Why dream that they give you gold. Interpretation of sleep gold in Miller's dream book

Gold in a dream- Seeing or trying on gold jewelry in a dream means that you are endowed with a good sense of humor and a kind heart. In many ways, thanks to these qualities, you are the soul of any company and the favorite of the opposite sex.
Seeing any gold items can mean huge profits or luxurious gifts.
In a dream, you can lose gold, and this portends that in reality you will miss the most amazing and important opportunity in your life because of your own negligence. Another meaning is that a rather difficult burden of fame will fall on your head if you suddenly dreamed about how you discovered a gold mine. In addition to all of the above, you may dream that you, for example, work in a gold mine. This may mean that you will try to subdue some other people, but you should avoid scandals with your family.
For women: damaged gold items- loss of money.
For men, a dream in which any gold items are present - to falsehood and lies, which will haunt him everywhere all his life.
Do-it-yourself gold mining- the dream says that in reality you are surrounded by good, honest people, true friends who will always support and help in difficult times.
If you dreamed of gold- this is a good sign. It has long symbolized the sun, love of life, vitality and light. Often it is associated with a rich inner world and sincerity, kindness of a person.
If you dreamed that you were trying to develop a gold mine, then in reality you would want to seize the rights of other people. Although you will need to think about the scandal brewing in your house at this time.
If in a dream you were holding golden objects in your hands, then you can safely proceed to the realization of your wildest desires - you will have great success in this.
If in a dream you hold gold in your hands- You will be successful in all endeavors.
If in a dream you saw mountains of gold or a bunch of gold bars, then you can safely count on luck in the real world, mutual love, a strong family and general well-being.
If in a dream a girl sees how she receives gold as a gift, for example, in the form of money or some kind of jewelry, then this may mean that she will soon marry a man who is not deprived of money, but is selfish. You may also dream that you found gold - this means that in the struggle for wealth and fame, you will pull ahead.
If the gold has not been processed, then this means that you will have to work hard before good changes happen in your life.
A woman who receives gold coins or expensive gold jewelry from a man in a dream - in reality she will be married to a very mercenary and stingy person.
Gold in a dream, as a rule, portends the sleeping man all the best.
Gold at all times was a symbol of purity and wealth, it was also a kind of symbol of power, because not everyone could afford to buy it.
Dreaming of gold coins or bars- to wealth, prosperity and pleasure.
When in a dream a woman receives gold jewelry as a gift, she needs to prepare for the fact that a rich, but very mercenary man will offer her marriage.
Maybe you found gold, received it as a gift from someone, or vice versa lost it? What did this item bring you? Sadness or joy? All of this matters. Luck will no doubt be completely on your side if you dream about how you take gold in your hands.
The gold found in a dream dreams of opportunities opening up before you in all areas of your life - do not miss them.
Find a gold mine in a dream- a symbol of material well-being.
find gold in a dream- means to achieve a lot in life. Your virtues will bring you respect, honor and glory.
One example is the golden helmet given to Don Quixote. This is an example of the form of sacred power you have to complete your mission or act of heroism.
Take someone's gold- you risk your reputation. Sometimes such a dream warns that a complaint may come against you or simply warns of the danger that threatens you.
Damaged gold jewelry in a dream- to the loss of a wife or part of his property.
Lost gold indicates that you are missing something very important.
Lose gold by negligence- in reality miss the greatest opportunity in your life.
Lose gold, golden things- to the loss of the opportunity to succeed in life.
Blackened gold in a dream- to disappointment in a loved one, partner or spouse, to longing for their native lands and regret about unfulfilled dreams.
Dreamed jewelry and gold coins promise a lot of changes for the better that awaits you.
The most important- determine where you got the gold from, how important this item is to you. Maybe it was given to you, or you found it, or did you buy it? It is important to know what meaning is given to gold in a dream, whose wealth it is and whose power it represents.
To lose any object made of gold in a dream - portends a loss of confidence of colleagues or superiors, missed opportunities, a crisis in personal life.

Dreamed of gold or jewelry? Probably, such a pleasant dream will please any person. But what is the meaning of this dream, and what does it promise? The interpretation of dreams associated with gold will help you understand the past, appreciate the present, and perhaps even look into the future.

Often dreams about gold, coins, gems and jewelry are associated with unexpected wealth.

