I dreamed of a lot of black kittens. Seeing a lot of black cats in a dream

Quite often, when you wake up in the morning, replaying what you saw in a dream, you are left wondering why this or that plot was dreamed about. Some may claim that they dream absolutely nothing, but this is not true. During sleep, every person sees a variety of pictures, which in any case arise in the brain during the period of rest and rethinking of all the experiences of the past day. It’s just that the images that arise in this case can be of such a veiled nature that a person in life would not have guessed what they want to tell him. For example, why do you dream of a black kitten on the closet or a white dove flying into the window? Most likely, this is a likely answer to the current problem. Or, conversely, a warning about possible conflict situations.

How do you think the kitten is? It's likely that you'll shrug because you don't know the answer. How should the situation develop in real life so that we can take a look at the dream book, because it can tell a lot.

There are many dream books and the options for dream interpretation they offer. But for the most part, to the question of why a black kitten is dreamed of, the answer will be unanimous - this is not a very favorable sign. Most often, small kittens seen in a dream mean that minor troubles and problematic situations await you in reality.

If you see a dream in which a black kitten is the main character, this means that your subconscious is sending you a signal that you need the support of other people. Perhaps this is because you feel helpless and defenseless in reality or are moving through life blindly. If you chase away kittens in a dream, it could represent your inner maturation.

You should remember what color you are, because this can tell you the nature of upcoming events in reality.

Whites are harbingers of pleasant surprises. Redheads dream of money. For troubles and fuss - gray kittens. A lot of blacks, accordingly, means a lot of trouble.

In general, when you dream of black cats, it always means danger. A dream on Tuesday night warns that it is under no circumstances worth taking unnecessary risks. But if representatives of the cat family appeared in a dream on Saturday night, this means that fate will be favorable to you in the near future.

A dream about abandoned kittens warns of impending loneliness. Also, such stories can mean a possible pregnancy if a woman of childbearing age dreams about them.

According to the interpretations of Nostradamus himself, the cat is a symbol of witches, evil forces and at the same time home comfort and good luck. To dream of a city overcrowded with cats is a harbinger of famine and drought.

Hasse's dream book provides the following interpretation: if kittens bite or scratch in a dream, then in reality you must meet resistance to your will. Seeing a large number of cats around you means that you should take a closer look at the people around you, there may be liars among them. Ingratitude will await you if in a dream you fed or petted kittens.

After looking at all the above meanings, you will know exactly the answer to the question: why do you dream of a black kitten?

The dream book will help you understand why you dream of a black kitten. Sometimes we see very strange dreams that have nothing to do with our daily life. Experienced experts say this is not just a coincidence. Every dream you have always means something. It is known that meeting a black cat on your way is a bad sign. But what does a black kitten say in a dream? Does it really warn you of future trouble? Professionals say that such a vision can have many different interpretations.

Why do you dream of a black kitten? The dream book will help you figure it out.

Any dream book in the very first lines of describing the meaning of a dream with black kittens will tell you that such a vision does not bode well. A dark cat just can’t dream about it. If this happens, know that problems await you in the near future, the scale of which can be determined by completely different details.

If in a dream you saw an adult black cat, this means that you are in for huge troubles with colossal and very unpleasant consequences. If this cat makes at least some sounds, then you should be even more afraid. The smaller the animal, the easier and faster your problem will be resolved.

Professionals say that such a vision can have many different interpretations

If you dreamed that you were holding several small black kittens in your arms, get ready for the appearance of completely new enemies and envious people. The dream book also says that you should be especially careful for several days after this. Perhaps your loved ones have conceived some kind of vile plan, the implementation of which will completely turn your whole life upside down.

If in a dream you saw a small black cat from afar and did not focus your attention on it, be prepared for minor family quarrels with your children or husband. If the baby in the vision looked very sad, hungry and tired, this portends that in the future you will look approximately the same. Some news will greatly upset you, your business will go bankrupt, or you will simply get tired of household chores. If you dreamed of a black kitten with whom you are having a nice conversation or playing, this is a sign that soon you will have to defend your honor and dignity, morally fighting the most evil enemy.

When a black kitten crosses your path, beware of your friends. It is likely that they are planning something very bad towards you. If you don’t understand in time what kind of plan it is, everything can end with the loss of your family, money and other benefits. After a dream, the dream book recommends carefully reconsidering your social circle. This will probably help you get rid of the traitors.

If in a dream you saw a small black cat from afar and did not focus your attention on it, be prepared for minor family quarrels with your children or husband

The vision in which you feed the baby may warn that your old friend, whom you hurt a long time ago, is planning to take revenge on you. In this case, the dream book advises you to remember everyone you have ever offended and ask these people for forgiveness. This way you will be able to avoid bitter revenge. A black baby rubbing against you predicts the appearance of new suitors. But you shouldn’t rejoice, since such fans will not become a reliable support for you in the future.

