Unforgivable movie mistakes you probably never noticed. Pippi Longstocking is suing scammers

What do science fiction films of recent years have in common? They must have robots! "Terminator", "Robocop", "Transformers" - they are all remembered for their futuristic models. Many of them have common features, since they were created by the same person - designer Vitaly Bulgarov, who moved from Moldova to Hollywood. Now his graphic solutions are embodied in metal. This is being done by the South Korean company Hankook Mirae Technology, which has created one of the largest manned robots in the world.

When the first articles about the Method-1 prototype appeared, many readers were skeptical. The images presented were more like renderings for the next movie than photos of a real robot.

Indeed, embellishment has not been done here, but real prototypes differ little from a 3D model. Doubts were dispelled by the demonstration of Method-2, which was held by Amazon founder and robotics fan Jeff Bezos at the MARS conference last year.

In the video, we see that Bezos is simply waving the arms of the robot, trying to get comfortable with the controls. Actually, it is very simple. The robot copies the movements of the operator, just with a noticeable delay. Therefore, out of habit, it seemed to Jeff that the robot did not accept the command, and he gave it again.

Method-2 runs under Linux OS and industrial real-time processing system EtherCAT. It uses Intel Xeon processors (up to 16 pcs), combined through IBM System X 4. So, there are no problems with processing commands - there is plenty of computing power. The snag is in another.

The robot is driven by a complex system of 56 electric motors of nine different types. Each of them has a small delay, which are summed up. The motors are powered by three lithium-ion batteries with an operating voltage of 24 V, 48 V and 320 V. A single charge lasts a maximum of three hours, so mains power is used for laboratory tests.

The bottom of the Method-2 is made entirely of aluminum alloy. The upper part is only 20% aluminum. Lightweight cabin (excluding glazing) and manipulators are 80% made of carbon fiber.

The robot has absorbed many non-trivial solutions. In the next video, you can see unusual joints that can move in two planes at once, complex limb profiles and a swaying gait that ensures constant stabilization of the robot. It also demonstrates external control and precise movements of the manipulators - each finger bends independently and very smoothly.
To get into the 4200 cm high robot cabin, the operator uses a ladder. For safety, some functions are tested using a gimbal. The robot is very heavy (approximately 1600 kg with the pilot), so it is held by steel chains.

Hankook Mirae Technology has spent more than $100 million on the development of manned robots. The company is negotiating the creation of specialized models based on Method-2 and their use in the aftermath of various emergencies. Robots with large and powerful manipulators (now over seven meters in span) would be good helpers when clearing rubble, and remote control reduces the risk to the operator. The armed forces also express their interest in the project, but so far the robot is too slow for combat missions.

Two years ago, the wonderful comedian Evgeny Morgunov left us - a man who almost did not live up to the 21st century, almost finished playing in the theater and cinema, and outlived his beloved son Nikolai for a whole year ... I knew Evgeny Morgunov not fleeting, so I would like to share with readers my memories of him.

Yevgeny Alexandrovich was dying hard. His difficult life ended in front of the exhausted doctors of the Kremlin hospital, who over the past six years have been struggling with his illness - diabetes, against which a stroke occurred. Together with Evgeny Morgunov, a whole generation of wonderful comedians left: Papanov, Mironov, Leonov, Nikulin, Evstigneev, Smirnov and many others. And for some reason, a new generation that could replace them has not yet been born, and comedies equal in quality to films of past years have not appeared either. Who can boast of having watched some modern comedy 25 times, as we used to watch the imperishable short films "Dog Mongrel" and "Moonshiners"? But - stop! What do we inherit from a cheerful fat man who made us roll with laughter? A few posthumous articles in the press (during his lifetime, journalists didn’t really indulge the actor) and that’s all. So far, no one has created a single book or booklet, a single documentary film or television program about his work. The official authorities did not seem to notice Yevgeny Morgunov, delaying the assignment of titles and deleting his name from film dictionaries. He remained a well-deserved artist, recognized in the world as a "folk". He always went against the conventional wisdom, which is why he suffered. Any injustice aroused in him insane rage and anger. He tore his throat with the authorities, for which they disliked him, did not tolerate humiliation, could not stand swagger. Officials shunned him, but he loved the people, idolized women. He sowed good, valued friendship, protected the weak. Morgunov's name is covered with legends, an incredible amount of speculation, tales and anecdotes circulated about him. For example, this one. Vitsin, Nikulin and Morgunov cross the river on a raft. The raft capsized and the trio fell into the water. "Help! There's a crocodile!" squealed Vitsin. "Save! There's a crocodile in the river!" - Nikulin echoes him. Then a crocodile emerges and shouts: "Save yourself, who can! There is a hippopotamus in the river!"
Or this is the story. Once in Paris, a young lady asked Morgunov: "Eugene, take me to the Lido." "We will go with you to the Lido, only after, not before," replied Morgunov. Or, for example, the actor said: "I'm rehearsing now the role of Mumu. True, I’m afraid I won’t be able to cope, since I had Gerasimov as a director and teacher.
His sparkling humor amazed those around him. Sometimes it seemed that his hero Experienced went straight off the screen and continues to play out in life. He gushed with witticisms, punned, and sometimes became serious, sat down at the piano and performed Schubert, Chopin, Beethoven by heart... He easily quoted Kafka, the ancient Roman Horace, the ancient Greek Sophocles...
In honor of the famous trio beloved by the people: Yevgeny Morgunov, Yuri Nikulin and Georgy Vitsin, the only Museum of Three Actors in our country dedicated to their work was organized, which contains unique exhibits: postcards, badges, photographs, clippings from newspapers and magazines, letters, personal items , autographs, posters, souvenirs, paintings and much more. At the opening of the museum, Yuri Nikulin said: "Museums are usually created after the death of an actor, but here the museum is ready, and we no longer need to die." His words turned out to be prophetic to some extent: Yuri Nikulin and Yevgeny Morgunov remained in the history of Russian comedy and circus. And most importantly - in the hearts of millions of fans of their unique talent.

