Learning to draw a butterfly. How to draw a butterfly in stages with a pencil

We will start our drawing with initial contours, namely images of the body and head. Such initial contours will help to correctly depict the butterfly. Performing the first stage of the drawing, you should also draw a few lines, which in the future will become the wings of a butterfly.

2. Let's start drawing the wings and the head of the butterfly

You need to draw the antennae first, try to depict their edges with slight thickenings, so it will be clear that you are drawing a butterfly. Then you need to draw lines that will become the upper contours of the wings. After that, our task is to draw the lower fender liner. You also need to depict the upper part of the lower wings, we draw it rounded. Try to depict all these contours with great accuracy, because the initial markup will indicate the entire drawing.

3. We are engaged in drawing general contours

I would like to note that this is quite easy to do. You just need to connect the previously drawn lines, thus depicting the outline of the wings. No need to put pressure on the pencil with your hand, so drawing is easy.

4. Working on the silhouette of our butterfly wings

The next step is also easy to draw. In fact, the shape of the wings of a moth is "wrong", so there are no special rules for their implementation. These lines can be drawn arbitrarily, at your discretion, as you like. The main requirement is that the wings of a moth must be symmetrical.

5. Lines on the wings of a moth

Probably, you have noticed more than once that the wings of a moth are tender, sometimes it even seems that they are transparent. However, there are streaks inside the wings, it is them that we need to draw. These veins can also be drawn arbitrarily, but there should not be many of them. So step by step we got a charming butterfly, very similar to the real one. It is not difficult to complete this drawing if you perform it with accuracy step by step instructions. True, first you need to come up with patterns, and then apply them to the wings. For example, there are butterflies, on the wings of which there are patterns in the form big eyes. With the help of these huge eyes, butterflies successfully defend themselves from various birds that want to feast on them.

6. Getting Started Drawing Patterns

If you have never used paint to draw, we recommend coloring the butterfly with colored pencils. You can also try shading the drawing using a simple pencil. As you have seen, drawing a butterfly is easy and simple. Of course, this is not without certain difficulties. For example, when drawing the rough surface of the wings, everyone had a little difficulty. To facilitate this task, you need to depict the surface of the wings with pencil strokes, directing them in one direction. Then you can try to rub the strokes made with your finger.

The variety of patterns depicted on the wings of a moth is very large, so you can use those that are best for drawing. In addition, you can invent patterns yourself. I would like to note that almost all garden butterflies have a black stroke on their wings, but the cabbage butterfly has lines with circles that are not observed in other butterflies.

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How to draw a butterfly - the most beautiful of all insects that exist on earth? If you approach the process responsibly, draw up an action plan, stock up the right materials and tool, then good result you are provided. Children love to draw butterflies: images of colorful, weightless moths fluttering among flowers are a favorite theme of creativity for kids 4-5 years old.

What butterfly to draw?

The question of how to draw a butterfly is not difficult for a child, especially if parents help him. Adults can also enjoy fun creative process. Among the hundreds of species of noble Lepidoptera insects, you can choose to draw several specimens, the most famous and popular. These are butterflies monarch, pigeon, admiral, swallowtail, moth, atalia, caligula and some others.

How to draw a butterfly in stages with a pencil?

Any image begins with a sketch, in most cases - a pencil. How to draw a butterfly if in front of you Blank sheet paper, and in hand - a simple pencil? First of all, you need to take a ruler and draw two lines (horizontal and vertical) so that they intersect in the middle of the sheet at an angle of 90 degrees. This crosshair will allow you to draw the body of a butterfly, placing it symmetrically. At the first stage, depict the abdomen in the form of an elongated oval, so that the first quarter is higher horizontal line, and the other three quarters below. Then we draw the head - it can be a simple circle at the top of the abdomen.

At the next stage, you can designate the initial contours of the wings. Most butterflies have four wings, two in the front and a pair in the back. The front wings in your drawing will start from a horizontal line and go up, and the back wings will go down from this line. The proportions of the wings will have to be determined "by eye", but there will be no mistake, since the sizes vary in a very wide range, from the smallest to the extra large. Everything will depend on your taste.

