Characteristics of a Libra - Dog man from A to Z! Characteristics of a Libra man born in the year of the dog Correlation of the zodiac Libra and the dog.

Natalia Boychenko

Representatives of the combination of these two signs are active, open-minded people who are capable of doing a wide variety of work. These people with a gentle character, in essence, are diplomats. They can calmly provide various services to people, and if they are offended, they will not remember it for a long time.

Libra-Dog men and women do not have an inferiority complex. They know what they deserve. The influence of Libra gives the personalities reformist characteristics that are sometimes close to anarchy. It is this quality that can serve as a reason for discord with superiors.

More often than not, these are gentle, sympathetic people. But if you infringe on their rights or freedom, you will be barked at

Characteristics of Libra-Dog men

This is a friendly, communication-loving person who tries not to provoke conflicts himself and protects others from this. Under the influence of the contradictory sign of Libra, dark sides are sometimes revealed in him.

Libra guy (in the year of the Dog) does not tolerate injustice and, when the opportunity arises, looks for ways to retaliate. This belligerence, coupled with goodwill, causes conflicting feelings among others.

These are freedom-loving natures who are capable of being faithful to only one person. Moreover loyalty is maintained even at a distance and in the long absence of your soulmate.

The Libra-Dog guy does not tolerate injustice and, when the opportunity arises, looks for ways to retaliate

Despite their gentleness, these individuals have a complex character, which is created through a love of freedom. Moreover, they need freedom not only physically, but also emotionally.

Their character combines the most incompatible things. For all their love of freedom, representatives of these two signs are able to exist under control. Moreover, they become disciplined and carefully complete assigned tasks.

Such a man always spends his free time interestingly, since hobbies and hobbies are a source of inspiration for him

For friends, he is a reliable and faithful comrade; they can count on his support. Libra Dog Man is happy ready to compromise even in controversial situations, thanks to which people around them speak well of representatives of the two signs Libra and Dog.

There will be success in work if the activity involves working alone. But at the same time, Libra men born in the year of the Dog know how to work within a team. The ability to concentrate makes his career rush.

He is always financially stable. Most often there are no problems with money. In the family circle he is a selfless person, who is ready to sacrifice even his ambitions and needs.

In love, this man is looking for a girl with whom he can build a family. But he finds the ideal partner only after a long search, since dreams force him to leave the ground far away. Having found his dream, he will still strive to preserve his space and individuality.

The Libra-Dog man is always financially stable

Disadvantages of the sign

The main character weakness of the Libra-Dog man and guy is the ability to dream about impossible dreams. This sign lacks earthiness. Living in illusion often forces them to rush in search of an ideal partner, changing them from one to another.

It should be borne in mind that Libra-Dog men are very freedom-loving. If they try to encroach on any aspect of life, he is capable of breaking off all relationships.

Characteristics of Libra-Dog women

The motto of the representatives of these signs is that the golden mean can be found in everything. They know how to limit themselves externally, but inside they dream of a world of entertainment. At some point, these wishes come true, and the Libra girl, born in the year of the Dog, can fully appreciate all the delights of these aspects. And it’s better if she tries everything in this life at a young age. Otherwise, it may have a negative impact in the future.

Their character has a peculiarity - responsiveness, despite all the negativity that pours from the outside.

These are hardworking individuals who surprise with their calm disposition in any situation.

They rarely take risks, sometimes losing excellent chances of success.

Women born under the combination of these signs are versatile personalities. They are capable of any kind of work, including non-standard ones. In their careers, they rarely strive to be leaders. Their experience shows them that leadership does not bring much success for them.

The right business will help you achieve success and financial independence. The peculiarity of Libra-Dog women is that they do not pursue the goal of achieving material wealth. The process itself is more important to them.

In her career, the Libra-Dog woman rarely strives to be a leader

It’s good if the activity you like will generate income. A new takeoff and turn in a career most often begins precisely when important changes occur in your personal life: marriage, the birth of children.

In terms of love, they put platonic feelings first. In adolescence, they choose a partner precisely based on such qualities as whether he will be interesting, whether he can have fun with him. They tend to express their feelings in poetry and music.

