The secret union of the sword and plowshare. Brace yourself, the West will help us! Sword and plowshare 12 chairs

* Do you know who is sitting there? asked Ostap, pointing to Ippolit Matveyevich.

* Well, - answered Kislyarsky, - this is Mr. Vorobyaninov.

* This, - said Ostap, - is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy, a person close to the emperor.

At best, two years in strict lockdown, Kislyarsky thought, starting to tremble. Why did I come here?

The secret "Union of the sword and plowshare"! Ostap whispered ominously.

"Ten years!" a thought flashed through Kislyarsky's mind.

I. Ilf, E. Petrov. "The twelve Chairs"

This one will be almost in the topic of the previous chapter. Only here we will talk about a fictitious organization of a slightly different kind. As the title implies, this is nothing more than a secret society. For those who understand a lot about combinations, it is obvious how wonderful soil this is both for fantasy and in terms of fertility. A secret society will not require you to pay for renting an office space, you will not have to sit at a computer writing fictitious documents and details. And if you want to transfer something to paper, then a large set of fonts in your text editor will be enough. Do you want future members of your secret society to sign with blood? Write a chilling treaty and print it in gothic. It will already look quite impressive.

The secret society is also good because it allows you to simply commit suicide. Write a legend about the persecution. And go underground. Whose persecution? It would be a secret society, but there will be persecutors. That's why it's a secret society.

However, about the methods of the collapse of the constructed building later. Let's decide for now how best to build it.

Secret societies arise for a variety of reasons and in various circumstances. In order for a society to be born and take shape, it is necessary to have a certain number of dissatisfied or enthusiastic people. From the first, societies “against something” are very well built, and from the second, on the contrary, “for”.

The Sword and Ploughshare Alliance was basically an "against" secret society. Since it united people who grieved for the old regime, it was against the Soviet regime. Well, helping homeless children is just an excuse to effectively collect bribes from its participants.

Dissatisfied people are found very simply, as soon as you hint to any of them that you do not welcome the existing order of things, he will immediately feel a kindred spirit and begin to pour out claims to power, or to the lies of the press, or to neighbors from above, constantly drowning him apartment. Here you will need to cling to the topic, and little by little prepare the ground for the subsequent idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba secret society.

The idea should not be spontaneous. If you slash her off the shoulder and in plain text, then you will simply be taken for an insane person. But if you are not too lazy to prepare the soil, then a quite acceptable crop can grow on it. Slowly bring your listener to something like the following: the state will not help solve problems, one person is not able to do anything, but if you come together, and not explicitly, but gradually ... Undermine his soul drop by drop, and then - ruthlessly capture it .

In no case should you form a secret society together. Invite your "client" to bring in some reliable people. If his ideological processing was proper, then expect a dozen people. Without wasting time, start fundraising. Links to some powerful friends abroad work great here. Or not abroad, but most importantly - powerful and reliable people who can't wait until the secret society begins to function. And you need money for the first action, which will confirm the seriousness of your intentions. You can come up with any action - from blowing up the city executive committee to painting the station toilet with obscene inscriptions.

As usual, it all depends on your imagination and persuasiveness.

A society of the opposite kind is much easier to create. Of course, for him, you will also have to look for appropriate candidates. But since you do not intend to protest and fight against the existing foundations, there will be much less fears about joining society.

In favor of what can be a secret society? And why should it be secret if it is not going to violate anything globally? A secret society can pursue any of the existing ideals of the common good, and since the mass of people are not ready for the perception of this good, the society must necessarily be secret. By the way, it would be nice to take and combine the idea of ​​​​a secret society with the embodiment of a spiritual teacher described a little earlier in your person. Then everything can turn out much more efficiently. A secret society that is fighting for something is much more demanding on rituals and surroundings. We'll have to come up with some special entry procedure - maybe without a signature in blood, but nonetheless mysterious and impressive. Do not be shy about ideas - anyway, they will receive their implementation not at your expense. In general, doing anything at your own expense in such a situation is a bad form. But here, too, the main rule should be remembered: collect money as soon as possible - and disappear.

