Watch the performance of Victoria the old man at the moment of glory. Vladimir Pozner: “Vika was crying, but her mother should have been crying

After waiting a little while, when everyone will unsubscribe about how the heartless jury almost leaked Vika Starikov at the "Minute of Glory", I decided to say an opinion that differs from others. Now Uncle Misha will give you a full breakdown of the situation. In general, everyone here is an asshole, except for Vicki. Assholes are parents who brought a child who was not ripe for this song to the central stage of the country. Assholes - the jury, except for Svetlakov, who seriously discussed this performance. And, having come to the conclusion that this is fucking awesome, nevertheless included the artistic council Soviet Union and almost overwhelmed the girl. And here Sergei Yursky tried, who listened so touchingly, sang such praises in his speech, but, in the end, leaked Vika. What does the uncle do on the jury, who last time of the singers I heard Claudia Ivanovna Shulzhenko on anniversary concert 1976 is not clear at all. Litvinova ... Well, what about Litvinova, she also turned on a strict aunt. Posner, based on political experience, was more diplomatic, weighing both yours and ours.

And no one noticed the main thing. Litvinova's question, what songs of Zemfira does Vika know, except for this one. And the answer was that this is the only thing that Vika knows from Zemfira. So it was a really forbidden reception by Vika's parents, who counted on Litvinova's support by choosing this song for their daughter, but received a complete thrashing from her. Leave all the tales that Vika chose this song herself for transmission " Good night, kids!"

Was Vicki's performance as awesome as a lot of people say? No, it was not. There was a sweet childish spontaneity, there was diligence and cuteness. Every child has this in abundance. And, in all honesty, let's directly admit that Vika did not show anything so supernatural.

And sho we have with the jury as a result: Yursky - 82 years old, Pozner - 83 years old, Litvinova - 50 years old, Svetlakov - 40 years old. What do two grandfathers do on the jury? Adios, fart! The point is not your age, but the fact that you are completely out of touch with life. Sinatra, at 80, was much younger and more alive than all of you put together.

We also have the angry opinion of Max Fadeev on Instagram, who also went through the jury. "Just watched the wonderful performance of Vika Starikova at the Minute of Glory..." etc. Okay, isn't it wonderful? Max, you are our fat ass sun, but don't you want to remember how on the children's "Voice", you leaked much more talented children and promoted mediocrity because it was paid?

In general, any competition is stressful. There are practically no fair competitions. Everywhere there are passions and money. And when parents, by hook or by crook, try to make a star out of a child, they must understand what kind of dirt they are pushing the child into. And talk about tears, this is from the evil one. In this case, it is necessary to immediately recognize all children as winners and give them buns. And this does not happen. This is show business. It's Sparta, baby!

But is it really so bad, what we saw? Fuck there. Everything is fine! Vika received such crazy PR and fame that everyone only dreams of. Now many parents of the participants of the "Minute of Glory" and the participants themselves are tearing their hair in all places and biting their elbows with envy. So Vika would have been eliminated in the second round and no one would have remembered her. Now she can fly out, but rest assured, she will be invited to perform at concerts and corporate parties.

The first channel and "Minute of Glory" received a crazy rating on this scandal. The number of viewers of this program will increase. Many will drown for Vika. I wonder if the jury has the courage to dump it in the second round? Actually I don't see future perspective the girl in this project. She is weak both as a singer and as a musician.

But the coin still chose Vika, which means that fate chose her. Come on, Vika! Break all patterns! This is the trump card that is given to you by fate. Do not rest on your laurels, but work, work and work on yourself again. And then, in ten years, we are waiting for you on big stage. I not only remembered, but also wrote down this name! So, burn these old farts with napalm!!!

Eight-year-old Victoria Starikova became a real star of the show "Minute of Glory" after she was strictly evaluated by the jury of the TV project. and she wept. Reporters interviewed a girl who admitted that she did not want to be photographed with Renata Litvinova.

Victoria Starikova said that after that number she feels good. She was supported by friends and family. The girl explained her tears with the desire to go to the next round. “The most offensive was the sound“ uuuuu ”from the audience at the moment when the judges pressed the red button. I thought they were buzzing to me and cried. But then they explained to me that this was how they showed their indignation at the decision of the jury,” Starikova explained.


Vika added that she was still upset because she had to flip a coin (according to the rules of the show). “Because it’s somehow not real,” the girl said. Nevertheless, she treats Renata Litvinova with respect, as a person who is simply older than her. “That’s how I was raised,” Vika said.