It should be noted that different dream books do not always interpret dreams in the same way. Much depends on the nuances - for example, did you find a ring or an earring, pure or dirty gold. In addition, it is believed that introspection of a dream should begin with an understanding of one's own emotions upon awakening. The soul is light and calm - which means that a dream promises pleasant life changes, and anxiety and anxiety will indicate unexpected losses, illnesses, quarrels.

In this article, we will analyze in detail the possible dreams associated with this precious metal.

Why dream of gold

Gold symbolizes the warmth of the hearth, material wealth, luck, love, stability.

What it means to see gold in a dream for a woman depends on the details of the dream:

  • A lot of gold jewelry around, delight and pleasure from owning them - self-deception, unnecessary hopes, castles in the air in love relationships;
  • Unpleasant, dull and dirty gold means a bad conscience, a bad deal, disappointment in people;
  • Seeing and counting gold coins is pathological stinginess;
  • Seeing gold nuggets or ingots - hard work will lead to success, ensure material and mental well-being;
  • Looking for gold - useless conversations and relationships, vanity, unnecessary anxiety;
  • Losing gold is missing a great chance to change something in your life;
  • Find a treasure - to receive a profitable business offer, successful circumstances in life and business;
  • Wearing expensive gold jewelry on yourself, but not boasting of them - to material wealth, good health, stable love relationships.

dream gold bars

Here is what Miller's dream book says if a man dreams of gold bars:

  • Holding a gold ingot in your hand - to success in all endeavors;
  • Finding a gold nugget - to wealth and glory, if the dreamer himself behaves decently and honestly;
  • The loss of an ingot is considered a bad sign: due to inattention or negligence, the sleeper will miss excellent career opportunities.

Seeing blackened gold in a dream does not bode well: this is a warning about possible betrayal by loved ones, betrayal of a loved one, about events that will lead to deprivation of peace of mind. Gilded products are a symbol of deceit and falsehood.

In general, dreams have an unpleasant meaning in which the sleeper loses gold, counts coins, sorts out jewelry, hides gold or looks for it, but does not find it. Putting on gold that does not fit, unsuccessfully trying to fasten too large or too small jewelry - to the wrong setting of goals and the collapse of plans - until these intentions are too tough for you.

Why dream of gold jewelry

Dreams about jewelry are considered from the point of view of association with the personality of the sleeping person - gold items mean the hopes of a particular person, his secret desires and aspirations, and sometimes vices. The meaning of such dreams largely depends on the decoration itself:

  • To dream of gold earrings with stones for an unmarried girl means her home and a loved one nearby, for a married lady - envy of someone else's happiness. In general, precious stones symbolize honor and sadness at the same time, and sparkling inlaid jewelry is the threshold of happy events, therefore, when interpreting, one should focus on the emotional state after sleep;
  • If you dream of a lost golden earring - happiness and good luck will leave the sleeping person;
  • The neck chain symbolizes marital ties, the gold chain with a pendant symbolizes peace and harmony in your life. If such an ornament was presented - expect a love confession from the man you are interested in. Seeing a chain with a pendant on another person is an irrational waste of time and effort in solving other people's problems;
  • A new gold coin - to obstacles in business, to worries due to the fact that your plans will not come true. Get or find old coins - to quick and random enrichment;
  • Seeing a lot of gold jewelry in a dream, admiring them - unfulfilled hopes, including those placed on other people;
  • A golden chain in hands or in a box portends a difficult situation that will be resolved in the best way;
  • If you dream of a golden watch, then pleasant life changes, health, wealth, and prosperity await you. A pocket watch on a chain calls to be more organized, executive and punctual for success in business;
  • A broken earring or a broken ring are harbingers of misfortune, serious personal experiences, losses. For lovers, this dream predicts an early parting;
  • Men's signet or ring - a sign of reward. A ring with a stone on your hand is a great offer. To lose a signet or a ring - to break a love relationship, to find it - to a wedding;
  • If a woman wears a diamond ring in a dream, this promises a quarrel with her lover due to the slander of ill-wishers. If in a dream someone puts jewelry on your finger, strong bonds of love with this person or success in business await you. A diamond that has fallen out of the ring - to loss and grief, separation from a loved one.

In general, gold jewelry with stones found in dreams is interpreted very ambiguously by different dream books: pay attention to a specific type of jewelry, a stone, events occurring in a dream.

