Animal carnival description. "Saint-Saens

Class: 1

Target: To introduce children to the "suite" genre through a program work.

Equipment: Multimedia device, laptop.

During the classes

Musical greeting: (waltz tempo)

Hello music, hello music, music, music-a
Holiday is beautiful, holiday is beautiful
Music gives us
- hello girls - hello
- hello boys - hello
Hello all first graders
Hello, hello everyone.


List the musical genres that we met in the first quarter

- How do we know

  • march - pulse
  • dance - stomp
  • song - melody

Teacher's conversation: Today we will get acquainted with a new musical genre - SUITE

So far, I can only say that this is an instrumental genre, and what features of this piece you yourself will learn by the end of the lesson.

And the amazing French composer Camille Saint-Saens will help us figure it out (slide 1)

Saint-Saens lived a long life (86 years)

Been into music since the age of 3

Started composing at 5

From the age of 10 he gave his first concert

Conductor, pianist, teacher, author of books on philosophy, literature, painting, theater, wrote poetry, plays, drew caricatures remarkably, collected butterflies and minerals, travel enthusiast. His knowledge of astronomy and physics, archeology and history, zoology and botany was not inferior to scientists.

A truly universally gifted, unusually active personality!

They wrote a huge number of works. Today we will get acquainted with fragments of his work, which he wrote in a secluded place in Austria.

What is it about, guess for yourself:

In this suite, you will see for yourself!
- Notes are alive: with tails, with mustaches.
They can run and fly
Crawl and swim, bite and grab.
fluffy notes,
feathered notes,
Slender notes and even humpbacked ones,
good, evil,
Land, water
Who are they?
Guessed? ANIMALS

And what works did we listen to and sing about animals in the lessons?

  • "Dance of the Young Hippo"
  • "How the fox walked"
  • "Don Don"
  • "Quail"

Performance "How the fox was walking"

Yes, the work is called "Carnival of the Animals" (slide 2)

What is a carnival?

Our animals will also be wearing masks, but the masks are unusual - musical ones.

And so we go to the musical carnival, and its animal opens, which you must guess. You will be helped by sounds depicting the voice, habits, mannerisms of this animal. It will also tell you the genre that you must define. And so it began...

Hearing: The Royal March of the Lions.

You need to guess them. Means of musical expression will help you (register, tempo, timbre, mode, dynamics ... And so we listen ...

"Royal March of the Lions"

Discussion of what was heard: as you guessed, the definition of register, character, figurativeness, genre ... Why exactly this animal opens the suite. (slide 3)

They are performed by the following instruments:

  • Flute (slide 4)
  • Clarinet (slide 5)
  • Glass harmonica (slide 6)
  • Xylophone (slide 7)
  • Piano (slide 8)
  • Violin (slide 9)
  • Cello (slide 10)
  • Double bass (slide 11)

Let's finish our lesson with a song about "The Lion and the Turtle"

Performance "Song of the Lion and the Turtle"

Supplement for later lessons. And slides 12 and 13.

  • "Rooster and Hens"

Who sings so loudly
About the rising sun?

These go everywhere together
They nap together on a perch,
Get up early together
Drinking water for a very long time
After every sip
Looking up into the clouds for a long time

  • "Turtle"

Goes slowly, slowly
Let everyone see how good
Comfortable and durable shirt
In which he walks...

What a miracle It's such a miracle...
Dish on top, dish on bottom.
A miracle is walking along the road -
Head sticks out, yes legs

  • "Elephant"

The trunk is long, the mouth is with fangs,
Legs look like pillars
How big is the mountain.
Guessed? This... ( elephant!)

Lots of power in it.
He is almost as tall as a house.
He has a huge nose.
As if the nose has grown for a thousand years.

  • "Aquarium"

Glass house on the window
With clear water
With stones and sand at the bottom
And with a goldfish.

  • "Donkey"

I recognize him by his big ears

Ser, but not a wolf, long-eared, but not a hare
With hooves, but not a horse


Vladimir Borisov

Fastest of all from fear
Rushing .... (tortoise - hare)

In winter in a den
Sees a dream
Clubfoot ... (elephant - bear)

Passed along the steep mountain
Overgrown with wool ... (crocodile - goat)

In his warm puddle
He croaked loudly ... (nightingale, ant - frog)

Down from the palm tree
To the palm tree again
Deftly jumping ... (cow - monkey)

Above the forest glade
At night
Heard for a long time
hoot, ahal,
howl like a wolf
And he scared the animals ... (mosquito - owl)

Put your ear to the flower
And it buzzes, sings
Diligent ... (fly - bee)
And collects honey.

