"Cossacks-robbers" - the rules of the game, familiar to our grandparents. Classic rules of the game of Cossacks-robbers Rules of the game of Cossacks-robbers

Cossack Robbers is a children's game popular in the 20th century. There are many variations, many scenarios for the development of the game, and almost endless time for playing - sometimes they played for half a day in one “round”.

Cossack Robbers is a children's game popular in the 20th century.

There are many variations, many scenarios for the development of the game, and almost endless time for playing - sometimes they played for half a day in one “round”.

In this article you will learn the rules of playing such a popular yard game.

To play, you need to gather a fairly large company (at least 6 people, preferably much more).

We all agree together on what area we can hide and play within (a courtyard, two courtyards, a couple of entrances, or the entire street).

The “robbers” confer and think of a secret word (password phrase).

At this time, the robbers drew a circle on the asphalt with chalk (indicating the “beginning of movement”) and further from it arrows in the direction of their movement.

You could draw arrows on asphalt, on the walls of a house, on curbs, on trees, on benches, etc.). As a rule, at first they all ran and drew arrows together, and at the end they scattered to different nooks and crannies. The faster you run and draw, the more chances you have to hide without being found. In order to confuse and complicate the game for the “Cossacks,” arrows were placed in several directions at once, also “deceptive” arrows, arrows at fairly large distances, or small ones in an inconspicuous place.

The time for hiding the “robbers” was agreed upon in advance, but usually at least 15-20 minutes were allotted (the “Cossacks” at this time entertained themselves with other games and looked for and set up a “dungeon”, where the captured robbers were later brought).

The dungeon also had to be equipped - to draw or indicate clear boundaries with sticks and stones, to try to protect it as much as possible from prying eyes. At the same time, it was impossible to arrange it in a completely enclosed, secluded room - all the “taste” of the game was lost.

Next comes the most interesting part. The “Cossacks” were looking for “robbers”, focusing on the drawn arrows (some of them led to a dead end). When a “robber” was found, he first had to be caught (tarnished) - he had the right to run away from the Cossacks. If he was stained, they took him by the sleeve (or hand) - he no longer had the right to resist, and was led to the “dungeon”. If along the way, for any reason, the Cossack let go of the robber’s hand, he was considered free and could run away again. Having brought one captured robber to prison, the Cossack remained there to guard him.

The robber could be “tortured” (the most common type of torture is tickling).

The "Cossacks" were considered winners if they found out the password, or if they found and delivered all the robbers to the "prison".

The robbers could help each other out - for example, they could “attack” a dungeon, grab a guard, and while they were holding him, the prisoners could scatter.

What are “Cossack Robbers”? The rules of the game are, of course, familiar to each of us since childhood. This entertainment has always been incredibly interesting. These games are usually played in the yard by girls or boys between the ages of six and twelve. Six (or more) guys take part in this fun. The more people gather, the more fun the children's game “Cossacks-Robbers” is.

They usually play over a fairly large area. It could even be several neighboring yards. The larger the territory, the more interesting it is.

"Cossacks-robbers": rules of the game

So where does it all begin? What is the essence of such entertainment as “Cossacks-Robbers”? The rules of the game are not difficult to understand. Initially, participants are divided into two teams. Some are Cossacks, the second are robbers. After this, it is decided where the “dungeon” will be located. Caught robbers will be imprisoned there. This could be a bench, a small platform, or just a drawn circle.

At the beginning of the game, you are given a few minutes to find the code. The words chosen for the game “Cossacks-Robbers” are, as a rule, long and complex. They must be difficult to figure out. After this, the robbers run away and hide.

They can do this as a whole team, in small groups or one at a time. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be in one place. The Cossacks cannot spy where their rivals are running away. Robbers leave arrows on walls, asphalt, and fences indicating the direction of their movement. However, it may also be false.

As soon as the time allotted to the robbers expires, the Cossacks begin to look for them. They must catch their opponents using different attack methods. For example, you can surround the place where the robbers hid with the whole team. Or you can track them down one by one. As soon as the robber is found, he is caught up and captured. A player who has been “greased” by the Cossack is considered to be caught. Before this happens, he must naturally try to escape from his pursuers.

If the robber is nevertheless caught, the Cossacks take him to the “dungeon”. Here he can be “tortured” in order to obtain a secret word. But they can help him out. Any of the uncaptured robbers, touching the hand of his comrade, frees him from the “dungeon”. Therefore, several Cossacks guard it. If the rescue is successful, the robbers run away and can hide again. But if they are caught up, both players are taken prisoner.

The game continues until the last robber is caught or the secret word is solved. After this, the teams usually switch places and start all over again.

