Astronomy is the science that studies the universe. Astronomy – what kind of science is it? The structure of astronomy as a scientific discipline

The structure of astronomy as a scientific discipline

Extragalactic Astronomy: Gravitational Lensing. Several blue loop-shaped objects are visible, which are multiple images of a single galaxy, multiplied due to the gravitational lensing effect of a cluster of yellow galaxies near the center of the photo. The lens is created by the gravitational field of the cluster, which bends light rays, which leads to an increase and distortion of the image of a more distant object.

Modern astronomy is divided into a number of sections that are closely related to each other, so the division of astronomy is somewhat arbitrary. The main branches of astronomy are:

  • Astrometry - studies the apparent positions and movements of luminaries. Previously, the role of astrometry also consisted of highly accurate determination of geographic coordinates and time by studying the movement of celestial bodies (now other methods are used for this). Modern astrometry consists of:
    • fundamental astrometry, the tasks of which are to determine the coordinates of celestial bodies from observations, compile catalogs of stellar positions and determine the numerical values ​​of astronomical parameters - quantities that allow one to take into account regular changes in the coordinates of luminaries;
    • spherical astronomy, which develops mathematical methods for determining the apparent positions and movements of celestial bodies using various coordinate systems, as well as the theory of regular changes in the coordinates of luminaries over time;
  • Theoretical astronomy provides methods for determining the orbits of celestial bodies from their apparent positions and methods for calculating the ephemerides (apparent positions) of celestial bodies from the known elements of their orbits (the inverse problem).
  • Celestial mechanics studies the laws of motion of celestial bodies under the influence of the forces of universal gravity, determines the masses and shape of celestial bodies and the stability of their systems.

These three sections mainly solve the first problem of astronomy (the study of the movement of celestial bodies), and they are often called classical astronomy.

  • Astrophysics studies the structure, physical properties and chemical composition of celestial objects. It is divided into: a) practical (observational) astrophysics, in which practical methods of astrophysical research and corresponding instruments and instruments are developed and applied; b) theoretical astrophysics, in which, based on the laws of physics, explanations are given for observed physical phenomena.

A number of branches of astrophysics are distinguished by specific research methods.

  • Stellar astronomy studies the patterns of spatial distribution and movement of stars, stellar systems and interstellar matter, taking into account their physical characteristics.

These two sections mainly address the second problem of astronomy (the structure of celestial bodies).

  • Cosmogony examines questions of the origin and evolution of celestial bodies, including our Earth.
  • Cosmology studies the general laws of the structure and development of the Universe.

Based on all the knowledge acquired about celestial bodies, the last two sections of astronomy solve its third problem (the origin and evolution of celestial bodies).

The course of general astronomy contains a systematic presentation of information about the basic methods and the most important results obtained by various branches of astronomy.

One of the new directions, formed only in the second half of the 20th century, is archaeoastronomy, which studies the astronomical knowledge of ancient people and helps to date ancient structures based on the phenomenon of Earth precession.

Stellar astronomy

Planetary Ant Nebula - Mz3. The ejection of gas from the dying central star shows a symmetrical pattern, in contrast to the chaotic patterns of conventional explosions.

Almost all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium are formed in stars.

Astronomy subjects

  • Evolution of galaxies
  • Problems of astronomy

    Main tasks astronomy are:

    1. The study of the visible, and then the actual positions and movements of celestial bodies in space, determining their sizes and shapes.
    2. The study of the structure of celestial bodies, the study of the chemical composition and physical properties (density, temperature, etc.) of the substances in them.
    3. Solving problems of the origin and development of individual celestial bodies and the systems they form.
    4. Studying the most general properties of the Universe, constructing a theory of the observable part of the Universe - the Metagalaxy.

    Solving these problems requires the creation of effective research methods - both theoretical and practical. The first problem is solved through long-term observations, begun in ancient times, and also on the basis of the laws of mechanics, known for about 300 years. Therefore, in this area of ​​astronomy we have the richest information, especially for celestial bodies relatively close to the Earth: the Moon, the Sun, planets, asteroids, etc.

    The solution to the second problem became possible in connection with the advent of spectral analysis and photography. The study of the physical properties of celestial bodies began in the second half of the 19th century, and the main problems - only in recent years.

    The third task requires the accumulation of observable material. At present, such data are not yet sufficient to accurately describe the process of origin and development of celestial bodies and their systems. Therefore, knowledge in this area is limited only to general considerations and a number of more or less plausible hypotheses.

    The fourth task is the largest and most difficult. Practice shows that existing physical theories are no longer sufficient to solve this problem. It is necessary to create a more general physical theory capable of describing the state of matter and physical processes at limiting values ​​of density, temperature, pressure. To solve this problem, observational data are required in regions of the Universe located at distances of several billion light years. Modern technical capabilities do not allow detailed exploration of these areas. However, this problem is now the most pressing and is being successfully solved by astronomers in a number of countries, including Russia.

    History of astronomy

    Even in ancient times, people noticed the relationship between the movement of celestial bodies across the sky and periodic weather changes. Astronomy was then thoroughly mixed with astrology. The final identification of scientific astronomy occurred during the Renaissance and took a long time.

    Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences, which arose from the practical needs of mankind. By the location of the stars and constellations, primitive farmers determined the onset of the seasons. Nomadic tribes were guided by the Sun and stars. The need for chronology led to the creation of a calendar. There is evidence that even prehistoric people knew about the basic phenomena associated with the rising and setting of the Sun, Moon and some stars. The periodic recurrence of eclipses of the Sun and Moon has been known for a very long time. Among the oldest written sources there are descriptions of astronomical phenomena, as well as primitive calculation schemes for predicting the times of sunrise and sunset of bright celestial bodies and methods for counting time and maintaining a calendar. Astronomy developed successfully in Ancient Babylon, Egypt, China and India. The Chinese chronicle describes an eclipse of the Sun that took place in the 3rd millennium BC. e. Theories, which, on the basis of developed arithmetic and geometry, explained and predicted the movements of the Sun, Moon and bright planets, were created in the Mediterranean countries in the last centuries of the pre-Christian era and, together with simple but effective instruments, served practical purposes until the Renaissance.

    Astronomy reached especially great development in Ancient Greece. Pythagoras first came to the conclusion that the Earth is spherical, and Aristarchus of Samos suggested that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Hipparchus in the 2nd century. BC e. compiled one of the first star catalogs. In Ptolemy’s work “Almagest”, written in Art. 2. n. e., set out by the so-called. geocentric system of the world, which has been generally accepted for almost one and a half thousand years. In the Middle Ages, astronomy achieved significant development in the countries of the East. In the 15th century Ulugbek built an observatory near Samarkand with instruments that were accurate at that time. The first catalog of stars after Hipparchus was compiled here. From the 16th century The development of astronomy in Europe begins. New demands were put forward in connection with the development of trade and navigation and the emergence of industry, contributed to the liberation of science from the influence of religion and led to a number of major discoveries.

    The birth of modern astronomy is associated with the rejection of the geocentric system of the world of Ptolemy (2nd century) and its replacement with the heliocentric system of Nicolaus Copernicus (mid-16th century), with the beginning of studies of celestial bodies using a telescope (Galileo, early 17th century) and the discovery of the law of universal gravity (Isaac Newton, late 17th century). The 18th-19th centuries were for astronomy a period of accumulation of information and knowledge about the Solar System, our Galaxy and the physical nature of the stars, the Sun, planets and other cosmic bodies. The advent of large telescopes and systematic observations led to the discovery that the Sun is part of a huge disk-shaped system consisting of many billions of stars - a galaxy. At the beginning of the 20th century, astronomers discovered that this system was one of millions of similar galaxies. The discovery of other galaxies became the impetus for the development of extragalactic astronomy. The study of the spectra of galaxies allowed Edwin Hubble in 1929 to identify the phenomenon of “galaxy recession”, which was subsequently explained on the basis of the general expansion of the Universe.

    In the 20th century, astronomy was divided into two main branches: observational and theoretical. Observational astronomy focuses on observations of celestial bodies, which are then analyzed using the basic laws of physics. Theoretical astronomy is focused on the development of models (analytical or computer) to describe astronomical objects and phenomena. These two branches complement each other: theoretical astronomy seeks explanations for observational results, and observational astronomy is used to confirm theoretical conclusions and hypotheses.

    The scientific and technological revolution of the 20th century had an extremely great influence on the development of astronomy in general and especially astrophysics. The creation of high-resolution optical and radio telescopes, the use of rockets and artificial Earth satellites for extra-atmospheric astronomical observations led to the discovery of new types of cosmic bodies: radio galaxies, quasars, pulsars, X-ray sources, etc. The fundamentals of the theory of the evolution of stars and solar cosmogony were developed systems. The achievement of astrophysics of the 20th century was relativistic cosmology - the theory of the evolution of the Universe as a whole.

    2009 was declared by the UN as the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009). The main focus is on increasing public interest and understanding of astronomy. It is one of the few sciences where lay people can still play an active role. Amateur astronomy has contributed to a number of important astronomical discoveries.

    Astronomical observations

    In astronomy, information is primarily obtained from identifying and analyzing visible light and other spectra of electromagnetic radiation in space. Astronomical observations can be divided according to the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the measurements are made. Some parts of the spectrum can be observed from the Earth (that is, its surface), while other observations are carried out only at high altitudes or in space (in spacecraft orbiting the Earth). Details of these study groups are provided below.

    Optical astronomy

    Historically, optical astronomy (also called visible light astronomy) is the oldest form of space exploration - astronomy. The optical images were first drawn by hand. During the late 19th century and much of the 20th century, research was based on images obtained using photographs taken with photographic equipment. Modern images are obtained using digital detectors, in particular charge-coupled device (CCD) detectors. Although visible light covers the range from approximately 4000 Ǻ to 7000 Ǻ (400-700 nanometers), the equipment used in this range can also be used to study the similar ultraviolet and infrared ranges.