Mark Schwartz

More often with his head up,
Howling with hunger ... (giraffe - wolf)

Curled up in a ball - come on, touch it!
Prickly on all sides ... (horse - hedgehog)

You won't find a longer neck.
Will tear off any branch ... (hedgehog - giraffe)

Sing a song under the moon
Sat on a twig ... (bear - nightingale)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
- Clubfoot, brown ... (wolf - bear)

On the fence in the morning
crowed ... (kangaroo - rooster)

Like a bus showroom
I jumped into my mother's bag ... (elephant - kangaroo)

Eats sedge in the river Nile
Clumsy ... (crocodile - hippopotamus)

Above the forest
The sun's ray went out,
The king of beasts ... (rooster - lion)

Having overcome all obstacles,
The faithful hoof beats ... (lion - horse)

Takes hay with a trunk
Thick-skinned ... (hippo - elephant)

A simple question for kids:
"Who is the cat afraid of?" ... (mice - dogs)

Daughters and sons
Teaches to grunt ... (nightingale - pig)

Fan tail, crown on head.
There is no bird more beautiful than ... (crow - peacock)

On a pine tree, as in a drum,
Knocked in the forest ... (boar - woodpecker)

Who likes to rush through the branches?
Of course, red ... (fox - squirrel)

Who is beating the drum?
Sitting on a pine tree ... (sheep - woodpecker)

Tatyana Yudina
"Saint-Saens. Animal Carnival. Music lesson for older preschool children


Today we will get acquainted with the French composer - Camille saint sansom.


Camille Sens-Saens is one of the luminaries of Western European 19th century music whose best creations are arts of rare perfection. His versatile personality was clearly manifested in various fields. A prolific composer, he composed music in all existing genres.


At the same time, he tirelessly gave concerts as a pianist and conductor, was music critic. Teacher. Acted as an energetic organizer and musical public figure. In addition, he was an avid traveler.

We now have an exciting journey ahead of us. carnival. Let's remember what is carnival- this is such a holiday, on which everyone must somehow change their appearance. You can wear a mask carnival costume or just decorate yourself. The main thing is not to recognize you. On holidays in kindergarten, you like to dress up as different forest animals - squirrels, bunnies, bears. And someone turns into a hero of a fairy tale or cartoon. And then we can meet with Snow White and the dwarves, Emelya and Nesmeyana, Pinocchio or Malvina. Carnival, to which I invite you, will be quite unusual. First, this carnival not people, A animals: animals, birds and fish. Second, he musical. This means that we will not see all its characters and participants, but we will hear, because the music created by the French composer Camille saint sans.

Any solemn holiday is usually opened by the most distinguished and honored guests. Who will open our carnival?


Eerily handsome, he is ferocious and yellow-maned.

Even the tail is not at all simple - with a brush a long tail.

Paws are strong and powerful. The roar rushes above the clouds.

It is not for nothing that he is the king of animals in his hot Africa!

Of course. This is the king of animals - the lion.

SLIDE #5-6


He is majestic, formidable and beautiful. We hear it in the magnificent music, which is called "Royal March of the Lion". Her with one voice (or, as they say musicians, V "unison", but stringed instruments perform with a very powerful sound.


String instruments include violin, viola.




Double bass.


And although music it sounds menacing and even frightening, a smile slips through it, a light comic shade is caught. Each phrase ends with a fanfare that emphasizes the solemnity of the moment. The gait of the lion is important, unhurried, but at the same time, a soft and elastic cat's gait is felt in it. From time to time, sharp sounds suddenly invade the march - this is the Lion giving his voice, roaring menacingly. (Listening to a play "Royal March of the Lion")

On carnival It is customary to have fun and joke, dress up and transform into a different image. So the next character decided to dress up as a ballerina. Who is this?


Tusks turn white like snow there is no stronger animal.

Huge, gray, with a good disposition,

Walks majestically through the jungle

And with a long nose, like a hand,

He can lift you and me.

It weighs a lot of tons.

Friends, of course. This….

FRAME #13-14

More precisely, the Elephant, decided to become a ballerina and, putting on a light skirt and rising on her hind legs, ponderously spun in a waltz. The theme of the waltz is performed by the largest stringed instrument - the double bass.