Buy or sell gold in a dream

If a woman in a dream sold gold in large quantities, and the sale was successful, this is a sign of success in business and prosperity. Bad sales promise failure in reality.

Handing over gold to a pawnshop in a dream means that things have fallen into disrepair and you need support from relatives and friends. Such dreams often portend a black streak in life: quarrels with family or loved ones and other troubles that you yourself are guilty of.

Buying gold items - to troubles and suffering, buying a gold chain - to great disappointment and intrigue behind your back. The more jewelry you get, the more seriously you have to fuss about personal well-being or work affairs. Choosing a gold jewelry in the market is a warning about possible deception and gossip. To buy a beautiful product cheaply - to an early love victory or an unsuccessful deal, in which the sleeper got involved because of greed.

Changing one gold jewelry for another is a lost profit

find gold in a dream

If you found gold in a dream, do not miss your chance in real life. Gold jewelry found in a dream can mean profit or a quick change in lifestyle.

Finding a gold chain with a pendant is a good sign: you may be offered a high-paying job or you will meet your soulmate. To see a chain on the ground and not pick it up is to make the wrong decision in real life and miss the chance. Finding someone else's chain and giving it to the owner means actually helping a relative or friend who is in an awkward situation.

Treasure in a dream is always joy, followed by sadness. The larger the treasure with gold, the more joys are expected. For patients, this dream means a deterioration in health. Looking for buried gold and not finding it - unrealizable hopes, deceit and vain work, sometimes scandals and trouble.

Stole gold in a dream

Stolen gold in a dream has two meanings: for those who conceived a scam, a dream about their own theft promises a successful completion of the scam, for the rest it is a dream of failure and danger.

The loss of a gold ring as a result of theft - to annoyance and problems, and if the ring is an engagement, then to a break in relations and the loss of a loved one. The more expensive the stolen item, the greater the danger awaits its owner.

Losing a gold earring in a dream portends an unexpected incident or, oddly enough, a find. To steal gold earrings - to be punished in reality for other people's missteps, to return the stolen gold to the owner - to the opportunity to improve your financial situation in real life.

Why dream that they give gold

Sunlight Gold Earrings

If you were presented with a gold chain in a dream, do not doubt the sincerity of the feelings of your soulmate. For a woman to accept such a gift from a man means the appearance of an influential patron, and from a woman - news from distant relatives or friends living in other cities. If you give the chain, then in reality you can help a friend or make him a profitable offer.

The donated gold earrings urge you to be more attentive to your surroundings - perhaps someone is deceiving you or planning to cheat. The more expensive the decoration, the more serious the scale of such actions.

Give gold (jewelry or coins) - to tears and misfortunes through someone else's fault. Such a dream can mean something good only if you give something unnecessary without regret. Often giving people gold in a dream means falsehood and dishonest intentions, the desire for changes in relations with the recipient is usually not for the better.

Trying on gold donated by another person - to the manifestation in real life of envy of the successes and successes of the inner circle, to the search for self-interest, especially in dealing with members of the opposite sex.

Gold in a dream is far from always honors and wealth; well-known dream books, when interpreting such dreams, carefully analyze actions with it, the quality and type of gold jewelry.

Dream Interpretation interprets gold in accordance with its long history.

Gold became one of the first metals that firmly entered the life of people. Its name is associated with the god of the Sun according to the ancient Greek tradition, and in Latin - with the "morning dawn". The value attributed to gold is largely due to its unique properties - fire resistance, high corrosion resistance, plasticity in processing.

This soft shiny metal has captivated the minds of many people who want power, honor, respect, power, love or revenge, and has become the most anticipated gift. That is why this symbol is closely associated with the fulfillment of any desires, the fulfillment of dreams, the disclosure of talents, abilities, the emergence of new forces and the bringing of gifts.

If you look into the dream book, gold is most often interpreted in it as the realization of what was conceived and the manifestation of hidden abilities.

Due to its high malleability, gold can also represent many pleasant changes in a person's life.

Even in antiquity (Late Antiquity), the question arose of the transmutation of metals (in alchemy: the transformation of base metals into noble ones).

The case took place in Alexandria, where the famous library was burned and a legend arose about the loss of the secret of transmutation (although by the end of the first half of the 20th century, gold was still obtained from mercury, but the method of obtaining it turned out to be too expensive and laborious).

