Brown stone anthracite. Anthracites

The color is grayish-black and black-gray, metallic luster, the line on the surface of unglazed porcelain is velvety black. Doesn't bake. Possesses high density of organic mass (1500-1700 kg/m3) and electrical conductivity. on a mineralogical scale 2.0-2.5. Under a microscope, in thin sections, anthracite is poorly translucent; in reflected light, gelified components pleochroize from bright and yellowish white to light gray and gray colors; anisotropic. The transition as a result of the metamorphism of coal to anthracite occurred gradually; in (GOST 21489-76), the boundary between them is taken according to the reflectivity of vitrinite (see) in oil immersion (for anthracite R 0 2.5%). The content in the organic mass of anthracite is 94-97%, 1-3%, specific heat of combustion: Qs daf 33.8-35.2 MJ/kg, Qj r 23.9-31.0 MJ/kg.

The largest amount of anthracite was formed as a result of regional metamorphism during the subsidence of coal-bearing strata into an area of ​​elevated temperatures and pressures. The role of thermal and contact metamorphism in the formation of anthracite is limited, depending on the thickness of igneous bodies, their type, intrusion depths, and the distance from them to coals subjected to thermal action. The temperature during the formation of anthracite under conditions of regional metamorphism was apparently in the range of 350–550°C, which, along with changes in pressure, features of the source material, and other factors, led to the formation of anthracite with different properties.

Anthracite grades

In a number of earlier classifications, anthracites were divided into grades PA (semi-anthracites) and A (anthracites). In the newly introduced state standards for the classification of coal and anthracite from the main basins and deposits of the CCCP, the PA grade is not provided. Classification parameters adopted in the standards: V daf and volumetric yield of volatile substances Vо daf . For anthracite in the main basins Vob daf 0.22 m 3 /kg, V daf less than 8% in the Donetsk basin less than 9% in the Gorlovsky basin, the calorific value Qs daf is taken as an additional parameter - less than 35.2 MJ/kg.

Anthracite mining

In the CCCP, anthracites have been identified in the Donetsk (main reserves), Taimyr basins, as well as in and at deposits and the Magadan region of the RSFSR. The presence of highly metamorphosed coals, incl. anthracite, known in the Uzgen basins, at the Kugitang deposit (). Authentic geological reserves of anthracite in the CCCP (1980) are over 14 billion tons; annual production of more than 60 million tons, incl. in Donbass 99.3% of the total anthracite production. The largest number of anthracite mines are located in the production associations Donbassanthracite, Rostovugol, Gukovugol, Torazanthracite, Minerskanthracite, Sverdlovanthracite. The production capacity of individual mines is 3 million tons per year or more.

Application of anthracite

Anthracite is widely used as a high-quality smokeless energy fuel, as well as a technological raw material in the ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, electrical industries and a number of other industries associated with anthracite processing products. For technological purposes, the increased mechanical and thermal stability of anthracite, its electrical conductivity and low volatile matter yield are important. The main non-fuel areas: production of thermoanthracite, carbon graphite blocks, electrodes, electrocorundum, calcium and silicon carbides, thermographite, microphone powder, use for agglomeration, roasting of carbonate rocks for technological purposes. Despite the relatively low percentage of anthracite consumption for technological purposes (from 0.12 to 7% depending on the type of production), the requirements for its quality are the highest in comparison with fuel and energy use. Even a relatively small deterioration in some of the properties of anthracite often adversely affects the quality of industrial products.

As a result of prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures and pressure, brown coals are converted into hard coals, and the latter into anthracites.

The irreversible process of gradual change in the chemical composition, physical and technological properties of organic matter at the stage of transformation from brown coal to anthracite is called coal metamorphism. Structural and molecular rearrangement of organic matter during metamorphism is accompanied by a consistent increase in the relative carbon content in coal, a decrease in oxygen content, and the release of volatile substances; the hydrogen content, combustion heat, hardness, density, brittleness, optics, electricality, and other physical properties change. Coals at the middle stages of metamorphism acquire sintering properties - the ability of gelified and lipoid components of organic matter to pass, when heated under certain conditions, into a plastic state and form a porous monolith - coke.

