What is now with Dieter ill. Dieter Bohlen: biography, personal life, children, creativity

With his first wife, Erica (Erica Sauerland (Bohlen), September 29, 1954), Dieter Bohlen lived for almost 11 years (from 1983 to 1994). In marriage, they had 2 sons Mark (Marc, July 09, 1985), Marvin Benjamin (Marvin Benjamin, December 21, 1988) and daughter Marilin (Marielin, February 23, 1990). In 1996, Dieter Bohlen married a second time, Verona Feldbusch became his wife (Verona Feldbusch, May 30, 1969), but the marriage lasted only four weeks. From 1990 to 1996 and from 1997 to 2000 Bohlen lived together with Naddel Abd el Farrag (March 05, 1965), part-time backing vocalist for Blue System and Modern Talking. From 2001 to 2006, Dieter had a relationship with Estefania Kuster (Estefania Kuster, July 28, 1979), with whom he has a son, Maurice Cassian (Maurice Cassian, July 7, 2005). From 2006 to this day, Dieter Bohlen lives with his girlfriend Carina Fatma Walz (Carina Fatma Walz, 1984), with whom they had two children: daughter Amelie (Amelie, March 24, 2011) and son Maximilian (Maximilian, September 7, 2013) .

Verona Feldbusch, another dark-haired one, is said to be a beauty. She was born in Bolivia, either on April 30, 1968, or on May 30, 1969, or on the same date and the same year only in June, the data in all publications, the press, the official website of Verona differ, one thing is known for certain, dad was a German with a technical education and her mother was a Bolivian hairdresser.

At the age of one, she moved to Hamburg, where her cloudless childhood passed, although her parents eventually divorced. They also say that she loved to dress up fashionably since childhood and even spent her childhood with a needle in her hand, and even with the help of her mother she sewed a dress for herself at the age of 6.

She was also called a beauty since childhood, and, barely waiting for 15 years, Verona made her debut as a model. Immediately after graduation, the road to Paris laid down for her, the child was torn under the spotlight, moving from one "city of big lights" to another began.

Nadia Ab del Farrag, she is Nadia Farrag without the Afro-Arabic "ab", "del", "ibn" and the like, she is Naddel, as Bohlen called her for almost 12 years of her life, in consonance with the German word "Needle" and a visual impression of this pretty girl (tall - 1.80, slender, long-legged).

As might be expected, based on the tastes of Mr. Bohlen, she was born in a mixed marriage. Nadia's father, Sudanese Ibrahim, came to Europe to seek happiness and knowledge, but did not want to study - he wanted to get married, which he did - Yuta, a typical German, became his wife. And on March 5, 1965, the first child was born in a young family - Nadia, in a few years she will have a younger sister, Tamara. When Nadya was two years old, her father decided to return to his native land, but his wife endured the charm of Africa for no more than a year, and the family returned to Hamburg, where they quietly ran a small family business.

Ingrid Estefania Küster was born on July 28, 1979 in Asuncion, Paraguay. A cocktail to the taste of Bohlen: the mother is a young Paraguayan beauty Marie-Luz, the father is a strong German, and the child in a mixed marriage came out according to a high standard category.

Dieter believes that outwardly Estefania is somewhat similar to Gloria Estefan, most gossips in Germany said: "she looks like Verona Feldbusch." And they are all right, the resemblance of the new girlfriend of the pop music meter to the American singer of Cuban origin Gloria Estefan really exists, but on the other hand, Bolen's dream came true: he got the appearance of Verona and the character of a fluffy kitten, that's what he actually calls her - "Puschi" ("Pussy").

Erika Wilma Emma Frieda Sauerland, you can simply - Erika Bohlen, because after the divorce she added her husband's surname to the hardships and joys of raising three more Bohlen.

She was born on September 29, 1954 in a small town. The eldest daughter in the family of a driver, she received her general education at a public school (that is, for nothing), since the funds in the family were registered until the last pfenning and her younger sister demanded more attention. I had to grow up quickly and switch to self-support. Arriving in Göttingen, she got a job as a window dresser in a large Karstadt supermarket, “she could talk about curtains for hours,” as her husband would later say, which, however, did not prevent him from admitting that Erica had an innate gift for design.

