Cool competitions for cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police Day Scenarios

March 4 is a holiday of the Belarusian police. A professional holiday celebrated on this day by the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. It was officially approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 157 of March 26, 1998. But the history of this holiday began in 1917. On this day, March 4, 1917, the office of the civil commandant of the city of Minsk issued an order, according to which the Bolshevik M.A. Mikhailov was appointed temporary chief of police of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union for the Protection of Order in the city. In accordance with this order, all city police officers were required to hand over to him the weapons in their possession according to the inventory.

It is a state holiday and is celebrated widely and solemnly by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The hall is festively decorated. Solemn music sounds. Excited audience waiting for the start of the festive event. The hall includes the senior staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Two presenters appear on stage.
Presenter: Police work is difficult, dangerous, harsh:
These are sleepless nights, this is a battle of wits,
These are bullets and explosions, and the severity of losses.
And with victory - happy
And a joyful look.
So let us bow to her best sons
For perseverance, for honesty, giving us
Live in peace and know
What - anxiety is barely -
We can trust “zero two”.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today we are pleased to welcome you to this hall and congratulate you on your professional holiday - Police Day. Let me thank you for your hard work days and nights, for your concern for our peace of mind, for your willingness to always come to our aid and wish you health, good luck, career growth and prosperity for your families.

Presenter: We are pleased to welcome the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate ____________________ in this hall and give him the floor for congratulations.

Presenter: Sometimes your service is not easy,
Sometimes it becomes desperately harsh,
But the main thing is that the hand is strong,
And those who broke the law, listened at a glance.
Police officers always
I wish you health and strength.
Remember guys, the whole country
He wants order, hiding behind your back.
And on Police Day I want to wish one thing,
That no matter how difficult it may be for you -
It’s your duty to protect the weak,
So that goodness and joy reign in the soul.

And may the gift for you, friends, be the song __________ performed by ______________
Presenter: Honor and glory to the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
You, without sparing yourself at all,
Dedicated their lives to their native country,
They took risks, protected and cared!
May fate reward you a hundredfold
Have a peaceful holiday with your loved ones and family!
How medals color your outfit,
So let life turn out beautifully!

The floor to congratulate veterans is given to the Deputy Head of the Department for Ideological Work___________________________

Veterans are given valuable gifts, and a song ____________ is played for them.

Presenter: Who will save us on any day?
Will it ensure our peace?
Who, having risen in alarm,
Rushing along the road with a flashing light?
You are the heroes of jokes,
But without you, I will say this,
It would be really bad for us
After all, order is not a trifle.

Presenter: Day and night - always on duty,
And for this difficult work
I would like a gift for you as a friend
I suggested it, but they won’t understand...
It will be worse for you and me -
You can't take bribes.
I will then say in words:
Happy Police Day, friends!

Yes, no one is allowed to take bribes. And the military work of our police officers will be appreciated by the state. And the floor for reading the order on conferring the next military ranks and presenting state awards is given to the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs___________________________

Presenter: We congratulate you, friends, on your new titles and state awards and accept this musical gift from us.

Host: There are many police services
They are difficult to count.
Do you know how to work?
For this you are honored!
Presenter: Theft is a problem with us.
Without security - nowhere!
If you hand over your object to the remote control -
Save it, the department is all yours.
The alarm will help
But she cannot live without people.
People are the main wealth
In their affairs there is a male brotherhood!

A musical number is performed for security department employees.

Host: One of my friends spent his entire life on the road:
Passages, dead ends and stages,
But I have my own path, and thank God:
According to the stars and gaps on the shoulder straps.
Even if this path is sometimes thorny and difficult,
And often there is not enough faith,
That I carry my cross for the benefit of people,
And not for the benefit of anyone's career.
Presenter: When trouble covers my house,
No one is immune from this,
I want to know that someone will remember
What kind of district policeman was there in the world?
And for you, dear local police officers, this musical number is performed.

Host: Who should be hired as a staff member?
Who needs a military ID urgently?
The personnel officer's gaze sees right through us,
And we can confidently assure you of this!

