Change in minimum wage: what payments to employees need to be recalculated. Recalculation of products according to a recipe or pastry chef's arithmetic

3. What. When counting, express in other quantities, units. P. cost of production in new prices.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .

See what “RECOUNT” is in other dictionaries:

    RECOUNT, I'll recount, you'll recount, absolutely. (to recalculate). 1. who what. Going through, count everything, everyone. Count those present. Count your laundry before washing. 2. who what. Count again to check. Recalculate the amounts issued... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (foreign language) interrupt. Wed. The nag began to beat (the guy), carried him away, and as luck would have it, he carried pots drying on a neighbor’s palisade and passed by the pots; (the guy) went to click their foreheads and counted everything, no matter how many there were. Dahl. The Tale of the Shemyakin Court... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    To count, to count, to figure the hell out, to sum up, to re-slobber, to recalculate, to re-slobber, to count, to sum up, to count, to shortchange, to translate, to make ends meet, to count, to count, to count money, to count money, to count... ... Synonym dictionary

    recalculate- Count the bones or ribs to whom (colloquially) trans. beat up, beat up someone n. Have you counted all your ribs again? ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    recalculate- recalculate. Pronounced [over-shield]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    recalculate- a/u, a/eat; counted; tan, a, o; St. see also recount, recount, recount, recount 1) whom what Count carefully one thing... Dictionary of many expressions

    - (foreign language) interrupt Wed. The little nag began to beat (the guy), carried him away, and as luck would have it, he carried some pots drying on the stockade of a neighbor and passed by the pots; (the guy) went to click their foreheads and counted everything, no matter how many there were. Dahl. The Tale of the Shemyakin Court. 162... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Sov. trans. see recalculate Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Recount, recount, recount, recount, recount, recount, recount, recounted, recounted, recounted, recounted, recounted, recount, recount, recounted, recounted, recounted, recounted,... ... Forms of words

    recalculate- count, oh, oh... Russian spelling dictionary


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From April 2, 2014, the value of the average monthly number of calendar days used in calculating vacation has changed. Its new value - 29.3 - is recorded in Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In 1C salary programs, when calculating vacations that begin on April 2 and later, the coefficient 29.3 is applied automatically (the list of releases from which the new value is taken into account can be found in the article on the website). In the case of vacations that fall during the transition period, not everything is so simple. Read about how to recalculate compensation based on them in this material.

With those vacations that began on April 2 and later, everything is clear. Compensation for them should be calculated taking into account the new coefficient of 29.3. If vacation pay for them has already been accrued and issued before April 2 according to the old rules, then they need to be recalculated. But what if the vacation began before April 2 and ended after? Is it necessary to recalculate the payment in this situation?

The answer to this question was given by the Russian Ministry of Labor in letter No. 14-0/B-363 dated May 15, 2014, using the example of a vacation that began on April 1. According to officials, compensation for April 1 should be calculated taking into account a coefficient of 29.4, and for days starting from April 2 - 29.3. Thus, from the point of view of the Ministry of Labor, vacation pay already accrued and paid must be recalculated.

The letter itself states that it is neither a normative act nor an official clarification. However, you can listen to the recommendations of the Ministry of Labor. This will allow you to subsequently protect yourself from claims from employees if they decide that vacation pay was calculated incorrectly. After all, a decrease in the coefficient by even one tenth, although not significant, increases the average earnings.

This can be done in 1C programs by formally dividing the vacation into two parts. Then the part of the vacation falling on the days before April 2 will be recalculated automatically.


Employee Bazin A.V. On March 28, 2014, vacation pay accrued on March 17, 2014 was paid. Vacation period 04/01/2014 – 04/14/2014. The average earnings amounted to 2,203.01 rubles, as a result, 30,842.14 rubles were accrued over 14 days. (see Fig. 1).

To interrupt your vacation on April 2, you need to press the button To correct at the bottom of the screen, create a new document for the period from 04/01/2014 to 04/01/2014. In this document, 2203.01 rubles will be automatically credited for one day of vacation, based on average earnings calculated with a coefficient of 29.4 (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Calculation of average earnings taking into account the coefficient 29.4

A bookmark will be added to the new document Recalculation(see Fig. 3) . The total amount of vacation pay accrued earlier is reversed.