The double bass conveys the heavy, clumsy, clumsy movements of the dancing elephant. The result is not a dance, but a funny parody of it.


(Listening to a play "Elephant")

Another funny guest animal carnival:


What is this riddle about? Brown color,

She does not grieve on two legs, her tail serves as a support.

Leaps will run from the lion. Food - leaves and grass.

On stomach in the pocket, the children clung to their mother.

In a warm bag, the kids only carry ...



You remember that a kangaroo cannot walk or run, but can only jump, pushing only from the ground with strong and long hind legs.


That's why music characterizing this animal, Same "jumping".Each phrase, accelerating at the beginning, ends with a cautious deceleration, as if the kangaroo now and then stops and timidly looks around. Looking around, the kangaroo continues its jumps again.

(Listening to a play "Kangaroo")

Then saint sans invites us to move into an unusual world.


The whole day they scurry about, these crumbs jostle for glass:

Either they gather in a crowd, or they float in the water in single file.

Algae, like alleys, the sandy bottom is light,

Here she is, faster than others, beating sideways against the glass.

The fins tremble, tremble, the back is arched,

The scales shine on such a beauty.


This is, of course, the underwater kingdom. The play is titled "Aquarium".From the very first sounds we hear the most beautiful overflows of transparent and cold "water" colors. Such a flowing, magical sound is created by high ringing timbres of unusual instruments - this vintage celesta and harmonium, flute, violin and piano.


Celesta, harmonium.



Music of the play"Aquarium" sparkles and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.


(Listening to a play "Aquarium".)

From the underwater kingdom, we are transported to the thickets of a dense forest, where a bird occasionally gives its voice.


On a high tree I sit on a bitch,

And you can hear mine from afar "coo-coo, coo-coo".

White stripes on the chest.

Come listen to me!

I tell everyone the same thing

I spend my time carefree.


The play is titled "Cuckoo in the thicket of the forest".Quiet, strict and restrained chords rhythmically alternate one after another, reminiscent of the cautious steps of a traveler making his way in a dense forest among old ancient trees. We seem to feel the dusk and coolness of a dark, dense and gloomy forest. The voice of the cuckoo immeasurably repeats two sounds. The clarinet that imitates them sounds muffled, mysterious, as if coming from far away. In such a gloomy more often it is a little scary, and this feeling is also conveyed Saint-Saens in music.



(Listening to a play "Cuckoo in the thicket of the forest")

The next piece is one of the best and most famous works of the composer. It is dedicated to another bird.


Proud, white-winged, he is whiter than white lilies.

Glides silently over the water. The neck is arched.

They are always admired by everyone on the shore of the pond.


Music conveys the smoothness of movements, the beauty of the lines of this regal bird. Warm, "velvety" the timbre of the cello, performing a flexible, melodious melody, sounds expressively against the background of a calm, swaying piano accompaniment. Imitating the light splash of water.

SLIDE № 34-35

(Listening to a play "Swan")

So far the members carnival appeared before us separately, we got to know them. Finally, they all came together in the Final - this is the name of the last play. « animal carnival» .

Carnival the performance ends with a cheerful, impetuous dance. Again. But for the last time, images of acquaintances flash before us. animals, reminding yourself of short musical fragments. We are captured by universal fun, festive, jubilant. Sunny atmosphere.

SLIDE № 36-37

(Listening to the Final « animal carnival» .)

History of creation

Carnival of the Animals was written by Saint-Saens in February 1886 while on holiday in Austria. The composer conceived this music as a surprise for a concert that cellist Charles Lebouc was to give on Fat Tuesday. The first performance took place on March 9, 1886, with the participation of flutist Paul Taffanel, clarinetist Charles Turban, double bass player Emile de Bailly, for whom the composer specially wrote solo episodes. The two piano parts were performed by Saint-Saëns himself and by Louis Dieumer.

Considering this work only a musical joke, Saint-Saens forbade it to be published during his lifetime, not wanting to be considered the author of "frivolous" music. All known performances of Carnival of the Animals before 1921 (the year of Saint-Saëns' death) were in private collections. So, a month after the premiere, on April 2, 1886, this work was performed in the house of Pauline Viardot in the presence of Franz Liszt. Other performances at various times included Gabriel Piernet, Alfred Cortot, Alfredo Casella (piano), Maren Marsik (violin), Anatoly Brandukov (cello), Philippe Gobert (flute), Prosper Mimar (clarinet).