Presenter: They know how to keep records for us,
And they do it with great knowledge.
Today we give to personnel officers
All our respect and attention!
For you, friends, there is a song _______________________

Host: Any American superman will understand
What are the exploits of his antlers and prose,
When will he find out how it works with us?
Our legendary criminal investigation department!
Presenter: Congratulations to the criminal investigation officers _________________
Presenter: It’s not easy to be a traffic police officer -
You know this better than anyone else
I wish you happiness and love!
Let difficulties happen sometimes.
Don't pay attention to them
And know that you will be lucky in life!
You meet every moment with hope,
Then luck will come forever!

Presenter: Sends her greetings to the traffic police officers_____________________

Presenter: A girl in uniform is non-standard,
You can't count the difficulties in your service.
To serve the young lady properly in the police,
All men's difficulties must be taken into account.
Dear, beautiful women in the police,
I would like to wish you many glorious years!
Wherever you work - at the post, in justice,
I wish you great happiness and no troubles!

Host: And for you, dear beauties, she sings_____________________

Host: About the fact that service is difficult and dangerous,
Much has been sung and much has been written.
In fact, it is unclear to civilians
That you are truly performing titanic work.

Presenter: I wish you, police representative,
So that luck does not leave you in life,
Honor, medals, career ambitions.
And may he rise to the rank of general!
Host: Our festive concert has come to an end. But we don't say goodbye, friends. We tell you:
Together: See you soon!

At corporate events, parties in the company of colleagues, and even more so at a celebration held on the occasion of a professional holiday, jokes, table games, concert performances or active competitions that in one way or another play up the field of activity of the assembled company are especially popular. AI, current events and professional jokes.

Perhaps you shouldn’t have an entirely themed party dedicated to work, because it’s a holiday, many people want to distract themselves and just have fun, but adding a couple of game moments to the program, especially at the beginning of the evening, won’t hurt.

We offer ideas for table games for the Day of Employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Day of Police, Criminal Investigation):

Table game - role-playing fairy tale "Everyday life of teaching staff - Nika"

The point of the entertainment is that as the presenter reads the text, everyone who received a card with words, hearing the mention of their character, expressively pronounces the written line.

Characters and lines:

Leading- reads the text

PPS - nickname:"Your documents!"

Management:"Don't relax!"

Dark night:“I’ll cover everyone!”


Moon:“I’m so mysterious!”

Makarov pistol:“What a blast!”

Fairy tale text.

“The day in the city passed without incident, which the police officer on duty reported to his superiors, proudly placing his hand on the holster with his service Pistol, and scratching his faithful comrade, the shepherd Mukhtar, behind the ear. But the Dark Night was approaching, and the duty police officer increased his vigilance, as his native Superiors advised him, Mukhtar and Makarov also became wary. At that moment, the Dark Night was illuminated by the bright Moon, while the PPS-nick sighed dreamily, Mukhtar howled sadly, and the Makarov Pistol painfully hit the PPS-nick in the side, immediately reminding him of the words of his superiors. This means that the hometown can sleep peacefully, because, no matter how dark the night is and no matter how the Moon shines, the vigilant PPS nickname, inspired by the Chiefs, together with his faithful friend Mukhtar and the reliable Makarov, stands guard over his peace. And therefore, on this holiday, which is dedicated to the Day of Internal Affairs Workers, I propose to raise a glass to all ordinary PPS officers serving in the light of the Moon and under the scorching rays of the sun, to the Chiefs, who are also vigilant, even in the Darkest Night, and to their faithful comrades: Makarov pistol and Mukhtar service dog! Hooray!"

Table chant - congratulations for "Internal Affairs Workers"

The presenter explains to the guests that he reads the first five lines, and the fifth line: “Internal affairs workers!” All the gathered guests shout in unison.


Everyone judges you by your TV series characters,

There seemed to be quite a few of them filmed.

But the cinema failed to tell everything

About workdays...

