Test "My family. Test "My family Drawing test family

Do you want to look deeper into the soul of a child and understand how he lives, what worries him, what he dreams about, his perception of the world around him, his family and yourself? From the age of 4-5 you can conduct a drawing test "My family". Children perceive the world around them differently than adults. Special children's comprehension causes emotional reactions that are incomprehensible and unacceptable by adults. In the inner world of the child, seemingly incompatible, random are intertwined, fantastic images, their own "theories" are created.

The essence of the test
The child is given a standard sheet of paper, a set of colored pencils (it is better not to give a simple pencil, a pen, an eraser), they ask: "Draw your family." At the same time, there is no need to remind who is part of the family, let him draw as he imagines. If a child asks who to draw, give him complete freedom, let him draw at least animals, the drawing will still be quite informative ... After finishing drawing, ask leading questions: who is drawn where, what family members are doing, who is in what mood, etc.

Before you start drawing

  • Track the child's usual mood. This task should not be given after family conflicts, quarrels, shocks. Otherwise, you will receive a situational drawing that matches the mood of the child at the moment.
  • Do not stand over the child at the time of the task, but discreetly track the order of the images of characters and objects.
  • Do not correct the child while drawing (“you forgot to draw dad”, “draw ears, pens, etc.”)
  • Do not discuss the results in front of the child - this test is for you, for your thoughts.
  • To get more accurate information, run the test 3-4 times with an interval of several days and identify frequently repeated details in the drawing.
  • When “explaining” a drawing, the positive attitude of the “interpreter” is of great importance, it is necessary to connect your imagination and intuition.

There is nothing random in a drawing. After all, a child does not draw objects from nature, but expresses his emotions and experiences. Here are some examples of children's creations.

Picture 1.
In this picture, the child very subtly caught the features of the distribution of family roles. Mom is the head of the family, she has everything big - eyes, nose, and especially her mouth. True, my mother’s eyes are sad, and her heart is covered with a flower, there are no hands, she cannot change anything. Dad in size (in the perception of the child) is much smaller than mom. On the sides of the mother, a 12-year-old brother with standing hair standing on end and a neat, but buttoned-up 6-year-old artist himself of the same height are written out. Only dad likes to listen to mom, he even has ears for this, but children have a persistent unwillingness to hear their parents.

Figure 2.
There is also a family in this picture. A huge house with a lot of empty, uninhabited windows. The artist himself lives behind bars in the attic. “Mom and dad are at work, I'm walking ...” Try to consider the author of the drawing below, next to the car. Isn't it true that the baby feels surprisingly small, insignificant, lonely? The color scheme is also sad: gray prevails and a little green on the car (it's dad sometimes rides it). And the huge "hands" - antennas on the roof, resemble parents standing over the child, who suppress feelings, locking him behind bars of loneliness and anxiety. Seeing such a picture, you immediately understand that the child is ill, he needs help.

Figure 3
And everything is great here! The family is assembled, smiles on their faces, everyone holds out their hands to each other, supporting and helping. The child loves everyone, including himself, a lot of small details, bright colors. The drawing exudes joy and freedom.

1. After finishing drawing, ask the child “who is who”, who is doing what.
Clauses like “and I forgot to draw my brother” or “sister didn’t fit” do not matter. If someone from the family is missing in the picture, then this may mean:

  • The presence of negative unconscious feelings towards this person. For example, strong jealousy for a younger brother; the child, as it were, argues: “I must love my brother, but he annoys me, this is bad. Therefore, I won’t draw anything at all.”
  • The complete absence of emotional contact with the “forgotten” person in the drawing. This person, as it were, simply does not exist in the emotional world of the child.
  • Difficulties in relationships with loved ones: “I am not noticed here”, “I feel rejected”, “It is difficult for me to find my place in the family”
  • The child is “torn away” from the family: “They don’t accept me, well, don’t, and it’s not bad without them”

    3. In the picture - a fictional family member. The child is trying to fill the vacuum in the feelings that were not received in the family. Children often draw birds, animals that do not actually live in the house, which means that the child longs to be needed and needed by someone, which means that parents do not satisfy the need for love, tenderness, affection.

    4. The size of the depicted characters
    shows their significance for the child (see figure 4).
    The more authoritative in the eyes of the child the depicted person, the larger he is. Often, young children do not have enough paper to accommodate the entire figure.

