No, the Russian people are not like that. Why don't Russians have their own state? "Find the keyword"

“In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections about the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language!” Everyone knows this quote. But few people remember the continuation: “If it wasn’t for you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home?” Ivan Turgenev, whose 200th birthday is celebrated today, November 9, was a convinced Russian patriot, but no less consistent Westernizer. The Insider has selected some of the most characteristic quotes from his writings and memoirs of his contemporaries.

No no! Pavel Petrovich exclaimed with a sudden impulse, “I don’t want to believe that you, gentlemen, know the Russian people exactly, that you are representatives of their needs, their aspirations! No, the Russian people are not what you imagine them to be. He reveres traditions, he is patriarchal, he cannot live without faith...

I won’t argue against this,” Bazarov interrupted, “I’m even ready to agree that you are right about this ... And yet this does not prove anything ...

How does it prove nothing? muttered the astonished Pavel Petrovich. “So you are going against your people?”

And even so? exclaimed Bazarov. - The people believe that when the thunder rumbles, this is Elijah the prophet in a chariot driving around the sky. Well? Should I agree with him? And besides, he is Russian, but am I not Russian myself.

No, you are not Russian after everything you just said! I can't recognize you as a Russian.

My grandfather plowed the land, ”Bazarov answered with haughty pride. - Ask any of your own peasants, in which of us - in you or in me - he would rather recognize a compatriot. You don't even know how to talk to him.

And you talk to him and despise him at the same time.

Well, if he deserves contempt! You blame my direction, but who told you that it is in me by accident, that it is not caused by the same folk spirit in whose name you advocate so?

"Fathers and Sons"

... your remark reminds me of the triumphant indications of our unfortunate journalists during the Crimean campaign about the shortcomings of the English military administration, exposed by "Tames". I am not an optimist myself... but why impose on the West what, perhaps, is rooted in our very human essence? This gambling house is ugly, to be sure; Well, and our home-grown cheating is probably more beautiful? No ... be more humble and quiet: a good student sees the mistakes of his teacher, but is silent about them respectfully; for these very mistakes serve him well and guide him on the straight path. And if you absolutely want to scratch your teeth about the rotten West... For God's sake, don't encourage us in Rus' to think that you can achieve anything without learning! No; be you at least seven spans in your forehead, but study, study from the alphabet! Otherwise, be silent and sit with your tail between your legs!


Our old inventions crawled to us from the East, we dragged the new ones half and half from the West, and we all continue to talk about Russian independent art! Some fellows even discovered Russian science: we have, they say, two times two is also four, but it turns out somehow more lively.


There is nothing in cash, and for ten whole centuries Rus' has not worked out anything of its own, neither in administration, nor in court, nor in science, nor in art, nor even in craft ... But wait, be patient: everything will be fine. Why would it be, may I ask? But because we are, they say, educated people, rubbish; but the people ... oh, this is a great people! See this Armenian? that's where it all goes. All other idols are destroyed; let's believe in the Armenian ... Really, if I were a painter, I would paint a picture: an educated person stands in front of a peasant and bows low to him: heal, they say, me, father-muzhik, I disappear from pain; and the peasant, in turn, bows low to an educated person: teach me, father-master, I disappear from the darkness. Well, and, of course, both out of place. And it would only be worthwhile to really reconcile ourselves - not just in words - but to borrow from the older brothers that they came up with both better than us and before us!


This spring I visited the Crystal Palace near London; this palace houses, as you know, something like an exhibition of everything that human ingenuity has reached ... and I thought at that time: if such an order were issued that, together with the disappearance of any people from the face of the earth, it would immediately have to disappear from the Crystal Palace everything that those people invented - our mother, Orthodox Russia, could fall into tartarara, and not a single carnation, not a single pin would be disturbed, dear ... because even a samovar, and bast shoes, and arc, and whip - these are our famous products - not invented by us. Such an experiment is impossible even with the Sandwich Islands; the local inhabitants invented some kind of boats and spears ...


