Actual problems of the modern world in Dubrovsky's work. Arguments for writing an exam

What is meanness and honor? This is one of the questions that A. S. Pushkin answers in his novel "Dubrovsky".

The novel "Dubrovsky" is an adventure-adventure work. This is a story about the dramatic fate of a poor nobleman whose estate was illegally taken away, and about the fate of his son.

One of the heroes of the novel is Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. This is an old Russian gentleman, a very rich and noble man. He is famous not only for his numerous connections, but also for his immense dominance and self-will. Indeed, nothing can resist the will of Kirila Petrovich - for the sake of boredom, he is capable of raiding neighboring villages, seducing courtyard girls and, as it turned out, managing court decisions.

Troekurov is very friendly with his neighbor, Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, the only person who dares to freely express his opinion in the presence of Troekurov. Dubrovsky is poor, but this does not prevent him from remaining faithful to his own honor and independence in relations with Kirila Petrovich. These rare qualities cause the location of a rich gentleman to a neighbor. However, from a good friend, Troekurov quickly turns into a real scoundrel when Andrei Gavrilovich, for reasons of honor, dares to contradict Troekurov's will.

Kirila Petrovich chooses the most severe punishment for his offender: he intends to deprive him of his home, force him to humiliate himself, and ask for forgiveness. For this, he enters into an agreement with another scoundrel - the judicial employee Shabashkin. Shabashkin, seeking Troekur's favor, is ready to go even to lawlessness. Nothing embarrassed him in Kirila Petrovich's request, and he deftly arranged everything, although the wayward gentleman made no effort to do so.

The neighbor's angry behavior at the trial gave Troekurov little pleasure. Kirila Petrovich was waiting for tears of repentance, but he saw a sparkling look of malice, self-hatred and the ability to stand up for his own dignity to the end.

Troyekurov's numerous amusements also characterize him. One of them is bear fun. It gives Troekurov an extraordinary pleasure to see his guest, frightened to death, who is unexpectedly pushed into a room with an angry hungry animal and left alone with him for a while. Kirila Petrovich does not value either the dignity of others or the life of others, which he endangers.

Vladimir Dubrovsky comes out of this test with honor, because "he does not intend to endure insult." Not a single muscle flinched in the brave young man when the bear rushed at him - Vladimir pulled out a pistol and shot at the beast.

Having stepped onto the robber path, Dubrovsky remains a noble man. Amazing rumors circulate about his nobility. At the same time, Vladimir is irreconcilable to meanness and brutally cracks down on villains.

Despite the existing danger, Dubrovsky decides to explain himself to Masha, whom he fell in love with and to whom he could not reveal the truth about himself ahead of time. Vladimir makes an appointment with Marya Kirilovna and, like an honest person, explains to her.

The heroine, who is proposed to by the fifty-year-old Vereisky, who has suddenly become hated, seeks compassion from her father, but he, although he loves his daughter, remains deaf to her pleas. Hoping for the decency of Vereisky, Masha honestly tells him about her dislike and asks him to upset the upcoming wedding. But Vereisky does not intend to retreat from his own - the old red tape is eager to get a young beauty. He not only does not feel sympathy for Marya Kirilovna, but also talks about the Machine Letter to Kiril Petrovich, who, angry, only brings the wedding closer.

The unfortunate fate did not force Masha to deviate from moral principles. When Vladimir makes an attempt to save her, she refuses him, as she already has time to marry Vereisky, and this vow is sacred for her.

In the novel "Dubrovsky" A. S. Pushkin speaks of eternal human values, therefore, even today his novel is relevant and interesting to the reader no less than many decades ago.

The relevance of the works of A.S. Pushkin at all times

Everyone knows that A.S. Pushkin is a genius not only in Russian, but in all world literature. His works are highly artistic, deep and subtle.