The only part of the suite that Saint-Saëns allowed to be published and performed was the piece The Swan for cello and piano. Even during the life of the composer, she firmly entered the repertoire of cellists.

After the death of Saint-Saens, the score of "Carnival" was published and first performed in a public concert on February 25, 1922. The music gained great fame and is often performed in concerts. Often, Carnival of the Animals is presented as music for children and combined with poetic or prose texts written specifically for performance.

"Carnival of the Animals" is filled with humor, sometimes turning into satire - its parts often contain parodies and quotes from famous musical works, ridicule human vices, or simply imitate the voices of animals.

“The characters drawn by the composer at this carnival appear, except for the swan, in a playful, and sometimes even in a caricature-satirical form. Moreover, in some cases, the composer had in mind not so much the actual animals, but the human characters that they personify.- A. Maikapar about the "Carnival of the Animals"

The music of various parts of the "Carnival of the Animals" is often used in films and cartoons, advertising, and theatrical productions.

Instrumental composition

Initially, the composer conceived the performance of "Carnival" by a small chamber ensemble, but subsequently it was often played even by an orchestra, increasing the number of string instruments. There are also numerous transcriptions of individual parts of the suite for different instruments.

  • Glass harmonica (in our time, its part is usually performed on bells or celesta)


Le Carnaval des Animaux de Camille Saint-Saens (1886)
Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Vilem Sokol, 1980
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See what "Animal Carnival" is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Swan (meanings). Swan Le Cygne Composer Camille Saint-Saens Key G major Tempo andantino grazioso, 6/4 Date and place of composition ... Wikipedia

    - (Saint Salns) Charles Camille (9 X 1835, Paris 16 XII 1921, Algeria, buried in Paris) French. composer, pianist, organist, conductor, musician critic and writer, teacher, musician. societies. figure. Member Inta France (1881), honorary doctor ... ... Music Encyclopedia

    - (Saint Saëns) (1835 1921), French composer, pianist, conductor, music critic. Member of the Institute of France (1881). One of the organizers of the National Musical Society (1871). He has performed as a pianist and conductor. 12 operas, including ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Saint-Saens K.- CEH CAHC (Saint Saëns) Camille (9.10.1835, Paris, 16.12.1921, Algiers), French. composer, pianist, conductor and music critic. Member of the Institute of France (1881). He graduated from the Paris Conservatory (with H. A. Reber and F. Halevi). S. S. created many ... ... Ballet. Encyclopedia

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  • Carnival of the Animals, Saint-Saens Camille. Reprinted musical edition of Saint-Sa?ns, Camille`Le carnaval des animaux`. Genres: Fantasias; For flute, clarinet, glockenspiel, xylophone, 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass, 2 pianos; Scores…

Big Zoological Fantasy

Orchestra composition: flute, piccolo flute, clarinet, xylophone, glass harmonica, 2 pianos, strings (2 violins, viola, cello, double bass).

History of creation

The idea of ​​a comic work called "Carnival of the Animals" came to Saint-Saens in the early 60s - a young professor at the Niedermeier school promised it to his students. However, Saint-Saens fulfilled this promise more than 20 years later. In February 1886, the famous composer and pianist, tired of a tour of Germany, retired to a small Austrian town and wrote Carnival of the Animals in a few days.

It was a surprise addressed to the excellent French cellist Lebuc, who was to perform in a carnival concert. Played by him No. 13 from the "Carnival of the Animals" under the name "Swan" brought noisy fame to both the performer and the composer. For a hundred years, The Swan has been the most popular play by Saint-Saens. His arrangements have been made for almost all existing instruments, vocal adaptations of "Swan - Above the Water", "Lake of Dreams" and even "Mother Cabrini, Saint of the 20th Century". The most famous ballet number is The Dying Swan, composed to this music by the famous Russian choreographer Mikhail Fokin for Anna Pavlova, one of the best ballerinas of the early 20th century.

The premiere of "Carnival of the Animals", according to one source, took place in Paris immediately after writing, on March 9, 1886, in a narrow circle. According to other sources, it sounded back in February, in the Vivien Hall in Paris, and then in the "Pipe Society", founded for the performance of chamber music, of which Saint-Saens was a member. On April 2 of the same year, a special screening of the "Carnival of the Animals" took place in the salon of the famous singer Pauline Viardot for Liszt, who visited Paris shortly before his death. The publication was banned by the author. Only in his will, denying the right to publish all unpublished works, Saint-Saens made an exception for the "Carnival of the Animals", which was published shortly after the death of the composer, in 1922.