I will also say that I have never recognized that impregnable line that some caring and even zealous, but little-informed patriots certainly want to draw between Russia and Western Europe, that Europe with which breed, language, faith so closely connect it. Doesn't our Slavic race, in the eyes of a philologist and ethnographer, constitute one of the main branches of the Indo-Germanic tribe? And if it is impossible to deny the influence of Greece on Rome and both of them together - on the German-Roman world, then on what basis is it not allowed to influence this - whatever you say - kindred, homogeneous world on us? Are we really so little original, so weak, that we must be afraid of any extraneous influence and brush it off with childish horror, lest it spoil us? I do not believe this: I believe, on the contrary, that even in my seven waters, our Russian essence cannot be taken out of us. Yes, and what would we be, otherwise, for an inferior people! I judge from my own experience: my devotion to the principles developed by Western life did not prevent me from vividly feeling and jealously guarding the purity of Russian speech.

"Literary and everyday memories"

I envy your modest desires! Turgenev replied in an ironic tone. - I don’t even understand how you don’t feel the humiliation, the groveling that Russian writers are doomed to? .. No, I’m a European at heart, my demands from life are also European! I do not intend to humbly wait for the fate when the holiday comes and the lot falls for me to be eaten at the feast of cannibals! Yes, and leavened patriotism do not understand. At the first opportunity I will run away from here without looking back, and you will not see the tip of my nose!

Avdotya Panaeva (Golovachev). "Memories"

When the English writer Ralston was visiting me in Spasskoye, - said Turgenev, - listening to these loud songs and seeing these women working, dancing and blowing vodka, he concluded that in Russia the stock of physical strength among the people is no end. But here's the story! Ralston and I walked around the huts, where he examined each object and wrote down its name in his little book; the peasants imagined that he was making a census for them and wanted to lure them to him, to England; for a long time they waited for them to be transported there, and could not stand it, they came to me in a crowd, and they say: when will we migrate to England? The gentleman who came to pick us up was very fond of us - he must be kind; we follow him willingly, with all our souls, wherever you like ... And that he came to call us to English soil - we know that.

Do you believe, - Ivan Sergeevich concluded, - that it cost me a lot of work to reason with them and prove all the unrealizability of their ridiculous fantasy.

Yakov Polonsky. “I.S. Turgenev in his last visit to his homeland. (From memories)"

- How so?

- Yes, the same. You don't need logic, I hope, to put a piece of bread in your mouth when you're hungry. Where are we before these abstractions!

Pavel Petrovich waved his hands.

“I don't understand you after that. You insult the Russian people. I don't understand how it is possible not to recognize principles, rules! What are you acting on?

“I already told you, uncle, that we do not recognize authorities,” Arkady intervened.

“We act by virtue of what we recognize as useful,” said Bazarov. “At the present time, the most useful thing is denial—we deny.

- How? not only art, poetry ... but also ... it's scary to say ...

"That's all," Bazarov repeated with inexpressible calmness.

Pavel Petrovich stared at him. He did not expect this, and Arkady even blushed with pleasure.

“However, allow me,” Nikolai Petrovich spoke up. - You deny everything, or, to be more precise, you destroy everything ... Why, you must also build.

“It’s none of our business anymore… First, we need to clear the place.”

“The current state of the people requires this,” Arkady added with gravity, “we must fulfill these requirements, we have no right to indulge in the satisfaction of personal egoism.

This last phrase apparently did not please Bazarov; from her breathed philosophy, that is, romanticism, for Bazarov also called philosophy romanticism; but he did not consider it necessary to refute his young pupil.

- No no! Pavel Petrovich exclaimed with a sudden impulse, “I don’t want to believe that you, gentlemen, know the Russian people exactly, that you are representatives of their needs, their aspirations! No, the Russian people are not what you imagine them to be. He reveres traditions, he is patriarchal, he cannot live without faith...

“I won’t argue against that,” Bazarov interrupted, “I’m even ready to agree that in this you're right.

- And if I'm right...

“Still, that doesn’t prove anything.

