Do I need to memorize English texts? Why can't you learn English by heart? The benefits of memorizing texts.


Choose a convenient time to do the exercise. The best time to memorize texts is in the evening, from about 6 to 7 p.m. Usually by this time everything else has already been done, so nothing will distract you from your studies. If you're studying on your own, find a secluded place where you won't be distracted. Ask your loved ones not to disturb you for an hour. It would also be a good idea to turn off your mobile phone.

Write down on a piece of paper all the words that you don't know. Translate them using a dictionary. Write down the content of the dialogue already on. You need to know what the text you are teaching is about. It will be enough to understand the main points that the dialogue concerns; for memorization, an exact one, which reflects all shades of meaning, is not required.

Break the entire dialogue into separate lines. Start the text one phrase at a time. To do this, repeat the sentence several times, and then, closing the textbook, try to say it out loud. If you have difficulty reproducing a passage in its entirety, break it down into separate parts that are related in meaning. It is easier to memorize small chunks of text than to memorize large chunks at once.

Gradually move on to the next phrases of the dialogue until you have memorized the entire text. As you master the material, return to the passages you worked on earlier and repeat them.

Use a tape recorder to improve the quality of learning. Write down the entire text of the dialogues on it, reading them out loud with expression. Then listen to your recorded voice in sections, pause and repeat the listening section out loud. If necessary, you can always refer to any place in the recording. It is very convenient to transfer the recorded dialogue to a regular player and repeat the material, using time that is often wasted (forced waiting, traveling on public transport, and so on).

If you want to make memorization even more effective, use the help of a partner. It is best if it is a person who is also learning English in the same group as you. Divide the dialogue between individuals, assigning roles. Take turns saying phrases from the conversation out loud. Go through the entire text several times, and then switch roles and repeat the exercise. After some time, you will certainly ensure that the text of the dialogues is firmly entrenched in your memory. Such classes in pairs can also be carried out remotely, for which it is convenient to use Skype.

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Master the art of memorizing texts easily and for the benefit of your life and health. After all, poor memory sometimes causes a lot of trouble, especially if you need to remember large amounts of information.

You will need

  • Positive attitude
  • Concentration
  • Associations
  • Imagination
  • Crosswords
  • Organization


Present the text you need to learn. To do this, divide it into logical segments, and then describe each of them, using your imagination. Refer to the associations that this text evokes in you. The more vivid and emotional images that form in your head, the better you will remember the text.

Try to be an organized person. You need to know what's in your home, where your daily schedule is, and when your current work is due. This greatly improves your memory, so it will be easier for you to remember texts.

Avoid stressful situations, eat well and do not forget about physical activity and the need to be in the fresh air every day. All these factors will improve your health, which means your brain will work better and remember more information.

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  • “Improving memory - at any age”, D. Lapp, 1993.

First of all, you need to understand for yourself that any text can be learned, regardless of its size. Determine in advance the period of time in which you feel that you can remember the information, and treat the text with sincere interest.


Learn the main block of information during the daytime. While you have a fresh mind, your brain absorbs more of the information you have memorized. Also repeat the text before going to bed, then the next morning the necessary information will be firmly stuck in your head.

Learn associatively. Match individual words and phenomena that these elements of the text evoke in you. Let it be in the form of an anecdote, poems or in any other interpretation, the main thing is that you concentrate on this information, which means that it will already be remembered by you.

Determining the type of memory. Find out for yourself what kind of memorization of material is inherent in you, visual or auditory. If your visual memory is more developed, then carefully look at the page with the text, count how many lines there are in it, where words are hyphenated, etc. Read the text, close it, repeat it out loud. If you memorize well by ear, ask someone to read this information to you or record your voice on a voice recorder and play the tape until you memorize the material. Read the text into the recorder in short passages, this makes it easier to perceive the information by ear.

Diversity. You shouldn’t study the text from morning to evening, distracted except by food. Let your time be devoted not only to memorization, but also to some extraneous activity, for example, cooking dinner, watching a movie, etc. When you alternate between rest and intense thought, you remember information more effectively and quickly.