The good thing about the secret society is that it leaves wonderful escape routes. They can be compared to six-lane highways. It will not even be an escape, but a solemn march beyond the horizon. In the eyes of the rest of the "fellow conspirators" you will remain a noble person who does not want to set them up. They will help you get to the station unnoticed. They will offer several appearances in other cities and even express a desire to protect you. But just this impulse is subject to immediate suppression.

Later, like Ostap Bender, you too will be able to reap the long-term benefits of your sowing.

So, - said Ostap, looking around and lowering his voice, - in a nutshell. We have been followed for two months now, and probably tomorrow we will be ambushed at the safe house. Will have to shoot.

Kislyarsky's cheeks turned silver.

We are glad, - continued Ostap, - to meet in this disturbing situation a devoted fighter for the motherland.

Thus, if later you meet one of those with whom you started a secret society, do not worry. Tell me about your hardships and the fact that even now they are following you. And it is quite possible that you will find yourself a little richer again. But you should never start running your eyes around and looking for a place where you can hide more securely. This instantly discredits your teaching.

Union of sword and plowshare

From the novel "Twelve Chairs" (1928) by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf(1897-1937) and Evgenia Petrova(1903-1942). The name of a mythical underground organization invented by Ostap Bender to "take money" from acquaintances of Ippolit Matveyevich Vorobyaninov, who believed that by participating in this "organization" they could return the old, pre-revolutionary life.

Ironically about existing only on paper, in words or in the imagination of political organizations.

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by Yun Zhang

POSITION OF THE SWORD IN THE HAND When learning the form of tai chi jian, it is very important to know how to hold the sword in the hand. If properly held, it can be easily, powerfully and deftly manipulated. Proper grip on the handle also helps to increase the flow of qi, the intensity of which in

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From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (C) author Brockhaus F. A.

Union Union (gram.). - Under the name S. (sundesmoV), Greek grammarians understood the part of speech that maintains communication and order of speech and fills in it empty gaps. Thus this term among the Greeks encompassed everything that we mean by the general term of particles. At present

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Case for the sword Most of the time, the sword, like other melee weapons, rests in a sheath. This is the name of a special case for a sword, which has straps for hanging on a warrior’s belt or for putting on over the shoulder. The sheaths of long swords were usually made of wood and with an outer

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SOYUZ Despite the fact that by the autumn of 1985, when he left the ZEMLYANES group, having decided to bring to life his own musical ideas and his interest in hard rock, guitarist Igor Romanov, of course, was a national star - largely due to the powerful

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Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword! It is generally accepted that these words belong to the Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky, the hero of the battle with the Swedes on the Neva and with the crusader knights on Lake Peipsi. And he said them supposedly as a warning to the ambassadors of the Livonian Order,

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Reforge swords into plowshares From the Bible. In the Old Testament, in the Book of the prophet Isaiah (chapter 2, article 4), the second coming of Jesus Christ to earth and the eternal world that should come after that are predicted: “And He will judge the nations, and will convict many tribes; and beat their swords into

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6.84. Union The contact of the union with the syntactic construction is not fixed by any formal indicators. Thus, it, being an integral element of the proposal, at the same time retains its formal autonomy. Invariable words can pass into the class of unions,

Part 1. Stargorod lion

Chapter 16 Union of sword and plowshare

When a woman grows old, many troubles can happen to her - teeth can fall out, hair can turn gray and thin, shortness of breath can develop, obesity can come on, extreme thinness can overcome - but her voice will not change. He will remain the same as she was a schoolgirl, bride or mistress of a young rake.

Therefore, when Polesov knocked on the door and Elena Stanislavovna asked, “Who is there?”, Vorobyaninov trembled. The voice of his mistress was the same as in 1999, before the opening of the Paris exhibition. But, entering the room and squeezing his eyelids against the light, Ippolit Matveyevich saw that not a trace was left of the prosecutor's wife.

