Drawing a giraffe with a pencil in stages. How to draw a giraffe with a pencil step by step

Do children know which animal is the tallest land animal on our planet? It's an African giraffe!

Looking at pictures with a giraffe, the child will be able to estimate the size of this giant. He will learn what the animal eats and how it sleeps, he will discover many new and useful things for himself. general development information.

Using a simple scheme, the kid will draw his own giraffe, which can live right on his desk.

Pictures of a giraffe for children, interesting facts

At the zoo, children look at the giraffe from the bottom up. Not surprising, because the long neck reaches a height of 5-6 meters. Its weight is also not small, from 900 to 1,200 kg, despite the fact that the animal prefers to eat exclusively tree leaves.

Giraffes are spotted. The color of the spots is somewhat darker. What is the main color of the animal. If you look closely at the pictures for children with a giraffe on a white background, you can see that the shape and size of the spots, as well as the pattern they form, never repeat.

The African giant is distinguished not only by its high stature, but also by its very long neck. Thanks to her, the giraffe can eat leaves at the very top of the trees. Since no animal can compete with it, the long neck is never left without food. His favorite delicacy is acacia.

Cool and funny photos

Surprisingly, the closest relative of the tall giraffe is the deer. These animals have a common ancestor. Like deer and other mammals, the giraffe has only seven cervical vertebrae. Therefore, the neck is not flexible, the animal cannot bend directly to the ground and pick up anything from it.
The tongue of the African lanky is also unusually long, about 50 cm. In the photo you can see that it is black.

Giraffes can sleep standing up. But such a dream is short, it usually does not last more than 5 minutes. If the animal wants to take a good nap, it touchingly curls up into a ball and wraps itself around its long neck. You can see it very well in one of the photos.

Usually, giraffes move around the savannah with measured steps. But if necessary, they can gallop at speeds up to 55 km per hour. Such fast pace they only support 3 minutes. Animals run very funny: first they tear off the ground two front legs, then two hind legs.

giraffe family, giraffe

The first life test of a giraffe passes at the moment of birth - it falls from a height of about two meters. Unlike a human baby, which begins to stand after 6 months and walk after a year, the baby giraffe quite deftly follows its mother an hour after it was born.

Giraffes live in herds of up to 12 individuals. Young mothers in their garden organize something similar to kindergarten: one female giraffe looks after the cubs while everyone else is looking for food.
The child will be interested to see cool pictures, in which adult giraffes are depicted with cubs. They show how reverently a mother treats her baby.

Cartoon giraffe. Guess the cartoon from the picture

How many cartoons about giraffes does the kid know? Have him look at a picture of a cartoon giraffe and remember his name. Surely, the child will have something to tell about the adventures of this character.

Drawn funny animals, giraffe pencil drawings

The painted colored giraffes are very cute. Depicting these animals, artists are happy to fantasize. In one drawing, a long-necked butterfly looks with tenderness at a butterfly flying past, in another, daydreaming, it swings on a swing. And on realistic drawing giraffe with a pencil mom and baby very gently reach out to each other.

How to draw a giraffe with a pencil: step by step for children and beginners

Seeing an animal in the zoo, children will think about how to draw a giraffe with a pencil, paints or felt-tip pens. Of course, they can fantasize and portray him as he seems to them. But if the kid wants to draw a realistic giraffe easily with a pencil in stages, parents can offer him a simple circuit for beginners.
And also, you can invite the child to draw with a simple pencil, and then color the giraffe, elephant, zebra, kitten and other animals. These will be illustrations for his own animal encyclopedia.


How to start drawing a giraffe so that its long neck fits on a piece of paper? The author of the video instruction will tell about this.

Poems and videos of giraffes for kindergarten and elementary school children

Having learned a rhyme about a giraffe, watching an instructive cartoon about it, the child will have plenty of fun and benefit for himself. It seems that the long-neck looks down on everyone and sees no equal. That is why in rhymes and cartoons for children 5 years old funny things happen to him.

Short poems about giraffes

How long should the scarf be to wrap around the giraffe's neck? The first verse is dedicated to a grandmother who spent a lot of thread to cover her granddaughter's neck.
Thanks to information technology, photos and videos, the giraffe is no longer a curiosity. However, children and adults alike never cease to be amazed by his long neck and tall stature. But is the animal really as arrogant as described in the third verse?

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Video about a giraffe for children

Long necks see this in nature very well. The cartoon giraffe wears glasses. What will happen to her if they suddenly break? Children will learn about this by watching an interesting cartoon "Giraffe and Glasses".

For inquisitive children from 1 year old - an interesting and informative cartoon "Lessons from Aunt Owl - Giraffe".

Good afternoon, in today's lesson we will learn how to draw a giraffe. The giraffe is the tallest animal on our earth, male giraffes reach a height of up to 6 meters. Giraffes have a very long neck, which helps them survive in the savannah with its sparse grass cover, so thanks to such a neck, giraffes can easily get leaves from tall trees.

Our giraffe has already eaten and is resting in the tall grass. Only its long neck is visible from the grass. In our today's lesson, we will tell not only about the stages of drawing this beautiful animal, but also dwell in detail on the structure of individual parts of the muzzle, eyes, mouth, ears. We will tell you how to draw hooves. Let's get started.

Step 1
Giraffes are similar to camels and cows. They have similar foreheads, eyes and ears. The head of a giraffe is square in front and triangular in profile.

Step 2
The giraffe's tongue is long and dark in color, and the lips are folded into the mouth and partially cover the teeth.

Step 3
Big and dark eyes and long eyelashes.

Step 4
The ears of the giraffe stick out, pointed at the ends and slightly resemble the shape of a spoon.