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Ready-made dialogue is one of the most popular forms of mastering correct literary or colloquial speech. This exercise is often used when studying a foreign language, as well as in rhetoric or acting courses. Memorizing dialogues will help you better navigate various situations in a new language environment.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - camcorder;
  • - marker.


Read the entire dialogue to understand its gist. Do it verbally first, then out loud. Highlight the lines you need to say with a transparent marker.

If the dialogue is in a foreign language, write down all unfamiliar words on a separate sheet. Make a translation and record a transcription. Learn them. For better memorization, you can make up separate phrases with new words. After this exercise, you will not forget them in the proposed context of the dialogue.

Read the entire dialogue out loud, understanding its meaning. Make sure you understand all the words. Place intonation accents and necessary pauses in your own remarks. Start memorizing your phrases by repeating them several times. It is advisable to do this out loud.

Try to remember the general meaning of your partner’s remarks. Mandatory to memorize are the beginnings of his phrases. This way you can avoid pauses in the dialogue and, if difficulties arise, even suggest words to your interlocutor.

When you make almost no mistakes in your lines, start pair work. First, speak the entire dialogue with your partner 2-3 times to remember the order of the phrases. Next, try to achieve continuity of dialogue. Try filming your work: this way you can see minor flaws and correct them.

Make the finished dialogue lively and emotional. If you are allowed minor deviations in the text, feel free to insert short idioms and expressive vocabulary. If the dialogue format implies strict compliance with the source text, actively use facial expressions, gestures, and emotions. Add theatrical elements. Simulating a dialogue situation using minimal props will not only help you remember the text better, but will also make it pleasant and interesting to listen to

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Since the subject matter of the texts varies and the amount of information remembered is also different, choose the method in which you can reproduce the information as accurately as possible. One memorization system is suitable for schoolchildren, while students and teachers need a completely different one.

At the moment, there are three systems for memorizing texts. In the first option, training takes place in courses that are quite common as part of additional education. For children's trainings, popular science texts are selected in the amount of no more than one typewritten sheet, which do not contain specifically accurate information. The quality of memorization is determined immediately after reading and is not long-term. The student must answer 10 questions correctly, which provides him with a 100% result. There are similar courses and.

The second method involves memorizing the text through its analysis. This method is also known as pedagogical. The trainings use very short texts (several paragraphs) with a minimum amount of precise details. Please note that this method has one significant drawback. It requires “chewing” passages of text, identifying and analyzing the relationship between main and secondary thoughts, multiple options for asking questions about the material and answering them, which slows down the memorization process.

Please note that the above method provides higher quality of memorization during speed reading. However, keep in mind that this method does not provide for memorization in paragraphs and does not ensure 100% fixation of digital data in memory, and it also does not guarantee that the text will remain in your memory for a long time.

Learn to remember information using the classical visual mnemonics method. This method completely eliminates passive recall. The result is a consistent presentation of the material without leading questions in full, either orally or in writing. The quality of memorization is assessed quite strictly: violation of the sequence of paragraphs, omission or distortion of precise information, and incorrect sequence of presentation of accurate information within one paragraph are not allowed. Of course, this method makes it possible to remember information at the highest level.

With the help of cramming, we have been accustomed to learning new subjects since our school days. When starting to learn English, we adhere to the same tactics. We cram words, rules, texts, dialogues.

However, not everyone understands that cramming will not help you learn to speak English and understand speech. Why is it needed at all then? And is it necessary?

After reading the article, you will learn about the disadvantages of this teaching method and understand how to work correctly with texts and words.

Is it worth cramming English words?

We start learning any language with words and the alphabet. One of the most popular ways to memorize English words is to memorize them. 98% of people start learning words by cramming.

Cramming- repeated repetition of a word within a short period of time.

It would seem to be an effective way of memorizing, but it is not. Why?

Let's look at the disadvantages of this method:

1. You won't understand the word

The first step when learning a word is to look not only at the translation, but also at its meaning. If you don't do this, no matter how much you cram the word, you won't understand it.

There are many words in English that have the same translation but are used in different situations.