    Infrared astronomy

    Infrared astronomy concerns the study, detection and analysis of infrared radiation in space. Although its wavelength is close to that of visible light, infrared radiation is strongly absorbed by the atmosphere, and the Earth's atmosphere has significant infrared radiation. Therefore, observatories for studying infrared radiation must be located in high and dry places or in space. The infrared spectrum is useful for studying objects that are too cool to emit visible light, such as planets and surrounding stellar disks. Infrared rays can pass through dust clouds that absorb visible light, allowing observations of young stars in molecular clouds and galactic nuclei. Some molecules emit powerful infrared radiation, and this can be used to study chemical processes in space (for example, detecting water in comets).

    Ultraviolet astronomy

    Ultraviolet astronomy is primarily used for detailed observation at ultraviolet wavelengths from approximately 100 to 3200 Ǻ (10 to 320 nanometers). Light at these wavelengths is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, so studies of this range are carried out from the upper atmosphere or from space. Ultraviolet astronomy is better suited for studying hot stars (UV stars), since most of the radiation occurs in this range. This includes studies of blue stars in other galaxies and planetary nebulae, supernova remnants, and active galactic nuclei. However, ultraviolet radiation is easily absorbed by interstellar dust, so during measurements it is necessary to make allowances for the presence of the latter in the space environment.

    Radio astronomy

    Very Large Array of Radio Telescopes in Sirocco, New Mexico, USA

    Radio astronomy is the study of radiation with wavelengths greater than one millimeter (approximately). Radio astronomy differs from most other types of astronomical observations in that the radio waves being studied can be viewed as waves, rather than as individual photons. So, it is possible to measure both the amplitude and phase of a radio wave, which is not so easy to do on short wave bands.

    Although some radio waves are emitted by astronomical objects as thermal radiation, most radio emission observed from Earth is synchrotron radiation in origin, which occurs when electrons move in a magnetic field. In addition, some spectral lines are produced by interstellar gas, notably the 21 cm long neutral hydrogen spectral line.

    A wide variety of cosmic objects are observed in the radio range, in particular supernovae, interstellar gas, pulsars and active galactic nuclei.

    X-ray astronomy

    X-ray astronomy studies astronomical objects in the X-ray range. Objects typically emit X-rays due to:

    Because X-rays are absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, X-ray observations are mainly carried out from orbital stations, rockets or spacecraft. Known X-ray sources in space include X-ray binaries, pulsars, supernova remnants, elliptical galaxies, galaxy clusters, and active galactic nuclei.

    Gamma-ray astronomy

    Astronomical gamma rays appear in studies of astronomical objects with short wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma rays can be observed directly by satellites such as the Compton Telescope or specialized telescopes called atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. These telescopes do not actually measure gamma rays directly, but record the flashes of visible light produced when gamma rays are absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, due to various physical processes that occur with the charged particles that occur during absorption, such as the Compton effect or Cherenkov radiation.

    Most gamma ray sources are actually gamma ray burst sources, which emit only gamma rays for a short period of time ranging from a few milliseconds to a thousand seconds before dissipating into space. Only 10% of gamma radiation sources are not transient sources. Stationary gamma-ray sources include pulsars, neutron stars, and black hole candidates in active galactic nuclei.

    Astronomy of fields that are not based on the electromagnetic spectrum

    Based on very large distances, not only electromagnetic radiation reaches the Earth, but also other types of elementary particles.

    A new direction in the variety of astronomy methods could be gravitational wave astronomy, which seeks to use gravitational wave detectors to collect observational data about compact objects. Several observatories have already been built, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatory LIGO, but gravitational waves are very difficult to detect and remain elusive.

    Planetary astronomy also uses direct study using spacecraft and Sample Return missions. These include flying missions using sensors; landers that can conduct experiments on the surface of objects, and also allow for remote sensing of materials or objects and missions to deliver samples to Earth for direct laboratory research.

    Astrometry and celestial mechanics

    One of the oldest subfields of astronomy, it deals with measuring the position of celestial objects. This branch of astronomy is called astrometry. Historically accurate knowledge of the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets and stars plays an extremely important role in navigation. Careful measurements of the planets' positions have led to a deep understanding of gravitational disturbances, allowing them to be accurately determined in the past and predicted for the future. This branch is known as celestial mechanics. Now tracking near-Earth objects makes it possible to predict the approach to them, as well as possible collisions of various objects with the Earth.

    Measuring the stellar parallaxes of nearby stars is fundamental to determining distances in deep space, which is used to measure the scale of the Universe. These measurements provided the basis for determining the properties of distant stars; properties can be compared with neighboring stars. Measurements of radial velocities and proper motions of celestial bodies make it possible to study the kinematics of these systems in our galaxy. Astrometric results can be used to measure the distribution of dark matter in a galaxy.

    In the 1990s, astrometric methods for measuring stellar vibrations were used to detect large extrasolar planets (planets orbiting nearby stars).

    Extra-atmospheric astronomy

    Research using space technology occupies a special place among the methods of studying celestial bodies and the space environment. The beginning was made with the launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR in 1957. Spacecraft have made it possible to conduct research in all wavelength ranges of electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, modern astronomy is often called all-wave astronomy. Extra-atmospheric observations make it possible to receive radiation in space that is absorbed or greatly altered by the earth's atmosphere: radio emissions of certain wavelengths that do not reach the Earth, as well as corpuscular radiation from the Sun and other bodies. The study of these previously inaccessible types of radiation from stars and nebulae, the interplanetary and interstellar medium has greatly enriched our knowledge of the physical processes of the Universe. In particular, previously unknown sources of X-ray radiation were discovered - X-ray pulsars. A lot of information about the nature of bodies and their systems distant from us has also been obtained thanks to studies carried out using spectrographs installed on various spacecraft.

    Theoretical astronomy

    Main article: Theoretical astronomy

    Theoretical astronomers use a wide range of tools that include analytical models (for example, polytropes predicting the approximate behavior of stars) and numerical simulation calculations. Each method has its own advantages. An analytical process model usually provides a better understanding of why something happens. Numerical models can indicate the presence of phenomena and effects that would likely not be visible otherwise.

    Astronomy theorists strive to create theoretical models and explore the consequences of these simulations through research. This allows observers to look for data that may refute a model or helps in choosing between several alternative or conflicting models. Theorists are also experimenting with creating or modifying the model to take account of new data. If there is a discrepancy, the general tendency is to try to make minimal changes to the model and adjust the result. In some cases, a large amount of conflicting data over time can lead to complete failure of the model.

    Topics studied by theoretical astronomers: stellar dynamics and evolution of galaxies; large-scale structure of the Universe; the origin of cosmic rays, general relativity and physical cosmology, in particular stellar cosmology and astrophysics. Astrophysical relativities serve as a tool for assessing the properties of large-scale structures for which gravity plays a significant role in physical phenomena and as a basis for black hole research, astrophysics, and the study of gravitational waves. Some widely accepted and studied theories and models in astronomy are now included in Lambda-CDM models, the Big Bang, cosmic expansion, dark matter and fundamental theories of physics.

    Amateur astronomy

    Astronomy is one of the sciences in which amateur contributions can be significant. In general, all amateur astronomers observe various celestial objects and phenomena to a greater extent than scientists, although their technical resources are much less than those of state institutions; sometimes they build equipment for themselves (as was the case 2 centuries ago). Finally, most scientists came from this environment. The main objects of observation for amateur astronomers are the Moon, planets, stars, comets, meteor showers and various deep sky objects, namely star clusters, galaxies and nebulae. One of the branches of amateur astronomy, amateur astrophotography, involves photographic recording of areas of the night sky. Many amateurs would like to specialize in observing particular objects, types of objects, or types of events that interest them.

    Amateur astronomers continue to contribute to astronomy. Indeed, it is one of the few disciplines where amateur contributions can be significant. Quite often they carry out point measurements, which are used to clarify the orbits of small planets; in part, they also detect comets, and carry out regular observations of variable stars. And advances in digital technology have allowed amateurs to make impressive progress in the field of astrophotography.

    see also

    Codes in knowledge classification systems

    • State rubricator of scientific and technical information (GRNTI) (as of 2001): 41 ASTRONOMY


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    Lesson #1.

    Topic: “What astronomy studies”

    Lesson objectives:

      Personal: discuss human needs for knowledge, as the most significant insatiable need, understanding the differences between mythological and scientific consciousness.

      Metasubject: formulate the concept of “subject of astronomy”; prove the independence and significance of astronomy as a science.

      Subject: explain the reasons for the emergence and development of astronomy, give examples confirming these reasons; illustrate with examples the practical orientation of astronomy; reproduce information on the history of the development of astronomy, its connection with other sciences.

    Main material:

    Astronomy as a science.

    The history of the formation of astronomy in connection with practical needs.

    Interrelation and mutual influence of astronomy and other sciences.

      New material

      What does astronomy study?

    People have long tried to unravel the mystery of the world around them, to determine their place in the Universe, which ancient Greek philosophers called the Cosmos. So a person closely watched the rising and setting of the Sun, the order of the changing phases of the Moon - after all, his life and work activity depended on this. The man was interested in the daily cycle of the stars, but was frightened by unpredictable phenomena - the eclipse of the Moon and the Sun, the appearance of bright comets. People tried to understand the pattern of celestial phenomena and comprehend their place in the boundless world.

    Astronomy (derived from the Greek wordsastron – star,nomos - law) -a science that studies the structure, movement, origin and development of celestial bodies, their systems and the entire Universe as a whole.

    Astronomy as a science is an important type of human activity, providing a system of knowledge about the patterns in the development of nature.

    Purpose of astronomy – study the origin, structure and evolution of the Universe.

    Importanttasks of astronomy are:

      Explaining and predicting astronomical phenomena (for example, solar and lunar eclipses, the appearance of periodic comets, the passage of asteroids, large meteoroids or comets near the Earth).

      Study of physical processes occurring in the interior of planets, on the surface and in their atmospheres to better understand the structure and evolution of our planet.

      Study of the movement of celestial bodies makes it possible to clarify the question of the stability of the solar system and the likelihood of a collision of the Earth with asteroids and comets.

