go to my husband with the hope of coming to some conclusion about where and how we will live, the result did not happen and then I went to my son.
I am at home now. On b.l. on pregnancy. There is nothing from my husband that would outline our life together. He said that he was happy with everything, we were separate and he was separate. I didn’t want to get a divorce, I wanted to in September, now there is no question of divorce. I asked if he could quit and find another job at home so that we could be together, and the answer I received was that work was more important to him than family. At home we have 2 three-room apartments that require attention, you understand, I chose a school for my son, he is enrolled in 1st grade, there is a teacher. Clinics, I don’t count everything else. Plus the support of my mother, with whom we live.
I really, understand, did not want to go to the region where he works, but I stepped on my own throat and invited him to find a larger apartment and a school and we would come to him. He suggested this many times. Now, out of desperation, you can say I agreed, ok, I’ll drop everything and come to you. This was 2 weeks ago. Since then he has not called me even once, he has disappeared. I’m actually very pregnant, I’m 35 years old. Now I’m completely alone and I don’t see my future at all and I don’t understand whether I have a husband and my children have a father or no longer.
I wrote the main points, omitting a lot of details; if you need them, I’ll write them down.
P.S. My husband now works as the first person of the enterprise with all the attributes - a secretary, a driver, a good company car, housing is paid for, he is a big shot in the capital, one might say. Yes, it’s a pity to lose this, but are these attributes more valuable than family?



Good afternoon I had a difficult relationship with my mother-in-law. We have a mortgage, and she constantly asks and demands financial assistance. I am temporarily not working due to health reasons. She calls her husband every day and asks why I don’t work. My mother-in-law says that as long as I don’t work, she won’t work either. Although what the connection is is unclear. When her husband told her that he also wouldn’t refuse her help, she threw a tantrum that she was sick and couldn’t work. Moreover, we have enough money; we don’t ask her for anything. And she believes that her son should support her. Moreover, she allows insults towards me, saying that I look bad, my house is a mess. Although this is not true. How can I convey to her that I am the wife, and not her? It's like she's jealous of my husband.



Girls, why are there so few photo themes about trips? I have something to tell you - that topic is closed, your tour aroused curiosity and many questions, tell us!
I'm hot (+36-38, the child can't handle the heat well) and bored (we're sitting under the splitter at home, eating watermelon). Tell us who has already been where, if possible in pictures!))) I have a longing for distant countries.....)) Fernweh - is this the correct way to translate into Russian?
Post some nice photos)


Violet of Montmartre

Good day to all.
We need an outside opinion, since the situation that happened to our family’s loved ones is quite non-trivial.
There are three characters: mother-in-law, cheese and daughter-in-law - a classic of the genre.
Mother-in-law. A simple village woman who received a higher education and moved to the capital during the USSR. In the 90s, she turned out to be very active, organized her own business and almost single-handedly supported her husband (who worked, but earned much less) and two sons. In life she is a very sociable, but, as they say, simple woman. He loves the ordinary joys of life: eating delicious food, organizing a feast so that the tables are crowded, going to the village in the summer to visit relatives. In general, everything that used to be called philistinism. At the same time, the woman does not have any pronounced collective farming affiliation; she is a moderately well-read and educated person.
Son. I grew up as an ordinary nerd, but from childhood I was interested in computers (thanks to my mother, because in the 90s a computer cost as much as a car). Relationships with girls did not work out, but then the IT boom came and a guy at 21 began to earn 5 times more than the average worker in the city. After that, he quickly met a girl. After some time, he receives an offer to go to work in Europe. The couple gets married and leaves. The son believes that a treasure has fallen on him in the form of such a gorgeous girl, admires her and indulges her in everything.
Daughter-in-law. Coming from a simple family, as a child she was quite strapped for money (according to her). But after moving to Europe, she begins to play “the oligarch’s wife.” He buys brand names and displays it all on social networks. He begins to swing, walks around the salons, that is, he gradually turns into a fit girl. At the same time, she begins to run Instagram in the style of Lena Miro, where she stigmatizes everyone who dares to buy themselves a pack of cookies for tea.
Further more. Everyone who does not dress in expensive brands, who does not make luxurious renovations in their apartment, who gives birth to children early, who drives cheap cars is condemned...
The apotheosis is her personal blog, in which one of the first posts was “How to organize a picnic in style.” Photos from the category “how to” and “how not to” were presented. In the “how not to” section, a photo from my mother-in-law’s Odnoklassniki was selected. The faces, of course, were blurred out, but everything else was easily recognizable. The text was from the series “don’t be like the Soviet collective farmers and set the picnic table like this.” Of course, she allowed herself to speak in a similar tone before, mentioning that her husband’s relatives are fat and love to eat/are ill-mannered because they ask when the children are coming, etc. But to do it so openly was the first time.
The post was up for 2 weeks, then she deleted it (apparently her husband hit her on the head). But, as they say, a sediment remained, because everyone managed to see it.
Question: how would you behave after this if you were your mother-in-law? Would you break off all relationships? Would there be a scandal? Would you behave as usual, because you don’t want to spoil your relationship with your son (it is known that the son will take the side of his wife)?