In zones of aeration and active action of groundwater near the Earth's surface, coals undergo oxidation. In terms of its effect on the chemical composition and physical properties, oxidation has the opposite direction compared to metamorphism: coal loses its strength properties and sintering properties; the relative content of oxygen in it increases, the amount of carbon decreases, the humidity and ash content increase, and the calorific value sharply decreases. The depth of oxidation of fossil coals, depending on the modern and ancient relief, the position of the groundwater table, the nature of climatic conditions, material composition and metamorphism, ranges from 0 to 100 meters vertically.

The greatest heat transfer is obtained from anthracites, the smallest from brown coal. Coal - win in terms of price - quality. Coal grades D, G and anthracites are most often used in boiler houses, because. they can burn without blowing. Coal grades SS, OS, T is used to generate electrical energy, because. it has a high heat transfer during combustion, but the combustion of this type of coal is associated with technological difficulties that are justified only if a large amount of coal is needed. In ferrous metallurgy, grades G, Zh are usually used for the production of steel and cast iron. The fraction of a given coal grade is determined based on the smaller value of the smallest fraction and the larger value of the largest fraction indicated in the name of the coal grade. So, for example, the fraction of the DKOM brand (K - 50-100, O - 25-50, M - 13-25) is 13-100 mm.

Brown coal

Brown coal is in the form of a dense, earthy, woody or fibrous carbonaceous mass with a brown line, with a significant content of volatile bituminous substances. It often has a well-preserved vegetative woody structure; the fracture is conchoidal, earthy or woody; color brown or pitch black; burns easily with a smoky flame, emitting an unpleasant peculiar smell of burning; when treated with caustic potassium gives a dark brown liquid. Dry distillation forms ammonia, free or combined with acetic acid. The specific gravity is 0.5-1.5. Average chemical composition minus ash: 50-77% (average 63%) carbon, 26-37% (average 32%) oxygen, 3-5% hydrogen and 0-2% nitrogen.

The photo below is brown coal.

Brown coal, as the name shows, differs from coal in color (sometimes lighter, sometimes darker); there are, it is true, also black varieties, but in this case they are still brown in powder, while anthracite and coal always give a black line on a porcelain plate. The essential difference from hard coal lies in the lower carbon content and the significantly higher content of bituminous volatile substances. This explains why brown coal burns more easily, gives more smoke, smell, and also the aforementioned reaction with caustic potash. The nitrogen content is also significantly inferior to coal.


Coal is a raw material for the production of naphthalene. Coal and coke are used as a reducing agent in metallurgy for iron smelting. Depending on the grade, coal is 75% - 97% carbon, water and volatile compounds. Coal is the basis of almost all hydrocarbons. By structure, hard coal is finely ground graphite.

The characteristics of hard coal are different and depend on the place of extraction. To select the appropriate brand and type of coal, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics.

The main characteristics that determine the quality of hard coal are: humidity, calorific value, sulfur content, ash content and volatile matter.

The grade of coal is determined by the size of the piece and brand. More than 14 technological grades of coal are known.

Coal- sedimentary rock, which is a product of deep decomposition of plant remains (tree ferns, horsetails and club mosses, as well as the first gymnosperms). Most coal deposits were formed in the Paleozoic, mainly in the Carboniferous period, approximately 300-350 million years ago. According to the chemical composition, coal is a mixture of high-molecular polycyclic aromatic compounds with a high mass fraction of carbon, as well as water and volatile substances with small amounts of mineral impurities, which form ash when coal is burned. Fossil coals differ from each other in the ratio of their components, which determines their heat of combustion. A number of organic compounds that make up coal have carcinogenic properties.

The use of coal is varied. It is used as a domestic, energy fuel, raw material for the metallurgical and chemical industries, as well as for extracting rare and trace elements from it. Very promising is the liquefaction (hydrogenation) of coal with the formation of liquid fuel. For the production of 1 ton of oil, 2-3 tons of coal are consumed; during the embargo, South Africa almost completely provided itself with fuel due to this technology. Artificial graphite is obtained from coal.