Jeanne (although some call her Gina, and Jeanne, and Jean) Dupuy (Jeanne Dupuy) was the first backing vocalist of the Blue System. A girl from the Caribbean, originally from France, born in 1966, almost immediately fascinated Dieter. He fell madly in love with her at the end of 1987, when Blue System started its activities. When Dieter recruited a new group, Jean was the last to join her.

She previously worked as a photo model and backing vocalist. Also, it is said that, in addition to the work of a backing vocalist, she served as a percussionist in the Blue System. It was Ginny who starred in the Sorry Little Sarah video as Sarah herself, and then in the My Bed Is Too Big video.

Dieter Günther Bohlen is a German pop singer, composer, founder of the musical groups Modern Talking, Blue System, producer of the singer C.C. Catch, for several years he directed the TV contest "Germany is looking for a superstar".

Dieter was born on February 7, 1954 in the city of Bern, near Oldenburg, in the family of entrepreneurs Hans and Edith Bohlen. From the age of 9, he became interested in the work of The Beatles and decided to learn how to play the guitar. To buy a tool, the boy got a job with a neighbor farmer as a potato picker. Having earned 70 marks from the harvest, Dieter bought a guitar. Soon the whole school knew about Bohlen - the boy performed at the holidays, performing his own compositions and hits by famous musicians.

During his studies, the Bohlen family repeatedly moved from city to city, and Dieter managed to change three educational institutions: in Göttingen, Oldenburg and Hamburg. In 1969, Bohlen already had his own musical group Mayfair, and then Aorta, for which the young man wrote 200 musical compositions in a few years. Despite the fact that at first music lessons had a negative effect on the young man's progress, Dieter graduated from school with excellent marks.

Dieter Bohlen at school

Having entered the university in the economic department, Bohlen began to earn his living by performing in nightclubs. For each exit, the young man received 250 marks. Having saved enough money, Dieter bought a piano and a car. But the young man dreamed of a big stage, so he regularly sent home recordings to various production centers in Hamburg.

In 1978, Bohlen graduated from the university and immediately got a job in Peter Schmidt's music firm Intersong. Bohlen's duties included keeping track of new releases in the popular music market and compiling reports and lists. In addition to the main work, Dieter got the opportunity to write songs and offer them to singers.


Since 1978, Dieter Bohlen has been trying his hand as a soloist of the ensembles Monza and Sunday, writing songs for Katya Ebstein, Roland Kaiser, Bernd Klüver, Bernhard Brink. The musical composition "Hale, Hey Louise", created for Ricky King, held on to the 14th position in the German music ratings for almost half a year and brought Dieter Bohlen his first success and profit.

But to become a millionaire, the composer needed hits in English. In 1983, Dieter met with, and a year later the joint project "Modern Talking" was launched, which made the musicians world-class megastars.

In addition to participating in a popular group, Dieter works with pop stars Al Martino, Nino de Angelo, C. C. Catch, Engelbert Humperdinck. Under the leadership of the musician, new projects are launched: musical groups Hit the Floor, Major T, Touche. Dieter also creates music for many series and TV programs ("Rivalen der Rennbahn", "Zorc - Der Mann ohne Grenzen", "Tatort").

After working in the duet Modern Talking for three years, in 1987 Dieter Bohlen broke off relations with Thomas and created the Blue System musical group. In 1991, with the hit "It's All Over", which featured Dionne Warwick, the European disco group entered the U.S. R&B charts. In 1992, the single "Romeo and Juliet" premiered on RTL.

Over the 11 years of its existence, the Blue System disco group recorded 13 albums, the most famous of which were Twilight, Obsession, Déjà Vu, Forever Blue. In 1998, Dieter Bohlen returns to the Modern Talking project for five years.

In 2002, the best-selling book "Nothing but the Truth" was published, in which Dieter Bohlen described his own biography. In the same year, the musician launches the "Germany is looking for a superstar" (DSDS) project. The final hit of the first season "We Have A Dream" hits the first lines of the music charts, and the disc "United" becomes the second best-selling disc in Bohlen's discography.