Everyone (in unison): Internal affairs workers!


He didn’t say everything about those who are the support,

Who protects us from the murderer and the thief,

About those for whom risk is their profession and destiny

Today we glorify...

Everyone (in unison): Internal affairs workers!


We glorify those who are in service for days,

Who is a faithful companion in work and friendship,

Who is selfless, who is reliable and courageous -

Congratulations on the holiday...

Everyone (in unison): Internal affairs workers!

Entertainment for the holiday "Banquet Charter"

The essence of this is that the presenter reads out the articles of the charter, then proposes to approve them by clinking glasses.

Article 1. The number of toasts is not established by the holiday regulations; the quality requirements are: toasts must be solemn, sincere, cheerful and simply must be.

Article 2. On November 10, 20...every employee of the Department of Internal Affairs is legally obliged to celebrate a professional holiday in accordance with the state of his health and wallet. Everyone who is in office has the right to moral compensation - be noted with a delay, but in an enhanced manner.

Article 3. Each guest is elected as the highest legislative body of the holiday, and therefore the desire to have fun is the law and a guide to action.

Article 4. To avoid unauthorized entry into someone else's home after the banquet, write your address on a napkin.

Article 5. At the banquet everything that is not prohibited is allowed: professional pride and fun, any joy of manifestation.

Article 6. The banquet charter is approved by all those present; the clinking of a glass will mean the entry into force of the charter.

Song quiz "What crime are we talking about?"

The essence of the game: determine what article threatens the heroes of these songs, or what violation of law and order is being discussed in this passage. For greater effect, it is better to make appropriate cuts from songs and include them as a musical question; if this is technically difficult to organize, then read lines from songs, encouraging the best answers.

Options for musical questions:

1. What is this type called popularly, and what article qualifies its actions in the law? (Alphonse, fraud)

“He invited me to a restaurant,
True, he treated me to cognac at my expense.
He promised Monte Carlo and Varna,
Oh, and imagine, he promised to get married.”

2. Do we have an article for this type of activity? (prostitution -administrative fine from 1000 rubles)

“Prostitute, prostitute, prostitute!

Night butterfly, who is to blame?

Prostitute, prostitute, prostitute!

The hotel lights are so tempting"

3. Such a description is very helpful in solving crimes, what is it called? (Identikit)

“...And I recognize my dear one by his gait,
He wears trousers, wears riding breeches.
And he wears a hat on top of a Panama hat,
He wears boots.”

4. How would you classify such actions? (petty hooliganism - noise after 11 pm, fine)

“Hey, you up there!
There is no escape from you again!
I can't listen anymore
I am your corps de ballet!

5. Can the characters in this song really be calm? (there is no direct ban on production, no counteraction to distribution)

“And our little den sells moonshine.
Nobody, guys, will put a barrier on us!”

« If they ask me where I got it

I'm such a sweet boy

I will answer that..."

7. Under what article will the hero of this song be judged? ( Art. 115, premeditated murder)

“Wash your feet at night

I completely forgot about the criminal world

And get a pen for it...”

8. What does the law say about the differences in punishment in situations: they mow for themselves or for sale? (for yourself only as prescribed by a doctor, for possession and distribution the article ranges from a fine to imprisonment)

"There is grass in the clearing
The hares mowed down at midnight.
And at the same time they sang
Strange words..."

Table game "Catch the fairy tale hero at the crime scene"

We have peace... You have an invisible battle
script for a concert program dedicated to the celebration of Police Day

The curtain is closed. Music is playing (the Anthem of the Krasnoyarsk Police), the video projector is turned on.
The presenters go up on stage to the video and read:

1 : Sometimes you barely have time to rest.
Someone dials zero and two again!
This number in our lives is like SOS
The entire post is on alert.

2 :After all, work and care are not alone
And the whole country is in danger.
We know that everyone feels it
We have peace - you have an invisible battle!!!

The music is louder.

1 :Good afternoon, dear friends and distinguished guests of our holiday! We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this hall.

