The meaning of the name Arslan, origin, character and fate of the name Arslan. Meaning of the name Arslan Origin of the name Arslan

Full name:

Church name: -

Meaning: lion

Patronymic: Arslanovich, Arslanovna

The meaning of the name Arslan - interpretation

The sonorous and proud name Arslan has Turkic roots and is translated from the Turkic language as “lion”. Very popular in the East, it has a centuries-old history. Short forms: Arsi, Aslan. Many linguists are absolutely sure that it was from him that the name Ruslan, widespread in Russia and the CIS member countries, came from him.

Astrology named after Arslan

Favorable day: Thursday

Years later

A child whose parents have awarded this proud name shows extraordinary character traits early on. The boy is persistent, constantly striving to become a leader. He makes friends easily, but always defends his own point of view. Sometimes with fists.

He never offends those whom he considers weaker. He treats adults with respect and tries not to argue with them. From early childhood he shows certain talents and abilities, constantly improving himself in those areas that attract him.

Little Arslan has been considered an honest and reliable person since childhood. He retains these qualities throughout his life. In kindergarten and school, he is usually a leader who is often approached for advice.

At school he shows interest only in subjects that fascinate him. Studying is easy for him, the teenager is distinguished by perseverance and perseverance. The young man is endowed with numerous creative abilities and enjoys attending sports clubs.

Arslan has quite a lot of friends, he enjoys the respect of his peers. Over the years, the guy hardly changes, although in adolescence he can become more capricious and hot-tempered.

He has difficulty withstanding the company of people who are unpleasant to him, and may speak aggressively or condemningly about some of them. Then he always bitterly regrets what he did. In the future, the teenager tries to avoid any conversations with individuals who do not arouse any sympathy in him.

Arslan is a pleasant person to talk to, but he doesn’t have many close friends. The reason is that a man does not want to impose his society and involve people in his own problems. But he himself is always ready to help and provide due support.

Despite the fact that Arslan is the undisputed leader, he almost never imposes his point of view using authoritarian methods. He does not like disputes and conflicts, so he always tries to convince, giving compelling arguments.

The main character traits of a man to whom his parents gave him a sonorous name are perseverance, hard work, and dedication. Arslan strives for material stability and independence, never asks for a loan, but he himself often provides financial assistance to his family and friends.

Arslan's character

Arslan, like no one else, knows how to listen to other people's opinions and empathize. A man is not prone to intrigue and aggression. He is very talented, never stands still and moves forward. When choosing a path in life, he relies only on himself.

A man remains honest and reliable throughout his life. You can always trust this guy with even the most intimate secrets. He is distinguished by a sharp mind, the ability to perform qualitative analysis and correctly assess the situation.

Excessive severity and exactingness towards others, excessive love of money. Sometimes his leadership qualities can lead to manifestations of undue authority that harm normal human relationships.

At the same time, Arcee extremely rarely tells anyone about her problems. He is very reluctant to reveal his own soul to his interlocutors. This speaks of a certain closed nature.

Arslan's fate

He prefers to build his own life, he can listen to recommendations, but he makes decisions himself. A man has excellent intuition and knows how to calculate his actions, so he very rarely regrets any actions. Arslan will never do something that is not interesting to him, so his chosen profession always satisfies him. He is able to completely immerse himself in work and can be entrusted with the most complex tasks.

Arslan shows success in various fields; his profession is often related to technology or science. Colleagues, whom the man never lets down, and superiors, who respect Arsi, can rely on him. He is honest and careful, reliable and principled in his decisions. Having set a goal, he always achieves it. This is a guarantee that a man’s life will be successful. He is successful in his profession and always finds his happiness in family life.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Arslan is interested in financial rewards for work, so he tries to choose a prestigious and highly paid specialty. He has leadership qualities, which is why he often becomes a successful businessman. In this case, he gets exactly what he strives for - financial independence and the opportunity to realize his potential as a leader.

He can live frugally and knows how to calculate a budget, but such periods in his life rarely happen. A man will look for new ways to earn money, and always successfully.

Marriage and family

Arslan admires beautiful women endowed with exquisite taste. This is exactly the kind of wife a man is looking for. Marriage for him is a serious step, which often becomes the reason that he changes radically. Arslan becomes an exemplary family man, a caring father and husband who respects his chosen one.

