Dmitry Olenin: biography and personal life (photo). Dmitry Olenin - the main voice of Russian radio Anna: What about improvisation

Dmitry was born in Cherepovets in 1979. And already in his youth, he began to show incredible artistry, which attracted the attention of others. A charming child with expressive eyes was able to impress everyone. However, childhood did not turn out well for Dmitry. The thing is that his parents died quite early. So Dmitry's older sister took up the upbringing of the child.

She then noticed the talent of her brother, eventually giving him to the dance section. There he got the opportunity to develop his creative potential. Some teachers were sure that in the end Dmitry would be able to achieve serious success in this area. Only once the hero of our article unexpectedly left this institution, as he decided to connect his life with programming, which was gaining more and more popularity in those years.


After leaving school, Dmitry went to a local higher educational institution, where he began to learn programming, which the teenager then considered his calling in life. That's just Dmitry's enthusiasm was enough for exactly a year. It was after one course that the young man noticed an announcement that forever changed his fate. We are talking about a casting conducted by employees of the radio station "Russian Radio". They were looking for a new leader. So, without thinking twice, Dmitry Olenin went to the audition, hoping to impress the station workers.


As a result, Dmitry was able to get a position without much difficulty. Almost immediately, the newly-minted radio host, without any experience, manages to win an army of fans. Listeners fell in love with a talented guy who suddenly became a star. Initially, Olenin honed his skills in his native city, after which he got a chance to move to the capital. There, much more serious prospects awaited him at the same radio station.

For a couple of years, the entire audience of many thousands of listeners of Russian Radio learned about Dmitry Olenin. And every day the popularity continued to grow, attracting more and more connoisseurs of music. After his resounding success, the radio host began to receive one offer after another. However, the guy did not change his native station.

Personal life

Despite his incredible charm and successful career, over the years of his life, Dmitry Olenin could not find the girl of his dreams, whom he would like to marry. Reporters often ask the presenter when he will finally start a family. But Dmitry prefers to remain silent on all questions related to this topic. All this gives rise to numerous rumors among fans who have been making assumptions about the relationship of the hero of our article with other representatives of Russian show business for several years now. However, none of the rumors were confirmed.

  1. He is also the host at all kinds of parties and corporate parties.
  2. He organizes and conducts major events, one way or another related to show business.
  3. Dmitry is also often called to hold beauty contests, concerts and other prominent events.
  4. There is a serious experience as a DJ.

And how do you feel about Dmitry? We are waiting for your comments.

Dmitry fearlessly climbs the railing of the bridge to take some spectacular shots for the StarHit photo shoot. This is how stereotypes are broken! Who would have thought that this smiling brunette with a charming voice is an extreme. Meanwhile, he is fond of ice diving, going
jump with a parachute ... Dmitry Olenin knows how to surprise - such a profession. For all 12 years on Russian Radio, he remains one of the most rated and beloved presenters.

I spoke nonsense without hesitation

Dima, where does your passion for extreme sports come from?

From childhood. At home, I was a good boy, but on the street I ran on the roofs, clung to the back of a tram to ride ... The older I get, the more dangerous I experiment. Once, on the set of a TV program, I had to jump from a railway bridge. With insurance, of course. The hardest part was getting myself to climb the railing. You throw one leg, but how to throw the other and rise in height when there is an abyss under you?

Surely no less strong sensations - the first broadcast on the radio ...

Oh yeah! Absolutely everything shook. And five seconds before the start, my friend and teacher Sasha Karlov said: “Remember: everything you say on the air now will be heard by the whole country!” Scoffed! But his "pendel" unexpectedly helped me. Probably, I was talking some kind of nonsense, but I spent the broadcast without a hitch. But once he was worried - and was no longer afraid. Since then, there have been many different things. Curiosities also happened. I remember working together with Roma Trachtenberg, the call went off. The man, apparently, turned on the auto-dial, did not understand that he was already on the air, and clearly sent someone obscene ... We looked at each other, Roma turned it off and said: “Let's listen to the song ...”

Do fans with confessions often break into the air?

Happens. But more often through the "Order Table" they ask me to convey words of love to me. (Laughs.) Recently, they call me: “Dima, there is a girl standing at the entrance, asking everyone for your phone number and address.” She stood all day, at first she said: “I have a business meeting with him.” Then she began to rush at everyone: “I have nowhere to spend the night. I came to him ... ”And the truth stood with things, I was sure that she would live with me. I had to get out of work through the back door.

Here it is, the reverse side of people's love ...