How have you changed! he said involuntarily. The old woman threw herself on his neck.

Thank you, she said, I know what you risked by coming to me. You are the same generous knight. I don't ask you why you came from Paris. See, I'm not curious.

But I didn't come at all from Paris,” Vorobyaninov said in confusion.

My colleague and I arrived from Berlin, - corrected Ostap, pressing on the elbow of Ippolit Matveyevich, - but this is not recommended speak.

Ah, I'm so glad to see you! cried the fortune-teller. - Come here, into this room ... And you, Viktor Mikhailovich, forgive me, but won't you come in half an hour?

ABOUT! Ostap noticed. - First date! Difficult moments! .. Allow me to retire. Will you allow me to go with you, my dear Victor Mikhailovich?

The locksmith trembled with joy. Both went to Polesov's apartment, where Ostap, sitting on a fragment of the gate of house number 5 on Pereleshinsky Lane, began to develop phantasmagoric ideas in front of a dumbfounded lone handicraftsman with a motor, tending to save the motherland.

An hour later they returned and found the old men completely pissed off.

- Do you remember, Ippolit Matveyevich? - said Elena Stanislavovna.

- Do you remember, Elena Stanislavovna? - said Ippolit Matveyevich.

“It seems that the psychological moment for dinner has come,” thought Ostap. And, interrupting Ippolit Matveyevich, who was recalling the elections to the city council, he said:

There is a very strange custom in Berlin - they eat there so late that it is impossible to understand what it is: an early dinner or a late lunch!

Elena Stanislavovna started up, averted her rabbit eyes from Vorobyaninov, and dragged herself V kitchen.

Now act, act, act! - said Ostap, lowering his voice to the point of complete illegality.

He took Polesov by the hand.

The old woman does not let us down? Reliable woman? Polesov folded his hands in prayer.

What is your political creed?

Always! Polesov replied enthusiastically.

I hope you are a Kirillovite?

Yes sir. - Polesov stretched out into a string.

Russia will not forget you! barked Ostap.

Ippolit Matveyevich, holding a sweet pie in his hand, listened to Ostap in bewilderment. ; But Ostap it was impossible to keep. He was carried. The great strategist felt inspiration - a delightful state before the above-average blackmail. He paced the room like a leopard.

In such an excited state, Elena Stanislavovna found him, with difficulty dragging a samovar from the kitchen. Ostap gallantly ran up to her, took over the samovar as he walked, and put it on the table. The samovar whistled. Ostap decided to act.

Madam, - he said, - we are happy to see in your face ...

He did not know whom he was happy to see in the face of Elena Stanislavovna. I had to start again. Of all the magnificent turns of the tsarist regime, only some kind of “graciously deigned to command” was spinning in my head. But it was out of place. So he began in earnest:

Strict secret. State secret. Ostap pointed to Vorobyaninov.

Who do you think this powerful old man is? Don't say you can't know. This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor.

Ippolit Matveyevich stood up to his full splendid height and looked around in bewilderment. He did not understand anything, but, knowing from experience that Ostap Bender doing nothing in vain, - was silent. Everything that happened in Polesov caused a shiver. He stood with his chin up to the ceiling, in the pose of a man preparing to march in ceremonial. Elena Stanislavovna sat down on a chair, looking at Ostap in fear.

Are there many of us in the city? asked Ostap bluntly. - What is the mood in the city?

In the absence of ... - said Viktor Mikhailovich.

And he began to explain his troubles confusedly. There was also the janitor of house number 5, who imagined himself a boor, and three-eighths of an inch dice, and a tram, and so on.

Fine! shouted Ostap. - Elena Stanislavovna! With your help, we want to contact the best people in the city, who have been driven underground by an evil fate. Who can be invited to you?

Who can be invited? Maksim Petrovich with his wife?

Without a wife, Ostap corrected, without wives. You will be the only pleasant exception. Who else?