2 : This year is an anniversary year for the celebration of Police Day, which marks 90 years since its formation. The date is quite big. It embodies the era, history and destinies of people.

1 : There are bright holidays
We contact you again
To the police officers
Today is your say!

2 : There is someone to look up to!
1 : There is someone to be proud of!
TOGETHER: We wish you good health, comrade police!

1 : Today, many warm and sincere words and congratulations addressed to you will be heard here.

2 : And on such a holiday I would like to first remember all the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All those who gave their long years of life for the benefit and prosperity of their native department!

1 : The police are like reliable guards.
As it should be, there are veterans.
That they defended their position for many years.
They gave up so much health and nerves.
Criminals, putting up a reliable barrier.
Our deepest bow to you, veterans!

2 : You, dear veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are congratulated by the young soloist of the Nadezhda Song Theater Yulenka Erasheva! Meet!

2 : And we continue our holiday, which today will take place in a slightly humorous manner. Namely, to go through the nominations that were elected throughout the department.

1 : So here we go! Boguchansky Investigation Department!
He solved a lot of cases.
Experts do the work
Okay, restrainedly, willingly.

2 : Increases openability,
They maintain their academic performance clearly.
We are announcing this list.
We sincerely congratulate you!

1 : In the nomination “A subtle sense of smell and strong nerves. For dedication to the profession" the following are presented:
1. Yana Yurievna Mamina
2. Yulia Alexandrovna Belonozhka
3. Liliya Eldarovna Minakova
(read out, video is playing)

1: And the winner in the category “Delicate sense of smell and strong nerves. For dedication to the profession” becomes Yana Yuryevna Mamina.
2: We ask you to come up on stage. (handing over a gift)

1 : There are many police services
They are difficult to count.
Do you know how to work?
For this you are honored!

2 : After all, you said - there is no lawlessness!
And the criminal element crawls into holes.
UGRO will prove it. A clear answer will give.
What, where and who robbed or knocked when.

1 : Any American superman will understand
What are the exploits of his show-off and prose
When will he find out how it works with us?
Our Boguchansky criminal investigation department!!

2 : In the category “Find and neutralize. The following employees are represented for their dedication to the profession:

1. Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Sushchenko
2. Sergey Sergeevich Zubov
3. Evgeny Fedorov
4. Nikolai Alexandrovich Kuznetsov

(a video is playing, the envelope is opened)


1 : And in the category “Find and neutralize. For dedication to the profession, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov becomes the winner. We ask you to come up to the stage.
(Fanfare, awards ceremony)

2 : Ekaterina Prokop congratulates employees of the criminal investigation department. Meet!

1 : If a bandit suddenly attacks you at night,
If somewhere they steal something.
This service will accept you, it will find everything.
Interrogators live for this.

2 : We are proud of such an excellent team!
It is with honor that we announce this large list to you.
1 : In the category “Calm, calm and only calm. The following candidates were nominated for dedication to the profession:

1. Ksenia Vladislavovna Batrdinova
3. Nikolai Anatolyevich Korovyakov
4. Marina Anatolyevna Kulakova
5. Svetlana Vladimirovna Kozlova

2: Winner in the category “Calmness, calmness and only calmness. For dedication to the profession, Nikolai Anatolyevich Korovyakov, senior investigator at the Boguchansky District Department of Internal Affairs, becomes the senior investigator. Your applause!
(fanfare, presentation of gifts)

1 : Employees of the department for combating economic crimes are not asleep! They are always on the alert and know their stuff!

2 : If you serve in the police,
Not in your work.
Fairer position -
Be a protector of the people!

1 : If you serve in the police
It's calm and simple
According to the KGB tradition
You are taking over the post!

2 : In the category “We won’t let you live cool. The following nominees are presented for dedication to the profession:

1. Ivan Andreevich Kalashnikov
2. Mikhail Alexandrovich Kuznetsov
3. Natalya Andreevna Maksimova


1 : And the detective of the department for combating economic crimes, Ivan Andreevich Kalashnikov, wins. We ask you to come up to the stage.
(fanfare. Award ceremony.)

