The meaning of the name Oleg, character and fate. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Oleg Oleg whose name is the origin

As with all names, in order to know the meaning of a name, you need to know its history (etymology). It is believed that the name Oleg came into the Russian language from the Scandinavian language. In Old Norse it was spelled Hælgi, which is pronounced Helgi. This name is derived from heilagr, which means "saint", but this is only the root of the name. Taking into account the linguistics of the Scandinavian language, the literary translation of Hælgi is "dedicated to the gods." It turns out logically that the meaning of the name Oleg is "dedicated to the gods".

The name has changed its popularity over time. The church history of the name is no less interesting, but more on this in the article "The Origin of the Name Oleg".

The meaning of the name Oleg for a child

Oleg is growing up as a good boy. He is calm, but even from childhood he has pronounced leadership qualities. At the same time, the boy very easily takes a lot on faith and is amenable to influence. Parents need to be careful and monitor his surroundings. And of course, in addition to "monitor the environment" you need to pay enough attention.

Studying for Oleg is not difficult, but he is more successful in the exact sciences. Oleg is prone to analytical tasks and knows how to concentrate well on solving them.

Oleg is a boy in good health. He, like all children, has colds in winter and other "mandatory" illnesses, but in general he is still in good health. In adolescence, he often begins to get involved in sports, which makes his health even stronger.

Short name Oleg

Lying, Lega, Olik.

Diminutive names

Olegushka, Olezhek, Olezhka, Olezhenka, Olegushka, Olesik.

Patronymic of children

Olegovich and Olegovna. There are no popular patronymic forms.

Name Oleg in English

In English, the name Oleg is written as Oleg. This name completely coincides with the transliteration from Russian, which is very convenient.

Name Oleg for a passport- OLEG.

Translation of the name Oleg into other languages

in Belarusian - Aleg
in Bulgarian - Oleg
in Danish - Helge
in Icelandic - Helgi (Helgi)
in Chinese - 奧列格
in Latin - Oleg
in German - Helge, Helgo
in Norwegian - Helge
in Serbian - Oleg
in Ukrainian - Oleg
in Czech - Oleg
Swedish - Helge
in Japanese - オレグ

Church name Oleg(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. The name Oleg was not a church name for a long time, but later it was canonized.

Characteristics of the name Oleg

Oleg can be described as a man the embodiment of masculinity. He is usually courageous, strong and at the same time quite a simple person. He is ambitious and at the same time a good team player. His leadership qualities, noticeable since childhood, only intensify with age. His leadership leads people along without overpowering them. Another characteristic of Oleg can be called openness. He is not inclined to long internal experiences, but lives as if outward, easily and naturally showing emotions.

Work for Oleg is an important component, but purely as a source of income. Oleg rarely finds his calling and works for materialistic reasons. He is a good worker, especially in responsible positions. And in his work, his leadership has a positive effect on success.

Family for Oleg is very important. She is for him as a component of an ideal picture of success. But relationships often become pictorial. A beautiful family idyll from the outside, often turns out to be a union in which there is no love. Oleg loves freedom very much and does not encroach on the freedom of his wife, but often this makes his women unhappy. But if freedom is important for a girl, then such a partner as Oleg is the one she needs.

The secret of the name Oleg

Probably the main secret of the name Oleg is pragmatism, bordering on cynicism. Whether Oleg crosses this line depends on his life experience. But there are times when he balances on this edge all his life.

Another secret is that Oleg's leadership often develops into pride. Moreover, in the new conditions, Oleg shows pleasant leadership qualities, and we must remember that you are only one step away from pride. So, if you are just starting to build a relationship with Oleg, it is better not to contribute to this negative change.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

totem animal- Poloz.

Name color- Sky blue.

Tree- Hazel.

Plant- Camellia.

Stone- Pearl.

Oleg is a courageous and beautiful name that distinguishes a man from the crowd. This is an Orthodox name, which is considered primordially Russian, and today it is still common.

But when and where did this majestic name come from, what is its history? It is believed that its roots are Scandinavian. The Scandinavians in ancient times had the word "Helgi", the decoding of which is "sacred" or "holy". So the meaning of the name Oleg is “sacred”, “holy” or “bright”, “clear”.

Later, the name appeared among the Slavs, it was pagan, and after canonization it appeared in the Orthodox calendar, and now, according to the church calendar, Oleg's name day is celebrated every year. The Reverend Prince Oleg of Bryansk is revered, the day of his memory is the day of the angel Oleg, and it is celebrated on the third of October. Oleg celebrates his angel's day only on this day, once a year.

The male name Oleg has foreign analogues, while the meaning of the name is preserved. These are such names as Heleg, Helg, Aleg, Olgerd, Helge, or the female form - Helga. The name is full, although laconic, it does not have abbreviated forms. But you can affectionately address: Olezhek, Olezhka, Olezhka, Olesya, Olegushka - and in the way that fantasy tells.

The meaning of the name Oleg is very vague, at first it is difficult to say what character this name gives to the owner. But it is worth looking at little Olezhek, and it is immediately clear: he is a resilient optimist, a little knight and a robber all rolled into one. An active, cheerful and laughing little boy is always busy with something, and it is very difficult to put him in his place for at least five minutes.

For a boy, it seems vital to break something and immediately repair, disassemble and assemble, build, compose, create. He has a wild imagination, a huge interest in everything in the world and irrepressible curiosity. But the child does not really like to read, this passive activity is too boring and monotonous, which causes some difficulties at school.

