Who loved silently in grief from the mind. A

Woe from Wit is a well-known comedy by A. S. Griboyedov, in which nobles living in the early 19th century appear. During this period, the ideas of Decembrism and conservative views began to provoke disagreements. The basis of the theme is the confrontation between modern times and the past century, ideals were replaced by new ones, which had a deplorable effect on people. At the same time, most of the representatives of comedy belong to the supporters of the past century, this category includes both individuals who have weight in society, and those who are trying to serve. And Molchanov belongs to those who serve against their will.

Characteristics of the hero

Molchalin Alexei Stepanovich is a man, he is young and works as Famusov's secretary. Among his main features there is stupidity, meanness combined with cunning, his goal is to extract advantages for himself. To do this, he adjusts to the opinions of others and meets not with the woman he loves, but with Sofia Famusova.

Among the positive qualities are:

  • modesty. As can be seen from his reaction to drunken behavior, humiliation and affectation, the hero can withstand any whims;
  • tact. Aleksey hides emotions and does not show incorrect actions towards the owner's daughter;
  • the ability to remain silent;
  • politeness. Knows how to correctly formulate phrases, correctly put himself;
  • the ability to make friends;
  • calm perception. Even in the most unpleasant situations, he does not flaunt emotions.

There are also negative qualities:

  • shyness is only a mask, in fact the hero is two-faced, he behaves depending on the environment;
  • pleases and fawns for the sake of profit. Novels are also built for the purpose of profit, even the smart enough Sofia is ready to be with him, but Molchalin is only pretending;
  • has no opinion, more silent.

The psychological mindset of Mochalin defines a whole category of people, they are ready for anything for the sake of promotion and forget about their opinion for the sake of it. Alexey gradually lost the ability to judge logically and simply agreed with the public, reaching the maximum in his flattery.

The image of the hero in the work

Alexei is not rich and is a nobleman from Tver, lives in the owner's house and secretly has a love relationship with his daughter. Molchalin cannot reach the status of a son-in-law, because he does not have ranks and stars, society likes him because he is professionally helpful. He fully answers the image of a young nobleman, because he tries to please everyone who can somehow influence his career. He himself believes that small ranks do not make it possible to have his own judgment.

Role in society

In public, the true face of Molchalin is hidden, but when talking with Lisa, he shows himself, because the bright contrast between the modest and quiet with the rake is simply impossible not to notice. This person is dangerous because he is two-faced. There is no love and even respect for Sophia in him, he is afraid to open a relationship, while building a real performance. He believes that evil tongues are worse than a gun, while Sophia, on the contrary, does not worry about the opinions of others. Molchalin lives the way his father advised him - he pleases everyone.

Alexey is proud of his success, the presence of important connections, and even gives advice to behave like Chatsky, because he believes that his behavior is correct. Although the views of the hero and the conservative noble nobility are the same, he is harmful to society. Having deceived Famusov's daughter and being her lover more as a position than out of feelings, he spoils the girl's life. Molchalin has an exact correspondence to the ideals of the past century, he easily adapts to the situation and values ​​only wealth and titles.

What does Molchalin show?

The basis of the character's character is duplicity and cunning, such can be blissful, and reach known degrees, because people like such silence. The relevance of the affected features of the hero remains, his image has survived to this day, promotion, enrichment for many is much more important than such eternal concepts as dignity, honesty or love for the motherland. Molchalin clearly divides people by status and treats them accordingly.

In the comedy, Molchalin is not too important for the development of the storyline, he personifies the general spirit of the people of that time, showing their humiliation in front of the higher ranks. Also, the image allows you to show Chatsky more vividly, because he is opposite in character, and stands out with a strong soul, pride and confidence.

- the protagonist of the story.

The so-called "" begins with this quote, in which he responds to criticism addressed to him (action 2, phenomenon 5).

Chatsky's words (action 3, phenomenon 22). tells Sophia (daughter) that he was upset by the admiration of the Russian nobility for the Europeans (French). Chatsky cites the words of the princesses who bow before France and the French.

