Final literature lessons in 5th grade Merkin. On the importance of proverbs and sayings

GBOU Ufa KSH No. 120 for students with mental retardation

Final lesson in 5th grade on literature

In the world of literature (travel through the country of Literature)

Teacher: Gamzaeva Zemfira Fayzeevna

Topic: In the world of literature (travel through the country of Literature)

Objectives of the lesson: to identify the level of literary development of students, to find out which works turned out to be important in the moral maturation of children, to instill a love for literature as a science and an art form.

Equipment: portraits of writers, illustrations for works, handouts, student drawings for the works studied.

On the board there is an epigraph for the lesson: “Reading is the best teaching.”

During the classes:

    Teacher's word.

Guys, our “literary meetings” are coming to an end. During your studies in 5th grade, you read a lot of books and met many authors of literary works. Let's start today's lesson by opening a portrait gallery of writers.

    Stories about writers (the most basic of biographies)

    In Ithaca, we begin our journey into the World of Literature.

Journey into a fairy tale.

Ball game "Who's faster?" (answer in one word)

An entertaining story about extraordinary events (fairy tale)

A colorful definition that is used in a stable phrase (epithet)

A joke that precedes the beginning in fairy tales (saying)

The beginning of a fairy tale (beginning), the last words of a fairy tale (ending of a fairy tale)

Additional questions for the teams:

What kind of fairy tales are there? (magical, everyday, about animals?

How does a literary fairy tale differ from a folk fairy tale?

Speech therapy warm-up. Scene from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” (mirror and the evil queen)

    Prize literary quiz (the student who answers the question receives a token). Condition: listen to the excerpt and name the work and author.

    “The fox sees the cheese, / The fox is captivated by the cheese. / The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe; / twirls her tail, / does not take her eyes off the crow...” (I.A. Krylov “The Crow and the Fox”)

    “Vasyutka went completely crazy with joy. He started jumping, throwing up handfuls of sand...” (V.P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”)

    “I lay down to take a nap by the carriage, / And you could hear until dawn, / How the Frenchman rejoiced” (M.Yu. Lermontov “Borodino”)

    “It was a pale, tiny creature, reminiscent of a flower that grew without the rays of the sun...” (Marusya, V.G. Korolenko “In Bad Society”)

    “One gentleman served as an officer in the Caucasus. His name was Zhilin. One day he received a letter from home...” (L.N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus”)

Five-minute game with a ball on knowledge of literary theory:

    What is said in the works (theme)

    The main idea of ​​the work (idea)

    Consonance of poetic lines (rhyme)

    Artistic definition (epithet)

    Legend, fiction, fantasy story (myth)

    Allegory (allegory)

    Cheerful, good-natured ridicule (humor)

    Competition “Who can solve the crossword puzzle faster” (tasks on literary theory)

    Determine the size of the verse, the type of rhyme.

The snow is still white in the fields,

And in the spring the waters are noisy,

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run and shine and shout...

AABB - paired rhyme

ABAB – cross rhyme (+)

ABBA - encircling rhyme

    Connect the titles of the works and the names of the authors with arrows

1 team


"Prisoner of the Caucasus"



"On the Volga"

V.A. Zhukovsky

A.P. Chekhov

ON THE. Nekrasov

L.N. Tolstoy

M. Yu. Lermontov

2nd team

"Mu Mu"

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"


"Black chicken, or underground inhabitants"





    How can you quickly arrange illustrations for the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by L.N. Tolstoy in the course of the plot?

    A theatrical moment. Dialogue between Vasya and Valek from the story by V.G. Korolenko "In Bad Society"

5. Lesson summary. Reflection. We turn to the students’ drawings and favorite works. Winner's reward ceremony.

Literature is a special kind of art that enriches the mind and heart. What we read in 5th grade is just a small part of what makes up the vast world of literature. To develop your intellect, you need to read constantly, gain more and more new knowledge.

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Slide captions:

A real book is always a dive into an amazing mystery. She is ready to open up to you - make an effort. She is ready to talk with you - find the mental strength for this conversation. She is ready to serve you - open your mind and heart to her. G. Merkin

What is the name of the section from which the study of works of art begins? folklore literature oral form written form

Small genres of folklore riddles proverbs sayings Determine the genre of works There is a snout in the front, a hook in the back, a back in the middle, bristles on the back. 2. It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to learn. 3. If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds. 4. Hey bells, blue, with a tongue, and no ringing. 5. Like a cat and a dog.