They will build real relationships only at a later age, when the awareness of real life comes

For Libra women born in the year of the Dog, family is important and unshakable. This is a center where they are filled with positivity and where they can get support. Such individuals prepare very responsibly for the birth of children. Moreover, they are ready to devote most of their lives to raising their children.

Disadvantages of the sign

A small minus of the representatives of the merger of two signs Libra-Dog - inability to use one's talents. They are embarrassed to express their emotions, although this is a chance to meet and win the affection of many people. And even if the first step is weak and failure may follow, it will certainly be followed by takeoff.

For Libra women born in the year of the Dog, family is the most important thing.

Love compatibility of Libra in the year of the Dog

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dog is a very faithful and loyal partner. For those born this year, compatibility in love will be excellent if the partner is honest, sincere and attentive.

Representatives born in the year will be best suited for the Dog. Dogs, Tigers or Horses. Those who were born in the year of the Rat, Dragon or Monkey will find it very difficult to withstand the ambiguous nature of Libra-Dogs.

For those born under the constellation Libra, the best partners are from the elements Air and Fire: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius. Relationships with them will be strong, vibrant and memorable.

It’s good if a Libra-Dog man has a partner recognize the husband's right to primacy. If his wife shares his hobbies with him and does not limit his freedom, he will be the happiest man.

Maximum compatibility Average compatibility Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Dog, Tiger, HorseGoat, Cat (Rabbit), Pig, RoosterRat, Dragon, Monkey, Snake, Ox
According to the Western calendar Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, AquariusVirgo, Pisces, AriesScorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer

Full characteristics of a Libra child born in the year of the Dog

According to the horoscope, a child born during the combination of the two signs Libra and Dog is an aristocrat from an early age. From early childhood, he strives to solve problems on his own, while also helping his peers.

As a child, a Libra boy (in the year of the Dog) has an easy-going character. This great friends who prefer to tell only the truth. They know how to adapt to a team.

In their studies, these are diligent guys who do not strive forward.

Children of Libra-Dogs are diligent, but do not want to take leadership positions, since in this case they will have to bear responsibility

At the same time, they always do what is asked of them.

Their room is always clean and tidy. Parents should remember that these are contradictory natures with a very changeable character. Their excessive pliability can become a deceptive impression. At any moment they can be shaken, and they turn into rebels and commanders. A little time will pass and the girl or boy will again become an obedient child.

11 October 2017, 01:27

Characters of Dog-Libra men: These men are full of life and energy. They often deliberately create situations where they can realize their abilities. At the same time, they can create conflicts if they believe that this will benefit them. The main motive of their life is the search for the truth, and for this they often go to great lengths. They are very emotional, so they can become violently angry, putting their opponents in fear. They tend to constantly develop spiritually.

By nature, they are independent, determined and interesting individuals. They can show others only the bright sides of their character, without making it clear that they may be subject to melancholy. These are domineering natures who love to suppress, but they should avoid this desire, as it destroys their personality. You need to remain bright and pleasant in all respects so that everything in life goes well and turns out positively.

Dog men - Libra in love and relationships: Love is an important aspect for them, to which they can devote their entire youth. Numerous novels often bring slight disappointment because they expect more. They may be too critical of their loved one, hurting their pride. They should carefully weigh their words and do this constantly, otherwise the relationship may fall apart. Only over time will they come to such an understanding and use this knowledge.

Dog Men - Libra in Finance and Career: They like to compete, so they may strive for activities where this quality will be fully realized. If they can find such an area, they will be especially happy. Their financial well-being will be very controversial. On the one hand, they tend to receive good gifts from life, but they can lose them. As a result, it is difficult to say that they will achieve stability, but they will not live in poverty either.

Dog men - Libra in family and marriage: Family life is quite difficult for these people. They do not want to be on the sidelines, so when choosing a partner you should pay attention to this. Also, these people do not want to accept only responsibilities; they should pay more attention to entertainment. It is ideal if you and your life partner have common hobbies. Then they will be able to find all the common ground and become truly happy.

