Team game for category A drivers. Games and competitions for Motorist Day

"Guess the transport"

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about transport, ability to describe

recognize objects; develop ingenuity, quick thinking and speech


Material: pictures (cards) depicting transport.

Progress of the game: The teacher asks the children riddles about types of transport. Who

The first child to guess what kind of transport is being discussed in the riddle gets

a picture of him. Whoever has the most pictures at the end of the game is the one


Lotto “Play and be brave!”

Goal: to learn to correlate the verbal form of description of road signs with their

graphic image; develop mental abilities and visual

perception; cultivate independence, speed of reaction, and ingenuity.

Material: tables with images of road signs, blank cards.

Progress of the game: 4 - 6 children participate in the game, in front of whom tables with

depicting road signs and blank cards. The teacher reads riddles

(poems) about road signs, children cover their images on cards with cards

table. The first person to cover all the images correctly wins.

sounded in riddles or poems.

“Think - guess”

Purpose: to clarify ideas about transport and traffic rules;

activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; bring up

intelligence and resourcefulness.

Material: chips.

Progress of the game: The teacher asks questions to the children. Which child knows the correct one?

answer, raises his hand. Whoever answers correctly first gets a chip.

The one who gets more chips for correct answers wins.

How many wheels does a car have? (4)

How many people can ride on one bike? (1)

Who walks on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

Who is driving the car? (Driver)

What is the name of the place where two roads intersect? (Crossroads)

What is the roadway for? (For traffic)

On which side of the roadway is traffic moving? (Right)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules?

movements? (Accident or traffic accident) - What is the top light at the traffic light? (Red)

How many signals does a traffic light have? (Three)

What animal does the crosswalk look like? (to the zebra)

Which cars are equipped with special sound and light


("Ambulance", fire and police cars)

What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? (Wand)

Where should you play so as not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the nursery


"Collect a sign"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; develop logical

thinking, mindfulness; foster a culture of safe behavior for children

on the road and in public places.

Material: envelopes contain puzzles - road signs, chips.

Progress of the game: The teacher seats the children in crews and according to the general team

(whistle blows) children open envelopes and put together their signs from the pieces

(puzzles). After 5 - 7 minutes the game stops. How many signs have been collected?

That's right, that's how many points the team gets. You can also earn

extra points if players correctly answer the name of the sign and

what does it matter? For the correct answer, the teacher gives the crew a chip.

"Red Green"

logical thinking, intelligence, resourcefulness.

Material: red and green balloons.

How to play: You need to take two balls - green and red. The teacher gives

a red ball is placed in the child's hand, the child calls a prohibitory sign. If

green ball, names a permissive, prescriptive sign. Doesn't name -

is eliminated from the game. And the winner receives a balloon as a reward.

"Traffic light"

Objectives: to consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, its signals,

develop attention and visual perception; develop independence

speed of reaction, ingenuity.

Material: circles of red, yellow, green, traffic light.

Progress of the game: The presenter, having distributed green, yellow, red mugs to the children,

sequentially switches the traffic light, and the children show the corresponding

circles and explain what each of them means.

"Arrow, arrow, circle..."

Goal: To teach children to distinguish and correctly name road signs, their

appointment; develop attention and memory; cultivate moral qualities:

Material: cards with road signs, yellow circles.

Progress of the game: From 2 to 10 children can participate in the game. Children sit around

table, everyone receives cards with road signs. The teacher explains

children that they will spin the disk in turn and for the correctly named

the traffic sign and its purpose will receive a yellow circle from the cashier and

cover the same sign on your card, if there is one. A cashier is appointed

yellow circles are given to him. The teacher distributes cards to the sitting children. A game

begins. The presenter rotates the disk and says the words together with the children:

Arrow, arrow, spin around,

Show yourself to everyone,

Show us quickly

Which sign do you prefer?

The arrow stops, the presenter names the road sign and its purpose.

If the child named the sign correctly, the cashier gives him a yellow circle,

The child closes the same one on the card for them. If there is no such sign on his map,

asks: “Who has the same sign?” And the cashier hands the circle to the one who

who has this sign on the map (provided that the sign and its purpose are named

Right). Then the disk is passed to the neighbor and the game continues. When

difficulties or errors, the child does not receive a yellow circle, but the disc is passed on

to the next child in turn. The winner is the one who is first

will cover its signs with yellow circles. The game ends when

All children’s cards are covered with yellow circles.


Goal: to teach how to relate a fairy-tale character and his vehicle,

name correctly, develop memory, thinking, intelligence.

Progress of the game: Children are invited to answer questions from cartoons and fairy tales,

in which vehicles are mentioned.

1. What did Emelya ride on to the king’s palace? (On the stove)

2. Favorite two-wheeled mode of transport of Leopold the cat? (Bike)

3. How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor? (Jam)

4. What gift did Uncle Fyodor’s parents give to the postman Pechkin?


5. What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (Into the carriage)

6. What did old Hottabych fly on? (On the magic carpet)

7. Baba Yaga’s personal transport? (Stupa) 8. What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad on? (On

9. The bears were riding a bicycle,

And behind them is a cat


And behind him are mosquitoes...

What did the mosquitoes fly on? (On a balloon.)

10. What did Kai ride? (Sledging)

11. What did Baron Munchausen fly on? (On the core)

12. In what did the queen and baby sail on the sea in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”? (IN

"Questions and answers"

Goal: consolidate knowledge about traffic rules, road signs, behavior on the street;

develop thinking, memory, intelligence, speech.

Material: chips.

Progress of the game: The teacher divides the children into two teams, asks questions, children

answer, a chip is awarded for the correct answer. The team wins

who has collected the most chips.

1. What parts does the street consist of? (road, sidewalk)

2. Where can children go for walks? (in the courtyard)

3. How should you behave on the bus? (don't shout, be quiet)

4. Where do people wait for transport? (At the stop)

5. Where can you cross the road? (traffic light, pedestrian crossing)

6. What are the traffic lights? (red, yellow, green)

7. At what signal can you cross the road? (to green)

8. Who can you cross the road with? (with adults)

9. What do you call a person who drives a car? (driver)

10. What does the machine consist of? (body, cabin, wheels)

11. Where do cars drive and where do pedestrians walk? (on the road, on the sidewalk)

12. What are the types of road signs? (prohibiting, warning,

service signs, informational, indicative, prescriptive signs)

13. How should you get around the bus? (wait until he leaves)

14. What are the types of transport? (passenger, air, sea,

land, cargo, horse-drawn, special, etc.)


Goal: to develop the ability to put together an image of a car from parts

geometric mosaic constructor, combining various shapes,

changing their position on the table plane; develop logical thinking,

the ability to assemble parts into a whole.

Material: diagrams depicting machines consisting of different geometric

shapes (triangle, rectangle, square, circle); geometric details

designer - mosaics.

Progress of the game: The teacher and the children consider what parts they consist of

cars (body, cabin, wheels); what geometric shapes are used

(triangle, rectangle, square, circle). Next, the teacher offers from

parts of a geometric constructor - mosaics post an image

machines on the plane of the table, based on the diagram.

"Not really"

Progress of the game: The teacher asks questions, the children answer “yes” or “no” in unison.

Option I:

Driving fast in the mountains? - Yes.

Do you know the rules of movement? - Yes.

The traffic light is red

Can I go across the street? - No.

Well, the green light is on, then

Can I go across the street? - Yes.

I got on the tram, but didn't take a ticket.

Is this what you're supposed to do? - No.

Old lady, very advanced in years,

Will you give up your seat on the tram to her? - Yes.

I'm lazy, you gave me the answer,

Well, did you help him with this? - No.

Well done guys, let's remember

What is “no” and what is “yes”,

And always try to do what you need to do!

Option II:

Are traffic lights familiar to all children?

Does everyone in the world know him?

Is he on duty by the road? Does he have arms, legs?

There are flashlights - three eyes?!

Does he turn them all on at once?

He turned on the red light

Does this mean there is no move?

Which one should we go to?

Blue - can it be an obstacle?

Shall we go to yellow?

On green - binge drinking?

Well, probably then

We'll stand on green, right?

Is it possible to run on red?

Well, what if you're careful?

And then walk in single file,

Then, of course, it’s possible? Yes!

I believe my eyes and ears

The traffic light is familiar to all of you!

And, of course, I’m very happy

I am for literate guys!

"Repair the traffic light"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights.

Material: traffic light template, red, yellow, green circles.

Progress of the game: The teacher explains to the children that the traffic light is broken, it is necessary

repair the traffic light (assemble it correctly by color). Children impose

circles on a ready-made traffic light template.

“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

Goal: to consolidate the rules of the road and behavior in transport.

Progress of the game: The teacher asks questions, if the children agree, then they answer in unison:

“This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, and if they don’t agree, they are silent.

Which of you, when in a hurry,

Runs in front of transport?

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is? (it's me, it's me...)

Who knows that the red light is

Does this mean there is no move? (it's me, it's me...) Who flies forward so quickly,

What does the traffic light not see?

Who knows that the light is green

Does this mean the way is open? (it's me, it's me...)