But the young man shows brilliant abilities in the exact sciences. He loves numbers, equations and formulas are easier for him than poetry and prose, and physics, chemistry and mathematics are of genuine interest. But this does not mean that the guy is not interested in creativity. He is gifted and, in addition to studying, can dance or even play in an amateur theater.

Choice of profession

The origin of the name Oleg, his unusual strong energy contribute to the fact that the young man bearing the name has great ambitions and determination. Although it is not noticeable from the outside, and it seems to others that the guy does not strive for any heights and does not worry about his future at all.

He really always looks surprisingly calm, as if the interpretation of the name Oleg (“bright”) is manifested in his every action, and even during periods of some difficulties, this person glows with calmness and optimism. But all this shows his balanced character, and not at all indifference to what is happening around him.

The guy has big goals and strives for them - but without fuss, without panic, calmly and unshakably. And if he encounters difficulties, he does not dramatize them, but also calmly seeks and finds solutions.

The secret of the name Oleg also lies in the fact that he remains calm, never in a hurry, but at the same time he manages to do everything and achieves everything that he plans. While everyone around is fussing and rushing from one concern to another, this balanced, but extremely active guy goes to the goal. And others simply do not know about his plans, because this person does not particularly like to initiate anyone into them.

Work chooses profitable, strives for constancy. He can work in one company all his life, at the same time come to the position of a simple clerk, and in a few years become president of the corporation. As the name Oleg shows, a good stable income, job satisfaction and self-realization are important for this person.

He can choose the profession of a teacher, coach, athlete, actor or dancer, be a professor, writer or scientist. The characteristic of the name Oleg indicates extreme diligence and the ability to overcome laziness.

This man knows how to work for days without getting tired, knows how to perform overwhelming tasks and do more than he, it would seem, can do. So in any work he will be the first, and his results will be excellent, to the envy of others, competitors and rivals.

This is not only an able-bodied, but also a versatile person, which means: the name Oleg is fraught with many surprises. You can know him all your life, your work colleague, for example, in a scientific team, and after a few years of acquaintance, it suddenly turns out that in the evenings he earns extra money, performing author's songs in a cafe.

And not only additional income is important for him, but also the realization of all the needs and impulses of the soul. Moreover, this man, like no one else, knows how to allocate his time competently, finding time for active work, and for rest, and for the soul.

And sometimes a hobby can become his life, and it happens that one day, already at a respectable age, a man quits his job and starts selling paintings or acting in films. This person might surprise you!

Relationships and family

In love, this man is a real knight. He knows how to win a woman's heart! No wonder the translation of his name is “bright” or even “holy”, because Oleg is really capable of a bright, pure feeling. He is not inclined to conquer women's hearts, he may not meet girls at all for a long time, and the number of novels does not matter to him.

In relationships, he is extremely selective and serious. The girl is looking for a well-groomed, gentle, without bad habits, with similar interests, and most importantly - not stupid and not capricious. Although, being in love, this man is ready to indulge all the whims of his chosen one, and his wife will always bathe in his attention and care. Anna and Oleg, Marina, Nadezhda, Zinaida, Dina, Yana, Xenia, Victoria, Nelly, Jeanne.

But, despite the fact that the compatibility of the names Marina and Oleg, as well as the rest of the names on this list, is low, relationships are still possible, just a little more effort will have to be made. Moreover, knowing what he is - Oleg, which means and symbolizes his name, we can say with confidence that he will build and save his happiness, no matter what his beloved's name is.

In general, this man achieves absolutely everything himself. He would rather come to the rescue himself than ask for help from others. Bold, noble, courageous - it is difficult to over-praise him, and it seems that all the highest virtues and the best male qualities are collected in one person, and his name is Oleg!

The name Oleg comes from the Old Norse word "helge", which means "bright, sacred". In Old Russian, the name sounded like "olg". The name Oleg first appeared in Rus' in 862, when the Novgorodians called the Varangians to serve. So the well-known dynasty of Rurikovich came to power in Rus', among which was the first bearer of the name Oleg.

For a long time, the name Oleg was exclusively princely, and therefore was not widely used among the people. And although children were not called that until the 19th century, it was not forgotten, since it was closely connected with the history of ancient Rus'.

In the first years of Soviet power, the name Oleg remained rare, then it quickly began to gain popularity. Since 1925, and to this day, the name Oleg remains quite common, and although the peak of his popularity has declined, the name has never completely gone out of use.

History knows many outstanding personalities who forever glorified the glorious name of Oleg. Among them are famous artists Oleg Basilashvili and Oleg Yankovsky, football player Oleg Protasov, famous clown Oleg Popov, aircraft designer Oleg Antonov, Russian singer Oleg Gazmanov and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The name Oleg entered the Orthodox calendar after the canonization of Prince Oleg of Bryansk, who abdicated and became a monk.

Blessed Prince Oleg Bryansky, together with his father, took part in the war against Lithuania. Having known the full horror of the murder, he abdicated in favor of his brother, preferring to serve God in the monastic rank. In 1275, he built the Petrovsky monastery in Bryansk, where he received the tonsure under the name Vasily. The noble prince died as a strict ascetic in 1307 and was buried in the monastery church.

Name characteristic

Oleg is endowed with a rather restrained character; outbursts of anger are rare for him. And although he can sometimes give the impression of a cold and unapproachable person, by nature he is a kind, sympathetic and open man who knows how to keep his feelings under control.

