How to tell fortunes on a piece of paper with a pen. Fortune telling with a pen and piece of paper: a working method

Fortune telling on paper is a very popular ritual that allows you to predict future events. Young girls often use this type of fortune telling to predict relationships with a loved one. The attractive feature of such rituals is their simplicity. To carry out the ceremony, you only need a pen and paper. It is important to remember that for fortune telling to be successful, you must have a sincere, strong desire to get answers to all questions.

There are many different rituals using paper that can give predictions of various types. You should not treat them as a game, because fortune telling on paper was used in Ancient Greece and Egypt. Such rituals can give forecasts for the future, tell you whether your wish will come true and how your relationship with your loved one will develop in the future.

With the help of this fortune telling, you can find out what to expect from the events of a particular day. You need to take a blank white sheet of paper and write on it in one line the full date of your birth, as well as the date of the day on which the fortune-telling is carried out. After this, all the numbers are added until a single digit number is obtained. This number is the result of fortune telling that needs to be interpreted.

The decryption may be as follows:

  • “0” – nothing significant will happen on this day;
  • “1” – a successful day awaits you and you have nothing to fear;
  • “2” – not a very successful day, events will happen that will greatly disappoint you;
  • “3” - you have a journey or a serious conversation ahead of you;
  • “4” – on this day you should expect news that may not necessarily be pleasant;
  • “5” – an unexpected meeting is possible;
  • “6” is a very unlucky day, since all plans will have to be abandoned;
  • “7” - everything planned on this day will come true;
  • “8” - on this day expect troubles from ill-wishers;
  • “9” is the day when dreams come true and miracles happen.

Classic fortune telling “Question and answer”

For this ritual you should prepare:

  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Church candle;
  • Ceramic saucer.

Fortune telling is carried out after sunset in a separate room. The candle should be placed next to a light wall, so that the shadow of the candle flame is reflected on it. After this, you need to light the candle and, looking at the flame, concentrate on your question to which you want to get an answer. Then, you should write your question on a piece of paper, crumple it and put it on a saucer. After this, you need to set the sheet on fire from a candle flame and watch how the paper turns into ash under the influence of fire. It will contain the answer to your question.

In order to correctly decipher the information received, you should carefully study the resulting ash. To do this, a saucer with bulk ash must be placed between the wall surface and the candle flame. Peering at the bizarre images, you need to identify one of the following figures.

The figures seen can be interpreted as follows:

  • The animal warns that in life you may encounter deception;
  • The person symbolizes a quick acquaintance that will affect your future;
  • The flower foreshadows the beginning of a new relationship, which may end in marriage;
  • Stripes are a harbinger of a long journey or change of residence;
  • The cross foreshadows the beginning of a period of disasters and failures.

Fortune telling for love

This method of fortune telling allows you to find out how your loved one treats you. To carry out fortune telling, you should retire to a separate room and sit at the table. You need to put a sheet of paper in front of you and take a pen.

Start drawing simple lines on paper, fully concentrating on the desire to find out the thoughts of your chosen one about you. It is necessary to draw three rows of sticks. After this, you should cross out three sticks from each row and write down the remainder, which will look like three numbers.

They are interpreted as follows:

  • 000 – your chosen one dreams of always being by your side;
  • 001 – your loved one plans to date you;
  • 010 – the guy is very in love;
  • 011 – the guy you like has strong feelings for you, but tries to hide it;
  • 100 – they don’t like you;
  • 101 – your chosen one has another woman;
  • 110 – your loved one dreams of kissing you;
  • 111 - the chosen one cannot confess his love to you due to circumstances beyond his control;
  • 002 – your boyfriend really likes you;
  • 020 – the chosen one is indifferent to you;
  • 022 – the guy you like can only offer you friendship;
  • 202 - you are simply a great couple and can build a strong relationship;
  • 200 - your chosen one sincerely sympathizes with you;
  • 220 - in the near future your loved one will invite you on a romantic date;
  • 222 – your chosen one loves another woman and does not pay attention to you;
  • 012 – only friendship is possible between you;
  • 102 – the person you like does not plan to start a serious relationship with any of the girls;
  • 112 – the chosen one is in love with you;
  • 120 – you are an ideal couple with your chosen one;
  • 121 – the person you like will soon tell you about his feelings;
  • 122 – a letter from a loved one will soon arrive;
  • 201 - your chosen one does not trust anyone, so you will have to spend a lot of effort to build a harmonious relationship;
  • 210 – your chosen one constantly thinks about you;
  • 212 – a loved one experiences strong jealousy;
  • 211 – the chosen one feels pity and sympathy for you;
  • 221 – your boyfriend likes you, and he makes you stand out from others.