      Discovery of new objects of the Solar system and study of their movement .

      Studying the processes occurring on the Sun and predicting their further development (since the existence of all life on Earth depends on it).

      Studying the evolution of other stars and comparing them with the Sun (this helps to understand the stages of development of our star).

    So, astronomy studies the structure and evolution of the Universe.

    The Universe is the largest region of space, including all celestial bodies and their systems available for study.

      The emergence of astronomy

    Astronomy arose in ancient times. It is known that even primitive people observed the starry sky and then painted what they saw on the walls of caves. As human society developed with the advent of agriculture, the need arose to count time and create a calendar. The observed patterns in the movement of celestial bodies and changes in the appearance of the Moon allowed ancient man to find and determine units of time (day, month, year) and calculate the onset of certain seasons of the year in order to carry out sowing work and harvest on time.

    Since ancient times, observing the starry sky has shaped man himself as a thinking being. So in Ancient Egypt, by the appearance of the star Sirius in the pre-dawn sky, priests predicted periods of spring floods of the Nile, which determined the timing of agricultural work. In Arabia, where due to the heat of the day many works were transferred to the night, observation of the phases of the Moon played a significant role. In countries where navigation was developed, especially before the invention of the compass, special attention was paid to methods of orientation by the stars.

    In the earliest written documents (3rd – 2nd millennium BC) of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, China, India and America, there are traces of astronomical activity. In various places on Earth, our ancestors left structures made of stone blocks and processed pillars, oriented in astronomically significant directions. These directions coincide, for example, with the points of sunrise on the days of the equinoxes and solstices. Similar stone solar-lunar markers were found in southern England (Stonehenge), in Russia in the southern Urals (Arkaim) and on the shore of Lake Yanovo near the city of Polotsk. The age of such ancient observatories is about 5–6 thousand years.

      The meaning and connection of astronomy with other sciences

    In the course of human observations of the surrounding world and the Universe, the acquisition and generalization of acquired knowledge, astronomy was more or less associated with various sciences, for example:

    With mathematics (using approximate calculation techniques, replacing trigonometric functions of angles with the values ​​of the angles themselves, expressed in radian measure);

    With physics (movement in gravitational and magnetic fields, description of states of matter; radiation processes; induction currents in plasma forming space objects);

    With chemistry (the discovery of new chemical elements in the atmosphere of stars, the development of spectral methods; the chemical properties of the gases that make up celestial bodies);

    With biology (hypotheses of the origin of life, adaptability and evolution of living organisms; pollution of the surrounding cosmic space by matter and radiation);

    With geography (the nature of clouds on Earth and other planets; tides in the ocean, atmosphere and solid crust of the Earth; evaporation of water from the surface of the oceans under the influence of solar radiation; uneven heating by the Sun of various parts of the earth's surface, creating the circulation of atmospheric flows);

    With literature (ancient myths and legends as literary works, in which, for example, the patron muse of the science of astronomy, Urania, is glorified; science fiction literature).

      Sections of astronomy

    Such close interaction with the listed sciences allowed the rapid development of astronomy as a science. Today, astronomy includes a number of sections that are closely related to each other. They differ from each other in the subject of research, methods and means of cognition.

      The correct, scientific idea of ​​the Earth as a celestial body appeared in Ancient Greece. Alexandrian astronomer Eratosthenes in 240 BC very accurately determined the size of the globe from observations of the Sun. Developing trade and navigation required the development of orientation methods, determining the geographical position of the observer, and accurate measurements based on astronomical observations. I started solving these problemspractical astronomy .

      Since ancient times, people believed that the Earth was a stationary object around which the Sun and planets revolved. The founder of such a world system isgeocentric system of the world - is Ptolemy. In 1530, Nicolaus Copernicus revolutionized the idea of ​​the structure of the Universe. According to his theory, the Earth, like all planets, revolves around the Sun. The Copernican world system came to be calledheliocentric . Such a “device” of the solar system was not accepted by society for a long time. But the Italian astronomer, physicist, mechanic Galileo Galilei, using observations through a simple telescope, discovered changes in the phases of Venus, which indicates the rotation of the planet around the Sun. After lengthy calculations, Johannes Kepler managed to find the laws of planetary motion, which played a significant role in the development of ideas about the structure of the solar system. The branch of astronomy that studies the movement of celestial bodies is calledcelestial mechanics. Celestial mechanics made it possible to explain and pre-calculate with very high accuracy almost all movements observed both in the Solar System and in the Galaxy.

      More and more advanced telescopes were used in astronomical observations, with the help of which new discoveries were made, not only related to the bodies of the solar system, but also to the world of distant stars. In 1655, Huygens examined the rings of Saturn and discovered its moon Titan. In 1761, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov discovered the atmosphere of Venus and conducted a study of comets. Taking the Earth as a standard, scientists compared it with other planets and satellites. This is how it was borncomparative planetology.

      Huge and ever-increasing opportunities for studying the physical nature and chemical composition of stars were provided by the discovery of spectral analysis, which inXIXcentury becomes the main method in studying the physical nature of celestial bodies. The branch of astronomy that studies physical phenomena and chemical processes occurring in celestial bodies, their systems and in outer space is calledastrophysics .

      The further development of astronomy is associated with the improvement of observational techniques. Great progress has been made in the creation of new types of radiation detectors. Photomultiplier tubes, electron-optical converters, and methods of electronic photography and television have increased the accuracy and sensitivity of photometric observations and further expanded the spectral range of recorded radiation. The world of distant galaxies located at a distance of billions of light years has become accessible to observation. New areas of astronomy have emerged:stellar astronomy, cosmology and cosmogony.

    The time of birth of stellar astronomy is considered to be 1837-1839, when the first results in determining distances to stars were obtained independently of each other in Russia, Germany and England.Stellar astronomy studies the patterns in the spatial distribution and movement of stars in our star system - the Galaxy, studies the properties and distribution of other star systems.

      Cosmology - a branch of astronomy that studies the origin, structure and evolution of the Universe as a whole. The conclusions of cosmology are based on the laws of physics and data from observational astronomy, as well as on the entire system of knowledge of a certain era. This section of astronomy began to develop intensively in the first half of the twentieth century, after the development of the general theory of relativity by Albert Einstein.

      Cosmogony – a branch of astronomy that studies the origin and development of celestial bodies and systems. Since all celestial bodies arise and develop, ideas about their evolution are closely related to ideas about the nature of these bodies in general. The study of stars and galaxies uses the results of observations of many similar objects that arise at different times and are at different stages of development. In modern cosmogony, the laws of physics and chemistry are widely used.

      Structure and scale of the Universe

    Watching the video “Planets”

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      The meaning of astronomy

    Astronomy and its methods are of great importance in the life of modern society. Issues related to measuring time and providing humanity with knowledge of exact time are now being resolved by special laboratories - time services, organized, as a rule, at astronomical institutions.

    Astronomical orientation methods, along with others, are still widely used in navigation and aviation, and in recent years - in astronautics. The calculation and compilation of the calendar, which is widely used in the national economy, is also based on astronomical knowledge.

    Drawing up geographical and topographic maps, calculating the onset of sea tides, determining the force of gravity at various points on the earth's surface in order to detect mineral deposits - all this is based on astronomical methods.

      Consolidating new material

    Answer the questions:

    What does astronomy study?

    What problems does astronomy solve?

    How did the science of astronomy arise? Describe the main periods of its development.

    What branches does astronomy consist of? Briefly describe each of them.

    What is the significance of astronomy for the practical activities of mankind?


    Project “Astronomy Development Tree”

    I've always been interested in stars. I even do not know why. Since childhood I have loved looking at the night sky. We lived on the outskirts of the city, we had almost no lights and the stars were clearly visible. I even took an astronomy textbook from my older neighbor, began reading it and looking for constellations in the sky. I can still see some of them in the night sky.

    What kind of science is astronomy?

    Astronomy is just that, a science. studying the universe and her celestial bodies and objects. And these include:

    • stars;
    • planets;
    • asteroids;
    • satellites;
    • nebulae;
    • and even galaxies.

    This same astronomy studies not only what these bodies are made of, but also their origin, development and movement.

    This science is one of the most the most ancient. What’s so difficult about it: lift your head into the sky and watch. This is how they did it in ancient times, until they began to invent different sky observation devices.

    Since time immemorial, the study of the sky has helped people in practice. The location and movement of celestial bodies made it possible to determine the onset of seasons, draw up calendars, predict the weather, navigate sea navigation, and much more.

    How did this science develop?

    Astronomy was especially developed ancient Greeks(they were then ahead of the rest). More Pythagoras suggested that the Earth is round. And his other compatriot - Aristarch Generally stated that the Earth rotates around the sun(and previously they thought it was the other way around). And they didn’t have anything for it. But the poor Italian Giordano Bruno for the assumption about infinity of the universe They burned him at the stake, and before that they kept him in prison for 7 years, forcing him to renounce his speculations. The Catholic Church tried. This was not how she imagined the Universe.

    What kind of astronomy is there?

    Conventionally, in the last century, astronomy was divided into observational and theoretical. Theoretical - this is when computer, mathematical or analytical models for studying astronomy.

    But observational is more exciting. Just looking at the stars is interesting, let alone studying the sky in telescope, I think, even more interesting. Therefore, there are many people in the world who like to look at the night sky. And even they have benefits! And although amateurs have fewer technical capabilities (no one can buy a huge telescope for themselves, they simply don’t sell them), the volume of their observations is much greater. Some scientists in this science came out of amateurs.

    In Soviet times and a little later, astronomy was taught in high school as a separate item. But for almost 15 years such an item has not existed. It's a pity. Since according to statistics, 30% of Russians again think that this The sun revolves around the earth, and not vice versa.

    Encyclopedic YouTube

      1 / 5

      ✪ What is astronomy. Astronomy lesson at school.

      ✪ Surdin Vladimir - Lecture "Astronomy and other sciences: The Universe as a large laboratory. Part 1"

      ✪ Astronomy 1. What astronomy studies. Why do stars twinkle - Academy of Entertaining Sciences

      ✪ Surdin Vladimir - Lecture "Astronomy and other sciences: The Universe as a large laboratory. Part 2"



    Astronomy is one of the most ancient and oldest sciences. It arose from the practical needs of mankind.