The hero of which work is in front of you?

Book of fairy records. Guess the fairy tale. 1. It fits into one cow's ear and out of the other. “Little little thing” 2. A vegetable of unusual size grew in the garden bed of an old man and an old woman. “Turnip” 3. There is a soothsayer dog in the world: she predicted to her stepmother the future of her stepdaughter and her own daughter. “Morozko” 4. A fruit that has a rejuvenating effect. Rejuvenating apples. 5. Single-seat aircraft without a motor. Mortar

Fairytale champions. Champion in jumping over a burning pit. Snow Maiden. Stove Racer. Emelya An archer whose arrow flies away and decides his fate. Ivan Tsarevich Wild animal tamer Ivan Tsarevich

Krylov Pushkin Lermontov Gogol Turgenev Nekrasov Tolstoy

Know these names! Krylov Pushkin Lermontov Gogol Turgenev Tolstoy Nekrasov Lev Nikolaevich Ivan Andreevich Ivan Sergeevich Mikhail Yurievich Alexander Sergeevich Nikolai Vasilievich Nikolai Alekseevich

Literary geography Mikhailovskoe Greshnevo Yasnaya Polyana Tarkhany Nezhin Spasskoe - Lutovinovo Pushkin Lermontov Gogol Turgenev Tolstoy Nekrasov of Russia

Connect: author, title, genre, Krylov I.A. Pushkin A.S. Lermontov M.Yu. Gogol N.V. Turgenev I.S. Tolstoy L.N. Nekrasov N.A. Story Poem Poem Tale Fable “Prisoner of the Caucasus” “Peasant Children” “Mumu” ​​“The Night Before Christmas” “Wolf in the Kennel” “Borodino” “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

You need to know the heroes by sight! Quartet Dina Zhilin Soldiers Peasant Children Gerasim Tsarevna

“...She herself, like the clear sun, glows. Everyone marvels at her, admires her, cannot utter a word from surprise...” Vasilisa the Wise “Our colonel was born with a grip: a servant to the king, a father to the soldiers...” “Are my black eyebrows and eyes so good that they have no equal in the world? What's so good about that upturned nose? And in the cheeks? And on the lips? As if my black braids are good? Oksana “...a man twelve inches tall, built like a hero...” Gerasim “A girl came running - thin, skinny, about thirteen years old and her face looked like a black one... Dressed in a long, blue shirt, with wide sleeves and without a belt,...” Dina

Choose a proverb. “The tit boasted to set the sea on fire.” “And the casket just opened.” “Have you been singing everything? This is the thing: come and dance!” “There is no cat more terrible than a beast.” “Yes, but the cart is still there.” “Ay, Moska! Know she is strong, that she barks at an elephant"

“The Unknown Flower” (fairy tale - true story) A parable woven from melodies of hope, longing, faith in the justice of children... Pure gold of poetry of the heart. V. Chalmaev A. Platonov

Fine and expressive means. The aspens are cold. On a sunny day in autumn, at the edge of a spruce forest, young multi-colored aspen trees gathered densely, one by one, as if they were cold there in the spruce forest and they went out to warm themselves at the edge, like in our villages people go out and sit on the rubble. epithet comparison personification metaphor hyperbole

Previously, the program edited by Kurdyumova for grade 5 included the topic “Old Testament.” And now I also include this topic in the program, since students should at least know what most works of fine art are about. This is more a lesson about art than about religion. In addition, during the lesson the children get acquainted with aphorisms that came to us from the Old Testament. In the archive you will find a presentation and methodological support.

The first lesson in studying Russian folk tales in the 5th grade, in which children recall previously studied fairy tales, get acquainted with the types of fairy tales, their characters, and features. The lesson ends with an animated test. In the archive, in addition to the presentation, you will find methodological support.

This is a lesson on the topic "Folklore" that completes the study of this topic. First, the lesson repeats the features of the fairy tale using an animated slide, and then students are given the task of composing a fairy tale. In the archive you will find a presentation with methodological support.

The lesson-game based on Krylov's fables represents its own Game. From the playing field you are taken to slides with questions. In the archive, in addition to the presentation, you will find methodological support.