2 : The choreographic ensemble “Angaryata”, artistic director Irina Miroshnikova, congratulates the employees of the department for combating economic crimes.

1 : Our district police officers are smart in all matters.
The services understand the essence. And you can’t turn them off the path.
They protect their area and help people in trouble.
They will deal with the most difficult, even the most impossible!

2 : We announce the best ones.
We present the nomination!

1 : In the category “Under the roof of my house. For dedication to the profession" the following are presented:

1. Konstantin Nikolaevich Kuznetsov
2. Alexander Vasilievich Dyachenko
3. Dmitry Prokopyevich Tereshchuk


2 : And the winner is senior district police officer Dmitry Prokopievich Tereshchuk, who is not present at our holiday today, but is at a combat post!

1 : As you know, theater begins with a hanger. Do you know where the internal affairs department begins?

2 : I think from the duty station. If I'm not mistaken.

1 : Right. Just as the theater begins with a coat rack, so the police begins with the duty station.

2 : Hello, hello. The duty officer is listening to you.
Tell me everything, the whole truth.
I'll write everything down and send out a task force.
Just don't worry. This is in vain!

1: In the category “The Trumpet is Calling!” The following nominees are presented for dedication to the profession:

1. Andrey Viktorovich Barsukov
2. Dmitry Dmitrievich Lukin
3. Ivan Valerievich Nikolaev
4. Yuri Vladimirovich Bykov


1 : And in the nomination “The Trumpet is Calling. For dedication to the profession, the winner is Yuri Vladimirovich Bykov. We ask you to come up to the stage.

1: You are performing a difficult service.
Each of you is risking your life.
You don't take care of yourself at all
Save the sleep of Russian citizens!

2 : The patrol service keeps its watch day and night. Carefully protecting the peace of our small homeland. And today they deservedly got into the nomination
“I passed the post. I accepted the post. For dedication to the profession”, in which the following employees were nominated:

1. Nikolay Yuryevich Rukosuev
2. Anatoly Nikolaevich Kruglikov
3. Yuri Alexandrovich Tkachenko
4. Mikhail Nikolaevich Shevchenko


1 : And Yuri Aleksandrovich Tkachenko wins. Your applause! We ask you to take the stage!

1 : Our passport service -
The floor is beautiful, let's just say!
Passport regime is carried out.
We won't run away from them!

2: Visas, extracts, cases.
There is no trace of problems here.
Included in the nomination
We have been waiting for you for a very long time!!

1 : In the nomination “Show and receive. The following employees are represented for their dedication to the profession:

1: Radion Olegovich Zaderey
2. Olga Vasilievna Trofimova
3. Irina Vladimirovna Bryukhanova.

2 : And the winner, or rather, the winner is Olga Vasilievna Trofimova - senior inspector, captain of the Internal Service. Your applause!

1 : Anatoly Rudenko congratulates you. (2 songs) Meet us!

1: The Boguchany Department of Internal Affairs is famous for its interesting, special people. It also includes village police departments.

1 : And today these departments are presented in the category “The work of the master is afraid.” For dedication to the profession." Our nominees for the Taezhinsky police department:
1. Oleg Vladimirovich Fedorov
2. Eduard Albertovich Frizorger
3. Marina Anatolyevna Frizorger

Chunoyarsk police department:
1. Alexander Vladimirovich Koryakin
2. Vyacheslav Vazhaevich Prangeshvili
3. Nikolai Mikhailovich Sokolov


: The winners are the district commissioner of the Chunoyarsk police department, Alexander Vladimirovich Koryakin, and the senior investigator of the Taezhinsky police department, Marina Anatolyevna Frizorger. Applause to our winners! We ask you to come up on stage!

1 : In the capital and in the provinces
All day long
Russian police
Protects our peace.

2 : Forensic scientists are working
They have a lot to worry about.
Experts have a keen sense
Where is it going wrong?