In the discussion, which Viktor Mikhailovich actively joined, it turned out that it was possible to invite the same Maxim Petrovich Charushnikov, the former vowel of the city duma, and now miraculously ranked among the Soviet workers; the owner of "Quickpack" Dyadyev, the chairman of the "Odessa bagel artel -" Moscow bagels "Kislyarsky and two young people without surnames but quite reliable.

In that case, I ask you to invite them immediately to a small meeting under the greatest secrecy.

Polesov spoke:

I will run to Maxim Petrovich, for Nikeshoy and Vladey, and you, Elena Stanislavovna, work hard and go to the "Quickpack" and for Kislyarsky.

Polesov sped away. The fortune-teller looked reverently at Ippolit Matveyevich and also left.

What does it mean? - asked Ippolit Matveyevich, puffing out cheeks.

This means, - answered Ostap, - that you are a backward person.

Because. Forgive me for the vulgar question - how much money do you have?

What money?

Everyone. Including silver and copper.

Thirty-five rubles.

And with this money you were going to recoup all the costs of our enterprise? Ippolit Matveyevich was silent.

That's it, dear patron. It seems to me that you understand me. You will have to be for an hour a giant of thought and a special one close to the emperor.

Then we need working capital. Tomorrow is my wedding. I am not a beggar. I want to feast on this momentous day.

What should I do? moaned Ippolit Matveyevich.

You must be silent. Sometimes puff out your cheeks for the sake of importance.

But it's... a hoax.

Who is speaking? Is this Count Tolstoy speaking? Or Darwin? No. I hear this from the lips of a man who only yesterday was just about to break into Gritsatsuyeva's apartment at night and steal furniture from the poor widow. Don't think. Be quiet. And don't forget to puff out your cheeks.

Why get involved in such a dangerous business? After all, they can deliver.

Don't worry about it. I don't take bad chances. The matter will be conducted in such a way that no one will understand anything. Let's drink tea.

While the concessionaires ate and drank, and the parrot crackled sunflower shells, guests entered the apartment.

Nikesha and Vladya came along with Polesov. Victor Mikhailovich did not dare to introduce young people to the giant of thought. Young people sat down in a corner and began to watch how the father of Russian democracy eats cold veal. Nikesha and Vladya were quite mature blunderers. Each of them was in their thirties. They seemed to enjoy being invited to the meeting very much.

Charushnikov, a stout old man who had been a member of the City Duma, shook Ippolit Matveyevich's hand for a long time and looked into his eyes. Under the supervision of Ostap, the old-timers of the city began to exchange memories. After letting them talk, Ostap turned to Charushnikov:

What regiment did you serve in? Charushnikov puffed.

I ... I, so to speak, did not serve at all, because, being invested with the trust of society, I ran through the elections.

Are you a noble?

I hope you still have them now? Brace yourself. Your help will be required. Did Polesov tell you?.. Foreign countries will help us. Stop for public opinion. The complete secret of the organization. Attention!

Ostap drove Polesov away from Nikesha and Vladi and asked with genuine severity:

What regiment did you serve in? You have to serve your country. Are you nobles? Very good. The West will help us. Brace yourself. Complete secrecy of contributions, that is, organizations. Attention.

Ostap carried. Things seemed to be getting better. Introduced by Elena Stanislavovna to the owner of the Quick Pack, Ostap took him aside, invited him to stand firm, inquired in which regiment he served, and promised assistance from abroad and complete secrecy of the organization. The owner of the Quickpack's first instinct was to get out of the conspiratorial apartment as soon as possible. He considered his firm too solid to enter into a risky business. But, looking at the dexterous figure of Ostap, he hesitated and began to think:

“What if! .. However, it all depends on the sauce under which it will all be served.”

Friendly conversation at the tea table revived. The initiates sacredly kept the secret and talked about recent city ​​news.

The last to arrive was citizen Kislyarsky, who, not being a nobleman and never having served in the regiments of the guards, from a brief conversation with Ostap immediately understood the state of affairs.

Be strong, - said Ostap instructively. Kislyarsky promised.

You, as a representative of private capital, cannot remain deaf to the groans of the motherland. Kislyarsky became sympathetically sad.