Pushkin was very proud of his ancestors, therefore, before studying the poet’s work and his biography, I introduce the children to his genealogy. The presentation is animated, you must follow the hyperlinks. How to work with a presentation is described with methodological support. Attached to the presentation is a video fragment from the film “The Tale of How Tsar Peter Married an Arab.”

Pushkin's Fairy Tales is a lesson that includes the teacher's word, a quiz, audio and video fragments. The lesson also talks about the poet's nanny. In the archive you will find a presentation and lesson notes.

In the archive you will find a presentation and three video files for it: a fragment about the history of creation, fragments of the film: “Wedding”, “Abduction”.

During the lesson, vocabulary work is carried out with outdated words, characteristics of Farlaf, Rogdai and Ratmir are given, the story of the Finn is retold, and a table is filled out.

In the archive you will find a presentation and video files for its correct operation: fragments of a feature film. The lesson is supposed to analyze the images of Lyudmila, Farlaf, Rogday. The conversation is based on song 2 of the poem.

In this lesson, students draw up a plan for 3 songs, analyze the description of the Head, highlight the characteristic features of Chernomor, and compare a fragment from the movie with the text of the poem.

In the archive you will find the presentation and video clips for it, as well as methodological support for the presentation. This is 1 lesson on the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “Borodino”, which introduces the biography of the poet, the history of creation, and the historical events described in the poem. The presentation also includes an audio recording of a recitation of the work. One of the stages of the lesson is vocabulary work, familiarization with outdated words. One of the advantages of the lesson is a detailed historical commentary.

V. P. Astafiev "Vasyutkino Lake"

Presentation for a literature lesson based on the story by V. P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”

The presentation includes a navigation map that is equipped with triggers. By clicking, Vasyutka’s “stops” gradually appear. You need to click on the circles that appear and go to the desired page. The guys seem to be traveling, performing certain tasks to test their knowledge of the text and the ability to behave in an extreme situation. The slides have control buttons “next” and “home”. You need to monitor their appearance and follow them to the desired slide.

  • #1

    Inessa Nikolaevna, thank you very much for your work. As a novice teacher, your material is a great help to me. I wish you health, patience, creativity in this difficult work!!!

  • #2

    It’s so good that there are such generous and talented people! Thank you! Your presentations are a huge help in my work. Good luck to you in all your endeavors.

  • #3

    I'm delighted with the material! I admired the talent and diligence of the teacher! Thanks a lot!

  • #4

    Thank you very much for the pleasure you gave, for your presentations. I will show it to my students. Thank you very much!!!

  • #5

    Gratitude is immeasurable! Creative success and happiness to you!

  • #6

    Colossal work! Qualitative! Thank you very much.

  • #7

    Galina Alekseevna Fomina.1957. (Sunday, 08 November 2015 12:25)

    I have extensive teaching experience, and with all this, your presentations are a huge help to me in my work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  • #8

    Inessa Nikolaevna! Thank you very much for your work, for your generosity of soul.

  • #9

    Wonderful presentation. Thank you very much for your work.

  • #10

    Wonderful material!!! Thank you!

  • #11

    Inessa Nikolaevna, thank you! Once again you help out. I downloaded wonderful material: presentations for literature lessons. Thanks a lot!

  • #12

    Thank you, Inessa Nikolaevna! Excellent work. They helped a lot. Thank you for your generosity and...solidarity!

  • #13

    Thank you very much for the interesting materials!

  • #14

    Thank you very much, very useful and interesting material!

  • #15

    Bogdanova Marina Vladimirovna (Sunday, 30 September 2018 09:24)

    Thank you very much for your interesting material!

  • #16

    Help for presentation page 148-149 (cow)

Slide 1

Presentation for the final literature lesson in 5th grade (according to G.S. Merkin)
Performed by the teacher of Russian language and literature MCOU Marchenkovskaya OOSH Eskina L.N.