Fortune telling on paper is a simple and effective way to get answers to exciting questions. There is an opinion that fortune telling on paper with a pen is just a children's game that allows you to pass the time, but in no way predict your future. This judgment is incorrect. Such fortune telling has a fairly long history. They first appeared in Ancient Egypt, when great importance was attached to magic and mysticism. You will be surprised, but Egyptian pharaohs often used papyrus to tell fortunes in search of answers to important political and personal questions. So, what kind of fortune telling on paper exist?

Fortune telling on paper for love

Fortune telling for love will allow you to find out how your loved one feels about you. If you doubt his intentions, then take a piece of paper in a box and draw a heart on it. If you are right-handed, then hold the pen in your left hand, if you are left-handed - in your right. After this, all intact cells must be marked along the inner contour of the heart. Then start crossing out four squares in the heart (can be in a row, or in a square). The number of intact cells remaining will tell you how your partner feels about you.

The meaning of fortune telling on paper

  • one cell - your loved one does not have strong feelings for you, but he is not indifferent to you. He values ​​and respects you;
  • two cells - he feels friendly sympathy for you, nothing more;
  • three cells - he is in love with you and wants to spend more time with you;
  • four cells - he is very jealous of you;
  • five cells - he is interested in you and wants to get to know you better;
  • six cells - he is indifferent to you.

This fortune telling will allow you to find out about the feelings of any person towards you. Fate itself will control your hand during fortune telling and answer your most intimate questions.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen: what awaits on the intended day

If an important event awaits you ahead, and you want to find out how it will end, then use paper fortune telling for the future. Take a blank piece of paper and write on it your date of birth, as well as the date for which you are telling fortunes. All data must be written down on one line. After that, add the numbers and bring the result to a single digit number. For example: date of birth is 01/11/1973, and the date of the event is 05/23/2014. We add up all the numbers and get 23+17 = 40 = 4. This number will mean the outcome of the event of the dreamed day.

The meaning of fortune telling on paper

  • 0 – nothing special will happen on this day. Everything will remain as it was
  • 1 – good luck in business awaits you
  • 2 – the events of this day will disappoint you
  • 3 – you have a road or a serious conversation ahead of you
  • 4 – wait for news
  • 5 – an unexpected meeting awaits you
  • 6 – all your plans will collapse
  • 7 – everything will happen as you planned
  • 8 – on this day your ill-wishers may seriously annoy you
  • 9 – expect a miracle

Fortune telling on a sheet of paper. Will your wish come true

If you want to know if your wish will come true, then take a piece of paper in a box and circle your left hand, while thinking about your wish. Find the topmost cell on the outline of the hand and start numbering each cell in this row from there, working your way down. When you put the number at the very bottom of your palm, put the pen aside and see which number is the last. If it is even, then your wish will come true, if it is odd, then it will not come true.

With help, you can get answers to your questions and learn about your future. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.04.2014 14:55

Fortune telling by wish can answer all the exciting questions about the planned business. Will your...

These fortune telling on paper with a pen are not difficult and can be used at any convenient time, but they should be taken quite seriously.

Quick fortune telling “Will my wish come true?”
Take and draw on paper an uncountable number of sticks /////// - as many as you want, and then connect them in threes with a pen. If one stick remains when connected, then your wish will come true, if there are two sticks, then it will not come true, if there is none, then it is unknown whether it will come true or not.

Fortune telling “Couple or not a couple”
Use a pen to write your name and the name of the person you love on paper. For example, your name is
I R I N A C O L O D Y A ZH N A YA, and his name
M A K S I M B E L O U S O V, cross out all the repeating letters in your first and last name and that person. In this case there is the letter I, K, O even twice, A, L,
In the end there will be
There are 17 letters left, we reduce them to the prime number 1+7=8.
Meaning of numbers
1 – you are a couple and you have a future, maybe you will soon become spouses.
2 – you are not a couple, you are completely different people, so don’t waste your own time.
3 – you have great love, but this feeling is temporary.
4 – you are loved, but can you say the same about yourself? Therefore, first of all, weigh the pros and cons.
5 – you have a mercantile relationship, so you are not a couple.
6 – you are made for each other.
7 - you have a future together, but you will only maintain friendly relations.
8 – you are loved and you are loved.
9 – you are like a key and a lock. You are a couple, you just need to try to maintain these feelings.