Do you know who is sitting there? asked Ostap, pointing to Ippolit Matveyevich.

Why, - answered Kislyarsky, - this is Mr. Vorobyaninov.

This, - said Ostap, - is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy, a person close to the emperor.

At best, two years in strict lockdown, Kislyarsky thought, starting to tremble. Why did I come here?

Secret "Union of sword and plowshare"! Ostap whispered ominously. "Ten years"! a thought flashed through Kislyarsky's mind.

However, you can leave, but I warn you, we have long arms! ..

"I'll show you, you son of a bitch," thought Ostap, "in less than 100 rubles, I won't let you out."

Kislyarsky became marble. Even today he dined so tasty and calmly, ate chicken navels, broth with nuts and knew nothing about the terrible "Union of sword and plowshare". He stayed - "long arms" made an unfavorable impression on him.

Citizens! - said Ostap, opening the meeting. - Life dictates its own laws, its cruel laws. I won't tell you about the purpose of our meeting - you know it. The goal is holy. From everywhere we hear groans. From all parts of our vast country cry for help. We must lend a helping hand, and we will. Some of you serve and eat bread and butter, others are engaged in seasonal work and eat sandwiches with caviar. Both of them sleep in their beds and cover themselves with warm blankets. Only small children homeless, are without a prize. These flowers of the street, or, as the proletarians of mental labor put it, flowers on the pavement, deserve a better fate. We, gentlemen of the jury, must help them. And we, gentlemen of the jury, will help them.

The speech of the great strategist evoked various feelings among the listeners.

Polesov did not understand his new friend - the young guardsman.

"What children? he thought. - Why children?

Ippolit Matveyevich did not even try to understand anything. He a long time ago waved his hand at everything and sat silently, puffing out his cheeks.

Elena Stanislavovna became sad.

Nikesha and Vladya gazed devotedly at Ostap's blue waistcoat.

The owner of the Quickpack was extremely pleased.

“Beautifully composed,” he decided, “under such a sauce, you can give money. If you're lucky, kudos! It didn't work - my sixteenth case. Helped the children, and that's it."

Charushnikov exchanged a significant glance with Dyadyev and, paying tribute to the speaker's conspiratorial dexterity, continued rolling bread balls across the table.

Kislyarsky was in seventh heaven.

Golden Head, he thought. It seemed to him that he had never loved street children so much as he did this moment.

Comrades! Ostap continued. - We need immediate help! We must snatch the children from the tenacious paws of the street, and we will snatch them out of there! Let's help the kids! Let us remember that children are the flowers of life. I invite you now to make your contributions and help the children. Only for children and no one else. Do you understand me?

Ostap took out of his side pocket certificate and receipt book.

Please make contributions. Ippolit Matveyevich will confirm my credentials.

Ippolit Matveyevich pouted and bowed his head. There are even unintelligent Nikesha with Vladya and himself ingenious the locksmith understood the secret essence of Ostap's allegories.

In order of precedence, gentlemen," said Ostap, "let's start with the respected Maksim Petrovich. Dear Maxim Petrovich fidgeted and gave him thirty rubles at the most.

In better times, ladies more! he said.

Better times will come soon, - said Ostap, - however, this does not apply to street children, whom I currently represent.

Eight rubles were given by Nikesh and Vladya.

Few young people.

The young people blushed.

Polesov ran home and brought fifty.

Bravo, hussar, - said Ostap, - for a lone hussar with a motor, this is enough for the first time. What will the merchants say?

Dyadyev and Kislyarsky bargained for a long time and complained about egalitarian. Ostap was inexorable.

In the presence of Ippolit Matveyevich himself, I consider these conversations superfluous.

Ippolit Matveyevich inclined his head. Merchants donated to kids two hundred rubles.

In total, - Ostap proclaimed, - four hundred and eighty-eight rubles. Eh! Twelve rubles is not enough for an even score.

Elena Stanislavovna, after a long time of strengthening herself, went into the bedroom and carried out the required twelve rubles in an old reticule.