Slide 2

And on Monday it all ends immediately. The city takes on a humble and everyday appearance, even the market square becomes empty - and great grief approaches Sasha: his father is leaving.
Ivan Alekseevich Bunin “Snowdrop”
“Let it dry,” says the Pig, “It doesn’t bother me at all; I see little use in it; Even if it weren’t for a century, I won’t regret it at all, If only there were acorns: after all, they make me fat.”
Ivan Andreevich Krylov “Pig under the oak tree”
Name the author and work

Slide 3

Petka continued not to understand, although the matter was clear as day. But his mouth was dry and his tongue moved with difficulty when he asked: “How can we catch fish tomorrow?” Fishing rod - here it is... - What can you do!.. Demands. Procopius, he says, fell ill and was taken to the hospital. There are no people, he says. Don’t cry: look, he’ll let you go again, he’s kind, Osip Abramovich.
Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev “Petka at the dacha”

Slide 4

They ask Danilushka if he lost anything? He will smile sadly and say: “I haven’t lost it, but I can’t find it.” Well, they started talking: “There’s something wrong with the guy.”
Pavel Petrovich Bazhov “Stone Flower”
The front was completely German: the narrow muzzle, constantly twirling and sniffing at everything it came across, ended, like our pigs, in a round snout; the legs were so thin that if Yareskovsky had such a head, he would have broken them in the first Cossack.
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol “The Night Before Christmas”

Slide 5

Tom woke up on Monday morning feeling very unhappy. He always felt miserable on Monday morning, as that day began a new week of long torment at school. He even wanted there to be no resurrections in his life at all, since after a short freedom the return to prison would be even more difficult.
Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Slide 6

Vasyutka was completely depressed. He felt sorry for himself and began to feel remorse. He didn’t listen in class and during recess he practically walked on his head and smoked in secret.
Viktor Petrovich Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”
I'm in the village again. I go hunting, I write my verses - life is easy.
Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov “Peasant Children”

Slide 7

Name the writer
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

Slide 8

Evgeniy Ivanovich Nosov

Slide 9

Mark Twain

Slide 10

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Slide 11

Andrey Platonovich Platonov

Slide 12

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Slide 13

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Slide 14

Philword (terms)
Part of the text of a work of fiction that goes beyond the boundaries of the plot: the author’s story about what happened to the characters after the denouement of the plot action, about the further fate of the characters.
A verbatim quote from someone else’s statement included in the author’s own text.
Sound repetition in two or more verses mainly at the end
A type of literature that exposes and ridicules the vices of people and society in specific forms.
A small prose work of a mainly narrative nature, compositionally grouped around a separate episode or character.
The result, a moral conclusion, often coincides with the author’s attitude to what is happening, its assessment.
An ancient legend, which is an artistic narrative about important natural, physiological, social phenomena, the origin of the world, the mystery of the birth of man and humanity, the exploits of gods, kings and heroes, their victorious battles and bitter defeats.
The depiction of inanimate objects as animate, in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings: the gift of speech, the ability to think and feel.
The figurative meaning of a word, based on the use of one object or phenomenon to another by similarity or contrast; hidden comparison based on the similarity or contrast of phenomena
A poem of an enthusiastic nature (solemn, glorifying) in honor of a person or event.
Oh yeah
A short poetic story-allegory of a moralizing nature.
A clear, easy-to-remember, precise, brief expression of a certain completeness of thought
A literary work in the form of a narration from the point of view of the narrator.
Genre of oral folk art: allegorical description of an object or phenomenon that needs to be guessed.
Type of work of art.

A methodological manual was created for the new textbook on literature for grade 5 by G.S. Merkina. It was developed in accordance with the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standard and is intended for secondary school teachers, meets the modern direction of studying literature and will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced teachers.

Identification of the characteristics of the worldview of the hero of the story, manifested in the desire to see beauty in the surrounding reality.
Formation of skills in research work with text, lexical work, expressive reading, comparative analysis.
Formation of moral and aesthetic ideas in the process of lexical work with the words vulgarity, sincerity.

1. The teacher's word.
The story “Snowdrop” was written in 1927. At this time, I.A. Bunin lived far from his homeland, but Russia remained forever in his heart. In exile, the writer turns to the past: lives by it and writes about it. 11a the foreground comes, in Bunin’s words, “a dream of the past that my soul will live with until the grave.”
What word is repeated in the first sentence of the story? What does the author convey with its help? How do you understand the words Russia once was?
The repetition of the verb was conveys the mood of conviction that now the old Russia no longer exists.
Find in the text an indication of the time of events.
It was Maslenitsa. There was a thaw, there were warm and damp days, Russian, district ones.
Appeal to the reproduction of the painting by B.M. Kustodiev “Maslenitsa” (1916). A message about the history of the creation of the painting.