Coal has historically been used by man to generate energy and heat by burning it. The principle of turning plant remains into coal is based on the fact that over many millions of years, under conditions of high pressure and lack of oxygen, peat did not rot and, accordingly, did not return the previously obtained carbon to the atmosphere. As a result of this long process, coal was formed, which, in addition to carbon (75-97%), also includes hydrogen (1.5-5.7%), oxygen (5-15%), sulfur (0.5 -4%), nitrogen (<1,5%) и незначительная часть летучих веществ. Нагревая каменный уголь до пиковых температур, из него получают так называемый кокс, используемый для производства чугуна, а сгораемые при сухой перегонке летучие вещества, образуют каменноугольные смолы, составляющие основу некоторых типов промышленных масел.


Differs from stone in the increased content of carbon. If brown coal contains 65-70% carbon, then in anthracite its content is 92-98%. Anthracite coal is a good fuel and has a high heat transfer. Anthracite is difficult to ignite, however, during the combustion process, it releases a large amount of energy (7-8.5 kcal / unit) and practically does not bake. Anthracite coal is used in blast furnaces and boiler houses.

If anthracite coal is used on an industrial scale, then in private houses, furnace coal is used to heat the room, as a rule, the brands WPC, DKO and their analogues. It burns in a furnace, such coal is faster, however, compared to anthracite, it has the main advantage - this coal is much easier to ignite, and such coal is cheaper. The price of furnace coal is almost half that of anthracite. WPC coal long-flame "fist" (where K is the designation of the size or fraction of coal) is lighter in weight than anthracite and outwardly distinguished by its matte black color, i.e. unlike anthracite, kiln coal does not have a glassy sheen.

Anthracite- This is black charcoal, outwardly differs from charcoal in its glassy luster and increased hardness. Being an excellent fuel, anthracite is used in boiler houses, where, when burned in special furnaces, it releases energy used for heating. Anthracite is a coal of natural origin, mined by the mine method from tectonic coal seams. In the process of formation, anthracite coal goes through several stages. First, the wood, dying, falls into the soil, which turns into peat, then the peat, under the influence of natural forces, is gradually compressed and, hardening, becomes brown coal. From brown, coal turns into stone and only then becomes anthracite. A similar cycle of transformation of wood into anthracite takes about 40 million years.

Anthracite coal- this is the oldest and highest quality fossil coal, the reserves of which make up only three percent of the total volume of world coal reserves. Anthracite is characterized by a high degree of coalification: its carbon content is 95%, due to which anthracite coal burns without a flame, without emitting smoke and smell. In color, it can be both velvet and iron black, and always with a steel sheen. Anthracite coal is widely used in many industrial areas, and for domestic needs as coal for heating residential premises used as fuel in boilers and solid fuel stoves. The largest deposits of anthracite are concentrated in the Donbass basin in Ukraine.

PRICE of anthracite coal in bags and in bulk from a warehouse in Odintsovo:

Coal Anthracite Package Unit rev. The price of anthracite rubles per unit. measurements
up to 10 pcs 11-50 pcs 51-400 pcs from 401 pcs
p/p bag 25 kg 460
p/p bag 50 kg 800
Big-Bag 1 ton 15000
Bulk tn up to 5 tons 5-10 tons 10-20 tons from 20 tons
- -

Characteristics of Anthracite coal:

Anthracite(from the Greek. anthrakitis - a type of coal), fossil humus coal of the highest degree of metamorphism. Plant remains are difficult to distinguish under a microscope. The color of anthracite is black, often with a grayish tint, sometimes there is a mottled tint. On a porcelain plate, it gives a velvety black streak. Luster is strong, metallic. It has a high viscosity, does not sinter, and has good electrical conductivity. The highest hardness on the mineralogical scale is 2.0-2.5; density of organic mass 1500-1700 kg/m3. The heat of combustion of the organic mass is 33.9-34.8 MJ/kg (8100-8350 kcal/kg). Anthracite has a low analytical moisture content of 1-3% and contains up to 9% volatile substances in the combustible mass, 93.5-97.0% carbon, 1-3% hydrogen, 1.5-2.0% oxygen and nitrogen. Anthracite with a carbon content in the combustible mass of more than 97% is called superanthracite. According to the volumetric yield of volatile substances, it is divided into 2 industrial grades: semi-anthracite with a content of 220-330 l/kg and anthracite proper with a volume yield of less than 220 l/kg.