Advice for Dog-Libra men: These men are advised to act more than talk. The friendship and affection of men should be valued more, since careless words can hurt them so much that they completely refuse communication. You need to prepare for family relationships and accept your partner’s terms. By accepting these recommendations, it will be easier for these people to build relationships, to be happier with simple human happiness, and not with a simple desire to be first.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Libra, year of the dog - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The dog is straightforward, freedom-loving, sociable and friendly. She strives to maintain balance in everything. However, the sign of Libra adds contradictions to the personality. A person wants to save face in any situation, encountering another obstacle - the thirst for retribution and militant justice.

The representative of the sign is inclined to lose his main life role. He relies on activity, strives for stable relationships and partnerships. The Libra dog always needs someone to lean on. Moreover, they do not need help in achieving their goals, but moral support. It is desirable that a loved one could become such an assistant. But in fact, this sign does not need support, it just does not want to understand that it can achieve a lot on its own. Often, in constant search for his companion, the Libra Dog is left alone. The main goal of their life is to strictly adhere to their own interests, to do what they themselves want.

Libra born in the year of the dog

In love, the representative of the sign is quite capricious. He can become gentle, devoted and faithful. However, it is not recommended to encroach on his right to choose. He must realize that he chooses his other half on his own and nothing from the outside influences this process. It is also important for him to feel a sense of freedom, so his loved one should not limit it.

To relax, Libra-Dogs must change one type of activity to another. They prefer working outdoors. They always know how to properly use their free time. They like to run, walk in parks, forests, and relax in the garden. As for their weakness, it lies in the fact that representatives of the sign care more about others than about themselves. They prefer not to talk about problems and often forget about themselves. As a result, they may become overly anxious.

Libra Dog Man

Life should be filled with meaning. However, without love there is no love. A person is always looking for his soul mate. The stars help him with this. There are zodiac signs that are made for each other. In the horoscope you can find out about compatibility in love.

Characteristics of a Libra – Dog man

The Libra Dog man is an energetic person. He loves life. And he enjoys everything that happens in his life.

The representative of this zodiac sign specifically creates situations that help him feel his importance and value to society. Thus, he decides to realize all his abilities. Except for cases of a positive nature, they tend to get into conflicts and quarrels. They don't regret it at all. Even bad cases provide an opportunity to show your good side.

Libra man - Dog strives for the truth. This is the meaning of his life. To find her, they are ready to go to great lengths.

The representative of this zodiac sign is an emotional person. If such a man is pissed off, he may simply explode. The interlocutor will even become scared. It will seem to him that there is another person in front of him. This is how much a Libra-Dog man can express his anger. The same applies to other emotions.

The representative of this sign is a deeply spiritual person. He is constantly engaged in his development. It is very interesting to communicate with such a person. He is independent and decisive. No one can even think that a Libra-Dog man can become depressed or melancholic. He always seems to have a positive outlook on life. Nothing can disturb his mental balance.

Libra man - Dog loves various contests, competitions and competitions. In life, he chooses a type of activity in which he can measure his strength and talent with someone. If such a man manages to find such an occupation for himself, then he will be the happiest in the world.

As for the financial side of life for a guy of this zodiac sign, it is unlikely to be stable for him. He, of course, will not disappear in poverty, but he will not have wealth either. Such a guy, when he receives gifts from fate, immediately loses them.

Compatibility in love between Libra men and Dogs

The Libra Dog man is an amorous person. They have been searching for their one and only all their lives. In their youth, they enter into numerous affairs with women. Most of them end sadly. This leads to disappointment in love. If a representative of this zodiac sign can become less demanding and critical of women, he will be able to find that one lover and live a long and happy life with her.

The Libra - Dog man in the family wants to be in first place. He wants to rule his family. But it is not typical for him to bear responsibility and accept responsibilities. He wants to have fun more. He always has some kind of hobby. If his wife accepts him, and even better, shares him, then he will be the happiest husband.

According to the horoscope, Tiger, Dog and Horse women are suitable for such a guy. But a lady born in the year of the Monkey, Dragon and Rat cannot be with him all her life.

Libra Dog - Horoscope Combination: Chinese & Zodiac

Refined, intelligent and sociable, Libra-Dogs are the least aggressive, therefore more open to compromise than other Dogs. They are often indecisive in important matters concerning themselves, but at the same time they are famous as very fair arbiters in other people's disputes. The dog in Chinese astrology is considered a very loyal and faithful sign. These people have developed justice and friendliness. Libra-Dog men and women are very fair and unbiased individuals. They are positive and kind.