Why do you dream of a black cat (video)

Interpretation of the plot according to a variety of famous dream books

Each dream book can tell you why black kittens dream, but the interpretation in any of them will be completely different.

The popular American psychotherapist Miller, in his interpretation, says that any dark cat portends extreme trouble. In this case, the person will have to act as a victim. All ill-wishers as one will become more active and begin to harm you. It will be really difficult to withstand this black streak. But with the support of your loved ones, you will succeed.

If he scratched or bit you, this means that financial difficulties await you very soon. A dream in which a black kitten ran away from you heralds the end of all problems that have suddenly arisen.

Hasse’s no less famous dream book says that a black cat is a sign that you have been seriously deceived by people from whom you did not even expect this. Petting or feeding a kitten portends receiving punishment for your kindness and generosity.

According to the family dream book, a dark kitten also does not bode well for anything positive. If you just saw an animal, this means that your health is in some danger. When a man sees kittens in a dream, it means that more attractive suitors are trying, not unsuccessfully, to seduce his other half. Yet there is a positive side to vision. When a cat fights with a dog, it means that unexpected help will come to you in difficult times.

Each dream book can tell you why black kittens dream, but the interpretation in any of them will be completely different

As you noticed, there are very few positive interpretations with a black kitten, so if you nevertheless had to observe such a vision, be careful and do not let dubious people near you.

Why do you dream about a kitten (video)

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Meeting a black cat is a bad sign, both in a dream and in reality. It can symbolize the emergence of a new enemy or the beginning of a problematic period in real life. All sorts of plot details will help you more accurately interpret what a black cat means in a dream.

According to Miller’s dream book, a black cat is a harbinger of betrayal on the part of loved ones whom the sleeper trusted infinitely. Such an act by a friend or family member will take a person out of his usual work rut for a long time. If the dreamer is engaged in trading in real life, then a similar plot promises him a sharp decline in sales, which will seriously affect his overall financial condition.

Tsvetkov's dream book suggests that a black cat symbolizes the appearance of an open enemy. The ill-wisher will begin to actively put a spoke in the sleeper’s wheels. The reason for this will be banal envy or the enemy’s desire to get a tasty place at work, which the dreamer occupies.

According to Grishina’s dream book, a scratching black cat portends false accusations and ugly gossip about his person to a man or woman. It will be extremely difficult to refute them, but we must try to do this in every possible way.

If a black cat actively asks a man for food, most likely he is under the yoke of a strong, domineering woman who decides everything for the man. The dream suggests that the dreamer is extremely unhappy with such circumstances, but he does not dare to openly admit it.

I dreamed of a cat that bites and scratches

If a sleeper watches a black cat bite someone else, it means that strong anger and resentment towards others lives in his soul. It can concern any areas of life. If you cannot cope with negative emotions on your own, then you should seek help from an experienced psychologist.

It happens that in a dream a black animal tries to scratch the sleeping person. This means that open confrontation with the enemy will not be painless for him. The dreamer will suffer serious losses. To minimize them, you should not try to fight with ill-wishers. It’s better to step aside or even try to find ways to reconcile with an old enemy.

Why do you dream about a lot of black cats?

A large number of black animals are usually dreamed of by those people who work in large, complex teams. Surely it is difficult for the dreamer to build relationships with colleagues; he is constantly faced with their machinations and becomes a participant in conflicts. To avoid such unpleasant situations, you will need to change your place of work. But the best solution would be to simply try to avoid personal, frank conversations in the workplace and keep a distance in communication with both colleagues and superiors.

If many black cats openly attack a man or woman, causing bloody scratches, this is a very negative sign. It portends a deterioration in relations with his family. There is a risk of a serious quarrel that will separate people close to each other in different directions for many years. If in a dream a person does not feel pain from the damage caused by cats, it means that he will be to blame for the discord. Did you manage to drive away attacking animals in your sleep? This means that in reality it will be possible to return consent to the house quickly and without much loss.

A large number of black kittens is a sign that you don’t need to pay attention to minor adversities. They prevent the dreamer from achieving major goals that are important to him. You need to try to ignore minor problems and under no circumstances lose your fighting spirit because of them.

If several black cats fall asleep on a man or woman at once in their night dreams, you need to pay attention to your health. There are probably problems with the heart or blood vessels, which only a doctor can accurately diagnose.

I dreamed of a cat with kittens: the meaning of the dream

This version of the plot is very ambiguous.