Who, tell me, is from the tram

Runs out onto the road?

Which one of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement? (it's me, it's me...)

Which one of you is in a cramped tram?

Does it give way to adults? (it's me, it's me...).

"You are big, I am small"

Goal: to consolidate ideas about the rules of behavior on the street and road;

instill sustainable motivation to comply with traffic rules.

Progress of the game: The preschooler's morning begins with the road. Going to kindergarten or

home, he crosses streets with moving traffic. Can he do it?

Right? Can the safe path be chosen? The main causes of unhappiness

cases with children - this is careless behavior on the street and roadway

roads, ignorance of the basic requirements of the Rules of the Road.

There is no need to wait until your child learns the rules of the road.

own experience. Sometimes such experience is very expensive. It's better if

adults will tactfully, unobtrusively instill in the child the habit of consciously

obey the rules.

When you go for a walk, invite your child to play “big and

little ones." Let him be “big” and lead you across the road.

Control his actions. Do this several times and the results will not be the same.

will slow down to affect.

"Our street"

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers in

street conditions; consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light; learn

children to distinguish road signs (warning, prohibiting,

prescriptive, informational and indicative), intended for

drivers and pedestrians

Material: street layout with houses, intersection; cars (toys); dolls

Pedestrians; driver dolls; traffic light (toy); road signs, trees

The game is played on a layout. Progress of the game:

With the help of dolls, children, on instructions from the teacher, act out various road maps.


"Put up a road sign"

Goal: to teach children to distinguish the following road signs: “Railway

moving", "Children", "Pedestrian crossing", (warning); "Entry

prohibited”, “Passage closed” (prohibiting); “Straight”, “Right”, “Left”,

“Circular traffic”, “Pedestrian path” (prescriptive); "Place

parking”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Medical aid station”,

“Gas station”, “Telephone”, “Food station” (information

index); develop attention and spatial orientation skills.

Material: road signs; street layout with images of roads, pedestrians

passages, buildings, intersections, cars.

Progress of the game: playing out various traffic situations.

"City Street"

Goal: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about

traffic rules, about different types of vehicles

Material: street layout; trees; cars; dolls - pedestrians; traffic light;

road signs.

Progress of the game: With the help of dolls, children, on instructions from the teacher, act out various

traffic situations.

"Pedestrians and Drivers"

Goal: to teach traffic rules, behavior on the roads, consolidate

children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, instilling sustainable

motivation to comply with traffic rules, develop attention, thinking, orientation

in space.

Material: road signs, traffic lights, steering wheels, bags with toys, table, coupons,

sign “Toy Store”, toys, strollers, dolls, certificates -

green cardboard circle.

Children in the uniform of traffic police inspectors (cap, cape with the letters inspector

traffic police or traffic police badge), children - pedestrians, children - drivers, child -

toys seller.

Progress of the game:

Some of the guys pretend to be pedestrians, and some of them are drivers. Drivers must pass

Driver's license exams and get a car. Guys - drivers

they go to the table where the “traffic police commission” is located and take the exam.

Pedestrians head to a toy store for shopping. Then with the dolls,

strollers go to the intersection. The commission asks questions to drivers: - At what light can cars move?

What light should you not move to?

What is a roadway?

What is a sidewalk?

Name the signs (“pedestrian crossing”, “children”, etc.)

Those who pass the exam receive certificates (green circle) and coupons;

members of the commission congratulate them. Drivers heading to the parking lot

cars, get into them and drive to a controlled intersection. Pedestrians

from the store they also go to this intersection. At the crossroads:

Attention! Now the movement will begin on the streets. Watch the traffic light

(traffic light turns on, cars are driving, pedestrians are walking. Change of signals.)

The game continues until all children have mastered the rules of movement.

"Our friend the guard"

Goal: to consolidate ideas about the profession of a traffic controller, his functions;

designations of gestures (which gesture corresponds to which traffic light signal),

develop attention and a friendly attitude towards peers.

Material: cap, traffic controller's baton.

Look: guard

Stood on our pavement

He quickly extended his hand,

He deftly waved his wand.

Have you seen it? Have you seen it?

All the cars stopped immediately.

Together we stood in three rows

And they don't go anywhere.

People don't worry

It goes across the street.

And stands on the pavement,

Like a guard wizard.

All cars to one

Submit to him.

(Ya. Pishumov)

Progress of the game: Leader-guard. Children players are divided into pedestrians and drivers.

At the traffic controller’s gesture, drivers and pedestrians walk (ride) or

stop. Initially, the teacher takes on the role of guard. Then,

When children master the gestures of a traffic controller, they can perform this role according to

"Find a Safe Path"

Preparing for the game: Depending on the age of the children, the teacher tells

or asks the children:

Is it possible to cross the street everywhere?

What signs indicate that it is legal to cross the street in this area?

Where and why should you look at the beginning of a street crossing?

Where and why should you look in the middle of the street along which cars are driving at two

What does a pedestrian crossing sign look like and what does it warn about?

Why was a zebra drawn on the road?

Goal: to consolidate the rules of the road and behavior on the road; develop

thinking, memory, attention, expand vocabulary.

Material: street layout (road part), road signs, traffic lights,

transport (passenger cars, trucks).

Progress of the game: children act out various situations on the model.

"Where is my seat?"

attention, memory, speech.

warnings (school, canteen, road repairs, etc.), appropriate

learned traffic signs.

Progress of the game: The players’ task is to replace verbal warnings with the necessary ones

signs. The game can be played in two versions.

1. One player places the signs, the rest evaluate the correctness.

2. Two players compete to see who can place the signs faster and more correctly.


Goal: consolidate knowledge of traffic signs, develop thinking,

attention, memory, speech.

Material: building material (cubes, bricks, prisms, etc.),

road signs, magic hats.

Preparing for the game: The teacher designs the road in advance and places

signs are incorrect (near the Zebra there is a sign for Slippery Road, etc.) Then

tells the children a story about how evil “spirits” decided to visit the city

a mess and asks for help to fix the situation.

Progress of the game: Children, having turned into good wizards, place signs

Right. They explain what they are doing.

"Road Test"

Purpose: to teach traffic rules and behavior on the road; develop

thinking, memory, attention, speech.

Material: large building material (cubes, bricks, prisms,

cones, cylinders, etc.) for road construction, placement on the road

road signs.

Preparing for the game: Construction of the road and placement of signs.

Progress of the game: Child - driver - student taking a driving test

car. He “drives” along the road and, seeing this or that sign, explains that he

have to do. For example: there is a slippery road ahead. I slow down and go

Be careful not to overtake other cars.

"Fulfill the assignment"

given sequence.

Material: large building material (cubes, bricks, prisms,

cones, cylinders, etc.) for road construction, placement on the road

road signs, signs indicating “stations” (canteen,

railway crossing, kindergarten, school, hospital, etc.), steering wheels.

Preparing for the game: Construction of the road and placement of the studied signs.

Progress of the game: Children from the “dispatcher” (teacher) receive the task to go,

for example, to the hospital. The child goes and comes back. Next he receives

two tasks at once: “Go to the railway crossing, then eat at

dining room." The child must complete the tasks in the given sequence.

Gradually, the number of simultaneous orders increases.


Goal: to develop coordination of hand movements (right, left), visual

attention, thinking, ability to follow a command, according to the sign in the hands


Material: signs: “Move straight”, “Move right”, “Move

to the left", steering wheels.

Preparing for the game: Children line up facing the teacher. If the game

is carried out by a subgroup of 6 people, then the children are given steering wheels. At the teacher's

signs: “Move straight”, “Move right”, “Move left”.

Progress of the game: If the teacher shows the “Move straight” sign, then the children

take one step forward if the sign “Move to the right” - children, imitating

turn the steering wheel, turn right if the sign “Move to the left” - children,

imitating turning the steering wheel, turn left. "How can I get to?"

Goal: to consolidate traffic rules, develop orientation in

space, attention, thinking, memory, ability to carry out commands in

given sequence.

Material: large building material (cubes, bricks, etc.), signs

“Move straight”, “Move right”, “Move left

Preparing for the game: Designing a road using signs

“Move straight”, “Move right”, “Move left”. Marked

points of departure and destination.

Progress of the game: Children (from one to three) must correctly drive to the point

appointments. The winner is the one who did it faster without breaking the rules.


"Guess the sign"

Goal: consolidate knowledge about road signs, develop thinking, attention,


Material: road signs, tokens.

Preparing for the game: All studied signs are placed at a distance from each other

Progress of the game: The teacher reads out a verbal description of what that means

or other sign. Children must run to the right sign. Children, that's right

those who choose the sign receive a token. At the end of the game, they count who has how much

tokens and determine the winners.

"Pass the rod"

Goal: to consolidate children’s understanding of road signs, traffic rules, and to practice

correct naming of road signs, wording of traffic regulations, developing

logical thinking, attention, intelligence, activate speech.

Material: traffic controller rod.

How to play: The players line up in a circle. The traffic controller's baton is handed over

to the player on the left. Prerequisite: accept the rod with your right hand, shift

to the left and pass it to another participant. The program is accompanied by music. As soon as

the music is interrupted, the one who has the baton raises it up and

names any traffic rule (or road sign).