Moviegoers often amuse themselves by looking for errors and inconsistencies in the films they watch. As soon as a new movie hits theaters, onlookers' keen eyes pick up every tiny change in a character's appearance or object's position.

We have compiled a list of interesting movie bloopers for you, which, however, may be too subtle for many people. Most of them you have probably never noticed, and it would be really unforgivable if you never found out about them. Read on and you'll never be able to watch these movies the same way again!


If you carefully watch the film, you can see the reflection of the camera in the car window. In fact, this is a common mistake that many directors forget about. This happened in Twilight.

"Iron Man 2"

At the beginning of the movie, we see Tony Stark performing on his show wearing a white shirt. Then he disappears from the screen for a moment, appears already in a black shirt and remains in it until the end of the show.


If you carefully watch the scene in which Deadpool is speeding down the highway, you will notice that one moment there is nothing behind him, and the next there are sword hilts.

In the bar scene, Vanessa's neck tattoo appears and disappears again.

"Forrest Gump"

In the scene where Forrest meets Jenny, you can see the iron behind her, which seems to be moving on its own.

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

When Aunt Petunia wishes Dudley a happy birthday from behind him, a microphone wire can be seen around her neck.

As Harry approaches the Gryffindor table after the sorting ceremony, he takes a seat next to Ron. But in the next scene, he is already sitting between Hermione and Percy. That's what makes the magic!


When Rosa looks at the huge ship, her mole is on her left cheek, but then it turns out to be on her right.

In order to free Jack from the handcuffs, Rose breaks the glass fire shield containing the axe. The impact shatters all the glass, but when she grabs the axe, the shards are back in place.

It seems that there were two ships. Otherwise, how can you explain the changing appearance of the deck?

"Pulp Fiction"

Before giving Mia an injection of adrenaline, Vincent paints a thick red mark on her chest. But when the girl is "reborn", the mark disappears.

When Mia and Vincent are in the cafe, she is smoking while picking the order. Seen from the side, she is holding a cigarette in her left hand; and if from the front - in the right.

"Fifth Element"

Before the jump, Lilo is startled by the monorail that passes on the wall next to her. The next moment she jumps and we see that the scene has completely changed: there is no monorail, and the buildings look completely different.

"Rapunzel: Tangled"

In the scene where Flynn makes his way up the tower to Rapunzel, Mother Gothel stabs him with her dagger, but there is no blood left on the blade. Although there is a good explanation for this: according to the film's rating, there shouldn't be any blood on the screen.

When the dying Flynn touches Rapunzel's hair, the shackles on his hands appear to have disappeared. Of course, they could slide on his arm, but in the next moment it is clear that they have returned to their original place.

"Inglourious Basterds"

In one of the scenes, the emblems on the chest of a German officer disappear and then reappear.


When Jake opens the capsule, there is no sign of a stroller near it. But a moment later, she appears from nowhere.

"Terminator 2: Judgment Day"

At the beginning of the film, the Terminator shields John from the T-1000 bullets with his own body, and they bounce off his back. Naturally, a lot of holes appear on the jacket. But after a few moments it looks like new.

When the truck the T-1000 is driving is chasing John Connor, it drives under a bridge, causing the windshield to fly out. But in the next frame it is back in place.


In the scene where Thor destroys everything around, the bumper of one car is miraculously restored.

"Dallas Buyers Club"

This movie is set in 1985, but in one scene we see a poster for a Lamborghini Aventador. This car was released only in 2011.

"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl"

It seems that there were several fans of modern fashion in the gang of Captain Jack Sparrow.

"Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines"

At one point, John and Kate are flying in a small white plane. The number N3035C is visible on its board. However, after the heroes disembark, it suddenly changes to N3973F. Then the frame again gets the number that was originally.

"Marie Antoinette"

A truly shocking mistake can be seen in the film about this French queen, which was directed by Sofia Coppola. It seems that converse was popular among the 18th century aristocracy!


When the crew is on the alien ship, Kane can be seen wearing a special cap inside his suit. When he is later admitted to the hospital, the suit's helmet is opened to remove the alien creature, however the cap is suddenly missing.

"Suspicious Persons"

When we first see a plane coming in to land, it has four engines. In a second, it seems that he has already managed to lose half.


The protagonist John in all scenes of the film holds the smartphone turned upside down. Although this does not seem to prevent him from communicating.


In one of the scenes in the film, you can see that the ancient Romans apparently used gas canisters for their chariots. How can you miss a blooper like this and not see it before the movie hits the screens?

"Star Wars"