For example:

Let's take the familiar words home and house. We know that they are translated as “house”. However, when we say home, we mean emotional attachment to a place, family, warmth, comfort. Home can be a room, apartment, house, etc. When we use the word house, we mean one of the types of buildings: one- or two-story.

2. You won't be able to use the word correctly.

Without knowing the meaning of a word, you will not understand it and, therefore, will not be able to use it correctly.

Let's look at an example:

Let's take the word iron, which translates as “iron.”

Imagine that you have memorized this word and now use it by making the following sentences with it:

I like to iron my cat.
I like to pet my cat.

He ironed my hand.
He stroked my hand.

But if you look up the meaning of the word in the dictionary, you will find out that this word is used to mean “ make something smooth with an iron».

Now look at the completed sentences again. To anyone who understands and knows how to use this word, they will sound ridiculous.

It is in order to use a word correctly that it is very important to understand its meaning.

3. You will quickly forget a word

Remember the university. Tell me, how long did you remember the subject after passing the exam if you crammed it?

It's the same with words. We only remember what we use. If you do not use the word, then in 1-2 weeks you will forget it.

This is why cramming words is useless. It is much more effective to clarify words in the dictionary and use them in composing spoken and written sentences. This is how they are remembered, if not forever, then for a very long time.

We told you how to do this correctly.

Is it worth learning English texts by heart?

One of the popular tasks that many teachers give is to learn the text by heart. If you studied English at school, you probably remember how you were forced to retell various stories and dialogues.

Why do we learn texts?

  • To increase your vocabulary
  • Use new phrases
  • Rebuild sentences by creating new ones

In theory it looks very tempting and beautiful, but how do things work in practice? Is this kind of learning really effective?

Let's learn about the disadvantages of this approach:

1. You won't understand what you teach.

When cramming texts, the same thing happens as when memorizing words. You simply repeat what, sometimes, without even understanding. After all, to understand the text you need:

  • see the meaning of all unfamiliar words
  • understand how each sentence is formed

2. You will not be able to use phrases and sentences when speaking.

Proponents of memorizing texts say that cramming texts will allow you to rework the memorized sentences and use them in conversation.

However, to do this, you need to do more than just mechanically memorize and repeat. Before you can change a sentence and use it in your speech, you must understand how it is formed and know the rules of grammar.

3. You will very quickly forget a text you have learned by heart.

Without understanding what you've learned, you won't be able to use it in conversation. And what we don’t use, we forget. Therefore, by memorizing a text, you will soon forget it.

Even if you memorize the text well enough to not forget it (and for this you will have to repeat it every day), in order to remember any phrase, you will need to run the entire text in your head. Imagine how long this will take.

How long will it take to not only remember, but somehow change this phrase? Isn’t it easier to immediately say what you want without cramming texts?

Of course, it cannot be said that cramming texts is completely useless. It can help increase your vocabulary, learn new phrases, improve memory and pronunciation.

But is it worth devoting time to it if in 3 months you plan to go to a conference, for example, in the USA or plan to change jobs and you will have an interview in English? Probably not.

It would be much better to devote time to those exercises that will give results" Here and now".

We can conclude that learning words and texts by heart will not give you the result you want. English does not need to be crammed, it needs to be used. When you cram, you are simply memorizing the material rather than understanding it. And what you do not understand, you will not be able to use in your speech, and, therefore, you will soon forget.

I doubt there is a single person who enjoys the process of cramming. Many, upon graduating from school and university, breathe a sigh of relief - that’s it, no more memorizing terms and theoretical material from memory. But is it? Modern teaching methods involve learning new material without any cramming. And this is the right approach, because it is much better to understand information and be able to use it than to just know it so “it bounces off your teeth.” However, is cramming really so useless?

In this article, we propose to consider the positive aspects of cramming: what could be the benefit of learning English texts by heart? And also how to learn a text or text fragment without straining.