Oleg does not like to plan his life, preferring to live today, and impatience makes him look for easy ways to success. But he is persistent and not used to doubting his abilities, and therefore quickly achieves success. Independent and principled, in order to achieve the desired result, he can act harshly and hostilely, disregarding the interests of others. If this promises him a benefit, he can easily trample on generally accepted moral standards.

Oleg is endowed with a strong inner core, which allows him to stand up not only for himself, but also for others, and he does it easily, without anguish and demonstration of strength. He has an innate talent to be a leader, but lacks sufficient determination. Oleg prefers to walk in easy and short ways, but he cannot be called a lazy person. Most likely, Oleg will not be a leader, but it seems that he does not need it.

Oleg does not like disorder and confusion, and this applies not only to everyday life. He is focused, accurate, consistent. There is no greed and meanness in him, but the financial situation is important for him. This man loves money, but does not make a cult of them.

Oleg is prone to depression, during which he can become addicted to drinking. He has a great need to be loved, but he himself is not always able to express his love - pride is to blame. It is also difficult for a man to establish friendships, although communication is quite simple. Oleg is generally poorly versed in people, so he can be easily manipulated.

In general, most Olegs are independent, charismatic and attractive men. And how the fate of each of them individually will turn out depends only on the person himself.


Little Oleg is very attached to his mother, and will keep this attachment for the rest of his life. It is difficult for him to get along with other children, but at the same time he is highly susceptible to other people's influence, so parents should carefully monitor the boy's social circle, especially in adolescence. Bad habits stick to a teenager very quickly.

Oleg can study very well, he has all the data for this. Peers and teachers appreciate him for his thoughtfulness, prudence and honesty. He rarely comes into conflict with peers, but he usually has few friends.

The surest decision for Oleg's parents will be to captivate a teenager with sports - this will help him to be liberated, grow up as a confident young man, save him from the influence of the street and bad habits. Given the susceptibility and sensitivity of Oleg, he needs it like no one else.


Oleg has been in good health since childhood, but his addiction to smoking and alcohol can undermine him. Migraine attacks are not uncommon, with which a man will have to fight all his life.

Another problem may arise with the ears, throat and nose - it is these organs that Oleg has the weakest. Also, a good sleep is important for him, otherwise Oleg will feel bad.


Oleg usually learns the sexual side of life early, but does not differ in great passion. He does not identify sex with love, so very often intimacy for him is nothing more than pleasant entertainment.

Oleg is squeamish, so the appearance of his partner, her cleanliness, accuracy and even smell are of great importance to him. He is generally very sensitive, and a man's sexual abilities largely depend on his mood, ability to relax.

In sex, Oleg appreciates tenderness and affection, rudeness and vulgarity do not excite him. Often he forgets about the needs of a woman, trying to extract maximum pleasure only for himself.

In general, Oleg cannot be called a particularly skillful lover, although he can often get carried away by girls, and just as quickly lose interest in them. And although many girls love Olegs, they do not break hearts, and a train of deceived women does not stretch behind them.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Most often, two marriages happen in the life of a man named Oleg, and if the second turns out to be unsuccessful, then most likely he will forever remain a bachelor. One of the reasons for the breakdown of the marriage may be Oleg's addiction to alcohol - drunk, he becomes aggressive and uncontrollable.

A strong and powerful woman will suit him as a wife - with such a wife he will feel calmer. He will gladly take care of his wife, but will not tolerate humiliation.

In family relationships, care, trust and love from his wife are extremely important for Oleg. In addition, his chosen one must definitely find a common language with his mother, since Oleg is very attached to her.

Oleg is an excellent host and faithful husband, very rarely decides to cheat. In everyday life, he is whimsical enough, he will not tolerate a mess in the house. He gets along with children with difficulty, as he treats them very demandingly.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Eugenia, Marina, Anastasia, Olga, Yana, Veronica, Tatiana, Svetlana and Irina. Relationships with Oksana, Ekaterina, Daria, Alina and Natalya should be avoided.

Business and career

Oleg is an excellent logician and strategist, but he usually lacks a commercial vein. Work means a lot to him, but most often he treats it as a source of income, and no more. For this reason, it is difficult for him to find his real calling - he works where they pay more.

It is undesirable for a person named Oleg to engage in simple, rough work - this name is more suitable for creative professions, teachers, artists, spiritual leaders. It is also undesirable for him to go into politics, to administrative work, and even more so never to get involved in crime - there is no doubt that luck will turn away from him instantly. Such positions are also contraindicated for him, where it is necessary to force people to work, control and punish.

However, Oleg can be an excellent performer, diligent and hardworking. He can find himself in such professions as a programmer, manager, politician, teacher, engineer or financier. It is advisable for Oleg to conduct his own business on his own, without the help of partners - otherwise, disagreements, quarrels and even litigation cannot be avoided.

Talismans for Oleg

  • The ruling planet is Venus and Jupiter.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Libra and Sagittarius. Oleg is recommended to call boys born under these signs of the zodiac - then fate will be especially favorable to them.
  • A good time of the year is autumn, a good day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky color - white, green, blue.
  • The totem animal is a snake. This totem symbolizes wisdom, danger, power and rebirth. In the Christian tradition, the snake is an ambivalent symbol, personifying both the sacrifice of Christ and the tempter Satan.
  • Totem plant - camellia and hazel. Camellia symbolizes beauty, health and well-being. Hazel is a source of wisdom and fertility. At all times in Rus', hazel was considered a sacred tree, so its branches were used as a talisman against witchcraft, as well as for making divination and magic cards.
  • Talisman stone - pearl and aquamarine. It is believed that pearls are of divine origin, and therefore have magical properties. It has a beneficial effect on family ties, improves mood, pacifies pride and vanity, relieves envy and hatred. Aquamarine helps to change the life of its owner for the better, to improve relations with others, to become kinder and more responsive.