However, the sign used by the Alexandrians in their searches, as well as the meaning of gold, have been preserved. That is why fire, nobility and purification are now considered one of the main symbols of gold.

Due to the association with the Sun, gold receives many meanings - fertility, earthly goods, vitality, holiness and divinity.

In some cases, as a result of the fusion of the symbols of fire and the Sun, together with the meaning of the elixir of life and wisdom, the symbol of the light of truth was attributed to gold.

Symbol in dreams

If you dreamed of gold, this is a favorable sign. You are expected by successes, and achievements, and well-deserved awards, and luck, and the disclosure of your abilities, and unusual changes that bring a lot of joy.

Gold also dreams of acquiring new knowledge, raising the career ladder, although it is not associated with the direct acquisition of material wealth.

In order to accurately say about the meaning of gold in a dream, one should refer to the environment of the dream, the situations in which it was used.

1. It is not difficult to determine what the golden ring is dreaming of. Since the ring is a symbol of fidelity and marriage, this item in a dream reflects a love theme or the imminent possibility of starting a romantic relationship.

If the ring has fallen or been damaged, it does not mean that you should be very worried, most likely, this is a signal that you should be more attentive to your partner. A golden ring is also dreamed of when a person makes a fateful choice.

2. Regarding what the golden chain is dreaming of, dream books disagree. It may indicate an increase in income - if it was on the dreamer, victory over enemies - if the dreamer held it in his hand.

  • Gold chains around the neck portend both romantic meetings and pleasant surprises. If your chain was in / on the things of another person, take a closer look at him.
  • A chain with a pendant for real life means pleasant communication with friends, establishing deep relationships with important people around. The pendant signifies the expansion of past connections.
  • And the cross on the chain speaks of the patronage that you receive.

We also note that a golden cross may portend a not very pleasant event that will have wonderful consequences.

  • To find a cross is to gain the strength to resist any destructive influences and blows of fate.
  • To lose is to succumb to a strong temptation from one's hidden desires.
  • Purify - action means spiritual awe and strong faith.
  • Being on the neck of one of the heroes in a dream promises joy and delight.

3. To the question "Why do you dream of gold earrings?" different sources give different interpretations.

When earrings in your ears are compliments, details about the life of a person that has long interested you.

If they have just been taken off or you have to put them on - good luck in a business that is related to education or finding an answer to a tormenting question.

Gold earrings in a man's ears may indicate the adventurous nature of the situation in your life. Earrings in a woman's ears - respect for a friend. Find earrings - a new acquaintance.

4. Tooth or teeth warn of an ambiguous work environment. Talk to colleagues, listen to their conversations. Gold teeth are a symbol of the necessary caution and some prudence that should be shown in dealing with strangers.

The brain processes information during sleep that a person receives during wakefulness. Experience, attitude to current events and a forecast based on them allow us to process the data and give a person hints.

Thanks to dreams, you can see reality more clearly, and with the help of this knowledge, change it in order to fill life even more with happiness, joy and mutual understanding. By listening to your inner voice, trusting it, and relying on intuition, everyone is able to fulfill their wildest dreams.

Gold is a desirable metal for many people, because it can not only decorate a person, but also bring him material wealth. At the same time, because of him, there were many conflicts and quarrels, so the properties in real life are quite dual. Despite this, dream books usually offer a fairly positive interpretation of the yellow metal in a dream. Basically, seeing gold in a dream means strengthening authority and material wealth. If it was found, then future profit will not require effort, it is rather a gift of fate. But if you suddenly dream of a lot of gold at the same time, then this indicates envy and gossip in the environment.

If you dreamed of gold

Any dream that a person remembers well can be interpreted thanks to dream books. Dreams are the connection of our subconscious with the mind, so they can warn, portend, or simply indicate a problem. In almost all, it indicates that a person will soon get rich.

Very often people see in their dreams episodes related to jewelry made of precious metals. Basically, they talk about events that predict material wealth. But often such dreams can be associated with emotional experiences and serious changes in life.

Why dream of a golden ring

Many are interested in what, for example, a ring means, but it all depends on the circumstances under which it appeared. If you see an ornament on the finger of a loved one, then this portends a pleasant rest with him. And the precious ring on your own hand, according to the interpretation of the dream book, warns of a quarrel and a showdown in the near future. If a person accidentally finds a golden ring in a dream, then soon a new interesting friend will appear in his life.