Rice. 3. New document Vacation created using a button To correct

Average earnings, taking into account the new coefficient, will be equal to 2210.5 rubles, that is, it will increase by 7.49 rubles. (see Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Calculation of average earnings taking into account the new coefficient

In general, the amount of accrued vacation pay for employee A.V. Bazin will increase by 97.37 rubles. (RUB 7.49 x 13 days).

When salaries increase

Russian companies salaries must be indexed every year. In practice, only large organizations do this.

If an organization increases the salaries of its employees, then the money paid for annual leave in the form vacation pay must be recalculated.

To do this, you need to use an indexation factor.

Wherein it is important at what point the increase occurred wages and salaries. Clause 16 of Decree No. 922 on average earnings provides three different options:

  1. Changes in salary within the pay period.
  2. The increase occurred after the expiration of the billing period, but before the employee went on vacation.
  3. The salary increase occurred while the employee was on vacation.

To calculate the conversion factor HR department specialists use the following formula: the salary accrued in the month of the last increase is divided by the salary of each month of the billing period.

The result obtained will be the indexation coefficient, taking into account which vacation pay must be recalculated.

Vacation pay is indexed only in case of a massive increase. In isolated cases, vacation payments are not recalculated. The billing period is twelve months. This time does not include the time the employee is on vacation, business trip, sick leave, or failure to complete work as a result of the organization’s downtime.

An increase in salary leads to changes in the payments that depend on it. Therefore, vacation pay must be adjusted whenever tariff rates change. The opposite situation when a salary decrease occurs, it does not lead to the need for recalculation.

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When an employee is recalled from vacation

After the employee has gone on a well-deserved rest, it is possible to recall him from there only with his. .

  • minors;
  • pregnant women;
  • citizens whose work involves harmful and dangerous substances.

When an employee is recalled from vacation to work, his salary is accrued. And here vacation pay will have to be returned to the accounting department, and this process is negotiated between the employee and the employer - exactly how the money will be returned.

The employer does not have the right to deduct vacation pay from the salary. Therefore, the ideal option is for the worker to voluntarily deposit the amount of the overpayment into the organization’s cash desk.

Vacation pay will be paid again to the employee after he decides to go on paid leave again.

If you are on sick leave

, he needs to pay disability benefits according to the provided slip.

In this case, vacation days that coincided with a period of incapacity for work, without any recalculation.

During sick leave, the leave is interrupted; after the leave is closed, it continues.

Recalculation is not made, since after the end of the incapacity for work, the employee still takes the required period of time off, which he was paid for.

Sometimes there are situations when a person goes to work immediately after recovery, without completing the required paid days. Sometimes this decision is dictated by production needs, and sometimes by the employee’s own desire. In this case issued, it is necessary to recalculate vacation pay accrued and paid to the employee. And the days that the employee did not use must be provided to the employee at a later date. The payment amount will be different, as the billing period will change.

If the transfer is carried out within a month, then recalculation is not carried out, since the initial data for the calculation do not change.

If the transfer is carried out to another month or even a year, then it is necessary to calculate the amount of vacation pay for days of rest that fall on sick leave and return this money to the organization.

How exactly the amount of vacation pay will be returned in this case is decided between the employee and management individually. The situation is similar to early recall from work - you cannot deduct from your salary, so you need to find other solutions. Ideally, in order to avoid confusion with refund accruals, the employee should make a voluntary contribution of funds to the organization.

When paying an annual bonus

The law of the Russian Federation provides for the necessity necessary for calculating vacation pay.

A possible situation is that an employee has been granted leave and vacation pay has been accrued and paid. After which a bonus is assigned based on the results of the year that included the billing period. In this case, this the annual bonus must be included in the average salary for vacation pay. Since this payment was not previously taken into account, upon accrual of the bonus, the accounting department recalculates vacation pay. The employee receives an additional payment.

The situation changes depending on how long the employee worked. If the entire year for which the bonus was assigned falls within the billing period, then the payment is included in the average earnings in full.

If an employee worked only part of the time, then there are two options:

  1. If a company calculates an annual bonus without taking into account the amount of time worked, then when calculating average earnings, the bonus is calculated in proportion to the time worked in the billing period.
  2. If the company keeps records of hours worked, the bonus is paid in full.