Fortune telling “What awaits me?”
You need to write your last name, first name, middle name on paper, then the date that interests you, and count the number of letters you get.
For example, you are Olga Aleksandrovna Sergeeva, you are interested in the eleventh of October - this is Tuesday. So we write.
Sergeeva Olga Aleksandrovna October eleventh Tuesday – 52 letters – 5+2= 7.
This number will tell you what awaits you on October 11th.

The meaning of the numbers in this fortune telling on paper with a pen
1 – the day will be difficult for solving financial problems. But on the love front, many surprises await you - perhaps you will spend today with your loved one, but if you don’t have a partner yet, today you can meet your destiny.
2 – do not rely on other people, today they will not help you, but rather the opposite. On this day, try not to get distracted by trifles, as a serious event awaits you ahead, for which you must be prepared both morally and financially.

3 – today is your day of fun and relaxation; even the most seemingly complex problems will be solved with ease. Everything planned will come true.
4 – it’s better not to plan trips on this day, they will be useless. Rather spend the day in the office, working on site, you will end up getting more than you even expected.
5 - a great day for new beginnings - today you can start playing sports, get a job, make friends - in the end you will win.
6 is an unlucky day for those who cannot control their emotions. Today you will have to hear a lot of unflattering words addressed to you, and only the right reaction can solve this problem without effort.
7 – today you can dream about anything - and everything will come true.
8 – you should not plan important business negotiations on this day; spend it with people you know well.
9 – a great idea for today is to spend it at home, otherwise conflicts with the people around you are possible.

Falling in love is a wonderful time. The heart trembles, the world around is painted in different shades, the head is spinning from one look. But I still want certainty. What kind of relationship awaits you in the future, what does he think about you, does he love you? Simple fortune telling for a guy's love on paper will help you answer the questions.

The heart will tell you

Draw a heart on checkered paper. If you are left-handed, do it with your right hand, if not, do it with your left. Draw whole squares inside. Cross off 4 pieces at a time and see how many are left.

  • 0 – loves;
  • 1 – respects;
  • 2 – wants to be friends;
  • 3 – he likes you;
  • 4 – jealous;
  • 5 – he dreams of you;
  • 6 – indifferent.

Couple or not

Write your first and last name on a piece of paper, and his below. Cross out all paired letters. Count the ones that are left without a pair. Reduce it to a prime number. Let's look at an example. Anna Belogolovtseva and Maxim Chernous. That leaves bgtskichernu, only 10 letters. 1 + 0 = 1. Read the interpretation.

  • 1 – you are definitely a couple and you have a wonderful future, a quick wedding is possible.
  • 2 – you are clearly not a couple, you shouldn’t waste time on each other.
  • 3 – you are united by love, but this is temporary.
  • 4 – he loves, and you?
  • 5 – relationships are based on mutual benefit.
  • 6 – you are simply one.
  • 7 – a period of romantic relationships is possible, but in the future you will remain friends.
  • 8 – complete mutual harmony.
  • 9 – he is the lock, and you are the key. Try to keep these feelings.

Good old chamomile

Draw a daisy with as many petals as there are letters in the name of your chosen one. Write each letter in a separate petal. Insert the letters of your full name into these same pieces of paper. If the last one is longer, discard the outermost ones. Now count the number of petals with a vowel and a consonant. This will be the interpretation.

  • 0 – you have nothing in common, the couple is doomed to friendship.
  • 1 – such unions are successful, and when feelings fade, mutual respect reigns in them.
  • 2 – the couple turns out “not very well”, you will get bored very quickly.
  • 3 is a good tandem.
  • 4 – you have a lot in common and your love will soon turn into a great feeling.

Circle with numbers

Draw two circles and randomly write numbers from 1 to 15 into them. You can additionally circle each number so that they do not merge. One symbolizes your present and the other symbolizes your future. Close your eyes, touch the picture with your finger or pen, and see what number you get.

The present:

  • 1 – trouble;
  • 2 – carefree life;
  • 3 – he will always be a true friend;
  • 4 – you will quarrel;
  • 5 – love;
  • 6 – he likes you;
  • 7 – he deceives;
  • 8 – happiness;
  • 9 – he loves you;
  • 10 – meeting;
  • 11 – joy;
  • 12 – separation;
  • 13 – tears;
  • 14 – failure;
  • 15 – trouble.


  • 1 – happy love;
  • 2 – you will leave him soon;
  • 3 – meeting;
  • 4 – trouble;
  • 5 – he will deceive;
  • 6 – he will remain a friend;
  • 7 – you will meet;
  • 8 – you will meet someone else;
  • 9 – easy life;
  • 10 – happiness;
  • 11 – separation;
  • 12 – you or he will leave the relationship;
  • 13 – quarrel;
  • 14 – you will break up;
  • 15 – a long relationship awaits you.