In his poetic and prose creations, this artist touched upon important issues that concern people at all times. First of all, I think it refers to moral issues. So, in the novel The Captain's Daughter, Pushkin brings the problem of honor to the fore. On the example of his heroes, the writer shows that only honor and human dignity will help to survive in the most difficult moments of life. In addition, in this novel, the author glorifies pure and strong love, capable of conquering and overcoming everything.

In the story "Dubrovsky" Pushkin develops the same idea. Sometimes a person has to make a difficult choice, for example, love or a good name, honor. The author, using the example of his heroine, Masha Troekurova, claims that a clear conscience and a good name are dearer than anything, even dearer than love.

In general, all Pushkin's works are bright and optimistic. In all his wonderful tales, Good always defeats Evil, no matter how powerful the dark forces are. And again, love, kindness, compassion, faith, harmony with the outside world help the heroes win.

It was to harmony that the poet himself aspired all his life, this state, to a greater or lesser extent, is imbued with all his works. For example, Pushkin's lyrics are a hymn to Russian nature, Russian soul, Russian people.

The works of this poet help to notice the beauty inside and around oneself, help to be better, cleaner, brighter. That is why, it seems to me, Pushkin's work will be modern and relevant at all times. The artist touches on issues that concern everyone and always. It helps to find answers to them, which means it makes people happier. In my opinion, Pushkin is the most relevant poet of our time.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

The problem of meanness, dishonor

Shvabrin Alexei Ivanovich is a nobleman, but he is dishonest: having wooed Masha Mironova and having been refused, he takes revenge, speaking badly about her; during a duel with Grinev, he stabs him in the back. The complete loss of notions of honor also predetermines social treason: as soon as Pugachev gets the Belogorsk fortress, Shvabrin goes over to the side of the rebels.

The relationship between fathers and children

Father's instructions helped Pyotr Grinev, even in the most critical moments, to remain honest, true to himself and duty.

A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

Loyalty to this word

Masha Troekurova, married to an unloved man, old man Vereisky, refuses to break the oath of lifelong fidelity given to him in the church when Dubrovsky, with whom she was in love, was late to save her from this marriage and stopped the wedding cortege only on the way back from the church.

AS. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

The problem of fidelity to a given word

Tatyana Larina, true to her marital duty and given word, rejected the feeling of her secretly beloved Onegin. She became the personification of sincerity and moral strength.

The problem of choosing a life path

The life of a nobleman is not burdened with worries, but Eugene Onegin is trying to find his way in life. He was able to abandon the stereotypes of secular behavior. He is considered strange, but this feature is a protest against social and spiritual dogmas. Onegin is looking for new spiritual values, a new path.

A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Reverence (human insignificance)

Molchalin, the negative character of the comedy, is sure that one should please not only "all people without exception", but even "the janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate." The need to tirelessly please also gave rise to his romance with Sophia, the daughter of his master and benefactor Famusov.

Maxim Petrovich, the “character” of the historical anecdote that Famusov tells Chatsky as an edification, in order to earn the favor of the empress, has turned into a jester, amusing her with ridiculous falls.

The problem of intelligence

It raises the problem of misunderstanding of the new generation of intelligentsia. Chatsky in the company was considered crazy. The Famus Society associates this with enlightenment. The books that Chatsky read formed the mind, developed thought, but carried free thought. Such a mind is terrible for a generation of conservatives. Fear breeds gossip, because this society cannot fight by other means.


Education and training are the main aspects of human life. Chatsky, the main character in A.S.'s comedy, expressed his attitude towards them in monologues. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". He criticized the nobles who recruited "regiment teachers" for their children, but as a result of the letter, no one "knew and studied." Chatsky himself had a mind "hungry for knowledge", and therefore turned out to be unnecessary in the society of Moscow nobles. These are the flaws of wrong education.

N.V. Gogol "Inspector"

The problem of bribery, embezzlement

The mayor, Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, a bribe taker and embezzler who deceived three governors in his lifetime, is convinced that any problems can be solved with the help of money and the ability to splurge.