    5. The size of the child on the sheet.
    If the child draws himself very small, located in the corner of the sheet, he has low self-esteem at the moment, or he considers himself the smallest in the family. Children with high self-esteem draw themselves very large, even larger than their parents (see Figure 5).

    6. The location of the child in the figure
    reflects his position in the family. When he is in the center, between mom and dad, or draws himself first, it means that he feels needed and necessary in the house. If a child portrayed himself separately from the rest, or painted himself last, this is a sign of jealousy, trouble.

    7. Distance between pictures
    indicate emotional closeness or, conversely, disunity. The farther the figures are located from each other, the greater their emotional disunity. In some drawings, children emphasize the disunity they feel by including various objects (furniture, vases, ...), alien, imaginary people in the free space between family members. With emotional closeness, relatives are drawn almost close to each other, they touch with their hands. The closer the child portrays himself to any member of the family, the higher his degree of attachment to this person and vice versa.

    8. The sequence of images of family members. Usually, the first child draws either himself, or the most beloved family member, or the most significant, authoritative, according to the baby, person in the family. Usually the most recent relative drawn has the lowest authority (this could be the child itself).

    9. Arrangement of figures on the sheet.
    Carefully consider who is higher in the figure, who is lower. The highest is the character who, according to the child, has the greatest significance in the family (even if he is small in size). For example, if a TV or a six-month-old sister is shown above all on the sheet, then it means that in the mind of the child it is they who “control” the rest of the family (see Figure 6).

    10. The character or object that causes the greatest anxiety in the child. It is depicted with increased pencil pressure, or heavily shaded, its outline is outlined several times, but it happens that a child draws such a character with a barely noticeable, “trembling” line.

    11. Parts of the body.

    • Head.
      It is an important and most valuable part of the body. Mind, skill - in the head. The most intelligent, thinking member of the family is depicted by the child with a large head (see Figure 7).
    • Eyes.
      Not only for viewing, they betray sadness. Characters with large, wide eyes are perceived by the child as anxious, restless, in need of help (see Figure 8). Characters with “point” eyes or “slit” eyes carry an internal prohibition on crying (i.e., a person is closed, subconsciously or consciously does not show his emotions, often negative ones).
    • Ears.
      This is the organ of perception of criticism and, in general, any information about oneself. Characters with big ears obey others. If there are no ears at all, the person does not listen to anyone, ignores what is said about him (see Figure 9).
    • Mouth.
      In the figure, the mouth is the “organ of attack”, the mouth expresses aggression, swears, bites, takes offense. A character with a large or/and shaded mouth is perceived as a source of threat. If there is no mouth at all, it is depicted as a dot, a dash - a person hides his feelings, cannot express them in words or influence others.
    • Neck.
      It symbolizes the ability of the head to control the senses. The character who has a neck is able to control his feelings (more often it is an adult).
    • Hands.
      The function of the hands is to cling to, join, interact with people around, i.e. ability to act. The more fingers on the hands, the stronger the character. The length of the arms indicates sociability, short arms betray inner weakness, indecision, lack of communication (see Figure 10).
    • Legs.
      Needed for walking, for support, for freedom of movement. The larger the area of ​​support at the feet, the more firmly and confidently the character stands on the ground. The right leg symbolizes support in an extra-family reality, the left leg - in the family (see Figure 11).

    12. The color scheme of the picture- indicator of the palette of feelings. With the most beloved colors, the child draws the closest family members, himself, unloved, gloomy colors go to people rejected by the child. Pay attention to the overall color palette: the predominance of bright colors indicates a good mood, while gloomy colors indicate anxiety, depression (unless, of course, black is not a favorite for the baby). Mothers are usually depicted in beautiful dresses, with hairpins in their hair, with many small details, hair color can be the most unusual, details are carefully drawn, so the child shows his love. Children with adequate self-esteem also carefully draw themselves, dress smartly. Beloved dads are also very smart, like all relatives close and loved by the child.

    13. The child draws only himself,“forgetting” to draw everyone else, this often indicates that he does not feel like a member of the family. The child is rejected in the family, troubles and emotional problems put pressure on him. The figure may be small, "hidden" in the corner of the sheet, dark, with a blurry face. But it happens that a child with high self-esteem draws one of himself to emphasize its importance. He carefully draws the details of clothing, face; the figure is very large, bright.

    13. The sun in the picture- a symbol of protection and warmth. People and objects that are between the child and the sun are what prevents them from feeling protected, using energy and warmth (see Figure 12).

    14. Abundance of small details, closed details(scarves, buttons) signal prohibitions, secrets to which the child is not allowed.

