How to write a letter to Santa Claus - sample and rules. How to write a letter to Santa Claus Letter to Santa Claus sample 14 years old

Hello, Santa Claus!

I am a 2nd grade student. Study well. I am interested in history, drawing and mathematics. I live with my mom and dad. I have two sisters. We all live together. We travel a lot. I enjoy reading.

Grandfather Frost I want to ask you for a tablet. After all, it will provide an opportunity to search for new information on history and other disciplines. I want to give dolls to my sisters. They love to play with them so much. And I want you to give mom and dad a sofa. Please give your grandparents a warm blanket. To make them feel warm and comfortable.

Grandfather Frost make my dreams come true. After all, I behaved well all year. Thank you for everything Santa Claus!

Essay Letter to Santa Claus (5th grade)

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

I am a 5th grade student. Study well. For fives and fours. Favorite subjects are mathematics and reading. I go to an additional section on karate and history. I love solving historical puzzles. Read history books.

I live with my mom and dad and sister. We live together. We travel a lot. We visited half of the country's historical places.

New Year is coming soon. And I want to ask you, Grandfather Frost, for gifts for relatives and for myself.
Please give your mother a food processor. She cooks so much for us. And he spends a lot of time preparing various dishes. It is necessary to make mom's work easier.

Give dad, Santa Claus, new wheels for your car. Our whole family often travels around the country. Therefore, dad needs to give new wheels for his car.

Give your sister a kitten. she wants a little fluffy one. Who will play with her and whom she will look after. She wants a kitten of the British breed. They are very playful and come in a variety of colors. Color does not matter for a kitten. The main thing is that you, Grandfather Frost, give a kitten.

And I want a puppy. Cocker Spaniel breeds. They are very affectionate and will get along with a kitten. The puppy will later be able to become a dog that can be taken hunting. This way we can walk together for a long time. I will teach her various trainings.

Also, Santa Claus, I want you to give gifts to your grandparents.

Give grandma a warm sweater. So that he protects her from the cold. A sweater will help grandma overcome the winter evenings.

Give your grandfather a set of tools for home repairs. He loves to fix things around the house. Creates designs for various products. He will be able to teach me various intricacies and basics of renovating a room.

I hope, Grandfather Frost, you can make my wishes come true. Thank you very much in advance for everything you do and give.

Thank you for everything Santa Claus!

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 5


In Russian

“We are writing a letter to Santa Claus”


1st grade students

MBOU Secondary School No. 5


primary school teacher

Yushkevich Natalya Mikhailovna


2013 academic year.

Topic: “Our projects. We are writing a letter to Santa Claus"


    introduce the concept of “letter” and the rules for writing it.

    expand the linguistic horizons of children;

    develop respect for elders

Planned results : Students will learn to express their thoughts in writing and write letters.

1. Organizational moment:

The long-awaited call is given

The lesson begins.

Our ears are on top of our heads,

Eyes wide open:

We listen, we remember,

We don't waste a minute.

2. Updating knowledge:

Everything was covered with snow -

Both trees and houses.

This means it has arrived

Snow-white winter!

Everyone is singing and having fun,

They lead a noisy round dance,

Because it's a holiday soon.

What kind of holiday? New Year!

Yes, a holiday is approaching, which both adults and children love.

Guys, do you like the New Year holiday? For what?

Every year, according to good tradition, we take Christmas tree decorations out of the box and decorate the beautiful Christmas tree. It's nice to give gifts to family, friends and friends on New Year's Day.

Our windows are brushed white
At night he painted.
He dressed the pole with snow,
The garden was covered in snow.
Shouldn't we get used to the snow?
Should we hide our nose in a fur coat?
As soon as we come out, we shout:
- Hello Dedushka Moroz)

Song "Russian Santa Claus"

Why are all the children so eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus? (brings gifts)

How will he know what to bring as a gift to this or that child? (children write letters)

3. Setting educational objectives.

- Who can formulate the topic of today's lesson?

- What educational tasks will we set for ourselves?

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will learn how to correctly and beautifully write letters to Grandfather Frost.

What is a letter?

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov:

A letter is a written text sent to communicate something to someone.

For what purpose do people write letters?

“A letter is a conversation sent from one person to another.” V. Dahl

Letters can be written to friends, loved ones, and relatives. They are written in order to communicate something, to tell about themselves. That is, a letter is a message from one person to another, who is at a distance from each other.

a) Open the textbook page 129 and read the letter from the girl Lisa.

