Teaching reading using the Glen Doman method. Algorithm for learning to read using Glen Doman's method Learning using Glen Doman's method

Glen Doman's early development method is an excellent opportunity for parents who care about the development of their children from birth. The proposed exercises and activities can be carried out from 3 months of age. Moreover, there is no need to purchase tasks at exorbitant prices - Doman cards you can make it yourself. The technique has been used in teaching children abroad and in Russia and has fully proven its effectiveness.

How was this technique created? What is the essence of the technique and its uniqueness? How to use it? You will find the answers in our article!

History of creation

The talented American neurosurgeon Glen Doman, together with his colleagues, worked to improve methods of treatment and rehabilitation of children with brain disorders. Having devoted 15 years of his activity to studying the mental processes of healthy and sick children, Glen Doman made several remarkable discoveries.

  1. Firstly, he noticed that healthy brain cells, under the influence of exercise, actively participated in the process of mental activity. This allowed the scientist to decide on the possibility of using the technique in the development of absolutely healthy children.
  2. Secondly, Doman found that with visual, auditory and tactile stimulation, the affected brain cells are able to rehabilitate themselves at a faster pace than in the absence of the necessary activities. Thanks to this, it was possible to justify the use of the technique in working with sick children.

The exercises developed in this way received recognition among scientists from different countries and began to be used by educators, psychologists, pediatricians, and neurosurgeons. For several decades now, they have been effectively used in various preschool and rehabilitation institutions and development centers. Recently, parents have increasingly begun to pay attention to this well-known technique.

We practice according to the Glen Doman method


Focusing on the fact that children, first of all, begin to perceive information with the help of visual and auditory analyzers, Doman based his development on this very principle.

The neurosurgeon suggests showing children words written on separate cards. The words must be specific and have a special meaning for the preschooler: MOTHER, DAD, PORRIDGE, CAT (these are the simplest words with which it is recommended to start learning). Then the exercises become a little more complicated in that the words demonstrated are divided into various categories (food, animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.) and are no longer aimed at the child’s emotional response, but at the development of his logical thinking. It is worth noting that the words must be written in large red letters. One card contains one word.

Later, as the child grows up and develops, he is shown cards with images of various animals, fruits, etc. The cards are accompanied by corresponding inscriptions - the names of the images shown. This is how the baby develops a relationship between the visual image and the word. This, according to Doman, ensures a smooth transition to reading. The child learns to perceive not individual letters, but whole words. By this point, he is already mastering some sounds, syllables and their combinations.

(This is what Doman’s cards look like. Clickable)

With numbers, things are a little different. Doman believes that it is easier for children to perceive concrete quantities rather than abstract patterns. Therefore, according to his method, it is necessary to demonstrate a certain number of points. They should also be depicted in red.

Watch the video, this is how the lesson goes approximately

While focusing on mental development, it is important to remember about physical development. To do this, the scientist recommends gymnastics, dynamic physical exercises, and musical warm-ups. The more and more varied a child moves, the better his physical development proceeds. And this, to a certain extent, affects the mental abilities of a preschooler, since these processes are interconnected.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

How is the training going?

Classes should be carried out at a time when the child is in a calm state. It is important that nothing disturbs or distracts him.

The baby must be placed or seated in a comfortable position (if he is already). Draw his attention to yourself and begin to show him cards with words or numbers (we start according to the principle “from simple to complex”). One card is shown for 2-3 seconds at a distance of no more than 50-60 cm from the face, while clearly pronouncing the word or number of characters. The first series consists of five cards. You need to consistently demonstrate them without being distracted by explanations. Classes must be carried out about 3 times a day for 5 days. After this, one card from the series must be removed by adding a new one.

Cards from the same series must be shown in a new sequence each time!

  1. The first lesson is the most important. It is at this stage that it is important to inspire the child’s trust and interest him. So choose the most appropriate moment to practice and start! Cards of the first series must be shown, accompanied by comments. For example: “This is a train. The train travels along the railway”, “This is a cow. The cow gives milk." (After showing a card with a written word or picture, for clarity, you can demonstrate the corresponding toy. Subsequently, you can limit yourself to only the demonstration and the name (“Train”, “Cow”, “Bug”). During the first few lessons, select cards from the same series.)
  2. Training using the Doman method should arouse interest in the child and motivate him. This is easy to understand by observing the behavior of a preschooler. If he is actively involved in the proposed game (and it is in a playful form that classes should be conducted!), if everything that happens causes him excitement and a desire to receive new information, you are on the right track.
  3. As your child learns and develops, activities can be slightly modified. For example, after showing a card with a word or picture, ask your child to find the object (if possible). Children 3-4 years old can write a short story based on the words demonstrated or draw pictures based on the words.
  4. Some parents place cards with words and pictures near their baby's crib. This makes sense, but we must not forget that it is much more interesting for a child to learn new things together with loved ones. Therefore, do not be lazy to participate in classes. Your reaction to the process itself is also important to the baby. If you smile and praise him, he will quickly figure out how to please and surprise you.
  5. When starting to practice this method with children in their first year of life, do not overdo it. For classes with newborns, showing a picture and pronouncing a word is enough. The baby must learn to establish a relationship between a picture and a word. In addition, the attention of infants is still unstable and scattered. Therefore, there is no need to overextend your baby.
  6. After the child is 9-12 months old, classes can be carried out as follows: the mother calls a word or shows a picture with a written word, and the baby must find the correct image among several cards. You can also show your child a picture with a written word (for example, “eyes”) and ask him to point to that part of the body.
  7. When showing cards, it is advisable to group them in advance into categories (“animals”, “fruits”, etc.). You can demonstrate in different sequences. For your convenience, it is advisable to sign the cards on the back so as not to constantly look at the pictures. This can interfere with the child’s ability to perceive information and distract him from the process.
  8. There is no need to show the same cards more than 3 times a day. Don't be afraid to introduce new material if you don't see the baby's reaction as expected. Perhaps he will like the new series of pictures more!

Thus, classes using the Glen Doman method do not have specific and strict rules. The main thing is the mother’s desire to develop her baby and his interest in learning.

What else is important to know about the Doman technique?

The main idea reflected in the developments of Glen Doman is that the main educators of a child are his parents. They are the ones who must make it clear to their child that they accept him for who he is and do everything to make him better. There is no need to impose activities on a preschooler if he does not want it or gets tired of them quickly. Everything has its time. Perhaps he himself will later show interest in the learning process.