Khatul Madan

I've been planning to go for a long time.
Of course, I was in Pereslavl. Both myself and with my eldest son.. But the feeling that this is one of those places where you can go and go still remains.
Well, let’s go, I told myself and sat down to draw up a route and plan trips to museums and more. I am a specialist in “not only”.
What happened?
The kingdom of Berendey, irons and teapots, vendace, cunning and ingenuity.
Horse in a coat, boot, Blue stone and much more.

I’m not very good at making photo themes) and my photos of Pereslavl are far from tourist routes. But you have to try.



We’ve been dating for 4 months now, we’re constantly in touch with him, but yesterday seemed to cancel everything out, I think it’s a blow below the belt, so after something like this happened, as always, we were intimate, we decided to look at photos of his family, all his uncles and aunts , and where he was vacationing (photos on the computer.) Everything would be fine, but maybe he opened the folder on purpose, or it just so happened that when I opened the folder with photos, I saw photos of his girlfriend whom he loved, and with whom he lived for 3 years, after Why did he break up, anyway, pictures of him hugging her, New Year, yes, I understand she’s 15 years younger than me, well, maybe she’s more good or something, he started telling me what and how, I didn’t like it very much, let’s just say, he explained it the fact that it was 10 years ago, everything is already in the past, he argued by saying that they say, why did this Katya bother you so much, it wasn’t your wife who grabbed you, he’s divorced, but this girl, I told him that from the outside it’s better to see how he looked These photos, as he responded warmly, in general, I felt extremely offended, I called a taxi and went home, I think if we have a relationship, why [deleted by moderator] should I show her and talk about her, told me to call when I get home, actually I didn’t want to call, but I called, and again there was all this new talk about her, that it was all in the past, and all that, and he also called her (my ex, I emphasize), what should I do next? Maybe I started panicking out of nowhere .?I wrote him an SMS in the morning, he didn’t answer. He says that he’s having a blast with me, that is, it’s good.


Name number: 9

People born under the number nine have the ability to forgive everyone around them and high spiritual qualities. In addition, they have well-developed instincts, empathy, the ability to empathize, and creative thinking. They can realize their talents in creative fields and achieve considerable success. They also always enjoy the recognition and love of others, which can play both a good and an evil role in their fate.

The meaning of the letters in the name Kitty

TO- distinguished by insight, slight nervousness and strong endurance. Regardless of gender, people with the first letter of their name “K” have a strong, strong-willed character. They are distinguished by remarkable stubbornness, which is the cause of the vast majority of conflict situations at home and at work.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

Name as a phrase

  • TO- Kako
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • T- Firmly

Name Kitty in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write Kitty's name in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

The name Kitty has several variations:

  • Kitty is a female full name in Danish.
  • Kitty is a female full name in English.

Kitty, in Danish, is a female full name.

★Kitty★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Find out the meaning of the name Kitty. Meaning of the name Kitty. The name Kitty on the website Names of the World. Meaning of the name Kitty. Kitty name meaning. Origin of the name Kitty. The mystery of the name Kitty. Interpretation of the name Kitty. - Names of the World.


★Kitty★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Find out the meaning of the name Kitty. Meaning of the name Kitty. The name Kitty on the website Names of the World. Meaning of the name Kitty. Kitty name meaning. Origin of the name Kitty. The mystery of the name Kitty. Interpretation of the name Kitty. - Names of the World.

Kitty, in English, is a female full name.

Short forms of the name Kitty: Not specified. Names with the same meaning: Not specified. ★Kitty★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Find out the meaning of the name Kitty. Meaning of the name Kitty. The name Kitty on the website Names of the World. Meaning of the name Kitty. Kitty name meaning. Origin of the name Kitty. The mystery of the name Kitty. Interpretation of the name Kitty. - Names of the World.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Kitty.

★Kitty★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Find out the meaning of the name Kitty. Meaning of the name Kitty. The name Kitty on the website Names of the World. Meaning of the name Kitty. Kitty name meaning. Origin of the name Kitty. The mystery of the name Kitty. Interpretation of the name Kitty. - Names of the World.

Popularity rating of the name Kitty. ?