He does not like to quarrel with his wife, never reproaches her for unnecessary spending, trusts her completely, but will not forgive betrayal. Tries to give children an excellent education. For him, the material well-being of the family is very important.

Sex and love

He enjoys success with women and knows how to charm them with one glance. She takes good care of her and doesn’t skimp on compliments. In sex, he tries to please his partner, is gentle and emotional.

If he is not sure that a woman can become his wife, he tactfully breaks up with her. Often maintains friendly relations with former lovers, but nothing more.


In childhood, he practically never gets sick and has good immunity. During adolescence, injuries are common due to activity and mobility.

An adult Arslan may experience urological problems and sometimes suffer from neuroses. In old age he complains of blood vessels and poor vision. Throughout his life he tries to monitor his health.

Interests and hobbies

It must be said that Arslan’s hobbies are constantly changing. His hobbies may well include extreme sports and painting, traveling and the development of architectural projects.

He tries to achieve perfection in any endeavor and usually achieves his goal. Does not like monotony and routine.


The meaning of the name Arslan

Arslan is Turkic. lion (Ruslan) Since childhood, Arslan has been distinguished by his courage. He is not afraid of the dark, he is not afraid to be alone. Cocky, can provoke a fight, but is unlikely to fight with smaller or weaker opponents. He is a recognized leader in the company. There are usually no problems with studying, since Arslan is persistent in achieving his goals and knows how to work. He has artistic abilities, there is artistic talent. Arslan is true to his word, you can rely on him. He keeps his promises. With age, his character traits such as authority and capriciousness begin to appear more clearly. He strives for life comfort and material security. Be attentive to your health. Arslan independently chooses his path in life. He devotes his soul to his work, but will not do anything that does not correspond to his interests - “monkey work” is not for him. Efficiency, loyalty to the chosen goal, and perseverance allow Arslan to occupy leadership positions with success. He has authority among his subordinates. Able to convey his ideas and knowledge to partners. Arslan’s natural mind, capable of critically analyzing and assessing a situation, is very clearly demonstrated in his work. He is able to take risks. The only thing that can hinder Arslan is stubbornness and dogmatism in his judgments. Arslan does not have many close friends; he is selective in his affections. Does not like to share his problems, believing that this will undermine himself in the eyes of his interlocutor; however, he is not indifferent to other people’s troubles and helps with advice and deeds. Arslan has a subtle perception of beauty. He is gallant, courteous, and behaves like a knight with women. She takes the choice of a life partner very responsibly. He strives to be a leader in the family, but he listens to the opinion of his wife. He is strict with children, but within reasonable limits.

Numerology of the name Arslan

Soul Number: 4.
Those with the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, “fours” are reliable and can be relied on in any life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 2


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Arslan as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
With Word
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Arslan

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
C - common sense, desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

Many couples are faced with the question: what to call it so that it is unusual, beautiful and combines with the patronymic and surname.

In this article we will get acquainted with Arslan, what message it carries for the child, what character traits it imparts.

The origin of the name is associated with the Seljuks, a nomadic branch of the Western Turkic tribe. In connection with the conquests of the lands of Iraq, Kurdistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Iran, it became widespread over large territories, entering the culture of Muslim peoples: Turks, Arabs, Tatars, and the peoples of the Caucasus.

Sometimes it takes on modified forms, but does not lose its original meaning. In the etymology of the Arabic language, if we break down the name Arslan into its components, “arsyl” means wild, “an” means beast, and in the Tatar language means lion.

Did you know?Actor Leo DiCaprio was named after the great Leonardo da Vinci. Being pregnant, the mother of the future actor and her husband visited the gallery in the Uffizi, Italy. While looking at the painting of the great da Vinci, she felt the baby’s kicks and decided to name her son in honor of the artist.

In Islam, the name Arslan appears in various forms among male names in the Qur'an, with some changes in form and meaning:

  • Aslanbek - strong like a lion;
  • Arslanali - great lion;
  • Aslan is a lion.

Arslan is the full form; it can be diminutively called Arslanchik, Arsyusha, or derivatives Aslanchik, Aslan, Arsi. An adult bearer of the name will give his child the patronymic Arslanovich.
In cases, it is declined according to the rules for masculine nouns - Arslanu, Arslana, and so on.