If you started classes with your baby, then you need to conduct them regularly with gradual complication. In most cases, children perceive this as a kind of game and are actively involved in the process. Your task is to motivate them to learn, but to do it in an easy and unobtrusive manner so that preschool children do not lose interest.

Where can I get Glen Doman cards?

Ready-made Doman cards can be purchased at bookstores or children's stores. Such sets are usually in demand, so they are by no means cheap.

However, don't despair. We have collected cards for you so you can download them on our website for free. All you have to do is print them on thick paper on a color printer -

You can also study with your child on a computer (tablet) by watching a video with Glen Doman’s cards. For you, we have created a “Video” section, where we constantly add new educational videos, including Doman’s cards -

Example video:

Video: Glen Doman Cards

Glen Doman is an American neurophysiologist, the author of a program for intensive intellectual and physical development of children from the moment of birth, based on the results of a detailed study of the patterns of child development. The main idea of ​​the method: every child has a huge potential that can be developed, thereby providing him with unlimited opportunities in life.

Treatment of children with brain damage (based on the book by G. Doman “What to do if your child has brain damage ...”)

Over the course of more than 20 years, through endless research, testing and observation, Doman and his associates developed a unique technique that represented a comprehensive treatment for children with brain damage.

An individual program was prepared for each child: it all started with copying - the procedure was as follows: adults performed movements with the child’s arms, legs and head, as the child would do it himself if he was healthy. The children spent the rest of the time on the floor, face down, learning to crawl under the supervision of adults.

In addition, children received active visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation with increasing frequency, intensity, and duration. Breathing programs (with increased oxygen levels), speech development, and a manual program were developed. These procedures presented stimuli that stimulated a specific sensory organ, which led to the activation of the brain as a whole.

The result was that after some time, most children, going through the stages of physical improvement characteristic of the development of healthy children, showed noticeable improvement. This was indisputable evidence that “the brain really develops in the process of its intensive use, and the development of a child’s intelligence is firmly connected with his physical development.”

Doman system for healthy children

Subsequently, Doman began to apply his developmental methodology to teach healthy children. It all started with the fact that healthy brothers and sisters of sick children, with whom daily classes were conducted, also gladly joined in doing the exercises and very quickly achieved significant results.

Then Doman, inspired by an accidental discovery, developed a program that took into account the interests and needs of healthy children. The result exceeded all expectations!

Children of two, three, four years old read freely, counted, became real scholars, and at the same time were perfectly developed physically: they swam well, ran, climbed, performed gymnastic studies and acrobatic stunts.

The main theses of the Doman program (based on the book by G. Doman “Harmonious Development of the Child”):

·Every child can become a genius, and early development is the key to his genius.

·The human brain grows through constant use, and this growth is virtually complete by age six.

· Young children have a huge thirst for knowledge. They easily absorb a huge amount of information, and it remains in their memory for a long time.

· Little children are sure that the most wonderful gift for them is the attention that adults, especially mom and dad, give them completely.

·The best teachers are parents. They can teach their child absolutely everything they know, if only they do it sincerely and joyfully, using facts.

Basic principles and rules for teaching a child:

1. Start as early as possible - the younger the child, the easier it is to teach him everything.

2. Rejoice at the baby’s successes and praise the baby.

3. Respect and trust your child.

4. Teach only when you both enjoy the learning process.

5.Create a suitable learning environment.

6. Stop before your child wants to.

7.Introduce new material more often.

8. Be organized and consistent and have regular classes.

9. Don't test your child's knowledge.

10.Prepare study materials carefully and do it in advance.

11.If you or your child are not interested, stop classes.

All children can become physically perfect (according to the book by G. Doman “How to Make a Child Physically Perfect”)

At the Doman Institute, great importance is attached to early physical development, because it is closely related to the child’s intelligence and abilities. Therefore, from birth, it is necessary to provide the child with freedom of movement and strengthen his innate reflexes (crawling, grasping, walking, swimming).

Since these reflexes are given to children by nature, they need to be used, otherwise they will gradually disappear, and the child will have to learn to crawl, swim, and walk again. By preserving the child’s reflexes, we will provide him with the opportunity to become an active participant in the life process, which means to “get wiser” and “grow up” before his peers.

So, you need to create conditions for physical stimulation of the baby!

For this purpose, the newborn is placed in a special device - a crawling track, which is at a slight inclination. The baby, lying between the sides of the track on his stomach, touches them with his hips and forearms.

Thanks to this, that innate reflex is triggered, which helped the baby crawl out of its mother’s tummy, and, as soon as it is born, the baby crawls quite significant distances. The recommended time for a child to spend on the track (on the floor, on a mat) is 3-4 hours a day. In this case, the child must wear a minimum amount of clothing. The smooth surface of the track (no carpets, soft mattresses, blankets, etc.) is also an ideal environment for movement while sleeping, which also promotes early development. If you do everything correctly, your baby will begin to truly crawl on all fours by four months.

The technique also focuses on developing a sense of balance and equilibrium (you need to twist and turn the child in various ways), on learning to overcome obstacles (rollers lying on the floor, stairs, etc.). It is important to teach a child to swim, help him walk, run...

In its development from birth to six years, a child goes through seven stages, which correspond to the seven stages of brain maturation. First, the control of hearing, vision, manual skills, and movement is carried out at the level of the upper parts of the spinal cord - this is the first stage. The last, seventh level is the upper parts of the cerebral cortex. Each brain level gradually turns on, displacing the previous one and taking control of various functions.

We move from one stage to another, having mastered and performed a lot of certain movements. An ordinary child, with whom nothing special is taught, goes through these seven stages in six and a half years, but they can also be completed in three and a half years if one acts in accordance with Doman’s method.

What you can teach your child in 30 seconds (based on the book by G. Doman “Harmonious Development of the Child”)

Doman believes that “The human brain is the most advanced computer, and it obeys the same rules: the more facts it knows, the more conclusions it can draw from them. At the same time, if we fill our children’s heads with all sorts of nonsense, we can hardly expect smart speeches and actions from them. Therefore, we must provide them with accurate, clear and unambiguous information.”

So, let's look at an example: if a child comes up to you and asks you about the dog he saw, you can tell him:

1. “Leave me alone”;

2. “This is woof-woof”;

3. “This is a dog”;

4. “This is a St. Bernard”;

5.Show him ten pictures with dogs;

6. Teach him to make connections between facts (show him ten cards with dogs and say: “Look, baby, all these pictures depict animals called “dogs”: German Shepherd, Collie, Labrador, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Boxer, Doberman -pinscher, rottweiler, chow-chow, lapdog").

