What is the tragedy of Oblomov's life - an essay. Dreams and unreal world

Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" was published in 1859 in the journal "Domestic Notes". The writer worked on the novel during a period of revival of public life associated with preparations for the reform to abolish serfdom in Russia. In his work, Goncharov criticizes the foundations of serfdom and reveals the theme of spiritual impoverishment and degradation of the local nobility.

In the center of the novel "Oblomov" is a complex and contradictory image of the landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. His character and thinking were influenced by the environment in which he was brought up and lived his childhood.

From an early age, the hero was instilled with traits that later became known as "Oblomovism". Little Ilyusha grew up as a darling, completely unsuited to independent living. He is used to having everything done for him, and his lot is "idleness and peace." In Ilyusha, any attempts at activity were consistently suppressed. The immobility of life, drowsiness, a secluded way of life is not only a sign of the existence of a hero, but also the essence of life in Oblomovka, which is separated from the whole world: “Neither strong passions, nor courageous enterprises worried the Oblomovites.” Inactivity and lack of life goals - this is what characterizes the life of Oblomovka.

However, the character of Ilyusha is formed not only by the nobility. Life in Oblomovka is full and harmonious in its own way: it is Russian nature, mother's love and caress, Russian hospitality, colors of holidays. These childhood impressions are an ideal for Oblomov, from the height of which he judges life. Therefore, the hero does not accept the "Petersburg life": he is not attracted by either his career or the desire to get rich.

Until the age of fifteen, Ilya studied very reluctantly in a boarding school. Studying sciences and reading books tired him. After the boarding school, he "followed the course of science to the end" in Moscow. Oblomov came to St. Petersburg with the aim of succeeding in public service and arranging family life. Ilya Ilyich served somehow for two years and left the service. For him, it was an unnecessary and meaningless burden.

Having abandoned the service, fencing himself off from society, Oblomov indulged in dreams. Now "almost nothing drew him out of the house, and every day he settled more firmly and more permanently in his apartment." Spiritual needs gradually died in Oblomov, humane impulses became fruitless, sound judgments turned into a sleepy mumbling. The hero gradually sank into complete mental passivity and apathy. Goncharov writes: "Oblomov ... could not comprehend his life and therefore was burdened and bored from everything that he had to do."

He decided that it was better to remain an "Oblomovite", but to preserve humanity and kindness of heart in himself, than to be a vain careerist, callous and heartless. About Petersburg life, Ilya Ilyich says: “All the time running around in starts, the eternal game of trashy passions, especially greed, interrupting each other's way, gossip, gossip, clicks to each other, this is looking from head to toe; If you listen to what they are talking about, your head will spin, you will become stupefied.

Thus, Oblomov was a kind, meek, intelligent person who received a good education. In his youth, he was full of progressive ideas and a desire to serve Russia. His childhood friend Andrey Stolts characterizes Oblomov in this way: "This is a crystal, transparent soul." However, the positive character traits of Ilya Ilyich are supplanted by such qualities as lack of will and laziness. Life with its worries and worries, constant work frightens the hero, and he wants to sit out in a quiet apartment.

In an apartment on Gorokhovaya Street, Oblomov lies on the couch, not only because, as a gentleman, he can do nothing, but also because he does not want to live to the detriment of his moral dignity. The hero rejoices that he "does not loom, but lies right here, maintaining his human dignity and his peace!"

Oblomov's laziness and his inactivity are caused by his negative attitude towards life and the interests of people contemporary to the hero. This is the tragedy of Oblomov's life. Sometimes Ilya Ilyich wants to discard "Oblomov" habits. He rushes to the cause, but these desires are quickly extinguished. And before us again, yawning from boredom and lying on the couch couch potato. Apathy and laziness extinguish all his noble impulses.

Thus, Goncharov depicts the struggle of good inclinations in Oblomov with lordly habits and laziness. The hero does not seek to change his life. He values ​​peace most of all, not having the strength and desire to fight. He retreats before life's problems and difficulties.

However, Ilya Ilyich is ashamed of his own nobility, as a person towering over him. He is tormented by the question: “Why am I like this?” When Stolz tries to awaken in Oblomov the desire to live and work, reproaching him for paralysis of mind and will, Ilya Ilyich admits: “I know everything, I understand everything, but there is no willpower.” The hero lives according to the principle: “It would be nice if it would somehow become imperceptible by itself.”