Its exact interpretation will depend on the details and emotional state of the person himself in the dream:

  • If the sleeper happily watches a black cat give birth to a large number of light-colored kittens, this is a great sign. It promises the dreamer great profits in real life. Moreover, a stranger will provide assistance in improving a person’s financial situation. There is no need to be afraid to accept it.
  • It happens that the birth of kittens by a black cat frightens the sleeping person in a dream and makes him disgusted. In this case, the plot foreshadows a person’s minor troubles and worries due to unimportant trivial problems.
  • A dead animal with kittens, on the contrary, prevents the end of an unsuccessful period. All existing problems, after a long struggle with them, will finally be resolved.

We must not forget that if a black cat with or without kittens was dreamed of by a person who in real life has a pet of the same color, then the plot does not require any special interpretation. You can easily forget about it.

Does the interpretation depend on the gender of the dreamer?

In some cases, the meaning of a dream greatly depends on the gender of the dreamer. For example, if in a dream a black cat bites a woman, then it should be symbolized with a rival. There is a high probability of betrayal on the part of the dreamer’s significant other. Perhaps the man has already cheated on her or is planning to do so in the very near future. Getting rid of a strong, insidious rival will be very difficult. To do this, you will have to use cunning, and also ask for advice from experienced, wise friends.

If a man saw a similar plot with a biting cat, then for him the dream has a completely different meaning. It suggests that a representative of the stronger sex is depressed for some reason. With a constant negative attitude and bad mood, he attracts troubles and problems to himself on a subconscious level. You should not be afraid to tell your loved ones about your emotional devastation and ask them for help. With the support of friends, it will be much easier to get out of depression and learn to look at the world positively again.

If a black cat fawns at a woman's feet, this is a clue that she is unloved in a relationship. Perhaps the man takes advantage of her gullibility and is nearby not because of sincere feelings, but for some other reason. Of course, you shouldn’t immediately decide to break up after having a dream. But it is imperative to check a person for self-interest and ability to deceive.

A black animal rubbing against a man’s legs suggests that you need to take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. One of your friends or acquaintances will try to deceive the sleeping person out of a large sum of money.

Small and fluffy kittens evoke tenderness in everyone, but the interpretation of dreams about them is not always pleasant.

Why kittens dream, dream books cannot answer unequivocally.

Dream Meanings

In all known interpreters, black kittens represent a contradictory relationship between negative energy and security, with which the image of these furry animals is personified. Therefore, in order to get the most accurate interpretation, it is necessary to take into account every detail of the dreamed plot. In general, seeing a cat in a dream means trouble. Especially if in the dream the animal purred. The louder the cat meows, the more serious the problem. A dream about little kittens has a similar interpretation. The only difference is that cat cubs portend minor troubles that will not affect the outcome of the case in any way, but will undoubtedly ruin the dreamer’s mood.

Many dream books about what black kittens mean in dreams give similar interpretations: problems and troubles. However, the life difficulties that arise will not be accidental. Most likely, these are the deliberate machinations of the dreamer’s ill-wishers and enemies. In this case, thanks to a dream, you can figure out who you should expect problems from in the near future. But, despite a completely unambiguous interpretation, the dream about black kittens is interpreted differently. It all depends on what the animals did and what they looked like in the dream.

  • Seeing a kitten from a distance means minor troubles or quarrels in the family;
  • A skinny and dirty kitten is bad news;
  • Interaction with a kitten is a warning about the appearance of enemies and problems that will arise due to their actions;
  • Many black kittens - there is a series of troubles ahead that will follow one after another;
  • A black cat crosses the road - one of your friends or acquaintances harbors a grudge against the sleeping person;
  • A kitten is rubbing against its legs - someone is trying to have an affair with the dreamer. However, you should beware: this person acts in selfish interests;
  • A black kitten is scratched - an imminent illness or loss of money from a transaction due to the machinations of enemies.

In almost any known dream book, aggressive felines seen in a dream mean attacks from ill-wishers. Enemies are trying to harm you in every way. If you managed to drive away the embittered kittens in a dream, you can rest assured that nothing bad will happen to you in the near future.

I dreamed of a black kitten - interpretation

It would do well for each person to understand the meaning of his own dreams and pay more attention to the symbols that his own intuition throws at him. A dream about black kittens can be prophetic, so you should never ignore it. For men and women, the meaning of the dream, why black kittens dream, may be different. So, for example, representatives of the stronger half of humanity who happened to encounter an aggressive animal in a dream should take a closer look at their chosen one in reality: intrigue or betrayal on her part is possible. For a girl, a black kitten is a sign of betrayal by her beloved man.