To relax, these people need to change their activity to something else. They are interested in activities that allow them to breathe fresh air. They know and know how to use their free time wisely - they love to walk, drive, run or just relax in the garden. The main weakness in the personality of these people is that they care about others more than themselves, and are taciturn about their problems. By selflessly caring for others, they become agitated.

The contradictory nature of the Dog of the zodiac sign Libra, on the one hand, requires maximum freedom, on the other, it needs guidance. If she manages to find a boss whose leadership style is unobtrusive and respectful, she is capable of not only good work, but also great achievements. With the advent of such a person, the Libra-Dog gains internal stability and motivation to work.

All representatives of the Libra dog sign are able to work for a long time on an idea without material reward, counting on future profits, and therefore they are ideal for the development of new projects. These people will not give up everything halfway if difficulties arise in business, but will look for a way out. Their advice often turns out to be effective and, importantly, timely. Sexually, the Libra dog, especially the woman, is very active, but this side of life is rarely the main one for her.

Dog Combination

Horoscope Libra-Dog

According to the horoscope, Libra-Dog is an aristocratic and elegant person. She loves to communicate, compromises and has a keen sense of the situation. This person does not know how to solve his own problems, but he is happy to help other people overcome difficulties.

These people choose a job so that they can constantly be on the street. In this case, Libra-Dogs rest and feel comfortable. They spend even the free minutes of their lives usefully for business. They like to move, run and relax in nature.

Such people respect themselves and others. They are noble and pleasant in appearance. Libra-Dogs can be overly arrogant and unreliable as business partners. They try to do work that they cannot do.

Libra-Dogs can work long and hard for an idea. Especially if a large financial reward is expected for it. Thanks to this quality, these people do not quit their work until it is thoroughly completed.

Horoscope for combining Libra with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Characteristics of the Libra-Dog man

This combination in the horoscope personifies contradictory qualities: good nature and belligerence, complaisance and stubbornness. Men born during this period are vigilant: they clearly control what is happening. Libra-Dog men are open to communication and show kindness towards others. Sometimes they experience aggression, but there must be good reasons for this.

Personality Traits of Libra Dogs

Libra-Dog men are able to compromise on controversial issues. This helps them win the sympathy of others. They strive to establish justice in everything, in some cases they try to take revenge on the offenders. Libra-Dog men like to work alone, but if necessary they can adapt to any conditions. They are successful in the labor sphere and rarely have problems with money. Such people take care of loved ones selflessly, sometimes ignoring their own needs.

Character of a Male Dog of the Libra sign

They crave freedom, but under control they behave in a disciplined manner. Libra-Dog men love to spend their leisure time interestingly and seek inspiration. They help their friends understand problems and make important decisions, although they themselves sometimes experience difficulties in such matters. Men of this type sometimes lack earthiness; they can dream of the impossible and fall into oblivion. To eliminate the contradictions in their nature, they need to correctly understand their purpose.

Personal life of Libra in the year of the Dog

Men of the zodiac sign Libra, born in the year of the Dog, as a rule, are quite purposeful in terms of relationships, strive to create a family, and love children. Sometimes they may get too carried away with work and forget about household chores, but this is done solely for the well-being of family relationships. They show themselves positively in marriage if they know how to control their character.

zodiac sign Libra Year of the Dog

A dog with a very gentle character.

Zodiac horoscope: sign Libra

Refined, intelligent and sociable, Libra-Dogs are the least aggressive, therefore more open to compromise than other Dogs. They are often indecisive in important matters concerning themselves, but at the same time they are famous as very fair arbiters in other people's disputes.

The dog in Chinese astrology is considered a very loyal and faithful sign. These people have developed justice and friendliness. Libra-Dog men and women are very fair and unbiased individuals. They are positive and kind.

These people are always vigilant both during work and during rest, they are always aware of the current situation. Although they prefer to work alone or in small groups, they adapt quite easily to any location. These are conscientious, responsible and reliable workers. They are doing well financially and can save up for all their desires in life. They are modest buyers and always want to see the real value of things for their money, they are always for the quality of the product.