More about the "dungeon"

So, let's play "Cossacks-Robbers". The rules of the game are not complicated at all. But the choice of a “dungeon” should be approached very responsibly. This could be a tree, bush, pillar or any other noticeable landmark. It is best if the “dungeon” is protected from attackers by a wall or fence. But, of course, you can’t arrange it in any entrance or shed. And even more so in a ravine or similar places. In any case, the approaches to the “dungeon” should be quite comfortable and open. Choose a place for prisoners that is not too large, so that it is easier to guard. However, it must be large enough so that by the end of the game all the caught players can fit in it. Boundaries are usually marked with stones or sticks. However, the easiest way is to draw a line on the ground. Prisoners have no right to run outside the “dungeon”.


As a result, the place of detention was found in order to play “Cossacks-Robbers”. The rules of the game say that a person must not only be caught, but also taken into captivity. A caught robber cannot over-salt the Cossack who stopped him.

They lead the prisoner by the sleeve or hand. At the same time, he cannot escape. However, if the Cossack for any reason lets his opponent go, he again becomes free and can run away.

The first robber brought into the “dungeon” must be guarded. The same is done with other participants in the game. At least one Cossack must stand guard. If desired, more people can be assigned for security.

Guard Cossack and atamans

It is quite difficult to escape from the “dungeon”. After all, the guard Cossacks are chosen to be the most attentive and dexterous. That is, their mission is very honorable, just like the mission of the ataman. He directs the Cossacks to search for robbers at the beginning of the game and tells who should go where. The chieftain gives advice, but, of course, he also catches his opponents himself.

The robbers also choose their commander. The chieftain advises his charges where to hide. He sends weak players away. After that he hides himself. If possible, the chieftain also organizes the rescue of the robbers, drawing up a plan.

Little tricks

There are some other nuances. “Cossacks-Robbers” (the game described above) may differ in certain rules. They are agreed upon by the participants in advance.

For example, if a Cossack is not sure that he will catch up with a fleeing enemy, he can call for help. Then the robber is caught by a joint force.

It is best to lead him to the “dungeon” in a way where other opponents of the Cossacks were not found. You can also call a partner to take the prisoner away together.

How can conditions be made easier for players?

How should robbers act when one of them is taken to prison? If the terrain allows, you can set up an ambush. The main thing is to quietly let the prisoner know about your intentions.

For example, he can distract the Cossack with some distracting question, pointing in the other direction with his finger. While he is peering in the indicated direction, the robbers will jump out of the ambush, “grease” the prisoner and run away.

Well, it’s best for the Cossacks to set up a “dungeon” in an open place. Therefore, it is quite difficult for robbers to help out their comrades. But the prisoners can help them with this. If you distract the guard Cossacks in some way, for example, by starting a light mess, it will be much easier to get close to the robbers. It is best to attack the “dungeon” with large forces, and when there are already many prisoners in it.

In a word, “Cossacks-Robbers” is an exciting and interesting game. It often lasts for a very long time. At the same time, children do not get bored at all, like many other well-known outdoor games in the yard.

Inna Potapova
Entertainment scenario “Cossacks-robbers”


Target: Introduce children to the game « Cossacks - robbers» .


Contribute development of physical qualities: speed, dexterity and coordination of movements;

Contribute development gross and fine motor skills, spatial orientation and attention;

Create a good mood, an emotional charge from participating in entertainment action.

Equipment and materials: Bandanas according to the number of participants in 2 colors; soundtrack with children's songs about robbers; crayons according to the number of participants in 2 colors, candy (for a surprise moment);

Participants: teachers and pupils of preschool educational institutions;

Location: Territory of preschool educational institution;

Preliminary work: Learn chants for different teams; explain the rules of the game; explore the territory; determine a suitable place to hide;

Game description Cossack robbers: Cossacks-Robbers are a mixture of tag and hide and seek. To play Cossacks robbers need to gather a large company consisting of 6 people or more. Next, all participants in the game need to split into two teams. This can be done by drawing lots or by mutual agreement. Each team has its own Name: one - « Cossacks» , second – "robbers". Wherein « Cossacks» maybe a little less than "robbers".

Instilled the game:

1. Participants agree in advance with each other within what territory they can play and where they can not go, for example, they cannot go outside the territory of a preschool educational institution;

Team members « Cossacks» move to the side so as not to see the members of the other team and hide around the corner;

2. The robbers take chalk and draw a large circle on the asphalt, which marks the beginning of the movement;

3. Arrows can be drawn on absolutely any surfaces: on a tree, border, bench, wall of a house;

4. On signal command "robbers" begins to run away in accordance with the arrow markings;

5. Subsequently, the robbers can split into mini-groups and draw arrows in different directions to confuse those looking for them Cossacks. As a rule, the time during which robbers need to hide is limited and averages 20 minutes;

6. The main task of robbers is to hide as best as possible. Therefore, the more confusing the drawn arrows are, the more difficult to the Cossacks will find the robbers;

Expected Result:

Own the game « Cossack robbers» ;

By playing street games, children learn to interact with each other, negotiate, set certain goals and objectives and find ways to achieve them.

Progress of entertainment:

Disguised teachers enter the group and invite the children to play a game. « Cossacks - robbers» , children disguise themselves and go outside, divided into two teams of equal composition (can be played by two groups of different ages).