Who did the girl write the letter to?

Why is this letter the most important of the whole year?

Why did Santa Claus smile?

What events could take place in the kingdom of Santa Claus?

What did Lisa find under the tree on New Year's Eve?

Is Lisa modest? (Yes, she is not asking for a big expensive gift).

b) Preparing to write a letter.

What can we write about in a letter to Santa Claus?

    about yourself, about school affairs;

    about your hobbies and activities;

    can congratulate you on the holiday.

1) Guys, writing a letter on a piece of paper or pieces of paper torn from a notebook is a sign of bad taste. Letters are written on a neat piece of paper. Sometimes these are small-sized leaves, sometimes large, but decorated with a pattern.

2) It is better to write a letter by hand (business letters are typed)

3) The letter should be written legibly, correctly, in neat handwriting, without corrections. The ability to write legibly is the first rule of politeness.

4) The letter must be structured according to an outline.

Let's look at the parts of the letter.

Part 1 - greeting

Part 2 – a message about yourself

Part 3 – good wishes

Part 4 – ending

Hello, dear Grandfather Frost!

Good afternoon, dear Santa Claus!

Message about yourself

Writes to you...

My name is …

I want to tell you…

We have a lot of news, I’ll tell you about everything in order.

Questions to the addressee and good wishes

How do you live?

How is your health?

What's new?

Wish you…

Ending and signature

Date and place of writing


See you soon.

With respect to you...

Let's take a closer look at each part of the letter.

Part 1 - Greetings.

What words can we use to greet Santa Claus?


Good afternoon



Father Frost

Santa Claus

Pay attention to the words - Father Frost and Grandfather Frost are written with a capital letter. We greeted Grandfather Frost, then you need to introduce yourself.

Part 2 – Message about yourself.

Introduce yourself to Santa Claus and briefly tell us about yourself. What do you like to do, where do you study and what have you already learned at school.

About Me

about your village

about family

about friends

about hobbies

You don’t have to talk about everything, choose the most important, the most interesting.

Part 3 – Good wishes.

In this part, you can ask the fairy-tale wizard himself about something. For example:

How are you?

How is your health?

What's new?

Maybe someone will share with Santa Claus their most intimate, their cherished dream. But Santa Claus is a wizard, and if you believe in a miracle, then your dream will certainly come true.

And finally,Part 4 – Ending , where we say goodbye to Santa Claus. Let's end the letter with words of farewell.

How can you say goodbye?


See you soon

Sincerely …

Here you can send greetings through Father Frost to his assistants and his granddaughter Snegurochka. And then indicate who wrote the letter:

Last name, first name.

Date and place of writing.

Dynamic pause

Game "Who is Santa Claus?"

Tired? Let's play the game "Who is Santa Claus?" We stand in a circle. Your task is at the end of each sentence, if you agree to say “YES” and clap your hands, if you do not agree to say “NO” and stomp your feet.

Santa Claus is known to everyone! Right?

He comes exactly at seven! Right?

Santa Claus is a good old man! Right?

Wears a hat and galoshes! Right?

Santa Claus will come soon! Right?

He will bring gifts! Right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold! Right?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden! Right?

Well, the questions have been answered,

You all know about Santa Claus.

Now all you have to do is wait for the New Year and believe that your cherished dream, which you shared with Santa Claus in a letter, will come true. And for it to come true, you need to study well, help your elders at home, protect and not offend your younger ones. And Santa Claus, judging by your deeds and actions, and your academic success, will try to make your dream come true.

5. Reflection.

Clap your hands above your head for those guys who agree with the statement:

    I learned a lot of new things about Grandfather Frost.

    I realized that the New Year is a holiday of goodness.

    I learned what and how to write to Santa Claus.

    I wanted to create, draw, compose.

    I will remember the lesson for a long time.

    The lesson left me indifferent.

6. Summing up the lesson.

What did you study?

Why learn this now?

At home you will write and decorate your letter. In class we will learn how to properly design an envelope.


Write letters! Now letters have been replaced by cell phones, Skype, and email. But we should not forget about letters - this ancient way of communication between people. And let the letter you wrote to a fairy-tale hero or friend become a good tradition in your home, your family.

Thanks everyone for your work. Let fairy tales, magic, miracles fill your life with kindness, smile, warmth.