Yes, but still more pleasant. More than once I received messages on my VKontakte page from people who, thanks to me, abandoned the idea of ​​committing suicide. They wrote: “Thank you for saving me,” but I have no idea what I was saying at that moment.

What can't you afford on the air?

Bad mood. But if I fell ill, I confess to the audience. During the Euro finals, my friends and I were in Spain - we were rooting for the Spanish national team, shouting so that I was hoarse. And a day later I have air. So I said: “Sorry, friends, there is no voice ...” But I can afford to come to work in a wrinkled T-shirt or slightly unshaven. This is such a radio bonus - to be "behind the scenes." Too bad I can't get rid of the curls that bored me to death. I came to Moscow from Cherepovets with short hair. But one day my stylist advised me to grow my hair, friends and management supported me. Since then, as soon as I start a conversation that I want to get a haircut, they dissuade: “It suits you so much!” You have to endure ... (Laughs.)

What else, besides the hairstyle, has Moscow changed in you?

Friends from Cherepovets say that I got a Moscow accent, and so I remained the same nice guy. (Smiling.) I went through a good survival school in the capital. For a year he worked as an intern at Russian Radio without receiving a salary. And there was nowhere to live, and nothing to eat. I worked mostly with friends - I did repairs. And it didn't bother me. I was sure everything would change.

And so it happened: you became your own among the stars. They say that Philip Kirkorov himself expressed a desire to meet you ...

Yes, it was a funny story. At one time, I arranged themed house parties for friends: with a DJ, costumes, animation. "Thundered" the whole Tverskaya street, on which I then lived. But I could not imagine that Philip knew about them too. And now he comes to me on the air, folds his arms on his chest and asks from a height of two meters: “Well, I've heard about your parties. Why don't you invite me?" Since then we have been friends.

Psychics promise two daughters

Have you already achieved everything you wanted?

Of course not. Moscow for me is just a transit point between the house where I was born and raised, and the place where I will live. I recently bought an apartment in Spain. True, I plan to finally move there in 20 years ... For several years now I have been mastering television. Ultimately, he must reach a new level, ensure that with the name Dmitry Olenin there is a stable association of "host": both television and radio programs, and concerts. I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. When I fall into the hands of psychics and fortune tellers, everyone unanimously confirms this to me.

Is it true that the fortuneteller predicted two daughters in the future for you?

His voice sounds from many radio receivers of our vast country. He is the owner of bewitching green eyes and black curly hair. He unwittingly broke thousands of girls' hearts and saved millions from death. Who is he? This is Dmitry Olenin. His biography consists of a list of high creative successes. He is a radio host, DJ, host of weddings and corporate events. His career even includes an event held in the main hall of the Kremlin. But first things first.

Dmitry Olenin: biography

In 1979, on November 13, in the distant city of Cherepovets, a wonderful boy was born, whom his parents named Dima. His childhood passed like all children: there were bruises and torn knees. And on one of his birthdays, Dmitry's grandfather gave him a calf. Everyone who knew about this called the boy Uncle Fedor ("Three from Prostokvashino"). But he was not offended, and until now this gift remains the most unforgettable and original in the life of a popular presenter.

After school, Olenin decided to become a programmer. He went to study, but the boring profession still did not please him. In parallel, he was professionally engaged in dancing, which drove the girls crazy. By the way, his chic curls appeared only after he moved to Moscow. Up to this point, he always cut his hair short.

Decisive meeting

By a happy coincidence, he was invited to work on the radio in his native city of Cherepovets, and later in Moscow, fate gave him a meeting with Svetlana Kazarina, which changed his whole life. It all happened on Manezhnaya Square, Svetlana invited Dmitry to visit the Russian Radio studio. Of course, he readily agreed. Olenin left the studio already as a trainee. If not for this girl, many would never have known that there is such a glorious fellow - Dmitry Olenin. The artist's biography is just beginning, because he has a whole life ahead of him!

How it all began - the first broadcast and subsequent work on the radio

In one of the numerous interviews, Dmitry Olenin spoke about how his first broadcast went. He admitted that he was helped a lot by Alexander Karlov (the radio host "Mayak"), who kept reminding him that everything that Dima would say now would be heard by the whole country, millions of listeners. It was both stressful and energizing at the same time. But in spite of everything, the first broadcast went off without a hitch.

Then there were different situations: both curiosities and reservations. Here, for example, a man somehow got through on the air, but did not understand that he was already on the air, and he used foul language all over the country. At that moment, Roman Trachtenberg was nearby, who was not at all taken aback, and with the phrase "And we will listen to the song ..." turned off the emotional man.