Anyone who hesitates or names a road sign incorrectly is eliminated from the game.

The last player remaining wins.


Goal: to teach children to distinguish road signs, to know their purpose for

pedestrians, vehicle drivers and cyclists; cultivate attention

orientation in space.

Material: Fairytale house “Teremok” with a cut out window, cardboard

a strip with road signs depicted on it. (warning

signs: railway crossing, children, pedestrian crossing, dangerous turn;

mandatory signs: straight ahead, right, left, roundabout,

footpath; information signs and signs of special regulations:

parking place, pedestrian crossing, telephone)

Progress of the game: The strip is moved (from top to bottom or from left to right, in the window

road signs appear one by one). Children name the signs and explain them


"Driving school"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how to cross the street; O

the purpose of traffic lights, traffic controllers and road signs; practice in

orientation in space and time; cultivate courage

resourcefulness, ability to help a friend.

Material: Double sheet of cardboard: pictures with

depicting various road situations, written on the right sheet

Progress of the game: Children look at pictures depicting various road

situations. They must explain the situation shown in the picture,

assess the behavior of pedestrians, children at traffic lights, the need for the necessary

road sign.

"Recognize the sign"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about road signs.

Material: 2 cardboard disks connected in the center with a screw. On the bottom circle

Road sign designations are glued along the edge. On the outer circle at the edge

a window is cut out to a size slightly larger than road signs. Rotating the disk

the child finds the right sign.

Progress of the game: Children are shown a picture depicting the situation on the road.

They must find a road sign that needs to be placed here.

"On the Island"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how to get around different types

transport; introduce the most typical road transport

situations and corresponding rules of behavior for pedestrians.

Material: pictures depicting various situations involving

pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights.

Progress of the game: Children must examine and explain the picture shown.

situation, assess the behavior of pedestrians, passengers, drivers; explain

the need to install the required road sign.

"The Fourth Wheel"

1. Name the extra road user:

 Truck

 "Ambulance"

 Snow blower

2. Name an extra means of transport:

 Passenger car

 Truck

 Bus

 Baby stroller

3. Name a means of transport that is not public


 Bus

 Tram

 Truck

 Trolleybus

4. Name the extra “eye” of the traffic light:

 Red

 Yellow

 Green

"Word Game"

1. Clap your hands when you hear a word related to a traffic light. Explain

choice of each word.

Vocabulary: three eyes, standing on the street, crossroads, blue light, one leg,

yellow light, red light, crossing the street, pedestrian assistant,

green light, standing at home. 2. Clap your hands when you hear a word that refers to a passenger. Explain

choice of each word.

Vocabulary: bus, route, stop, road, swimming, reading, sleep, ticket,

conductor, plane flight, pedestrian, seat, cabin, bed.

3. Write a story with the words: morning, breakfast, way to school (kindergarten),

sidewalk, bakery, pharmacy, intersection, ground crossing, traffic light, children's

"Ball Game"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about traffic rules, road

Material: ball.

Progress of the game: The teacher with the ball stands in the center of the circle and throws the ball to the child,

while asking a question. He answers and throws the ball to the teacher. A game

carried out with all children in turn.

Educator: Who is walking along the road?

Child: Pedestrian.

Educator: Who is driving the car?

Child: Driver.

Educator: How many “eyes” does a traffic light have?

Child: Three eyes.

Educator: If the red “eye” is on, what is it talking about?

Child: Stop and wait.

Educator: If the yellow “eye” is on, what is it talking about?

Child: Wait.

Educator: If the green “eye” is on, what is it talking about?

Child: You can go.

Educator: Our feet are walking along the pedestrian path...

Child: Path.

Educator: Where are we waiting for the bus?

Child: At the bus stop.

Educator: Where do we play hide and seek?

Child: On the playground.

"Listen - remember"

Goal: to consolidate the rules of the road and pedestrian behavior on

street, develop coherent speech, thinking, memory, attention.

Material: traffic control rod.

Progress of the game: The leader with a rod in his hand approaches one of the participants in the game,

hands him the baton and asks about the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the street.

“Name one of the rules of behavior for a pedestrian on the street.” - “You cannot cross the street in front of nearby traffic.” If the answer is correct, the presenter

passes the baton to another participant in the game, etc. it is necessary that the answers are not

repeated, so everyone should pay attention.

“Who can name more road signs?”

Goal: to train children in recognizing and correctly naming road signs,

develop attention, thinking, memory, speech.

Material: road signs.

Progress of the game: the leader shows the signs, the children answer, observing the order.


"To your signs"

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about road signs; develop attention,

logical thinking, intelligence, spatial orientation.

Material: road signs.

Progress of the game: The players are divided into groups of 5-7 people, join hands,

forming circles. A driver with a sign enters the middle of each circle, explaining

The drivers at this time change places and signs. Players play on signal

must quickly find their sign and stand in a circle. The drivers hold the sign over

"Traffic Signals"

Goal: to develop intelligence, reaction speed, attention, visual

perception, foster a friendly attitude towards peers,

consistency and cooperation.

Material: bag of red, yellow, green balls, stands.

Progress of the game: Stands are placed on the site from start to finish. Playing

each team stands one after the other in a chain at the start counter and places their hands

on the shoulders of the person in front. The game leader has a bag of balls in his hands.

(balls) red, yellow, green. The captains take turns lowering

hand into the bag and take out one ball at a time. If the captain took out a red or

yellow ball, then the team stands still; green - moves to the next

rack. Whose team reaches the finish line faster wins.

“We won’t tell you where we were, we’ll show you what we were driving.”

Goal: consolidate knowledge about types of transport, teach children to depict types

transport in a team, using hands, emotional expressiveness, sounds,

develop creativity, plasticity, intelligence, resourcefulness, educate

consistency, cooperation.

Progress of the game: Each team decides which vehicle will be

depict (trolleybus, carriage, motor ship, steam locomotive, helicopter). Performance

the vehicle must pass without comment. Opposing team

guesses what is planned. The task can be complicated by asking the team

specific type of transport.


Goal: to train children to accurately follow the rules of the game, to develop speed

reactions, speed, orientation in space.

Material: strips of white paper (cardboard). Progress of the game: All participants in each team, except the last one, are given

strip of white paper (cardboard). At the signal, the first participant lays down the strip,

stands on it and returns to his team. The second one walks strictly in his own way

stripe, puts down his zebra “step” and returns back. Last

the participant walks along all the strips, returning, collecting them.

"Eye meter"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about road signs, quantitative calculation,

develop logical thinking, intelligence, resourcefulness, eye,

orientation in space, foster coherence and cooperation.

Material: road signs.

Progress of the game: Road signs are installed on the playing field at different

distance from teams. The participant in the game must name the sign and the number of steps

before him. Then the participant goes to this sign. If the participant made a mistake and did not reach

before the sign or crossed it, returns to his team. Signs on the field

arranged differently. The team whose players are all faster wins

and more precisely, they will “walk” to the signs.


Materials: rudders, sandbags for each team and two stands.

Progress of the game: The first team members hold the steering wheel in their hands, on their heads

a bag of sand is placed - a load. After the start, participants run around

their stand and pass the steering wheel and weight to the next participant. Wins

the first team to complete the task without dropping the load.


Goal: to develop agility, speed, reaction speed, accuracy of movements,

consistency and collaboration within the team.

Material: you will need one hoop for each team and one

Progress of the game: Participants in each team are divided into pairs: the first is the driver,

the second is the passenger. The passenger is in the hoop. The participants' task is to

rather, run around the counter and pass the hoop to the next pair of participants.

The team that completes the task first wins.

"Run to the sign"

Purpose: to train children in memorizing road signs, to develop memory,

intelligence, reaction speed, speed, spatial orientation.

Material: road signs.

Progress of the game: At the teacher’s signal, the child runs to the road sign, which

the teacher calls. If a child makes a mistake in choosing a sign, then he

returns to the end of the column.

"Traffic light"

Goal: to learn to correlate actions with the color of the traffic light, to develop attention,

visual perception, thinking, intelligence.

Material: circles of red, yellow, green.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the circle, and the children perform the following actions:

Red - silent;

Yellow - clap hands;

Green - stomping feet.

When the color is red, they take a step back,

On yellow - they squat,

When it turns green, they march in place.

"Colored Cars"

Purpose: to reinforce the colors of the traffic light (red, yellow, green), to exercise children

in the ability to respond to color, develop visual perception and attention,

orientation in space.

Material: rudders red, yellow, green, signal cards or

flags red, yellow, green.

How to play: Children are placed along the wall or along the edge of the site. They

cars. Each person is given a different color steering wheel. The leader stands facing

playing with signals of the same color as the steering wheels. The presenter raises the signal

a certain color. Children whose steering wheels are the same color run out. When

The presenter lowers the signal, the children stop and go to their garage. Children in

During the game they walk, imitating cars, observing traffic rules. Then the presenter

picks up a flag of a different color and the game resumes.

"Stop - Go"

Goal: to develop agility, speed, reaction speed, accuracy of movements,

auditory and visual attention.