Words that, due to his long absence, his former lover Sophia apparently fell in love with another (act 2, phenomenon 4). Chatsky and Sofia (daughter) used to love each other. Chatsky went on a trip and when he returned three years later, Sofia greeted him coldly. From a conversation with Famusov, Chatsky had a suspicion that Sofia, during their separation, fell in love with another.


Sofia tells Chatsky about how she was waiting for him while he was away. Chatsky answered this with this phrase (act I, phenomenon 7).

Words in a conversation with Sophia (daughter). Chatsky returned to Moscow after a long journey and visited Famusov's house. Before parting, Chatsky and Sofia loved each other, but Sofia met him coldly. Chatsky tells Sophia that he is ready to go even into the fire for her sake (act 1, phenomenon 7).

A little will excite them, and a little will calm them down. (d. 4, yavl. 10):

But this swoon? unconsciousness from where?

Nerve spoiled, whim,

A little will excite them, and a little will calm

Chatsky's words (action 4, phenomenon 14). found out that his beloved Sophia (daughter) began to meet with a low man, her father's secretary -. made a scandal and attacked both Sophia and Chatsky with unfounded reproaches. Chatsky was disappointed in his beloved, criticized the order that had developed among the Moscow nobility and decided to leave Moscow, from the people who disgusted him.

Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges! (d. 2, yavl. 5):

But the debtors did not agree to the postponement:

Cupids and Zephyrs all

Sold out singly!!!

Here are those who lived to gray hair!

That's who we should respect in the wilderness!

Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges!

Words from (action 2, phenomenon 5) in which he responds to criticism addressed to him. Chatsky says that young people have no one to look up to.

Chatsky's words (action 3, phenomenon 6). met his friend Platon Mikhailovich Gorich in the house of an official. His wife, Natalya Dmitrievna, complains about her husband's health. To which Chatsky advises to go to the village to improve his health.

Words spoken to Sophia (daughter) about (action I, phenomenon 7). Chatsky despises Molchalin, but is sure that he will make a career for himself by groveling before his superiors. The expression is applied in the meaning - he will go far.

Words (action 2, phenomenon 5), in response to the words and that the fire of 1812 benefited Moscow, as many new houses were built. Chatsky says that the prejudices of the aristocratic society remained, despite the fact that Moscow was built up with new houses.

Words, who interrupted the flattering and deceitful speech of his friend Repetilov (action 4, phenomenon 4).

The words that he uttered at the first meeting with Sophia (daughter), after his return from a long journey. Before parting, Chatsky and Sofia loved each other, but Sofia met Chatsky coldly, because during their separation she fell in love with Father Molchalin's secretary (act 1 phenomenon 7).

The words of Chatsky (act IV, phenomenon 10). heard that he was considered insane. Someone spread a rumor that he was crazy. Chatsky is very upset and discouraged by this circumstance and talks about how ridiculously public opinion is being formed.

Words in a conversation with Sophia (daughter). Chatsky returned to Moscow from a long journey (act 1, phenomenon 7).

Chatsky's last words (act 4, appearance 14). decided to leave Moscow, from the people who disgusted him.

Chatsky's words spoken to Molchalin (act 3, phenomenon 3). (secretary) asks why he does not want to go on a visit to Tatyana Yurievna, an acquaintance of Chatsky, who has important connections with the Moscow nobility. Chatsky explains to Molchalin that he is used to achieving success on his own, and not using his acquaintances.

Words (from) addressed to (action 2, phenomenon 5). Chatsky criticizes the stupid worship of people in uniforms.

Chatsky's words (action 3, phenomenon 22). talks about how he suffers. He loves Sophia, daughter, and she, during their separation, fell out of love with Chatsky and fell in love with Secretary Famusov (). Moscow society irritates Chatsky with its morals.

Chatsky's words addressed to Sophia (act 4, phenomenon 13). caring for a former lover - Sofia (daughter). But then it suddenly turns out that he secretly confessed his love for her maid Lisa.

On the forehead is written: Theater and Masquerade. (d. 1 yavl. 7):

"And our sun? Our treasure?