The benefits of memorizing texts

  • Remembering new vocabulary in context
    By memorizing texts, you automatically memorize new vocabulary immediately with an example of its use. It is not a fact that you will not forget the entire text after a few weeks or months, however, the new vocabulary and the context in which it was used will most likely remain in your memory. This will help, if necessary, to use it correctly.
  • Allows you to learn interesting phrases, phraseological units and cliches
    By memorizing English texts, you learn ready-made patterns for conversation. Thus, during communication you will not have to think about which grammatical structure to use, or which word is better to say in a particular sentence - you will already have a ready-made phrase for a certain situation. Especially in this regard, it is useful to learn dialogues for all kinds of situations, texts from textbooks, which use many useful expressions that students need to know.
  • Improves spelling
    While memorizing a text, you re-read it several times, thanks to which your visual memory comes into play, and along with the text you remember the correct spelling of words. To improve literacy, it will be useful to rewrite the text by hand while cramming. In addition, this will speed up the process of memorizing the text itself.
  • Helps practice pronunciation
    If you learn the texts out loud, and not silently, then you can also practice pronunciation. This exercise will be especially useful for those who find it difficult to pronounce certain English sounds.
  • Allows you to reveal new facets of text
    By re-reading the text several times, you will discover new interesting details in it that you may not have noticed the first time you read it. For example, reading the text just once, you may not notice some interesting expressions, new constructions, the hidden meaning of some sentences (if there is one) and other interesting details.
  • Trains memory
    Cramming is great for developing memory. Like muscles, memory needs constant training. By memorizing texts, we strengthen and develop memory, keeping the brain young. Having learned several dialogues, fragments of articles or poems, you will notice that each new text will be easier for you. In addition, you may find that it becomes easier for you to remember other information not related to the English language.

As you can see, even such an outdated scholastic method as cramming has its positive sides. The main thing is not to get carried away too much, because cramming alone is unlikely to bring you the desired result. However, you shouldn’t give it up completely. It is best to practice this method of teaching in moderation, complementing it with other language learning methods. And we, in turn, want to give some useful recommendations that will help you cram correctly :)

How to cram correctly

    1. Let's start with choosing the material
      Choose which text you will study based on your own needs or interests. If you are learning English for travel, learn some useful dialogues on this topic. If you need English to communicate with colleagues by email, you can learn, for example, a sample business letter. To expand your vocabulary, learn texts from textbooks, fragments of articles or dialogues from your favorite films. Choose small texts that you can actually remember - this will prevent cramming from turning into torture. If you find it difficult to memorize prose, try learning a few poems. Learning poetry from memory is not only easier than prose, but it will allow you to discover the beauty of the English language and experience it better.
    2. Do the preparatory work
      Before learning the text, familiarize yourself with it in detail: look up the meaning of unfamiliar words, pay attention to examples of their use in the text. Be sure to look at how new words are pronounced correctly so that you don’t accidentally learn the wrong pronunciation. If you are learning dialogue from a movie or text from a textbook that has audio accompaniment, pay attention to the intonation of the speakers, the pronunciation of words in sentences and the pace of speech. If this is a text from a book, try reading it expressively on a recorder once and listen to it performed by yourself.
    3. Cram wisely
      Mechanically memorizing a text without understanding it is unlikely to be of much use. In order for memorizing a text to bring the desired result, you need to delve into the essence of the text and analyze it in detail. While reading, pay attention to the grammatical structures used and the use of words in sentences. Think about the meaning of what is written, pay attention to the style of the author’s language. All this, if necessary, will help to rephrase this or that sentence, if such a need arises, without changing the essence of the text itself.

If you approach cramming wisely, it will certainly bear fruit. At a minimum, you will sharpen your memory, which will help when learning other new English words and constructions. By choosing the right material and first analyzing it, you will greatly simplify the process of memorization. The main thing is to remember that the cramming method should not be the main method when learning a foreign language - rather, it should serve as a small addition to other methods. And in combination with them it can bring truly impressive results.

Not a single lesson in a foreign language can do without learning new information. And okay, when you need to learn vocabulary with translation, grammatical rules or lists of exceptions. This is all possible, although with difficulty, but everyone can do it. But what to do when you need to know an entire English text by heart? This is where students often give up. And in vain, because it’s not that difficult. And today we will tell you all the secrets of how to quickly learn text in English.