N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

The problem of the destructive influence of money

The image of Stepan Plyushkin, a stingy landowner, personifies the complete necrosis of the human soul, the death of a strong personality, completely absorbed by the passion of stinginess. This passion caused the destruction of all family and friendly ties, and Plyushkin himself simply lost his human appearance.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

The drinking problem

Marmeladov's drunkenness has made him a pitiful creature, who, realizing the extremely plight of the family, nevertheless does not find the strength to cope with this vice.

The problem of spirituality in the modern world

Petersburg of Dostoevsky is a giant city in which people gradually lose all the best spiritual qualities. Pictures of poverty, abuse of the person, social and material dead ends that give rise to tragedies. The absence of such a category as spirituality leads to hopelessness.

The problem of the moral strength of a person, conscience

In the center of the novel is a crime, an ideological murder. An attempt to answer the question - does a person have the moral right to break the law, is he higher than other people? Raskolnikov broke the law, his conscience, moral principles. But mental anguish and suffering are aggravated at the time of the murder and increase many times after it.

The problem of love

In the epilogue of the novel, there is a revival, Raskolnikov's insight through faith and love for Sonya.


Rodion Raskolnikov creates his own theory: the world is divided into those "who have the right" and "trembling creatures." According to his theory, a person is able to create history, like Mohammed, Napoleon. They commit atrocities in the name of "great goals". Raskolnikov's theory fails. In fact, true freedom lies in the subordination of one's aspirations to the interests of society, in the ability to make the right moral choice.


The honor of discovering the inexhaustibility of the human soul in world literature belongs to F. Dostoevsky. In the novel Crime and Punishment, the writer showed the possibility of combining real and imaginary values ​​in one person. Even the name of the hero of the novel itself indicates the ambiguity of Raskolnikov's personality. The writer welcomes the hero's insight, because his individualistic theory has become the source of his constant suffering and internal struggle. In contact with reality, the inconsistency of the imaginary desires of the student was revealed.


One of the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment" does not fight evil, although he suffers from it. Semyon Zakharych Marmeladov put up with him as something inevitable. A weak-willed drunkard brings only misfortunes to his loved ones. However, another man, Rodion Raskolnikov, did not want to put up with poverty. This led him to hard labor. The answer to the question of how to resist evil, the writer suggests looking not only around a person, but also inside him.

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"


Even failures and disappointments of an outstanding talented person are significant for society. For example, in the novel Fathers and Sons, Yevgeny Bazarov, a fighter for democracy, called himself an unnecessary person for Russia. However, his views anticipate the emergence of people capable of greater deeds and noble deeds.


Thoughts about the relationship between parents and children, as well as about the conflict of generations, the works of I.S. Turgenev. The writer sensitively guessed the problems and contradictions that have matured in society, and the disputes between “fathers” and “children” are still relevant to this day. In the fundamental clash between Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov, we see the confrontation between the past and the present. This is what always happened when society was about to change. Over time, everything that has become obsolete gives way to the new.

Replacing each other, some states always went into oblivion, others were born on their ruins. Such is the objective course of history. Everything in the world flows and changes. This idea is very old and goes back to the heyday of Ancient Greece. Naturally, the old does not clear the way immediately. I.S. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Sons". The writer showed that the replacement of the old by the progressive is rich in conflicts. In addition, it is impossible to build a new world, completely and irrevocably rejecting the previous one. The way out is in mutual respect and love of “fathers” and “children”. How to achieve this? The eternal question!

The conflict between the old and the new usually occurs against the backdrop of socio-economic transformations. Therefore, the worldview positions of people of the older and new generations do not coincide. I. S. Turgenev showed this problem in his novel. He contrasted Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov. The first of them did not want to lose his well-fed and frivolous style of life as a serf. Eugene persistently adhered to the philosophy of practical benefit. In this situation, it was impossible to avoid conflict.