On the forehead is written: Theater and Masquerade;

The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove,

He himself is fat, his artists are skinny.

We are told to recognize everyone as a historian and geographer! (d. 1 yavl. 7):

"In Russia, under a great fine,

We are told to recognize each

Historian and geographer!

Chatsky's words, in response to Khlestova's words about Zagoretsky (action 3, phenomenon 10). Khlestova talks about Zagoretsky, who gave her a black servant. She then remarks that he is "a liar, a gambler, a thief." To this he utters this phrase.

Chatsky's words (action 3, phenomenon 22). tells Sophia (daughter) that he was upset by the admiration of the Russian nobility for the Europeans (French).

Chatsky's words (action 3, phenomenon 3). begins to guess that Sophia's daughter) is in love with her father's secretary -. He is surprised by this circumstance, since he considers Molchalin a stupid and insignificant person.

Chatsky's words (act 4, appearance 10). heard that he was considered insane. Someone spread a rumor that he was crazy. Chatsky is very upset and discouraged by this circumstance.

Singer winter summer weather. (d. 1 yavl. 7):

"At the ball, remember, we opened together

Behind the screens, in one of the more secret rooms,

A man was hidden and the nightingale clicked,

Singer winter summer weather."

Words, which criticizes the lifestyle of those who are set as an example to him (action 2, phenomenon 5). expressed his views and set as an example some officials. does not consider these people worthy and calls the way of life of people of the circle and views of Famusov as "the meanest traits of the past life."

Chatsky's words (action 3, phenomenon 22). tells Sophia (daughter) about the "foreign power of fashion", forcing Russian people to adopt European clothes.

Words in conversation with (action 2, phenomenon 2). Famusov spoke about the people of his generation. Chatsky was struck by the fact that Famusov praised groveling before his superiors as a virtue.

He asks how he would react to the fact that if Chatsky married Sophia, the daughter of Famusov. Famusov replies that Chatsky should get a job in a government agency. To which Chatsky replied with this phrase (action 2, phenomenon 2).

Chatsky tells Sofya (act I, scene 7) that it is customary in society to speak French. But since few people know it well, it turns out a mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod.

The fate of love is to play blind man's blind man. (d. 3 yavl. 1):

"Molchalin used to be so stupid! ..

Wretched creature!

Have you wised up?..

And that one is Khripun, strangled, bassoon,

A constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas!

The fate of love, play blind man's blind man"

Chatsky's words (act 4, appearance 10). I saw that his beloved Sophia (daughter) was looking for. Chatsky decided to hide and find out what was going on.

Words in a conversation with Sophia (daughter), act 1, phenomenon 7. Chatsky, returning from a long journey, found that Sophia met him coldly (before parting, the young people loved each other). Chatsky talks about his condition because of this.

Chatsky's words addressed to Molchalin (act 3, phenomenon 3). (secretary) asks why he did not succeed in his career. Chatsky responds with this phrase.

More in number, cheaper price. (d. 1 yavl. 7):

"Ah! let's move on to education.

What is now, just as of old,

Trouble recruiting teachers regiments,

More in number, cheaper price?

Not that they are far in science;

In Russia, under a great fine,

We are told to recognize each

Historian and geographer!

Words addressed to Sophia (daughter), from their first conversation after Chatsky's return from a long trip to Moscow (act 1, phenomenon 7).

The words that he uttered at the first meeting with Sophia (daughter), after his return from a long journey. Before parting, Chatsky and Sofia loved each other (act 1 phenomenon 7).

Quotes Famusov

is one of the key characters in the story. Moscow nobleman of the middle hand. Serves as a manager in a state-owned place. The wife died shortly after giving birth, leaving her only daughter Sophia. Before the events of the comedy, Chatsky and Sophia were in love with each other.

Famusov's words addressed to Chatsky (action 4, phenomenon 14). unexpectedly found his daughter Sophia in the company of and attacked them, believing that they were secret lovers. Famusov threatens to send his daughter to the village and demands from Chatsky not to meet with her.