Love for Olga Ilyinskaya temporarily transforms Oblomov. Here is how the hero is described in a state of love: “The foggy, sleepy face instantly changed, the eyes opened, the colors played on the cheeks; thoughts moved, desire and will sparkled in the eyes. But the fear of losing peace makes Oblomov give up his love for Olga. "Oblomovism" turns out to be even stronger than love. This is the real tragedy!

In the future, Ilya Ilyich finds his "ideal" in the heartfelt love of Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, who does not demand anything from him, indulging him in everything. In her house, "he was now surrounded by such simple, kind, loving faces who agreed to support his life with their existence, to help him not to notice, not to feel it." Disappeared world of childhood, Oblomovka reappears. Food and rest - these are all Ilya Ilyich's occupations.

The dignity of Oblomov lies in the fact that he himself condemned himself and was aware of the inevitable spiritual death. Olga in anguish asks him: “What ruined you, Ilya? There is no name for this hell ... "Ilya Ilyich answered her:" There is - Oblomovism! Oblomov suffers from the fact that he does not see a goal in life and does not find an application for his strength.

The writer showed Oblomov's path to the realization of his worthlessness, insolvency, and, ultimately, to the disintegration of his personality. Destruction of the essence of human nature.

So, the hero of the novel was killed by "Oblomovism". This phenomenon is not an individual feature of Oblomov, but, in the words of Dobrolyubov, "it serves as a key to unraveling many phenomena of Russian life." The critic concludes: "A significant part of Oblomov sits in each of us, and it is too early to write a funeral word for us."

"Oblomov" is the only work in world literature whose hero does not get up from the couch for almost the entire action. But the uniqueness of the character created by Goncharov does not lie in his pathological laziness and inaction. Not every modern student is able to read this complex and profound work. And therefore, what is the tragedy of Oblomov, few people know. This article is devoted to the characterization and analysis of this literary image.

What is the tragedy of Oblomov's life?

An essay based on Goncharov's work involves preliminary preparation. Before you start writing it, you should understand the features of the time in which the writer created the novel.

He wrote it for almost ten years. And two years after the publication, a key event in the history of Russia took place - serfdom was abolished. Fear of change and fear of the future dominated many representatives of the local nobility. An essay on the topic "What is the tragedy of Oblomov's life" should begin with a description of this historical event and its impact on representatives of certain social strata.

new time

The ideas about the character of Goncharov are the ability to lead a measured, calm life on the estate. What is the tragedy of Oblomov? Not at all in the fact that he is now deprived of this opportunity. His trouble is that he is not able to adapt to the realities of Oblomov, not only cannot he find his place in the social situation that has developed in Russia. He doesn't even aspire to it.

At all times there were people who act, no matter what. But there are those who, due to dissatisfaction with the environment, prefer to lie on the couch and dream about the days of the past. Oblomov dreams of his native estate.

Dreams and unreal world

It is noteworthy that there are extremely few events in the work. The plot of the novel is the story of an elderly, stout representative of the landowner class, who runs the risk of being deceived by his alleged friends. But the person who maintains a real friendly relationship with him saves him in time, depriving him, however, of his beloved woman. But what is the tragedy of Oblomov's life and how does the author manage to keep the reader's attention for four parts? The trouble of the protagonist is that he is constantly in the world, which is partly invented by him. And the grandiose volume of the work conveys the deep meaning of the tragedy of a person who, being at the turn of the times, refuses to exist in the real world and finds salvation in his own fantasies and dreams.


The native estate appears in the mind of the hero as a kind of serene idyllic world. It's like time doesn't exist here. Even the clock in the house strikes very strangely. Their sound is reminiscent of the grunts of dogs, ready to pounce on each other.

Nothing has changed on the estate. Its inhabitants are afraid of everything unfamiliar. Even the process of reading here has a mechanical character. Ilyusha Oblomov's father holds a newspaper in front of him, as if performing some kind of ritual. He reads, as a rule, periodicals three years ago.

The hero remembers all this throughout the novel. And, reading the chapters of the work devoted to nostalgia, the reader partly receives an answer to the question, what is the tragedy of Oblomov's life. It consists primarily in the fact that the hero of the novel has absorbed Oblomovka's way of life and believes that such a way of life is the only true one.

Pathological lack of initiative, laziness, absolute indifference to everything that happens around - all this is the result of education. Oblomov cherishes the image of the estate in his soul. And sometimes even sees him in a dream.


One day, falling asleep, the hero asks himself: “Why am I like this?” And in a dream he sees marvelous pictures from childhood. In these dreams there are answers to the questions of the character, and to the one that the reader sets himself, namely, what is the tragedy of Oblomov's life. The description of Ilya Ilyich's dreams helps to clarify the origin of his social detachment.