Classical writers paid special attention to the portrayal of new people and their conflict with the old society. For example, I.A. Turgenev in the river. "Fathers and Sons" showed a true picture of the struggle between the obsolete and the real. In this struggle, he gave the victory to the "new" hero. Thus, the ideological position of a person is clearly manifested in disputes, in a joint search for truth.

Can generational conflict be avoided? This question worried I.S. Turgenev. The writer showed the problem of the relationship between "Fathers and Sons" using the example of the cruel dispute between Pavel Kirsanov and E. Bazarov. The first of them, referring to the past, tried to convince the interlocutor of the fallacy of nihilistic views. Evgeny calmly and boldly generalized that the Russian person does not need neither aristocracy nor obsolete principles for nothing. Thus, the ideological positions of both sides were clearly manifested in disputes between the older generation and the youth. The conflict is inevitable, since the opinions of fathers and children are opposite, there is nothing in common between them.


Yevgeny Bazarov is dismissive of the "old men". He denies their moral principles. The hero dies from a trifling scratch. This dramatic ending shows that people who are cut off from the "soil", from the traditions of their people, have no future. After all, progress lies not in the rejection of the old, but in the creation of the new. This must be remembered, especially now.

The problem of self-education

Bazarov believed that "every person must educate himself."

The problem of fathers and children, modern youth

Bazarov is a representative of a new worldview, which is based on the denial of social norms and rules - and the older generation of the Kirsanovs are people of the "old age". There is no reconciliation and unity between them. A collision is inevitable.

Characteristics of the heroes and a brief summary will be analyzed especially carefully. We will also present a short review of critical reviews of the work of the author's contemporaries.

History of creation

The story was based on the story that Pushkin was told by his friend P.V. Nashchokin. Thus, the novel "Dubrovsky" has realistic roots. The analysis of the work, therefore, must begin precisely with this.

So, Nashchokin met a Belarusian nobleman in prison, who had been suing a neighbor for a long time because of the land, was expelled from the estate and then, left with several peasants, began to engage in robbery. The surname of that criminal was Ostrovsky, Pushkin replaced it with Dubrovsky, and moved the action of the work to the 20s of the 19th century.

Initially, Pushkin titled the novel with the date - "October 21, 1832", which marked the beginning of work on the novel. And the well-known name of the work was already given by the editor before publication in 1841.

Even at school, children study the novel "Dubrovsky". Analysis of the work (grade 6 - the time when students get to know it for the first time) is usually done according to the scheme. And if the first item is a description of the history of creation, then a brief summary of the novel should follow.

The landowner Kirill Petrovich Troekurov, a retired general-in-chief, a classic wayward and rich gentleman, all his neighbors cater to his whims, and provincial officials tremble at the sight of him. He is friends with his neighbor and former army comrade Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, a poor and independent nobleman, a former lieutenant.

Troyekurov always had a nasty and cruel character. More than once he mocked his guests. His favorite trick was to lock one of those who came to him in a room with a bear.

Development of action

Somehow, Dubrovsky comes to Troekurov, and the landowners quarrel over the impudence of the guest's servant. Gradually, the quarrel turns into a real war. Troekurov decides to take revenge, bribes the judge and, thanks to his impunity, sues Kistenevka, his estate, from Dubrovsky. Having learned the verdict, the landowner goes crazy right in the courtroom. His son, guards cornet Vladimir, is forced to leave the service and come from St. Petersburg to his sick father. Soon the elder Dubrovsky dies.

Court officials arrive to formalize the transfer of property, they get drunk and stay overnight at the estate. At night, Vladimir sets fire to the house with them. Dubrovsky, together with the faithful peasants, becomes a robber. Gradually, he terrifies all the surrounding landowners. Only Troekurov's possessions remain untouched.

A teacher comes to the Troekurov family to enter the service. Dubrovsky intercepts him halfway and bribes him. Now he himself, under the guise of Deforge, goes to the enemy's estate. Gradually, between him and Masha Troekurova, the daughter of a landowner, love arises.