To receive a golden ring as a gift means that soon there will be good news from relatives. If it is broken, then this is a warning that the dreamer may soon be betrayed. The decoration worn on the index finger means a long trip in reality. A golden ring with a precious stone can warn of pleasant troubles. This item reports about unexpected guests in a dream if a person sees him rolling on the floor. And the decoration found among the heap of garbage suggests that soon the dreamer will be given a valuable gift.

gold jewelry

The dream book says that if the ring is in your pocket, then soon unexpected romantic emotions will flare up in the soul of the sleeping person. And if this pocket turns out to be full of holes in a dream, these feelings will certainly be mutual. When in a dream a girl sees that there is a broken gold jewelry on her middle finger, this means that her beloved is cheating on her. True, there is one clarification: if there is a stone in it, then the partner planned a betrayal, but did not dare or did not have time to do it yet.

Why dream of a gold chain

In an attempt to understand, many have in mind the decoration they saw in a dream - a chain. When a person manages to find gold in a dream, namely a chain, portends an early solution to all accumulated problems without much effort. And the loss of this decoration means that for some reason friends have lost confidence in you.

A dream in which this item adorns your neck indicates that quite joyful events in life will soon occur. girlfriend says that you will meet old friends.

Other dreams about a gold chain

  • Finding this decoration on the street - there will be a magnificent feast, says the dream book. Finding gold earrings is a joyful event.
  • A cross weighs on a chain of gold - soon the authorities will show favor.
  • A pendant is attached to the decoration - expect an expensive present.
  • Spoiled, torn jewelry - good luck in business related to entrepreneurship,
  • A gold jewelry with a pendant received as a gift is the joy of spending time with loved ones.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book gives a detailed explanation of what a gold chain can dream of and what it means. For example, a dream where you step on a piece of jewelry with a pendant warns of impending troubles at work. If you hold a torn chain in your hand, then the family will soon be in trouble. Moreover, according to this dream book, it is known that the thicker the links on the chain, the more positive the interpretation of this dream and the more joy it will bring to life.

As this dream book says, finding a gold chain means the imminent arrival of people dear to you. If a cross hangs on this decoration, then the guests will play a big role in your well-being in the future. When you doubt your friends and you dream that an outsider, a stranger gives this jewelry, then the suspicions are empty, and no one is going to betray you, especially in a difficult situation. And a gift made by loved ones may warn that your family will soon need support and help.

What does it mean to see a gold bracelet

What does gold cut in this way in a dream mean according to different dream books? Joyful, cheerful and positive emotions. If an unmarried girl saw such a dream, then she will meet a young man ahead of her, who will decide her fate. To receive this decoration as a gift means that a noisy and crowded holiday will be held in the near future. Finding gold in a dream in the form of a bracelet lying on the floor - soon the dreamer will have a fun vacation. If it is broken, then a pleasant romantic walk is ahead. The length of the bracelet also plays a role, if it is very long, then soon you will be promoted at work, and a short one tells you that there will be a good deal.

If a person, not for the first time, manages to find gold in a dream, namely a bracelet in the Kingdom of Morpheus, then a white streak begins in his life. A massive gold jewelry may mean that they will soon lead from distant relatives, and a thin thing - to a meeting of an old acquaintance. If the person in whom he cannot cope with the clasp on the bracelet, this suggests that he will soon have to change his place of residence. Darkened gold in a dream may mean that you will be sent on a long business trip.

What does gold mean in a dream?

There is an incommensurable variety of interpretations of what this precious metal can dream of. For example, if during a dream you dreamed, then soon there will be disappointment in friends. If the gold tooth belongs to the sleeping person, a serious scandal with loved ones is coming. Going to the dentist, where they put a gold tooth on you, is a real subconscious warning about the conspiracy of colleagues behind your back, but if the treatment process was painful, then the boss is on your side. But goldfish dream of health problems.

Everything that a person dreams about is a direct signal from the subconscious about problems and experiences. Therefore, dreams should be taken very seriously, but not obsessed with them. If you are lucky to find gold in a dream or receive it as a gift, remember all the details and interpret this sign correctly.

Dream Interpretation of G. Miller

Why does Gold dream - a psychological interpretation:

Gold - To see that you are holding gold in your hands, then you will be extraordinarily successful in all your endeavors. If a woman dreamed that she received golden little things as a gift, then she would marry a rich but mercenary man.