If you prefer the sixth option, then the child will be able to draw his own conclusions: all dogs have fur, paws, tail, etc., but they can have different colors, sizes, heights, tail lengths, etc.

Thus, in 30 seconds you can significantly accelerate the development of a child’s brain.

How to teach your child to read (based on the book by G. Doman “How to teach your child to read”)

The eye sees the written word, but the child himself does not understand its meaning. But, if the baby sees and simultaneously hears a written word, then his brain interprets the information received - “understands” and mechanically remembers what was written. Doman believes that over time, based on his own experience, the baby will understand the laws of reading, just as he once learned to understand spoken language.

You can start teaching your child to read from the age of six months. To do this, use cards measuring 10x50 cm, with block letters written on them in red with a height of 7.5 cm and a font thickness of 1.5 cm. To begin with, select words that are well known to the child (family members, child objects, clothes, body parts, favorite dishes, etc.).

1st day. Within 5-10 seconds, the mother shows the child 5 cards with words one after another and clearly pronounces what is written on them: “mom”, “dad”, “grandmother”, etc. That's it, class is over. Now the baby receives a reward - mother’s kiss, hug, affection, words of love, etc. During the first day, showing these cards must be repeated 2 more times.

2nd day. Repeat yesterday's cards and add 5 more new cards. Today the baby will already receive 6 short lessons - 3 with old cards and 3 with new ones.

3rd day. 5 more new cards are added and therefore there will be nine shows.

4th and 5th day. This way you gradually reach 25 cards and 15 demos per day.

6th day. We add new five cards, removing one word from the studied sets.

Sample daily training program:

Daily content - 5 sets of words (25 cards).

One lesson - 1 set of 5 words, shown only once.

Frequency - each set 3 times a day (5 sets of 3 times = 15 sessions).

The duration of one lesson is 5 seconds.

Entered words - 5 words daily (one in each set).

Deleted words - 5 words daily (one from each set).

The number of demonstrations of each word is 3 times a day for 5 days, i.e. 15 times in total.

Please note: the dosage of classes and the number of cards vary depending on the desire and mood of the child.

Gradually, the font of the letters will decrease, and the red color will replace black.

The sequence of learning to read is built from simple to complex:

The first stage is individual words.

The second stage is word combinations.

The third stage is simple sentences.

The fourth stage is common proposals.

The fifth stage is books.

How to teach your child to count (based on the book by G. Doman “How to teach your child mathematics”)

Children see things as they really are. If we say “two”, the child will represent the quantity – two dots, and we adults will represent the icon – the number “2”. That is, the child thinks in facts, and if we give the child such facts, he will learn to immediately determine the number of objects without counting them, and will discover mathematical rules such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.

To teach a child to count, you need to make 100 cards measuring 27x27 cm. On each card, from 1 to 100 dots with a diameter of slightly less than 2 cm will be drawn in a chaotic order.

Displaying cards is done in the same way as with reading cards. Only in this case, at the initial stage you use only two sets: cards with dots from 1 to 5 and cards with dots from 6 to 10.

The sequence of teaching arithmetic using factual material is structured as follows:

The first stage is mastering the concept of “quantity”.

The second stage is equations.

The third stage is problem solving.

The fourth stage is mastering the concept of “number”, memorizing numbers.

The fifth stage is digital equations.

How to give your child encyclopedic knowledge (based on the book “How to Give Your Child Encyclopedic Knowledge”)

“By and large,” says Doman, “the purpose of life is the acquisition of comprehensive knowledge about the world around us.” It is useless to explain anything to children - they don’t know anything yet. A child's brain can only perceive bare facts.

In order for the cards to truly convey encyclopedic knowledge to the child, they must meet the following requirements:

1.All details are clearly visible.

2.Only one item is shown.

3. It must have a special name.

4. This item should be unfamiliar to your child.

5.The card should be large - the best size is 28x28 cm.

6.The card must be clean.

About 30 seconds are allotted for one lesson on cards with pictures.

Doman divided all existing knowledge into ten sections:

1.Biology— it includes categories, for example, birds, and, accordingly, a set of cards: a common crow, robin, nightingale, finch, eagle, ostrich, chicken, sparrow, black grouse, heron, etc.

2.Story— it includes categories, for example, rulers, and, accordingly, a set of cards: Nicholas II, Alexander Nevsky, Stolypin, Alexander I, Lenin, Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Catherine II, Brezhnev, Kerensky, etc.

3.Geography— it includes categories, for example, cities of Russia, and, accordingly, a set of cards with views of these cities: St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Suzdal, Sochi, etc.

4.Music- it includes categories, for example, composers - and, accordingly, a set of cards: Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bizet, Verdi, Kalman, Bach, Chopin, Mussorgsky, Scriabin, etc.

5.Art— it includes categories, for example, paintings by Van Gogh, and, accordingly, a set of reproduction cards: “Schoolboy”, “Sunflowers”, “Madame Rulin with her child”, “Postman Rulin”, “Sad Old Man”, “Terrace” cafe at night”, “Self-portrait”, “Gypsy carts”, “Church in Auvergne”, “Fields with peach trees in bloom”, etc.

6.Mathematics— it includes categories, for example, quantity, and, accordingly, a set of cards: one dot, two dots, etc.

7.human anatomy- it includes categories, for example, the human skeleton, and, accordingly, a set of cards - drawings of bones: skull, tibia, scapula, phalanx, pelvis, ankle, collarbone, ulna, lower jaw, etc.

8.General knowledge— it includes categories, for example, tools, and, accordingly, a set of cards: knife, axe, saw, screwdriver, plane, hammer, shovel, rake, drill, scythe, etc.

9.Language- it includes categories, for example, Italian, and, accordingly, a set of cards: giorno (day), ora (hour), senso (feeling), enigma (riddle), scatola (box), etc.

10.Literature— it includes categories, for example, Russian writers, and, accordingly, a set of cards: Tolstoy, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Bulgakov, Solzhenitsyn, Chekhov, Goncharov, Bunin, etc.

Classes begin with a demonstration of three different categories of 10 cards each. Each category is shown 3 times during the day. Gradually, you can add more and more new categories until their daily number reaches 12 (if shown 3 times a day).