If in a dream she feeds a pet from her hands, which, in turn, tries to scratch or bite her virtuous woman’s hand, it means that her trust and feelings were not appreciated by her chosen one. A dream in which the dreamer managed to drive away black kittens or get around them can be called successful. Another dream that has received a favorable interpretation in many dream books is a dead kitten. And although this plot seems unpleasant and even sad, in reality it symbolizes success in self-improvement.

A dream can be a signal that it’s time to change your lifestyle, give up bad habits and do something fun and educational. Much less positive is a dream in which a kitten dies right in front of the sleeping person. This foreshadows difficult and shocking events in the near future. Perhaps someone from the dreamer’s close circle will be overtaken by a serious illness. Killing a black kitten in a dream is a positive sign. In fact, the sleeper will discover interesting evidence that will help expose the ill-wisher. Justice will finally prevail, and the culprit will receive the punishment he deserves.

As you know, dreams are a carrier of encrypted information that warns of some events in the future. Did you have an unusual dream? It is possible that he will become prophetic. What to expect from a dream in which you saw a black kitten? Why do you dream of a black kitten?

Most modern interpretations characterize such a dream as a harbinger of negative events in the near future, at least enemy machinations, and in an unfavorable scenario - deceit and even betrayal, and from a person whom you may have considered your supporter.

Miller's Dream Book - a black kitten in a dream

  • A black kitten seen in a dream promises minor annoying troubles, if the kitten is also dirty and skinny, such a dream predicts you to be the victim of someone’s cunningly constructed intrigues, to which you succumbed, buying into the external gloss;
  • Killing a kitten means completing a series of misadventures;
  • If you saw a snake killing a black kitten, this means that the machinations of your ill-wishers turned into a trick against themselves;
  • If a black kitten attacked you, you will have enemies who have a vested interest in undermining your reputation and causing material harm, however, if you manage to drive it away, expect a gift from fate in the form of a successful resolution of all adversities.

Why do you dream of a black kitten - French dream book

A black kitten that appears in a dream promises possible betrayal from a female friend; seeing a pack of fighting kittens is a warning signal that you may become a victim of a night robbery.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Seeing a black kitten means being deceived;
  • Feeding or petting a kitten means receiving ingratitude in response to help;
  • Seeing yourself surrounded by a crowd of black kittens means false friends.

David Loff's dream book - black kitten

  • The presence of a cat or kitten in dreams draws your attention to the fact that you should trust your inner inspiration more;
  • A black kitten symbolizes an underlying desire for the occult or witchcraft, or it could be your own real cat.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a black kitten according to the English dream book

A biting and scratching black kitten that appeared in a man’s dream means your potential lady may turn out to be an unfriendly, embittered person with a bad character; For a girl, such a dream predicts a crafty lover.

Family dream book - a dream about a black kitten

  • A black kitten means ill-wishers, thieves or illness; remove such a kitten from your environment - defeat enemies or disease;
  • Fighting with a kitten, especially being scratched by it, means material losses or the illness will drag on longer than usual;
  • Pulling the skin off a black kitten or eating its meat means you may be laying claim to someone else’s property;
  • A black kitten for a man can also mean that someone is encroaching on the honor of his wife;
  • Seeing a kitten fighting with a dog means unexpected help will come in difficult times.

Why do you dream of a black kitten - Nostradamus’ dream book

  • The black kitten is the personification of hostile forces, witchcraft and, at the same time, the hearth and eternal shrines;
  • A black kitten with red eyes predicts bloodshed;
  • If you dream that the city is overrun by black kittens, an outstanding environmental disaster or natural disaster is possible;
  • If you watch how a basket full of kittens was escorted to the palace with honors, a few decades later a powerful politician will come to power, strong and completely unpredictable, and the era of democracy will reign.

Esoteric dream book

A black kitten symbolizes a flattering person surrounded in reality.

Black kitten in a dream - interpretation according to Meneghetti’s dream book

A cat or kittens are the personification of a man who honors the interests of a woman, for example, a mother or wife, to the detriment of his own; symbolize the illusion of femininity and security, which in reality are used “mechanically” for the purpose of psychological suppression of another personality, vampirism, and aggression.

Assyrian dream book

A black kitten caught in a dream promises the fulfillment of secret desires or the announcement of a new friend.

Why do you dream of a black kitten - modern dream book

A wet black kitten may portend the loss of property or loved ones; bite of such a kitten - you should carefully analyze your surroundings for possible betrayal.

Interpreter of autumn dreams

For a woman, drowning a black kitten is a possible abortion.

Now we know why a black kitten dreams. We should not neglect the symbols and secret signs that appear in a dream; perhaps this way we will be able to avoid some unpleasant events or minimize their harm. Have a nice sleep!