Dieter is producing the competition finalists Alexandra, Yvonne Caterfield, Natalie Tineo. In 2007, he began collaborating with Mark Medlock, who won the 4th season of the DSDS television show, with whom he recorded the albums Mr. Lonely", "Dreamcatcher", "Cloud Dancer", "Club Tropicana". The joint single of the musicians "You Can Get It" in 2008 receives platinum status.

Since 2010, Dieter Bohlen has been producing Andreu Berg. Under the guidance of the maestro, the singer records the disc "Schwerelos", which immediately falls into first place in the German music ratings.

"Modern Talking"

In 1983, the group "Modern Talking" recorded songs in German "Was macht das schon", "Wovon träumst du denn", with which it got to the first positions of national music ratings. In 1984, the first English-language hit "You" re My Heart, You "re My Soul" appears, which brings the duet world fame.

For two periods of work, the group created 12 studio albums, which diverge around the world in 165 million copies. Modern Talking holds the record for the most consecutive multi-platinum album releases: "The First Album", "Let's Talk About Love", "Ready for Romance" and "In the Middle of Nowhere".

Dieter Bohlen in duet "Modern Talking"

The best-selling disc of the musical group is the 1998 album "Back For Good", with a circulation of 26 million copies. In 2014, the musicians released a collection of hits dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the group.

Personal life

Dieter Bohlen attracted the attention of the opposite sex from a young age. In the early 80s, the musician met Erika Sauerland, who became the first wife and mother of the star's three children: sons Mark (1985) and Marvin Benjamin (1988), daughter Marilyn (1989). 11 years after the wedding, the family broke up due to the infidelity of the musician.

While still married, Dieter began dating a compatriot of Arab origin, Nadia Abd El Farrag. The connection did not last long, as the girl became addicted to alcohol. The second time Bohlen married in 1996 to model Verona Feldbusch, but the couple did not have a personal life. The next muse of Dieter, Estefania Küster, gave the musician a son, Maurice Cassian, in 2005.

In the late 2000s, Dieter Bohlen met Karina Waltz, who turned out to be 31 years younger than the star. The girl gave birth to the singer two more children, and the musician finally found the long-awaited family happiness. To keep his youth, the musician went in for sports. Now Bohlen runs up to 15 km a day, plays tennis for an hour and spends another hour on physiotherapy. For 4 years, Dieter managed to lose 10 kg and today he looks younger in the photo than 10 years ago.

Dieter Bohlen now

At the beginning of 2017, a collection of the best songs of the maestro "Die Mega Hits" was released, consisting of three discs. On May 20, a big show "Dieter Bohlen - Die Mega-Show" was held on the RTL TV channel in support of the album. The performance was attended by the performers of Dieter's musical compositions Mark Medlock, the rap musician of Key One, to whom Bohlen presented a cover version of "Brother Louie" under the new name "Louie Louie".

The concert audience could also enjoy the new sound of the 2000s mega-hit “We Have A Dream” performed by the winners of the DSDS music competition from different years. The latest news, concert videos and new clips can be found on the singer's official Russian site.


  • "The First Album" - 1985
  • "Let's Talk About Love" - ​​1985
  • "Ready for Romance" - 1986
  • "In the Middle of Nowhere" - 1986
  • "Walking on a Rainbow" - 1987
  • "Twilight" - 1989
  • Obsession - 1990
  • Déja Vu - 1991
  • "Forever Blue" - 1995
  • "Back For Good" - 1998
  • "Year of the Dragon" - 2000
  • "Victory" - 2002
  • "Universe" - 2003
  • "Dieter - Der Film" - 2006
  • Die Mega Hits - 2017

Dieter Bohlen, the "driving force" and "creative center" of the duet "Modern Talking", has always been the opposite of his partner Thomas Anders, not only outwardly (unlike the brunette Thomas, Dieter is a light blond blond). Energy and temperament always overwhelmed him; as a result - not only high creative fertility, but also a rather stormy and rich personal life (not to be compared with modest Thomas!).

Almost a Slav

Dieter has been restless since childhood. He is nine years older than Thomas (born February 7, 1954), his hometown is Oldenburg. It is interesting that one of Dieter's grandmothers is from Koenigsberg (Kaliningrad), so he considers himself "almost a Slav" ... Dieter himself admits that he was a difficult child: he was a hooligan, ran after girls and gave his parents a lot of anxiety. The future pop star was expelled from school twice, and he even had to spend one year in a boarding school. Only after that the guy came to his senses, graduated from school with excellent grades and even entered the university at the Faculty of Economics. Parents categorically did not want Dieter to study music, but at the age of ten he began to compose his own songs, playing the guitar.