When you and your baby go through 1000 cards, it’s time for the intellectual program. Categories provide a general overview of information, and the intelligent program allows you to go further, deepening the level of knowledge within each category.

Each such program starts with the simplest and ends with quite complex information:

Section: Biology

Card Set: Common Crow

1st level: Crows make their nests in trees or bushes.

Level 2: Crow's nests are made of twigs, lined with grass or wool.

Level 3: Crows eat insects, seeds, fruits and nuts.

Level 4: Crows (among other things) eat shellfish, carrion, mice, eggs, fish, garbage, putty, rubber, and insulating material.

Level 5: A female crow has one litter of chicks per year.

Level 7: Crows belong to the crow family.

Level 8: The crow family includes crows, jays and magpies.

Level 9: Most crows mate for life.

Level 10: Most birds of the crow family live in flocks and nest in densely populated colonies.

Level 11: Only New Zealand and most of the Pacific Islands do not have representatives of the crow family.

12th level: The crow family has 103 species, united in 26 genera.

However, there are controversial aspects of the Doman technique, about which there are heated debates:

·Doman constantly compares the human brain to a computer, very advanced, endowed with a huge amount of memory. But living children are not electronic machines. Filling their heads with hundreds and even thousands of bytes of information is unlikely to make them smarter or more educated. After all, it is not enough to know certain facts. You need to be able to apply and use them, and if this does not happen, then unnecessary information that the child cannot yet filter and “digest” accumulates in his head like unnecessary trash.

·An abundance of information can overload and exhaust a child’s nervous system. And there is some likelihood that this will contribute to mental disorders (communication problems, sudden mood swings, touchiness, vulnerability, sensitivity, anxiety, lack of ability to perceive and concentrate, etc.) or physical (headaches, increased fatigue, disorders appetite, etc.). If you are lucky and the child turns out to be resistant to such overloads, then perhaps everything will end in truly excellent success.

· It is important that stimulating upbringing and educational development are appropriate to the age characteristics of children. For example, children first develop visual thinking; the child sees a dog and associates it with the name “dog.” By studying written words and other objects incomprehensible to the child using cards, the child forms an abstract image, that is, he compares the name only with a specific card. It is unlikely that at the zoo he will recognize the antelope that was so well shown to him in the picture before. After all, this requires certain experience, intellectual maturity and an effective need, which one-year-old children do not yet have.

·When using this system, the child is passive, he receives information only in order to reproduce it later. There is no creativity here, there is no need to obtain information, here you cannot even ask questions. You just need to look at the pictures and listen to the dispassionate facts. Thus, the curiosity inherent in every child from birth is dulled, and the desire to independently learn and study the world disappears.

· Being carried away by intellectual development and operating with abstract concepts, sometimes there is almost no time left for creative, aesthetic, moral, psychological and emotional development. And how about just chatting and playing, moving and running, singing and dancing. After all, as you know, a child’s brain develops gradually, and when we stimulate only one or two cerebral cortexes, they expand at the expense of other parts.

·During classes, only the visual and auditory organs are mainly involved, while for the integrity of perception, the interaction of all other senses is important: touch (taste), smell, tactile sensations.

·Working with cards (making, sorting, selecting, training) takes a lot of time. And most parents soon begin to miss the enthusiasm with which they began to work in this system.

· Learning to read using cards with pictures and captions is based on mechanical memorization of words, while the child still cannot read books with words unfamiliar to him, analyze what he read, or obtain the necessary information. It only reproduces previously memorized text. In practice, most children do not make the connection between memorized words and spoken speech, and they still have to be taught to read again.

·Books read or listened to should not always be accompanied by pictures, as is customary with Doman. This is necessary so that the baby’s brain learns to independently complete the visual sequence to the text. Otherwise, a child who is accustomed to gaining easy knowledge only from pictures will most likely have difficulty perceiving the usual text of a textbook without illustrations and will not want to learn what is difficult or uninteresting.

· Kids remember better the material that is included in a variety of games and active activities. But according to Doman, the material is presented in only one way - through cards.

There are many options for practicing with cards, the most popular is Domanovsky technique of memory development(this, in its classic form, will be discussed in this post). But still, before starting to use the Doman technique, I recommend studying it.

Doman cards for memory development

The main memory development simulator using the Doman method is the “Intelligence Bit”. It is various variants of this technique that are used for early development with the help of cards. The technique consists of a short-term demonstration of cards (one card is shown no more than 2 seconds!) with a clear voiceover of the image or a brief fact about the image. You will say that during this time it is impossible to see anything, and this is true for an ordinary person. But this technique is precisely aimed at developing the reaction speed of the brain. Therefore, at first the child really will not understand anything; with regular exercise, according to Glenn Doman, the child should develop reaction speed and photographic memory.

How to practice using Doman cards with images:

      • We demonstrate the first days of classes 3 times a day, 10 cards in one lesson, then gradually the number of cards increases to 120 ;
      • A card that has been shown 30 times is considered studied and is replaced with a new one, i.e. You need to keep a record of how many times each card was shown.
      • In fact, when the number of cards is increased to the required volume, every 10 days you will need new 120 cards (4 minutes - 1 lesson). This is not a lot, not a little 1440 cards per year, but with the advent of the Internet, purchasing cards has ceased to be a problem - there are a lot of sites offering to download or view cards online. Although psychologists and other child development specialists don't approve classes with kids on the computer.

In addition to Glenn Doman's method, there is another method promoted by the Umnitsa company, which also promises parents good results from showing cards from birth. At first glance, it may seem that Glen Doman’s method is similar to the method from Umnitsa Doman-Manichenko, but in fact this is not the case at all! In Glenn Doman's method, the key point is to briefly show a card to develop the brain's reaction speed. The Doman-Manichenko method involves viewing cards in a comfortable mode, as well as games on the ability to operate with objects depicted on the cards and their properties. At the same time, the results promised by the methods differ in scale:

  • in the first case, the technique promises to endow the child with photo memory (very ambitious results that have not been confirmed by any serious scientific research);
  • in the second case, the child’s vocabulary will be expanded by the number of cards in the purchased sets and the number of studied properties of the depicted objects.

At one time, I purchased sets of cards for practicing with my daughter using the Doman method and found a more worthy use for them -.

Doman cards for learning to read

There is an opinion that Glenn Doman recommended teaching children to read from birth - this is not entirely true; in his publications, the best age for learning to read is considered to be 1 year. What is also important is that control of acquired knowledge implies the child’s ability to speak, because already on the 7th day of training the child must “read” the first words aloud. Cards for learning to read should be large - 50 by 10 cm. The text should be red. Modern cards contain pictures in addition to the text on the back, but in Doman’s original method, pictures on cards are not required for reading.