“It proves nothing,” Arkady repeated with the confidence of an experienced chess player who foresaw the opponent’s apparently dangerous move and therefore was not at all embarrassed.

How does it prove nothing? muttered the astonished Pavel Petrovich. "So you're going against your people?"

- And even if it was? exclaimed Bazarov. - The people believe that when the thunder rumbles, it is Elijah the prophet in a chariot driving around the sky. Well? Should I agree with him? And besides, he is Russian, but am I not Russian myself?

- No, you are not Russian after everything you just said! I can't recognize you as a Russian.

“My grandfather plowed the land,” answered Bazarov with haughty pride. - Ask any of your own peasants, in which of us - in you or in me - he would rather recognize a compatriot. You don't even know how to talk to him.

“And you talk to him and despise him at the same time.

- Well, if he deserves contempt! You blame my direction, but who told you that it is in me by accident, that it is not caused by the same folk spirit in whose name you advocate so?

- How! We really need nihilists!

Whether they are needed or not is not for us to decide. After all, you do not consider yourself useless.

“Gentlemen, gentlemen, please, no personalities!” exclaimed Nikolai Petrovich and got up.

Pavel Petrovich smiled and, putting his hand on his brother's shoulder, made him sit down again.

“Don't worry,” he said. “I will not be forgotten precisely because of that sense of dignity over which the lord ... lord doctor so cruelly mocks. Excuse me,” he continued, turning again to Bazarov, “perhaps you think that your teaching is new? You are right to imagine it. The materialism that you preach has been in vogue more than once and has always proved untenable...

– Another foreign word! interrupted Bazarov. He began to get angry, and his face took on a kind of coppery and rough color. – Firstly, we do not preach anything; it's not our habit...

– What are you doing?

“Here's what we're doing. Before, in recent times, we said that our officials take bribes, that we have neither roads, nor trade, nor a proper court ...

- Well, yes, yes, you accusers - that's what they call it, I think. I agree with many of your accusations, but ...

– And then we guessed that chatting, just chatting about our ulcers is not worth the trouble, that this only leads to vulgarity and doctrinairism; we saw that our wise men, the so-called progressive people and accusers, are no good, that we are engaged in nonsense, talking about some kind of art, unconscious creativity, about parliamentarism, about advocacy, and the devil knows what, when it comes to urgent bread, when the grossest superstition is choking us, when all our joint-stock companies are going bust solely because there is a shortage of honest people, when the very freedom that the government is busy with is hardly going to benefit us, because our peasant is happy to rob himself, just to get drunk dope in a tavern.

“So,” interrupted Pavel Petrovich, “so: you have convinced yourself of all this and have decided not to take anything seriously yourself.

“And they decided not to take on anything,” repeated Bazarov sullenly.

He suddenly felt annoyed with himself, why he had spread himself so much in front of this gentleman.

- And just swear?

- And swear.

“And this is called nihilism?”

“And this is called nihilism,” Bazarov repeated again, this time with particular impudence.

Pavel Petrovich narrowed his eyes slightly.

- So that's how! he said in a strangely calm voice. “Nihilism should help all grief, and you, you are our deliverers and heroes. But why do you honor others, at least the same accusers? Don't you just talk like everyone else?

The attention of our readers is offered an excerpt from the article "The Black and White Cross" by the famous theologian of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Archpriest Lev Lebedev (1935-1998), entitled "There is no more Russian People in Russia." What does this mean and why is there no more Russian people?

Father Lev Lebedev, the author of numerous works on Russian history and an amazingly insightful spiritual thinker, in his article assessed the spiritual state of the modern Russian people, that is, the Russian-speaking population of the Russian Federation, which does not have a single ideology and national identity. To some, this assessment may seem extremely pessimistic or tendentious, but one should not forget that in the field of moral and religious, from the point of view of the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church, the people as ethnographic material does not represent a self-sufficient value.