By 1983, Dieter had written a huge number of songs and even managed to interest some record companies. But for a long time he could not find a good singer who would perform these songs (Dieter Bohlen's own vocal abilities are very modest). The Hansa company helped Dieter - there was a vocalist who had already performed several of his songs, but did not achieve success with them. The guy's name was Thomas Anders... Further events are known. Together, Dieter and Thomas achieved world fame, broke up, got back together and broke up again ... An interesting fact: in early 1989, in the Soviet Union, Dieter Bohlen was awarded the "Most Successful Artist in the USSR" award! No one else (not even the Beatles and ABBA) has been awarded this title. In 1987, Dieter created his own project "Blue System", which turned out to be almost as successful as "Modern Talking". And there have always been (and continue to be) legends about the "adventures" in Dieter's personal life ...

"Treasure Island"

The first time Dieter Bohlen married in 1983 - even before he became a pop star - a girl named Erika. Prior to this, the couple lived together for several years. The wedding turned out to be unconventional: the bride and groom came in jeans, and the whole event was held in a laid-back "hippar" style.

The family life of Erika and Dieter cannot be called happy: marriage did not calm down the blond heartthrob, and Dieter constantly cheated on his wife. Nevertheless, the couple managed to give birth to three children: sons Mark, Marvin and daughter Marilyn. After 11 years, Erica was tired of her husband's spree, and the couple divorced. True, now their relationship is quite calm and friendly, no one forbade Bohlen to communicate with children (especially since, according to the contract concluded after the divorce, Dieter is obliged to give 15% of all his income to support the family).

According to the musician, outside the stage he is an ordinary father who cannot resist the whims of children. Photo: globallookpress.com

The main reason for the divorce is called Nadia Abdel Farah (Bohlen himself called his beloved "Naddel"), with whom the singer began dating while still married to Erica. A beautiful and spectacular girl, born in the family of an Arab and a German, Nadia worked in the modeling business, and after meeting Dieter she became a backing vocalist in the Blue System.

They lived together for several years, although they never married. Nadia tried to create comfort for Dieter, cook delicious food and please him in every possible way. However, could a quiet family rear keep Dieter from a new romance? In 1996, Dieter married another beauty, Verona Feldbusch.

The girl was not one of the simpletons - from the age of fifteen she worked as a model, received the title "Miss Hamburg", then "Miss Germany", and also - "Miss American Dream". At the time of her wedding with Dieter, she worked as a TV presenter - she hosted her own program: an entertainment show. The wedding took place in Las Vegas (in this cheerful city, many “sudden” and short-lived star marriages were concluded), at the Treasure Island Hotel - in a small chapel on the fifth floor, designed specifically for such weddings ... True, Dieter later said: “ Ten minutes after I gave my consent to the marriage, I wanted to take the elevator back to the fifth floor to cancel everything.”

The humblest in the world

The adage “What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas” proved to be true this time too. The marriage did not last long: Dieter divorced Verona in the same year. The beauty did not grieve at all after breaking up with the singer: she opened another television talk show, The World of Verona, and soon she was called the "Sex Symbol of Germany." In addition, during the divorce, Verona got a Jaguar car and half a million German marks. What about Dieter? Dieter ... returned to his faithful friend Nadia - and she took him back! She still hoped that Bohlen would appreciate her all-forgiving love and become an exemplary family man...

Hopes were in vain. Every now and then, Nadya found out about the “hooliganism” of her beloved, and once, having opened a newspaper, she saw photos of Dieter, who was relaxing in the Maldives with a young girl, taken by the paparazzi ... Returning home, Dieter, to his credit, did not hide anything. He confessed to Nadia that he did not see a joint future with her and went to the same girl - Estefania Küster.