Upon dismissal

When terminating an employment contract with a specific employee, the company must make a full settlement with him.

If an employee quits before the end of the calendar year for which he has already been granted leave, the organization has the right to withhold funds paid in advance from the employee’s salary.

Recalculation of payments issued in advance for vacation is made on the date of dismissal employee. The portion of vacation pay paid in advance for the time that the employee has not worked on the date of dismissal is determined.

It is important that you can deduct from the calculation upon dismissal no more than 20% of the accrued amount. If this is not enough to return overpaid vacation pay, then the balance should be collected from the employee voluntarily. Invite him to deposit money into the organization's cash desk.


In practice, situations often arise when it is necessary to recalculate the paid amount of vacation pay. It is important to highlight such cases and not violate the rights of workers.

For example, employers often neglect recalculation when increasing salaries, although this need is provided for at the legislative level.

In most cases, the accountant is responsible for the employee’s failure to receive funds.

The minimum wage is not constant - it has already changed twice this year. This may affect wages, benefits, and vacation pay. In this article we will look at exactly how.

The minimum wage is set at the federal level and is currently 11,163 rubles. In addition, regions have the right to set their own minimum wage, but not lower than the federal one.

If an employee is paid a minimum wage, it should be remembered that it cannot be lower than the minimum wage. This is required by Article 133 of the Labor Code. The requirement is fair in relation to wages for a fully worked month. If you were on sick leave or on vacation, got a job or quit this month, then your wages may be lower than the minimum wage.

To understand how much to raise wages after increasing the minimum wage, you should find out Has the region set its own minimum?. If it is not there, you need to focus on the federal level. If the region has established its own minimum wage, the salary should not be lower than this value.

The only option not to take into account the regional minimum is to submit it to the executive authorities reasoned written refusal from an offer to join the established minimum wage. The refusal must be discussed with the union in advance. It is also necessary to develop measures and deadlines within which it is planned to increase wages to the regional minimum. The employer who filed the refusal may invite for a conversation with the head of the authorized government body, which should also be attended by representatives of the trade union. If we can reach an agreement, then for some time the regional minimum wage will not be taken into account.

But, we repeat, the maneuver described above requires really compelling reasons. Therefore, in general, the minimum wage level coincides with the regional minimum wage.

We increase salaries

There are two ways to increase wages due to an increase in the minimum wage:

  1. Make an additional payment up to the minimum wage. This method is not suitable for everyone, since in some cases the salary must be no less than the minimum wage without taking into account certain allowances.
  2. Raise the salary.

In any case, the employer should issue an order, as well as adjust the existing documents - Regulations on remuneration, Staffing table. When using the second method, you will also have to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract.

We calculate vacation pay for the period in which the minimum wage has changed

An employee on a minimum salary must receive vacation pay during the period of validity of the old minimum wage, but his vacation falls during the period of validity of the new one. How to calculate vacation pay? The rule is this: before the vacation, you should issue vacation pay based on the old minimum wage, and after the vacation, recalculate and make an additional payment.

Let's take January 2018 as an example. The employee decided to extend his New Year holidays and take a vacation from 9 to 15 January. The data for calculating vacation pay is as follows:

  • billing period - from January 1 to December 31, 2017 (worked without absences);
  • income for the billing period - 7300 * 12 = 93,600 rubles;
  • vacation period - 7 days.

Now let's calculate vacation pay: 266.21 * 7 = 1863.47 rubles.

So, before the vacation, the employee received vacation pay in the amount of 1,863.47 rubles. After returning, we will calculate how much vacation pay will be in terms of a full month: 1863.47 / 7 * 31 = 8252.51 rubles.

Comparing this value with the new minimum wage, we see that it is less. Accordingly, vacation pay will have to be recalculated:

  • Let's calculate the average earnings based on the new minimum wage: 9489 / 29.3 = 323.86 rubles;
  • Let's calculate the amount of additional payment: 323.86 * 7 – 1863.47 = 403.55 rubles.

We calculate benefits

After increasing the minimum wage, it is necessary to recalculate benefits for employees whose length of service less than 6 months. The calculation of these benefits is based precisely on the minimum wage. Let's look at examples with maternity benefits and sick leave payments.