Humor, irony, seen in the author's definition of the genre - a great zoological fantasy - are generally inherent in the music of Saint-Saens, although his other comic compositions are unknown. However, musicologists have found two unpublished works in his legacy, which are a kind of predecessor to the Carnival of the Animals. These are the carnival sketch “Gabriella di Vergi”, an Italian “lyrical drama” by a certain “organist of past times”, and “Scents of Paris” for piano, harp, trumpet, bagpipes, tin pipe, bird voices, bass drum, pistol and buzzing top. The composition of the small orchestra of the "Carnival of the Animals" is not so fanciful, although it includes such original instruments as a xylophone and a glass harmonica. The interpretation of the instruments is diverse. Two pianos act either as concert virtuosos, or as modest accompanists. Among the soloists there are not only two violins, a cello, a flute and a clarinet, but also - unexpectedly - a double bass. Each of the five string parts is represented by one performer. The instrumental composition in all the pieces is original and almost never repeats. 14 numbers are very small (20 measures in the shortest) and alternate according to the principle of contrast.


No. 1, "Introduction and the Royal March of the Lion", has two sections. The first one immediately tunes in to a comical mood: the strings seem to sway with difficulty in front of the divergent piano glissando all over the keyboard. The second section contains the most trivial march turns, rhythmic and melodic. The harmony does not change for many bars, and the primitive theme of strings in unison is repeated repeatedly. But in the middle, in the rapid octaves of the piano and the chromatic passages of the cello and double bass, real roars of a lion's roar are heard.

No. 2, Hens and Roosters, is based on onomatopoeia favored by French harpsichordists of the late 17th and first half of the 18th centuries. But if Rameau conveyed the clucking of his “Chicken” by means of a harpsichord, then Saint-Saens has a piano in common (the pianist plays with one right hand) and two violins, which are later joined by a viola and a clarinet.

In No. 3, “Koulans are fast animals” appear. This is a technical study for two solo pianos at a fast tempo Presto furioso (frantically).

No. 4, "Turtles", contrasts with the previous one. The extremely slow animals are characterized by one of the most daring dances that arose in Paris in the middle of the 19th century: at the tempo of a majestic andante, a string quintet to piano accompaniment intones the can-can from Offenbach's operetta Orpheus in Hell.

No. 5, "The Elephant", uses a similar parodic device. Here the piano accompanies the double bass solo: the lowest instrument of the orchestra, heavy and inactive, plays the waltz in the tempo of Allegretto pomposo (magnificently, solemnly). At the same time, a waltz melody from the Ballet of the Sylphs appears in the center - the double bass depicts the spirits of the air, casting magical dreams on the hero of Berlioz's Damnation of Faust.

In No. 6, "Kangaroo", the jumping of exotic Australian animals is conveyed by staccato chords, as if two solo pianos are competing with each other.

No. 7, Aquarium, paints a silent underwater world. Iridescent passages of two pianos sounding on the left pedal flow smoothly; the abrupt sounds of a glass harmonica, a flute, strings (without a double bass) with mutes are quietly repeated.

No. 8, "The Character with Long Ears," is almost as brief as No. 6. But now, instead of two pianos, two violins are played, and their free-tempo jumps at huge intervals imitate the cry of a donkey.

No. 9, "The Cuckoo in the Deep of the Woods", is again based on onomatopoeia, but in a completely different way. The backstage clarinet chirps, and the hushed forest is embodied in the colorful chords of two pianos, sounding muffled on the left pedal.

In No. 10, The Bird House, another wooden instrument is the soloist - a flute, as if performing a virtuoso concerto, accompanied by strings. Her graceful chirping merges with the sonorous trills of two pianos.

No. 11, The Pianists, is another kind of stubborn and rather dumb animal. They diligently and loudly repeat scales in 4 hands, and at the end they work on an exercise in thirds. The String Quintet strongly supports their efforts. In a note to the score, the French publishers explain that the performers must imitate the beginner's clumsy playing.