  • At interpretation of family drawings psychologists always pay increased attention to those cases when more or less family members are drawn than they actually are (for example, a dad is depicted who is not there, or, on the contrary, an older brother is not drawn).The absence of one of the family members in the drawing means either the presence of unconscious negative feelings towards this person, or the absence of emotional contact with this character - it is as if he does not exist in the inner world of the subject. If a person does not draw himself in the drawing of his family, then this testifies to the difficulties of self-expression in relations with loved ones (I am not noticed in the family, it is difficult for me to find my place in it). Also, the absence of the author of the drawing in the drawing means indifference to relatives (I do not strive to be with them, they do not bother me).

    For family drawing interpretation important is the space of the sheet, which is analogous to the living space of a person.As well as in real life, in the plane of the sheet, each person unconsciously seeks to take as much space for himself and the products of his activity as he, in his opinion, deserves. In other words, if he has low self-esteem, then he takes up little space in the real world and, drawing on a piece of paper, will take up only a small part of it. On the contrary, people who are confident, well-adjusted, draw freely, in a big way, and can take up the entire sheet.

    Location families on figure is also important in interpretations. If a person depicted a family in the lower half of the sheet, then this indicates not only his low self-esteem, but also a low level of life claims and ambitions. That is, if the family plot is located at the bottom of the sheet, then this indicates the following: “even the smallness that I pretend to, I can’t do it.” If a small image is placed at the top of the sheet, and the large lower part of the sheet is empty, this indicates that the subject’s low self-esteem is combined with a high level of his claims: “I want a lot of things in life, but I can’t do much.”

    It happens that a person draws some inanimate objects together with his family, and possibly depicts them instead of the family. For example, instead of people, a house without doors, a garage and a fence connecting them can be drawn, while family members are not depicted at all. It is assumed that they are all somewhere inside the painted house. In such cases, when family drawing interpretation psychologists make the following conclusions. The replacement of the family with inanimate objects shows that the closed world of the house without doors seems to be the greatest family value. The fact that there are no family members in the picture indicates a lack of emotional contact with them. The absence of the author of the drawing suggests that he does not see a place for himself in this world. Undrawn doors indicate that the subject is having difficulty opening up to others, especially in the home circle. The presence of structures (fence, garage) indicates aggression against the actual owners of the house or rebellion against what the subject considers to be artificial cultural standards.

    At family drawing interpretation psychologists also note the importance of exactly how the characters are depicted. Their size, the drawing of facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.), the size and shape of the arms, legs, etc.The size of the depicted character or object expresses its significance for the author of the drawing and shows what place in his soul is occupied by relations with this character at a given moment in time. Size is used to express significance, fear and respect. The large size of the head means the mind, respectively, the author considers the most “intelligent” member of the family to whom he painted the largest head. A large and / or shaded mouth is a symbol of aggression, attack. If a person has no mouth or is depicted as a dot, then this person does not have the right to express his opinion and influence others. The more powerful a character is perceived to be, the larger their hands. The absence of hands is an indicator of shyness, passivity, hidden hands express a sense of guilt. The exaggerated size of the hands, the allocation of hands and fingers - indicates a tendency to aggression.

    The image in the drawing of a character who does not officially belong to the family (for example, a member of a kindred family, a family friend, etc.) speaks of unmet needs in relation to this character. The subject realizes these desires in his fantasy, in imaginary communication with this person. The presence of a fictional (for example, fairy tale) character indicates the same trend.

    Also at family drawing interpretation the location of the characters on the sheet space is of great importance.
    According to the principle of vertical hierarchy, the character with the highest power in the family (although he may be the smallest in linear size) is located highest in the figure. Below all is the one whose power in the family is minimal. The distance between the characters (linear distance) is related to the psychological distance. Whoever is closest to the subject psychologically, he depicts the one closest to himself spatially. The same applies to other characters: whom a given person perceives as close to each other, he will draw those next to each other. Also, the characters that are in direct contact with each other in the picture (for example, with their hands) are in equally close psychological contact. Characters who do not touch do not have such contact.