Whatever study method you choose, before you start, you need to do a little preparation.

The first thing you need to do is psychologically realize that you must learn the text in English. No matter how trivial it may sound, the success of the whole business depends on it. Without a clear understanding of the need and responsibility, not a single technique will help you learn the text in an easy way in 5 minutes.

So, get rid of all distractions: phones, games, music, TV, etc. If possible, try to remain exclusively alone with yourself. Working with paper material puts you in a more serious mood, because... When viewing files electronically, we are often distracted by other applications.

Be sure to set strict conditions for yourself: until I remember this text, I will not... ( I’ll go for a walk, start watching a movie, go online, etc.). Psychological limitation activates the brain to work harder to solve the task, which leads to effective memorization of text in English.

You should not refuse incentive motivation. Give yourself a small reward for a job well done. This way you will have an additional goal that promises the desired benefits. After all, you will agree that it is much more pleasant to learn English texts, knowing that at the end of the work a long-awaited reward awaits.

Psychology is an important factor. But since you are seriously studying English, it will not be difficult for you to set yourself up to memorize texts. Now let's talk about more practical matters. Namely, what things should a person studying any foreign material have on hand in order to quickly remember the text.

In order to learn a large text in English you may need:

  • several blank sheets of paper;
  • pen, pencil and colored markers;
  • study notebook;
  • English-Russian dictionary;
  • Dictaphone.

Having tuned in to a serious approach to classes, and armed with everything necessary for studying English texts by subjects, let's move on to choosing a suitable methodology.

10 methods on how to quickly learn text in English

If you think that we are now going to tell you how to quickly learn a text in English in 5 minutes or remember it at first sight, then you are mistaken. We do not intend to sow empty hopes, so we say directly that any text must be carefully worked out. But after this work, the efficiency of memorization is improved using an individually selected technique. But first things first.

Before you think about how to quickly learn an English text, you need to understand what it is about. This requires:

  • read the material;
  • check the transcription or audio pronunciation of difficult words;
  • write down new expressions and their meanings;
  • perform full oral or written translation;
  • delve into the content of the text;
  • break the material into meaningful fragments.

After completing all these steps, you can begin to select an effective memorization technique. Below are 10 different methods that answer the question of how to easily and quickly learn a large text in English.

No. 1. Circular repetition

The technique is based on the development of automatic memorization.

The principle of operation is simple: we start reading the text, reach the end of the first paragraph and return to the beginning of the text. Now we read the first and second paragraphs, and again go to the beginning. Then the first, second, third - again the beginning of the text and so on until the end of the material.

Such cyclical repetitions actively activate memory mechanisms and help you quickly memorize text in English.

No. 2. Turning on the subconscious

Using this method, we will practice remembering information “for bedtime.”

So, half an hour before bedtime, having relaxed as much as possible, eliminating the influence of external factors and concentrating on the text, start reading slowly. Say the text out loud, barely audible, and then work with each statement to yourself.

In other words, a cyclical repetition occurs again, but with alternating methods of learning. The sentence is read aloud, straining auditory and visual perception, and then it is repeated with closed eyes to oneself, involving the memory and subconscious in the work.

No. 3. Auditory memory

A method for people who perceive information better by ear.

Read the text carefully to yourself several times. Then prepare a voice recorder and start reading aloud, observing intonation marks and making short pauses after each sentence. Subsequently, during these breaks, you will need to repeat the statement.

After completing the reading, listen to the resulting recording, trying to repeat each sentence. For greater effectiveness, you can listen to the text before or during bedtime, bringing the subconscious into the work.

The good thing about this method is that it doesn’t require much effort and allows you to work with text outside the home: on the way to school/work, while training at the gym, etc.

No. 4. Improving visual perception

The technique allows you to learn to navigate the text well.

To work, you will need several colored markers. Select a specific color for each part of speech and work through all the material, emphasizing words that are difficult to remember. Then try to retell the text based on the notes you made.

The method allows you not to read into forgotten words, but to remember them by associating them with a certain color. The only downside is that it takes quite a lot of time to work through.

No. 5. Simplified retelling

Logical alteration of the text.