1 : Criminals leave their tracks
Trying to deceive.
And quickly the operatives
The essence of problems is found.

2 : In the nomination “We have inherited here... For dedication to the profession” the following nominees are presented:

1. Vladimir Ivanovich Pupyshev
2. Vladimir Anatolyevich Sidorov
3. Alexander Viktorovich Shkredov
4. Nikolai Vasilievich Kazakov


1 : And the winner is Alexander Viktorovich Shkredov. Your applause. We ask you to take the stage!

1 : The young soloist of the Nadezhda Song Theater Katyusha Bryukhanova congratulates you. Meet!

1 : There are emergency situations at any job
Everything is like in a fire - on the run and worrying.
An accountant will tell you what someone needs.
Draw up a balance sheet and prepare salaries.

2 : Everyone who didn’t have time, they try to make it in time.
Accept, calculate, you need to be able to do this!
We will announce the list of accountants to you.
We wish you success in your business and work!!

1. Olga Vladimirovna Vdovina
2. Irina Yakovlevna Lakman
3. Evgenia Nikolaevna Bogolyubova


2 : And the winner is Leading Specialist Olga Vladimirovna Vdovina. Our congratulations, we ask you to take the stage!

1 : There are many professions in the world.
Each business has its own masters.
Well, if you got into the footage
Here the work is in full swing.

2 : We wish the staff not to grow old.
May luck accompany everyone.
Let the problems diminish at least for a moment.
And the sorrows will disappear completely.

1: In the nomination “Freeze frame. For dedication to the profession" the following nominees:
1. Alexander Atarovich Piradze
2. Lidia Yurievna Shicheva
3. Evgenia Vladimirovna Zhuravleva
4. Elena Alexandrovna Tolstykh


2 : And the winner in the “Freeze Frame” category is Evgenia Vladimirovna Zhuravleva. Senior Inspector of the Human Resources Department. Our congratulations. We ask you to come up to the stage.

1 : Antonina Flegentova congratulates you!

1 : Our next nominees also deserve a lot of warm words addressed to them. The employees of the temporary detention center bear many troublesome and responsible matters related to our unscrupulous citizens.

2 : We wish you easy service,
Bright earthly joys.
Unbreakable warm friendship
And have a relaxing weekend!

1 : This department is presented in the following nomination: “Who goes to the forest, who gets firewood.” For dedication to the profession"
1. Ivan Vasilievich Kornev
2. Sergei Muratovich Taichikov
3. Elena Andreevna Shamshurina.


1 : We invite the winner to the stage - this is Elena Andreevna Shamshurina. Your applause!

1 : You may not always be able to handle men’s work.
And gray uniform color does not always suit you.
And may you sometimes dream of a different job.
But there is simply no better one that you have chosen!

2 : Nominated in the next nomination are the headquarters and department of records management and regime

1: In the category “It’s fun to walk together. For dedication to the profession." The following employees are represented:
1. Inga Aleksandrovna Lapkova
2. Natalya Nikolaevna Bovkun
3. Natalya Viktorovna Popova
4. Evgeny Anatolyevich Bovkun
5. Valentina Aleksandrovna Demshina.


2 : Applause to our winners! We ask Natalya Viktorovna Popova, senior inspector of the Headquarters, and Valentina Aleksandrovna Demshina, police officer of the records management and regime department, to come up to the stage.

(fanfare, gifts)

1 : Alena Levitskaya congratulates you!

1 : Let the road wind like a gray ribbon
It is necessary that order always reign here.
The State Traffic Inspectorate is called for a long time -
An honest guardian of order, a dear old-timer.

2 : As everyone has already guessed. In the next category “The quieter you drive, the further you will go.” Traffic police officers are presented for their dedication to the profession.
1. Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Bazin
2. Igor Khairulatovich Shekyurov
3. Eduard Nikolaevich Petrov


1 : The winner is Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Bazin. Your applause!

1: Theft is a problem with us.
Without security - no way!
If you hand over your object to the remote control -
Will keep the entire department yours.
The alarm will help
But she cannot live without people.
People are the main wealth
In their affairs there is a male brotherhood!