Horoscope for Oleg

Aries- The personality is independent and impudent, not pleasant in communication. He has strong energy and enterprise, but often goes ahead, regardless of the opinions of others. A born optimist and maximalist, Oleg-Aries never doubts himself, so he has every chance to quickly climb up the career ladder. It is uncharacteristic for him to rest on his laurels, he is never satisfied with what he has - for this reason he always strives for the unknown. The proud nature of Oleg-Aries does not allow him to recognize authorities and learn from the mistakes of others, the very idea that someone will lead or command him is unacceptable for him. He does not even suspect that a skilled person, especially a woman, can easily manipulate this simple-hearted and sincere man. In his personal life, he is an idealist who puts his beloved on a pedestal. He will always be faithful to her, but for a successful marriage, Oleg-Aries needs to feel like a leader and indisputable authority in the family.

Taurus- a balanced and pleasant person, unhurried and thoughtful. But it should be remembered that in his character there is something from a bull - if you make him angry, then everything around will be destroyed. Although it must be admitted that Oleg-Taurus' attacks of anger are rare, it is difficult to piss him off. The most attractive feature of this person is reliability in everything. He can make an excellent entrepreneur who grows his capital gradually, avoiding any risk. It is impossible to imagine him in the role of a debtor or a petitioner - the desire for stability and financial well-being is in his blood. The slowness inherent in Oleg-Taurus is not at all a sign of inhibition, he is simply a perfectionist by nature, striving to check and double-check everything a hundred times. He is heavy on his feet, completely predictable, tries to avoid any changes, including in his personal life. Only the infidelity of the spouse can destroy the marriage of Oleg-Aries, and also if she turns out to be a spender or a slut.

Twins- A witty man with an easy character. He is a strong, determined person, for whom the dynamics and speed of life are a priority, and routine and boredom kill him. Oleg-Gemini loves to attract attention, loves flattery and praise, is distinguished by painful sensitivity and suspiciousness. He can do rash and stupid things without thinking about the consequences. Another distinguishing feature of this man is posturing, and sometimes arrogance. It is not always possible to rely on his word, he often forgets about his promises. This is a talented and creative person, but financially not reliable. Oleg Gemini does not know how to save money, often lives in a big way. During his life he can change several professions, as he masters new specialties easily, he also easily knows how to join a new team. In marriage, a man is not reliable, usually he marries more than once. You should not expect that he will plunge headlong into the household and raising children - personal freedom will always be more expensive for him, and he will prefer to spend all his free time outside the home.

Cancer- a sensitive person, prone to frequent mood swings. His character is dominated by such features as softness, dreaminess and naivety, but in a critical situation this person turns into a not hefty warrior and strategist. He will never give away what is dear to him, but he does not need someone else's either. Oleg-Rak is terribly afraid of changes and tries his best to avoid them, clings to the past and reflects on the past. In business, he manifests himself extremely carefully, but he is “friends” with money. This person will always be able to find an opportunity to earn extra money using exclusively traditional methods for this - no crime or risk. Home and family for Oleg-Rak is not an empty phrase at all. On the contrary, the joys of the hearth are the most precious thing for him. A man needs constant confirmation of his love for himself, so his beloved woman must be sensitive enough. Oleg-Rak will take care of himself with gratitude, providing himself with a comfort zone that he needs like air.

a lion- a gambling, active and reckless man, for whom all life is a game. He is full of desire to rule always and everyone, and he does it with the passion of a real lion defending his dignity. Only with age does this person become softer and wiser, and in his youth he is quick-tempered, straightforward, passionate and independent. Ordinary laziness can prevent Oleg-Lev from making a brilliant career, but if he manages to overcome it, then success is guaranteed to him. The desire for a luxurious and idle life can play a cruel joke on a man, as his ambitions often outstrip his possibilities. In this case, Oleg-Lev may be mired in debt, but it must be admitted that this does not happen often. There is absolutely no meanness and self-interest in this man, he will never pass by a person who is in trouble. In marriage, he manifests himself as a very jealous, and sometimes despotic partner, especially if his business is not going very well. His wife must understand that restraint is not characteristic of Oleg-Lev, and therefore life with him will never be easy.

Virgo- a person thorough and tough, with firm principles and a logical mindset. Logic, order and accuracy in everything is his life principle, which he never changes. Oleg-Virgo remembers and notices everything, and rarely gives out his intentions, he takes any, even the smallest, responsibility extremely seriously. He is not sentimental and practical, but he needs work like air - he is a man of action. He sincerely believes that all people should live by his rules, and therefore sometimes seems too picky and strict - especially in leadership positions. Oleg-Virgo fully exists on a materialistic, practical level, and therefore, financially, he usually has complete order. In relations with women, he is as decent and constant as in everything else. In marriage, he can take the role of a father and try to protect and protect his wife from any troubles in life. But if a woman needs romance, then this man will not suit her.