Important! When naming a Christian child with this name, it should be taken into account that it is not in either the Orthodox or Catholic calendar.

The name Arslan, as mentioned above, is not in the church calendar, so you should choose a second name that is close in sound or consonant with the Muslim meaning, for example, Leo.

Leo's name day is celebrated:

  • December 20, January 12, February 2;
  • March 3, March 5, May 31;
  • July 14, August 31,
  • September 24, October 24, November 25.

Name in different languages

In European languages, the pronunciation is consonant with the Russian sound, the Chinese pronounce Aersilan (smoothing out the “r” sound), the Japanese - Aurusuran, the Armenians - Arslani, in Hindi - Arslana. In the Old Russian language there is a similar meaning and interpretation - Eruslan and a more modern form - Ruslan.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

Arslan Geray - Crimean khan from the Geray dynasty (1748–1767). The first steps in governing the country were the unification of the peoples subject to the Geray family. The khan gathered all the warring princes and tribal leaders together, endowing them with privileges, titles, and positions, thereby winning their allegiance.

Geray Khan restored the architectural structures and defensive fortifications of the country, mosques and fortresses destroyed in previous wars, rebuilt Bakhchisarai, built schools, mosques and other buildings. The wise ruler was revered and loved by his people, knew how to maintain peace with his neighbors and made a great contribution to the development of the state.

Did you know?In Ghana, a person is given a middle name according to the day of the week on which he was born, considering it to be of paramount importance in life. An example of this is Kofi Anan (one of the UN Secretary Generals) and Kojo Essien (Chelsea football player), where Kofi is Friday and Kojo is Monday.

Alp Arslan was the second sultan of the Seljuk state from 1063 to 1072. Having gained control of the territories of Khorasan and western Iran, he significantly expanded his kingdom, conquering Georgia, Armenia, and part of Asia. The Defender of the Faithful undertook many campaigns against Christians and the Ismailis of Egypt, which were not acceptable to the Baghdad Caliphate. In military battles with the Byzantines he came out victorious more than once. He managed to capture the Byzantine emperor Romanos IV Diogenes, despite the latter's superior numbers of troops. The great Seljuk ruler died of wounds in 1072.

Arslan Kotlyakhmetovich Mubaryakov (1908–1977) - actor, director, playwright. The future artist was born in the Orenburg province. The former orphanage pupil entered the theater technical school and graduated in 1931, with roles in two productions on his record. After serving in the army, he worked at the Bashkortostan Drama Theater, was a member of the theater workers' union, and in 1951 became the main director of this theater.
In the memoirs of his contemporaries, he is a strong and extraordinary person, charming and charismatic; each of his roles was marked by deep involvement in the character. As a director, he has staged more than two dozen performances and received many awards and titles. A monument was erected in his honor in Ufa, a street in Ufa and the Sibay Drama Theater in Bashkiria bear his name.

Arslan Magomedov is a Russian boxer, world champion according to WMC, world champion according to PK-1, champion of Russia, number one in the Russian Muay Thai League in 1999–2000. The future champion was born in Dagestan, and from childhood, encouraged by his father, he studied martial arts: karate, sanda. Having fallen in love with the martial art of Muay Thai, the athlete moved to live and train in Thailand, where he achieved his first successes in this type of martial arts. Later there were championships in the CIS, European countries, Japan, and Australia. At the moment, his professional sports career is over, Arslan is the owner of a sports club in Australia.

For a boy, the meaning of the name is associated with cockiness and perseverance. As a child, Aslan loves to show strength, but he will look for an equal opponent; he will not offend the weak.

In his studies, the boy is focused and persistent, strives to be among the best, showing himself in social and sports activities. He will show leadership abilities early, will carry you along and achieve success in everything he undertakes. He doesn't have many friends, mostly friends who share his hobbies and interests.
Let's consider what the name Arslan means for an adult. The masculine principle manifests itself in adolescence; a guy cannot resist a woman’s charm, it should be noted, not without reciprocity.

Having found a family, he will make every effort to ensure maximum comfort and coziness, and material well-being. He will always remember his family and friends, help and support them in everything. He is a strict and demanding, but fair and caring father. His house is always open to guests. The ideal companion will be an intelligent, patient and modest girl who can smooth out all the corners in family life and come to terms with her husband’s authoritarianism.