Dmitry Olenin put a lot of effort into his success. The biography of other DJs is not so rich. Maybe that's why Olenin is rightfully considered the most sought-after host at events.

Dmitry Olenin. Personal life

Not as much is known about her as I would like. Apparently, the man does not really like to be frank on this topic, and only in some interviews does he intrigue everyone with his ambiguous phrases or actions. For example, a kiss with Lolita Milyavskaya. This was expected from Lola, but Dmitry surprised everyone. Of course, things didn't go beyond that.

Dmitry Olenin from childhood wanted to please all the girls. For this reason, he really wanted to be like Timur (from the work "Timur and his team"). And in the life of an artist there is a woman named Irina. Dmitry Olenin always listens to her opinion. Photos of girls whom journalists continually prophesy to be his brides constantly end up in print media. But in no case was there an official confirmation.

Failed wedding

A few years ago, all the popular domestic media were full of headlines "Dmitry Olenin got married!". His chosen one was a singer, a participant in the Star Factory project, a young and beautiful girl with an interesting name Dakota. The newspapers even published photographs of artists in wedding dresses. But in fact it was an action, and they did not play the wedding for real. Although they had fun according to all traditions: the newlyweds were even showered with buckwheat - for prosperity in the family.

This wedding had everything: wedding rings, limousines, and even vows of fidelity given to each other. Five years have passed since then, and the joke is still alive in the memory.

I must say that Dmitry Olenin (the personal life of a popular presenter and DJ remains a mystery to many) is in no hurry to devote journalists and fans to his heart affairs.

Fans of Dmitry Olenin

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Olenin has a whole army of fans. The owner of such an appearance is destined to be a favorite among women. But is it so good? According to the artist, sometimes it is even dangerous. Also in one of the interviews, Olenin spoke about an interesting incident that occurred on the territory of the Russian Radio studio.

It was like this: Dmitry was called by his colleagues and told that a girl was waiting for him. That she allegedly had a business meeting with him, although in fact it was not true. Dima never arrived, and then he found out that she had arrived with things, with the hope that he would take her to live with him. For a long time afterwards, everyone was interested in where Dmitry Olenin and his girlfriend were. There are also fans.

Basically, of course, girls confess their love to him through live broadcasts, and also write messages on social networks. Dmitry reads them, but so far he cannot reciprocate to anyone.

Creative achievements

Dmitry Olenin, whose biography includes 543 events held over 14 years, did not allow himself a single breakdown, not a single delay. Among the companies that order this presenter for their holiday are Gazprom, Rostelecom, Samsung and others.

Dmitry Olenin has been holding beauty contests for several years, including the popular "Beauty of Russia". The artist is proud of the event held on Red Square, which was dedicated to the G8 congress.

As a DJ, Dmitry Olenin began to develop relatively recently, but he already has two large sets on his account, which he worked out in Izhevsk, where the number of people gathered exceeded 7000, and a set in Moscow in front of 5000 people.

And this is just the beginning, because the artist, who celebrated his 35th birthday last year, is going according to plan! It remains only to wish him creative success and great love.

11:50 10.07.2008

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Exclusive photo report by special correspondent Kirill Zykov's website His voice is familiar to all listeners of Russian Radio. What does the owner of this voice look like, how does he live outside

Exclusive photo report by special correspondent Kirill Zykov website

His voice is familiar to all listeners of Russian Radio. Not everyone knows what the owner of this voice looks like, how he lives outside the airtime. But today we will talk about the private life of Dmitry Olenin. For more than three years, Dima Olenin has been one of the most sought-after metropolitan DJs. The world's best venues have conquered him, and it is unlikely that the public that comes off under his tracks can come to mind that the remote control is not a professional musician, but an ordinary guy who simply knows how to set goals and achieve them with his own work.

Dmitry: I started DJing after I visited Spain, where I fell in love with a DJ, fell in love with her music, then met her. And I say: “I want this music to be in Moscow, no one plays this kind of music in Moscow.” She says, "So be a DJ." And I somehow thought: “Why not?”

KM TV: Does love often play such a significant role in your life? You say that you fell in love, and that's it - a hobby immediately appeared. In general, what role does love play in your life?

Dmitry: You always know that you can return to Moscow, and there is love there. That is, you come, lie down like this, they hug you, and everything immediately becomes good. Most likely, this is a calming moment.