Scales- the person is trustworthy, calm and courageous. He is delicate with others, avoids conflicts in every possible way and always keeps a compromise ready. He likes to impress, but he is also very kind, fair and tactful. By nature, Oleg-Libra is not a leader, he will not be able to lead a large team and work in responsible positions - for this he lacks determination and self-confidence, he is afraid and tries to avoid any responsibility. He hardly tolerates criticism, but he needs flattery and praise like air. But Oleg-Libra is practically incapable of meanness, even for his own great benefit. For him, in general, any extremes are an exception; he tries with all his might to find peace of mind and peace. As a life partner, this man needs an active and enterprising woman, since it is she who will have to solve all household, and maybe financial problems.

Scorpion- nature imperious, ambitious and scandalous. If a difficult period comes in the life of this person, he will never complain about fate, but will boldly go ahead, perceiving any obstacle as a temporary difficulty. Oleg-Scorpio is always under the control of his passionate nature, he is ready to overcome any obstacles, and the consequences and tarnished reputation are the last thing he cares about. The glory of "restraint and patience" is absent in his lexicon. People are drawn to this person like a magnet, by nature he is a born leader and an unsurpassed manipulator. This man has an incredible sense of purpose and the ability to work day and night, forgetting about everything. It is difficult to find a better worker and leader than Oleg-Scorpio. But, in spite of everything, even such a strong and independent personality really needs a family and the support of loved ones. In his family, he will be the undoubted leader, as well as a great owner and jealous, and therefore his chosen one should be patient and prepare for the fact that her life will never be calm, much less boring.

Sagittarius- a smart, tactful and intelligent man, full of inner dignity. He is a big fidget, every minute he is looking for something, he wants new exploits and achievements. He needs to constantly move, rush, do something. The cheerful nature and cheerfulness of this man are simply amazing, he loves publicity and always tries to be in the spotlight. Oleg-Sagittarius is always sincere and frank, financially practical, but his problem is that sometimes he spends his energy on enterprises that are not worth it. However, the horoscope of this person speaks of his incredible luck, due to this he often becomes the darling of fate. He knows how to infect others with ease, optimism and confidence in the future. Oleg-Sagittarius values ​​​​his freedom extremely, and he cannot be called monogamous, therefore more than one marriage can happen in his life. His wife should be a little bit of an actress, as this person is disgusted by monotony and conservatism in relationships. He will also expect from his partner full understanding, freedom and support of his interests.

Capricorn- a sincere and good-natured person, cheerful and balanced. He is secretive, conservative, knows how to obey strict discipline, and one can only envy his endurance. But not everyone will guess that in his soul Oleg-Capricorn is a great romantic and dreamer who knows how to fence himself off from this cruel world. A spiritual fire is hidden behind the external calmness of a man, and the true feelings and thoughts of this person never lie on the surface. Oleg-Capricorn firmly believes in the power of his performance, and this is the key to his success in business and finance. Practicality and ambition make him a valuable worker, but he will never work for an idea - only for a decent reward. The bonds of marriage for Oleg-Capricorn are sacred, and therefore he always returns to the family nest, even if he sometimes has affairs on the side. Love and sex are as necessary for this person as food and sleep.

Aquarius- a person attentive and impassive, able to notice the smallest details. He is distinguished by a friendly attitude towards everyone, a desire to help, it is always a pleasure to deal with him. However, he does not let anyone into his inner world, he is a loner and a rebel by nature, he prefers to solve all his problems on his own, without outside help. Sometimes he is stingy with the manifestation of emotions, although a sensual fire often rages inside him. He does not tolerate lies and deceit, does not like to lend and borrow, and treats money wisely. Wealth is not an end in itself for Oleg-Aquarius, and therefore he often works in low-paid positions. A man has a negative attitude towards marriage, since a woman for him in the first place is a friend and comrade. But he is not at all jealous and demanding in everyday life, he himself will never cheat on his wife. Next to Oleg-Aquarius there should be an attentive and caring person who will be sympathetic to his need to sometimes be alone, away from family and daily worries.

Fish- an apathetic and timid personality, struggling all his life with his own weaknesses. He is peaceful and always ready to help his neighbor, even to the detriment of himself. He tries to avoid difficulties in life and prefers to go with the flow, waiting for gifts of fate. In life, Oleg-Pisces is an incorrigible romantic, dreamer and idealist. This man has every chance to achieve incredible success in life - for this he has both talent and abilities. Or he can remain a nobody, get carried away with alcohol, become a loser, continuing to soar in the clouds. He also should not count on grandiose successes in business. He is not a fighter in life, most often a case or the patronage of a stronger personality helps him become successful in life. Oleg-Pisces can find happiness in family life and become a wonderful spouse, but his wife may have to take care of all domestic and financial problems. He is prone to compassion, so the spouse can count on his love and moral support in any situation.


Patronymic names: Olegovich, Olegovna.

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport - Oleg

Name Oleg in different languages

Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 奧列格 (Ào liè gé). Japanese: オレグ (Oregu). Georgian: ოლეგ (oleg). Hindi: ओलेग (Ōlēga). Ukrainian: Oleg. Punjabi: ਓਲਯੈਕ (Ōlayaika). English: Oleg (Oleg).

origin of the name Oleg

The name Oleg has Scandinavian roots, it comes from the Old Norse name Helgi, which among the Scandinavians is translated as “sacred”, “holy”, and among the Germanic peoples - “lucky”, it can be translated as “bright”, “clear”. The name Oleg is one of the dynastic pre-Christian names of the Rurikovichs. The name became baptismal after the canonization of Prince Oleg of Bryansk.