In personal relationships, they take and give the same amount of heat. These people are very loving and attentive. They want to see these same qualities in their partner. They don't like arguing or confrontation, so life with them is generally good, especially if they feel loved and appreciated. They know how to be passionate and spontaneous, they always remember the dates of anniversaries and other moments in personal relationships.

To relax, these people need to change their activity to something else. They are interested in activities that allow them to breathe fresh air. They know and know how to use their free time wisely. They love to walk, ride, run or just relax in the garden.

The main weakness in the personality of these people is that they care about others more than themselves, and are taciturn about their problems. Caring about others and forgetting about himself, he becomes agitated.

The contradictory nature of the dog of the zodiac sign Libra, on the one hand, requires maximum freedom, on the other, it needs guidance. If she manages to find a boss whose leadership style is unobtrusive and respectful, she is capable of not only good work, but also great achievements. With the advent of such a person, the Libra dog gains internal stability and motivation to work.

The Libra dog, be it a man or a woman, is sociable, friendly and sympathetic, but sometimes it breaks down, especially if it perceives some situations as an attack on its independence. If she provides services to someone, she does it only of her own free will, and not under coercion. She is straightforward, does not like intrigue, can make fun of an intriguer and will try to bring him to light.

The Libra dog man is full of inner dignity and respect for himself and others, he is a pleasure to deal with. But he is prone to overestimating his capabilities and can take on things that are beyond his capabilities. In this regard, he is not a very reliable partner, but he will never plot behind his back and remain sincere.

All representatives of the Libra dog sign are able to work for a long time on an idea without material reward, counting on future profits, and therefore they are ideal for the development of new projects. These people will not give up everything halfway if difficulties arise in business, but will look for a way out. Their advice often turns out to be effective and, importantly, timely.

Sexually, the Libra dog, especially the woman, is very active, but this side of life is rarely the main one for her.

Dog-Libra. Libra Horoscope in the Year of the Dog

Dog-Libra. Horoscope of Libra, born in the year of the Dog.

This Dog is very friendly, sociable and freedom-loving, very straightforward and strives to maintain balance in everything. Loves beauty and harmony in all areas of life. However, the Libra Dog is a very contradictory nature. The desire to save face in any life situations comes up against another internal state - a militant thirst for justice and legal retribution.

She wants to do everything her own way, but tends to lose sight of her main goal. The Libra Dog, relying on its view of things, activity and ability to voluntarily serve an idea, strives for a stable partnership. And it’s not that she can’t achieve everything she wants on her own, it just seems to her that she needs someone nearby to lean on someone’s shoulder. In fact, if you look deeply into these feelings, the Libra Dog does not need someone at all, she just doesn’t want to understand it...

So it turns out that the Libra Dog, while in search of a companion, ends up living on its own and often alone. This result is the essence of the reflection of internal quests. And the main goal of the Libra Dog’s life is to simply live as she wants, while clearly observing her interests, and doing only what she likes.

In love, the Libra Dog is also very capricious. She can be devoted and tender, but you shouldn’t encroach on her right to choose, her understanding of life and her sense of absolute freedom...

Libra Dog Man.

A cat walking by itself... A dog walking is an equally common phenomenon. The difference is that the Dog remains loyal even in absence or at a distance. This is difficult to understand and accept, especially for close people who want to see the Libra-Dog man always nearby in his right mind and solid memory, adequate to the current reality.

The complexity of the character of the Libra Dog man is formed due to an excessive craving for absolute freedom - not only physically, but also psychologically and emotionally. Plus a passion for searching for an ideal that does not exist and cannot exist. Being carried away by such a game of hide and seek with themselves, Libra-Dog men tend to change women like gloves, each time expecting to meet their true love. And disappointment comes again.

It is rarely truly accessible and never belongs to anyone. He is on his own and is unlikely to change...

Libra Dog Woman.

Ladies of this combination of signs also have a hard time. Despite her femininity and craving for a strong shoulder, she has enough of her own confidence, even stubbornness in understanding what she really needs. She will not back down and will not give in if she meets the right man.