How to draw a butterfly with a pencil so that it looks like a real one after coloring? The contours of the wings must be circled with a pencil, stepping back a little from the edge. The new lines will serve as the border of the coloring on the actual last step. Now that the outer edges are marked, you can start drawing the borders of future colored segments. Each butterfly's patterns on the wings are strictly symmetrical, circles and dots alternate with stripes, fringed lines alternate with wavy ones. All details of the drawing should be carefully circled with a pencil. At the last stage, you need to designate the eyes of the butterfly and draw the antennae. Additionally, you can draw a few strokes across her abdomen.

How to draw a butterfly in stages with paints?

Butterfly is a miracle of nature. Its beauty lies in the bright, multi-colored wings, iridescent tints and translucent shades. How to draw a butterfly to convey all its charm? First of all, you need to stock up on thin artistic brushes, because when coloring a drawing, you will have to apply strokes, barely touching the paper - this is the only way to convey the color and splendor of the color of the wings of a noble creature.

What paints are best to use?

Butterflies are best suited for coloring watercolor paints type "Neva". They are contained in tubes, the consistency requires a minimum amount of water, which means that the paper will not have time to get wet, the image will be clear and contrasting.

Start coloring from the outer edges. General principle painting contours, applied with a pencil, consists in applying paint first to the largest areas of the image, then to those that are smaller, and finally to the smallest fragments.

Many butterflies on the wings have bright spots of regular round shape, reminiscent of open eyes unknown animal. This is a special protection bestowed by nature itself to scare away enemies. Circle eyes can be surrounded by a rim that enhances the impression.

own style

If you do not want your butterfly to repeat the colors of already known specimens, such as the admiral or the monarch, then you can come up with your own combination of colors, exclusive and inimitable. But at the same time it is necessary to maintain harmony colors. It is desirable that only warm tones or, conversely, cold tones be present in the color scheme of the picture. Mixing them is not recommended.

Black goes well with orange, red, coffee and pink. Blue can successfully complement blue and lilac. Blue goes well with white. Yellow goes well with dark brown, green and khaki. Turquoise - with blue and light blue.

In order for the picture to turn out to be contrasting, it is necessary to choose colors of the same gamut, but of different intensities. For example, dark blue is next to light blue, and lemon is next to dark saffron. In this case, you will get a drawing very

Butterflies are wonderful and very beautiful creatures of our planet. They appear every summer and delight the eye. Today we will learn how to draw a butterfly with a pencil, and then color it. This lesson is suitable for children, adults, novice artists and, of course, experienced artists :)

There is nothing difficult in drawing this beautiful creature. The only difficulty you may encounter is with the symmetry of the wings. But it doesn't matter, the more you practice, the faster you will learn how to draw them correctly.

How to draw a butterfly step by step

Finally, it's time to draw our insect, draw our butterfly with a pencil!

Stage 1
The first step is the easiest step. We draw a straight line, the line must be straight. This is an auxiliary line and it indicates the length of the body and divides it in half.

Stage 2
The second step is a little more difficult than the first, but we are sure that you can still handle it. We draw the torso, divided into two parts. At the same time, the lower part of the body is slightly larger than the upper.

Also in this step we make a circle, which will be the head of our butterfly, and draw a long antennae.

Stage 3
It's time for the wings. We will draw them in stages, first the upper part, and in the next step the lower one.

So, usually in butterflies, the upper wings are much larger than the lower ones and they grow, respectively, from the upper part of the body. In our case, they are triangular in shape and almost the same size as the bottom ones. If you don't like the triangular shape, then you can easily draw any other shape.

Stage 4
Now we are working on the lower wings. They are rounded, large and strongly go beyond the line of the body, which we drew in the first step. In case you haven't noticed, the upper wings should extend beyond this line as well.