Finding gold in a dream means that your virtues will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth. If you lost gold in a dream, then because of your negligence, then you will miss the greatest opportunity in your life.

To see that you have found a gold mine - then you will be entrusted with a difficult, but honorable task.

See also: why dream of money, why dream of wealth, why dream of jewelry.

Dream interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why is Gold dreaming? Dream interpretation:

Gold - To see that you are holding gold in your hands, then in real life you will be extraordinarily successful in all your endeavors. A dream in which a woman receives gold items, coins or jewelry as a gift means that she will marry a rich but mercenary person. Seeing that you are finding gold means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth. To see that you have lost gold, then in reality, due to your negligence, you will miss the greatest opportunity in your life. To see that you have found a gold mine, then such a dream means that you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. To see that you intend to work in a gold mine or are already working in it, this means that you will illegally try to seize the rights of other people. Such a dream warns a woman that rumors around her name will lead her to shame.

Dream interpretation of D. Mendeleev

If Gold is dreaming, what is it for:

Gold - Seeing that you have found gold or gold jewelry means that in reality you will soon achieve honors, wealth and various privileges, which will be a well-deserved reward for all your efforts and labors.

Holding gold in your hands, carefully examining it, is a sign that a favorable bright streak has come in your life, when luck will accompany absolutely everything: in work, in the family, in business, small and large.

Losing gold or gold jewelry in a dream, accidentally defending it somewhere, is a signal that in the near future fate will give you one single chance, which will never happen, which can change your whole life, but due to inattention, inability to feel and foresee especially important events, and due to the lack of elementary intuition, you will definitely miss it. If you do not want this to happen, be more careful and responsible in making important decisions.

If in a dream you are given products or jewelry made of gold, this means that you will soon enter into a marriage of convenience, and not at all out of love. But it is believed that marriages based on mercantile relationships are more durable and strong than those concluded on the basis of feelings. If you present gold jewelry to someone as a gift, it means that in reality your other half lives with you only because of some selfish goals and considerations known only to her alone, absolutely not loving you. This is truly a strange soul - darkness. This is said about your situation and about your chosen one. Selling gold is a signal that in the future you will face difficult trials that you must endure with honor and dignity, without losing your face, but without changing your principles and beliefs.

Buying gold in a store or from resellers is a scandal in the house, which will flare up because of some little things. You will even soon forget why it happened.

Lunar dream book

Why dream of gold:

Gold is profit. The bestowing Sun.

Universal dream book

Gold in the dream book:

Gold - Brief interpretation: eternity; value; reward.

Popular expression: gold digger; Golden heart; worth its weight in gold; more expensive than gold; Everything is on fire in his hands; magical touch.

When a project or a person becomes invaluable to another person, we say that it is "more valuable than gold." Does the gold in your dream symbolize something inaccessible?

Gold is a precious metal. To see that you own gold, what does it represent for you in life? To answer this question, pay attention to where you are in your dream and what you are doing. If gold was taken from you in a dream, you may have lost something valuable in real life.

In a dream, were you given gold or did you give it to someone? This may mean that the person who gave you the gold appreciates you in real life, or you appreciate the person who was given the gold.

Gold can also symbolize reward. If so, what were you awarded for? Real kindness and generosity are two qualities that we really admire. In your dream, does a person with a heart of gold possess gold?

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why is Gold dreaming, what does it mean:

Gold - For a man, a dream where there are gold jewelry, dishes and other precious things - to lies and falsehood that will haunt him everywhere. For a woman, such a dream means a wealthy groom, luxurious gifts. Finding gold, finding a gold mine is a symbol of the path to the respect of others and material well-being. Lose gold, golden things - to the loss of the opportunity to succeed in life. Taking gold is risking your reputation. Sometimes a dream about gold warns of danger, of complaints about you. Damaged gold items for a woman - to the loss of money, for a man - to the loss of his wife and part of the property.

Worldly dream book

Why dream of gold in a dream book:

Gold - Seeing the gold that you hold in your hands, as a rule, means that all your undertakings will be completed as you planned, and perhaps even faster.

To see that you want to get a job at a gold mine, then in real life you are striving to illegally take advantage of someone's rights, connections, benefits.

Moreover, such a dream serves as a signal to you: give up what you have planned, otherwise, everything will be revealed, and you will be convicted of lies and unseemly acts.