Material: traffic light model.

Progress of the game: Children players are located on one side of the room, and the driver

with a pedestrian traffic light in hand - on the other. Players at traffic lights

“Go” begin to move towards the driver. At the “Stop” signal they freeze.

At the signal “Go” I continue moving. The one who reaches first

the driver, wins and takes his place. Players can move by running or

small rooms “liliputians”, moving the leg to the length of the foot

heel to toe.

"Nimble Pedestrian"

Goal: develop eye, dexterity, attention, practice throwing the ball with your right hand

hand on the go.

Material: traffic light, flat vertical image with cut-out

round holes, the diameter of which is larger than the ball, rubber or

plastic ball.

How to play: Pedestrians take turns crossing the intersection. To go means to

Go throw the ball into the green eye of the traffic light. If you hit red, you're out

from the game. If you hit the yellow one, you get the right to throw the ball again.

"Birds and the Car"

Goal: to develop dexterity, speed, spatial orientation, attention.

Material: steering wheel or toy car.

Progress of the game: Children - birds fly around the room, flapping their arms (wings).

The teacher says:

The birds have arrived

The birds are small

Everyone was flying, everyone was flying, children were running, smoothly flapping their arms

They flapped their wings.

So they flew

They flapped their wings.

They flew onto the path and sat down, tapping their fingers on their knees.

The grains were pecked.

The teacher picks up a steering wheel or a toy car and says:

A car is running down the street

He puffs, hurries, blows the horn.

Tra-ta-ta, beware, beware,

Tra-ta-ta, watch out, move aside! Children - birds are running away from the car.

Yuri Okunev School

Hello friends. The weekend continues. And the theme of relaxation is also in my articles.
A week ago, I, together with my younger brother Mikhail and his daughter Alisa, went to the village to visit my parents.

Along the way, we remembered entertainment that we could use to pass the time: games in the car on the road. I listened more, wondering how much had slipped my mind in the fifteen years that had passed since my cheerful student days. Well, my brother, who still doesn’t go on hikes and is a professional organizer of outdoor activities, reminded me.

The time on the road flew by. Try it yourself, I'm sure you'll like it too. Moreover, you can play without leaving home, with your family.

One of the participants asks the topic: “If I were... (an African animal, a teapot, a president, a wizard, a piece of glass, etc.).” Then everyone comes up with their own fantasy on the specified topic.

The game allows you not only to have fun, but also to learn something about yourself, your friends and acquaintances. For example, it can be noted that a person conveys in his fantasy: the idea of ​​creation, service, production, or the idea of ​​consumption and the pursuit of pleasure.

2. Balda (add a letter)

The first participant comes up with a word in his mind. Names a letter from this word. Each subsequent player adds his own to this letter, meaning some word. Whoever names the word last (can't add a letter) loses. The loser receives the letter “B” as an asset – the first from the word balda. Whoever collected the complete word is a fool.

3. Ice cream or mustard

The driver thinks of some word. They ask him: “Ice cream or mustard?” The driver determines by internal sensations whether the word he has chosen is closer to ice cream or mustard and says, for example, “Mustard.” The rest of the participants offer him the following pair to choose from: “Mustard or fire?” Thus, you need to find the hidden word.

4. Contact

The driver thinks of a word, for example, “Elephant”. Names the first letter. Other participants ask leading questions: “Isn’t this white sweetness?” The task of the participants is to guess, based on the leading question, what is meant, before the driver guesses about it.

If someone understands what is meant, he says: “Contact.” Together with the questioner, they count to five and say out loud the word that was meant: “Sugar.” If the answer is correct and the driver did not have time to guess it, he opens the next letter. The task is to guess the whole word.

5. Telephone

One participant “calls” and tells what an unusual, amazing place he is in. The other responds by telling his story.

You need to use your imagination and tell about your journey convincingly and captivatingly.

6. I see what you don't see

The game is similar to “hot - cold” and is a variant of “Danetka”.
The driver looks out for some thing in the environment and says: “I see something that you don’t see.”
Other participants ask: is this so-and-so or there or such-and-such.

The driver answers only yes or no. You need to guess what was planned.

Using Datanet you can guess cities, capitals, plants, animals and even entire detective stories.

7. Rhymes

One participant sets the first stanza and the beginning of the second:

I went for a walk to the river,

Jumped over the stove

Landed on a goat...

The second one finishes the stanza he started and begins the next one.

It's good that he was in the basin.
But the goat was unlucky...

Thus, a whole fairy tale or poem can be born. The meaning and rhyme are periodically lost, but this is not a problem. The main thing is that everyone is having fun.

8. Poems - rescuers, pests

The same game, only one of the participants constantly creates problems for the hero, the second solves them.

Petya goes for a walk above.
Lo and behold, bandits are in the alley.
They grabbed Petya by the chest.

Petya loudly shouted “Ki!”
He didn't go to the gym in vain
He ran away from the bandits.

9. Letter P

One of the participants thinks of a word to himself, for example, “pie.” Others tell him which letter he will give clues for so that they can guess the word, let it be the letter “M”.

Hints are given: soft, meaty, oily... The task is to guess the given word.

10. Associations

Game for four. Two pairs of players are created.

The participant from the first pair thinks of a word. Calls it to one of the players of the second pair. He must give a hint in one word to his partner, who is trying to guess what is meant.

If it doesn’t work out, the chance to guess the word is given to the representative of the other pair. One more word is added to the already announced clue.

The game is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Develops empathy, the ability to hear and understand a partner. It's captivating and can last for hours.

And finally, an eternal hit.

11. Game "Green Crocodile"

One of the participants is told a word or phrase in his ear, which he must show to his friends through facial expressions and gestures. And if there are no problems with a turnip or a car, trying to show sublimation, association or expropriation is not an easy task.

The game is always fun and can entertain any company for several hours.

This concludes my short review of games that can be played in the car or on the train, suitable for both children and adults. Subscribe to updates, share with friends.

Have a great weekend. And see you soon on the blog pages.
Yours, Yuri Okunev.

We offer a collection of games that will be especially appropriate for professional holidays, anniversaries of car enthusiasts, corporate parties, and if you change the eyeliner a little, they can be played at any celebration and any company.

“Fun and musical games and competitions for motorists”- these are new thematic, very exciting entertainment with full musical accompaniment, which, if desired, can be downloaded directly in the text. (Thanks to the authors of the ideas)

1. Competition for motorists "Love Machine"

A song is played to create the appropriate atmosphere.

Sounds 1.Project. Car - love

Presenter: I offer a comic guessing game about men. They say that the car a man drives says a lot about himself. Let's try to guess?

Confidently holds his hand on the steering wheel

The CHEVROLET driver doesn't like show-offs.

A very brutal and brave type,

The one who drives a JEEP.

He is independent and proud by nature,

The one who chooses a FORD car.

He knows that he tried not in vain,

Reliable man driving a SUBARU

The President drove this car

We call everyone who is on KALINA a Patriot.

Will drive through mud, rain and snowstorms.

The breadwinner is a man, he has a GAZelle.

I bought a car with saved rubles,

Old-fashioned, modest owner of ZHIGULI.

Women haven't really appreciated it yet.

Nimble and incomprehensible OKA driver

(during the game, the presenter chooses two ladies in the hall who answered faster and more willingly than others)

Presenter: The winners of the quiz come to me, What is your name? Nowadays, a woman driving is no longer a rarity, but a normal occurrence. And no matter how skeptical men may be about this phenomenon, statistics show that women, as drivers, are more careful and disciplined. Let's check how strong you are in driving practice. Do you have a car? Which brand? Colors? Is this the car of your dreams? Each one - find a man in our hall who matches the idea of ​​this car, and bring him here. Get your men in - this is now the car of your dreams, take care of it, wipe the headlights, hood, look into the engine - everything is in order, open the doors, wipe the rear bumper, put things in order in the glove compartment, cars need to be filled with anti-freeze liquid (one shot at a time) they bring it to the cars), then they need to be refueled (snack). It would be a sin not to take a ride in such a clean and beautiful car, now we’ll find out which of our women is the fastest driver - the ladies open the door, lay a napkin on the seat (the man’s knee) and “drive” to the rousing music. The one with the most wrinkled napkin wins.

Sounds 2. I'll get in the car.

(We evaluate which napkin is more wrinkled.)

Presenter : ( I ask the winners s) Now let’s find out what the winner thinks about her car?

Sounds 3. The car is a beast

Presenter: ( I ask the losing lady) And now let’s ask the opinion of the lady who took second place?

Sounds 4. Let the carburetor dry up.

(These ready-made phrases can be included, or you can actually ask the participants for their opinion)

Presenter: I hope your partner will not be offended, because this did not apply to him, but to the chosen brand of car, or maybe you should change your dream?

Sounds 5. Let's drink for gasoline.

(For a closer group, you can arrange a game “For Safety”, which can be found in this collection for adults)

2. Fun team game "Valuable cargo"

For this game, two equal teams are recruited, each of which chooses the most careful driver in their ranks, in their opinion, who can be entrusted with valuable cargo. For the game you need to prepare two large children's dump trucks with a long rope, plastic, preferably small, cubes (according to the number of participants) and two pencils.