Team "robbers" draws a circle with four arrows and starts from this place, drawing arrows in the direction of its travel, they can be drawn on anything (trees, asphalt, pillars, etc., the main thing is to confuse the team « Cossacks» . "Robbers" get to the hiding place and hide there until « Cossacks» they will not be discovered by the ones left behind signs(during the entire game, both teams shout previously learned chants).

Some time later (approx. 5 min.) team « Cossacks» sets off in pursuit, crossing out all the arrows along the way. After "robbers" found, commands change roles: some hide, drawing arrows, others look for them, crossing out clues left by the opposing team.

After both groups have played different roles, all participants receive a sweet surprise and a disco is arranged to the songs of cartoon bandits.

The most important thing about this entertainment– this is a bright, active pastime in the fresh air, which leaves a good impression and creates a great mood, as well as a positive emotional background in children.

Source: http://womanadvice.ru/kazaki-razboyniki-pravila-igry#ixzz38OvdVuhi

Today, there are several theories about the emergence of the Cossacks. Some believe that it was a separate people, others argue that it was a profession (an occupation of a certain part of different peoples).

I do not undertake to support either version, since I am not an expert in the field of Cossack history. Let the readers of my blog do this and then I offer comments from one of them:

My ancestors are true Don Cossacks, but, nevertheless, I try to look quite objectively at the history of their origin. I am a journalist and I had to write about the Cossacks of the Volga and Don, relying on historical documents. And I want to say that there is NO mystery here.

The word “Cossack” itself is of Turkic origin and means something like a free warrior, a rider. Actually, the Kazakh people are offended that they are written with an X, whereas, in fact, their self-name is just with a K! Here the etymology is the same as in other Turkic names: KipchAKI, KarakalpAKI (black caps), etc.

Initially, it was the Turkic speakers who formed the basis of the so-called Cossack robbers in ancient times. Their “Asian” names also indicate this. Moreover, they were robbers without any stretch of the imagination for several centuries! Let's be honest, it was a gangster "rabble" in the literal sense of the word.

However, over time, fugitive Russian peasants increasingly joined the Cossacks, which subsequently affected both the language and the general culture of this category of the local “population”, incl. and on religion. But for a long time this rabble wandered along the Volga-Don interfluve. And the same Razin, Ermak and Pugachev were ordinary robbers who only in idle popular rumor became defenders of the offended. It was not for nothing that the Cossacks later went as mercenaries even to the Turkish Sultan and the Poles!

That is why it is funny to hear about the Cossacks as a kind of “people”. This is nothing more than a subethnos - i.e. a small part of a more general ethnic group (in this example, the Russian people). The same “Russian” subethnic groups include Pomors, Old Believers, etc. However, I want to note that for a long time there was a division among the Cossacks along national and religious (!) lines. There were a very large number of Kalmyk Cossacks (with corresponding Buddhist beliefs), and there were also Muslim Cossacks.

I won’t be categorical, as I have heard from documentary sources, many surnames that are “strange” for Russian Cossacks precisely reflect the history of the origin of this or that Cossack clan: Polyakov - from the Poles who settled in, Evreinovs - from Jews, Nemtsov - from Western Europeans, where everyone is “German” (there is a story about a Napoleonic Frenchman who, after being captured, became a real Cossack), Kalmykov - accordingly.

I will add that there were similar Cossack gangs in Zaporozhye, until Catherine the Second got tired of this impudent booth and she defeated the Zaporozhye Sich. As a result, the surviving part of those medieval “anarchists”, according to ideology, fled towards the Kuban and Don, where for a long time they hunted for what “God will send.” By the way, my ancestors, judging by my grandmother’s accent (my grandfather died in the war), were clearly of Khokhlyak origin, although they considered themselves Cossacks. But, later, the royal power reached there too. And, willy-nilly, the Cossack freedom came to an end.

This is a brief history of this “people”. Of course, the majority of modern Cossacks will not like it, and they will argue that everything is not so at all! After all, I want something noble. But alas... The story here is about the same as with the Tatars, who were not originally any people. This was a kind of rabble that the Mongols recruited from the conquered peoples and then drove them to slaughter in front of them. And only later, a certain Turkic-speaking ethnic group began to form from them. Until now - to the surprise of many! - Tatars are of both purely Caucasoid type and Mongoloid type. But this clearly shows the history of their origin.

However, I do not at all want to diminish the history of origin of both my ancestors and the Tatars. On the contrary, it has many of its own glorious traditions and heroes! But why be ashamed if you learned this way? We can name other peoples whose history of origin has an equally tarnished reputation.

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Name of the game

The name of the game is taken from life, since its rules imitate reality: in Tsarist Russia, the Cossacks were people's self-defense, protecting civilians from raids by robbers. There is no exact information about the time the game originated, but it is known that it was played even before the revolution.

Game history

There is an opinion that the game originated in the 16th century, when city Cossacks from settlements caught “thieves” Cossacks for a reward.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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