The most difficult thing about drawing a butterfly is to make symmetrical wings, of course, if you work on a computer, then it will not be difficult for you to achieve symmetry, but if you draw a butterfly with a pencil on paper, then you may have problems. Therefore, be patient and eraser :)

Stage 5
Now comes the most enjoyable stage in drawing a butterfly. We are working on patterns on the wings! Patterns can be very diverse, namely round, linear, plain, multi-colored, etc.

So, we make the symmetry of the patterns on the right and left.

stage 6
Patterns are not wings, they can be symmetrical or not symmetrical at all. Even if you want to draw a butterfly with completely different patterns on different wings, then this is quite normal.

Stage 7
We complete the patterns on the upper wings.

Stage 8
You already know a lot about the pattern, so try to come up with some kind of your own pattern for the lower wings.

Stage 9
At the last stage, we color our butterfly and it is ready.

There are an infinite number of variations of drawing butterflies. Experiment with colors, shapes, patterns, sizes and you will get wonderful creations.

Another option for drawing a butterfly

Kids really like to draw a variety of butterflies, because their wings have very unusual and bright patterns. Today we invite you to draw a simple but realistic enough butterfly with your child.

You need to prepare all the materials necessary for drawing:

  • colour pencils;
  • medium weight paper;
  • simple pencil and eraser.

So, first we need to make a light sketch of the wings of our butterfly.

We also outline the patterns that will decorate the wings of a butterfly with a simple pencil. We start by drawing small spots along the edge of the far upper wing.

Then we draw them on the upper near wing. On the lower (small) wing, draw only one row of spots.

The main pattern of the wings of this butterfly is oblong veins. They need to be created on the remaining section of the wings. We draw such patterns arbitrarily, without creating special symmetry.

Everything, the sketch is ready and now you can start drawing with colored pencils.

We start by painting the large oblong veins on the lower wing yellow.

We also paint over large spots (middle row) on the upper wings.

In an orange tone, draw large round spots on the lower wing and veins at the base of the upper pair of wings.

Then we shade the yellow spots with an orange pencil.

The remaining small spots are not painted over, they remain white.

With the help of a black pencil, we begin to fill in the remaining parts of the wings. We start with the farthest wing.

Then we draw the nearest upper wing, and after that the lower one.

Without putting off the black pencil, we move on to drawing the body of the butterfly and its small parts. First, draw the outline of the antennae and draw their tips.

Then we paint over the body with a black tone, leaving white highlights in some places.

Now, under the resulting butterfly, we create a green leaf. We paint over it, outlining thin streaks.

We shade the upper part of the leaf with yellow, and under the butterfly with a black or brown pencil we create a translucent shadow.

Now the drawing is complete!

Nature is connection various miracles and incredible beauty. Not only animals, but even small insects can be fascinating and unique. Yes, we are talking about beauties - butterflies. Many artists like to pay special attention to the depiction of nature, but everyone needs to learn how to depict her small, but such beautiful elements as well. Someone collects butterflies, someone photographs them, and we will show you how to draw a butterfly in stages.

What is needed for this:

  • A simple pencil (preferably with hardness B);
  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • black helium pen (or thin marker);
  • colour pencils.

Consider drawing two butterflies at once, but you can choose to draw one.

Draw the outlines of the butterfly by pressing down on the pencil.

Now you need to specify the shape of the wings. Try to draw them symmetrically. An exception is drawing a butterfly with raised wings (an example is a butterfly on the left).

One of the crucial moments of drawing a butterfly with a pencil has come in stages: mark the patterns on the wings with a simple pencil. Take a black helium pen and draw or fill in the body with the antennae.

And now, with a black helium pen, paint over the outlines of the butterfly patterns, as shown in the picture. Try not to leave white gaps. If the question arises: why a helium pen or marker, then the answer is simple - the details will look more expressive and accurate, which is difficult for beginners to achieve with a black pencil.

The most enjoyable stage of work is coloring the wings of butterflies. Choose any color or follow our example and the drawing is ready!

Now you know how to draw a butterfly with a pencil step by step, but we offer you to watch and video how to draw a butterfly with watercolor, which you will find in our other article at the link: (link). Creative success!