Famusov's words (action 1, phenomenon 4). I saw my daughter Sophia in company with my secretary. Famusov is unhappy that his unmarried daughter is dating Molchalin, as he wants to marry her to a rich man with social connections.

Famusov's words (action 4, phenomenon 14). met his daughter Sophia in company with. Famusov lashes out at them with abuse, considering them secret lovers.

Sofya told Famusov a strange dream that frightened her. After listening to her story, Famusov answers with this phrase (action 1, phenomenon 4).

Famusov's words addressed to his daughter Sophia (action 4, phenomenon 14). unexpectedly found his daughter Sophia in the company of and attacked them, believing that they were secret lovers. With this phrase, he threatens his daughter to send her from Moscow to a pear (to her aunt, in Saratov).

Famusov's words (action 2, phenomenon 5). asks about his intentions to marry (Famusov wants to marry his daughter Sophia to Skalozub). During the conversation, Famusov says this phrase that there are many brides worthy of the colonel in Moscow.

Words (action 2, phenomenon 3). Famusov, having learned that he had come to visit him, speaks of rumors that his daughter Sophia is supposedly going to marry the colonel. Speaking of rumors, he uses this phrase.

Words in conversation with . Chatsky returned to Moscow after a long journey and visited Famusov's house. He noticed that Famusov's daughter Sophia had become prettier. To which Famusov replied with these words (action 1, phenomenon 9).

Famusov's words addressed to his maid Lisa. Liza, in order to wake up the hosts, set the hands of the clock so that they played music. Famusov guessed that she deliberately let the clock down (action 1 phenomenon 2).

Famusov's words addressed to Chatsky (action 2, phenomenon 2). told what smart and cunning people of his generation. Famusov ended his speech with this phrase.

From Famusov's answer to Sophia's story about a strange dream that frightened her (action 1, phenomenon 4).

Words addressed to daughter Sophia (action 1, phenomenon 4). Famusov called the French the destroyers of pockets and hearts, who brought fashionable little things and entertaining French literature to Russia.

Famusov's words addressed to Colonel Skalozub (action 2, phenomenon 5). talks about his military service and its prospects. During the conversation, he wishes Skalozub health and promotion with this phrase.

Famusov's words from a conversation with Colonel Skalozub (action 2, phenomenon 5). speaks of the hospitality of the aristocracy of Moscow.

Famusov's words (action 2, phenomenon 5). asks about his intentions to marry (Famusov wants to marry his daughter Sophia to Skalozub). During the conversation, Famusov says with this phrase that Moscow is the best city and there are many brides worthy of a colonel in Moscow.

Words in conversation with (action 2, phenomenon 3). Famusov learned that a distinguished guest had arrived. Famusov tells Chatsky about the ideas that he just expressed in their conversation. Chatsky criticized the existing order among the aristocracy of Moscow. Famusov called these ideas slanderous.

Sophia is in love with the poor secretary Molchalin, but her father does not approve of their relationship. Sofya tells Famusov her dream, in which there was a poor young man. During her story, Famusov pronounces this phrase (action 1, phenomenon 4).

Famusov's words (action 2, phenomenon 5) from a conversation with Colonel Skalozub. speaks of the traditions and orders that have developed among the aristocracy of Moscow. With this phrase, he concludes that the representatives of the Moscow aristocracy are significantly different from others.

Famusov boasts of how well he raised his daughter Sophia (act 1, phenomenon 4).

Words addressed to his secretary Molchalin (action 1, phenomenon 4). Famusov met his secretary Molchalin in the morning at his house together with his daughter Sophia. He is against their close relationship.

(manager in a state-owned place) talks about the fact that he selects only relatives for the service (action 2, phenomenon 5).

The words of Famusov, who flirts with his maid Liza (act 1 scene 2).

Famusov's words in a conversation with Colonel Skalozub (action 2, phenomenon 5). says that it is customary for the aristocracy of Moscow to judge children by the merits and achievements of their parents.

Molchalin invites Famusov to discuss the papers, to which Famusov, refusing to waste time on discussion, answers with this phrase (action 1, phenomenon 4).

Famusov's words (action 2, phenomenon 5). talks about old men who like to argue.