  • Planet- Jupiter.
  • Zodiac- Sagittarius.
  • Element- Air.
  • Color- raspberry, blue.
  • Stone- hyacinth, sapphire.
  • Metal- tin.
  • Plant- mint, lavender.
  • Animal- sheep, deer.
  • Day- Thursday.

Important! The properties of sapphire endow its owner with spiritual strength and help achieve the desired position in society, but the stone should not have defects, otherwise it will bring misfortune.

Let's look at what the name means from an astrological point of view. Aslan is a leader, an example to be followed. Under the auspices of Jupiter, a person thirsts for accomplishment and goes straight to his goal. He is a lover of life, an optimist, striving to make his life and the lives of loved ones interesting, comfortable and filled with positive things. Work for pleasure, relax on a grand scale, catch luck by the tail - this is about him.
This person will devote a lot of time to his physical fitness, while not forgetting about intellectual development; throughout his life he will improve himself and learn something new. Hard work and determination, perseverance and ambition will bring success in any field.

Numerology gives its definition to Arslan, regardless of nationality or religion.

Each letter corresponds to a mathematical sign that has its own meaning:

  • A (1) - leadership qualities, ambitions, courage;
  • P (9) - intelligence, thirst for power, status;
  • C (1) - (see above);
  • L (4) - reliability, support, stability;
  • N (6) - honesty, hard work.

Considering the meaning of the letters, we see three units (the letters “a” and “c”), the negative property of this combination is selfishness, the positive effect is on the ability to manage, persuade, persevere and achieve goals.

The total number is four, let's see what significance it has in life and for the character of Aslan.

Positive Character Traits . People under the influence of four are consistent in their actions; they do not like to waste time on empty fun. Planning and thinking through every step, they may seem boring to some, but such a pedantic approach allows the four to avoid many mistakes and unnecessary risks. In his personal life, he is a knight and a romantic, he is a beautiful courter, generous, charming and somewhat conservative. In the family, however, he will have the final say.
Negative traits . Selfishness often prevents the Four from hearing the opinions of others; he is distrustful to the point of suspicion, which can offend others. These people can remember the offense for a long time, stubbornly refusing to reconcile.

Let's summarize: Arslan is courageous, a leader, ambitious, a caring husband and father, a successful entrepreneur, has creative inclinations, and can achieve great heights in sports. A child usually does not cause problems for his parents; they just need to gently guide him in the right direction.

The sonorous and proud name Arslan has Turkic roots and is translated from the Turkic language as “lion”. Very popular in the East, it has a centuries-old history. Short forms: Arsi, Aslan. Many linguists are absolutely sure that it was from him that the name Ruslan, widespread in Russia and the CIS member countries, came from him.

A child whose parents have awarded this proud name shows extraordinary character traits early on. The boy is persistent, constantly striving to become a leader. He makes friends easily, but always defends his own point of view. Sometimes with fists.

He never offends those whom he considers weaker. He treats adults with respect and tries not to argue with them. From early childhood he shows certain talents and abilities, constantly improving himself in those areas that attract him.

Little Arslan has been considered an honest and reliable person since childhood. He retains these qualities throughout his life. In kindergarten and school, he is usually a leader who is often approached for advice.

At school he shows interest only in subjects that fascinate him. Studying is easy for him, the teenager is distinguished by perseverance and perseverance. The young man is endowed with numerous creative abilities and enjoys attending sports clubs.

Arslan has quite a lot of friends, he enjoys the respect of his peers. Over the years, the guy hardly changes, although in adolescence he can become more capricious and hot-tempered.

He has difficulty withstanding the company of people who are unpleasant to him, and may speak aggressively or condemningly about some of them. Then he always bitterly regrets what he did. In the future, the teenager tries to avoid any conversations with individuals who do not arouse any sympathy in him.

Arslan is a pleasant person to talk to, but he doesn’t have many close friends. The reason is that a man does not want to impose his society and involve people in his own problems. But he himself is always ready to help and provide due support.

Despite the fact that Arslan is the undisputed leader, he almost never imposes his point of view using authoritarian methods. He does not like disputes and conflicts, so he always tries to convince, giving compelling arguments.