Estefania (or, as she is also called, Steffi) was noticeably different from Dieter's previous passions. The daughter of a Paraguayan TV presenter and a German chemical engineer, a graduate of a monastery school, has nothing to do with show business ... “My new girlfriend is twenty-five years younger than me. What does she see in me? Dieter confessed. "Good sex and a nice, smart man - very sensitive and attentive." And, no doubt, unusually "modest", isn't it?

Estefania started talking about the wedding, but it turned out to be "one-sided." Photo: Getty Images

Hero of our time

In 2002, Dieter Bohlen practically "blew up" the German book market by releasing his book "Nothing but the Truth", where he told many details from his life. And about "Modern Talking", and about quarrels with Thomas Anders and his girlfriend Nora, and about their wives and girlfriends ... Professional writers and critics scolded Dieter Bohlen's "masterpiece" with all their voices, saying that this was not a book at all, but waste paper and worthless to her. But this only fueled the interest of readers: the circulation exceeded one million copies, and Dieter eventually became the "Man of 2002" in Germany!

He is indeed called "the hero of our time." 30 years have passed since the collapse of Modern Talking, and Dieter is still in sight, moreover, he constantly throws up topics for gossip and does not even think of disappearing from sight. He is going to write a second book, and also directs the program "Germany is looking for superstars." “I’m also a good father! he says. “I just have a super relationship with my kids!”

In August 2005, Dieter became a father for the fourth time: Estefania gave birth to his third son, who was named Maurice Cassian. However, Estefania did not succeed in marrying Bohlen to herself. Obviously, two previous marriages developed in the "hooligan lover" something like an allergy to marriage ... In one of the joint interviews, answering a question about marriage, Estefania said: "We often talk about the wedding." Dieter immediately retorted: “No, dear, you often talk about the wedding!” The conversation seems to have remained one-sided.

A year later, her place was taken by a new lover - Fatma Karina Waltz, who is also much younger than the singer. She became the mother of the second daughter of Dieter Bohlen, Amelie, and the fourth son, Maximilian. According to the musician himself, outside the stage he is an ordinary father who cannot resist the whims and desires of children.


Dieter Bohlen studied at several secondary schools (in Oldenburg, Göttingen, Hamburg), graduated from the gymnasium with honors, and on November 8, 1978, Dieter received a diploma in business economics. He was a member of the GKP, then in the youth organization of the SPD.

During his school years, he took part in several musical groups, including Aorta and Mayfair, for which he wrote about 200 songs. At the same time, he does not give up trying to get a job in recording studios, constantly sending out demo materials. At the end of 1978, by a happy coincidence, Dieter Bohlen got a job at the music publishing house Intersong, and from January 1, 1979, he began working as a producer and composer.

His first "gold disc" was for the song "Hale, Hey Louise", performed by guitarist Ricky King (Ricky King). The song peaked at number 14 on the charts and brought the music publishing house a 500-fold profit. In the original data of the single, the author indicated Steve Benson (Steve Benson) - the first pseudonym of Dieter Bohlen, invented together with Andy Zalleneit (Andy Selleneit), who later became the chief of BMG / Ariola in Berlin, and at that time working as an assistant at one of the departments.

In the late 70s and early 80s, Dieter Bohlen was a member of the duo Monza (1978) and the trio Sunday (1981), working with German stars: Katja Ebstein, Roland Kaiser, Bernd Clüver ), Bernhard Brink. In 1980-81, under the pseudonym Steve Benson (Steve Benson) releases three singles.

On November 11, 1983, at 11:11 a.m. (it was at this time that carnival is celebrated in Germany before the Advent) Dieter Bohlen is married to Erica Sauerland. Three children are born in a marriage with Erica: Mark (Marc,), Marvin Benjamin (Marvin Benjamin,), Marilin (Marielin,), to whom Dieter Bohlen devotes several songs at different times of his stage career.

Modern Talking

From 1983 to 1987 and from 1998 to 2003, Dieter collaborated with Thomas Anders (p. March 1, 1963, Münstermaifeld), with whom he recorded 5 German-language singles, 1 English-language single (as part of the Headliner project), 13 albums and 20 singles (as part of the duo Modern Talking).

The Modern Talking group is currently the most successful project of Dieter Bohlen. The duet's popularity and the merits of Dieter Bohlen are judged by the presentation of 75 gold and platinum discs in one evening in the Westphalian hall of Dortmund (Westfalenhalle, Dortmund), for the delivery of which a special forklift was required to the stage.