    The character or object that causes the subject the greatest anxiety is depicted either with increased pressure, or heavily shaded, or its outline is circled several times. But in some cases it can be outlined with a very thin, trembling line. The author, as it were, does not dare to portray him.Characters with large, wide eyes are perceived by the author as anxious, restless, in need of being rescued. Characters with “dotted” or “slit” eyes carry an internal “prohibition on crying”, that is, they are afraid to ask for help. The larger the area of ​​support at the feet, the more firmly on the ground the character is perceived. Lack of feet, small, unstable legs - a sign of uncertainty, instability, lack of a strong foundation, lack of a basic sense of security. If the characters in the figure are shown in one row, it is necessary to mentally draw a horizontal line along the lowest point of the legs. Then only those people who “stand” on this line have support in reality. The rest, "hanging in the air", according to the subject, do not have independent support in life.

    The "Family Drawing" technique is easy to use, helps to establish good emotional contact,
    available to persons with reduced intelligence. Its use is especially productive in preschool and primary school age, when children often have difficulties in expressing their feelings and thoughts. At the same time, this technique and the rules for its interpretation can be successfully applied in work with adults. The technique is significant not only for diagnosing interpersonal relationships in the family, but also for choosing the tactics of psychological correction and psychotherapy of disturbed family relationships.

    Gayane Yeribekyan
    Psychological test for preschoolers "My family"

    Children are interested in testing. For them, tests are a new kind of exciting game. While the child is fascinated by this game, the psychologist conducts his research work aimed at studying the inner world of the baby. What interests him, pleases or upsets him? What is the reason for the fears? How developed is his imagination? Is he alone in the family circle?

    (http://psytags.ru/http_psytags_ru_sbornik_psihologicheskih_testov/- diagnostic, entertaining and educational tests for children)

    Test "My family"

    To find out how the child feels about his next of kin, offer him an album sheet, a set of colored pencils and set the theme for the picture "My family"

    When the baby is doing the task, you should not be around. Let the child be liberated

    If you know that the day before the child witnessed a conflict in the family, postpone the test. If the kid has questions about what and how he should draw, this means that his idea of ​​​​the concept of "family" is not fully formed. To prevent such issues, it is necessary to conduct a conversation on this topic in advance.

    When the drawing is ready, you should definitely discuss it with the baby so that he shares his thoughts that will help you better understand his ideas about the family.

    Work on the transcript of the test

    Are all images in place?

    When interpreting the test, it should be remembered that there is nothing superfluous in a child's drawing. Every stroke matters here (image position, pencil pressure, color, etc.). The absence of an image of any family member in the picture does not mean that the baby has forgotten about him. He subconsciously displaces this person. If the child has not portrayed himself, this may mean that either he considers himself unnecessary in the family, or vice versa, he wants to show that he lives well without family members.

    About image size

    Here the analytical algorithm is simple. Significant characters for the child are depicted by him in larger sizes. Perhaps you will see giants in the picture - brothers and sisters and midgets - parents. This means that at the moment parents are given a secondary role.

    Complementing the drawing with "strangers"

    Often, a child's drawing contains images of fictional characters or even technology (friends, neighbors, fairy tale characters, cars). This fact indicates a child's lack of communication and emotional support in the family, so he tries to fill this gap outside the home.

    Above or below

    The kid can mark images of characters in different parts of the picture. Paying attention to the position of the depicted image, you will determine who the baby considers the “master” in the house, that is, who in the family is endowed with more power

    Distance between characters

    This important nuance is evidence of the psychological distance between family members. The closer the images of the characters are located from each other, the stronger the mutual understanding between them.

    It's me

    The kid depicted himself in the corner of the picture - it means that he has low self-esteem. The giant occupying all the space in the middle of the picture will tell you that the child has a good opinion of himself. Although most preschool children have an overestimated self-esteem, since they are "princes and princesses" in the family, with age, children's egocentrism and a touch of "chosenness" are erased.

    Anxious dig

    The drawing contains a character depicted with great pressure, outlined or shaded. This is evidence of the presence of anxiety in the baby. Anxiety can be caused by unconscious attitudes on the part of adults. Weak, timid lines and strokes can also indicate a feeling of fear and anxiety in a baby.

    Favorite pets

    Did the kid picture his four-legged friend next to him? Of course, because in him the child sees the closest and “native” being who disinterestedly loves him, never scolds and does not make any demands.

    character head

    By portraying a big-headed character, the kid wants to tell that he considers him the smartest member of the family. Pay attention to the eyes - a reflection of the psycho-emotional state of the owner. Big eyes symbolize fear, expectation of help and support, the need for an affectionate relationship. Eyes depicted as slits or dots indicate depression, insecurity, a ban on the expression of emotions.