The dream is conditionally divided into three parts. And with the help of this technique, the author tells the reader the background of the hero. The first is about the customs that prevailed on the estate. Both Oblomovka and the character's childhood are known from chapters that describe colorful dreams.

He grew up surrounded by boundless care. Everywhere and always he was accompanied by a nanny, which did not allow the boy to frolic especially. The estate was dominated by sleep. The main occupation of its inhabitants was "doing nothing".

Fairy tales

What is the tragedy of Oblomov? It has already been said that laziness and inaction, characteristic of this character, were the result of upbringing. And the component in it were fairy tales told by the nanny. Ilyusha grew up as an impressionable child. He absorbed stories about milk rivers, sorceresses and other miracles. And, having already matured, he realized that his reality was mixed with a fairy tale.

In the third part of the dream, we are talking about the adolescence of the hero. The tragedy of Oblomov's life originates in primitive laziness, from which all the inhabitants of the estate suffer, without noticing it. Simplicity of morals, silence and inaction reign here. And all this contributes to the development of a kind of disease, which the author calls Oblomovism. The life of the hero was divided into two halves from childhood. The first is longing and boredom. The second was peaceful fun.


The monotonous existence of Oblomov was, nevertheless, disturbed for some time. In the novel there is a hero who creates opposition to the main thing. Such a character is a childhood friend Stoltz. A friend brings Oblomov into the light and introduces Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya. New meetings have a positive effect on him.

Stolz is active, constantly in action, in a word, is the opposite of the protagonist. His influence on the fate of Oblomov is undeniable. However, despite the cardinal changes in life, the hero still dies. He is killed by a stroke caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

Oblomov is a common type of Russian person. He has a rich spiritual world, he is kind, disinterested, and he dreams of many things. However, he does not want to do anything to achieve his goals.

What is the tragedy of Oblomov's life based on the novel by I. A. Goncharov? The author gives the answer to this question at the end of the work. The writer portrayed him as a man spiritually superior to all other characters, including the active Stolz. Oblomov's friend takes actions for the sake of actions. He doesn't have lofty goals. While promoting labor, he cannot explain its purpose. Oblomov, on the contrary, has a kind and noble soul, but he lacks determination and the ability to act. This is what destroys him.

Goncharov, Ivan Aleksandrovich, the greatest Russian critic and writer, who became famous thanks to his works. In his work, the life of people, their way of life and the entire era of the rule of peasant law appear. One of his famous works is called Oblomov. Here, the writer expresses his thoughts as a critic, and expressively shows all the actions taking place in the novel.

In this work of the author, the main character is Ilya Oblomov, after Father Ilyich. It was the gentleman who was brought up by calmness, inaction, and very restless people close to him. As a result, Oblomov has become a practical empty space for himself and for society as a whole. The main tragedy of life was indifference to oneself. From an early age, he was forbidden in almost all his actions, and in every possible way protected from his thoughts. Even taking into account the walks on the street, which did not take place without the intervention of relatives. With their feelings about the boy, the people around him created this empty appearance in life, for which Ilya will be practically punished by fate. Over time, the boy grew up as a “houseplant”. And having entered adulthood, it becomes catastrophically difficult for him to keep the balance of life in his hands.

Despite all the inaction of the protagonist, the author mentions an important trait of Ilya's character, this is his harmlessness. This characterized him as a positive character.

Due to the fact that the hero led a useless lifestyle, the scene in which Ilya meets a new love also speaks, but from his inaction, he sees that she can “pull” him out of this routine. But be that as it may, he finds happiness with Agafya, who gives birth to his son. From his inaction, the whole household went "downhill". Against this background, the ingenuity of swindlers worked, who, after his death, planned to completely ruin his property.

Heart attacks, more and more often visited Oblomov, in which Agafya caught him. Lately, she'd been practically waiting for him to die. And now, after a while, Ilya Oblomov is struck by another last stroke, which Agafya Matveevna sees, and he leaves his useless life.

Thanks to Stolz, the descendant of the Oblomovs is in good hands. At that time, Stolz lived with Olga and, unlike his father, he was determined to raise a young orphan. If we take into account the disposition of the new father Andrei, then the boy will grow up to be a smart and determined guy.