In total, more than 120 million sound carriers with recordings of the duet's compositions have been sold in the world. The band's biggest selling album was "Back For Good" (1998), which sold over 10 million copies worldwide.

Blue System

After the collapse of Modern Talking, at the end of 1987, he created the Blue System group (Blue System), the permanent leader of which remains until its collapse in 1998. During the existence of the group, it released 13 albums, 30 singles and shot 23 video clips. Blue System was almost another stage name for Dieter Bohlen.

In 1989 Bohlen became the most popular foreign performer in the USSR. At the end of the same year, the triumphal tour of the Blue System in the USSR followed, which was attended by a total of 400,000 people. October 28, 1989 Dieter receives the title of the most successful German producer and composer. Dieter was quite popular in Germany, but especially in the countries of the former USSR. During a visit to the USSR in 1989, he was awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Youth" and "People's Artist of the USSR". The award was presented personally by Mikhail Gorbachev. Not a single Western performer received such awards in the USSR.

Dieter Bohlen is the author of music for many German films, programs, shows and television series. Among the most famous works are soundtracks for Rivalen der Rennbahn, Zorc - Der Mann ohne Grenzen and Die Stadtindianer. One of the works with television was the series Tatort (Commissioner Szymanski), the title song to which in one series was Midnight Lady performed by Chris Norman (Chris Norman). It was this song that was the start for the secondary ascent of the ex-vocalist of the group Smokie to the musical Olympus. In the same film, Dieter Bohlen first appears on television as an artist, playing one of the secondary roles.

From the middle to the end of the 80s can be considered the time when Dieter Bohlen wrote the largest number of musical works and collaborated with a huge number of musical artists. In total, the musician has worked with more than 70 artists, including Al Martino, Bonnie Tyler, C.C. Catch, Chris Norman, Lory "Bonnie" Bianco, Les McKeown, Nino de Angelo, Engelbert Humperdinck, Ricky King and many others.

An important role in the success of Dieter Bohlen was played by sound engineer Louis Rodriguez, who for a long time helped Bohlen make arrangements for compositions. Dieter dedicated one of Brother Louie's most popular hits to Louis.

In 1997, Dieter Bohlen introduced the world to his own version of Take That and the Backstreet Boys, a new boy group called Touche. German group singing in English, with a French name. However, the group did not gain much success.

In 2001, three studio session singers - Rolf Köhler, Detlef Wiedeke and Michael Scholz - filed a class-action lawsuit against Bohlen in a Berlin court in order to sue royalties that they had not received during the studio work on Modern Talking albums. The court ordered Bohlen to pay each of the plaintiffs 100,000 marks.

In the summer of 2002, Dieter Bohlen released his autobiographical book Nichts als die Wahrheit (Nothing but the Truth), which went on sale in the fall and became an absolute bestseller. In the autumn of the same year, he becomes a jury member of the German competition for the selection of young talents "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" ("Germany is looking for a superstar"). The first single, recorded by ten finalists, "We Have A Dream", instantly hits the top spots of the charts, becoming double platinum. The subsequent album "United" becomes no less sold out and receives five times platinum status, becoming the second best-selling album among Dieter Bohlen's albums.

During 2003, Dieter Bohlen enters into many advertising contracts with well-known brands involved in the production of clothing, dairy products, as well as the sale of communications. In the fall of 2003, Dieter Bohlen released his second autobiographical book, Hinter den Kulissen (Behind the Scenes), which caused a number of scandals and a long legal battle with Thomas Anders, as a result of which Dieter was forced to pay a substantial fine for unproven insults to his former partner, and also to delete the most controversial passages in the book.

In 2004, rumors swirled that on the Modern Talking albums, Thomas Anders' voice was partially dubbed by Nino de Angelo (which is rather strange, since Thomas Anders is a singer with a fairly "clean" vocal, and Nino De Angelo has a slightly husky voice), at that time as in BLUE SYSTEM Dieter Bohlen never sang himself, using the vocals of studio singers throughout the history of the project. Anders stated that the inability to use the same vocals further was the reason for the demise of the BLUE SYSTEM project. However, the release in 2004 of songs recorded by the already mentioned former BLUE SYSTEM back-vocalists (under the name Systems in Blue) showed that their vocals were part of the group's vocals, but did not replace Dieter's voice in any way (suffice it to compare the original Magic Symphony and the reworked Magic Mystery to understand that in the BLUE SYSTEM choruses, the back vocals were, although pleasant, but still an addition to Dieter's voice).