    Mouth contours A large, open, shaded mouth indicates pronounced aggression, dissatisfaction, resentment. The image of the mouth in the form of a dash, a dot, or its absence is a sign of a taboo imposed on the expression of emotions. The behavior of such a person is characterized by lack of initiative and weak will.

    Ear picture The owner of big ears will always reckon with the opinions of others. This is the most accommodating character. If the child under study has large ears, this may reflect his susceptibility to the world around him. Often, the large size of the ears indicates the alarming alert behavior of the baby, the ears for him are the leading information channel through which various information about himself and the world around him is received.

    Is the neck drawn?

    The neck is considered the link between the senses and the mind. If the child depicted this part of the body, then this indicates that the character has common sense, a practical mind and a strong will. In the absence of a neck in the image, one can assume the uncontrolled emotional temper of the hero

    About hands

    They are considered guides in the world of goals and relationships. Hands allow us to realize our goals and capabilities, talents and abilities. It is important to pay attention to the fingers. Their presence indicates that a person is confident in himself and in his possibilities of manifestation in the world around him. By the image of the fingers on the left hand, one can judge the connections within the family, on the right hand - outside the family. Owners of large hands are distinguished by their breadth of views, courage and power.

    Our support is our feet

    If a character has strong legs and large feet, then he enjoys great family support. The thin image of the legs indicates inner uncertainty and fear of the unknown. Legs are a symbol of the possibility of movement, life changes, the opening of new spaces.

    Eyes can tell a lot about a person if you look carefully into them. Parents should look into the eyes of the child more often. And not in order to urgently seek the truth from him, but with deep attention and love. When communicating with a child, strive to establish a relationship not between a parent and a child, but an equal relationship according to the “child-child” scheme. When your "inner child" manages to establish a connection with the baby, you will be able to understand and explain the nature of the child's consciousness.

    Understanding your child can be difficult. In addition, children can not always correctly tell what is happening in their head. The drawing technique "My Family" helps to analyze the relationship of the child with his parents, to understand the problems that have arisen and to eliminate them in time.

    Purpose of the test

    Before you ask your child to draw a family and begin to interpret the results, you need to understand exactly what this technique can give you. When a child draws, he does not think about whether it is right or not. Everything that lies on his heart, he depicts on paper. This can help parents understand how the child treats them, how he feels in the family, what hidden problems he has. Also his psychological state of health will be obtained. What the child is silent about, he will show on a piece of paper. This test can help parents build relationships with the baby, as well as avoid many unpleasant situations.


    In a quiet and peaceful environment, invite the child to draw his family. Give him an A4 piece of paper and colored pencils. In addition to the family, you can depict other objects as desired. In this case, you should not closely watch what the baby will do. Watch him from the side. It is very important to notice the sequence in which he will draw. At the end, you can also ask questions about the drawing.

    The drawing technique "My Family" helps to identify a variety of problems, and therefore every detail, every drawn stick and dot is very important. It is worth paying attention to how the people are located in the picture, what color they are painted. It is also important to analyze the size of each family member.

    Completing a task

    If the child lives in a calm and friendly environment, he will immediately begin to draw the task. And it starts with family members. If the kid began to draw complementary details, then this means that he feels uncomfortable and insecure. Probably, the family is not in the best period now, and he does not want to be there at all. If he completely forgot to draw someone, it means that the little artist has no contact with this person. If there are strangers in the picture, the child lacks care and love. The most difficult case is if the artist himself is not in the image. This means that the child does not feel like a member of the family. He is not emotionally connected to her.

    Before you start deciphering the drawing technique "My Family", be sure to ask the child about what is drawn. Without a small artist, it will be very difficult to interpret the image. For example, a girl drew the following picture.

    It has only the artist herself. And none of the adults. She explained that her parents were at home with her little sister. This drawing is a real cry for help. The child does not feel needed and important. Most likely, with the advent of her sister, her parents began to pay less attention and care to her. Dark trees, a smoker and smoke from a chimney testify to the depressive state of the girl.

    In this case, the "My Family" method helped to reveal that the child is closed from communication. The girl feels lonely and unwanted. The fact that she drew herself over the house suggests that she is trying with all her might to attract attention. The girl seems to be crying out to her parents: “Here I am, look at me!”, But no one hears her. Perhaps in recent times such a child will become even more naughty and capricious. And all this is just a way to attract the attention of loved ones.


    It is very important to pay attention to who the little artist painted first. It is this person that he loves the most, it is with him that he has established contact. If he was the first to draw his image, then he considers himself the best in this family. If at the same time the figure is also large, it is possible that the child is growing up as an egoist.