Composition pr Oblomov's death in Goncharov's novel

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov, with his novel Oblomov, described a large number of people who live like Oblomov in the Oblomov region. Everyone would like to allow themselves to live like Oblomov, to lie on the couch for their own pleasure. Oblomov was accustomed to such a life from childhood, his parents taught him that all the servants should do for him. Oblomov, after the death of his parents, did not know how to manage so many serfs, so this did not bother him much. Oblomov is not a stupid person, but his laziness overpowered his activity.

Oblomov was satisfied with the fact that he lies all day long and does nothing, he only cares about food and sleep. Ilya Ilyich seems to be ready to do something for his serfs, but then the fuse goes out, and he again lies on the sofa and does nothing. Oblomov was not prompted to an active lifestyle either by the help of a friend or by love. Everything suits him and the changes in his life Oblomov is very frightened, he does not want to do anything to change his life.

Goncharov wanted to write about a man who had not been taught how to live an adult life and make decisions on his own. Around him in the house all around is dirt and cobwebs, and Oblomov does not care. Ivan Alexandrovich wrote about Oblomov as a man with a pure heart, there are very few such people left in society. The material side does not bother Ilya Ilyich, for him the spiritual side of life is more important.

When Olga Ilyinskaya tries to remake the adult Oblomov, he resists it. In the scene described by Goncharov, he even asks his friend Stolz not to let Ilyinskaya see him again. Oblomov does not like being pressured, he did not want to be like his friend, he chose a different path for himself.

After breaking up with Olga Ilyinskaya, Oblomov suffers, because his heart is broken, but there was a woman who could give Oblomov that kindness and care that he dreamed of. His connection with Agafya Matveevna brought him that calmness and peace of mind that Ilyinskaya could not give him.

Oblomov, next to Agafya Matveevna, again felt like a little boy who was taken care of. The fruit of their love was their son Andryushka.

Once again, the arrived Stolz, talking with a friend, understands that he will die soon. Oblomov asks his friend before his death not to leave his son and take care of him. Stolz gives Oblomov a promise that he will grow a hardworking and responsible person out of Andryushka. Everyone kept good memories of Oblomov, as a man who did not become callous in heart and poor in soul. He did not change his principles and remained a pure and bright person in their memory.

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The quiet death of Oblomov is not the death of the blessed. The entire fourth part of the novel is a description of the hero's spiritual death before his physical death. And the main motive here is Oblomov's spiritual defeat, which looks like an immersion in a new, now final "death dream". Before us is a living dead man who does not want to think about what awaits him tomorrow (it is not for nothing that it is said: “He foresaw the imminent death and was afraid of it”), but is only pleased that now he still has the opportunity not to worry about the final outcome of his life, about the need for repentance. The key words of the fourth part are: “peace”, “silence”, “hopelessness”, “carelessness”, “sleep”, “laziness”, “lulling”.

The hero in this part is characterized by two unequally presented states. The first is short flashes of repentance, which are "less and less". However, this repentance is not active, as in the novel with Olga Ilyinskaya, but contemplative and therefore dull, desperate. Oblomov then "cries cold tears of hopelessness." The second state is alarmingly named by Goncharov: "internal triumph". This is a complete rejection of any repentance, complete self-justification and peace in sin. Goncharov writes about his hero that he "tastes temporary blessings and calms down", that "there is nothing to repent".

Self-justification lies in the fact that under his sin, under his sinful state, Ilya Ilyich sums up a philosophical basis: “Finally, he decides that his life was not only formed, but also created, was even intended so simply, no wonder, to express the possibility of an ideally calm side human existence. It fell to others, he thought, to express its disturbing sides, to move the forces of creation and destruction: everyone has his own purpose! » .

The result of Oblomov's life is very disappointing. He is summed up in a conversation with Stolz already at the final farewell: “I have long been ashamed to live in the world! But I can’t go your way with you, even if I wanted to ... "And Stolz's words look like the final sentence:" You died, Ilya ... ".

However, the novel "Oblomov" is clearly imbued with an evangelical spirit. Even the final spiritual death of the hero still leaves hope for the mercy of the Lord God. The author hopes for this mercy when, only in a hint, he gives the image of an angel guarding Oblomov’s grave: “It seems that the angel of silence itself guards his dream.” Hope is also visible in the way Ilya Ilyich has survived in people's memory. The widow Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna prays for him weekly in the church. Zakhar recalls him with a kind word: “The Lord took such a gentleman away! For the joy of people lived ... Do not make such a gentleman ... remember, Lord, his darling in Your Kingdom! » .