The rest of the meeting was rumpled and less solemn. Ostap began to frolic. Elena Stanislavovna completely softened. The guests gradually dispersed, respectfully saying goodbye to the organizers.

You will be specially informed about the day of the next meeting, - Ostap said in parting, - the strictest secret. The matter of helping children must be kept secret. By the way, this is in your personal interest.

At these words, Kislyarsky wanted to give another fifty rubles, but no longer come to any meetings. He could barely contain himself from this impulse.

Well, - said Ostap, - let's move. You, Ippolit Matveyevich, I hope you will use hospitality Elena Stanislavovna and spend the night with her. By the way, it is useful for us to divide by time for conspiracy. And I went.

Ippolit Matveyevich winked desperately at Ostap, but he pretended not to notice and went out into the street. Having passed the quarter, he remembered that he had 500 honestly earned rubles in his pocket.

Cab! he shouted. - Take me to Phoenix!

It's possible, said the driver.

He leisurely drove Ostap to a closed restaurant.

What's this? Closed?

On the occasion of May Day.

Oh, to them! And as much money as you like, and there is nowhere to take a walk! Well, then go to Plekhanov Street. You know?

Ostap decided to go to his fiancee.

What was the name of this street before?

Don't know.

Where and drive? And I don't know.

Nevertheless, Ostap ordered to go and look.

For an hour and a half they traveled around the empty night city, questioning night watchmen and policemen. One policeman puffed up for a long time and finally said that Plekhanova was none other than the former Gubernatorial.

Well, Governor! I know the governor well. I have been driving to Gubernatorskaya for twenty-five years.

Come on and go to the Governor's!

We arrived at Gubernatorskaya, but it turned out not to be Plekhanov, but Karl Marx. An embittered Ostap resumed his search for the lost street named after Plekhanov. And all night long, the poor madman, no matter where he turned his feet, could not find the street named after Plekhanov. Dawn palely lit up the face of a rich sufferer who never managed to have fun in a Soviet city.

Take me to the Sorbonne! he shouted. - Also a driver! You don't know Plekhanov!

The hall of the widow Gritsatsuyeva shone. At the head of the wedding table sat the king of marriage - the son of a Turkish subject. He was elegant and drunk.

The guests were noisy.

Young was no longer young. She was no less 35 years. Nature has endowed her generously. Everything was there: watermelon breasts, short but expressive nose, painted cheeks, powerful nape and boundless asses. She adored her new husband and was very afraid. Therefore, she called him not by his first name and not even by his patronymic, which she never recognized, but by his last name - Comrade Bender.

Ippolit Matveyevich again sat on the cherished chair. Throughout the entire wedding dinner, he jumped up and down on chair to feel solid. Sometimes he succeeded. Then everyone present liked him, and he frantically began to shout "bitterly."

Ostap kept making speeches, speeches and toasts. They drank for public education and irrigation of Uzbekistan. After that, the guests began to disperse. Ippolit Matveyevich lingered in the hallway and whispered to Bender:

So don't pull. They are there.

You, hoarder, - answered the drunken Ostap, - wait for me at the hotel. Don't go anywhere. I can come every minute. Pay at the hotel according to the bill. To have everything ready. Adieu, Field Marshal. Wish me good night.

Ippolit Matveyevich wished and went to the Sorbonne to worry.

At five o'clock in the morning Ostap appeared with a chair. Ippolit Matveyevich got through. Ostap put a chair in the middle of the room and sat down. on him.

How did you do it? Vorobyaninov finally spoke out.

Very simple, family style. The widow sleeps and has a dream. It was a pity to wake up. "Don't wake her up at dawn." Alas! I had to leave a note to my beloved: “I am leaving with a report to Novokhopersk. Not for dinner

wait. Your gopher." And I grabbed a chair in the dining room. There is no tram in these morning hours - rested along the way. Ippolit Matveyevich rushed to the chair with a growl.

Quiet, - said Ostap, - you need to act without noise.