It is best to view the novel in its entirety. And the analysis of the work "Dubrovsky" by chapters will be quite problematic, since they are an element of one whole and out of context lose most of their meaning.

So, Troekurov decides to marry his daughter to Prince Vereisky. The girl is against and does not want to marry the old man. Dubrovsky makes an unsuccessful attempt to prevent their marriage. Masha sends him a signal, he comes to save her, but it turns out to be too late.

When the wedding procession leaves the church for the prince's estate, Dubrovsky's people surround him. Vladimir offers Masha freedom, she can leave her old husband and leave with him. But the girl refuses - she has already taken an oath and cannot break it.

Soon the provincial authorities almost managed to catch Dubrovsky's gang. After that, he dismisses his people, and he goes abroad.

Analysis of Pushkin's work "Dubrovsky": theme and idea

This work is one of the most significant in the work of the writer. In it, Pushkin reflected many problems of his time. For example, the tyranny of the landlords, the arbitrariness of officials and judges, the lack of rights of serfs and robbery as a reaction to all this of recalcitrant and brave people.

The theme of robbery for good purposes is not new in world and Russian literature. The image of a noble and freedom-loving robber did not leave indifferent many writers of the romantic direction. However, this is not the only way to declare Pushkin's interest in this topic. For many years, robbery was widespread in Russia. The robbers were former soldiers, impoverished nobles, runaway serfs. However, the people did not blame them for the robberies, but the authorities, which brought them to this. And Pushkin decided in his work to show why honest people have to go out onto the high road.

The peculiarity of the conflict

We continue to describe the analysis of Pushkin's work "Dubrovsky". Grade 6, namely, where they study the novel, is already familiar with such a concept as “conflict”, so it will definitely need to be considered.

So, there are only 2 conflicts in the novel, which are strikingly different both in nature and in social significance. The first has a bright social coloring and is associated with class inequality. Andrey Dubrovsky and Kirila Troekurov collide in it. And as a result, he leads to a rebellion of Vladimir, who cannot come to terms with arbitrariness. This is the main conflict of the novel.

However, there is a second one, connected with the theme of love and family and domestic relations. It manifests itself in the weary marriage of Masha to the old prince. Pushkin raises the topic of female lawlessness, speaks of the impossibility of lovers to be happy because of the whim of their parents.

Both of these conflicts are united by the figure of Kirila Troekurov, who became the cause of the troubles of both the Dubrovskys and their own daughter.

The image of Vladimir Dubrovsky

The protagonist of the novel is Vladimir Andreevich Dubrovsky. Analysis of the work allows us to give it a very flattering description. He is a poor nobleman, he is 23 years old, he has a majestic appearance and a booming voice. Despite his position, he did not lose his honor and pride. He, like his father, always treated the serfs well and earned their love. That is why they entered into an agreement with him when he planned to burn the estate, and then began to rob.

His mother died when he was only a year old. However, he knew that his parents married for love. This is the future he wanted for himself. Masha Troekurova became that very only love for him. However, her father intervened. Vladimir made a desperate attempt to save his beloved, but could not. His nobility was also shown in the fact that he meekly left when Masha refused to run away with him. We can say that this hero embodies the concept of noble honor.

The image of Troekurov

To denounce people like Troekurov, the novel "Dubrovsky" was written. An analysis of the work makes us understand the baseness and unscrupulousness of this person. Nothing is sacred to him. He with equal ease squeezes his servants and friends out of the world. Even the death of a comrade and a good friend did not stop his greed. He did not spare his daughter either. For the sake of profit, Troekurov doomed Masha to an unhappy life in marriage and deprived her of true love. At the same time, he is confident that he is right and does not even allow the thought that he can be punished.

Novel in critical acclaim

What did the critics think about the novel "Dubrovsky"? An analysis of the work helped us understand that Pushkin wrote a rather topical book. However, Belinsky, for example, called her melodramatic, and Dubrovsky a hero who does not arouse sympathy. On the other hand, the critic highly appreciated the authenticity with which Pushkin portrayed Troekurov and the landlord life of his time.