Maternity benefit

The employee went on maternity leave on April 1, 2018. At this point, she had 3 months and 20 days of insurance coverage. The average daily earnings of this employee is 365 rubles. The benefit is assigned from April 1 to August 18. During this period the minimum wage was increased(May 1), but initially this circumstance was not taken into account when calculating the benefit.

Let's calculate the maximum daily allowance:

  • April, June (30 days) - 9489 / 30 = 316.30 rubles;
  • May, July, August (31 days) - 9489 / 31 = 306.10 rubles.

Both values ​​are less than the employee’s average daily earnings, so the benefit is calculated based on the minimum wage. The amount of benefits for 140 calendar days without taking into account the increase in the minimum wage was (for 4 full months and 18 days of August): 4 * 9489 + 9489 / 31 * 18 = 43,465.74 rubles.

Let's see how the benefit changes if it is recalculated taking into account the increase in the minimum wage. The benefit must be paid additionally starting in May. The new minimum wage is 11,163 rubles. Maximum daily allowance:

  • May, July, August - 11,163 / 31 = 360.10 rubles, that is less than 365 rubles, which means we take the minimum wage;
  • June - 11,163 / 30 = 372.10 rubles, which is more than the average daily earnings, accordingly, 365 x 30 is taken.

So, the benefit amount will be: 9489 (April) + 11163 (May) + 365 * 30 (June) + 11,163 (July) + 11,163 / 31 x 18 (August) = 49,246.74 rubles.

Since the employee was paid 43,465.74 rubles, the additional payment will be: 49,246.74 - 43,465.74 = 5,781 rubles.

Sick leave payments

Sick leave depends on length of service. It is calculated on the basis of the minimum wage for those workers whose insurance coverage is less than 6 months. But in some cases, sick leave is considered based on the minimum wage for other employees:

  • if the disease is related with intoxication, then the benefit for the entire period is calculated on the basis of the minimum wage;
  • if a man violated the regime then, on the basis of the minimum wage, sick leave is calculated from the day of the violation (the date is recorded on the sick leave by the doctor).

The employee was ill from April 25 to May 11, 2018. On April 29, he committed a violation of the regime, so from that day on, the benefit is considered to be at a minimum. On May 1, the minimum wage was raised. The employee’s length of service is 9.5 years, the amount of his earnings for the billing period (2 previous years) is 450,000 rubles, the number of days in the billing period is 730.

The benefit calculation will consist of several parts:

  1. From April 25 to April 28 (4 days), benefits are calculated based on 100% of average earnings: 450,000 / 730 * 4 = 2465.75 rubles.
  2. For April 29 and 30 (2 days), benefits are calculated based on the old minimum wage: 9489 * 24 / 730 * 2 = 623.93 rubles.
  3. From May 1 to May 12 (11 days), benefits are calculated based on the new minimum wage: 11163 * 24 / 730 * 11 = 4037.03 rubles.
  4. The total payment amount will be: 2465.75 + 623.93 + 4037.03 = 7126.71 rubles.

For many people in our country, retirement is a stressful and unusual situation in which they find themselves over a certain period of time. This awaits every working citizen of our country when he reaches a certain retirement age, which is established by current legislation. Therefore, in this period of time, which is considered quite difficult for a person who has retired, many points related to the calculation of a pension may not be taken into account by the pensioner himself.

As often happens, after a certain period of time, when a person has already retired, he begins to think and calculate the amount of pension payments that he is entitled to according to the legislation in force in our country. Therefore, for many people of retirement age in our country, it is very important to correctly recalculate their pension in order to be able to receive the well-deserved cash payment that they are entitled to under the current legislation in our country.

Features of the pension recalculation procedure

Pension recalculation is a procedure that is carried out directly in the building of the pension fund of our country. When a certain citizen who is at retirement age has various kinds of concerns that he is being incorrectly or insufficiently accrued a legal pension, then he has the opportunity to contact the pension fund employees, who should assist in recalculating the pension. Those people who need to recalculate their pension will need to know about the existing procedure and rules for carrying out such procedures in the country.

How is pension recalculation done in our country and where is the best place to go?