Game conditions: Selected drivers stand opposite the dump trucks at a distance of 2-3 meters, next to them there is a pile of cubes. The task of the members of each team in turn (one at a time) is to take a cube and run to their dump truck, load the cube and run back when they return to the team - the next player runs. When all the cubes are “loaded”, the driver begins to wind the rope from his dump truck onto the pencil, trying to do it quickly, but so as not to lose the cubes.

The winner is the team whose dump truck arrives first and with minimal losses.

3. Game with the audience for Motorist Day “Dashing Driver”

4. Musical game "Car Market"

For this game you need to download and print pictures of different cars and prepare songs about them or take ready-made clips here.

Leading: We all, of course, love our cars, but sooner or later there comes a time when we need to sell them. And here, no matter how many troubles and adversities our “swallow” has endured, it must be presented from the best side.

(The players choose pictures of different brands of cars at random, then name the car in their picture and the DJ, in turn, plays the corresponding excerpt from the song for each. The song must be played or a presentation made to the music. You can give an example, as in the “Good Jokes” program , cheerfully carried out signs for the next round)

Options for musical excerpts for the game "Car Market":

Outdoor games

Bus game

“Buses” are teams of children: “driver” and “passengers”. Flags are placed 6-7m from each team. On the command “March!” The first players quickly walk (it is forbidden to run) to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where they are joined by the second ones and together they again make the same path, etc. The players hold each other's elbows. When the bus (front player - “driver”) returns to its place with a full complement of passengers, it must sound a whistle. The team that arrives at the final stop first wins.

5-6 people will take part in the game.

On the playing area, 4-5 parallel lines are drawn with chalk, indicating the stages of movement. Players (drivers) place their cars (chairs) behind the last line and sit on them. Drivers have driver's license coupons (cardboard rectangles). A traffic inspector sits on the opposite side of the platform, facing the drivers, with road signs and scissors in his hands. These scissors are needed to cut out the license of an offending driver. The traffic inspector shows road signs one by one. The driver, who has correctly explained what the sign requires, advances to the next line. The driver, who failed to explain this, receives a puncture (a corner of the driver's license is cut off with scissors) and a remark from the traffic inspector; his car remains in place. A player who receives four punctures is eliminated from the game. A driver who passes all stages without any comments becomes a traffic inspector, and a traffic inspector becomes a driver. The game repeats itself. Drivers who are eliminated from the game receive new driver's license coupons and are included in the game.

Game "Be careful"

Children remember what to do and when to do it. They walk in a circle and carefully listen to the signals of the traffic controller. At the signal: “Traffic light!” - we stand still; at the signal: “Transition!” - we walk; at the signal: “Car!” - We hold the steering wheel in our hands.

Game "Funny Tram"

We are cheerful trams,

We don't jump like bunnies

We ride on the rails together.

Hey, come sit with us if you want!

Children are divided into two teams. One team - trams. The tram driver holds a hoop in his hands. The second team is passengers, they take their places at the bus stop. Each tram can carry only one passenger, who takes his place in the hoop. The final stop is on the opposite side of the hall.

To play this game you need three wands, painted in three colors of traffic lights.

The traffic controller - the teacher - shows the children lined up in a line in front of him, alternately one of the three batons. Participants in the game take a step back when they see a red rod, stand when they see a yellow one, and two steps forward when they see a green one. The traffic controller fines the one who makes a mistake and deprives him of the right to participate in the game. The winner is the one who never makes a mistake. The winner is awarded a badge, postcard, book, etc.

Game "Garage"

At the corners of the site, 5-8 large circles are drawn - parking lots, garages for cars. Inside each parking lot, draw 2-5 circles - cars (you can put hoops). The total number of machines should be 5-8 less than the number of players.

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, to the sound of music. As soon as the music ends, everyone runs to the garages and takes a seat in any of the cars. Those left without a place are eliminated from the game.

Game "Trucks"

The players hold car steering wheels in their hands - these are trucks. They need to deliver urgent cargo. Each person has a small bag of sawdust or sand on their head. Who can run so fast as to overtake all their rivals and not drop the load - this bag?

Children stand in a circle, and a traffic controller stands in the middle of it. He throws the ball to one of the players, while saying one word: road, transport, pedestrian, passenger.

If the driver said the word “Road!”, he who caught the ball must quickly name a word related to the road. For example: street, sidewalk, curb, etc. To the word “Transport!” the player answers with the name of a vehicle; to the word “Pedestrian!” you can answer - traffic light, crossing, etc. The ball is then returned to the traffic controller. The wrong player is eliminated from the game.

Game "Road - non-road"

The playing field is drawn in a line, where each line is separated from the other by one step (you can play on a wide ladder), the players stand behind the last line and drive the ball one by one, calling out different words. If “road” sounds, skip or discard; if the player’s actions correspond to the named word, the player moves to the next line (to the next step). The one who crosses the last line first wins and becomes the driver.

Game "Hare"

A bunny rides on a tram

A bunny rides and says:

"If I bought a ticket,

Who am I: a hare or not?

The tram “conductor” sells tickets to passengers who sit on chairs – the seats on the tram. But there are one fewer chairs than passengers. As soon as all the tickets are sold and someone is left without a ticket, the conductor catches up with this “hare” and runs away.

Here on duty at any time

A familiar guard is standing there.

He controls everyone at once

Who is in front of him on the pavement?

No one in the world can do that

With one movement of the hand

Stop the flow of passersby

And let the trucks pass.

Children are divided into teams, and a captain is chosen for each of them. The teams are located behind the starting lines - one opposite the other. The distance between teams is 20-30m.

In the middle of the site, between two lines that limit a strip 2-3 m wide, flags are laid out in a checkerboard pattern.

At a signal from the traffic controller (red light - arms extended to the sides or lowered - stop; yellow light - right hand with a baton in front of the chest - get ready; green light - the traffic controller is facing the pedestrians sideways, arms extended to the sides or lowered - go) players quickly run up to the flags and try to collect as many of them as possible. After a set time, at the command of the traffic controller, the children return to their places and quickly form a line. Captains collect and count the flags brought by their players. One point is awarded for each flag. The team with the most points wins.

Rules of the game:

  1. While running, the player is allowed to collect any number of flags lying on the ground.
  2. It is forbidden to take away flags from each other.
  3. You cannot step beyond the lines limiting the space for flags.
  4. Team captains play on equal terms with everyone.

Game "Walking along the path"

Players walk along the path, naming at each step, for example, the names of road signs, etc. The one who takes the most steps and names the most words wins.

The players sit in a circle. In the center is a traffic controller (driver). He calls the name of one of those standing in a circle and throws the ball to him. The person named catches the ball, names some type of transport and throws the ball to the traffic controller. The one who did not catch the ball or did not say the word becomes the driver. The winner is the one who has never been a traffic controller.

Game "Catch - don't catch"

Participants in the game, 6-8 people, line up half a step from each other. The leader is 4-5 steps away from the players with the ball, throws it to any player, while pronouncing words, for example: “road”, “crossing”, “road sign”, etc. (in this case the ball should not be caught).

The one who makes a mistake takes a step forward, but continues to play. If he makes a second mistake, he is eliminated from the game. It is very important that the driver first says the word and then throws the ball.

Game "Name the Sixth"

Several people play. The driver turns to someone to whom he throws the ball into his hands: “Name the sixth” - and lists, for example, five types of transport (or road signs, etc.). The person asked to continue the list must catch the ball and quickly add another name without repeating what was listed before. If the words follow immediately, the person answering begins to ask questions; if not, the driver remains the same.

Game "Find the Rod"

Before the game starts, the teacher hides the traffic control rod in plain sight. The players stand in a line or column, one at a time.

At the leader’s signal, the players move in a column, one at a time, around the hall, and everyone tries to be the first to notice the hidden object. The player who sees the object first puts his hands on his belt and continues walking, without showing others where the hidden object is. The teacher, to make sure that the player really found the object, can quietly ask him. The game ends when all or most of the players have found the item.

The player, having noticed a hidden object, must not stop, slow down, touch or in any other way indicate to other players the location of the hidden object.

Game "Find a Pair"

The players are given strips of paper with images of road signs. Without talking, everyone must find a mate, that is, a partner with the same picture. Couples stand in a circle. Complications: each pair tells what their road sign means.

In this game, children are asked to come up with an unusual road sign. You need to choose one of the objects from the surrounding world and try to transfer its properties to a road sign. At the same time, the most fantastic, most incredible options are possible. The teacher invites the children to think of some object of living or inanimate nature (cat, tree, flower, house, etc.). The teacher asks: “Could an unusual road sign somehow resemble a cat?” The children answer: “Maybe!”

Game "Traffic Lights"

The traffic light is red! The path is dangerous - there is no passage! And if the yellow light is on, he says “get ready.” Green flashed ahead - the way is clear - cross.

In the game, all children are “pedestrians”. When the traffic controller shows a yellow light at the traffic light, all the children line up and get ready; when the green light turns on, they can walk, run, and jump around the entire hall; when the light is red, everyone freezes in place. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. When crossing the street, follow the traffic lights.