Oblomov died for the world, for people, he died spiritually. But still, not doing good, he did not do evil either. From a Christian point of view, God gave him such gifts as a pure heart, meekness, poverty of spirit, weeping, etc. (although all this is in an everyday, everyday, not spiritual form). Oblomov could not overcome the power of repentance, the will to repentance and repentance - "mortal sleep", spiritual "despondency". In this sense, he, as it were, squandered the priceless gifts that God had given him in vain. But still the author does not pass judgment on him, but highlights as the final result - the possibility of God's mercy.

Oblomov's quiet death is not the death of a blessed one. the entire fourth part of the novel is a description of the spiritual death of the hero before his death. and the main motive here is Oblomov's spiritual defeat, which looks like an immersion in a new, now final "death sleep". before us is already a living dead who does not want to think about what awaits him tomorrow (it is not for nothing that it is said: "he foresaw the imminent death and was afraid of it"), but is only pleased that now he still has the opportunity not to worry about the final outcome of his life, about the need for repentance. the key words of the fourth part are: "peace", "silence", "hopelessness", "carelessness", "sleep", "laziness", "lulling".

the hero in this part is characterized by two unequally presented states. the first is short flashes of remorse, which are "less and less". however, this repentance is not active, as in the novel with Olga Ilyinskaya, but contemplative and therefore dull, desperate. Oblomov then "cries cold tears of hopelessness." the second state is alarmingly named by Goncharov: "internal triumph". it is a complete rejection of all repentance, complete self-justification and peace in sin. Goncharov writes about his hero that he "tastes temporary blessings and calms down", that "there is nothing to repent".

self-justification lies in the fact that under his sin, under his sinful state, Ilya Ilyich sums up a philosophical basis: “finally he decides that his life has not only developed, but also created, was even intended so simply, no wonder, to express the possibility of an ideally calm side it fell to others, he thought, to express its disturbing sides, to move it with destructive forces: everyone has his own purpose!

the result of Oblomov's life is very disappointing. he is summed up in a conversation with Stolz already at the final farewell: “I have long been ashamed to live in the world! But I can’t go your way with you, even if” and Stolz’s words look like a final verdict: “You died, ".

however, the novel "Oblomov" is clearly imbued with an evangelical spirit. even the final spiritual death of the hero still leaves hope for the mercy of the Lord God. the author hopes for this mercy when, only in a hint, he gives the image of an angel guarding Oblomov’s grave: “it seems that the angel of silence itself guards his dream.” hope is also visible in the way Ilya Ilyich has survived in people's memory. the widow Agafya Matveevna Pshechenna prays for him weekly in the church. Zakhar recalls him with a kind word: "God took such a gentleman! He lived for the joy of people .. do not make such a gentleman .. remember, Lord, his darling in your kingdom!".

Oblomov died for the world, for people, he also died spiritually. but still, not doing good, he did not do evil either. from the Christian point of view, God gave him such gifts as a pure heart, meekness, poverty of spirit, crying, etc. (although all this is in an everyday, everyday, not spiritual form). Oblomov could not overcome the power of repentance, the will to repentance and repentance - the "sleep of death", "despondency" spiritual. in this sense, he, as it were, squandered the priceless gifts that God had given him in vain. but still the author does not pass judgment on him, but brings to the fore as the final result - the possibility of God's mercy.

Answer posted by: Guest

throughout the novel, Gogol treats Andrii with sympathy. understanding and sadness. he recognizes the right to love for Andriy, the episode of the meeting with the panochka is painted in bright colors and evokes sympathy for the couple, but not that Andriy raised his sword on his own.

Answer posted by: Guest

in the same forest lived the best friends of a hare and a squirrel. They walked every day, frolicked on the edge of the forest, I don’t know grief! one day, the squirrel's mother asked her to go to the neighboring forest to the crow and ask her for the ingredients for a delicious holiday pie. The squirrel asked: "Why aren't there animals in our forest that have these ingredients?" - "No, the squirrel cannot be found in our forest ..so go to the neighboring forest," said my mother.

the squirrel, without hesitation, called a hare with her, so that it would not be so sad on the road. so they set off. met a sparrow. - "Don't you know how to find a crow?" asked the squirrel. - "I know!" - said the sparrow. one misfortune! they stumbled upon a cunning and treacherous fox. they were frightened, and the fox at that time began to slowly approach them. the hare whispered something in the ear of the squirrel and they rushed off. it was, the hare so skillfully confused the tracks that he returned the fox to the beginning of its path. well, at that time our heroes got to the crow's house, took from her the very ingredients that the squirrel's mother asked for, and returned home.