P. Annenkov noted that the novel has a romantic ending, inconsistent with its content, but the characters described are distinguished by their special psychology and reliability. also emphasized the vitality of the described situation and the realism of the characters.

"Dubrovsky": analysis of the work in brief

If necessary, make a brief analysis. Then you can write the following. The main theme of the work is robbery in Russia. The idea is to show how people get on this path, and who is to blame. Pushkin tried to denounce the authorities and show the social injustice reigning around. There are two conflicts in the work - social and love. The first is connected with the unlimited power of those who have it, and the second with the complete parental power over their children. The main culprit is Troekurov, who embodies the classic type of Russian gentleman.

It is possible to talk about the relevance of A.S. Pushkin not only in relation to his specific works, but also to the poet's work as a whole, considering it in development.


The main distinguishing feature of Pushkin's works can be called an orientation towards the "laws of beauty". His language is surprisingly harmonious and remains so even when it comes to some ugly and even terrible manifestations of the world around him, for example, Pugachev's rebellion in The Captain's Daughter, Hermann's moral fall in The Queen of Spades.

The poet does not idealize reality, he judges it according to aesthetic laws. This is his answer to the question that aesthetics has been raising for several centuries: how exactly should art affect a person. This issue is still relevant today: contemporary art is increasingly trying to shock the viewer, listener, reader by demonstrating something ugly (provocative behavior of artists on stage, obscene expressions in literary texts, etc.). Often this causes a storm of protest among the public, which does not stop the "innovators". In such works, A.S. Pushkin becomes an example of art that could awaken both thought and feeling, without shocking with ugliness.

Eternal themes

The works of A.S. Pushkin are imbued with thoughts and feelings that have always excited and will always excite a person. The poet sings of love, friendship, love for the motherland - all this is close and understandable to modern man. It is no coincidence that young men in love can read to their beloved "I remember a wonderful moment ...", and modern patriots are happy to quote on social networks "Slanderers of Russia".

It can be objected that over 200 years these concepts have changed, that even modern love differs from the one described in the works of A.S. Pushkin. Indeed, television, magazines, contemporary literature, and other "channels of information" create such an impression. But it is enough to talk with any teenager to make sure: she wants to feel not a thing that is used, but a person who is loved, she wants to find a loved one - and not a “partner”, she wants a beautiful romantic relationship, and this is exactly the kind of love that A.S. .Pushkin.

growing up

It is noteworthy that in the early period of his work, A.S. Pushkin wrote only poetry, but later he often preferred prose. Prose is often called "harsh", contrasting . The transition to prose marks a departure from the romantic mood of youth, nevertheless marked by a certain idealization of the world. Pushkin's prose, like the poetic works of this period, is more realistic than his early poems, but this realism is not accompanied by disappointment in ideals.

The depiction of love in Pushkin's prose is noteworthy in this respect. It is not always sublime, in some cases it is dictated by an attempt to escape from a hated life (the love of Lizaveta Ivanovna in The Queen of Spades). Not always a youthful feeling, largely copied from "beautiful" novels, can become the basis of marital happiness. For many years, readers have been trying to understand why Marya Kirillovna did not leave the carriage at the end of the story “Dubrovsky”: she submitted to fate or realized that under the conditions that Dubrovsky can offer, a strong family would not work.

But such a critical attitude towards love does not reduce its value. Love grows with the person. This growing up sweeps away everything false, artificial - as the wind sweeps away the naive plans of the characters in the story "The Snowstorm". True love, in the process of growing up, acquires a new quality, as happens with the heroes of The Captain's Daughter.

Such a “growing up of feelings” in the works of A.S. Pushkin helps the reader grow up if he is young, and allows a mature or elderly person to look back at his life. Both will always be relevant.