Brand Anthracite AK, AKO, JSC
Piece size in mm 50-100 / 26-100 /26-50
Moisture content % 4,7
Ash content % 6,5
Mass fraction of sulfur 1,37
Mass fraction of chlorine %
Mass fraction of arsenic%
Calorific value (calorific value) kcal/kg 8100-8350
Fine content %
Visible rock content

Burning anthracite.

Anthracite charcoal requires more heat and effort to ignite, but once ignited, it burns longer than WPC charcoal. Anthracite burns only with strong air draft. Moreover, it burns either almost without a flame or sometimes even without it at all. It is also worth noting that anthracite burns not only without a flame, but without smell and without smoke. But at the same time, he does not bake. According to its characteristics, anthracite is harder than coal and brown coal. Although, just like them, it is a product of the slow decay of plants and is obtained from what they form after decomposition.

Specific heat of combustion of anthracite(calorie content) - averages 8100 - 8350 kcal / kg.

Buy anthracite in Moscow and the Moscow region is not difficult. A large number of companies offer it for sale. You need to understand what kind of anthracite you need.

Types of anthracite coal.

Anthracite coal subdivided into the following grades depending on the size of the fractions:

  • ACO- Anthracite knuckle walnut (fraction size 26-100 mm)
  • AK - Anthracite fist, coarse coal (fraction size 50-100 mm)
  • JSC- Anthracite walnut (fraction size 26-50 mm)
  • AM- Fine anthracite (fraction size 13-25 mm)
  • AC- Anthracite seed (fraction size 6-13 mm)
  • Ashlam - Anthracite sludge - a product of coal preparation
  • AS- Anthracite pebbles (fraction size less than 6 mm)

Application of anthracite.

  • Coal for solid fuel stoves and boilers, for heating residential premises and industrial premises.
  • Coal for forging and pressing industries, used to heat the metal.
  • Coal for filtration of water and technical liquids.
  • Landscaping.

If you need coal for furnaces or coal for solid fuel boilers, then the most suitable grades of anthracite are AK, AK and AKO. You can buy anthracite of these grades in our company. The use of anthracite as coal for heating is due to its high calorific value. In addition, the burning time of anthracite is many times longer than that of WPC. This makes it possible to leave the stove hot throughout the night, and even during the day if anthracite is used in a smoldering mode. However, before that, you need to kindle anthracite coal. Our advice is to kindle the stove with ordinary firewood, then pour long-flame coal into the stove, which is highly flammable and burns out quickly. However, this time is enough to ignite the anthracite. After the anthracite flares up, the natural thrust is enough to keep it in glowing mode. That will allow your stove or boiler to stay hot for a long time and heat the rooms.

Anthracite is mined in mines at a depth of up to 1500 m, from the mine coal enters coal processing enterprises where the anthracite is enriched and sorted into fractions and then goes to the miners.

Anthracite coal- the most dense of all types of coal, which allows it to occupy a leading position in the class of heat transfer and coal burning time. If, for heating, you buy anthracite coal, you will need a significantly smaller amount for heating the same area than when using other brands of coal or firewood. But despite the undeniable advantages of anthracite coal, there are also disadvantages. Due to the high density of anthracite coal, it is not able to ignite in all types of furnaces or boilers. For normal combustion of anthracite, a good air supply is necessary, usually forced in modern solid fuel boilers. Less dense coals include: long-flame coal and weakly caking coal.