According to another version, the name Oleg is a Slavic name. This version is supported by the Polish linguist S. Rospond, who notes that such names as Oleg and other names incorrectly recognized by Nordic forms - Olga, Igor, Gleb - do not occur in any other places, which is confirmed by ancient sources. The female form of the name is Olga. Also, the female names Olesya and Lesya became diminutives for Oleg.

Diminutive appeals Lesha, Alik, Alya are also appeals to other names. For example, Lyosha - Alexey, Lel, Leonid; Alik - Albert, Alfred, Alexander, Yuvenaly; Alya - both for male and female - Alevtina, Alexandra, Alina, Alexei, Alexander, Albina, Albert, Alla, Alice, Alpha, Alim, Aleph, Alfred, Apollo, Askold, Aelita, Galina, Olympias, Callista, Juvenal , Aliana, Alana, Salvia, Aliya, Almina, Alfiya, Alsu, Alena and others.

The nature of the name Oleg

Oleg is easily influenced by others, but once choosing an "influencer", he will remain his most devoted friend, and it will be very difficult to convince him otherwise. Oleg always has his own point of view, but since he does not always find an understanding of his views, it is quite difficult to find a common language with him.

Oleg has a sharp mind and a penchant for the exact sciences. He analyzes everything and everyone in his life, and against this background, he has a feeling of some superiority over others. People in him are attracted by the lack of leadership inclinations, he does not seek to lead, does not show off his knowledge, but he can always defend his point of view and prove his own innocence.

Oleg always has everything in its place, he does not like chaos either in relations with people or in his apartment. Concentration, accuracy, consistency - using these qualities, he chooses for himself a life partner, an apartment, and a place of rest.

The secret of the name Oleg

Oleg is a selfless man who is able to help many people. He is gifted and a bit stubborn. Such character traits make him difficult to communicate with. He also often displays a sense of superiority over other people.

Oleg becomes a good and loving husband. True, outwardly it may seem a little coldish. Often such a man likes to drink alcohol. But he should not abuse alcohol, as he is uncontrollable when drunk.

Such a man is somewhat lazy. His children are complex characters. He treats his wife's mother coldly, but with respect. He wants to make the woman he loves look like his mother-in-law. His mother is the ideal woman for him. If Oleg's wife opposes this, conflicts may arise in the family.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color name: dark blue
Radiation: 94%
planets: Venus
Stone-mascot: pearl
Plant: camellia
Totemic animal: snake
Main traits character: will, intuition, susceptibility

Additional name feature:

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 90%
Psyche: does not tolerate conflicts
Health: in later years, ailments are possible due to violations of the functions of the organs of the excretory system.

Numerology Of The Name Oleg

Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are fond of, are heavily carried away. With a patient mentor and adviser who can be one of the relatives or just a close person, the "troika" can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the "triples" is often unenviable. With all the outward invulnerability in the soul, the “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dryness.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, wrestler, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Beasts: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Oleg as a phrase

Oh He (Oh Oh)
L People
Ye Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
G Verb (Speak)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Oleg

The sexuality of the name Oleg

He is passionate and erotic, often able to get carried away, but quickly fades away. Disappointed, he falls into despair. Indulging in sexual hobbies, he is looking for true love, but life does not reduce to creating a family and procreation.

In sex, he tries to assert himself as a man without taking him too seriously. Intimacy with a woman for him is nothing more than a pleasant entertainment that brings pleasure to both of its participants.

He is afraid of a long-term relationship, gradually leading to marriage. Oleg does not plan his sexual relations in advance; his sexual activity is often spontaneous. In sex, he lacks tenderness and inspiration, he can give only a limited number of sensations. At the same time, he tries to extract for himself as much joy and pleasure as possible from intimacy with a woman. No matter how sensual and good his woman is, Oleg is always interested in trying something new.

His sexual behavior with each new woman is different. Oleg is not a fan of stereotyped situations and regulated sex. A lot of Oleg's abilities depend on his psychological state, self-confidence and ability to relax, as well as on the interest that a woman arouses in him with her personal qualities.

Oleg does not look at every woman as an object of sexual satisfaction, available from the first meeting. He is very receptive to the external manifestations of the female essence, to how clean and tidy a woman is, to what perfume she is perfumed, how aesthetic are the items of her toilet. Any trifle from this series, any disorder can extinguish any desire in him.

The nature of the name Oleg according to B. Khigir

The name is of Scandinavian origin and means "sacred". As a child, Oleg easily succumbs to other people's influence and can quickly learn bad habits, so parents need to monitor their son's circle of acquaintances. At school, Oleg studies well in all subjects, but shows great abilities in the exact sciences. Oleg has an analytical mindset and a tendency to subject everything to analysis and will manifest itself in everyday life. Oleg's inherent concentration gives especially positive results in science studies.

Oleg is difficult to communicate, because he does not always find an understanding of his views, and besides, he does not always manage to suppress a feeling of some superiority over other people. The ideal of a woman for Oleg is his mother, therefore, choosing a future life partner, he seeks to find in a woman the character traits characteristic of his mother. If a woman cannot understand this subtlety of relations with Oleg, then frequent quarrels are possible in the family. With Oleg's mother-in-law, polite relations are usually established without showing any strong feelings. Oleg is a faithful husband.