Class schedule:

  1. The first day of the lesson includes 4 displays of 5 words - nouns. The intervals between classes should be no more than 30 minutes;
  2. The second day of the lesson includes: 3 displays of 5 words with cards that were shown yesterday and 3 displays of 5 words with new cards. At the end of the day: 6 lessons - learning 10 words;
  3. The third day of the lesson includes: 6 displays of 5 words each with cards that were already demonstrated on the 1st and 2nd day of classes and 3 displays of 5 words each with new cards. At the end of the day: 9 lessons - learning 15 words;

Subsequent days: as a result, you should increase the number of words studied per day to 25. In one lesson - 5 cards. Each card entered into the display is shown 3 once a day. Thus in a day 15 lessons. And don’t forget the cherished 30 minutes between studying the same cards - this is a necessary condition for achieving results. After studying a word for 5 days, it must be removed from displays, since by this time the word should already be remembered. To make it easier to control the process of replacing cards, Doman recommends signing the start date of shows on the card in small letters. This is how difficult the process of learning to read using the Doman method is! Perhaps you will decide to look on the Internet for easier recipes for reading with cards and you will definitely find them in large quantities ;-). But I’m warning you right away, the exercises that I described are 100% consistent with Glen Doman’s original exercises from his publications. Everything you find with a simpler approach has little in common with Doman’s technique. You can read more about Glenn Doman's development methods in his books.

The most important rule is that both participants (parent and child) calmly and joyfully perceive the process of learning to read as a fun, welcome game. A parent should never forget that Learning is not a job, but a very exciting game of life.

Glen Doman's technique."/>

All the materials used in teaching your child to read are very simple. They are based on many years of experimental work by a large group of scientists and researchers. developed based on the fact that reading is nothing but a function of the brain. The authors of the method adequately assess the capabilities and limitations of a small child’s visual apparatus and arrange the stages of training in such a way as to adequately meet all the resulting difficulties.

Remember that knowledge is the most valuable gift you can give your child. Therefore, give him knowledge generously, without pretensions to its speedy return.

Sequence of actions when teaching reading according to G. Doman surprisingly simple.

Regardless of what age you started teaching your child read according to Glen Doman's method, you have to go through five main stages:

  1. Individual words.
  2. Collocations.
  3. Simple sentences.
  4. Common offers.
  5. Books.

Let us consider in detail each of these stages.

Stage one (single words).

The first stage of learning begins with the use of only 15 words. And only after your baby knows these words well, will it be possible to talk about possibilities in the future. A favorable start for the learning process can be your child’s good mood. Focus on the time of day when your baby is full of energy and receptive. The room for classes should be quiet and comfortable, without bright objects or paintings distracting the visual attention.

Start the lesson by showing your baby a card with the word “MOM” and clearly say the phrase: “This means “mom”.” Show the card at a distance of at least 35 cm from your face, without giving it to your hands. The time a child looks at a card should not exceed 1-2 seconds; try to avoid any additional comments on what is written and do not ask the child to repeat after you. At the same pace, do a similar procedure with the “PAPA” card and three more words from this group. At the end of the lesson, be sure to praise your child, and do not forget to do this after each session.

During the first day of training, repeat 3 more times, and the interval between views should be at least half an hour. This concludes the first day and you have taken the first step in the process of teaching your child to read. Thus, the amount of time spent on training should not exceed three minutes.

During the second day you will need to repeat the main lesson 3 times, as well as 3 times demonstrate a set of Doman cards from a new set you added. In total, the second day will consist of six classes.

On the third day, it is worth adding a third set of 5 new words. On this day you will operate in teaching your child to read in three sets of 5 words each. In this case, each set of words should, as before, be shown 3 times. In total, the total number of classes will increase to 9, spread over the whole day, but each of them will take no more than a few minutes.

Choosing those cherished first 15 words that your child will learn is not at all difficult. They should be the most familiar and pleasant for the baby. Words can include names of family members and relatives, names of pets, names of his favorite foods, activities, household items and much more. This list is different for each family and will be limited only by your imagination.

Boredom is the biggest warning sign during the learning process. Children learn at lightning speed, but if you show him sets of cards more than three times a day, he will get bored. Showing each card for more than one or two seconds can also cause the child to lose interest in learning.

So, after three days, the child, with your help, has accomplished two extremely important things:

  • developed his visual apparatus and, more importantly, taught his brain to distinguish one written sign from another;
  • coped with the most important abstraction that I have ever dealt with in my life - I managed to read words.

When you have 15 words your child has learned behind you, you can move on to the next group of words, denoting, for example, body parts. This set may consist of twenty-five words, divided into five sets.

Method of adding new words and removing old ones using the Doman method very simple. To do this, remove one word from each set that has already been studied for 5 days, and replace this word with a new one. Do this with each set of words.

Signing will make your job a lot easier. Doman cards on the back side. Use a pencil to mark the date when a particular word was shown, and then you will know exactly when it should be removed and replaced with a new one. Gradually add to the list a group consisting of verbs, for example, denoting action, etc.

This way you will learn 25 words per day, divided into 5 sets of 5 words each. Every day your child will be introduced to 5 new words, 1 in each set, and 5 old words will be deleted by you.

If you act correctly, then on average your child will learn 5 words a day. But he can, and if you are smart enough and interested in this, then there may be even more such words.

Also, your baby will quickly and easily learn any word he is interested in if you write it in block letters on a white background, which will immediately expand his vocabulary.

Stage two (word combinations).

Second stage in mastering reading using the Glen Doman method is very important and is an intermediate link between reading individual words and whole sentences.

So, you should analyze your child's vocabulary and think about what combinations can be made from the words he has learned. Moreover, some of them will have to be modified to create meaningful combinations.

One of the simplest and most popular groups of words is the list of primary colors. Children learn to distinguish and name colors quickly and easily, having great fun when recognizing them. After making sure that the child has mastered the basic colors, you can offer his attention simple phrases: “black hair” or “yellow banana.”

After some time, you will feel the need to move on. Then start introducing your child to antonyms: “clean/dirty”, “right/left”.

Again, depending on your child's age and experience, you may want to add some colorful illustrations on the back of them. “Big” and “small” are very simple concepts, even for the youngest baby he is able to instantly comprehend them as soon as they are presented to him in a simple logical form. They are very closely connected with his daily life: “big spoon”, “little spoon”, etc.