In terms of its calorific qualities, Anthracite coal surpasses all hard coals - 8200 kl / kg, for comparison, natural gas 7000 kl / kg. Anthracite coal is the hardest of all coals; only up to 5% of volatile substances are released during combustion. Anthracites are used in various fields of human activity - in industrial production (metallurgy, sugar industry, chemistry, etc.), in the public sector (heating, water heating, etc.), for individual heating, and also from Anthracites they make filtrants for water purification, stocks, etc.

Sale of anthracite.

If you decide to buy anthracite coal, then it will not be difficult for you. A great many companies in Moscow and the Moscow region will provide you with such an opportunity. You will only need to decide in which package you want to buy this coal and how you want to get it. Come to pick up from our warehouse in Odintsovo, Moscow Region. Or make a purchase with delivery. The price of anthracite will depend on the amount of material purchased. The larger the quantity, the lower the price. Our company sells anthracite coal packed in bags of 25 kg, 50 kg. In MKR (Big Bags) 1 ton and in bulk.

The highest variety of coal is a solid combustible mineral formed from plant residues as a result of humification and coalification.

Black-gray charcoal with a metallic sheen, hard, high density and high electrical conductivity.

Anthracite can be considered as a transitional stage between coal and graphite. Most often, anthracite deposits are found in areas that have undergone significant movements of the earth's crust, such as spurs of mountain ranges. In the process of coalification, peat buried in the bowels of the Earth successively turns (under appropriate conditions) first into brown, then into coal and anthracite.

Basic properties

Anthracite differs from other types of coal in its high content of fixed carbon (91-98%), low content of moisture, sulfur, volatile substances, high specific heat of combustion. Anthracite burns quickly, without smoke and flame, with high heat transfer, does not sinter. It has a high density of organic matter (1500-1700 kg/m³) and high electrical conductivity. Hardness on a mineralogical scale 2.0-2.5.


The largest amount of anthracite was formed as a result of regional metamorphism during the subsidence of coal-bearing strata into an area of ​​elevated temperatures and pressures. The temperature during the formation of anthracite under conditions of regional metamorphism was in the range of 350–550°C, which, along with changes in pressure, features of the source material, and other reasons, led to the formation of anthracite with different properties.

Depending on the carbon content and its technological application, anthracite is also usually divided into the following gradations - standard quality (SG), high quality (HG) and ultra-high quality (UHG).

Classification properties of anthracite

In a number of earlier classifications, anthracites were divided into grades PA (semi-anthracites) and A (anthracites). In the newly introduced state standards for the classification of coal and anthracite of the main basins and deposits, the PA brand is not provided.

Grades (grades) of anthracite

  • AKO - (Anthracite Large Walnut, size 25–100 mm);
  • AK - (Anthracite Fist, coarse coal, size 50–100 mm);
  • AO - (Anthracite Walnut, size 25–50 mm);
  • AM - (Anthracite Small, size 13–25 mm);
  • AC - (Anthracite Seed, size 6–13 mm);
  • Ashlam - (Anthracite sludge) - a product of coal enrichment;
  • ASh - (Anthracite Shtyb, size less than 6 mm).

Anthracite reserves

According to 2009 data, the world reserves of anthracite (the so-called recoverable resources) (including Canada, which is not yet developing reserves) are about 24 billion tons.

In 1980, world reserves amounted to 28.2 billion tons, in Russia there were 14 billion tons of anthracite.

The total reserves of anthracite make up 1% of the world's coal reserves (according to 2006 data).

Anthracite occurs in layers of different thickness, usually at medium and shallow depths, in the deposits of many geological systems. In terms of reserves (as of 2009), Russia is in 1st place, followed by China, Ukraine and Vietnam. The largest producer of anthracite is China, other significant producers are North Korea (mainly for domestic consumption), Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, Poland, England, Australia, and the USA.

Main anthracite producing countries, 2009.