He tries to help his wife in all household chores. Oleg has golden hands. In relations with children, Oleg lacks warmth and sincerity, so his children often have a difficult character.

The meaning of the name Oleg for life

Oleg is stubborn, smart, proud. Difficult to communicate, demanding, pretentious. He knows his strengths, but does not notice his shortcomings. Usually he is very attached to his parents, adores his mother, in her face he sees the ideal of a woman. Choosing a spouse, he always compares her with his mother. If it is not possible to find a similar one, then from the first days of married life he begins to educate his wife, trying to make her a semblance of his ideal. If the spouse resists, then the marriage breaks up. Oleg has a strongly developed sense of superiority over other people, it is difficult to be friends with him, others must recognize his dominant position. He is well versed in technology, equipment, but he does not like to make things, to repair anything. A dashing driver, but he won’t bother with repairs. Oleg is always neat, smart, somewhat ambitious, dressed to the nines, often looking in the mirror. He loves himself very much and order in everything. In this regard, he is extremely demanding of his wife. He does not allow anyone to touch his things, papers. He always clearly knows where and what he has, if he does not find it in place, he gets angry and arranges a thrashing for everyone at home. Oleg marries for love, but he can truly appreciate the merits of his wife only after the appearance of his first child, making sure that she is a good mother. She loves children, but more often she has only one child, strict calculation and practicality work here. He believes that it is better to give everything to one than a little to two or three, although, as a rule, he knows how to provide for his family. Often he is married twice, and ends his life alone, and only his children visit him.

The meaning of the name Oleg for sex

Oleg does not plan his sexual relations in advance; his sexual activity is often spontaneous. In sex, he lacks tenderness and inspiration, he can give only a limited number of sensations. At the same time, he tries to extract for himself as much joy and pleasure as possible from intimacy with a woman. His sexual behavior with each new woman is different. Oleg does not like stereotyped situations and regulated sex. A lot of Oleg's abilities depend on his psychological state, self-confidence and ability to relax, as well as on the interest that a woman arouses in him with her personal qualities. Oleg does not look at every woman as an object of sexual satisfaction, available from the first meeting. He is very receptive to the external manifestations of the female essence, to how clean and tidy a woman is, to what perfume she is perfumed, how aesthetic are the items of her toilet. Any trifle from this series, any disorder can extinguish any desire in him.

Compatibility of the name Oleg and patronymic

Oleg Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich is inclined to analyze everything, even relationships with friends and women. Compares each beloved with the previous one. Principled, zealously defends his opinion. Very stubborn, but not too pushy. He does not seek to make a career, but usually he does well in life, takes a good position - and all thanks to his extraordinary abilities. Clever, good analyst, gravitates towards the exact sciences. His inherent concentration gives positive results. He is very attached to his parents, always follows the advice of his mother. Such Oleg marries an intelligent, highly intelligent woman with whom he is interested in communicating. He is an unimportant owner, although he is able to ensure the comfortable existence of the family. This Oleg is more busy with his education, raising the level of knowledge than with home and family. A little lazy, imposing, not averse to drinking, he loves himself and feels sorry for himself. However, he also treats his wife well - he is attentive, gives flowers, gifts. He has children of different sexes from different marriages, who grow up with difficult, contradictory characters, but maintain warm, friendly relations with their father.

Oleg Alexandrovich, Arkadievich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is impatient, energetic, mobile. Often gets into unforeseen situations. Open to others, completely unprotected. He is overly amorous, in every woman he sees the only one that he has dreamed of all his life. True, it quickly cools down and is carried away by another. Outwardly, this is most often an imposing, healthy man, but only those close to him know what a weak nervous system he has, how easily injured and vulnerable he is. Hardworking, always finds an opportunity to make good money, easily makes a career. Calculating in business, but completely unable to manage money. They float out of his hands in a matter of minutes. He loves comfort, entertainment, good cuisine, expensive wines. A strict connoisseur of everything beautiful, He has an uncountable number of friends whom he considers his friends, but, oddly enough, he is lucky in friendship. He has no envious, ill-wishers. Everyone curls around him, and no one is offended. Oleg has the same easy relationship with women: everyone with whom he breaks up will not be able to say a single bad word about him. But such Oleg marries with difficulty, figuring out for a long time which of his girlfriends he loves more, and having married, he is rarely faithful to his wife. He is not strong in the household, but he loves his house and invests a lot in its improvement.

Oleg Bogdanovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich knows how to present himself, leave a good impression about himself. Intelligent, smart, charming. With his appearance in any society, a relaxed atmosphere is always established, the mood rises. In the eyes of everyone around him, he is a cheerful, carefree person, but under the veil of a merry fellow and a simpleton, a very vulnerable and receptive soul is hidden. This Oleg painfully experiences failures, is prone to depression and nervous stress. He is sentimental, romantic, artistic. He loves women very much, but is careful with them. From the first days of acquaintance, he brings clarity to the relationship, does not encourage his beloved. Marries after twenty-seven - thirty years. He approaches marriage thoroughly, first he acquires housing, improves it, and only then brings his wife to the house. He loves children, but he cannot afford more than two. In the family, he is a leader, he can even advise his wife what to wear, what dress to wear for this or that celebration. You can’t argue with him, he will still insist on his own, only everyone’s mood will deteriorate. But such Oleg and his wife, as a rule, are lucky, she obeys him in everything. This Oleg most often has sons.