Stage three (simple sentences).

At the third stage, you will have to compose simple sentences based on phrases, because with the number of words in the baby’s vocabulary from 50 to 75 units, the number of possible combinations is quite large.

To do this, you need to compose a set of 5 sentences, and, as before, demonstrate it to your child three times a day for 3-5 days. Then start working on updating the set: remove 2 old sentences and insert 2 new ones instead. Your child will learn them very quickly, so move on to new sentences as quickly as possible.

At this stage you will have to reduce the font size to fit on standard Doman card 2-3 words, which will bring your dream of your baby’s ability to read books one step closer.

After a while, try make a simple book of proposals using G. Doman’s method, where each of your five sentences will correspond to one picture, and pages with text will precede pages with illustrations. This book can easily be filled with photographs of the child himself as he performs this or that action. Such books will be very important steps in your child's development.

Stage four (common proposals).

After simple sentences, it’s time to study common sentences. By this stage, your child is already able to take the second most important step after first learning to distinguish individual words. Now he is able to understand full-fledged sentences expressing a complete thought.

Recognizing individual words and understanding what they mean (subject or concept) is the first and main step towards learning to read. Recognizing words that are used in a sentence and can represent more complex concepts is the second most important step in the same direction.

In this section we use the same principles as in the third stage, gradually increasing the number of words in the sentence. For example, a sentence like “The cat is sleeping” should be supplemented with the state “The cat is fast asleep.”

At this stage there will be a need for making Doman cards with prepositions and adverbs, but you should not delve into their study.

You have probably noticed that when playing with your child in making sentences and giving the initiative into his hands, the child likes funny sentences like “Mom is jumping on the Christmas tree,” etc. Don’t let this bother you, because the more fun the classes are, the more your child will learn.

During this stage, you continue to provide your child with new learning material by reading sentences or books aloud to him. Depending on age, language abilities or personal characteristics, he himself can, if he wishes, pronounce certain words out loud or read whole sentences out loud. If he does it because he wants to, then that's great. However, you yourself should not ask him about it.

As you move on to increasingly longer sentences, you will no doubt become overwhelmed. Doman card sizes, so you have to do the following:

  • reduce font size;
  • increase the number of words;
  • change the color of the letters from red to black.

It is very important to follow the following rule: you should never reduce the font size and, at the same time, increase the number of words. Both must be done gradually. Remember that sentences cannot be written too large or too clearly, only letters that are too small and too illegible are to be wary of.

At this stage, everything is ready to move on to the last and most exciting stage - the book. We were already preparing for this step by creating books of phrases, simple and common sentences. But all this was just preparation for the most important thing.

Stage five (books).

Your baby can now handle words and sentences written in capital letters. Now he has to learn how to work with small printed text containing a huge number of words on each page.

The younger the child is, the more challenging this step will be. Remember that by this moment you have managed to sufficiently develop and strengthen his visual apparatus. If your child is already three years old by the time you move on to reading books printed in 1cm font, you probably won't have too many problems. If you start reading books when your child is not yet 2 years old, then we can confidently assume that you will have to do it yourself or buy books for him with a font from 2.5 to 5 cm. If this works, great, because this reading according to Doman will contribute to the rapid development and maturation of his brain.

Of great importance at this stage is the correct choice of the book from which you will teach your child to read. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a book as a source of valuable information for a child, here are a few rules:

  1. Her vocabulary should be between 50 and 100 words.
  2. It should contain words and sentences already familiar to the child.
  3. It should contain no more than 1 sentence per page.
  4. The height of the printed font must be at least 1 cm.
  5. The text should precede the illustrations and be separate from them.

The content of the book is an extremely important aspect. If, when choosing a book, you find it interesting, then your baby will almost certainly like it too. If you find the book you like a little difficult, do not rush to abandon it. It is better to help your child a little in the process of reading it than to buy a book that is too primitive, which may bore him.

  1. Do it yourself or buy books that will interest your child.
  2. Before you start reading, learn all the new words that appear in it.
  3. The text should be large and legible.
  4. Make sure your child reads the text first and then turns the page to look at the illustrations that follow the text.

Once all these conditions are met, you can start reading. Sit down with your child and start reading a book to him. If he wants to read some words on his own, that's great. However, this largely depends on his age and personal characteristics. The younger the child, the less he wants to read out loud. In this case, you read, and he listens.

Your child will begin to build his own library. Place the book you read on his shelf - then let him read it on his own as many times a day as he wants.

What a great discovery this is - the ability to read! Few things in his later life compare. Now he can always have a wise adult talking only to him about new interesting things any time he wants, he just has to choose a new book.

Teaching is a reward, not a punishment. Learning is a pleasure, not a necessity; it is a privilege, not an obligation. Parents need to remember this all the time and not do anything that could destroy the child’s natural attitude towards learning.

Last article updated: March 30, 2018

Today's parents devote a lot of time to early childhood development. This is also facilitated by original training programs, which have not lost their popularity for many years. Surely mothers have heard about Montessori materials or Doman cards.

Child psychologist

The system of American physiotherapist Glen Doman, which will be discussed in the article, is built on the principle of conveying large amounts of information to the child through visual perception. Special cards help in this process.

Doman’s early development method, according to the author and his followers, can significantly expand a child’s innate abilities and even raise a real genius. However, opponents of this system are convinced that it can harm the child. Where is the truth?

If you are interested in early childhood development programs, be sure to read the article in which a psychologist explains what it is and what the basic principles of this popular educational system are.

The future author of the popular developmental methodology was born in 1919 in Philadelphia. In the early 40s, Doman began physical therapy practice at the clinic. The main goal of his work is to study the laws and features of the development of the children's brain.

However, the ongoing world war forced the scientist to interrupt his work and volunteer for the front. For his military service as a member of a company of infantrymen, Doman was even awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the second highest among American military awards.

After the end of hostilities, Doman returned to work and began to specialize in children with severe damage to the cerebral cortex and serious damage to the central nervous system.

In the mid-50s, he organized the private Institute for Achieving Human Potential. The fundamental basis of this research institution was the method of Glen Doman.

For two decades, the scientist, together with his colleagues, conducted various studies, experimented, and summarized information in order to create a system for the rehabilitation of children with delayed mental and intellectual development.