Game "Spiderweb"

Children sit in a circle. The driver, a traffic controller, has a ball of thread in his hands. He throws a ball to any of the children and names the cause of accidents on the roads: “Sasha, walking along the roadway when there is a sidewalk is dangerous.” Sasha holds the thread and throws the ball further: “Sergey! Leaving a stationary car unexpectedly can lead to an accident.” Sergei holds the thread and throws the ball further: “Olya! Children playing on the roadway is very dangerous.”

When all the children take part in the game, they will have a “web” in their hands and a long story about the causes of accidents on the roads.

Game "Trip to Moscow"

To play you need chairs - one less than there are players. The chairs are placed tightly in a circle. One next to the other, with the seats facing out. Each player takes an empty seat. The driver does not have a chair. He walks around the players, holding a flag in his hand and says: “I’m going to Moscow, I invite those who wish.” All the guys one by one join him. The driver says: “We are going to Moscow by bus (train, plane),” he announces (the running slows down). "Attention, stop!" - the driver’s command is suddenly heard. At this command, everyone runs to the chairs. Everyone tries to occupy any free place. The driver also tries to take a seat. The one who is left without a chair becomes the driver, gets a flag and repeats the game. The driver can take the children away from the chairs, lead them across the hall, etc. and give the command “Landing!” unexpectedly, anywhere.

Game "Crossroads"

The leader stands in the center of the intersection - this is a traffic light. Children are divided into two groups - pedestrians and cars. The presenter's whistle sounds. The intersection comes to life: pedestrians walk, vehicles move. If a violation of the Traffic Rules is allowed, the presenter whistles and calls the name of the violator. He leaves the game. Those who have no mistakes win.

A motor rally on tricycles and scooters will be organized for the winners.

Game "Search for the Wand"

Two chairs are placed at a distance of 8-10m. one from the other and a rod is placed on each. The players stand near the chairs, facing each other, and are blindfolded. At the leader’s signal, each of them must go forward, go around his friend’s chair and, returning back, find his baton and knock it on the chair. The one who completes this first wins.

Game "Different Cars"

The leading traffic controller exclaims: “Trucks!” - and the trucks quickly drive towards their line. And passenger cars follow them, trying to make them look bad. The presenter remembers (or someone notes) the number of those covered. It’s the turn of the passenger cars to go to their road. And among them there will be losers who were overtaken by trucks. And so on several times. The presenter does not necessarily call the commands strictly in order - it will be more interesting if he unexpectedly calls one several times in a row. It is only important that the total number of trips for trucks and cars ends up being the same. To create more tension in the game, team names should be pronounced syllable by syllable. Here it sounds: “Ma-shi-ny easy...”.

Game "traffic controller"

While walking in a column, one at a time, the teacher (he goes first) changes the position of his hands: to the side, on the waist, up, behind the head, behind the back. Children perform all the movements behind him, except one - hands on the belt. This movement is prohibited. The one who makes a mistake leaves the ranks, stands at the end of the column and continues the game. After some time, another movement is declared prohibited.

Physical education minute

The guard stands stubborn ( we walk in place)

He waves to people: Don't go!


Cars drive straight here hands in front of you)

Pedestrian, you wait! ( hands to the side)

Look: he smiled ( hands on belt)

Invites us to go ( we walk in place)

You machines, don't rush ( hand clapping)

Let pedestrians pass ( jumping in place)

Game "Let's rent a license"

5-7 people will take part in the game: a traffic inspector and drivers. The players choose a driver (traffic inspector). He is given a road sign (from the "Wall Road Signs" set), with its meaning written on the back of the sign. The traffic inspector shows road signs, changing them one by one, and drivers explain the meaning of the signs. For the correct answer they receive a point (they are given a colored token, a piece of cardboard). At the end of the game, it is calculated which of the drivers received the most tokens. He is awarded the title of 1st class driver, others - 2nd and 3rd class drivers, respectively.

The player who takes first place becomes a traffic inspector. The game repeats itself.

Game "Collect the picture"

From each team (“Traffic Light”, “Car”, “Pedestrian”, etc.), a player is selected to participate in the game using a counting rhyme. It is necessary to collect different parts of the picture on the road to get a picture with the same image as the name of the team.

Taxi game

A group of children is divided into two pairs. Each pair (“Taxi”) stands inside one hoop (“Taxi”). Each child holds his or her half of the circle (usually at waist or shoulder level).

Children run around standing inside hoops while music plays. The two children must move at the same speed and in the same direction. Every time the music stops, children from two different hoops join together. The game continues until the maximum number of children fit inside the hoops (up to 6-8 people).

Game “Move slower...”

The driver stands on one side of the playing field, the players are at the other end, the driver turns away and says: “Quiet - you will continue, one, two, three, stop,” and turns around, the players who are running towards the driver at this moment must freeze, the one who did not manage to stop in time returns to the starting line. The winner who is the first to reach the driver's territory becomes the driver himself. The whole point of interest lies in the fact that the phrase can be cut off in any way you like (an element of surprise is introduced), but the last word should still be “stop”, only after which the driver can turn around.

Game "Traffic Light"

A fun outdoor game for children from four years old that develops attentiveness and reaction. It can be played outdoors at any time of the year.

Game description

Two lines are marked on the ground, 4-5 meters from each other, the leader (traffic light) stands between these lines, and all players must stand behind one of them. The presenter, turning away from the players, names a color and all the players who have that color in their clothes move to the other line. Those who do not have clothes of this color must run past the “traffic light”, and he, in turn, must slap one of the “violators”. The “violator”, exposed to the “traffic light”, becomes the leader.

Rules of the game

Draw two lines on the ground.

A traffic light leader is appointed, he must stand between these lines. Players stand behind one of the lines.

The “traffic light” turns away from the players and names any color; players with that color of clothing move to the other line.

All those remaining become “violators” and must run past the “traffic light” to the other line.

The “violator”, who is insulted by the leader, becomes the next leader



Outdoor games

Bus game

“Buses” are teams of children: “driver” and “passengers”. Flags are placed 6-7m from each team. On the command “March!” The first players quickly walk (it is forbidden to run) to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where they are joined by the second ones and together they again make the same path, etc. The players hold each other's elbows. When the bus (front player - “driver”) returns to its place with a full complement of passengers, it must sound a whistle. The team that arrives at the final stop first wins.

Game "Traffic inspector and drivers"

5-6 people will take part in the game.

On the playing area, 4-5 parallel lines are drawn with chalk, indicating the stages of movement. Players (drivers) place their cars (chairs) behind the last line and sit on them. Drivers have driver's license coupons (cardboard rectangles). A traffic inspector sits on the opposite side of the platform, facing the drivers, with road signs and scissors in his hands. These scissors are needed to cut out the license of an offending driver. The traffic inspector shows road signs one by one. The driver, who has correctly explained what the sign requires, advances to the next line. The driver, who failed to explain this, receives a puncture (a corner of the driver's license is cut off with scissors) and a remark from the traffic inspector; his car remains in place. A player who receives four punctures is eliminated from the game. A driver who passes all stages without any comments becomes a traffic inspector, and a traffic inspector becomes a driver. The game repeats itself. Drivers who are eliminated from the game receive new driver's license coupons and are included in the game.

Game "Be careful"

Children remember what to do and when to do it. They walk in a circle and carefully listen to the signals of the traffic controller. At the signal: “Traffic light!” - we stand still; at the signal: “Transition!” - we walk; at the signal: “Car!” - We hold the steering wheel in our hands.

Game "Funny Tram"

We are cheerful trams,

We don't jump like bunnies

We ride on the rails together.

Hey, come sit with us if you want!

Children are divided into two teams. One team - trams. The tram driver holds a hoop in his hands. The second team is passengers, they take their places at the bus stop. Each tram can carry only one passenger, who takes his place in the hoop. The final stop is on the opposite side of the hall.

Attraction game “Attention, pedestrian”

To play this game you need three wands, painted in three colors of traffic lights.

The traffic controller - the teacher - shows the children lined up in a line in front of him, alternately one of the three batons. Participants in the game take a step back when they see a red rod, stand when they see a yellow one, and two steps forward when they see a green one. The traffic controller fines the one who makes a mistake and deprives him of the right to participate in the game. The winner is the one who never makes a mistake. The winner is awarded a badge, postcard, book, etc.

Game "Garage"

At the corners of the site, 5-8 large circles are drawn - parking lots, garages for cars. Inside each parking lot, draw 2-5 circles - cars (you can put hoops). The total number of machines should be 5-8 less than the number of players.

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, to the sound of music. As soon as the music ends, everyone runs to the garages and takes a seat in any of the cars. Those left without a place are eliminated from the game.

Game "Trucks"

The players hold car steering wheels in their hands - these are trucks. They need to deliver urgent cargo. Each person has a small bag of sawdust or sand on their head. Who can run so fast as to overtake all their rivals and not drop the load - this bag?

Game "Road, transport, passenger"

Children stand in a circle, and a traffic controller stands in the middle of it. He throws the ball to one of the players, while saying one word: road, transport, pedestrian, passenger.