2 : The private security department celebrated its 55th anniversary on October 26. We cordially congratulate all employees of the Boguchany branch of the Private Security Service and nominate them in the category “Stop!” Who goes? For dedication to the profession." Our nominees:

1. Sergey Yuryevich Karnaukhov
2. Alexander Anatolyevich Nebolsin
3. Ivan Mikhailovich Pozdnyakov
4. Andrey Yuryevich Karnaukhov


1 : And the winner is Sergey Yuryevich Karnaukhov!
We invite you to the stage.

2 : Katya Prokop congratulates you!

1 : When I was a child there was a girl
My mother was scared by the police.

2 : Now the girl has grown up
All the police are afraid.

2 : In our next nomination “Oh, these kids. For dedication to the profession”, an employee of the juvenile affairs inspectorate, Svetlana Lvovna Shtol, is presented. We congratulate you and invite you to the stage!

1 : Being a signalman is what you need!
To be a signalman is to live by it!
Nomination about communication
Let me suggest!

2 : In the category “Bird on a Wire.” “For dedication to the profession” is presented to Sergei Alekseevich Balanev, senior police lieutenant, senior special communications inspector. We ask you to come up to the stage. Your applause!

2 : Kilometers, versts, miles
Behind the driver.
He's driving in a car
And in the cold, and in the rain and in the heat!

1 : In the Nomination “Tanks are not afraid of dirt. For dedication to the profession" a security and support group is presented.


1 : And the nominee is junior inspector for motor transport Igor Sergeevich Lyashko. Your applause!

2 : We congratulate all the nominees and invite the soloist of the Nadezhda Song Theater Sevastyan Martynyuk to the stage!
(The presenters leave on the losing side.)

2 : Who can tell me what measure to measure,
Which line to glorify and glorify?
The heroic work of soldiers in gray overcoats
Protecting human peace.

1 : Through unimaginably long periods of service
From the beginning of service and henceforth.
Their profession is to be on guard,
Their law is not to feel sorry for yourself!!

TOGETHER: Happy holiday and see you soon!!
(all speakers exit)

A funny play based on a reworked children's fairy tale "Zayushkina's Hut" - an original version of a festive concert or congratulations on Police Day.

1st narrator.

We will tell you a fairy tale.

2nd narrator.
Not about the Iron Mask.

1st narrator.
Not about Ivan the Fool.

2nd narrator.
Not about Spider-Man.

1st narrator.
Not about Pinocchio.

2nd narrator.
Not about Dunno.

Storytellers (in unison).
And about the unfortunate Bunny.

1st narrator. Thriller "Capture".

2nd narrator. Based on the Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.”

1st narrator.
Bunny was timid and small
And at first I didn’t know grief.

2nd narrator.
Lived on the edge of the forest
In your own hut.

The hare goes on stage to his hut.

1st narrator.
But in fairy tales it is believed
For a beauty to intervene.

2nd narrator.
And who is the beauty in our forests?
Guess three times!

Storytellers (in unison). Fox!

The fox, dancing, goes to his hut.

1st narrator.
The Hare had a bast hut.

2nd narrator.
And Lisa’s is icy.

1st narrator.
In the spring it became warm, the roofs began to flow.

2nd narrator.
And the fox hut melted,
And the hare stands like a toy.

1st narrator.
The Fox came to Zaika's hut.

Let me in, my friend.
My hut has melted,
I'm cold, I'm tired.

1st narrator.
Bunny has a kind heart,
He let the Fox warm up. And she…

2nd narrator. What is she?

1st narrator. And she kicked him out!

Storytellers (in unison). Terrible!!!

The hut is captured: the Fox advances, the Hare retreats, the Fox wins.

1st narrator.
The Bunny barely carried his feet away.
Lo and behold, Barbos is coming towards him.

Bug. And Bug.

Ball. And Sharik.

The dogs run onto the stage, on their backs, like athletes, the inscriptions “Bug”, “Barbos”, “Ball”.