The panorama of the festive city, where cheerful troikas are racing, the festive bazaar is noisy, is not so much a reality as a dream of a happy life. Kustodiev worked on this painting under extremely difficult conditions: after a serious illness (since 1916), he was confined to a wheelchair and was tormented by frequent pain.

Literature lessons in 5th grade 3
Lesson 1. The book is your friend 9
Lesson 2. Myth "Olympus" 12
Lessons 3-4. "Odysseus on the Island of the Cyclops. Polyphemus" 15
Lesson 5. Riddles 18
Lesson 6. Proverbs and sayings 23
Lesson 7. Literary game 28
Lesson 8. Analysis of written work 31
Lesson 9. “The Frog Princess” 32
Lesson 10. “Stepdaughter” 36
Lesson 11. Features of a fairy tale. Preparation for essay 40
Lesson 12. Analysis of written work 47
Lesson 13. From “The Tale of Bygone Years”: “The Settlement of the Slavs” 47
Lesson 14. “Cue, Cheeks of Horeb”, “Dankhazaram” 50
Lesson 15. Analysis of written work 53
Lesson 16. From the fables of the peoples of the world. Aesop “The Raven and the Fox”, “The Fox and the Grapes”, J. de La Fontaine “The Fox and the Grapes” 53
Lesson 17. Russian fables. M.V. Lomonosov “Two Astronomers Happened Together at a Feast...” 58
Lesson 18. Fables by I.A. Krylova. Comparison of fables by V.K. Trediakovsky Raven and Fox", A.P. Sumarokov “The Crow and the Fox” and I.A. Krylova “The Crow and the Fox” 61
Lesson 19. I.A. Krylov “Wolf in the Kennel”, “Wolf and Lamb”, “Pig under the Oak” 70
Lesson 20. Russian fable in XX in 74
Lesson 21. Analysis of written work 77
Lesson 22. Brief information about A.S. Pushkina 77
Lesson 23. A.S. Pushkin “Nanny” 81
Lesson 24. A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” 87
Lesson 25. Similarities and differences between fairy and literary fairy tales 92
Lesson 26. A.S. Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (Excerpt) 96
Lesson 27. A.S. Pushkin “Winter Road” 99
Lesson 28. Poetry of the 19th century. about native nature 102
Lesson 29. Brief information about M.Yu. Lermontov 113
Lesson 30. M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino". Historical basis and prototypes of heroes. The Battle of Borodino and its heroes in fine art 117
Lesson 31. Means of artistic expression in a poem 119
Lesson 32. Preparing for the essay “Journey to the Field of Glory.” Panorama F.A. Rubo “The Battle of Borodino” and the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov 124
Lesson 33. Analysis of written work 130
Lesson 34. Brief information about N.V. Gogole 130
Lesson 35. N.V. Gogol “The Night Before Christmas” 135
Lesson 36. Fantasy and reality in the story by N.V. Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas" 140
Lesson 37. Childhood impressions of I.S. Turgenev. Spasskoye-Lutovinovo in the creative biography of the writer 145
Lesson 38. I.S. Turgenev “Mumu” ​​148
Lesson 39. Gerasim and the servants. Gerasim and the lady. Gerasim and Tatyana 151
Lesson 40. Gerasim and Mumu 155
Lesson 41. Preparing for an essay on the topic “Episode in the story “Mumu”” (Gerasim and Mumu) 159
Lesson 42. Analysis of essays 161
Lesson 43. “Two Rich Men.” Poems in prose “Sparrow”, “Russian language” 162
Lesson 44. N.A. Nekrasov. The poet's childhood impressions 170
Lesson 45. N.A. Nekrasov "Peasant Children". Features of the composition of the work 173
Lesson 46. The main theme of the poem “Peasant Children” and ways to reveal it. The author's attitude towards the characters of the poem 177
Lesson 47. N.A. Nekrasov "Troika" 181
Lesson 48. Analysis of written work 185
Lesson 49. L.N. Tolstoy. Information about the writer. Historical and literary basis of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” Yasnaya Polyana school 185
Lesson 50. L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus". Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity 190
Lesson 51. Two life positions in the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” Artistic idea for a story 194
Lesson 52. Preparing for the essay “What did L.N.’s story make me think about?” Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus?”. Artistic idea of ​​the story 197
Lesson 53. Analysis of written work 199