After all this scandalous story, Starikov does not consider Renata Litvinova an evil woman, but she tries not to cross paths with her once again. "I ran past her dressing room on tiptoe and didn't want to be photographed with her!" - quotes the girl

Note that earlier in an interview, Renata Litvinova commented on the scandal that occurred after the release of "Minute of Glory" with the participation of Vika. The woman is sure that the vanity and ambitions of her parents are to blame. "The girl is so small, only eight years old. I think something is wrong with this matter. It is rather the influence of the parents, really their pride, some kind of underfulfillment. I know that if the children do not go further, it becomes such a terrible injury! They can not recover. I would not let them go to such competitions, no matter how talented person nor was,” said the actress.

The performance of Vika Starikova, an 8-year-old girl from Nizhny Tagil, was one of the most touching at the Minutes of Glory show. The schoolgirl, playing the piano, sang Zemfira's song "Live in your head". Vladimir Pozner, Sergei Yursky and Renata Litvinova sharply criticized the girl for choosing such a song. And the schoolgirl could not hold back her tears. This angered the audience. But by a lucky chance, Vika made it to the second round. About how I started my creative way a schoolgirl, and how the second test “KP-Ekaterinburg” went for the child, the girl’s mother told.


Vika has been singing and playing the piano since the age of 4, Anna Starikova recalls. - My daughter had a tablet on which a "tutorial" of playing the piano was installed. She pressed the keys and listened to the sounds. She liked it very much. Over time, Vika began to ask us to buy her a real piano. To be honest, I was against it, because I know what a colossal work it is - I finished it myself music school. Whole month my daughter asked every day: “Did you buy me a piano?”. Imagine, a person at the age of four insistently demands a piano from you. And we bought her an instrument.

- After that, you sent Vika to a music school?

At 4 years old, no music schools, of course, will take a child. And the piano just won't stand. Therefore, we began to learn children's songs with Vika. Her first performance is "If you like it, then do it." Vika learned the melody and played it with one finger on the piano. Then we were taken over. We began to sing songs from our childhood: “Beautiful is far away”, “Katyusha”. We offered her, asked what she liked, and the daughter herself chose.

- And how did Vika start her way to the big stage?

Our relatives live abroad. And one of them asked Vika to sing the song “Brown Button”. My daughter learned it and performed it for his birthday. After that, relatives began to ask us to send other songs of our daughter. Send video via email it was difficult, so we started posting videos on YouTube. And people suddenly began to subscribe to the channel, they became interested in the work of the child. So Vika has been developing for four years, making people happy.


- Then Vika began to study music professionally?

Now my daughter goes to the second grade of a music school in the direction of piano. But at the same time, she studies at the Polytechnic Gymnasium, and also attends circus team"Full house". We do not claim to be a child prodigy. She is just a girl who loves to sing and do what she likes. Vika, for example, became an aerial gymnast at the age of four.

- Zemfira's song is not Vika's only adult composition?

Vika also sings a song from the repertoire of Viktor Tsoi "Cuckoo". She performs songs from different repertoires. The daughter did a cover on the composition "Basta". I don't understand what a difficult song means. At school, they are given difficult poems about the war when they go to the competition. And children understand these verses in their own way. We explain to them the meaning of these verses in a childish way. Also the songs. We explained Zemfira's song to her in our interpretation, but the daughter did not consider it necessary to talk about it. She spoke about her vision of this song.

- What are your plans now?

- Now our plans are to return to the usual track, because because of the show our life stopped for a month and a half. Therefore, today we went to school with pleasure, tomorrow we will go to a music school. Vika really wants to take part in another competition. And we have already been invited to the festival in St. Petersburg. For the project "Voice. Children ”, we do not want ourselves, so as not to injure the psyche of the child.

- Are you going to move to Moscow now?

Sergey Svetlakov asked Vicki: “Do you want to move to Moscow?”. She said, "I don't know." It is clear that it would be easier and easier to take part in such competitions. But we didn't think about it. We have a job. We can't quit everything. But we will support our daughter in any of her desires. Vika is now happy to go to school. Everyone there supports her. She has no psychological trauma.

Victoria Starikova - Live in your head (Minute of fame). Victoria Starikova sings Zemfira's song "Live in your head".

Vika Starikova sang Zemfira's song "Live in your head." The jury considered that the composition of the girl was clearly not chosen for her age.

There are people who dream of fame from the cradle and purposefully go to it, getting involved in all kinds of contests, quizzes, olympiads and other events designed to increase their chance of becoming a star. And there are people who themselves failed to realize their ambitions and are now trying to embody them in their own children.

If you are not a fan of the competition, we will briefly tell you what the essence of the matter is.

8-year-old Vika Starikova is one of the participants in the show. The girl chose Zemfira's song "Live in your head" for the performance. She played, she sang. But the judges did not like her number. Sergei Yursky was the first to press the red button. The girl was instantly upset, but still held on. Then Vladimir Pozner criticized her performance.