Step 5
From above, the hooves of a giraffe look like the hooves of a cow, but when viewed from the underside, we can see that they are flattened.

Step 6
Let's start drawing our giraffe. Let's draw an oblong shape for the body, and for the head we'll draw a bird's head shape. Let's draw guide lines for the nose and eyes, as well as the line of the neck.

Step 7
Let's move on to the details. Let's start with the head. Let's draw the contours of the muzzle, eyebrows and horns.

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Step 9
Let's draw the lines of the neck, passing into the lines of the chest and back.

Step 10
Now let's add the front legs.

Step 11
Let's work on the back and hind legs.

Step 12
Now let's add the tail.

Step 13
Let's draw spots on the giraffe's body similar to the drawing of a stone wall.

Step 14
Let's erase the auxiliary lines and our giraffe is ready.

Now you can decorate our giraffe, or rather yours. We hope you enjoyed our lesson. , if yes, then you can be the first to know about our lessons by subscribing to the newsletter. We publish new lessons on our website every week. We have a lot of interesting things, you will definitely like it! Good luck!

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The giraffe has only seven cervical vertebrae, like a small hamster. In a short distance, he can easily overtake racehorse and sleeps only an hour a day. The very word "giraffe" means "smart" - and just such we will draw today! By the way, I have prepared two whole giraffes for you, but more on that later :) Let's go ...

Let's start as usual - with the ear:

Giraffe horns like small aspen mushrooms: drawing the first ...

... crown ...

... the second horn and ear.

We finish the head. Mow it to the left - our giraffe will stand half-turned:

We draw squiggles in the ears:

Now we draw a smile - almost parallel to the contour of the head. The giraffe stands a little sideways, remember?

We shift the eyes and nostrils to the left edge of the giraffe face. We draw dashed eyes not vertically, but slightly obliquely (but still parallel!):

Okay, the head is ready. Now the body: draw such a squiggle in full height. If it bothers you that the giraffe looks like a children's slide, let me remind you that the giraffe is not a horse with a long neck, it is just such a hilly-humped shape.

We drop almost to the same level vertical line left: see that the neck is neither too thick nor too thin. "Almost vertical" - that is, you can make it slightly curved, it will not hurt the case:

We draw vertically rectangular front legs (like y), they stand side by side with us:

And then we make just such an arch - much wider, but the same height. Pay attention - we have a hind leg; make it the same width.

Draw a belly! Not a beer belly, but such a cute little tummy a la the beauty of the East:

And already because of the tummy we have the last leg:

... and spots all over the body (except for the tummy, although it's up to you):

And finally a ponytail with a brush:

To say that the giraffe is positive is to say nothing :) I think the world association of giraffe artists can be proud of us. True, at first it can turn out a little awkward, and there is a little secret here: you will have to strain your eye and observe approximate proportions. After that, you can safely hang it on the wall and sell it for a thousand miles in ten years.

As I said, there will be two giraffes. Today we drew an ordinary giraffe that walks on four legs and bursts branches, and next time we will draw a giraffe that walks on two legs and is quite capable of sitting and drinking tea with and. Fabulous, in general, giraffe. I'm not afraid of this word, anthropomorphic :)

At parting - a great cartoon about how giraffes appeared. See you!

Complexity:(3 out of 5).

Age: from 4 years old.

Materials: a sheet of thick paper, wax crayons, a simple pencil, an eraser, watercolor, a large brush, a palette.

Purpose of the lesson: draw a giraffe, applying your skills acquired earlier. We develop mindfulness and perseverance.


Drawing Lesson Materials

We draw two ovals (large - torso, small - head.)

We connect them with two arcs (neck). And draw four columns. We draw ears, horns, a tail and of course eyes, and spots on the body.

We draw a palm tree to which our giraffe reaches. We will draw the trunk of a palm tree from triangles.

Colorize the resulting picture wax crayons. And we will mark with a simple pencil near the palm tree branches, on which we will draw leaves with green wax crayon.

When the picture is ready, take watercolor. We mark the horizon line, which will separate the sky from the earth. We dilute the blue watercolor with a large amount of water and fill the spaces of the sky to the horizon line. And we take the color for the earth and paint over already from the horizon line to the edge of the sheet.

Option one

Option two

Option three

Option four

First, draw two ovals on a piece of paper. The bottom oval should be twice the size of the top one.

Now you should draw a giraffe 4 legs. Two legs go out foreground drawing. Each of them consists of two straight lines and a small trapezoid. The two legs that remain in the background in the drawing are not fully depicted.

On the head of the giraffe, you need to draw protruding triangular ears.

And now, next to the ears, you should add horns, consisting of straight lines and small circles.

On the head of a charming giraffe, you need to draw eyes with long cilia.

Now you need to draw a giraffe tail with a heart instead of a brush at the end.

More attractiveness and charm of a giraffe will be added by neat round lips. In addition to them, on the muzzle of the animal, two small dots should show barely noticeable nostrils.

On the tips of the legs of the giraffe, narrow triangular hooves should be depicted.

Now it's time to remove all the extra pencil lines with an eraser and draw small spots of the most diverse shapes on the giraffe's body.

Round beads painted on the animal's neck can emphasize the femininity of giraffes.

And on the ears of a spotted beauty, round earrings will look very original.

Now the giraffe should be colored. Its head, ears, neck, torso and legs can be painted in beige or light brown, spots on the body and tail can be made red, hooves brown, eyes blue, lips bright red, and beads and earrings can be painted in any, the most unexpected color. . Not a single giraffe can resist the charm and beauty of such a charming giraffe.