    The last place in the figure is given to a person with whom the baby does not get along well. If the child feels that he is being rejected, he will draw himself last. Sometimes in a children's drawing of a family, the kid depicts everyone at once. He draws three heads, three bodies, each with arms, legs, eyes. In this case, this will mean that he does not single out anyone and for him everyone is equal. But this happens extremely rarely.

    Figure size

    This parameter indicates the authority of family members. Not to be confused with the previous paragraph. After all, the sequence means the child's feelings for family members, but the size indicates the influence of the drawn figure. So, in a family where even mom is afraid of dad, the child will draw him the most.

    Children who are bathed in love, care and have a significant influence on all family members paint themselves as the tallest, sometimes even more than their parents. And vice versa, if the artist feels that no one needs him, he will depict his figure as small, barely noticeable. The same sizes of figures indicate that everyone in the family is equal.

    Often a child's drawing of a family helps to identify problems in the relationship of parents. For example, if dad constantly offends mom, the child will draw the aggressor big and angry, and the victim small and offended. It is very important to pay attention to what place the child will choose for himself. If he is the same size as dad, then he agrees with his actions, and if like mom, then he pities her.

    Distance between figures

    In the interpretation of the My Family methodology, an important part is also given to the location of objects in the figure. If the child grows up in a friendly environment, everyone will be located on the same level and close to each other. The further the child draws himself from someone, the more difficult it is for him to have a relationship with this person. A lot of foreign objects between family members also speaks of conflicts, misunderstandings, quarrels. Between these people in real life there are barriers that interfere with normal relationships.

    Often such gaps in the drawing are filled in by children with various animals. An alarm signal, if those do not live in your house. Cats and dogs are nothing but attention. If it is not enough, the child includes new members in "his family" who will certainly love him and play with him.

    The child drew only himself

    In the interpretation of the My Family methodology, this case is considered quite difficult. A child who separates himself from his parents is actually very lonely. He does not feel like a member of the family. At the same time, the baby can explain its absence in various ways. In the example above, the girl said that her parents are in the house. Sometimes children say that mom and dad are at work or somewhere else. But everything indicates that there is no strong emotional connection between the child and parents.

    Sometimes such a pattern can also be found in children - idols of the family. Such a situation is considered absolutely opposite. The child considers himself the most important in the family. Everything else is empty space for him. In this case, many bright colors will prevail in the picture. And the very figure of the artist will be joyful and happy.

    Drawing the face and other parts of the body

    In drawing tests, every detail is important. The way a child draws himself and his parents is very important. To get started, see if family members have all the body parts and what sizes they are.

    So, for example, the absence of ears indicates that this figure does not hear anyone but itself, or, perhaps, does not want to hear. In families where there are constant quarrels and conflicts between parents, children often portray themselves without ears. In this way they show that they do not want to hear it all the time. Big ears, on the contrary, indicate that this character listens to everyone and everything, does not have his own opinion.

    The mouth is a symbol of attack. They express the whole range of emotions, from anger to happiness. The one who is drawn with a large and formidable mouth, the child is very afraid. If the artist has appropriated one for himself, it means that he has despotic inclinations. The absence of a mouth or a dot instead indicates isolation.

    The neck is responsible for controlling the senses. If the drawn figure does not have it, then, in the concept of the child, this particular person does not know how to control his emotions.

    Hands in drawing tests symbolize strength of character and interaction with other family members. If someone in the picture does not have them at all, it means that the child believes that this person cannot change the situation. The length of the arms and the detailed drawing of the hands speaks of sociability. But short ones can be a symbol of weakness.

    Legs are responsible for the position of a person in society. A large area of ​​​​support for the legs suggests that this figure is a self-confident and strong personality. Legs-sticks hanging in the air - self-doubt and self-doubt.

    Color spectrum

    When conducting the My Family test, the child is asked to use colored pencils or felt-tip pens. This is necessary in order to study in detail the palette of feelings that a child radiates when he remembers his relatives and friends. He will paint his beloved relatives with bright and colorful flowers. Conversely, people who cause him fear or other unpleasant feelings will be "dressed" in black, brown and bright red. Often children try to justify themselves and say that the figure is drawn this way because it is her favorite color. But in fact, subconsciously, the child thinks in a completely different way.