The historical Russian people was not an ordinary ethnic group among other nationalities. This is the former nation-Church, New Israel, and therefore Russianness itself has received a sacred meaning. In this regard, after the fall of the Orthodox Kingdom in 1917, after decades of godlessness, it would be blasphemous to call the current population of the country completely Russian, that is, involved in the civilization of Orthodox Sovereigns, holy ascetics and the Orthodox Russian people. And if we want to resurrect our Russia, our glorious Fatherland, our Russian land, which "in the form of a slave the King of Heaven came, blessing," we must hold the bar high, firmly adhere to the clear and holy Ideal of the Russian nation.

So let us, suppressing the remnants of Sovietism in ourselves and hating the enemies of the Orthodox Church, give ourselves a clear account of the spiritual state of the Russian people and strive to radically change the situation!

Alexander Orshulevich

Although I was born and raised under the Soviet regime, and in a number of properties - the same "scoop" as everyone living in Russia now, but with my soul I rejected everything Soviet (I hate it in myself as well). I already knew that I was not with those unfortunate people who thoughtlessly boast of the Pyrrhic victory won in 1945 to their own ends, but with those who had been betrayed at Lienz; not with Zhukov and Vasilevsky, but with Krasnov and von Panwitz... This choice was already made by me.

However, my personal sympathies or antipathies would not be of any interest to anyone, if not for one circumstance. It just so happened, by God's will, that in recent years I had to get involved in the discussion of the most important and fundamental question of the 20th century: what happened to the Russian people?
Hence - what is happening now and what can we expect in the future? In order to answer these questions, I began to write the mentioned book (“Great Russia” - ed.), once again looking through the flow of history, the flow of Russian life, from beginning to end. The labor was not in vain. The material of history led me involuntarily to conclusions that completely changed all my historiosophical ideas, schemes, working hypotheses...

To put it briefly, it turned out the following. The Orthodox Great Russian People, who once created the Moscow Kingdom, and then on its basis - the Russian Empire, united by a single faith and the Church, a single common aspiration to the Heavenly world out of a strong and pure love for Christ - there is no such people in Russia anymore.

This Russian People-Church was destroyed physically, crucified on the historic Golgotha ​​in the period from 1917 to 1945. During this time (only 28 years!) More than 100 million Russians died in the Bolshevik repressions, in the civil war, in two terrible hunger strikes in the early 1920s and early 1930s, and finally, in World War II, in total more than 100 million Russians, of which approximately 70-80 million are Great Russians. The biggest and best part of the people!

First of all - all firmly believers: the Orthodox peasantry (especially the central, primordially Great Russian, provinces), the believing urban population, the clergy, monasticism. This Great Russia with Holy Russia in its bowels went to Golgotha ​​together with its Holy Orthodox Tsar, his Family, following them, as if following their example.

And the Russian People is not guilty of either revolution or regicide, and there was no deviation from the faith in it! Being truly the People-Church of Christ, moreover, since the 15th century, the main one, leading in the system of the Church of God on earth, he repeated all the main stages of the earthly life of Christ the Savior, up to the torment and crucifixion at the hands of the same forces that once betrayed to the crucifixion of the Lord Christ.

The retreat, Judas' betrayal, took place only in a very thin layer of the so-called "educated public", corrupted for a long time by completely non-Russian, Western propaganda with its Masonic ideas, and even in those few scum, or scum, which have always been and are in any nation .
And with the money not Russian, but Western, and with the support of the political and military forces of the West, including the "allies", including the British, the people-killing revolution of 1917 took place. And in the future, the Soviet regime kept the means of the West.

In the same years (1917-1945) and beyond, simultaneously with the destruction of the Russian People, a new people was grown through real selection, treatment with atheistic upbringing and education - godless, stupid, believing lies and criminal, like the party that raised it.