A country Remaining rated

recoverable reserves (million tons)

Nominal level

production (million tons/year)

Remaining term

development (years)

China 6080 275 22
Russia 6870 9 763
Ukraine 5790 20 290
Vietnam 2260 40 57
North Korea 1530 22,5 68
South Africa 710 2,5 284
South Korea 240 2,8 86
Spain 200 3,5 57
USA 60 1,6 38
Poland 10 0.0 253<

The main coal-bearing basins: Pennsylvania (USA), Alberta (Canada), Witbank (South Africa).

In Russia and the CIS, anthracites have been identified in the Grushevsky (the cities of Shakhty, Novoshakhtinsk, Zverevo, Gukovo, Rostov Region), Kuznetsk, Taimyr, Tunguska basins, as well as in coal basins and in the deposits of the Urals and Magadan Region. In Ukraine - in the Donbass (Donetsk and Lugansk regions). The presence of highly metamorphosed coals, including anthracite, is known in the Kuznetsk, Pechora, Uzgen basins, at the Kugitang deposit (Turkmenistan).

Import of anthracite

The largest consumer of anthracite today is China, followed by Japan and South Korea, France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Spain.

Application of anthracite

Until the 1980s, anthracite was relatively rarely used for technological purposes, while standard grade anthracite was mainly used as a fuel in the energy sector, in transport and in everyday life. Currently, anthracite, in addition to being used in the energy sector, is used for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, as well as for the production of adsorbents, electrodes, electrocorundum, microphone powder.

UHG anthracites are used as a substitute for coke and coke breeze (as part of a mixture with coke) in blast furnaces with pulverized coal injection (PCI), in the production of iron ore agglomerates, iron ore pellets, and electrodes.

The requirements for the quality of anthracite are the highest in comparison with the fuel and energy use. Even a relatively small deterioration in some of the properties of anthracite often negatively affects the quality of industrial products.

According to the interstate standards for coals and anthracites adopted in Russia and the CIS (classification according to genetic and technological parameters), anthracites are used in the production of water gas, thermoanthracite, calcium carbide, electrocorundum, in pulverized combustion, layer combustion in stationary boiler plants and fluidized bed, furnaces of ships, steam locomotives, for communal and domestic needs, the production of lime, cement, in the agglomeration of ores, the production of electrodes.

Mankind has been actively using the potential of natural resources since ancient times. With each century, new technologies have made it possible to increase the volumes and varieties of extracted resources, and today the mining industry has reached the peak of its productivity.

The discovery of coal gave a new round of development to many industries, and also made it possible to significantly save on popular energy resources. The unique properties of this material are used all over the world and Ukraine, where there are large deposits, is successfully developing innovative technologies for the application and production.


Coal is one of the most ancient minerals, which is something of a transition between coal and graphite, but at the same time belongs to the best and rare varieties. The peculiarity lies in the distinctive black color, with a bright, metallic sheen that is difficult to confuse with anything else.

The high density of the material determines its important characteristics, namely the calorific value. For heating, anthracite grade coal can be safely called the best choice for both domestic and industrial purposes.

The formation of coal occurs, as a rule, in places of increased activity of the earth's crust as a result of the deposition of vegetation, which was formed as a result of humification and coalification. Initially, this coal is found on the surface of the earth in the form of peat, and after several natural stages it turns into brown coal.

It takes a long time to form such a natural substance, which is why anthracite coal grades are so highly valued on the world market.

Basic properties

The characteristics of anthracite coal are among the best, which is justified by the following indicators:

  • High specific heat of combustion, which is determined by low moisture content (up to 5% for all types of anthracite coal) and a large amount of carbon (91–96% of the total mass).
  • The composition contains a low amount of sulfur (no more than 1.5%) and volatile substances (4–4.5%), and consequently, few harmful chemical elements are released during combustion. In addition, there is no pungent odor, no smoke and flames.
  • The combustion temperature of anthracite coal is approximately 2250 ° C, but these are only theoretical data. In kilns, the temperature rarely reaches 1000°C, and low-grade product burns at 600°C.
  • The ash content of anthracite coal for all its varieties does not exceed 15%.
  • The density of anthracite coal is 1500-1700 kg / m³, which determines the high energy intensity.
  • It has good electrical conductivity and reflectivity, which can be used in various industries.