Love brought him to the studio of the radio station. Dima came to the radio because he really wanted his mother to be proud of him.

Dmitry: It was winter, I come home in the evening, and my mother says to me in a serious voice: “Come here, I need to talk to you.” Oh, I think my mom found out I smoke. And mom says: "Anna came." "Which?" - "Well, Anya Turchaninova." And Anya lives on the other side of the city. It was about minus thirty outside, and we agreed that she would come to visit me. She arrived, but I was not at home, I was walking somewhere. And mom says: “You have a wind in your head, and even Anya said so that you have a wind in your head, you will never achieve anything in your life.”

Dmitry (speaking on air): Hello everyone! My name is Dmitry Olenin, you are listening to Russian Radio. I will be happy to spend the next four hours with you. I wish you all a great day, good mood, excellent health. And let there be a smile on your face, seeing which all your enemies will die of envy. Have a nice day, may you all be well!

And I wish the same to the viewers of KM TV. Dmitry Olenin is with you right now. Hello.

Radio by day, music by night. It seems that Dima Olenin does not sleep at all, and everyone is already used to it. But it was not always so. He likes that only memories remain of the past.

Dmitry: I studied to be an automated control system programmer, this is an automated control system, but at the same time I was still a professional dancer. I left dancing and got on the radio, plunged into the world of music and realized that this is mine. When I was in the fifth grade, I asked the teacher who taught computer science: “Can I visit you?” She says: “You will study computer science in the 9th grade, so when you study, then come.” - "Well, I want it so much, I like it now." She says: “Okay, come to extracurricular classes, but I won’t explain anything to you.” And I would come and watch programs that were popular then, for example, written in BASIC, which high school students wrote, and no one explained anything to me, I watched it myself, and I began to succeed, I began to write programs. And I was also fond of graphics, drawings, etc. I wrote a program that consisted of 15 lines, it was a program for solving quadratic equations. Then I just entered the variables from the textbook and solved. I received answers, I look, right, right.

Dima is an honest and kind person. He will not take someone else's, but he will not give his own either. He knows how to get out of difficult situations with his head held high.

Dmitry: I am conflicted, but I just know how to resolve these conflicts so that they give some kind of positive result. Because if you just scream, nothing will happen.

Now Dima even has his own army - an army of envious people. No wonder he always succeeds. The secret of success is luck, without it, of course, nowhere. But luck alone won't get you far. He approaches everything that is called with a soul. Maybe that's why he manages to achieve excellent results? Even in programming, he saw an interesting game.

Dmitry: Programs serve creativity. The fewer lines, the better the program, the better programmer you are. It's appreciated. This is an element of some kind of creativity - to write a program, there are tricks. A creative profession indeed.

KM TV: Has it completely disappeared from your life, or are you still into something like that?

Dmitry: I'm more likely to use a computer now in terms of music: to write my own music, to do something like that. Now they make such programs when you don’t need a musical education at all, you just collect music like a constructor, and that’s it. This, of course, is not serious, but you can make music.

Tyap-bloop - this is not for him. If Dima has taken up something, he will work with all responsibility. And when it comes to music, he just lives by it.

Dmitry: I periodically travel around Europe, and when I visit any country, I will definitely find a music store there and buy records. That's the last time I was in Cologne, and before that in Brussels. I arrived, I asked: “Where is your record store?” I went and found a store and bought a lot of records. I came here and was very pleased, they say, I was now in Brussels, here are the new records. And gladly played them. It is much cheaper for a DJ to play from a CD, because buying one track on the Internet costs two dollars, buying one record costs 12 euros. That is, one disc is one song, one track. That is, I spend 12 euros on one song, and the DJ who plays from the CD buys a whole collection for these 12 euros.

His personal taste preferences are unchanged. And as a DJ, he tries to keep up with the times. Conscientiousness and curiosity are never superfluous, and thanks to this, Dima improves his level of professionalism.

Dmitry: My favorite music is jazz. As for club music, everything should be positive, only positive, cheerful, people don't need problems. There is music that loads, but the people who came here, to the club, came to rest, relax, throw out their emotions. And I, as a DJ, give them this opportunity, because my music is all positive. The love for jazz remains to this day. The attitude to club music is changing a little, that is, I began to understand the nuances. If I used to say “Oh, what a swotting there”, now I know the subtleties, I can explain how one of the two tracks, it would seem, at first glance, the same, is better than the other is worse.

Now he can explain not only that. Especially for KM TV viewers, Dima gave a short excursion into the world of DJing.