If the driver said the word “Road!”, he who caught the ball must quickly name a word related to the road. For example: street, sidewalk, curb, etc. To the word “Transport!” the player answers with the name of a vehicle; to the word “Pedestrian!” you can answer - traffic light, crossing, etc. The ball is then returned to the traffic controller. The wrong player is eliminated from the game.

Game "Road - non-road"

The playing field is drawn in a line, where each line is separated from the other by one step (you can play on a wide ladder), the players stand behind the last line and drive the ball one by one, calling out different words. If “road” sounds, skip or discard; if the player’s actions correspond to the named word, the player moves to the next line (to the next step). The one who crosses the last line first wins and becomes the driver.

Game "Hare"

A bunny rides on a tram

A bunny rides and says:

"If I bought a ticket,

Who am I: a hare or not?

The tram “conductor” sells tickets to passengers who sit on chairs – the seats on the tram. But there are one fewer chairs than passengers. As soon as all the tickets are sold and someone is left without a ticket, the conductor catches up with this “hare” and runs away.

Game “Remember the traffic controller’s signals”

Here on duty at any time

A familiar guard is standing there.

He controls everyone at once

Who is in front of him on the pavement?

No one in the world can do that

With one movement of the hand

Stop the flow of passersby

And let the trucks pass.

Children are divided into teams, and a captain is chosen for each of them. The teams are located behind the starting lines - one opposite the other. The distance between teams is 20-30m.

In the middle of the site, between two lines that limit a strip 2-3 m wide, flags are laid out in a checkerboard pattern.

At a signal from the traffic controller (red light - arms extended to the sides or lowered - stop; yellow light - right hand with a baton in front of the chest - get ready; green light - the traffic controller is facing the pedestrians sideways, arms extended to the sides or lowered - go) players quickly run up to the flags and try to collect as many of them as possible. After a set time, at the command of the traffic controller, the children return to their places and quickly form a line. Captains collect and count the flags brought by their players. One point is awarded for each flag. The team with the most points wins.

Rules of the game:

  1. While running, the player is allowed to collect any number of flags lying on the ground.
  2. It is forbidden to take away flags from each other.
  3. You cannot step beyond the lines limiting the space for flags.
  4. Team captains play on equal terms with everyone.

Game "Walking along the path"

Players walk along the path, naming at each step, for example, the names of road signs, etc. The one who takes the most steps and names the most words wins.

The game “Whoever is named, catches it”

The players sit in a circle. In the center is a traffic controller (driver). He calls the name of one of those standing in a circle and throws the ball to him. The person named catches the ball, names some type of transport and throws the ball to the traffic controller. The one who did not catch the ball or did not say the word becomes the driver. The winner is the one who has never been a traffic controller.

Game "Catch - don't catch"

Participants in the game, 6-8 people, line up half a step from each other. The leader is 4-5 steps away from the players with the ball, throws it to any player, while pronouncing words, for example: “road”, “crossing”, “road sign”, etc. (in this case the ball should not be caught).

The one who makes a mistake takes a step forward, but continues to play. If he makes a second mistake, he is eliminated from the game. It is very important that the driver first says the word and then throws the ball.

Game "Name the Sixth"

Several people play. The driver turns to someone to whom he throws the ball into his hands: “Name the sixth” - and lists, for example, five types of transport (or road signs, etc.). The person asked to continue the list must catch the ball and quickly add another name without repeating what was listed before. If the words follow immediately, the person answering begins to ask questions; if not, the driver remains the same.

Game "Find the Rod"

Before the game starts, the teacher hides the traffic control rod in plain sight. The players stand in a line or column, one at a time.

At the leader’s signal, the players move in a column, one at a time, around the hall, and everyone tries to be the first to notice the hidden object. The player who sees the object first puts his hands on his belt and continues walking, without showing others where the hidden object is. The teacher, to make sure that the player really found the object, can quietly ask him. The game ends when all or most of the players have found the item.

The player, having noticed a hidden object, must not stop, slow down, touch or in any other way indicate to other players the location of the hidden object.

Game "Find a Pair"

The players are given strips of paper with images of road signs. Without talking, everyone must find a mate, that is, a partner with the same picture. Couples stand in a circle. Complications: each pair tells what their road sign means.

Game "Unusual Road Sign"

In this game, children are asked to come up with an unusual road sign. You need to choose one of the objects from the surrounding world and try to transfer its properties to a road sign. At the same time, the most fantastic, most incredible options are possible. The teacher invites the children to think of some object of living or inanimate nature (cat, tree, flower, house, etc.). The teacher asks: “Could an unusual road sign somehow resemble a cat?” The children answer: “Maybe!”

Game "Traffic Lights"

The traffic light is red! The path is dangerous - there is no passage! And if the yellow light is on, he says “get ready.” Green flashed ahead - the way is clear - cross.

In the game, all children are “pedestrians.” When the traffic controller shows a yellow light at the traffic light, all the children line up and get ready; when the green light turns on, they can walk, run, and jump around the entire hall; when the light is red, everyone freezes in place. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. When crossing the street, follow the traffic lights.

Game "Spiderweb"

Children sit in a circle. The driver, a traffic controller, has a ball of thread in his hands. He throws a ball to any of the children and names the cause of accidents on the roads: “Sasha, walking along the roadway when there is a sidewalk is dangerous.” Sasha holds the thread and throws the ball further: “Sergey! Leaving a stationary car unexpectedly can lead to an accident.” Sergei holds the thread and throws the ball further: “Olya! Children playing on the roadway is very dangerous.”

When all the children take part in the game, they will have a “web” in their hands and a long story about the causes of accidents on the roads.

Game "Trip to Moscow"

To play you need chairs - one less than there are players. The chairs are placed tightly in a circle. One next to the other, with the seats facing out. Each player takes an empty seat. The driver does not have a chair. He walks around the players, holding a flag in his hand and says: “I’m going to Moscow, I invite those who wish.” All the guys one by one join him. The driver says: “We are going to Moscow by bus (train, plane),” he announces (the running slows down). "Attention, stop!" - the driver’s command is suddenly heard. At this command, everyone runs to the chairs. Everyone tries to occupy any free place. The driver also tries to take a seat. The one who is left without a chair becomes the driver, gets a flag and repeats the game. The driver can take the children away from the chairs, lead them across the hall, etc. and give the command “Landing!” unexpectedly, anywhere.

Game "Crossroads"

The leader stands in the center of the intersection - this is a traffic light. Children are divided into two groups - pedestrians and cars. The presenter's whistle sounds. The intersection comes to life: pedestrians walk, vehicles move. If a violation of the Traffic Rules is allowed, the presenter whistles and calls the name of the violator. He leaves the game. Those who have no mistakes win.

A motor rally on tricycles and scooters will be organized for the winners.

Game "Search for the Wand"

Two chairs are placed at a distance of 8-10m. one from the other and a rod is placed on each. The players stand near the chairs, facing each other, and are blindfolded. At the leader’s signal, each of them must go forward, go around his friend’s chair and, returning back, find his baton and knock it on the chair. The one who completes this first wins.

Game "Different Cars"

The leading traffic controller exclaims: “Trucks!” - and the trucks quickly drive towards their line. And passenger cars follow them, trying to make them look bad. The presenter remembers (or someone notes) the number of those covered. It’s the turn of the passenger cars to go to their road. And among them there will be losers who were overtaken by trucks. And so on several times. The presenter does not necessarily call the commands strictly in order - it will be more interesting if he unexpectedly calls one several times in a row. It is only important that the total number of trips for trucks and cars ends up being the same. To create more tension in the game, team names should be pronounced syllable by syllable. Here it sounds: “Ma-shi-ny easy...”.

Game "traffic controller"

While walking in a column, one at a time, the teacher (he goes first) changes the position of his hands: to the side, on the waist, up, behind the head, behind the back. Children perform all the movements behind him, except one - hands on the belt. This movement is prohibited. The one who makes a mistake leaves the ranks, stands at the end of the column and continues the game. After some time, another movement is declared prohibited.

Physical education minute

The guard stands stubborn ( we walk in place)

He waves to people: Don't go!

(hand movements to the sides, up, to the sides, down)

Cars drive straight herehands in front of you)

Pedestrian, you wait! ( hands to the side )

Look: he smiled ( hands on belt)

Invites us to go ( we walk in place)

You machines, don't rush ( hand clapping)

Let pedestrians pass ( jumping in place)

Game "Let's rent a license"

5-7 people will take part in the game: a traffic inspector and drivers. The players choose a driver (traffic inspector). He is given a road sign (from the "Wall Road Signs" set), with its meaning written on the back of the sign. The traffic inspector shows road signs, changing them one by one, and drivers explain the meaning of the signs. For the correct answer they receive a point (they are given a colored token, a piece of cardboard). At the end of the game, it is calculated which of the drivers received the most tokens. He is awarded the title of 1st class driver, others - 2nd and 3rd class drivers, respectively.

The player who takes first place becomes a traffic inspector. The game repeats itself.