Famusov's words addressed to Chatsky (action 2, phenomenon 2). speaks of the demands that he would make to Chatsky if he decided to marry his daughter Sophia.

Famusov's words (act III, phenomenon 21). talks about the dangers of learning and learning.

Famusov's words (act III, phenomenon 21). they discuss with interlocutors the reasons why Chatsky went crazy. Khlestova suggested that the main reason was that Chatsky abused alcohol. To this, Famusov remarked that the reason for Chatsky's madness is different - learning and learning.

Words about (action 2, phenomenon 2). Famusov told Chatsky about the people of his generation. Chatsky was struck by the fact that Famusov praised groveling before his superiors as a virtue. Chatsky condemned this quality, to which Famusov replied with this phrase.

Famusov talks about his daughter (Sofia) and two young people who are in love with her (and). Famusov does not like both young people, since they are not rich and not noble.

Famusov's words about wealthy Muscovites, in a conversation with the servant Petrushka (act 2, phenomenon 1). admiringly tells the servant about the merits of the person for whose funeral he is going.

Sophia Quotes

Sofia Pavlovna is Famusov's daughter.

Sophia's words in a conversation with the maid Lisa (act 1, appearance 5). Sophia discusses with her maid Lisa how her father (), met Sophia with her lover Molchalin and was dissatisfied with this. Sofia loves a young man, but Molchalin is not rich and his father is against their rapprochement.

The words of Sofia (daughter). returned from a long trip. Before parting, Chatsky and Sofia loved each other, but Sofia met the young man coldly, as she fell in love with her father's secretary Molchalin. Chatsky, noticing Sophia's coldness, asks if she is in love with anyone? To which she answers with this phrase (act. 1, yavl. 7).

Sophia's words in a conversation with Lisa (a servant in the house) that Colonel Skalozub could become Sophia's possible groom (act 1 phenomenon 5).

Sophia's words (daughter), act 3, appearance 1. tries to find out if Sophia loves anyone. When he spoke about, Sophia answered with these words, hinting that she did not love the colonel.

Sophia's words (action 1, appearance 3). Sophia (daughter) for a long time was with her beloved Molchalin. Liza (a servant in the Famusov household) told Sophia that they had been together for too long. Sophia answered this with this phrase.

Sophia's words addressed to her father's maid Lisa (act 1, appearance 5). Sophia's father found her with Molchalin in his house. Famusov is dissatisfied with the rapprochement of his daughter with the rootless Molchalin. A phrase from Sofia's conversation with Lisa after Famusov's departure.

  • Will such a mind make a family happy? (d. 3. yavl. 1)
  • You can share laughter with everyone (d. 1. yavl. 5)
  • Think how capricious happiness is! (d. 1. yavl. 5)

Quotes Molchalin

- Famusov's secretary, who lives in his house. Molchalin takes care of Sofia.

Molchalin's words in a conversation with Chatsky (action 3, phenomenon 3). (secretary) says that he does not express his opinion, since so far his position in society is not significant (they talk about the writing skills of the famous official Foma Fomich).


1. Introduction

2. Activity of Molchalin

3. Views of Molchalin

4. Molchalin's attitude towards women



In the immortal work "Woe from Wit" A. S. Griboyedov described several collective images common in his era. As time shows, its characteristics are relevant today. With any social system and level of technical development, there will always be their Chatskys, Famusovs, Molchalins. The last image is the most numerous and indestructible. Worship, servility and sycophancy for the sake of achieving one's own benefit are extremely common social vices. Unfortunately, each person has his own Molchalin. The difference is only in the extent to which he is allowed to do his dark deeds.

Molchalin's activities

One of the main negative characters of the comedy is Famusov's secretary, who lives in his house. A. S. Molchalin, apparently, is not a rich person. From childhood, his father taught him to "please all people." Having entered the service of Famusov, Molchalin became not only his secretary, but in fact a personal servant who is ready for any service, even for a crime. The author hints at the not entirely pure nature of Famusov's cases in the first act (papers "cannot be used", "there are contradictions").