The Libra-Dog woman has the same problem of finding an ideal as the men of this combination. The only significant difference is that she is more determined to have her own family. For the sake of the prospect of starting a family, she can compromise and at some stage of the relationship even close her eyes to something, but sooner or later, the true state of affairs will come out and then either - or... Looked wrong, said wrong, and in general, looks unkempt, unfashionable, lethargic, rude, etc. There are many reasons for a breakup, and at the same time, they are superficial.

However, the Dog-Libra woman is not interested in the depth of the relationship, and the actual inner world of the male partner is only partly of concern. She cares about external respectability and meeting her expectations.

Double horoscope: Libra – Dog

Some people today, regardless of age and social status, have a magical reverence for astrology, considering individual horoscopes a system for predicting the future of a person’s fate and character. Indeed, there is a lot of truth in this, because astrology implies the cosmic connection of man with the Universe and its laws.

One of the most controversial signs of the eastern horoscope is the Dog. By her nature, she is suspicious and is often afraid of dangers that she doesn’t even smell.

The Dog’s caution often helps him out in critical situations, but, as we know, you can’t go far in this life without taking risks. Important: this is probably why the Dog, being hungry, turns into a wolf - bloodthirsty and brave.

Dog – Libra

The Libra-Dog horoscope is a combination of poise and courage, but again, people of this sign are contradictory. They long for freedom, but having received it, they cannot lead themselves, but look for those who will push them around. So, if a Dog/Libra is correct and successful at work, this is the merit of his boss.

Interesting: under the guidance of smart and kind superiors, Dog/Libra are able to achieve career heights that other signs have never dreamed of. When it comes to communicating with others, Libra/Dog are true friends who you can always rely on. They can show participation and openness if they notice that their help is needed. These are very kind people at heart, but they can also show the other side of the coin.

Dog Man – Libra

The Chinese and zodiac horoscope reveals the true essence of a person born under the sign of Dog/Libra. This is a real leader, but again, contradictory. When he is given a leading role, he gets lost and looks for a person who would point out his mistakes.

Often, Libra-Dog men take on impossible tasks. They overestimate their capabilities, although if they are guided correctly, they will complete even the most difficult task.

Libra Woman – Dog

Women of this sign are less susceptible to the influence of the Dog. This is a simple girl full of charm: romantic, graceful and feminine. She can wait for her knight all her life, but never find him. It is not surprising that Libra/Dog women have no shortage of male attention. People born from September 23 to October 22 in the years: 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 are Libra/Dogs. They achieve considerable heights in life if they pursue their goals correctly. All Libra/Dogs need to consult an intelligent and distant person about important decisions that they often make in life.

Health horoscope for Libra – Dog

The general condition of Libra dogs can always be judged by the color of their skin and eyes - they, like no one else, reveal their general condition, both physical and psychological. In fact, Libra the dog is. To know "

Career horoscope for Libra – Dog

Libras, who are often in a state of “to be or not to be” and at the same time always strive for ideal balance, under the influence of a dog begin to show a special love of freedom, although this is practically impossible for them. To know "

Life should be filled with meaning. However, without love there is no love. A person is always looking for his soul mate. The stars help him with this. There are zodiac signs that are made for each other. In the horoscope you can find out about compatibility in love.

Characteristics of a Libra – Dog man

The Libra Dog man is an energetic person. He loves life. And he enjoys everything that happens in his life.

The representative of this zodiac sign specifically creates situations that help him feel his importance and value to society. Thus, he decides to realize all his abilities. Except for cases of a positive nature, they tend to get into conflicts and quarrels. They don't regret it at all. Even bad cases provide an opportunity to show your good side.

Libra man - Dog strives for the truth. This is the meaning of his life. To find her, they are ready to go to great lengths.

The representative of this zodiac sign is an emotional person. If such a man is pissed off, he may simply explode. The interlocutor will even become scared. It will seem to him that there is another person in front of him. This is how much a Libra-Dog man can express his anger. The same applies to other emotions.

The representative of this sign is a deeply spiritual person. He is constantly engaged in his development. It is very interesting to communicate with such a person. He is independent and decisive. No one can even think that a Libra-Dog man can become depressed or melancholic. He always seems to have a positive outlook on life. Nothing can disturb his mental balance.

Libra man - Dog loves various contests, competitions and competitions. In life, he chooses a type of activity in which he can measure his strength and talent with someone. If such a man manages to find such an occupation for himself, then he will be the happiest in the world.