According to the harsh TV presenter, the song for Vika was completely inappropriate.

This is parental vanity, so that the children take the stage and they can be proud of them, - Pozner allowed himself a taunt against Anna, Vika's mother.

Renata Litvinova, who, as we understand, treats Zemfira's work with special reverence, asked if Vika knew her other songs. No, Vika didn't know. What the actress did not like: she rather coldly and venomously walked through the performance of the girl. As Anna later told in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists, they heard the song “Live in your head” no longer in the author's performance. Someone managed to make a cover - Vika liked it.

In general, after such a powerful rebuke, the girl burst into tears right on the stage. Only Sergei Svetlakov spoke in defense of the little singer and her mother.

She herself wanted to go on stage, - said the showman.

As a result, the jury could not decide whether to leave Vika in the competition or not: Svetlakov and Yursky were in favor, Litvinova and Pozner were against. The contestant decided her own fate by tossing a coin. Hooray: Vika coped with the casting and moved on to the next round.

Meanwhile, the network unfolded real war: someone defended Vika and her mother, someone attacked Anna, claiming that she was crippling the child's psyche, forcing her to participate in such shows. In response to the accusations, Vika's mother did not go into her pocket for a word.

Why scold me? For helping my daughter's dream come true? I don't get fame. She went to Vika anyway. She is quite famous. She has 130,000 subscribers on YouTube, Anna wondered. - A test for the psyche? There are many such moments in life. Take any other competition. And on the control in mathematics, is there no load on the psyche? And on the exam?

As for the repertoire, according to Anna, it is difficult to separate creativity intended for children and adults.

What do you think children's songs are? Children's poems? Do they include poems about the war that we learn from kindergarten on every May 9th? And we explain to the children what war, death, losses are, - said Anna.

What do you think? Do I need to choose age-appropriate songs?

    Yes need. It is silly when a child sings about what he does not understand.

15:10 / March 02, 2017

Anna Starikova said that the editors of the show offered them to perform Zemfira's song.

The young Tagil woman Victoria Starikova, who was brought to tears by the jury of the Minute of Glory, could not get into the next round and left the show.

In the second round, Victoria performed Sergei Trofimov's song "Motherland", which she sang to the accompaniment of her mother Anna. But this time too, Renata Litvinova and Vladimir Pozner did not like the performance, whose words brought the girl to tears in the last issue. Recall: for the first time, they considered that Zemfira’s song “Live in your head”, which was performed by the girl, was too “adult” for her. What they didn’t like the second time, the girl’s mother can’t tell yet, since the episode has not yet aired. But on the other hand, she explained to OUR correspondent why Victoria performed Zemfira's song in the first round.

- How did they generally react to the jury's reaction to the performance of this song by your daughter?

- With bewilderment! Because we went there at the invitation of the producers and editors of this project. That is, initially it was not our initiative. Of course we agreed. But there were no auditions. The editors of the show invited Victoria after seeing her YouTube channel. They liked the little angel who sings all kinds of songs. Because Vika can handle everything. And they were affected.

As the girl's mother said, Vika has been singing since the age of 4 and is not the first to participate in music competitions. True, so far only on the Internet, where, in addition to her channel, the 8-year-old girl has pages in all popular social networks.

- And it was the editors of the show who suggested performing Zemfira's song and thus making a surprise to one of the jury members - Renata Litvinova. Together with Vika, we also considered this possible. Since there is no age limit initially in this show. And in previous seasons of this show, even small children reached the final.

So you didn't choose the song?

No, we were offered. And we supported the idea of ​​making a surprise. But we didn't mean to offend anyone. We just wanted to show how our little angel will perform Zemfira's song, of which Renata Muratovna is a fan. And she performed it in her own way, with her reading of this song. In no way did we want to touch on any deep topics, everything was much simpler, more vital and understandable for a small child.

- What do you think about Posner's phrase that children on stage are the result of parental vanity?

- And when famous people support their children in every possible way and are proud of them, and everyone around is talking about their offspring - is this normal? Why is it possible for some, but they immediately say about others that this is vanity?

- And how did your daughter endure criticism from the jury. And what can you say about her participation in this project?

My daughter said she was very sorry when it was all over. No, she, of course, said that it was scary, her arms and legs were shaking. But she really enjoyed participating. After him, she said that she wanted her life to be connected with cameras, performances, competitions. In general, everything is wonderful with us. I think it was a very rewarding experience that Vika couldn't get anywhere else.

And all the talk and comments that the criticism of the jury caused Vika psychological trauma, Anna calls far-fetched conjectures, which for some reason are inflated on the Internet.