December is the time of preparation for the New Year. For many, this stage seems tedious - buying gifts, thinking over the menu, getting smart clothes and doing spring cleaning. Don't forget to brighten up the bustle with magical events - send a message to Santa Claus!

This is not only a fairy tale for children - adults also write letters to the kind Grandfather, telling their innermost desires and hoping for fulfillment. Sometimes it doesn’t matter to whom it is addressed and whether it reaches the recipient. Thoughts expressed on paper materialize faster - any psychologist will tell you this.

On the eve of the holiday, organize a family evening - let everyone write a beautiful letter to Santa Claus. It is possible that during the writing process, family members will learn about each other’s wishes and try to fulfill them next year. And working on design is a creative activity that relaxes and trains your imagination. Let's find out what a proper letter to Santa Claus should look like.


Start with a greeting - “Hello, good Grandfather Frost!”, “Hello, Santa Claus!” You are going to ask the wizard for gifts, so be respectful in the text.

Make contact

Going straight to the requirements is a bad idea. Don’t forget to congratulate the recipient on the upcoming holiday - you can wish Santa Claus a good mood or health, or ask how he is doing.

tell us about yourself

Introduce yourself, say your name, mention where you are from. Children always indicate their age. Tell Santa Claus why he should grant his wish. Point out your good deeds or ask for a gift in advance, promising to do better next year. A letter to Santa Claus from children may contain phrases like: “I behaved well the whole year,” “I studied with straight A’s,” or “I promise to help my mother next year.” A message from an adult looks different: “During the year, I never lied to my loved ones” or “I promise to quit smoking next year.”

If you are not going to send your child's letter by mail, use one of the options:

  • put it under the Christmas tree and then pick it up discreetly;
  • if guests come to you on the eve of the holiday, ask one of the guests to convey a message to Santa Claus;
  • invite home an animator in a suit - the wizard will read the letter in the presence of the child;
  • put the letter outside the window so that the bunnies and squirrels who help the wizard take it away.

If you don’t want your child to doubt the existence of the Wizard, follow the letter - it won’t be good to go out with your child the next day and find a letter blown away by the wind under the window or in the neighboring bushes.

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Hello, dear readers of our site. On the eve of the New Year, I would like to talk about miracles. Surely something happened in your life as if by magic. Of course, negative memories always linger longer in the memory and it is so difficult to immediately remember something truly good and wonderful. But try!

You tell me “Here, I won’t engage in foolishness and write any letters. I'm 30 years old in some century. I’ve known for a long time that there are no miracles in life, and everything comes only through hard work.”. But if you don’t want to believe in miracles, then at least prolong these wonderful moments with your child. After all, he will have to be upset more than once in his life, so let his childhood last longer. Sit with him near the decorated Christmas tree and write a letter to Santa Claus together. You can write yours, and your child can write theirs, and then read them to each other. By doing this interesting and creative activity, you will feel better for a moment and perhaps believe in a fairy tale. But to do this, you need to know some rules on how to write letters to Santa Claus.

Why write a letter to Santa Claus

On New Year's Day, we are used to making wishes and believing that next year will be better than last year. By putting your thoughts in writing, you will take a different look at the year you have lived and the events that have happened. This will help you more accurately formulate what you want from the new year.

You can tell your child a story about Grandfather Frost, where he lives and what he does.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus correctly - 5 important rules!

  1. Say hello. It would be rude and rude not to greet the old man. After all, he is clearly older than you. Don't forget to tell your baby about this.
  • “Hello, dear Grandfather Frost.” or
  • “Hello, Santa Claus, Katya Smirnova writes to you from the northern capital of our country, St. Petersburg.”
  1. It would be impolite to ask for a gift right away. First, thank Frost for all the gifts that he has already given you (for all the good things that happened to you this year).
  • “Thank you grandfather for last year’s bicycle and Bethman”
  • “Thank you grandpa for helping me with a new job and a good boss.”
  1. Then ask about his well-being and show respect for his work and his busy schedule ahead of the New Year.
  • “I know you are very busy on New Year's Eve. Surely a lot of people from all over the country are writing to you.”
  1. Politeness is good, but don't get carried away with a big introduction and gradually get to the point.