Glen Doman was convinced that first of all it was necessary to cure the cause of mental difficulties - the imperfection of the brain, and only then deal with the consequences - weak speech, imperfect movements, etc.

In 1960, Doman published material in a specialized scientific publication about the peculiarities of his work with children diagnosed with brain damage and the results of their rehabilitation. This article brought him wide fame in scientific circles.

It was from this time that the Doman early development method began to be actively used not only by specialists, but also by parents, and its use was expanded - now healthy children were also trained.

Full information about the development system can be found in books by the author himself:

  • “How to teach a child to read”;
  • "Harmonious development of the child."

In these books the reader will find a “clean” system, without additions or corrections. In Russia, the Doman technique is popular, which is adapted to Russian linguistic and cultural specifics by Andrei Manichenko.

Children's capabilities will increase day by day if you work with your child constantly and on a regular basis. The author of the method was convinced that the brain can only develop with daily training.

However, this process is uneven. That is why, up to the age of 3, it is necessary to convey the maximum amount of information to the child, and in the next 3 years, until the age of six, to constantly support the child’s skills and supplement his “baggage” with new knowledge.

Doman's child development method is based on based on several important principles:

  1. Early classes. Classes with children to improve motor skills and intelligence should begin almost from the first days of life. Immediately after birth, Doman recommended incorporating exercise into your daily routine. It is necessary to stimulate the child to crawl, grab, roll over, and stand. You should also teach your baby to swim. The author convinced that such reflexes are natural for children.

    Intellectual development occurs with the help of sets of cards. The child grasps the picture, remembering it at the subconscious level. This allows you to “pump” large amounts of information into the baby.

  2. Regularity of exercise. According to Doman, classes must be held daily and cannot be missed. Only in this case will the child’s brain work and develop fully.
  3. Taking into account the child's interest. Classes should be carried out only when the baby is interested in them. If he experiences any discomfort, he should return to exercise after 2 to 3 hours.
  4. Creating conditions for learning. Doman cards are a prerequisite for a child’s development. This toolkit consists of pictures, dots or words. Cards are introduced into the process gradually so that the baby can quickly remember everything.

Physical development according to Doman

The development system for the little ones includes a very serious set of physical exercises. Dr. Doman believed that there was a relationship between motor skills and intelligence.

Adults who regularly engage in certain exercises with their children stimulate cognitive processes. Thus, the more physically developed the baby is, the higher his intelligence will be.

In order for the baby to be active, certain conditions are created. First of all, you need a special crawling track, which needs to be positioned at a slight angle. The child should be lightly dressed during exercise.

The complexity and duration of the exercises will depend on the age of the ward.

  • Almost from the first days of life, a child must, using the innate repulsion reflex, crawl a short distance along a special track. Such charging is performed 10 times a day. Total duration - 4 hours a day;
  • development of manual skills. The child is offered an index finger or a smooth wooden pin of similar size for grasping. When the baby grabs the finger, the mother lifts his torso. Perform lifts 10 times a day. Duration - 10 minutes;
  • development of balance. This type of exercise involves improving the vestibular system. The parent rocks, rotates, and tosses the child in various planes. In total, this complex for newborns consists of 15 different exercises. Duration - 10 minutes.

From 2 to 7 months

  • development of motor skills. The child crawls on his belly for a toy. He needs to crawl along the track a longer distance than before (a good level is one pause for the entire distance). The exercise is performed 15 times a day. Total duration: from 4 hours per day;
  • development of manual skills. The child grabs the parent's finger, and mom or dad raises the torso so that the baby hangs a little. Perform hangs 15 times a day. Duration increases from two to 10 seconds;
  • development of balance. The mother rocks, rotates and tosses the baby in various planes. Again, the same 15 exercises are performed as in the early age period. Duration of improvement of the vestibular apparatus: 10 minutes.

From 7 to 12 months

  • development of motor skills. The child crawls on all fours. It is necessary to carry out up to 30 series of such exercises per day. Total duration: minimum 4 hours, preferably up to 12 hours a day;
  • development of manual skills. The child hangs on the crossbar, and the parent belays him. Perform hangs 15 times a day. The duration of each exercise is 20 seconds;
  • development of balance. The child is rocked, rotated, and tossed in various planes. At this age, a set of 10 special exercises is performed. The duration of such charging is 20 minutes.

From 1 year

  • development of motor skills. The child walks, and he needs to start with one or two steps. Up to 30 walking sessions are carried out per day. Duration: minimum 2 hours per day;
  • development of manual skills. The child hangs on the horizontal bar, and then gradually moves along it using interceptions (this method must first be demonstrated). During the day you need to perform 10 interception exercises and 5 series of sagging exercises. Duration - 5 minutes;
  • development of balance. A set of 10 exercises is performed to passively develop balance. The parent shakes, twists, and tosses the baby in different planes. Duration: 20 minutes.

To ensure that nothing interferes with physical activity, Doman recommended that parents wear a minimum of clothing on their newborn. This way the child will move his arms and legs freely, which will speed up his physical maturation.

Read more about this in the article by a child psychologist. From it you will learn how to create conditions for walking and what exercises will help increase your baby’s physical activity.

In his works, the author indicated the optimal age for mastering this skill - 12 months. In addition, in order to control the acquisition of knowledge, it is necessary to ensure the child’s ability to speak, since after a week of training the baby must “read” the words shown.

Educational cards for children have a strictly defined size: 10 by 50 centimeters. The words on them must be bright red, and the height of the letters is approximately 7.5 centimeters.

According to the Doman method for teaching reading a certain pattern must be followed:

  1. First day: The child is shown 5 pictures with noun words four times. Pauses between classes are no more than half an hour.
  2. Second day: the parent performs three displays of 5 words each, already demonstrated yesterday, and three displays of 5 new words. The result is 6 lessons, during which 10 words are studied.
  3. Third day: Mom carries out six sessions of 5 cards, already shown on the first and second day, and three sessions of 5 new words. The result is 9 lessons, during which 15 words are studied.

It should be remembered that a 30-minute break is required between exercise sessions. In this case, the child’s nervous system will have time to rest, and the result will be noticeable faster.

As soon as the word has been studied for five days, it is removed from the demonstration, since the baby should already remember it. The author recommended that for better control over the replacement of cards, write the start date of presentation on them.

Teaching a child to count using Doman

According to Glen Doman's method, parents and children count differently: an adult imagines a specific number, and a child sees the number of apples, candies, etc.