It is necessary to correct the original construction of the material “to suit you”, i.e. simplify complex phrases, replace difficult words with synonyms, remove unnecessary information. Having composed simplified phrases for retelling, learn them one by one, saying them out loud.

After such processing, students usually remember the sentences in no longer than five minutes.

No. 6. Written presentation

The method includes mechanical memory.

Ideally, this technique requires a second person who can read the text. This way you get a traditional school presentation: they dictate to you, and you write down from memory, automatically receiving a simplified text.

But this technique can be applied even when you are completely alone. Read the text several times, delve into its content, and then try to write it down from memory. By working through sentences in your head and writing them down by hand, you automatically learn the information received, so all questions about how to quickly memorize material in English disappear by themselves.

No. 7. Developing a plan

A quick way to logically process material.

Here you need to divide the text into main parts, title them and write the titles on a separate sheet. After reading the material several times, retell the information you have learned, based on the brief plan you have drawn up.

Support in the form of strongholds will allow you to feel more confident and not forget important storylines, and at the same time you will not have to spend a lot of time drawing up such a “skeleton”. A great way to learn English text in a limited time limit.

No. 8. Visual diagram-drawing

The method differs from the previous one by including visual memory in the work.

Read the material several times and highlight the central theme or main character in it. They will become the support of the entire scheme. We write down a couple of words or sentences that will help start the story. From this base we draw secondary circumstances in different colors, also accompanying them with small notes.

Based on the resulting diagram and auxiliary words, try to briefly talk about all the parts.

No. 9. Reorganization of the text for questions and answers

Another way to quickly compose and learn an English retelling.

The technique is to obtain questions and answers to them from the sentences being studied. As a rule, a traditional scheme is enough to reveal the plot:

  1. Who? What?
  2. What is he doing? What's happening?
  3. When?
  4. For what? Why?

By answering all these questions, you will receive a simplified version of the text, which will not be difficult to quickly learn.

No. 10. Method of associations and visualization

If you have a hard time getting ready to memorize, and the text just doesn’t work, then this method is for you!

The essence of the technique is an associative approach: mentally divide the text into parts and associate each block with an object. After reading the text several times, try to retell it, focusing your eyes on associative objects.

In the first lessons, you can supplement this method with the use of stickers. You can place several supporting sentences on them. Thus, they will make it easier to remember the text and help you learn difficult words.

Imagine yourself on a walk. Each paragraph passed is a new turn in the journey. Feel free to imagine the surroundings of each segment - benches, people, trees, important objects. On the contrary, the more vivid an image you can create for a text passage, the easier it will be to remember.

So, we introduced you to techniques for effectively memorizing text. We hope you will choose the method that suits you and achieve successful results. But before you start working, I would like to note a few more important points.

1) Try to work with text during the daytime

The most productive hours are from 12 to 5. At this time, the brain actively performs its functions and is ready to master large volumes of new material.

If you want to study before bed, you still need to do most of the work during the day. Read and translate the text in your free time during the day, and memorize it in the evening using one of the above methods. And then in the morning you will only have to repeat the already memorized material once.

2) Be sure to take breaks

Diligence in studying is a good quality, but in everything you need to know when to stop.

If working with text takes more than an hour, then a third of this time should be devoted to rest. A person’s non-stop attention and perception is just enough for 40 minutes of hard work. Then you need to take at least a 15-20 minute break and return to work with renewed vigor.

3) Don’t be lazy to repeat the text

It is not for nothing that proverbs and sayings are passed down from generation to generation; after all, they contain folk wisdom and worldly experience. Therefore, without the mother of teaching - repetition, you will not advance anywhere. It is recommended to repeat even a fully memorized text 2-3 times a day. Memory is characterized by legibility: it immediately gets rid of information that is not in frequent demand.

4) Combine different ways of studying

A ready-made methodology is not an instruction with clearly prescribed rules. Feel free to change it to suit your needs to achieve the desired result. If you are uncomfortable conducting a lesson according to such a plan, then what achievements can we talk about? Therefore, fantasize and combine any methods, as long as you find it interesting and comfortable.

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