The propensity for scams and secret money transactions is in Molchalin's blood and is confirmed by all his actions and deeds. Aleksey Stepanovich's attitude towards Famusov is outwardly extremely respectful and respectful, sometimes reaching the point of humiliation. In fact, Molchalin does not care about his human dignity. He is driven only by the desire for profit and the improvement of his social position. He is convinced that in this life everything depends on money, absolutely everything can be bought or sold. He works as a secretary only until he makes a sufficient fortune and can himself become a semblance of Famusov. This is his idea of ​​an ideal life path.

Molchalin's views

Alexei Stepanovich has no particular strong convictions. The first time he expresses his views in detail in a conversation with Chatsky. Above all, they value "moderation and accuracy." Molchalin believes that he is distinguished by precisely these qualities. Interested Chatsky continues to ask questions, trying to understand what kind of person is in front of him. Aleksey Stepanovich cites Tatyana Yuryevna and Foma Fomich as authorities.

From the words of Chatsky it is clear that these are extremely stupid and limited people, whose entire merit lies in wealth. But for Molchalin they are indisputable examples to be emulated. Finally, Chatsky seeks from Molchalin his main characterization: "At my age, one should not dare to have one's own judgments." He explains his idea by the fact that a small rank forces him to depend on "the mighty of this world." Incapable of cunning, Chatsky concludes that his interlocutor is simply a fool. In fact, Molchalin is far from being so stupid. Subsequently, he will partially reveal his innermost thoughts to Lisa.

Alexei Stepanovich in his heart deeply despises everyone before whom he humiliates himself. He does this out of necessity, dreaming of taking the place of his "idols". However, Molchalin will never use his innate mind and education for an honest and noble cause. Having become a big boss, he will gladly become a new "idol", who will also demand boundless respect and deference from his subordinates. Molchalin is convinced that the whole world rests on this alone.

Molchalin's attitude towards women

Love for Alexei Stepanovich is the same commodity and a way to achieve his goals. His courtship of Sophia is caused by the desire to please Famusov even more. He is as honest as possible with respect to Lisa, but he tries to win her favor exclusively with the help of expensive gifts. Molchalin simply does not understand that people have any feelings other than the desire for enrichment and power.


Molchalin is a collective negative image of a person for whom there are no high ideals. Such people are ready for any humiliation for the sake of money. Having gained power and authority, the Molchalins will be able to spread their poisonous influence widely. This will lead to the emergence of more and more low and vile people, replacing honesty and truthfulness with deceit and venality. For any society, it is important that there be as few Molchalins as possible in it.

The epithets that are awarded to Alexei Molchalin are a flatterer, a toady and a heartless rogue. The anti-hero of the comedy "Woe from Wit" appears to readers as a truly grotesque figure, the description of which is full of sarcastic clichés. And according to the law of the genre, an unpleasant type who stole the heart of a naive girl will be exposed. Alas, such a plot is most often possible only in plays.

History of creation

Molchalin is a colorful and vibrant character, with the help of which he denounced a typical secular society from the time of serfdom. The writer created the first drafts of the comedy Woe from Wit back in 1820.

The results of the work, which lasted for four years, did not satisfy the author. In 1824, Griboedov, during the editing of the resulting work, partially rewrites the character of Molchalin. The writer adds final scenes to the comedy, thereby exposing the secretary to the rest of the characters.

The first attempts to publish Woe from Wit took place in December of the same year. Alas, censorship softened the replicas of the heroes, smoothing over the acute social issues that Griboyedov raised. For example, Molchalin's phrase "After all, one must depend on others" was replaced with "After all, one must keep others in mind."

The comedy, not burdened by the censor's edits, was released to print only in 1831, while the play was specially translated into German. The Russian-language version of the poetic work appeared in Moscow in 1833.

Critical remarks about the play mainly touched on the confrontation and Molchalin. Despite the numerous censures of the secretary, the hero's life values ​​are understandable and correspond to the spirit of the time. This is subtly noted:

“Chatsky says about Molchalin that he used to be so stupid that he is the most miserable creature. Molchalin made it his rule: moderation and accuracy. Let's ask: what is stupid and funny here?