    Most often, the most beautiful children depict mothers. They are dressed in bright dresses, have incredible hairstyles. Unnatural hair color (blue, pink) also speaks of love for the mother. The more the child is attached to this or that family member, the more colorfully he will portray him.

    It happens, and vice versa, the whole picture is rather nondescript, and only some detail is highlighted in color. This is no accident. Pay attention to her. It is this detail that is most close to your child at the moment. In a family where the baby feels lonely, often bright colors go to cats, dogs or some objects: swings, cars.

    In the My Family test, special attention should be paid to black. The more it is in the picture, the more depressed the child feels. If the baby draws a beloved relative in black, then there is a clear problem between them.

    Types of education according to drawings

    The projective methodology "My Family" allows you to accurately determine the principle by which a child is raised in a family. In psychology, there are 5 main types. Let's consider each of them and find out how to identify it using the "My Family" drawing technique.

    • Idol. If a child is idolized in the family, then he will start drawing with himself. Moreover, the figure will be located right in the center of the sheet. Parents will watch their idol from the side and admire him. Most likely, the child will be drawn colorful and much larger than all other family members.
    • Hypoprotection. This type of upbringing is expressed in the fact that the child is left to himself. Parents don't pay much attention to him. The child seems to be growing up in the family, but on the other hand, he does not feel care and love. A young artist can portray this type of upbringing in different ways. Very often, on a sheet of paper, he draws only himself. By performing an analysis of the “My Family” methodology and asking the child leading questions, you can get an answer that the parents are at work or have gone to visit. But in fact, these are the most common versions. In the depths of his soul, the child does not perceive himself and his parents as one family.

    • Manifestations of jealousy, or "like Cinderella." This type of upbringing is found in families with several children. Most often, one of them considers himself an idol, while the other, on the contrary, is deprived of attention and care. His parents single out his brother and sister, and he feels lonely and useless. This is shown in the drawing as well. The brother or sister will be drawn first. Next to them are their parents. Most often, their eyes are also turned to the second child. The artist himself draws himself small and nondescript somewhere in the corner. If you have received such results of the My Family methodology, you should definitely reconsider your family relationships. The child should feel important and needed.
    • Education "in the cult of the disease." Parents often overprotect their children. Such upbringing leads to the fact that the child is afraid of everything, closes in himself. The drawing that will show this type of upbringing is riddled with egocentrism. The little artist will be in the center, and around him all the family members who are trying to please him. Quite often in the figure, adults hold such a child by the hands or hug very tightly. This symbolizes their overprotection. The “My Family” methodology for younger students allows you to determine who exactly cares about the baby too much. This person will be closest to him in the picture. In addition, the figures of the child and the person who takes care of him will be very similar to each other (the same eyes, hands, lips, color of clothes). The more similar the parents and the child in the picture, the more they take care of him.
    • "Hedgehog gloves". This type of parenting involves one or both of the parents often punishing and scolding the child. The young artist will definitely depict this in the drawing. The aggressor will look angry, disheveled, painted in dark shades, with a large mouth. The My Family method for preschoolers also helps to understand the child's attitude towards this family member. If he draws him too hard, presses the pencil hard, makes rough strokes, then he feels anger towards this person. If the kid is afraid of the aggressor, he will draw it with very thin curved lines.

    Examples of deciphering the drawing test "My Family"

    Initially, it may seem that interpreting the test results is very difficult. A lot of small details are just confusing. In fact, with a little practice, you can easily decipher your child's drawing.

    Drawing No. 1 from the outside seems very positive. First, the child drew himself, then his father, his two-year-old sister, and also his mother. It should be noted that the artist himself is the smallest in the figure. Mom, dad and sister are all almost the same height. Most likely, the baby interacts best with dad, as he painted himself next to him. But with his mother and sister, his relationship is not easy. Firstly, they stand farthest from him, and secondly, they are painted in bright and cold colors.

    The second drawing was drawn by an 11-year-old girl. At first glance, it seems that the family is very friendly, because everyone is holding hands. But in this case, it shows that parents are overprotective of their children. In addition, the sister turned away from the artist, probably not everything is as smooth as it seems in their relationship.

    The third image clearly demonstrates the principle of "idol" education. Here the young artist depicted herself very large and colorful. Parents on her background look completely nondescript.

    The fourth figure clearly indicates family conflicts and troubles. Grandmother is between mom and dad. Apparently, it is she who is the source of quarrels and conflicts (in any case, the artist thinks so). The small stature of the grandmother indicates that the child does not consider her an authority. Meanwhile, the children are very friendly and know their place in the family.