That is why on the cards that will be shown to the child, the author depicted not numbers, but red dots that correspond to this number. This will make it easier for children to learn counting.

The demonstration material consists of white cards, the size of which is approximately 27 by 27 centimeters. The diameter of the red circles is slightly less than 2 centimeters. You will need 100 similar cards, on which there will be from 1 to 100 circles.

Learning to count is similar to learning to read and includes the following actions:

  • the child is quickly shown cards with circles;
  • the lesson consists of three sessions of 5 cards each;
  • every day you need to add two new cards and remove 2 cards with familiar numbers from the session;
  • then the adult introduces additional pictures with more circles and increases their number.

Doman's counting method suggests that if a child regularly looks at cards with circles depicted, then very soon he will learn to set the number of objects automatically. This will allow him to perform mathematical operations on large numbers.

A child needs to be constantly developed, as Doman believed, the purpose of life is to gain knowledge. Information materials consist of so-called “bits of intelligence”, which represent some specific fact.

The author of the method believed that the explanations are not of particular interest and do not provide any benefit to the child, since his brain can only perceive pure facts - that same bit of information.

Cards for child development help to gain deep and versatile knowledge if:

  • each element of the image is clearly visible;
  • there is only one item shown on the map;
  • the parent pronounces the name of each item;
  • Previously, this image was unknown to the child;
  • the map is quite large;
  • it is clean, without image noise or dirt.

The formation of encyclopedic knowledge occurs as follows: the mother shows the child a card for 2 seconds, clearly pronouncing the name or description of the image.

Glen Doman believed that this technique is aimed at developing the speed of the nervous reaction. And if at first the child does not understand anything, then (subject to regular training) he develops faster memorization and photographic memory.

Initially, you need to show 10 cards three times a day, then little by little the number of cards shown increases to 120. As soon as the picture has been viewed 30 times, it should be replaced with a new one. Therefore, mom needs to keep a record of how long each card was shown.

Demonstration material is sold in stores, but many parents are increasingly choosing to make cards themselves, since hundreds, or even thousands, of pictures and images will be needed for training.

What other ones can you use at home? You can find out about this by reading an article by a child psychologist with the most detailed description of useful activities for kids by month.

Glen Doman's technique allows you to make cards from scrap materials. The simplest and most reasonable option is to download it for free from the website and print it on thick, high-quality paper using a color printer. You can make cards by cutting out pictures from magazines and newspapers.

The printed material, if used carefully, will last quite a long time if the hard paper is additionally laminated. You can even lend such cards to friends who also want to teach their child using this method.

It is imperative to sign the back of the card in advance so as not to turn it over during the demonstration, because nothing should distract the baby from the process of contemplating the depicted object or word.

The cards need to be systematized and divided into certain sections. Eg:

  • poultry;
  • musical instruments;
  • body parts;
  • vegetables;
  • Russian writers, etc.

If for the youngest children 10 cards for each section are enough, then for older children the number of pictures increases sharply. In addition, subcategories appear in sections. For example, in the category “birds” “waterfowl”, “birds of the Arctic”, “birds of prey” appear.

Doman's technique in the words of the author

An American physiotherapist compared the child's brain to a perfect computer that collects and analyzes “bits of intelligence”. The author believed that it is not common for children under 1 year of age to perceive overly intelligent thoughts.

The child should be presented with specific, clear and as accessible information as possible. As an example, Doman suggests paying attention to how a child meets a dog.

When a kid looks at Sharik running by and asks what it is, a parent can:

  • refer to being busy and refuse to explain;
  • tell the child: “This is yap-yap”;
  • simply say that it is a dog;
  • explain that this is a poodle dog;
  • show images with dogs;
  • demonstrate cards with different breeds of dogs and show where the St. Bernard, Shepherd, Dachshund, Setter, etc. are depicted.

The last explanation is the most complete, since without additional explanation the child can understand that all dogs have common features - four legs, a tail, and fur. However, pets differ in size, color, etc.

That is, in a short time the baby independently does a lot of intellectual work and accelerates brain activity.

Early child development according to the Glen Doman system is popular among domestic mothers. Typically, parents express positive opinions about the results of regular activities, since the baby is actively interested in bright images, words and dots.

Glen Doman's cards attract children's attention, so the child remembers a lot of facts and information that his parents offer him.

However, many experts are not so optimistic about this technique, highlighting several serious disadvantages:

  1. The system is based only on visual and sound perception. The child passively receives information, does not analyze it and is often unable to apply it in practice.
  2. The lessons do not provide for the development of creative abilities. For example, without developing fine motor skills, it is impossible to improve a child’s intelligence. However, when working with cards, the child does not draw, do not sculpt from plasticine, or play.
  3. According to the method, the text is accompanied by a demonstration of cards. In the future, the child has difficulty reading texts without images and does not always understand the material read. Such training is fraught with a lack of desire in children to engage in uninteresting activities.
  4. Every baby is a bright personality with his own preferences. One wants to sculpt from plasticine, another strives to collect puzzles, the third wants to engage in active activities. Not every child will study Doman cards without doing anything.

Increased stress on the nervous system often leads to undesirable consequences - mental disorders, changes in emotional background, problems with appetite, communication skills, high anxiety, and tearfulness.

Neurologist's opinion

Many experts speak quite negatively about Glen Doman’s method. For example, neurologist Elizaveta Melanchenko opposes early developmental systems, including Domanov’s.

Children often come to see neurologists with various problems such as tics, obsessive movements, and enuresis. Such symptoms are the result of teaching the child too early. What causes psychological and neurological disorders?

The maturation of a child's brain occurs gradually. First of all, centers are formed that are responsible for the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems, then for movement, emotions, volitional processes and reading.

If this sequence is violated (when a child is taught to read before he begins to walk), the baby’s development may deviate from standard indicators.

Due to intellectual overstrain, spasm of the head vessels occurs due to blood flow to the brain. As a result, the child has a headache, tics, enuresis and simply increased emotional lability.

Unfortunately, some mothers do not listen to the advice of specialists and intellectually overload their children. As a result, the child becomes uncontrollable, aggressive, cannot master the kindergarten curriculum, and then switches to home schooling.

In especially severe cases, children are even prescribed serious medications to reduce the manifestation of neurological disease. The conclusion, as they say, is up to you.

Doman cards are part of the popular developmental system of the American physiotherapist. Some parents talk about obvious positive changes in the development of the baby, while other mothers are convinced that accumulated knowledge is forgotten with age.