Game "Collect the picture"

From each team (“Traffic Light”, “Car”, “Pedestrian”, etc.), a player is selected to participate in the game using a counting rhyme. It is necessary to collect different parts of the picture on the road to get a picture with the same image as the name of the team.

Taxi game

A group of children is divided into two pairs. Each pair (“Taxi”) stands inside one hoop (“Taxi”). Each child holds his or her half of the circle (usually at waist or shoulder level).

Children run around standing inside hoops while music plays. The two children must move at the same speed and in the same direction. Every time the music stops, children from two different hoops join together. The game continues until the maximum number of children fit inside the hoops (up to 6-8 people).

Game “Move slower...”

The driver stands on one side of the playing field, the players are at the other end, the driver turns away and says: “Quiet - you will continue, one, two, three, stop,” and turns around, the players who are running towards the driver at this moment must freeze, the one who did not manage to stop in time returns to the starting line. The winner who is the first to reach the driver's territory becomes the driver himself. The whole point of interest lies in the fact that the phrase can be cut off in any way you like (an element of surprise is introduced), but the last word should still be “stop”, only after which the driver can turn around.

Game "Traffic Light"

A fun outdoor game for children from four years old that develops attentiveness and reaction. It can be played outdoors at any time of the year.

Game description

Two lines are marked on the ground, 4-5 meters from each other, the leader (traffic light) stands between these lines, and all players must stand behind one of them. The presenter, turning away from the players, names a color and all the players who have that color in their clothes move to the other line. Those who do not have clothes of this color must run past the “traffic light”, and he, in turn, must slap one of the “violators”. The “violator”, exposed to the “traffic light”, becomes the leader.

Rules of the game

Draw two lines on the ground.

A traffic light leader is appointed, he must stand between these lines. Players stand behind one of the lines.

The “traffic light” turns away from the players and names any color; players with that color of clothing move to the other line.

All those remaining become “violators” and must run past the “traffic light” to the other line.

The “violator”, who is insulted by the leader, becomes the next leader

The last Sunday in October is Motorist Day. How to mark it? A traditional feast will be boring without an interesting entertainment program, which will be attended by not only those for whom this is a professional holiday, but also those who want to join in the fun and spend this day actively and in a good mood.

Preparation for the holiday

Creating a suitable atmosphere is the main condition for a successful holiday. In the room where guests of the celebration gather, decorations related to the theme “car enthusiasts” are hung. These are images of cars and road signs. If you have the opportunity to fork out some money, they place a couple of tires in the hall. An alternative option is to decorate the space in a Formula 1 style. All you have to do is take out the checkered flags, the main attribute of the world famous races.
The festive atmosphere is an important factor that influences how successfully the implementation of ideas, scenarios, competitions and games will go.
They don’t forget about souvenirs, which are given out as prizes to everyone who wins quizzes and fun competitions. For example, car key chains, interior wipes, fragrances, toys for the mirror, dashboard, stickers.
The holiday begins with a musical intro (a car-themed song plays). The opening speech is given to a professional presenter. After several toasts, the competition begins.

Improvisation competition

1. Create improvised front seats of the car by placing two chairs next to each other (three pairs in total).
2. A man and a woman are called.
3. Participants are given time to prepare the skit.
Their main task is to 100% reveal the acting talent. Men are driving their girlfriends with the wind, who sing, apply makeup, talk on the phone, distract the driver from the road, do everything possible to make the scene look more realistic and funnier. At the end of the “driving” scene, each couple performs a “car song”, for example, “Black Boomer”, “Your Cherry Nine”, “And I’ll Get in the Convertible”.
The winner is chosen by the guests of the holiday, supporting each couple with applause. Those who clap and shout loudest win.
Road signs
After a short break, when the guests are chatting at the festive table, the host announces the start of a quiz in which they will test their knowledge of road signs. The rules are not explained to the participants, so confident and experienced drivers agree to take the quiz; a small surprise awaits them. The presenter makes a wish for non-existent funny signs that the participants need to draw, using imagination and ingenuity.

Sign options:

“Be careful, the traffic police inspector is in the bushes”;
“After the 10th drink, entry is prohibited”;
"Watch out for the blonde around the corner."
The organizer of the holiday shows a sense of humor by making various and funny signs. The winner is the one whose picture best illustrates this or that warning.
Competition for knowledge of car brands
Beforehand, the presenter makes a survey about who in the audience drives worse, who doesn’t have a driver’s license, is far from the automotive topic and came to the event to congratulate a loved one. From such people they recruit participants for the next competition. The main task of the competitors is to find out and name more car brands, focusing on the emblems. The participant who named the most brands wins.

Try to catch the inspector

1. One of the five participants is appointed “Rublevsky Inspector”; an improvised striped tail is tied to his back, like a traffic controller’s baton.
2. The remaining four participants line up like a train, each player placing his hands on the waist of the next one standing in front.
3. “Inspector from Rublyovka” becomes the last in the chain.
4. To the accompaniment of fiery fast music, the first participant in the chain begins to run, trying to catch up with the traffic police inspector standing at the end of the “train” in order to catch him by the tail.
5. The task of the “Rublevsky Inspector” is to dodge, wagging his tail, so as not to be caught.
6. The task of the participants in the center is not to let go of the participant in front, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the chain.
You'll be surprised how hard it is to win this game by following the rules. The advantage of the competition is that even those who do not participate in the competition will have fun, since from the outside the pursuit of the “traffic police inspector” looks funny.
"Valuable Cargo"

This is a team type game.

1. Recruit two teams of several participants.
2. The most responsible “driver” is selected for each team.
3. Each driver is given a children's dump truck (first tie it to a rope, and there should be a pencil on the other end of the rope).
4. Prepare an equal number of children's medium-sized cubes for the team.
The task of the teams.
Drivers are located on the “finish” line, holding pencils in their hands, while the cars are located on the “start” line.
At the command of the leader, the remaining team members take turns (in the form of a relay race) load the dump truck with valuable cargo, cubes (only one can be placed at a time).
Once all the cubes have been loaded, drivers begin wrapping the rope around the pencil, causing the dump truck to move towards the finish line. It is important to get the car to its destination faster, without losing valuable cargo along the way.
The winner is the team that delivers the valuable cargo faster and whose losses are minimal.

"Brave Dashing Driver"

An exciting impromptu game that will invigorate and unite holiday guests and lift their spirits.
The leader selects two teams, each with more participants (an equal number in the two teams).
1. Several chairs are placed in the center of the hall for each group of participants.
2. The task of the teams is to imagine themselves as a passenger of the Sochi minibus. At the same time, someone gets a seat, and someone stands, tightly pressed against another team member.
3. All members in the group hold on tightly to each other.
4. A reckless driver rushes through the city, playing the song “Black Eyes” loudly.
5. When the driver (leader) shouts “to the right,” everyone leans sharply to the right and shouts “Oooh.” When the driver shouts “left” - everyone leans to the left and shouts “Ahhh”, the driver shouts “bumps” - everyone jumps up and shouts “Ugh”.
6. You cannot let go of neighboring passengers, trying not to fall yourself and not to allow your “friend in misfortune” to fall.
There are no winners, because the main goal of the game is to stir everyone up and give them a good mood.

Musical competition "Auto market"

Many owners treat cars with reverence, but sometimes the time comes to part with their “swallow” by selling it. Selling a car in a competition will have to be unusual, artistic, playful and fun. Rules of the game.
1. The presenter selects several participants.
2. Everyone chooses a piece of paper at random, turns it over, and names the car brand shown.
3. The DJ introduces the participants to musical selections (famous songs, a song for each player).
4. They are given a few minutes to prepare, after which the participant tries to “beat” the song, putting text about the car on its motive, trying to praise it in order to sell it faster on the “Auto Market”.
The winner is the one who plays the song and story about his vehicle better and funnier.

Exam “Reverse”

This is an exam competition.
1. Form two teams, inviting 4 players to each.
2. Two tracks are pre-prepared, and pins are placed on each of them.
3. Teams line up like a train, appoint a driver who looks at the road and tries to go around the pins, carefully moving along the track like a snake.
4. They complicate the task by blindfolding other participants.
5. To the music, at the command of the leader, drivers begin to move their “chain-car” so as to get to the finish line and knock down fewer pins along the way. The driver can shout out clues to his team, indicating the approximate position of obstacles while the team reverses.
Win - a group of motorists who successfully passed the exam, the speed of the route and the number of pins knocked down are taken into account.

Fun fortune-telling “Who will leave the banquet with what?”

A funny variation of the well-known game “Musical Hat”. The presenter preliminarily makes an eyeliner, warns that fortune telling is unusual, and will allow guests to find out what they will go home with after the end of the event.
The presenter walks next to the guests, holding a “magic microphone” in his hands. At this time, a musical screensaver sounds, suddenly the music stops and an excerpt from popular songs starts. The excerpt will tell the guest, next to whom the host is staying, what he will have to do to get home from the banquet. The passages chosen are funny, for example, “we will race on reindeer”, “I will go out into the field with a horse at night”, etc.
Fun games, improvisation competitions, music competitions, quizzes - all this will make an ordinary feast dedicated to Motorist Day bright and memorable.