    Since people have existed on Earth, they have always been interested in what they saw in the sky. Even in ancient times, they noticed the relationship between the movement of celestial bodies across the sky and periodic weather changes. Astronomy was then thoroughly mixed with astrology.

    By the location of the stars and constellations, primitive farmers determined the onset of the seasons. Nomadic tribes were guided by the Sun and stars. The need for chronology led to the creation of a calendar. Even prehistoric people knew about the basic phenomena associated with the rising and setting of the Sun, Moon and some stars. The periodic recurrence of eclipses of the Sun and Moon has been known for a very long time. Among the oldest written sources there are descriptions of astronomical phenomena, as well as primitive calculation schemes for predicting the time of sunrise and sunset of bright celestial bodies, methods of counting time and maintaining a calendar.

    Astronomy developed successfully in Ancient Babylon, Egypt, China and India. The Chinese chronicle describes an eclipse of the Sun that took place in the 3rd millennium BC. e. Theories that, on the basis of advanced arithmetic and geometry, explained and predicted the movements of the Sun, Moon and bright planets, were created in the Mediterranean countries in the last centuries of the pre-Christian era. Together with simple but effective devices, they served practical purposes until the Renaissance.

    Astronomy reached especially great development in Ancient Greece. Pythagoras first came to the conclusion that the Earth is spherical, and Aristarchus of Samos suggested that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Hipparchus in the 2nd century. BC e. compiled one of the first star catalogs. In Ptolemy’s work “Almagest”, written in the 2nd century. n. e., a geocentric system of the world is outlined, which has been generally accepted for almost one and a half thousand years. In the Middle Ages, astronomy achieved significant development in the countries of the East. In the 15th century Ulugbek built an observatory near Samarkand with instruments that were accurate at that time. The first catalog of stars after Hipparchus was compiled here.

    From the 16th century The development of astronomy in Europe begins. New demands were put forward in connection with the development of trade and navigation and the emergence of industry, contributed to the liberation of science from the influence of religion and led to a number of major discoveries.

    The final identification of scientific astronomy occurred during the Renaissance and took a long time. But only the invention of the telescope allowed astronomy to develop into a modern independent science.

    Historically, astronomy included astrometry, star navigation, observational astronomy, calendar making, and even astrology. These days, professional astronomy is often considered synonymous with astrophysics.

    The birth of modern astronomy is associated with the rejection of the geocentric system of the world of Ptolemy (2nd century) and its replacement with the heliocentric system of Nicolaus Copernicus (mid-16th century), with the beginning of studies of celestial bodies using a telescope (Galileo, early 17th century) and the discovery of the law of universal gravity (Isaac Newton, late 17th century). The 18th-19th centuries were for astronomy a period of accumulation of information and knowledge about the Solar System, our Galaxy and the physical nature of the stars, the Sun, planets and other cosmic bodies.

    The scientific and technological revolution of the 20th century had an extremely great influence on the development of astronomy and especially astrophysics.

    The advent of large optical telescopes, the creation of high-resolution radio telescopes and systematic observations led to the discovery that the Sun is part of a huge disk-shaped system consisting of many billions of stars - a galaxy. At the beginning of the 20th century, astronomers discovered that this system was one of millions of similar galaxies.

    The discovery of other galaxies became the impetus for the development of extragalactic astronomy. The study of the spectra of galaxies allowed Edwin Hubble in 1929 to identify the phenomenon of “scattering galaxies,” which was subsequently explained on the basis of the general expansion of the Universe.

    The use of rockets and artificial Earth satellites for extra-atmospheric astronomical observations led to the discovery of new types of cosmic bodies: radio galaxies, quasars, pulsars, X-ray sources, etc. The foundations of the theory of the evolution of stars and the cosmogony of the Solar System were developed. The achievement of astrophysics of the 20th century was relativistic cosmology - the theory of the evolution of the Universe.

    The structure of astronomy as a scientific discipline

    Modern astronomy is divided into a number of sections that are closely related to each other, so the division of astronomy is somewhat arbitrary. The main branches of astronomy are:

    • astrometry - studies the apparent positions and movements of luminaries. Previously, the role of astrometry also consisted of highly accurate determination of geographic coordinates and time by studying the movement of celestial bodies (now other methods are used for this). Modern astrometry consists of:
      • fundamental astrometry, the tasks of which are to determine the coordinates of celestial bodies from observations, compile catalogs of stellar positions and determine the numerical values ​​of astronomical parameters - quantities that allow one to take into account regular changes in the coordinates of luminaries;
      • spherical astronomy, which develops mathematical methods for determining the visible positions and movements of celestial bodies using various coordinate systems, as well as the theory of regular changes in the coordinates of luminaries over time;
    • Theoretical astronomy provides methods for determining the orbits of celestial bodies from their apparent positions and methods for calculating the ephemeris (apparent positions) of celestial bodies from the known elements of their orbits (the inverse problem).
    • Celestial mechanics studies the laws of motion of celestial bodies under the influence of the forces of universal gravity, determines the masses and shape of celestial bodies and the stability of their systems.

    These three sections mainly solve the first problem of astronomy (the study of the movement of celestial bodies), and they are often called classical astronomy.

    • Astrophysics studies the structure, physical properties and chemical composition of celestial objects. It is divided into: a) practical (observational) astrophysics, in which practical methods of astrophysical research and corresponding instruments and instruments are developed and applied; b) theoretical astrophysics, in which, based on the laws of physics, explanations are given for observed physical phenomena.

    A number of branches of astrophysics are distinguished by specific research methods.

    • Stellar astronomy studies the patterns of spatial distribution and movement of stars, stellar systems and interstellar matter, taking into account their physical characteristics.
    • Cosmochemistry studies the chemical composition of cosmic bodies, the laws of abundance and distribution of chemical elements in the Universe, the processes of combination and migration of atoms during the formation of cosmic matter. Sometimes nuclear cosmochemistry is distinguished, which studies the processes of radioactive decay and the isotopic composition of cosmic bodies. Nucleogenesis is not considered within the framework of cosmochemistry.

    These two sections mainly address the second problem of astronomy (the structure of celestial bodies).

    • Cosmogony examines questions of the origin and evolution of celestial bodies, including our Earth.
    • Cosmology studies the general laws of the structure and development of the Universe.

    Based on all the knowledge acquired about celestial bodies, the last two sections of astronomy solve its third problem (the origin and evolution of celestial bodies).

    The course of general astronomy contains a systematic presentation of information about the basic methods and the most important results obtained by various branches of astronomy.

    One of the new directions, formed only in the second half of the 20th century, is archaeoastronomy, which studies the astronomical knowledge of ancient people and helps to date ancient structures based on the phenomenon of Earth precession.

    Stellar astronomy

    Almost all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium are formed in stars.

    Astronomy subjects


    Main tasks astronomy are:

    1. The study of the visible, and then the actual positions and movements of celestial bodies in space, determining their sizes and shapes.
    2. The study of the structure of celestial bodies, the study of the chemical composition and physical properties (density, temperature, etc.) of the substances in them.
    3. Solving problems of the origin and development of individual celestial bodies and the systems they form.
    4. Studying the most general properties of the Universe, constructing a theory of the observable part of the Universe - the Metagalaxy.

    Solving these problems requires the creation of effective research methods - both theoretical and practical. The first problem is solved through long-term observations, begun in ancient times, and also on the basis of the laws of mechanics, known for about 300 years. Therefore, in this area of ​​astronomy we have the richest information, especially for celestial bodies relatively close to the Earth: the Moon, the Sun, planets, asteroids, etc.

    The solution to the second problem became possible in connection with the advent of spectral analysis and photography. The study of the physical properties of celestial bodies began in the second half of the 19th century, and the main problems - only in recent years.

    The third task requires the accumulation of observable material. At present, such data are not yet sufficient to accurately describe the process of origin and development of celestial bodies and their systems. Therefore, knowledge in this area is limited only to general considerations and a number of more or less plausible hypotheses.

    The fourth task is the largest and most difficult. Practice shows that existing physical theories are no longer sufficient to solve this problem. It is necessary to create a more general physical theory capable of describing the state of matter and physical processes at limiting values ​​of density, temperature, pressure. To solve this problem, observational data are required in regions of the Universe located at distances of several billion light years. Modern technical capabilities do not allow detailed exploration of these areas. However, this problem is now the most pressing and is being successfully solved by astronomers in a number of countries, including Russia.

    Observations and types of astronomy

    In the 20th century, astronomy divided into two main branches:

    1. observational astronomy - obtaining observational data about celestial bodies, which are then analyzed;
    2. theoretical astronomy - focused on the development of models (analytical or computer) to describe astronomical objects and phenomena.

    These two branches complement each other: theoretical astronomy seeks explanations for observational results, and observational astronomy provides material for theoretical conclusions and hypotheses and the ability to test them.

    Most astronomical observations involve recording and analyzing visible light and other electromagnetic radiation. Astronomical observations can be divided according to the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the measurements are made. Some parts of the spectrum can be observed from the Earth (that is, its surface), while other observations are carried out only at high altitudes or in space (in spacecraft orbiting the Earth). Details of these study groups are provided below.

    Optical astronomy

    Optical astronomy (also called visible light astronomy) is the oldest form of space exploration. First, observations were sketched by hand. At the end of the 19th century and most of the 20th century, research was carried out using photographs. Nowadays, images are obtained with digital detectors, in particular detectors based on charge-coupled devices (CCDs). Although visible light covers the range from approximately 4000 Ǻ to 7000 Ǻ (400-700 nanometers), equipment used in this range allows exploration of the near ultraviolet and infrared range.