In order to be able to recalculate a pension for a citizen on a legal pension, he will need to draw up a special application, which must be sent to the pension fund. Submitting a special application for recalculation of a citizen’s pension under current legislation can be submitted by the pensioner’s authorized representative, as well as his relatives or close people. This kind of event or procedure is strictly regulated by the current law of our country and must be strictly observed by employees of the pension fund.

In addition to all this, this kind of procedure that is associated with the recalculation of pensions can occur without the direct participation of the pensioner in it. A citizen who is retired will not have to draw up a special application for recalculation of his pension and send it to the pension fund. Pension fund employees can themselves carry out actions and various activities related directly to the recalculation of the pension of a retired citizen in certain cases, which are specified in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Changing the disability group of a citizen who is retired

Issues related to changing the disability group of a citizen who, due to his age, is now on a legal pension, occurs according to a predetermined algorithm of actions necessary for this. In this case, when it is necessary to change the disability group of a retired citizen. Employees of the pension fund must, within the time frame strictly specified in the legislation, take all necessary actions and measures that are aimed at ensuring that the citizen’s cash payment for his pension is recalculated. When carrying out all the actions described above, it is necessary to remember this very important point that the recalculation of pensions is a procedure that is carried out strictly within the building of the pension fund of our country. When a certain citizen who is at retirement age has various kinds of concerns that he is being incorrectly or insufficiently accrued a legal pension, then he has the opportunity to contact the pension fund employees, who should assist in recalculating the pension.

But, according to the current legislation of our country, pension fund employees can carry out such actions and activities only when they have all the necessary documents for this. These documents and all the required certificates must be provided by the citizen himself, who is retired, or by his legal representative, and this person can also be his relatives. This procedure is strictly regulated by the current legislation of our country. When pension fund employees have not calculated the pension within the time period established by law, then it is possible to appeal to higher authorities or judicial authorities.

How to recalculate your pension correctly?

After the pension fund employees complete the actions directly related to the recalculation of the pension of the citizen who is retired. They will have to provide, in the form strictly specified by law and within the specified time frame, documents confirming the change in the disability group and the monetary payment for it. Pension fund employees can themselves carry out actions and various activities related to the recalculation of the pension of a retired citizen in certain cases, which are specified in the law of our country. For many people of retirement age in our country, it is very important to correctly recalculate their pension in order to be able to receive the well-deserved cash payment that they are entitled to under the current legislation in our country.

It is necessary to remember this rather important fact that if a certain citizen who is at retirement age has various kinds of concerns that he is being incorrectly or insufficiently accrued a legal pension, then he has the opportunity to contact the pension fund employees, who should provide assistance in recalculation of pensions. Those people who need to recalculate their pension will need to know about the existing procedure and rules for carrying out such activities in our country.

Recalculation of pensions for citizens who are in a pension fund must be carried out by pension fund employees in accordance with the legislation in force in our country. To do this, you only need to draw up a special application and send it to representatives of the pension fund. After this, representatives of the pension fund, in strict accordance with the laws in force in our country, will have to carry out all the necessary measures and actions. After completing the actions to recalculate the pension, the pension fund is obliged to notify the pensioner in writing within the time limits strictly specified by law.

Questions related to pension recalculation

In this case, the pension fund is obliged to inform the pensioner in writing at the agreed time that his pension has been recalculated on the basis of the legislation in force in the country. When a citizen has sufficiently serious reasons to recalculate his pension, then it is necessary to perform a number of certain actions that will make it possible to do this quickly and as correctly as possible. In addition to all this, there is always an excellent and accessible opportunity to contact qualified and experienced legal professionals who will always help you correctly and with full consideration of all rules and regulations to draw up the necessary application for recalculating your pension. An application of this kind will have to be sent to the pension fund, where actions will be taken to recalculate the pension of a citizen who is on an old-age or disability pension.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the pension fund must, at the request of pensioners, if any, recalculate pensions within a strictly limited time frame. After this, the pension fund must send the pensioner a written notification that certain actions and measures have been taken that were aimed at recalculating the pension. If the pension fund employees have not calculated the pension within the time period established by law, then it is possible to appeal to higher authorities or the court.

Important! For all questions about pension recalculation, if you don’t know what to do and where to contact:

Call 8-800-777-32-63.

Pension lawyers and solicitors who are registered Russian Legal Portal, will try to help you from a practical point of view in this matter and advise you on all issues of interest.