In the 2000s, Dieter Bohlen continues to work with young musicians. Among the successful works - compositions for Alexander (Alexander, winner of the first competition "Deutschland sucht den Superstar"), Yvonne Caterfield (Yvonne Catterfeld), Natalie Tineo (Natalie Tineo), collaboration with which later came to naught.

The main news of spring 2006 was the release of a new solo album-soundtrack to the autobiographical animated film "Dieter - Der Film". The cartoon was first shown on RTL on March 4, 2006 and is based on the autobiography "Nichts als die Wahrheit". The song Gasoline, performed by Dieter, which sounded on the air of the show "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" in February, showed Bohlen's return to the old sound known to fans from the BLUE SYSTEM project. The soundtrack, which appeared on the shelves of German stores on March 3, 2006, contains mainly ballads, a number of traditional Bohlen mid-tempo compositions and several successful Modern Talking songs from the repertoire of the 80s. The album also includes the previously unreleased Modern Talking track "Shooting Star".

In 2007, Dieter creates and releases an album for the winner of the show "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" Mark Medlock. On the second single of Medlock, D. Bohlen performs one of the songs in a duet with Mark, and Mark's second disc became a joint album of two musicians: Dieter not only wrote the music, but also sang a dozen vocal parts. The third album also contains Dieter's vocal parts (since his hi-pitch is not always distinguishable from the voices of studio musicians, Dieter had to personally confirm the authenticity of his voice on Medlock's third album on the forum bohlenworld.de). In the German charts, the work of Dieter and Mark is consistently ranked 1-2 places immediately after the release of the discs.

Where does Dieter Bohlen live? Being at home is the best thing! Many celebrities, with their hard-earned money, afford expensive villas with large pools and lush gardens. For most, this is not something extravagant. But there are those who do not spend money on luxury - for example, Dieter Bohlen. Although his fortune is estimated at about 135 million euros, the DSDS jury member has no desire to flaunt luxury and pomp in Los Angeles. Where, in fact, does Dieter Bohlen live? While he could easily afford a hefty property in Miami or Dubai, 64-year-old Dieter Bohlen enjoys his coziness and comfort. He lives in a small village south of Hamburg: Tötensen. "I live in a 100 year old house that has been rebuilt over and over and that's what I find cool," he told Bunte magazine. Rustic and old-fashioned - that's what Pop Tiatn likes. "I mixed a lot of antiques with modern pieces. I would describe my style as romantic and cozy," he explains. Dieter Bohlen's villa in Tötensen Privacy is important to him When you arrive in Tötensen, you won't have to look far for the DSDS judge's home. Behind the iron white gate is his yellow house with a dark roof. If you stand right in front of the gate, you can even look at the large balcony, which is built on the second floor of the house. Balcony of Dieter Bohlen's Villa A beautiful stone path leads to the entrance, hidden behind neatly trimmed bushes. The pop titan lives here with his girlfriend Karina Waltz and their children Amelie and Maximilian. The former Modern Talking star leaves the interior decor rather to his beloved. "The house is her concern. We have a clear division of roles," he admits with pride. He likes to spend his summers in Mallorca Sometimes you can meet the six-time dad at his summer home in Mallorca. He especially likes the port of Cala Ratjada! There, a small family can swim in the blue water, eat fresh fish or stroll along the fabulous beach. When Bohlen and his girlfriend run into fans, they can even chat with them. With such good weather, there can only be a good mood! In this apartment building, right in the port of Santa Ponsa in the southwest of the island, Dieter Bohlen bought an apartment. But then there was information that she became small with the advent of the sixth child and the family moved. In the future, Dieter wants his family to continue the same wonderful life already without him. According to Hamburger Abendblatt, Bohlen wants to "save more and more money for years to come" so that his family can live comfortably when he is gone. Modern Talking World - text In Touch dated 05/25/18