As for the financial side of life for a guy of this zodiac sign, it is unlikely to be stable for him. He, of course, will not disappear in poverty, but he will not have wealth either. Such a guy, when he receives gifts from fate, immediately loses them.

Compatibility in love between Libra and Dog men

The Libra Dog man is an amorous person. They have been searching for their one and only all their lives. In their youth, they enter into numerous affairs with women. Most of them end sadly. This leads to disappointment in love. If a representative of this zodiac sign can become less demanding and critical of women, he will be able to find that one lover and live a long and happy life with her.

The Libra - Dog man in the family wants to be in first place. He wants to rule his family. But it is not typical for him to bear responsibility and accept responsibilities. He wants to have fun more. He always has some kind of hobby. If his wife accepts him, and even better, shares him, then he will be the happiest husband.

According to the horoscope, Tiger, Dog and Horse women are suitable for such a guy. But a lady born in the year of the Monkey, Dragon and Rat cannot be with him all her life.

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Characteristics and compatibility of the Libra-Dog man has absorbed the best qualities of both signs.

In all areas of life, these people value, first of all, beauty, so they try to surround themselves with only the best.


The Libra-Dog man is friendly and sociable; in relationships with people around him, he tries in every possible way to avoid conflict situations. However, he is not alien to the dark sides of his character. Representatives of this type have a keen sense of justice, so in life they often try to prove to people that they are right and look for any means of retaliation. Such a contradictory characteristic of the Libra-Dog man makes him an overly militant person. Those born under these signs are freedom-loving natures. But, despite this, they are able to remain faithful and devoted in the absence of a loved one or at a distance. The complex character of the Libra-Dog man is formed from an excessive craving for freedom, not only physically, but also emotionally.

Personalities of this zodiac combination are endowed with special vigilance. Such a man clearly controls everything that happens around him. Sometimes he has outbursts of aggression, however, the reasons for such hot-tempered behavior must be very significant. And although the key quality of the Libra-Dog is love of freedom, under control he shows discipline. This person looks for inspiration in his own interests and hobbies, so he always spends his leisure time interestingly. The Libra-Dog man will always come to the rescue and help friends in making important decisions, although they themselves sometimes experience difficulties in such situations.

The only thing he lacks is earthiness. He can dream for a long time about unrealizable dreams and as a result fall into oblivion. If the Libra-Dog man manages to find his purpose in life, then all contradictions will be instantly eliminated. In controversial situations, these people, as a rule, do not show their stubbornness, but, on the contrary, are happy to compromise. It is their flexibility that allows them to win the sympathy of those around them. The Libra man, born in the year of the Dog, prefers to work alone, but if necessary he adapts to the team. He always achieves success in his career, and therefore he almost never has problems with money. His care for loved ones is sometimes so selfless that he leaves aside his own needs.

Compatibility in love

In terms of personal relationships, Libra-Dog men usually show determination and strive to win the girl they like in order to create a strong family with her in the future. Sometimes he gets too carried away with his work, forgetting about household chores. But even this the man does solely for the benefit of the family. With proper character control on his part, the compatibility of a Libra-Dog man in marriage is quite real. However, this nature does not immediately find its soul mate, since for a long time he rushes about in search of an ideal that does not exist and never will. Being carried away by this game, he may at first often change women, but each time hoping that he is about to meet true love. But even when he manages to find a life partner, he will try in every possible way to preserve his individuality. If a partner tries to encroach on any area of ​​Libra-Dog’s life, the man will immediately end the relationship with her.

It is worth noting that in love this man is fickle: he is capable of being incredibly gentle and affectionate, but then he becomes bellicose. It is precisely this sudden change of mood that forces him to constantly search for his beloved, since not every woman is able to come to terms with such a character. The inner essence of the Libra-Dog man is constantly looking for the meaning of life, so he is not always able to correctly assess reality. The internal contradictions of his personality are also reflected in his relationships with the opposite sex. Due to his waywardness, excessive vulnerability and unwillingness to listen to criticism of himself, this man is often left alone. To avoid loneliness in his personal life, he should show more loyalty to the woman he loves.