In the 1970s, it was declared "a new historical community - the Soviet people." This is us, the "scoops". What we now represent ourselves as a people, more precisely - as a non-people - this is a special conversation. Now it is important to note that in 1945, after the victory, uttering the famous toast “to the Russian people”, Stalin drank to the health of the deceased. For he knew for sure that by the Pyrrhic nature of the victory (and such a character, such a "strategy" were deliberate), he, Stalin, managed to complete what was conceived and begun in 1917 and then continued with repressions and artificial famine: the destruction, the killing of the genuine ( that is, the Orthodox) Russian People!
Accidentally surviving single copies of it no longer posed a danger, since they could not be the basis for the revival of Holy Rus' and genuine Great Russia around it. Therefore, when now many imagine the matter in such a way that the same Russian People lives in Russia that lived in the 12th century, in the 16th century, at the beginning of the 20th century, only corrupted, exhausted, confused and etc. is a mistake. There are no more Russian people in Russia. There is a Russian-speaking population, completely devoid of, with rare exceptions, even a sense of their national unity, as well as faith, conscience, legal awareness, and much more.
Any great historical upheaval in its finale always has some kind of event, not necessarily loud and grandiose, which reflects everything that happened, being also a symbolic completion of everything. Then, if you ask yourself what event symbolizes the completion of the historical Golgotha ​​of the Russian Orthodox People, you will have to answer - the tragedy of Lienz!
... By deceit, treacherously, the British military lured 35 thousand Cossacks with their wives and children, 2,200 officers, among them generals P. N. Krasnov, S. N. Krasnov, Domanov, Tikhatsky, Golovko, Silkin, Tarasenko, Vasiliev, Sultan Kelech Giray, and also Helmut von Pannwitz, who commanded the Russian Cossack Corps, into a real trap in the Alps, near Lienz. No one then knew about Stalin's secret agreement with the allies that all Russians - opponents of Bolshevism, especially those who took up arms - should be extradited to the Soviets for revenge for reprisal.

The Cossacks believed the officers of the British Royal Army. First, on May 28, 1945, all the officers were supposedly invited to a meeting with Marshal Alexander. Those, believing, went. On the way, they were surrounded by English tanks and immediately handed over to the Soviets ... On May 29, the British announced to the Cossack camp that they could return to their homeland. Black flags and banners appeared in the camp with the inscriptions: "Better death than return to the Soviet Union." On the first of June, in the morning, in front of the barracks, on an open platform, the Cossack priests served the Divine Liturgy. The British showed up with trucks and tanks and demanded that everyone get into the trucks. Nobody moved.

The service continued, people began to sing prayers for the dead, the priests raised their crosses. Then the English soldiers rushed at the unarmed Cossacks, beating them with rifle butts, and sometimes piercing them with bayonets. The dump started. The platform overturned and the bowl with the already transubstantiated Holy Gifts fell to the ground, spilling!.. Some people managed to escape from the encirclement. Cossack women ran up to the bridge across the Drava River and threw their babies into the water, rushing there themselves. Some Cossacks shot their wives and children, and then themselves.

During June 1 and 2, 1945, all the survivors were nevertheless taken out by force and handed over to the Reds ... Pannwitz was told that he could not follow the Cossacks, since he was German, not Russian. But he replied: “I shared a happy time with my (!) Cossacks, and in misfortune I will also stay with them.” In January 1947, he was hanged in Moscow along with the Krasnovs, Shkuro, Sultan Kelech Girey, Domanov...

In this event, as in a drop of water, the whole revolution is reflected (with the inevitable betrayal of the allies, in particular the British), the Civil War, the desecration of faith and shrines, genocide - in other words, the entire historical Golgotha ​​of Great Russia and Holy Rus'. It ends with this event in Lienz. Next - a satanic blasphemous toast "for the Russian people" ...

So that's why God's Providence brought me, a slow-witted one, to Austria and "accidentally" to Lienz... The one who wrote about the Calvary of the Russian People had to stand with his feet on the ground where this Calvary ended, to walk along the terrible bridge across the Drava, to look with his own eyes at beautiful snowy Alps, on three sides surrounding a picturesque valley near the lovely, quiet, sunny Lienz, where everything seems to be created for the peace and happiness of people ...

And remember that the true Russian people have always known that there will be no complete happiness on earth, that is, Paradise will not and cannot be, and rushed in soul to Heaven in heaven, to New Jerusalem under the protection of their Orthodox Tsars. The Russian People, who loved Christ with all their heart, shared with Christ the crucifixion, death, but also the resurrection for the glory of the eternal life of the Kingdom of Heaven!