Dmitry: Dear TV viewers, guys, with all my heart I make one big request, because there is such a law of meanness: someone always comes up to ask something from the DJ at that very crucial moment, in those very 20 seconds when you can’t distract him. So, no need to be distracted. Let's go. Everything here is a standard set, but it is considered the best. Of course, you can show off and put something cooler, but it makes no sense. Standard "Technics", these are vinyl players of the seventy-something year, since that time they have not changed much, that's what they are, they are. The Pioneer company also produced turntables at one time, but stopped producing, and now only Technics, they are the best. "Pioneer" is called "thousander" because the model is "DJ 1000". The Pioneer remote is the most convenient and most reliable device, the sound quality is good, the most convenient and easy to use for DJs. This is how it's all set up. Two years ago, everything would have been the other way around, there would have been a remote control, vinyl turntables and a CD. Now, since most DJs play from CDs (unlike me, I'm still old school, I mostly play records), CDs and vinyl are put on. Why do you need a third turntable? First one song plays, then the second, in turn. The third player is needed in order to add some sound, an a cappella song to decorate your set. These are very wise machines that DJ Olenin still does not know how to use.

Dima belongs to the old school of DJs. And it's not about experience. The main thing here is technique.

Dmitry: We all studied physics at school, what is sound. Sound is a wave. Digital audio is the coding on a CD, i.e. the binary system. This is a set of 1 and 0, i.e. 1, 0, 1, 0. If this is depicted on a scale, then this will be such a step. Here is a CD - these are steps. Vinyl is made up of glass and track. The track exactly copies the musical wave, not in squares, but as it is. Due to this, the sound is softer, more rounded and nourished, juicy. The CD still makes the sound a little flat, adds high frequencies, and the sound is not so deep and juicy, so to speak. If you pick up my suitcase - a seemingly small bag - you will feel that it is heavy. Weighs 26 kg. And always at the airport, when they ask “Do you have luggage?”, We answer: “No, we only have hand luggage.” And we pretend that he weighs 4 kg. Hard.

There are a lot of hard things in his musical activity. But Dima learned to deal with these difficulties - either experience helps, or such a character.

KM TV: Any fears? So you go out to the public, should there still be a fear of the audience?

Dmitry: Yes. A DJ needs to understand what kind of music he likes the most in order to play it next.

Now Dima will not disappear for sure. If anything, you can always go to psychologists. After all, with such enthusiasm, he learned to feel people, to see them through and through.

Dmitry: The Moscow public is generally very cheerful and positive. She is lazy and loves something so fun, funky. Petersburg is a completely different audience. There, people will trample into the club, even if it is 40 km from the city, far away. Our Muscovites, if the club is located outside the Garden Ring, will not go there. They need to leave one club, cross the road here, get into another. Our audience is very heavy on the rise and very shy of their emotions.

People cannot fail. The public either likes the DJ or they don't. But with technology, things are much more complicated.

Dmitry: When you arrive in an unfamiliar city, a club, one thing doesn’t work right away, the other doesn’t work, it’s uncomfortable for you here. Instead of thinking about which track to put on, you think about how it would play out here, how it would not leave, squeak, buzz, etc. There are such moments.

But Dima doesn't care. For him, the whole process has a special meaning.

Dmitry: This is not self-expression, that is, something that people enjoy. People get pleasure from the fact that they came to dance, someone eats kebabs in nature, someone sits at home watching TV. My pleasure is when the dance floor is full of people, I play and everyone does like this. I achieve this every time. I try to get in, to guess the musical tastes of these people. And when it works out - that's a thrill.

There is no time left for other pleasures. Therefore, they, the pleasures, have a strict hierarchy. The next thing Dima prefers...

Dmitry: Sleep.

KM TV: Do you like to sleep? And it would seem that a night dweller ...

Dmitry: The fact of the matter is that I do not have enough time to sleep, so when I have the opportunity to sleep, I do it with great pleasure, with greed. And in general - music, music, music.

Dreams come true have a special property: they become reality. And side by side with reality there is always a routine. Therefore, even the most long-awaited life can simply get bored.

Dmitry: I already think that we need to tie it up. Still, I have television, I have radio. But I can not.

Dima Olenin is used to setting goals and achieving them with his own work. And maybe the secret is that his goals are not selfish?

Dmitry: I want to sleep. But in fact, my dream is this: I want to become a good DJ, I want to make a good project, a good group of musicians. Make it so that it brings joy to others, so that you can arrange a holiday.