    Infrared astronomy

    Infrared astronomy concerns the recording and analysis of infrared radiation from celestial bodies. Although its wavelength is close to that of visible light, infrared radiation is strongly absorbed by the atmosphere, and the Earth's atmosphere also emits strongly in this range. Therefore, observatories for studying infrared radiation must be located in high and dry places or in space. The infrared spectrum is useful for studying objects that are too cool to emit visible light (such as planets and disks of gas and dust around stars). Infrared rays can pass through dust clouds that absorb visible light, allowing observations of young stars in molecular clouds and galactic nuclei. Some molecules emit powerful radiation in the infrared range, and this makes it possible to study the chemical composition of astronomical objects (for example, finding water in comets).

    Ultraviolet astronomy

    Ultraviolet astronomy deals with wavelengths from approximately 100 to 3200 Ǻ (10-320 nanometers). Light at these wavelengths is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, so studies of this range are carried out from the upper atmosphere or from space. Ultraviolet astronomy is better suited for studying hot stars (classes O and B), since most of the radiation occurs in this range. This includes studies of blue stars in other galaxies and planetary nebulae, supernova remnants, and active galactic nuclei. However, ultraviolet radiation is easily absorbed by interstellar dust, so the measurement results must be corrected for it.

    Radio astronomy

    Radio astronomy is the study of radiation with wavelengths greater than one millimeter (approximately). Radio astronomy differs from most other types of astronomical observations in that the radio waves being studied can be viewed as waves, rather than as individual photons. So, it is possible to measure both the amplitude and phase of a radio wave, but for short waves this is not so easy to do.

    Although some radio waves are emitted by astronomical objects as thermal radiation, most radio emission observed from Earth is synchrotron radiation in origin, which occurs when electrons move in a magnetic field. In addition, some spectral lines are produced by interstellar gas, notably the 21 cm long neutral hydrogen spectral line.

    A wide variety of cosmic objects are observed in the radio range, in particular supernovae, interstellar gas, pulsars and active galactic nuclei.

    X-ray astronomy

    X-ray astronomy studies astronomical objects in the X-ray range. Objects typically emit X-rays due to:

    Gamma-ray astronomy

    Gamma-ray astronomy is the study of the shortest wavelength radiation from astronomical objects. Gamma rays can be observed directly (by satellites such as the Compton Telescope) or indirectly (by specialized telescopes called atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes). These telescopes detect flashes of visible light produced when gamma rays are absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere due to various physical processes such as the Compton effect, as well as Cherenkov radiation.

    Most gamma ray sources are gamma ray bursts, which emit gamma rays for only a few milliseconds to a thousand seconds. Only 10% of gamma radiation sources are active for a long time. These are, in particular, pulsars, neutron stars and black hole candidates in active galactic nuclei.

    Astronomy not related to electromagnetic radiation

    Not only electromagnetic radiation is observed from the Earth, but also other types of radiation.

    A new direction in the variety of astronomy methods could be gravitational-wave astronomy, which seeks to use gravitational wave detectors to observe compact objects. Several observatories have already been built, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatory LIGO. Gravitational waves were first discovered in 2015.

    Planetary astronomy deals not only with ground-based observations of celestial bodies, but also with their direct study using spacecraft, including those that delivered samples of matter to Earth. In addition, many devices collect various information in orbit or on the surface of celestial bodies, and some conduct various experiments there.

    Astrometry and celestial mechanics

    Astrometry is one of the oldest subfields of astronomy. She is engaged in measuring the position of celestial objects. Accurate data on the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets and stars once played an extremely important role in navigation. Careful measurements of the planets' positions have led to a deep understanding of gravitational disturbances, allowing them to calculate their past positions and predict the future with high accuracy. This branch is known as celestial mechanics. Now tracking near-Earth objects makes it possible to predict the approach to them, as well as possible collisions of various objects with the Earth.

    Measuring the parallaxes of nearby stars is the foundation for determining distances in deep space and measuring the scale of the Universe. These measurements provided the basis for determining the properties of distant stars; properties can be compared with neighboring stars. Measurements of radial velocities and proper motions of celestial bodies make it possible to study the kinematics of these systems in our galaxy. Astrometric results can be used to measure the distribution of dark matter in a galaxy.

    In the 1990s, astrometric methods for measuring stellar vibrations were used to detect large extrasolar planets (planets orbiting nearby stars).

    Extra-atmospheric astronomy

    Research using space technology occupies a special place among the methods of studying celestial bodies and the space environment. The beginning was made with the launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR in 1957. Spacecraft have made it possible to conduct research in all wavelength ranges of electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, modern astronomy is often called all-wave astronomy. Extra-atmospheric observations make it possible to receive radiation in space that is absorbed or greatly altered by the earth's atmosphere: radio emissions of certain wavelengths that do not reach the Earth, as well as corpuscular radiation from the Sun and other bodies. The study of these previously inaccessible types of radiation from stars and nebulae, the interplanetary and interstellar medium has greatly enriched our knowledge of the physical processes of the Universe. In particular, previously unknown sources of X-ray radiation were discovered - X-ray pulsars. Much information about the nature of distant bodies and their systems has also been obtained through research carried out using spectrographs installed on various spacecraft.

    Multichannel astronomy

    Multichannel astronomy uses the simultaneous reception of electromagnetic radiation, gravitational waves and elementary particles emitted by the same cosmic object or phenomenon to study it.

    Theoretical astronomy

    Theoretical astronomers use a wide range of tools that include analytical models (such as polytropes to approximate the behavior of stars) and numerical simulations. Each method has its own advantages. An analytical process model usually provides a better understanding of why something is happening. Numerical models can indicate the presence of phenomena and effects that would likely not be visible otherwise.

    Astronomy theorists strive to create theoretical models and explore the consequences of these simulations through research. This allows observers to look for data that may refute a model or helps in choosing between several alternative or conflicting models. Theorists are also experimenting with creating or modifying the model to take new data into account. In case of discrepancy, the general tendency is to try to achieve a correction of the result with minimal changes to the model. In some cases, a large amount of conflicting data over time can lead to complete failure of the model.

    Topics studied by theoretical astronomers include stellar dynamics and galaxy evolution, large-scale structure of the Universe, the origin of cosmic rays, general relativity, and physical cosmology, particularly string cosmology and particle astrophysics. The theory of relativity is important for the study of large-scale structures for which gravity plays a significant role in physical phenomena. This is the basis of research into black holes and gravitational waves. Some widely accepted and studied theories and models in astronomy now included in the Lambda-CDM model are the Big Bang, cosmic expansion, dark matter, and fundamental physical theories.

    Amateur astronomy

    Astronomy is one of the sciences where amateur contributions can be significant. The total volume of amateur observations is greater than professional ones, although the technical capabilities of amateurs are much less. Sometimes they build their own equipment (like 2 centuries ago). Finally, most scientists came from this environment. The main objects of observation by amateur astronomers are the Moon, planets, stars, comets, meteor showers and various deep space objects, namely star clusters, galaxies and nebulae. One branch of amateur astronomy, amateur astrophotography, involves photographing areas of the night sky. Many hobbyists specialize in particular objects, types of objects, or types of events.

    Amateur astronomers continue to make contributions to this science. This is one of the few disciplines where their contribution can be significant. Quite often they observe occultations of stars by asteroids, and this data is used to refine the orbits of asteroids. Amateurs occasionally find comets, and many regularly observe variable stars. And advances in digital technology have allowed amateurs to make impressive advances in the field of astrophotography.

    In education

    From 2008 to 2017, astronomy was not taught as a separate subject in Russian schools. According to VTsIOM polls in 2007, 29% of Russians believed that the Earth does not revolve around the Sun, but rather the opposite - the Sun revolves around the Earth, and in 2011 33% of Russians already adhered to this point of view.

    Codes in knowledge classification systems

    • State rubricator of scientific technical information (GRNTI) (as of 2001): 41 ASTRONOMY

    see also


    1. , With. 5.
    2. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
    3. Star formation / Brand L. S. // Physics of space: A small encyclopedia / Editorial board: R. A. Sunyaev (Chief editor) and others - 2nd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1986. - P. 262-267. - 783 p. - 70,000 copies.
    4. Electromagnetic Spectrum (undefined) . NASA. Retrieved September 8, 2006. Archived September 5, 2006.
    5. Moore, P. Philip's Atlas of the Universe. - Great Britain: George Philis Limited, 1997. - ISBN 0-540-07465-9.
    6. Staff. Why infrared astronomy is a hot topic, ESA (11 September 2003). Archived from the original on July 30, 2012. Retrieved August 11, 2008.
    7. Infrared Spectroscopy – An Overview , NASA/IPAC. Archived from the original on August 5, 2012. Retrieved August 11, 2008.

    The science of the universe that studies the origin, development, location, movement and structure of celestial bodies and systems.

    The name of science comes from the ancient Greek ἄστρον “star” and νόμος “law”.

    Astronomy studies the Sun and stars, planets of the solar system and their satellites, exoplanets and asteroids, comets and meteoroids, interplanetary matter and interstellar matter, pulsars and black holes, nebulae and galaxies, as well as their clusters, quasars and more.


    Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Prehistoric cultures and ancient civilizations left numerous astronomical artifacts indicating knowledge of the patterns of movement of celestial bodies. Examples include predynastic ancient Egyptian monuments and the British Stonehenge, which was used to fix the celestial bodies in a certain place in the sky. It is assumed that in this way ancient astronomers judged the change of seasons, which could be important both for agriculture and for various types of hunting associated with the seasonal migration of animals.

    The first civilizations of Babylon, Greece, China, India, as well as the American Incas and Mayans were already making methodical observations, following the calendar for occult and agricultural purposes. But only the invention of the telescope in Europe allowed astronomy to begin to develop into a full-fledged modern science. Historically, astronomy included astrometry, observational astronomy, celestial navigation, calendar making, and astrology.

    These days, astronomy is considered synonymous with astrophysics.

    In the 20th century, astronomy was divided into observational and theoretical.

    Observational astronomy - obtaining and analyzing observational data about celestial bodies.

    Theoretical astronomy is the development of computer, mathematical and analytical models to describe astronomical phenomena.

    Problems of astronomy

    1. Study of the visible, and then the actual positions and movements of celestial bodies in space, determining their sizes and shapes.