"Woe from Wit"

The plot of Alexander Griboyedov's comedy develops on the territory of the landowner's estate. The economy of an elderly person has long been established, in working moments the secretary helps the man, whose full name is Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin.

The man lives in the house of the employer, so he easily strikes up a relationship with Sofia Famusova. Young people spend a lot of time alone, talking on personal topics. Molchalin's biography undergoes drastic changes when Chatsky returns to his homeland.

Men from the first minutes disliked each other. Chatsky intends to understand the reasons for the strange behavior of his beloved. Molchalin is scared that the secret romance will be revealed. The secretary does not want to lose a profitable position, but the opportunity to become the son-in-law of a wealthy aristocrat is too tempting.

The girl herself has long lost interest in Chatsky and can hardly restrain herself so as not to reveal her secret. When Molchalin falls from a horse, the younger Famusova cannot cope with her emotions. People around begin to suspect that there is a secret connection between the characters.

Having ridiculed the views of the secretary on life, Chatsky incurs the wrath of the girl. Human relationships are surrounded by gossip, intrigue and class prejudice. Molchalin's well-fed life ends at the moment when, succumbing to feelings, the secretary opens his hands and confesses his insidious plans to the maid Lisa.

Sophia herself and an angry Chatsky hear an intimate conversation and unpleasant statements. At this moment, the social problems of Russian officials and the love drama are mixed together. Molchalin is expelled from a rich house, and his rival bitterly concludes:

"The silent ones are blissful in the world!"

Image and character

The debate about whether Molchalin is pathetic or terrible does not subside among connoisseurs of classical literature. The quotation of the character will put everything in its place, because Griboyedov expressed his attitude towards the character through the remarks of Molchalin himself and the people around him.

The comedy hero grew up in Tver and moved to Moscow at a mature age. The young man is poor, grew up in a bourgeois family. His father also worked in the service, so Molchalin from childhood was used to kowtow to the powers that be:

“My father bequeathed to me: firstly, to please all people without exception - the owner, where I happen to live, the boss with whom I will serve.”

The secretary follows the precepts of his father, so he settles in Famusov's house with ease and comfort. Officially, the young man is listed in the "archives", but in fact, he performs the duties of a personal assistant to the landowner. During the service, the man managed to receive three awards, which Molchalin is boastfully proud of.

Illustration for the comedy "Woe from Wit"

Partially, the characteristic of the secretary is revealed through the appearance of the character. An attractive young man has a slim figure. A man dresses neatly and watches his own manners:

“Helpful, modest, there is a blush in his face ...”

The costume is for Alexei Stepanovich a kind of way to achieve his own goals in life. A modest frock coat, a colored vest and light-coloured pantaloons help Molchalin to move up the career ladder. After all, the status of a creeping servant allows you to achieve a promotion faster. And it is easier for a quiet young man to achieve the favor of the boss's daughter.

The image of a modest and reserved person is exploited by Griboedov even through the name of the hero. This is how Chatsky thinks about the unpleasant hero:

“Have you not yet broken the silence of the press?<...>But by the way, he will reach certain degrees, because now they love the dumb.

New aspects of Molchalin's character are revealed in the context of the secretary's relationship with women. Ambition forces a man to look after Sophia, while Alexei is interested in the maid Lisa. The hero is not embarrassed that such actions are a sign of hypocrisy and duplicity. Indeed, in the struggle between the aristocracy and bureaucracy, any methods are good.

Misbehavior has consequences for a fluid and quirky person. Aleksey Stepanovich was caught red-handed, and various subterfuges will not save the bureaucrat. However, even after excommunication from a rich house, Molchalin will easily arrange his own life, because, as he wrote:

"Molchalin is devilishly smart when it comes to his personal gain."

Screen adaptations

In 2000, a video version of "Woe from Wit" was released, directed by. The play was included in the 5 most expensive stage projects in Moscow. The image of Molchalin was embodied by the actor.


