Alexey Kuznetsov Ukrainian x factor. Alexey Kuznetsov

14:30 10.01.2011

Hope everyone got their Christmas presents. But the main surprise for all infected "X-factor" was the final broadcast of the show. On Saturday . As you all know, it was Alexey Kuznetsov. Having visited the gala concert, I finally understood why the STB officers did not let annoying journalists near his person. Under the carefully rehearsed image of a "simple guy" was a young man with a conservative education.

On Saturday, all the participants of the show performed at the final, they were gathered a few days before the gala concert in the training camp and once again rehearsed with them the best numbers of the first season. As far as I understood, the rehearsals were not very exhausting: a day before the concert, my spies spotted Dima Skalozubov and Masha Stasyuk walking around the Globe looking for Christmas gifts. The participants also came to the concert without much haste. Vova Tkachenko, who opened the broadcast, rushed in at the same time as me exactly 25 minutes before the start.

What position is offered to her? Fifth member of the jury? No, we won’t have it fifth, we have a small table.

And if instead of Kondratyuk?

There is Pugacheva, and this is wonderful. But there is Borodyansky - and as he decides, so be it.

"Ukraine Got Talent" will start soon. What will be new?

First of all, we have very interesting participants. I'm sure you haven't seen this before. For me it was just a culture shock. We starred in an advertising campaign: we are astronauts and save the entire planet.

Saying goodbye to Oksana, I stomped to the car and saw a luxurious jeep parked nearby. The winner of the "X-factor" Lesha Kuznetsov was loaded into it. And not alone. The winner gallantly helped the perhydrol blonde to sit down, and he got behind the wheel.

In addition to the "main" blonde, who sat down next to the driver, another one was already waiting in the car. Who she is to Kuznetsov, I don’t know yet, but I promise to find out. As for the beauty in the front seat, I realized that this is exactly the girl that Alexei joked about in a conversation with reporters. I also realized that a simple guy from the village at the age of nineteen, no matter how much he wants to, cannot drive a car worth 35 thousand dollars. And again the question of the aunt-deputy surfaced in my head. And I also thought that all Masha Rak's hopes for the general family budget are self-deception.

And Alexey, having warmed up his iron savraska, sped off into the night with a gorgeous blonde - to celebrate the victory.

Alexey Udovitsky ("The Battle of Psychics") and Galina Pilyutikova watched what was happening on stage with special attention

Andrey Nikolov (producer of "X-factor") dressed up for the last live broadcast

Vova Zavadyuk made a gift to Elka...

... silicone bag

Igor Kondratyuk barely held back tears

Number from the category of surprises - singing spruce

And one more singing judge - Seryoga with his own "children" on the backs

The third outfit of Masha Cancer


Song of the Winner

Taras Kraskin (fashion designer) was walking backstage with bruises on his face. Looking for a new boyfriend?

Because they are a team!

Tala Onischuk is a tasty morsel for competing channels

These two comrades ruined the mood of many viewers by blocking the passage to the toilet


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All day long he watched as other people's dreams collapsed and came true. Aleksey Kuznetsov was persuaded to come to X-Factor by his disabled father. The man was the first to see the artist in his son. Come out with a feeling of WIN!

/Natalia/ Well done Kuznetsov! He just didn’t whine, but performed with dignity - he didn’t shine with rhinestones and feathers, he didn’t shout that he was the best, he didn’t try to seem like our “stars”. Why is there to throw mud at the winners, how many participants, so many teams of fans, so why are you dogging and insulting?

/Victoria/ Oh, why are you so rude and shameless!? Aleksey Kuznetsov proves by his singing and behavior that he is a very serious talented young man. His voice is fabulous! Why is it so important where he lives , in Kyiv, Makeevka or Ternopol,?! Aleksey's way of performance, of singing is perfect and a lot of people enjoy it. Dear friends, there is no need to be so carping and slanderous. By the way, it's not good for health.. . ALEKSEY, you are the best at this TV , you are a winner. I am glad that due to TV , to this TV program I had a chance to watch and hear your singing. Thank you, ALEKSEY KUZNETSOV !! Thank you X-FACTOR!!

14:30 10.01.2011

Hope everyone got their Christmas presents. But the main surprise for all infected "X-factor" was the final broadcast of the show. On Saturday . As you all know, it was Alexey Kuznetsov. Having visited the gala concert, I finally understood why the STB officers did not let annoying journalists near his person. Under the carefully rehearsed image of a "simple guy" was a young man with a conservative education.

On Saturday, all the participants of the show performed at the final, they were gathered a few days before the gala concert in the training camp and once again rehearsed with them the best numbers of the first season. As far as I understood, the rehearsals were not very exhausting: a day before the concert, my spies spotted Dima Skalozubov and Masha Stasyuk walking around the Globe looking for Christmas gifts. The participants also came to the concert without much haste. Vova Tkachenko, who opened the broadcast, rushed in at the same time as me exactly 25 minutes before the start.

What position is offered to her? Fifth member of the jury? No, we won’t have it fifth, we have a small table.

And if instead of Kondratyuk?

There is Pugacheva, and this is wonderful. But there is Borodyansky - and as he decides, so be it.

"Ukraine Got Talent" will start soon. What will be new?

First of all, we have very interesting participants. I'm sure you haven't seen this before. For me it was just a culture shock. We starred in an advertising campaign: we are astronauts and save the entire planet.

Saying goodbye to Oksana, I stomped to the car and saw a luxurious jeep parked nearby. The winner of the "X-factor" Lesha Kuznetsov was loaded into it. And not alone. The winner gallantly helped the perhydrol blonde to sit down, and he got behind the wheel.

In addition to the "main" blonde, who sat down next to the driver, another one was already waiting in the car. Who she is to Kuznetsov, I don’t know yet, but I promise to find out. As for the beauty in the front seat, I realized that this is exactly the girl that Alexei joked about in a conversation with reporters. I also realized that a simple guy from the village at the age of nineteen, no matter how much he wants to, cannot drive a car worth 35 thousand dollars. And again the question of the aunt-deputy surfaced in my head. And I also thought that all Masha Rak's hopes for the general family budget are self-deception.

And Alexey, having warmed up his iron savraska, sped off into the night with a gorgeous blonde - to celebrate the victory.

Alexey Udovitsky ("The Battle of Psychics") and Galina Pilyutikova watched what was happening on stage with special attention

Andrey Nikolov (producer of "X-factor") dressed up for the last live broadcast

Vova Zavadyuk made a gift to Elka...

... silicone bag

Igor Kondratyuk barely held back tears

Number from the category of surprises - singing spruce

And one more singing judge - Seryoga with his own "children" on the backs

The third outfit of Masha Cancer


Song of the Winner

Taras Kraskin (fashion designer) was walking backstage with bruises on his face. Looking for a new boyfriend?

Because they are a team!

Tala Onischuk is a tasty morsel for competing channels

These two comrades ruined the mood of many viewers by blocking the passage to the toilet


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