    2. Study of the structure of celestial bodies, study of the chemical composition and physical properties of their matter.

    3. Solving problems of the origin and development of individual celestial bodies and their systems.

    4. Study of the most general properties of the Universe, construction of a theory of the observable part of the Universe - the so-called. Metagalaxies.

    Solving problems requires the creation of effective theoretical and practical research methods.

    The solution to the second problem became possible in connection with the advent of spectral analysis and photography.

    The third task requires the accumulation of observable material. Knowledge in this area of ​​spanking is limited to general considerations and a number of hypotheses.

    The fourth task requires the creation of a more general physical theory capable of describing the state of matter and physical processes at limiting values ​​of density, temperature and pressure. To solve it, observational data are required in regions of the Universe at distances of several billion light years.

    The structure of astronomy as a scientific discipline


    Studies the apparent positions and movements of luminaries. Previously, the role of astrometry also consisted of highly accurate determination of geographic coordinates and time by studying the movement of celestial bodies (now other methods are used for this). Modern astrometry consists of:

    Fundamental astrometry, the tasks of which are to determine the coordinates of celestial bodies from observations, compile catalogs of stellar positions and determine the numerical values ​​of astronomical parameters - quantities that allow one to take into account regular changes in the coordinates of luminaries;

    Spherical astronomy, which develops mathematical methods for determining the apparent positions and movements of celestial bodies using various coordinate systems, as well as the theory of regular changes in the coordinates of luminaries over time;

    Theoretical astronomy

    provides methods for determining the orbits of celestial bodies from their apparent positions and methods for calculating the ephemerides (apparent positions) of celestial bodies from the known elements of their orbits (inverse problem).

    Celestial Mechanics

    studies the laws of motion of celestial bodies under the influence of the forces of universal gravity, determines the masses and shape of celestial bodies and the stability of their systems.

    These three branches mainly address the first problem of astronomy (the study of the motion of celestial bodies), and are often called classical astronomy.


    studies the structure, physical properties and chemical composition of celestial objects, divided into:

    a) practical (observational) astrophysics, in which practical methods of astrophysical research and corresponding instruments and instruments are developed and applied;

    b) theoretical astrophysics, in which, based on the laws of physics, explanations are given for observed physical phenomena.

    A number of branches of astrophysics are distinguished by specific research methods.

    Stellar astronomy

    studies the patterns of spatial distribution and movement of stars, stellar systems and interstellar matter, taking into account their physical characteristics.


    studies the chemical composition of cosmic bodies, the laws of abundance and distribution of chemical elements in the Universe, the processes of combination and migration of atoms during the formation of cosmic matter. Sometimes nuclear cosmochemistry is distinguished, which studies the processes of radioactive decay and the isotopic composition of cosmic bodies. Nucleogenesis is not considered within the framework of cosmochemistry.

    These two sections mainly address the second problem of astronomy (the structure of celestial bodies).


    examines questions of the origin and evolution of celestial bodies, including the Earth.


    studies the general laws of the structure and development of the Universe.

    Based on all the knowledge acquired about celestial bodies, the last two sections of astronomy solve its third problem (the origin and evolution of celestial bodies).

    One of the new directions, formed only in the second half of the 20th century, is archaeoastronomy, which studies the astronomical knowledge of ancient people and helps to date ancient structures based on the phenomenon of Earth precession.

    Astronomy subjects

    - Astrometry

    - Constellations

    - Celestial Sphere

    - Celestial coordinate systems

    - Time

    - Celestial Mechanics

    - Astrophysics

    - Evolution of stars

    - Neutron stars and black holes

    - Astrophysical hydrodynamics

    - Galaxies

    - Milky Way

    - Structure of galaxies

    - Evolution of galaxies

    - Active galactic nuclei

    - Cosmology

    - Redshift

    - CMB radiation

    - The Big Bang Theory

    - Dark matter

    - Dark energy

    - History of astronomy

    - Astronomers

    - Amateur astronomy

    - Astronomical instruments

    - Astronomical observatories

    - Astronomical symbols

    - Space exploration

    - Planetology

    - Cosmonautics

    Basic Astronomical Terms - Dictionary

    Aberration of light

    Shift in the observed positions of stars caused by the movement of the Earth.

    Spherical aberration

    Blurring an image created by a mirror or lens with a spherical surface.

    Chromatic aberration. Blurring and colored edges of images in lens telescopes and cameras, resulting from different degrees of refraction of rays of different colors.

    Azimuth. One of two coordinates in the horizontal system: the angle between the observer's celestial meridian and the vertical circle passing through the celestial object. Typically, astronomers measure it from a point south to the west, and surveyors - from a point north to east.

    Albedo is the fraction of light energy reflected by the surface.

    Alt-azimuth mount. A telescope mount that allows it to rotate around two axes to point at a celestial object: the vertical azimuth axis and the horizontal altitude axis.

    Apex. A point on the celestial sphere in the direction of which an astronomical object moves in space.

    Apogee. The most distant point from the Earth in the orbit of the Moon or satellite.

    Apse line. A line connecting two extreme points of the orbit, for example, apogee and perigee (from the Greek hapsis - arch); is the major axis of the elliptical orbit.

    Asteroids. Many small planets and irregularly shaped fragments orbiting the Sun, mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Some asteroids pass close to Earth.

    Astronomical unit (AU). The average distance between the centers of the Earth and the Sun, equal to the semi-major axis of the Earth's orbit, or 149.5 million km.

    Aphelion. The most distant point in the orbit of a planet or other body in the Solar System.

    Bailey, rosary. A chain of bright points along the lunar limb, observed moments before or immediately after the end of the total phase of a solar eclipse. The reason is the unevenness of the lunar surface.

    White dwarf. A small but very dense and hot star. Some of them are smaller than the Earth, although their mass is almost a million times that of the Earth.

    Bode's law. A rule of thumb indicating the approximate distance of planets from the Sun.

    Major axle shaft. Half the largest diameter of the ellipse.

    Visual triple. A system of three stars orbiting a common center of mass and resolvable by the eye without a telescope.

    Time equation. The difference between mean and true solar time at a given moment; the difference between the right ascensions of the true Sun and the average sun.

    Universal time. Mean solar time of the Greenwich meridian.

    Starry time. Hour angle of the vernal equinox.

    Time is true solar. The hour angle of the Sun (15 corresponds to 1 hour). The moment the Sun crosses the meridian at the highest point is called true noon. True solar time is shown by a simple sundial.

    Standard time or standard time. Officially set time in cities and countries. The main (standard, or average) meridians of time zones run along longitudes 15, 30, 45, ... west of Greenwich along points on the earth's surface at which the average solar time is 1, 2, 3, ... hours lags behind Greenwich. Typically, large cities and their surrounding areas live according to the time of the nearest middle meridian. The lines dividing areas with different official times are called time zone boundaries. Formally, they should be 7.5 from the main meridian. However, they usually do not follow strictly along the meridians, but coincide with administrative boundaries. In the summer months, many countries introduce daylight saving time, which is 1 hour ahead of the official time (zone standard or maternity leave), to make fuller use of daylight hours.

    The time is average solar. Hour angle of the mean sun. When the mean sun is at the top of the meridian, the mean solar time is 12 noon.

    Time is ephemeris. Time determined by the orbital motion of celestial bodies, mainly the Moon. Used for astronomical pre-calculations.

    Solar flare. An unexpected short-term brightening of a section of the chromosphere near a sunspot or group of spots, caused by a sharp release of magnetic field energy in a relatively small volume above the photosphere.

    Flashes, spectrum. A sequence of narrow crescent-shaped emission lines from the gas of the solar chromosphere, obtained by a slitless spectrograph an instant before the start of the total phase of a solar eclipse, when only a narrow crescent of the Sun is visible.

    Gibbous Moon (or planet). The phase of the Moon (planet) between the first quarter and the full moon or between the full moon and the last quarter.

    Height. One of two horizontal system coordinates: the angular distance of a celestial object above the observer's horizon.

    Galaxy. A giant system of stars and gas and dust clouds. Galaxies can be spiral, like Andromeda (M 31), or crossed spiral, like NGC 5850. There are also elliptical and irregular galaxies. The Milky Way is also called the Galaxy (from the Greek galactose - milk).

    Galactic equator. The great circle of the celestial sphere, equidistant from the galactic poles - two opposite points marking the centers of the hemispheres into which the Milky Way divides the sky.

    Galactic (open) cluster. A star cluster in the disk of a spiral galaxy.

    Heliosphere. The region around the Sun where the solar wind dominates the interstellar medium. The heliosphere extends to at least the orbit of Pluto (probably much further).

    Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. A diagram showing the relationship between the color (spectral class) and luminosity of different types of stars.

    Giant. A star with greater luminosity and size than most stars of the same spectral type. Stars of even greater luminosity and size are called “supergiants.”

    Main sequence. The main grouping of stars on a Hersprung–Russell diagram representing their spectral type and luminosity.

    Anomalistic year. The time it takes the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun, which begins and ends at the perihelion point of the Earth's orbit (365.2596 days).

    Leap year. A year containing 366 average solar days; set by introducing the date February 29 in those years whose numbers are divisible by 4, such as 1996, and by 400 if the year ends a century (like 2000).

    The year is draconian. The time interval between two successive passages of the Sun through the ascending node of the lunar orbit (346.620 days).

    The year is sidereal, or sidereal. The time required for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun, which begins and ends on a line drawn from the center of the Sun in a fixed direction of the celestial sphere (365.2564 days).

    Tropical year. The time interval between two successive passages of the Sun through the vernal equinox (365.2422 days). This is the year on which the calendar is based.

    Horizon. In common parlance, a line closed around the observer along which “the earth meets the sky.” The astronomical horizon is a large circle of the celestial sphere, equidistant from the zenith and nadir of the observer; fundamental circle of the horizontal coordinate system.

    Granulation of the photosphere. Dappled view of the solar photosphere.