    In the last, fifth picture, you can see a friendly family, where children imitate their parents. This is evidenced by the color of the clothes. Dad's arms are much shorter and pressed to the body, which indicates that he is spineless, and, most likely, it is his mother who is the main one in the house.

    Summing up, we can say that the purpose of the "My Family" methodology is to identify problems and the general psycho-emotional state in a certain cell of society. It is very important that the child completes this task in a calm environment. Before that, there should be no quarrels and conflicts. The test can be done multiple times. Suppose you have identified specific problems, tried to solve them. A month later, it is recommended to repeat the test. Thus, it is possible to track the dynamics of changes in the family, the state of the child, his experiences and problems.

    This test will help determine the psychological state of the child while drawing, identify the most significant family member for him, and determine intra-family contacts.

    Prepare: a landscape sheet, a simple pencil, colored pencils, an eraser.


    Have your child draw their family. While drawing tell the child nothing more. Pay attention to who the child drew first - this person is most loved by the child.

    When drawing he'll be ready, ask: "Who did you draw?". “Why didn’t you draw ... (for example, dad)?”. “Who is the happiest here? Why?". “Who is the most unfortunate? Why?".

    Dough Processing

    According to this picture of the family, one can judge the relationship in the family. Of course, this test cannot reflect the whole picture as a whole, but something can be gleaned from the drawing.

    1. Analysis of the structure of the picture

    The drawn composition of the family corresponds to the real one - the child has a correctly formed concept of "My family".

    If the child did not draw someone or drew very far from himself - a conflict with this person, alienation, dissatisfaction with communicating with him.

    I drew other children or adults who do not live with the child - the child lacks communication with these people.

    I drew animals - there is a rejection of the child in the family and a lack of communication with people.

    If the child himself is not in the picture - a bad attitude towards the child from the family.

    I drew only myself - there is no sense of community (they do not go anywhere together, each separately). If, moreover, a lot of details are drawn - egocentrism.

    2. Location of family members

    All family members are joined by hands, holding hands - psychological well-being.

    If united by a real common activity - an indicator of family cohesion.

    Busy with fictitious activities - psychological distress (we rarely go together).

    Family members at a great distance from the child - alienation, fear, negative relationships.

    Grouping by interests (parents are busy with one thing, the child with another) - disunity (parents have their own problems, the child has his own, “don’t stick your nose into your own business”).

    Whom the child has drawn next to him is the one who is more emotionally closer to the child.

    The child first of all draws the most significant person for himself, in the last - the less significant one.

    The Pope is drawn separately, but carefully drawn - often missing.

    If there is a frame around the family (everything in the building) - isolation from the outside world.

    A careless depiction of all family members, separating them with partitions, depicting people from the back or turned away from each other is a violation of emotional contacts.

    3. Analysis of the features of the drawn figures

    All the details of the body are drawn - the norm. Mom without a mouth - “don’t scream”, no eyes - “I don’t want constant supervision”, dad without hands - “don’t beat me”, didn’t draw a face - “you don’t like me.”

    Skipping details on the head or face - hostility, fear, secrecy, distrust of this person. The hands are drawn - very good intra-family relations, there are no hands - there is no meaningful communication with people around.

    Huge ears - praise me.

    Decoration (details of clothing, outfits are carefully drawn) for the one whom the child loves more.

    If the child carefully draws himself - a high need for attention, demonstrativeness, a tendency to tantrums.

    Schematic representation of people - the child's lack of emotionality.

    The size of the figures is the main member of the family - the largest, but not necessarily the most beloved.

    If the child is drawn as the largest - egocentrism. A big parent and a very small child - the parent is very strict, the child is not self-confident. If everyone is of the same height, everyone in the family is partners.

    Hands up - hostility to others.

    The child is drawn without hands - a feeling of powerlessness, resignation.

    Each member of the family is drawn the same way - all faceless, stamped.

    Different faces of family members - individuality.

    If a child draws himself like mom or dad, he wants to be like her or him.

    The colors used are light, juicy tones - joy, loves this person.

    Black, gray, brown - an unfavorable attitude towards this person.

    4. Analysis of the drawing process

    I drew myself last - low self-esteem.

    A lot of erasing with an eraser is a sign of anxiety, dissatisfaction with this person.

    Small size of the drawing, shading - an unfavorable physical condition,
    tension, tightness.

    Large sizes, bright colors - good mood, looseness, lack of
    tension and fatigue.