“Often there we find patronage, where we don’t aim.”
"This frankness would not harm us."
"What would you not do to please the daughter of such a man."
“Ah, evil tongues are worse than a gun!”
"I dare not pronounce my judgment."
  • Carriage for me, carriage!
  • And who are the judges?
  • Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world!
  • When you wander, you return home, and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!
  • I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve.
  • Fresh legend, but hard to believe.
  • Are they bothering to recruit teachers for regiments, more in number, at cheaper prices?
  • Who serves a cause, not individuals...
  • ABOUT! if someone penetrated into people: what is worse in them? soul or language?
  • Who needs it: for those who are arrogant, they lie in the dust, and for those who are higher, flattery, like lace, was woven.
  • Fools believe, they tell others, old women instantly sound the alarm - and here is public opinion!
  • Houses are new, but prejudices are old, rejoice, neither their years, nor fashion, nor fires will destroy them.
  • Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived.
  • Why not a husband? There is only little mind in him; but to have children, who lacked intelligence?
  • If you drink grief, it’s better right away than to delay - and slowness will not get rid of troubles.
  • When I'm in business, I hide from fun, when I'm fooling around, I'm fooling around, and mixing these two crafts is the darkness of craftsmen, I'm not one of them.
  • I wanted to travel around the whole world, and did not travel a hundredth.
  • And yet, he will reach certain degrees, because today they love the dumb.
  • A little light - already on your feet! And I am at your feet.
  • Listen! Lie, but know the measure.
  • And in the multitude I am lost, not myself.
  • Good! The most empty person, the most stupid.
  • Silencers are blissful in the world!
  • I climb into the noose, but it's funny to her.
  • The fate of love is to play blind man's blind man.
  • I go to women, but not for this.

"Woe from Wit" Quotes Famusov

  • Who is poor, he is not a couple for you.
  • No other model is needed when the example of a father is in the eyes.
  • Signed, so off your shoulders.
  • Terrible age! Don't know what to start! All managed beyond their years.
  • Read not like a sexton, but with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.
  • You, young people, have no other business than to notice girlish beauty.
  • Would you ask how the fathers did? Learn to look at the elders.
  • He does not serve, that is, he does not find any benefit in that, but if he wants, he would be businesslike.
  • To teach our daughters everything, everything - and dance! and foam! and tenderness! and sigh! As if we are preparing buffoons for their wives.
  • Learning - that's the plague, learning - that's the reason that now more than ever, crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions.
  • I'm not cheerful!.. At my age, you can't squat on me!
  • Here, for example, we have been saying from time immemorial that honor is due to father and son.
  • Then not what it is now.
  • There are strange dreams, but in reality it is stranger.
  • Ba! familiar faces!
  • Let your soul go to repentance!
  • What does he say! and speaks as he writes!
  • And I don't want to know you, I can't stand depravity.

"Woe from Wit" Quotes by Sophia

  • Happy hours are not observed.
  • You can share laughter with everyone.
  • And grief awaits around the corner.
  • I don't care what's behind him, what's in the water.
  • Yes, at least someone will be confused by the questions of a quick and curious look ...
  • You have less insolence than curvature of the soul.
  • Will such a mind make a family happy ...
  • What is my rumor? Who wants to judge.
  • Think how capricious happiness is!
  • Went to a room, got into another.

"Woe from Wit" Lisa Quotes

  • You are a prankster, these faces suit you!
  • Like all Moscow ones, your father is like this: he would like a son-in-law with stars, but with ranks.
  • And the golden bag, and marks the generals.
  • To joke and he is much, because now who does not joke!
  • Tell me better, why are you modest with the young lady, but with the maid's rake?
  • A smile and a few words
    And who is in love - ready for anything.
  • It is dark in the eyes, and the soul froze;
    Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.
  • Bypass us more than all sorrows
    And the lord's anger, and the lord's love.

"Woe from Wit" Quotes by Molchalin

  • Day after day, today is like yesterday.
  • Oh! evil tongues are worse than a gun.
  • In my years one must not dare to have one's judgment.
  • So: often there we find patronage, where we do not aim.
  • Everyone has their own talent.
  • This frankness would not harm us.