The question arises: "How is anthracite different from coal?".

Hard coals and anthracites according to GOST have different carbon content, which in anthracite is more than 90%. The difference between anthracite and coal also lies in the fact that technical indicators, such as moisture, density, impurities and sulfur content, are much lower in anthracite, and this determines its quality grade and high cost.


Anthracite coal is mined in certain areas, at different depths and only under special climatic conditions, which creates its unique technical characteristics.

Mining in Ukraine and its transportation

Thus, the classification of anthracite coal is carried out according to the main indicators, which include fraction and quality.

There are three main gradations:

  • Standard quality.
  • High.
  • Super high.

Previously, the distribution was carried out by grades: PA (semi-anthracite) and A (anthracite), but according to today's standards, GOST anthracite coal does not imply classification by grade and grade, depending on the basin of their origin and production.

The main classification of the product is carried out according to its fraction. Thus, today the following brands are distinguished:

  • Anthracite is a large walnut with a particle size of 25–100 mm.
  • Hard coal anthracite (50–100 mm).
  • Charcoal anthracite nut (25–50 mm).
  • Fine anthracite (13–25 mm).
  • Coal anthracite seed, with a fraction of 6 to 13 mm.

There are also smaller fractions, such as sludge and fines, which are the product of coal preparation with a particle size of less than 6 mm. Anthracite walnut charcoal is considered the most popular brand, which can be bought almost everywhere, since its relevance and effectiveness is one of the largest.

Anthracite seed will also be bought no less, which, like no other, is better suited for use in stoves and home fireplaces, which is determined by its simple dosing property and a uniform combustion period.

Where is it mined

The formation of coal occurs under certain climatic and geological conditions. Initially, the mineral is on the surface of the earth in the form of plant and coal-bearing mass, and sinking into the strata of the earth's crust, where under high pressure and at a temperature of 250-300 ° C, in the process of metamorphism, it acquires the final structure and technical characteristics.

There are not so many such places on the planet that accompany this formation, and the first deposits were discovered back in the days of the USSR. Most of the deposits are located in Russia, where the largest industrial sites are equipped.

There is practically no anthracite coal in Ukraine, but there are many basins outside of it, where this crystal of plant origin is actively mined.

For example, the large Taimyr basin in the Urals, the northwestern regions of China, highly metamorphosed deposits were found in Vietnam and North Korea, insignificant volumes were found in the USA, southern regions of Africa, in Spain, and small reserves in Poland.


Everyone is eager to buy anthracite coal, from simple households to large industrial companies. This is due to the unique properties of the mineral, which are used for a variety of purposes:

  • Fuel. Undoubtedly, anthracite is the most effective means of heating both in residential and private sectors. When burned, such fuel does not emit smoke, there are no harmful toxic emissions, and the heat capacity is one of the largest.
  • Industry and metallurgy. A huge amount of anthracite (about 717 million tons) is used to create high-quality steel around the world. This energy-intensive material is the most efficient fuel for creating the required temperatures in industrial furnaces. It is used to produce thermal anthracite for cathode blocks, aluminum carbide and silicon carbide, which are widely used in the chemical and oil industries.
  • Filters and sorbents. The well-known property of coal to absorb and purify is widely used in many areas. It is used as a primary water treatment system in households, in metallurgical plants and for the treatment of sewage wastewater. Absorbent qualities are widely used in the primary treatment of water, purifying it from coarse particles such as silt, sand, various organic and inorganic impurities.

Mined mineral and delivered to Dnepropetrovsk


The price per ton of anthracite coal on the market averages 130–150 USD. which is unbearable for many consumers. An ideal alternative to this fuel is coal briquettes, the price of which is 30% less.

High heat transfer is obvious, but not suitable for some cases, while coal briquettes, having almost the same characteristics, are ideally combined with any design of heating systems.

You can buy anthracite coal in bulk from many suppliers, but no one can provide you with a small amount of this fuel. You can buy coal briquettes in packages from 35 kg, which makes them the best option for home use.