Ask Santa Claus for the most valuable thing you would like to receive. But don't get carried away by the 50-item list. 1-3 positions are enough. “3” is a magic number; in fairy tales it is endowed with magical properties. Depending on how old you are and your desires, you can write:

  • “Dear Grandfather Frost, I would like/would like a new two-wheeled bicycle” or
  • “Dear Grandfather Frost, I would like/would like to pass all exams with flying colors next year” or
  • “Dear Grandfather Frost, I would like/would like to meet my love in the New Year and receive a decent job offer”
  1. It is important to end the letter correctly.

Thank Moroz for taking the time to read your letter. Promise something in return for what you asked Grandfather. For example:

  • I promise to listen to mom and dad;
  • I promise to wash the dishes and help my parents;
  • I promise never to tease my younger sister/brother;
  • I promise to help my younger sister/brother with homework;
  • I promise to call my parents more often;
  • I promise to sign up for yoga;
  • I promise not to gossip behind others’ backs;
  • I promise to quit smoking;
  • I promise to go on a diet;

The main thing is that your promise is commensurate with what you ask! It would be ridiculous to ask for an expensive bicycle or snowboard and promise in return only to wash the dishes or not tease your younger brother.

Or ask to meet true love, while promising only to sign up for a fitness club, but not “promise to go there regularly.” Do you feel the difference? :)

Don't forget to say goodbye to Frost.

If you have a creative urge, draw a picture of a gift (draw up your wish in the form of a picture, give it a shape) or simply make a collage.

Remember! The more soul you put into the letter, the more likely it is that everything will come true! So don't skimp on creativity.

Sample text of letters to Santa Claus.

How to send a letter to Santa Claus - 3 ways!

  1. Place the letter under the tree or in the mailbox. After all, Santa Claus is a magical character, he will certainly find your letter, no matter where it is.
  2. Send the letter by mail. Here is his address in Veliky Ustyug:

If you or your child believes in Santa Claus more, then you can send a letter to him at this address:

  1. Santa Claus is modern and also has an email, so you can write him a letter on the Internet: [email protected]

To make your letter colorful, you can save and print the following letterheads and mailing envelopes.

The long-awaited holiday is approaching - this is the New Year 2020. We are all looking forward to it with quiet joy in our souls, because very soon the time for cherished gifts and unexpected surprises will come. Both adults and children adore these pleasant and bright moments in life, remember them for a long time and cherish them reverently in their memory. But in order for a miracle to happen for children on New Year’s Eve, parents need to take care of this in advance. If you don’t know how to write the best letter to Santa Claus for the New Year 2020 with your children, then it’s time to find out in detail. Read our article, the purpose and objectives of which are to convey to you the necessary information regarding how to prepare the text of the appeal, how to format it, what kind of envelope it is advisable to put it in, what address to send the message to, so that it actually reaches the addressee on time and he likes it one hundred percent. Stay with us and you will learn a lot more, dear friends!

The best letters for Santa Claus

As you know, Santa Claus loves obedient and diligent children. Caring mothers and wise grandmothers always tell their kids that throughout the long year, he carefully watches each of them in order to evaluate his actions and character traits, which will play a fundamental role in choosing a particular gift on New Year’s Eve like “ deserved it, didn’t deserve it.” In this way, we develop in the little man responsiveness to all family requests, attentiveness, obedience, accuracy and, of course, the understanding that before you get anything in life, you need to work hard. Responsibility has never harmed anyone! But all these instructions and adult tricks are one thing, the second is writing a letter to a fairy-tale character for the New Year 2019. It must be prepared correctly and competently, otherwise Santa Claus will not have a particularly good opinion of you. If you don’t have beautiful paper for the text, you can download a ready-made colorful template on the Internet with bright pictures of fairy-tale characters, the symbol of the coming year - the Dog, slogans and congratulations calling for the celebration. After this, carefully and judiciously think about what you want to convey in your message to the fulfiller of your cherished desires. You should not beg for gifts on the fly, but it is more advisable to approach it as follows:

  • according to all the rules of etiquette, at the initial stage it is necessary to say hello to Santa Claus and, of course, introduce yourself;
  • after this, you should not immediately proceed to the purpose of your letter - begging for gifts, you need to briefly tell about yourself, about your activities, studies and home leisure, about your family, about how you love them and value them;
  • then smoothly move towards the fact that you have done so many good things throughout the year: you endlessly helped your parents with everything, and your sisters, and brothers, and grandparents. Give vivid examples from your life so that Grandfather really appreciates you and mentally draws your heroic image;
  • Now you can touch on your sensitive topic regarding gifts. At this stage, one should not be extremely excessive; the limit and edge should be felt in everything;
  • Finally, don’t forget to say goodbye to your wish-fulfiller, thank him in advance and convey warm greetings to the Snow Maiden and the Snowman.