Lesson 54. A.P. Chekhov. Childhood and adolescence. Chekhov's family. A book in the life of A.P. Chekhova 200
Lesson 55. A.P. Chekhov "The Intruder". Techniques for creating characters and situations; the writer's attitude towards the characters. Genre originality of the story 204
Lesson 56. A.P. Chekhov “Over-Salted” 210
Lesson 57. Preparing for an essay. A humorous story about a real-life incident 213
Lesson 58. Analysis of essays 215
Lesson 59. I.A. Bunin. Childhood and adolescence. Family traditions and their influence on the formation of personality. A book in the life of I.A. Bunina 215
Lesson 60. I.A. Bunin “Dense green spruce forest near the road...” 219
Lesson 61. I.A. Bunin “In the Village” 222
Lesson 62. I.A. Bunin “Snowdrop” 224
Lesson 63. Brief information about L.N. Andreeve 228
Lesson 64. L.N. Andreev “Petka at the dacha.” Theme and moral issues of the story. The world of the city in the story 230
Lesson 65. L.N. Andreev “Petka at the dacha.” The contrast between the city and the dacha in the story 232
Lesson 66. A.I. Kuprin. Brief information about the writer 235
Lesson 67. Story by A.I. Kuprin "Golden Rooster". Theme, features of creating an image 237
Lesson 68. Analysis of written work 241
Lesson 69. Childhood impressions of A.A. Blok. A book in the life of a young block. Blokovsky places 241
Lesson 70. A.A. Block “Summer Evening”, “The full moon rose over the meadow...” 245
Lesson 71. S.A. Yesenin. The poet's childhood. In Yeseninsky Konstantinov 247
Lesson 72. S.A. Yesenin “You sing me that song that before...” 250
Lesson 73. S.A. Yesenin “Winter sings and echoes...”, “The fields are compressed, the groves are bare...” 253
Lesson 74. A.P. Platonov. Brief information about the writer 257
Lesson 75. A.P. Platonov "Nikita". The world through the eyes of a child (trouble and joy, evil and good beginnings in the world) 260
Lesson 76. A.P. Platonov “Flower on Earth” 263
Lesson 77. P.P. Bazhov. Brief information about the writer 268
Lesson 78. P.P. Bazhov "Stone Flower". The man of labor in the tale of P.P. Bazhova 271
Lesson 79. P.P. Bazhov "Stone Flower". Techniques for creating an artistic image 273
Lesson 80. Analysis of written work 277
Lesson 81. N.N. Nosov. Brief information about the writer 277
Lesson 82. Story by N.N. Nosov "Three Hunters". Theme, system of images 280
Lesson 83. Analysis of written work 283
Lessons 84-85. V.P. Astafyev “Vasyutkino Lake” 283
Lesson 86. E.I. Nosov. Brief information about the writer 288
Lesson 87. E.I. Nosov “How a gramophone saved a rooster from death.” Goodness and kindness. The world through the eyes of a child. Humorous and lyrical in the story 290
Lesson 88. Analysis of written work 292
Lesson 89. Native nature in the works of writers of the 20th century. V.F. Bokov "Bow". N.M. Rubtsov "In the autumn forest". RG. Gamzatov “Song of the Nightingale” 292
Lesson 90. V.I. Belov “Spring Night” 295
Lesson 91. V.G. Rasputin “Live the century - love the century” 297
Lessons 92-93. D. Defoe. Brief information about the writer. Novel “The Life, Extraordinary and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe...” (Excerpt) 300
Lesson 94 Andersen. Brief information about the writer and his childhood 304
Lesson 95. H.K. Andersen "The Nightingale". External and internal beauty, gratitude 308
Lesson 96. M. Twain. Brief information about the writer. Autobiography and autobiographical motifs in the works of M. Twain 312
Lesson 97. The novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (Excerpt). The world of childhood and the world of adults 316
Lesson 98. Cheerfulness, tireless interest in life, vigorous energy of Tom Sawyer (analysis of chapters VII and VIII) 320
Lessons 99-100. J. Roney the Elder. Brief information about the writer. The story "Fight for Fire". Humanistic image of ancient man 323
Lesson 101. J. London. Brief information about the writer 325
Lesson 102. J. London “The Tale of Kish” 329
Lessons 103-104. A. Lindgren. Brief information about the writer. “The Adventures of Emil from Lenneberga” 332
Lesson 105. Final lesson. Literary quiz. Summer Reading Suggestions 334
References 336.