    Dates, international recess line. A demarcation line that runs approximately along the meridian with a longitude of 180 and serves to facilitate the calculation of calendar dates during transoceanic and round-the-world voyages and flights. When crossing the line in a western direction, you should add a day to your calendar, and when crossing in an eastern direction, you should subtract it.

    Double star. Two stars visible in the sky close to each other. If the stars are really located nearby and are connected by gravity, then this is a “physical double”, and if they are visible nearby as a result of a random projection, then it is an “optical double”.

    Dual system. A system of two stars orbiting around a common center of mass. Such systems are divided into several types: in “visual binaries” both stars are visible separately; “spectral doubles” are detected by the periodic Doppler shift of lines in their spectrum; If the Earth lies in the orbital plane of a binary star, then its components periodically eclipse each other, and such systems are called “eclipsing binaries.”

    Diffraction. Deflection of rays passing near the edge of the screen through a small hole or narrow slit.

    Galactic longitude. The angle measured east along the galactic equator from the point marking the galactic center to the meridian passing through the galactic poles and celestial body.

    Longitude is geographical. The angle with its vertex at the center of the Earth between the points at which the Greenwich meridian and the meridian of a given area intersect the equator.

    Ecliptic longitude. Coordinate in the ecliptic system; the angle measured east along the ecliptic between the vernal equinox and the meridian passing through the poles of the ecliptic and the celestial body.

    Eclipse. A situation when two or more celestial bodies are located on the same straight line and block one from the other. The Moon blocks the Sun from us during solar eclipses; The earth's shadow falls on the moon during lunar eclipses.

    Stellar magnitude. Apparent magnitude expresses the brightness of a celestial body as seen with the naked eye or through a telescope. The absolute magnitude corresponds to the brightness at a distance of 10 parsecs. Photographic magnitude expresses the brightness of an object as measured from its image on a photographic plate. The magnitude scale is adopted such that a difference of 5 magnitudes corresponds to a 100-fold difference in the fluxes of light from the sources. Thus, a difference of 1 magnitude corresponds to a light flux ratio of 2.512 times. The higher the magnitude, the weaker the flow of light from the object (astronomers say the “brilliance of the object”). The stars of the Bucket Bol. Ursa shine approx. 2nd magnitude (denoted 2m), Vega has about 0m, and Sirius has approx. 1.5m (its brilliance is 4 times greater than that of Vega).

    Green beam, or green flash. A green rim, sometimes observed above the upper edge of the solar disk at the moment of its rising or setting beyond the clear horizon; arises due to the strong refraction of green and blue rays of the Sun in the Earth's atmosphere (atmospheric refraction) and the strong scattering of blue rays in it.

    Zenith. A point on the celestial sphere located vertically above the observer.

    Zodiac. Zone width approx. 9 on either side of the ecliptic, containing the apparent paths of the Sun, Moon and major planets. Passes through 13 constellations and is divided into 12 signs of the Zodiac.

    Zodiacal light. A faint glow stretching along the ecliptic and best visible immediately after the end (or just before the beginning) of astronomical twilight in the part of the sky where the Sun has set (or is rising); occurs due to the scattering of sunlight on meteorite dust concentrated in the plane of the Solar System.

    Excess color. The difference between the observed color of a star and the normal color characteristic of its spectral class. A measure of the reddening of starlight due to the scattering of blue rays by interstellar dust.

    Dwarf. A main sequence star with moderate temperature and luminosity, i.e. a star like the Sun or even less massive, of which the majority are in the Galaxy.

    Cassegrain focus. The point on the optical axis of a Cassegrain reflecting telescope at which an image of a star is formed. It is located near the central hole in the primary mirror, through which rays reflected by the secondary hyperbolic mirror pass. Typically used for spectral studies.

    Square degree. An area on the celestial sphere, equivalent in area to a solid angle of size 11.

    Quadrature. The position of the Moon or planet at which its ecliptic longitude differs from the longitude of the Sun by 90.

    Kepler's laws. Three laws established by I. Kepler for the movement of planets around the Sun.

    Comet. A small solar system body, typically composed of ice and dust, that typically develops a long tail of gas as it approaches the Sun.

    Copernican system of the world. The scheme proposed by Copernicus, according to which the Earth and other planets move around the Sun. Our current understanding of the solar system is based on this heliocentric model.

    Crown. The outer part of the solar atmosphere, extending for millions of kilometers above the photosphere; it is divided into an outer corona, visible only during total solar eclipses, and an inner corona, which can be observed using a coronagraph.

    Coronagraph. Instrument for observing the solar corona.

    Redshift. The shift of lines in the spectrum of a celestial body towards the red end (i.e. towards a longer wavelength) as a result of the Doppler effect as the body moves away, as well as under the influence of its gravitational field.

    Multiple star. A group of three (or more) stars close to each other.

    Where is the optical system? A reflecting telescope design in which the collected light is released through the central opening of the polar axis, so that the image remains in place although the telescope is rotated to follow the stars.

    Climax. The passage of a luminary through the celestial meridian. At the upper culmination, the star (or planet) has a maximum height, and at the lower culmination, it has a minimum height and may be below the horizon.

    Librations. Apparent swaying of the secondary body when observing it from the main one. Librations of the Moon in longitude occur due to the ellipticity of the lunar orbit, and librations in latitude occur due to the inclination of the rotation axis to the orbital plane.

    M. Abbreviation for the catalog of star clusters and nebulae, published in 1782 by Charles Messier.

    Mass-luminosity ratio. The relationship between mass and absolute magnitude, which governs most stars.

    Flicker. A chaotic change in the brightness of a star caused by the refraction and diffraction of its light in the turbulent layers of the earth's atmosphere.

    Month. Part of a calendar year (calendar month); the period of time through which the Moon repeats its phases (synodic month); the period of time during which the Moon makes one revolution around the Earth and returns to the same point on the celestial sphere (sidereal month).

    Meteor. A luminous trace left during self-destruction by a solid cosmic body that flew into the Earth’s atmosphere.

    Meteorite. A solid body that fell to the surface of the Earth from space.

    Milky Way. Our Galaxy; a distant, ragged band of fog crossing the night sky, formed by the light of millions of stars in our Galaxy.

    Nadir. A point on the celestial sphere located vertically downward from the observer.

    Rotation axis tilt. The angle between the pole of rotation of a planet and the pole of the ecliptic.

    Mood. The angle between the orbital plane and the reference plane, for example, between the orbital plane of a planet and the ecliptic plane.

    Celestial sphere. An imaginary sphere around the Earth onto the surface of which celestial objects appear to be projected.

    Celestial meridian. The great circle of the celestial sphere passing through the zenith of the observer and the points of the north and south poles of the world. Intersects with the horizon at points north and south.

    Celestial equator. Great circle of the celestial sphere, equidistant from the north and south poles of the world; lies in the plane of the earth's equator and serves as the basis of the equatorial celestial coordinate system.

    Nebular hypothesis. The hypothesis that the Sun and planets condensed from a rotating gas cloud.

    New star. A star that has increased its brightness thousands of times in a few hours and is observed in the sky in this state for several weeks as a “new” one, and then dims again.

    Nutation. Slight swaying in the precessional movement of the earth's axis.

    Newton focus. The point at the front of a reflecting telescope at which an image of a star is formed after light is reflected from a secondary plane mirror located on the telescope's optical axis.

    Reverse movement of nodes. Rotation of the line of orbital nodes counterclockwise when viewed from the north pole of the ecliptic.

    Objective prism. A large, thin prism placed in front of a telescope's lens to transform the image of a star in its field of view into a spectrum.

    Aries is the first point. Vernal equinox point. When astronomy emerged as a science (about 2000 years ago), this point was located in the constellation Aries. As a result of precession, it has moved about 20 to the west and is now located in the constellation Pisces.

    Circumpolar stars. Stars that, during their daily motion, never go beyond the horizon (their angular distance from the celestial pole never reaches the geographic latitude of the observer).

    Optical axis. A straight line passing through the center of a lens or mirror perpendicular to the surface.

    Orbit. The path of a celestial body in space.

    Parallax. The apparent displacement of a closer object against the background of more distant ones when observed from two ends of a certain base. If the parallax angle p is small and expressed in radians, and the length of the base perpendicular to the direction to the object is B, then the distance to the object D is equal to B/p. With a fixed base, the parallax angle itself can serve as a measure of the distance to the object.

    Parsec. Distance to an object whose parallax at a base of 1 AU is 1 (equal to 3.26 light years, or 3.0861016 m).

    The ashen light of the moon. The faint glow of the dark side of the Moon under the rays of sunlight reflected from the Earth. It is especially noticeable during the small phases of the Moon, when the entire surface of the Earth illuminated by the Sun is turned towards it. Hence the popular name “the old Moon in the arms of the young.”

    Variable star. A star changing its apparent brightness. An eclipsing variable star is observed when in a binary system one of the components is periodically eclipsed by the other; physical variable stars such as Cepheids and novae do change their luminosity.

    Perigee. The point in the orbit of the Moon or artificial satellite closest to Earth.

    Perihelion. The point in the orbit of a planet or other body in the Solar System closest to the Sun.

    The period is sidereal. The time it takes a planet to complete one orbital revolution, starting and ending on a line drawn from the center of the Sun in a fixed direction relative to the celestial sphere.

    The period is synodic. The time it takes a planet to complete one orbital revolution, starting and ending on a line drawn from the center of the Earth to the center of the Sun.

    Period–luminosity ratio. Relationship between absolute magnitude and period of brightness variation in Cepheid variable stars.

    Planetesimal theory. An unconfirmed theory that the planets condensed from a stream of fragments torn from the Sun by the gravity of a passing star.

    Color indicator. The difference between the photographic and visual magnitudes of a celestial object. Red stars with low surface temperatures have a color index of approx. +1.0m, and white-blue, with a high surface temperature - approx. –0.2m.

    Coating. A situation when one celestial body obscures another from the view of the observer.

    Midnight sun. The sun observed at its lowest climax above the horizon during the summer months in the Arctic and Antarctic.

    Penumbra. The region of partial umbra surrounding the cone of total umbra during an eclipse. There is also a lighter border surrounding the dark sunspot.