Here, in principle, are all the basic rules for an ideal letter for the New Year 2019. If you want, you can amuse Santa Claus a little with your jokes and surprise him with poems, please him with drawings or original crafts. It wouldn’t even be a bad idea to prepare an unexpected souvenir for him. Rest assured, this option is a win-win!

View our ready-made text message forms

On such bright templates, the letters will take on a different look. Children will be very willing to put together phrases one by one, just so that Grandfather and Snow Maiden like it. After all, behind this work, an invaluable reward awaits the children - the fulfillment of their childhood cherished dream.

Magic envelopes

At the moment when the letter to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden was written with the children, it was the turn to pack it properly. Ordinary faded envelopes will not really match their original and colorful contents; paper shells that are equally expressive and filled with happiness will be required. If at the right moment you don’t have such a package in your desk, you can very successfully find something on the Internet and print it on a color printer. With this approach, your message for the New Year 2020 will look complete and holistic. As a good example, we provide you with our photo ideas of finished samples.

Agree, such letters in visible envelopes will certainly reach the addressee. Your child will once again make sure that Santa Claus still exists, no matter what his peers say. A trembling feeling will warm their little trusting heart, fill it with goodness, faith in miracles, hope for the fulfillment of their cherished desires.

Santa Claus address

To really send a letter to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden for the New Year 2020 to his snowy residence, you need to know his reliable and accurate address. If you do not have such data, then we will naturally help you. Here are several existing options for the habitat of a fairy-tale character:

  • Index 162340, Russia,
  • Vologda Region,
  • Veliky Ustyug,
  • House of Santa Claus.
  • Index 109472, Russia,
  • Moscow city,
  • Kuzminsky forest.

You can also send a message to Grandfather and the Snow Maiden for the New Year 2020 to the email address - [email protected]

If you speak English well, then you can send a letter to Santa Claus to the following address:

  • Santa Claus,
  • Arctic Circle,
  • 96930, Rovaniemi,
  • Finland.
  • Saint Petersburg,
  • Shuvalovka,
  • "Russian village",
  • Santa Claus.
  • Postal code 225063, Belarus,
  • Brest region,
  • p/o Kamenyuki,
  • Kamenets district,
  • "Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Santa Claus."

Write with inspiration and expect gifts for the New Year 2020.

Sample letters

Interesting and bright examples of letters from girls and boys for the New Year 2020 will help beginners quickly decide on writing their text message. Write something original, fill it with jokes, decorate it with pictures, because they also speak volumes if the child does not yet know how to write.

Letter option No. 1

Hello, Santa Claus!

Letter option No. 2

Hello Dedushka Moroz

We are writing you a postcard.

We would like to wish you a Happy New Year

And give a smile!

You are very kind and funny,

Cheerful and funny.

We are together with our children

Let's sing a song for you.

About the fact that you are the most wonderful of all

You are a real holiday!

And you give happiness, children's laughter

With shiny wrapper!

Letter option No. 3

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Masha is writing to you. I am 10 years old. Thank you for the gifts you gave me in the past. I love math, drawing and board games. I dream of getting a teddy bear. I promise to be a good and obedient girl. I'm looking forward to meeting you.

Letter option No. 4

Hello, Santa Claus!

My name is Sergey, I am 8 years old and I behaved very well all year and studied with only 5 marks!

Congratulations on the upcoming holidays!

I know you have a lot of work, so I'll write briefly:

This year I tried, studied well and helped my mother. Sometimes I wasn't very good at being obedient. I guess half of me is disobedience. But I'm trying! Because I love my parents and grandmother very much.

Santa Claus, please bring gifts to my parents and me!


Our article has come to its end, telling you how to correctly write a letter to Santa Claus for the New Year 2020. For those who have written text messages before, we didn’t find anything new in principle, but for beginners our help turned out to be significant and significant. Now you and your parents will be able to create a real masterpiece with your own hands without much effort, put into it everything that you definitely want to convey to the almighty recipient, and most importantly, you will be confident in his feedback. Gifts will appear under your decorated Christmas tree at the right time, and you will be left with a lot of impressions. Happy holiday, dear friends! May your dreams always come true!