No other people on earth had such a wonderful history and destiny! And we, still living, looking at this fate, either mourn or rejoice, as on Good Friday and Easter, hoping that we will be numbered with Holy Rus' in Heaven, if for the sake of Christ we endure everything here, as those who, in whose memory, a black and white cross was made - a sign of the completion of the Russian Golgotha ​​...

Archpriest Lev Lebedev

The novel "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev

"Find the keyword"


  1. “Every person himself ... ... must”
  2. “Nature is not a temple, but ......, and man is a worker in it”
  3. "A decent ...... is twenty times more useful than any poet"
  4. "Who ... ... to his pain, he will certainly defeat it"
  5. “A Russian person is good only because he is about himself ...... opinions”
  6. “…… …because this feeling is fake”
  7. “Fix……and there will be no disease”
  8. “You study the anatomy of the eye: where does the mysterious look come from, as you say? It’s all……, nonsense, rot, art”
  9. “We are……because we are the strength”
  10. In my opinion, ... ... not worth a penny, and they are no better than him "


  1. “We are people of the old age, we believe that without ... ... accepted, as you say, on faith, one step cannot be taken, one cannot breathe”
  2. “Let me ask you, according to your concepts, the words: “rubbish” and “……” mean the same thing?”
  3. “I live in a village, in the wilderness, but I don’t drop myself, I respect myself……”
  4. “I just want to say that aristocracy is a principle, and without principles in our time only ... ... or empty people can”
  5. “You deny everything, or, to be more precise, you destroy everything. And yes, you need to……”
  6. “No, the Russian people are not what you imagine them to be. He sacredly honors traditions, he - ......, he cannot live without faith "
  7. “Behold, the youth of today! Here they are ours……”
  8. “He will cut them. Doesn’t believe in principles, but believes in……”
  9. “This is all into his head (Arkady), this signor drove, ....... this"
  10. “The human personality must be strong as a rock, for everything is on it……”


"Find the keyword"

(Assignment to the group "Children")

  1. “Every person himself ... ... must” (educate)
  2. “Nature is not a temple, but ......, and a person is a worker in it” (workshop)
  3. "A decent ...... is twenty times more useful than any poet" (chemist)
  4. "Who ... ... to his pain, he will certainly defeat it" (angry)
  5. “A Russian person is only good because he is about himself ... ... opinions” (bad)
  6. “…… …because this feeling is fake” (love)
  7. “Fix……and there will be no sickness” (society)
  8. “You study the anatomy of the eye: where does the mysterious look come from, as you say? It’s all……, nonsense, rot, art” (romanticism)
  9. “We……because we are strong” (breaking)
  10. In my opinion, ... ... not worth a penny, and they are no better than him ”(Raphael)

11. "Find the keyword"

(Assignment to the "Fathers" group)

  1. “We are people of the old age, we believe that without ... ... accepted, as you say, on faith, one cannot take a step, one cannot breathe” (principles)
  2. “Let me ask you, according to your concepts, the words: “rubbish” and “……” mean the same thing?” (aristocrat)
  3. “I live in a village, in the wilderness, but I don’t drop myself, I respect myself……” (of a person)
  4. “I only want to say that aristocracy is a principle, and without principles in our time only ... ... or empty people can” (immoral)
  5. “You deny everything, or, to be more precise, you destroy everything. Why, it’s also necessary ... ... ”(build)
  6. “No, the Russian people are not what you imagine them to be. He sacredly honors traditions, he - ......, he cannot live without faith ”(patriarchal)
  7. “Behold, the youth of today! Here they are - ours ...... "(heirs)
  8. “He will cut them. He does not believe in principles, but in ... ... he believes ”(frogs)
  9. “This is all into his head (Arkady), this signor drove, ....... this one" (nihilist)

10. "The human personality must be strong as a rock, because everything is on it ......" (under construction)