    Pole. The point at which the diametrical axis of rotation intersects the sphere. The Earth's rotation axis intersects the earth's surface at the points of the north and south geographic poles, and the celestial sphere at the points of the north and south poles of the world.

    Polar or hour axis. The axis of rotation in the equatorial mount of the telescope is directed towards the celestial pole, i.e. parallel to the Earth's rotation axis.

    Precession. The conical movement of the Earth's axis around the pole of the ecliptic with a period of 26 thousand years, caused by the gravitational influence of the Moon and the Sun on the equatorial swelling of the Earth. Precession leads to a shift in the point of the vernal equinox and a change in the coordinates of all celestial bodies.

    Counter-shine. A very weak and unclear glow in the night sky in the region opposite the Sun. Occurs due to the scattering of solar rays on cosmic dust particles.

    Confrontation. The location of a planet when its ecliptic longitude differs by 180 from the longitude of the Sun. At opposition, the planet crosses the celestial meridian at midnight, is closest to the Earth and has maximum brilliance.

    Protoplanet. The primary conglomerate of matter from which a planet is formed.

    Prominence. A hot, wispy cloud of gas in the solar corona that appears orange and bright when viewed at the solar limb.

    Walkthrough. The intersection of a luminary with a line or area in the sky. The passage of a star is usually understood as its crossing of the celestial meridian; The passage of Mercury or Venus occurs across the disk of the Sun, when the planet is visible against its background as a black speck. When the disk of the Moon obscures any planet or other celestial object, we speak of a lunar transit or lunar occultation.

    Right ascension. Coordinate in the equatorial system. The angle measured east along the celestial equator from the point of the vernal equinox to the hour circle passing through the poles of the world and the celestial body.

    Ptolemy's system of the world. The system of movement of celestial bodies developed by Ptolemy, in which the Sun, Moon and planets revolve around a stationary Earth. It was replaced by the Copernican world system.

    Equinox point. One of two points on the celestial sphere where the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator. The center of the Sun passes through the vernal equinox on March 20 or 21, and through the autumn equinox on September 22 or 23. At this time, all over the Earth, day is equal to night. The prime meridians in the ecliptic and equatorial coordinate systems pass through the vernal equinox.

    Radial or radial velocity. The component of the velocity of a celestial body directed along the observer’s line of sight; positive if the body is moving away from the observer, and negative if it is approaching.

    Radiant. For a single meteor, the point where its trail, extended backward, would cross the celestial sphere; for a stream of parallel meteors, the point of perspective from which the meteors appear to be emerging.

    Radio star. The local area of ​​the sky from which radio waves come.

    Permissive power, or resolution. A measure of how fine details of an object can be discerned using a given instrument. If two stars are visible separately at a mutual distance of at least  arcseconds, then the resolving power of the telescope is 1/.

    Reflector. A telescope that uses a concave mirror as a lens.

    Refractor. A telescope that uses a lens as a lens.

    Saros. The interval of time after which the cycle of solar and lunar eclipses repeats (approximately 18 years and 11.3 days).

    Light year. The distance that light travels in vacuum in 1 tropical year (9.4631015 m).

    Seasons. The four intervals that make up the year are spring, summer, autumn and winter; they begin when the center of the Sun passes one of the critical points of the ecliptic, respectively, the spring equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox and winter solstice.

    Noctilucent clouds. Light translucent clouds that are sometimes visible against the dark sky on a summer night. They are illuminated by the Sun, which has sunk shallowly below the horizon. They are formed in the upper layers of the atmosphere, probably under the influence of meteorite dust.

    Planetary compression. A measure of the oblateness of a rotating planet along the polar axis and the presence of an equatorial bulge due to centrifugal forces. Numerically expressed as the ratio of the difference between the equatorial and polar diameters to the equatorial diameter.

    Declension. Coordinate in the equatorial system; the angular distance of the star to the north (with a “+” sign) or south (with a “–” sign) from the celestial equator.

    Cluster. A group of stars or galaxies that forms a stable system as a result of mutual gravitational attraction.

    Own movement. The change in the observed position of a star that remains after accounting for its displacement due to parallax, aberration, and precession.

    Compound. The closest location in the sky of two or more members of the Solar System from the point of view of an earthly observer. When two planets have the same ecliptic longitudes, they are said to be in conjunction. During one synodic period, Mercury and Venus enter into conjunction with the Sun twice: at the moment of “internal conjunction” the planet is located between the Earth and the Sun, and at the moment of “external conjunction” the Sun is between the planet and the Earth.

    Solar constant. The amount of radiant energy from the Sun arriving in 1 minute per 1 cm2 area, perpendicular to the sun's rays and located outside the earth's atmosphere at a distance of 1 AU. from the sun; 1.95 cal/(cm2min) = 136 mW/cm2.

    Sunspot. A relatively cool region in the Sun's photosphere that appears as a dark spot.

    Solstice points. Two points on the ecliptic where the sun reaches its maximum declination to the north, 23.5 (for the Northern Hemisphere - summer solstice), and its maximum declination to the south, -23.5 (for the Northern Hemisphere - winter solstice).

    Range. The sequence of colors into which a beam of light is divided by a prism or diffraction grating.

    Spectral variable. A star in which the intensity of some spectral lines regularly changes, possibly due to the rotation of its surface, covered with large spots with inhomogeneities in chemical composition, temperature and magnetic field.

    Spicula. A narrow stream of luminous gas that appears for several minutes in the chromosphere of the Sun.

    Satellite. A body orbiting a more massive celestial body.

    Average sun. An imaginary point that moves uniformly from west to east in a circular orbit lying in the plane of the celestial equator, making a full revolution around the vernal equinox during the tropical year. Introduced as an auxiliary calculation tool for establishing a uniform time scale.

    Twilight. Sunlight scattered in the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere before dawn or after sunset. Civil twilight ends when the sun drops 6° below the horizon, and when it drops 18°, astronomical twilight ends and night falls. Twilight exists on any celestial body that has an atmosphere.

    Day. The time interval between two successive upper culminations of a selected point on the celestial sphere. For sidereal days, this is the point of the vernal equinox; for solar days, this is the calculated point of the position of the average sun.

    Daily parallel. The daily path of the luminary in the sky; a small circle parallel to the celestial equator.

    Telluric stripes or lines. Areas of energy deficiency in the spectra of the Sun, Moon, or planets caused by the absorption of light in the Earth's atmosphere.

    Dark cloud. A relatively dense and cold cloud of interstellar matter. The microscopic solid particles (dust grains) it contains absorb the light of stars lying behind the cloud; therefore, the part of the sky occupied by such a cloud appears almost devoid of stars.

    Terminator. The line separating the illuminated hemisphere of the Moon or planet from the unilluminated one.

    Nebula. A cloud of interstellar gas and dust visible due to its own emission, reflection, or absorption of starlight. Previously, nebulae were also called star clusters or galaxies that could not be resolved into stars.

    Knots. The two points where the orbit intersects the reference plane. This plane for members of the Solar System is the ecliptic; The nodes of the earth's orbit are the points of the spring and autumn equinoxes.

    Harvest Moon. The full moon is on days close to the autumn equinox (September 22 or 23), when the Sun passes through the autumn equinox and the Moon passes near the spring equinox.

    Phase. Any stage in the periodic change in the apparent shape of the illuminated hemisphere of the Moon or planet, such as new moon, first quarter, last quarter, full moon.

    Phase angle. The angle between a ray of light falling from the Sun onto the Moon (or planet) and the ray reflected from it towards the observer.

    Torches. Bright filamentous regions of hot gas in the solar photosphere.

    Flocculus, or flare area. A bright region in the chromosphere surrounding a sunspot.

    Photosphere. Opaque luminous surface of the Sun or star.

    Fraunhofer line. Dark absorption lines observed against the background of the continuous spectrum of the Sun and stars.

    Chromosphere. The inner layer of the solar atmosphere, rising from 500 to 6000 km above the photosphere.

    Cepheids. Pulsating stars that periodically change their brightness, named after the star δ (Delta) Cephei. Yellow bright giants, giants or supergiants of spectral classes F and G, the brightness of which varies with an amplitude of 0.5 to 2.0m with a period from 1 to 200 days. Cepheids are 103-105 times brighter than the Sun. The reason for their variability is the pulsation of the outer layers, which leads to periodic changes in the radius and temperature of the photospheres. In the pulsation cycle, the star becomes larger and colder, then smaller and hotter. The greatest luminosity of a Cepheid is achieved at the smallest diameter.

    Hour circle, or declination circle. The great circle of the celestial sphere passing through the north and south poles of the world. Similar to the earth's meridian.

    Hour angle. The angular distance measured along the celestial equator from its upper point of intersection with the celestial meridian to the west to the hour circle passing through a selected point on the celestial sphere. The hour angle of a star is equal to sidereal time minus that star's right ascension.

    Globular cluster. A compact, almost spherical group of hundreds of thousands of stars. Globular clusters are usually located outside the disks of spiral galaxies; in our Galaxy they are known to be approx. 150.

    Galactic latitude. The angular distance of a celestial body north or south of the great circle representing the plane of the Milky Way.

    Latitude is geographical. The angle between a plumb line at a given point on the Earth and the plane of the equator, measured from 0 to 90 on both sides of the equator.

    Latitude is ecliptic. Coordinate in the ecliptic system; the angular distance of the star north or south from the ecliptic plane.

    Equatorial mount. Installation of an astronomical instrument that allows it to rotate around two axes, one of which (the polar or hour axis) is parallel to the axis of the world, and the other (the declination axis) is perpendicular to the first.

    Ecliptic. The apparent path of the Sun on the celestial sphere during the tropical year; great circle in the plane of the earth's orbit.

    Elongation. The angular position of a star (culminating between the celestial pole and the zenith) when its azimuth is greatest or least significant. For a planet, the maximum difference between the ecliptic longitudes of the planet and the Sun.

    Ephemeris. Table of calculated positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, satellites, etc. for successive moments in time.

    Russian Civilization