Ball. Who offended you, Bunny?

I had a bast hut,
And Lisa’s is icy.
Her hut melted,
And mine stands like a toy.
I have a good heart
I let the Fox warm up,
And she kicked me out!

Stop whining, we can bark!

Can't we defeat the Fox?

1st narrator.
They surrounded the hut on all sides.

Dogs (in unison).
Woof! Woof! Woof! Get out, Lisa!

Fox (stands up slowly).
Who dared to surround my house?
Who's yapping outside the window?
I'll arrange a cross for you now,
The pieces will fly to us a hundred miles!

1st narrator.
Zhuchka, Sharik, and the dog Barbos
They trembled at the word cross,
First time hearing this.

2nd narrator.
And they immediately surrendered without a fight.
Dogs. Let's give up!

1st narrator.
Again the Bunny is looking for help.

2nd narrator.
Lo and behold, the Wolf meets him.

Wolf. Who, Hare, offended you?

Hare. Fox. A dark streak has come in life.
I had a bast hut,
And Lisa’s is icy.
Her hut melted,
And mine stands like a toy.
I have a good heart
I let the Fox warm up,
And she kicked me out!

Well, weakling! That's how it should be with you.
You don't know how to click your teeth.
Learn, student, from the Wolf:
Howl and click your teeth!
(Approaches the hut.)
Click! Click! Click!
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
Give it back to the bunny, Lisa!

Fox ( gets up slowly).
What are you saying, Gray, I’m your godfather.
I swear, I built the hut myself.
They will point fingers at you
If you believe the stupid Hare!

Who did you want to deceive, Kosoy?
Almost got me into a quarrel with my godfather!

The Wolf leaves, shaking his fist at the Hare.

1st narrator.
The Bunny doesn't know how to defeat the Fox.
Lo and behold, a Bear meets him.

Bear (plucks a flower as he walks, sniffs it). Who offended you, Bunny?

Hare. Fox. A dark streak has come in life.

I had a bast hut,
And Lisa’s is icy.
Her hut melted,
And mine stands like a toy.
I have a good heart
I let the Fox warm up,
And she kicked me out!

Bear. What-oh?
Is the fox acting up again?
I can't be silent anymore!
(Approaches the hut.)
Come on, Fox, do you hear?

Fox. Is that you, Misha?
Do you have business with me?
It's a pity I didn't have time to set the table.
I just saved you some honey.
(Hands the Bear a barrel of honey.)

Bear. Well, what are we doing now? Thank you, Lisonka, I am in your debt. (Gives the Fox a flower. The Hare timidly touches his elbow.)
Sorry, Bunny, I can't help you.

1st narrator. Bunny has no friends around.

2nd narrator. Suddenly, a Rooster came towards him.

The Rooster comes out in a police cap, looks from under his arm to see if everything is in order in the hall, approaches the Hare, and salutes him.

Rooster. Who offended you, Bunny?

Hare. Fox. A dark streak has come in life.
I had a bast hut,
And Lisa’s is icy.
Her hut melted,
And mine stands like a toy.
I have a good heart
I let the Fox warm up,
And she kicked me out!
No dog, no wolf, no bear
They couldn't defeat the Fox.
Who should I turn to now?

Rooster (approaches the hut and knocks loudly on the door).
Open up, police!
(Turns to the hall.)
We will protect the rabbit's rights!
Your head is gone, Lisa!

No, I'd rather leave on my own
(Begins to collect his things in the basket.)
I don't need other people's houses.
If I'm not welcome here,
Then I'll dig myself a hole.
(Leaves the hut.)
I even give you my word
That I won't come back here again.

Have you realized your guilt?

I won't deceive anyone again!


Our police are protecting us!

All (in unison).
Rejoice, all honest people -
Our police are protecting us!

The song “Operam” by the group “Lube” is playing. The heroes, led by the Rooster, walk around the hall in formation, then return to the stage and bow.

At the end a police whistle sounds.