He took out of deep pockets pliers, and the work began to boil.

Did you lock the door? asked Ostap.

Pushing the impatient Vorobyaninov away, Ostap carefully opened the chair, trying not to damage the English floral print.

Such chintz no longer, you have to save it. Commodity hunger, nothing can be done. All this brought Ippolit Matveyevich to extreme irritation.

Done, - said Ostap quietly.

He lifted the covers and with both hands began to rummage between the springs. There was a vein on his forehead.

Well? repeated Ippolit Matveyevich in various tones. - Well? Well?

Well, well, - answered Ostap irritably, - one chance against eleven. And this chance... He dug deep into his chair and finished:

And this chance is not ours yet.

He rose to his full height and began to clean his knees. Ippolit Matveyevich rushed to a chair. In the second there were no diamonds. Ippolit Matveyevich's arms drooped. But Ostap was still cheerful.

Now our chances have increased. He walked around the room.

Nothing. This chair cost the widow more than it cost us.

Ostap took from his side pocket a gold brooch with glass, an exaggerated gold bracelet, half a dozen gilded spoons, and a tea strainer. Ippolit Matveyevich, in grief, did not even realize that he had become an accomplice in an ordinary theft.

A vulgar thing, - Ostap noticed, - but you must admit that I could not leave the woman I loved without leaving any memory of her. However, there is no time to waste. This is just the beginning. End in Moscow. A state furniture museum- this is not a widow for you - it will be more difficult there!

The companions stuffed the fragments of the chair under the bed and, counting the money (they, together with donations for the benefit of children, turned out to be 610 rubles), - we went to the station to the Moscow train.

I had to go through the whole city in a cab. At Kooperativnaya they saw Polesov running along the pavement like a shy antelope. He was chased by the janitor of house number 5 along Pereleshinsky Lane. Turning around the corner, the concessionaires managed to notice that the janitor overtook Viktor Mikhailovich and began to bludgeon him. Polesov shouted "Guard!" And "Ham!"

Near the station itself, on Gusische, we had to wait out the funeral procession. On the cargo platform, shuddering, rode a coffin, followed by a completely exhausted Bartholomeich. The tricky grandmother died in the same year that he stopped making insurance premiums.

Until the train departed, they sat in the restroom, fearing a meeting with the woman they loved.

The train carried friends to the noisy center. Friends leaned to the window. The wagons rushed over Gusische.

Suddenly Ostap roared and grabbed Vorobyaninov by the biceps.

Look, look! he shouted. - Quicker! Alchen, s-son of a bitch! ..

Ippolit Matveyevich looked down. Under the embankment, a burly, mustachioed fellow was dragging a wheelbarrow loaded with a red harmonium and five window frames. The wheelbarrow was pushed by a bashful-looking citizen in a mouse sweatshirt.

The sun broke through the clouds. The crosses of the churches shone.

Ostap, laughing, leaned out of the window and barked:

Pashka! Are you going to the hustle?

Pasha Emilievich raised his head, but saw only the buffers of the last carriage, and kicked even harder with his feet.

Seen? - happily asked Ostap. - Beauty! Here people work! Ostap patted the saddened Vorobyaninov on the back.

Nothing, papa! Don't be discouraged! The meeting continues! Tomorrow evening we are in Moscow!

Union of sword and plowshare

Union of sword and plowshare
From the novel "The Twelve Chairs" (1928) by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf (1897-1937) and Evgeny Petrov (1903-1942). The name of a mythical underground organization invented by Ostap Bender to "take money" from acquaintances of Ippolit Matveyevich Vorobyaninov, who believed that by participating in this "organization" they could return the old, pre-revolutionary life.
Ironically: about existing only on paper, in words or in the imagination of political organizations.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what the "Union of the sword and plowshare" is in other dictionaries:

    Razg. Iron. About what l. fictitious, not giving anything positive associations of people, enterprises. / i> An expression from the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" (1928), the name of the non-existent underground ... ... invented by Ostap Bender

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