Suitable if there are three guys you are interested in, and you don’t know who treats you differently.

Think of three names and number them. Example: 0 – Vasya, 1 – Petya, 2 – Anton. Now write the letter combination LURDSTECHNIB in a column. Draw random lines next to each letter, without thinking about their number. Cross out three in each row and see what's left. If 0 is Vasya, if 1 is Petya, if 2 is Anton. And the letters are deciphered like this

  • L – love;
  • U – respect;
  • R – jealousy;
  • D – thinks;
  • S – suffering;
  • T – stretches;
  • E – there is another;
  • X – wants to make friends;
  • N – like you;
  • I – interest;
  • B – you will meet.

My own fortune teller

You can predict your own destiny. There is a simple principle of fortune telling, the interpretation of which you come up with. It's called "Sticks". It looks like LOURDSTECHNIB.

Before fortune telling, think about what worries you. Write possible answers to your questions in the column. There should be 27 of them. Substitute to the left of each combination of numbers - 001, 002, 003, 100, 101, 111, 112, etc.

Then you draw three rows of sticks at random, cross out 3 of them and get a three-digit number left. See your own interpretation.

Whichever of the proposed fortune telling for a guy you choose, remember that the result is not the ultimate truth. If you are good, smile, if you are bad, never be upset. Life sometimes presents such surprises that it is impossible to predict.

Perhaps one of the most common types of fortune telling among girls and women is fortune telling on paper with a pen. This method of fortune telling can be used at any time and anywhere, the main thing is that you have a piece of paper and a pen at hand.

Thanks to fortune telling on paper, you can find out the answers to your questions, find out your near future, and even calculate a good day. Many do not take such fortune-telling seriously, believing that they are too simple and primitive, and therefore not accurate. However, it is worth noting that all fortune telling on paper is based on ancient science, which allows you to learn a lot of useful information about a person’s future and his character based on numbers. So, how to tell fortunes for the future?

Using fortune telling on paper and a pen, you can very easily calculate a successful day. For example, if you have planned an important event for a specific date, you can easily check what awaits you on that day.

To do this, take a piece of squared paper and a pen. Write your full name and the date you are interested in. You can even specify a specific time of day. All this needs to be written down in one line. If you come across a letter that you have already written down, then you need to put it under the first letter in a column. After all this, you need to cross out two identical letters in each column. Then all that remains is to count the number of remaining letters. If there are more than ten of them left, for example, 14, then it is necessary to bring this number by adding its constituent digits to a single digit number. For example, 14=1+4=5.

The resulting number is interpreted as follows:

If there is not a single letter left, then you should not expect anything special on the scheduled day. This is an uncertain day from which you can expect both good luck and trouble.

If there is 1 letter left- then on this day everything will happen the way you want it. The day promises to be successful.

If there are 2 letters left- this day is not the most favorable for what you have in mind. You shouldn't wait for luck, you have to come to terms with what will happen.

If there are 3 letters left- the road awaits you.

If there are 4 letters left– on this day you will learn something new. The news can be both good and bad.

If you get 5 letters- fortune telling predicts the help of a person you are interested in. It is also likely that the person you like will pay attention to you.

If you get 6 letters, then you will meet someone you haven’t seen for a long time, or a person who occupies all your thoughts.

If you get 7 letters– this day will be filled with sadness and sadness. Everything planned on this day will not come true.

If you get 8 letters is a sign of love, dating and reciprocity.

If you get 9 letters- one should expect betrayal of a loved one.

The following fortune telling will help you find out how the person you are interested in treats you. In order to carry out this fortune telling for love, you need to take a pen and a piece of paper in a box. Tune in to the person you like and quickly draw a heart by hand on a piece of paper. You need to draw with your left hand. After this, begin to outline the cells inside this figure, but only whole ones. After this, you need to start crossing out four marked cells, either with a square or in a row. How many unfilled cells remain will determine the attitude of the hidden person towards you.

If there is not a single cell left, then your love is mutual.

If there is only one cell left, then the hidden person has only respect for you.

If there are 2 cells left– this person perceives you as a friend.

If there are 3 cells left, then the person feels sympathy for you.

If there are 4 cells left, then this person is jealous of you.

If 5 cells– this person often thinks about you, and even sees you in a dream.

If 6 cells or more- the hidden person is completely indifferent to you.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper will help you quickly and easily get answers to your questions and questions. The main thing is that you don’t need to guess so often, otherwise all the predictions may not come true. Did you like the article? Then be sure to put

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