No. 12, "Fossils", another musical parody in the tempo of Allegro ridicolo (ridiculous). The name does not mean the remains of prehistoric animals, but antediluvian, extinct examples of vocal art. The theme of the "Dance of Death" by Saint-Saens himself in the characteristic timbre of the xylophone, although in a different size, introduces into the afterlife. Two pianos expound the motifs of the old French songs "Ah, I'll tell you, mother" and "By the light of the moon." Their antiquity is emphasized by complex polyphonic techniques. The last fossil turns out to be Rosina from Rossini's The Barber of Seville - the clarinet imitates the sparkling coloratura of her cavatina.

No. 13, "The Swan", the only serious number in this comic suite, paints a bright ideal. The amazingly beautiful melodies of the cello, supported by the smooth swaying accompaniment of two pianos, contain the most characteristic features of the composer's style.

No. 14, the expanded Finale, uses all the instruments, up to the hitherto silent piccolo flute, and some themes of previous numbers, which gives a certain integrity to the motley alternation of diverse images. The opening theme of the Introduction, which opens the Finale, serves as a frame. Another brisk cancan sounds like a refrain, and between its repetitions already familiar characters return: kulans rush, hens cackle, kangaroos jump, a donkey screams.

A. Koenigsberg

Charles Camille Saint-Saens - French composer Camille Saint-Saens was born in Paris on October 9, 1835. His ancestors were from Normandy and got their surname from the name of the small town of Saint-Saint, where they lived near Rouen. Camille began composing music at the age of 5. The boy's parents - Parisian musicians - devoted a lot of time to their son's musical studies, and he made great strides. The first concert of Saint-Saens took place when the young pianist was barely 10 years old. In 1848 (aged 13) he entered the Paris Conservatory, first in the organ class, and then in the composition class. In 1853 (the composer was 18 years old) his first symphony was performed with great success. Saint-Saens traveled a lot and was very interested in the music of different countries. He was several times in Russia, was very fond of the music of Russian composers, willingly introduced her to music lovers in his homeland. The works of Saint-Saens are distinguished by their bright expressiveness, grace, and closeness to folk-everyday music. The composer's work is vast and varied. It is represented by almost all the genres that existed at that time, including operas, ballets, cantatas and oratorios, requiems and symphonies, etc. Charles Camille Saint-Saens was not only a composer, but also an excellent pianist, organist, conductor, writer (he wrote poetry and comedies), as well as a musical and public figure. Saint-Saens died in 1921 at the age of 86.

The history of the creation of the "Carnival of the Animals" The work was conceived by the author as a musical joke, a light and witty suite filled with sparkling humor. It was created in 1886 and has the subtitle "Great Zoological Fantasy". The suite is represented by 14 miniatures - musical sketches of animals and birds, each having its own unique character, its own element: 1. Royal march of the lion 2. Hens and rooster 3. Antelopes 4. Turtles 5. Elephants 6. Kangaroo 7. Aquarium 8. Character with long ears (Donkey) 9. Cuckoo in the depths of the forest 10. Aviary 11. Pianists (joke play) 12. Fossils 13. Swan 14. Finale This work reflects the memories and attachments of childhood - love for wildlife (collected collections of insects, minerals , grew flowers, listened to the sounds of nature - the murmur of a stream, the rustle of leaves, the singing of birds, studied the habits of animals). Charles Camille Saint-Saens tried to convey all this in his works. A suite was written for two pianos, two violins, viola, cello, double bass, flute, clarinet, harmonium, xylophone and celesta.

Hens and rooster Oh, what a loud-mouthed he is! In the morning he shouts to everyone "Hello!" He has boots on his feet and earrings on his ears. Scallop on the head. Who is this? Well, Petya's girlfriends - Both corydalis and pied - Noisily flapped their wings, Loudly pounded their beaks: Co-co-co, co-co-co It's easy for us to peck grain. Performers: String Trio Royal

Elephants Their tusks turn white like snow, There is no stronger animal. Huge, gray, with a good disposition, Walks majestically through the jungle, And with a long nose, like a hand, He can lift us with you. It weighs a lot of tons. Friends, of course, this is ... (elephant) Piano Performers: Cello

Aquarium The whole day they scurry about, jostle These crumbs behind the glass: Either they gather in a crowd, Then they float in the water in single file. Algae, like alleys, The bottom is sandy light. Here is one, faster than others, Beats sideways against the glass. The fins tremble, tremble, the back is arched. The scales shine like this. Such a beauty. Performers: Celesta Harmonium Piano Violins