Oleg Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Danilovich, Igorevich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is trustful, infinitely devoted to relatives and friends. Very sociable. Disarms generosity, wit, simplicity. Has a developed sense of duty, loves parents very much. Ardent in feelings, having fallen in love once, remains faithful to his chosen one for life. True, physical infidelity is not considered treason. It is a huge hit with women. Such Oleg knows how to achieve a high position in society, make good money. From the spouse it requires perfect order, a good degree, the ability to receive guests, set the table beautifully. He loves very much when his parents come to dinner, gets along well with his wife's relatives, and is always ready to help them financially.

Oleg Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich is highly emotional, energetic. Maintains athletic form until old age. Very temperamental. Falls in love always sincerely, but often. Young at heart, cheerful, cheerful throughout life. To be next to him. not easy, but very interesting. He is always full of various plans, hatches a lot of ideas that he will definitely implement. He loves outdoor activities, loves nature, travels with pleasure. This Oleg is successful with women, but he is very careful with them, he is afraid of long-term relationships, he does not want to get used to, become attached to one of them. He marries only for love, and only a woman with high spiritual qualities can truly fall in love, although her appearance is not secondary to him. He attaches great importance to the intimate side of married life, his temperament must coincide with the temperament of his wife. However, Oleg, as a rule, is lucky with his wife, the marriage is strong, divorce is very rare. Often such Oleg has children of the same age. He is not afraid of difficulties, since God gives, then you need to be grateful to fate. She loves children and spends a lot of time with them.

Positive traits of the name

Slowness, caution, prudence, emotional balance. Oleg has a sharp mind and iron logic, but at the same time he likes to dream. Very often he manages to turn dreams into reality. Oleg can calculate his capabilities and calmly go to the intended goal.

Negative traits of the name

Selfishness, isolation, emotional coldness. Oleg is indifferent to the violent manifestation of emotions, he is irritated by female tears. He can use the location of a person for his own selfish purposes.

Choosing a profession by name

Oleg is disposed to individual work. He is gifted with original thinking, unconventional judgments, independent views. The successful completion of the work will be a matter of honor for him.

The impact of the name on business

Oleg is a purposeful, rational person who says little, but does a lot. He knows how to save money for a secure, prosperous life and can achieve financial success.

The impact of the name on health

Oleg's health is good, only in later years ailments are possible due to violations of the functions of the organs of the excretory system.

Name psychology

Oleg is approved in the team, but does not strive for leadership. He does not tolerate conflicts and knows how to smooth out sharp corners. You can’t force Oleg to do anything or impose your opinion on him. He values ​​his independence and respects the personality of the other person. He is attracted to serious and independent people. Oleg does not tolerate cynicism, hypocrisy, condemnation, does not participate in intrigues.

Oleg and pets

Usually Olegs love animals and will be happy to raise a dog. However, Oleg's pride will not allow him to have a mongrel dog. Thus, the presence of a pedigree is mandatory, and any breed can be. Nicknames compatible with the name Oleg: Rad, Radiy, Quint, Kelder, Zuita, Liena, Edmond, Edelweiss.

Famous people named Oleg

"Prophetic" Oleg (Prince of Novgorod and Kiev)
Oleg Yankovsky (actor of theater and cinema, director)
Oleg Tabakov (Russian director, actor, People's Artist of the USSR, teacher, producer)
Oleg Kutafin (well-known lawyer, specialist in constitutional law)
Oleg Popov (circus artist, famous clown)
Oleg Konopkin (scientist-psychologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Education)
Oleg Mityaev (famous Russian bard)
Oleg Kuvaev (geologist, writer)
Oleg Strizhenov (actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR)
Oleg Dal (Soviet theater and film actor)
Oleg Antonov (Soviet aircraft designer, academician)
Oleg Efremov (actor, director, theatrical figure, People's Artist of the USSR)
Oleg Romantsev (famous Russian football player and coach)
Oleg Protopopov (Russian figure skater)
Oleg Borisov (Soviet theater and film actor)
Oleg Vidov (Soviet and American film actor, film director, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
Oleg Deripaska (Russian entrepreneur)
Oleg Basilashvili (actor of theater and cinema)
Oleg Blokhin (Ukrainian footballer and coach)
Oleg Menshikov (actor of theater and cinema)
Oleg Anofriev (Soviet and Russian theater actor)
Oleg Veretennikov (Russian football player)
Oleg Dolmatov (Soviet and Russian football player and coach)
Oleg Mitvol (Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Management (Rosprirodnadzor))
Oleg Gazmanov (Russian singer)
Oleg Romantsev (Soviet and Russian football player and coach)
Oleg Prudius (Ukrainian professional wrestler)

Famous name bearers

Oleg Rurikovich - an ancient Russian prince, made a trip to Byzantium; Oleg Bryansky - prince, reverend; Oleg Svyatoslavich - Prince of Rostov-Suzdal, in the "Word of Igor's Campaign" he is called Gorislavich; Oleg Ivanovich - Grand Duke of Ryazan; Oleg Chukhontsev - poet; Oleg Makarov - cosmonaut; Oleg Losev - physicist; Oleg Koshevoy - commissar of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" during the Great Patriotic War; Oleg Kagan - violinist; Oleg Strizhenov, Oleg Borisov, Oleg Basilashvili, Oleg Yankovsky, Oleg Dal - actors; Oleg Popov is a circus performer.

Orthodox name day Oleg celebrates

Oleg name compatibility

Oleg name incompatibility