The main character traits of a man to whom his parents gave him a sonorous name are perseverance, hard work, and dedication. Arslan strives for material stability and independence, never asks for a loan, but he himself often provides financial assistance to his family and friends.

The meaning of the name Arslan, origin, character and fate of the name Arslan
View a description of the name "Arslan", its meaning and origin. Find out the fate and character of a person with the name “Arslan”.


Origin and character of the name Arslan

A beautiful male name, which means “lion” in Turkic, endows its owner with similar qualities of this animal. The meaning of the name Arslan is revealed in the incredible masculinity, physical and spiritual strength of its owner. He is a confident, charismatic and attractive man.

As a child, Arslan is known as a brawler and a hooligan. However, the boy has quite noble concepts - the boy would never fight with a younger and weaker opponent, and would not offend a girl. Not afraid to be alone, the dark and imaginary monsters.

Already at a fairly young age, the meaning of the name Arslan for a boy begins to manifest itself as assertiveness. Having set a goal for himself, the child tries to realize it with all zeal and persistence. He shows the same persistence in his studies and does not like to be among the laggards.

Arslan is perfectly built and physically developed. It will be a pleasure to go to several sports sections at the same time, gradually choosing one of them. Has several hobbies, is endowed with artistic abilities and artistic talent.

With the return, the meaning of the name Arslan for a child manifests itself in such character traits as authority and capriciousness. A young man strives for material and financial security and comfort in life. He carefully monitors his own health.

He is a constant leader in the company. Keeps his word and fulfills his promises. Despite his leadership abilities, the boy has few real friends, but all his friends have been tested for reliability.

The interpretation of the name suggests that the boy chooses his own path in life. I am ready to work hard to achieve great success, but only if the activity brings mental and material satisfaction.

He prefers to remain silent about his problems, believing that by talking about them he shows his inadequacy. But he pays great attention to other people's problems - he will not refuse help in word and deed. Responsibly helps his loved ones and relatives. His friends sometimes make fun of the guy, saying that if Arslan had not helped his relatives, he would have become a millionaire long ago.

Outwardly, the young man is sociable and open. But with deep acquaintance, all his conversations come down to the material side of the issue. He does not like to take risks, so he rarely takes important steps and only after a thorough analysis of the likely risks.

One of the amusing and exciting hobbies of a man is a luxurious vacation. He spends fabulous sums to ensure that everything is of the highest standard, having fun with friends and women.

A man is naturally endowed with physical strength, beautifully built, pleasant to talk to and charming, so there are quite a lot of girls who want to spend some time with him, or even the rest of their lives. He treats women chivalrously, politely and courteously.

In sex he is conservative and adheres to traditions. A very sensual, passionate and experienced lover. A girl that Arslan will like must have femininity and softness. Does not respect emancipated, talkative and boorish people.

To love, for a young man, does not at all mean to remain faithful to his chosen one, although he himself attaches great importance to his beloved’s devotion to him. A true connoisseur of female beauty cannot resist any charming young person.

In family life, a man is quite a complex person. Living with him means putting up with countless hobbies and adventures. She pays great attention to her comfort in life, loves comfort and order.

He treats children strictly and tries to be fair. Respects all his relatives, who are frequent guests in the house. He treats his wife with reverence, tries to listen to his wife’s opinion, is courteous, kind, strict and attentive.

Business and career

For a man, his favorite job is equivalent to a hobby, which means the successes he achieves with his work will be doubly pleasing. Thanks to his leadership abilities, he easily copes with leadership positions, he is respected by colleagues and appreciated by the founders. He often starts running his own business, slowly and surely growing his enterprise.

Everything that a man does not undertake is doomed to success. Hard work, assertiveness and great desire allow you to achieve your goal. Can be a farmer, builder, professional athlete, writer, engineer.

Origin of the name Arslan

The origin of the name Arslan has Turkic roots. Indicating the place where the naming originated, it is extremely popular in its historical homeland. Arslan, whose name from Turkic has the etymological meaning of “lion,” is translated in Arabic as: “arsyl” - wild, “an” - beast.

It is assumed that the name Ruslan is derived from Arslan and has a similar secret name. The adverbs Aslan and Alan, which are historically considered short forms of the name Arslan, have today become independent names.

Characteristics of the name Arslan

The almost ideal characteristics of the name Arslan indicate that the pros and cons of the man’s character are perfectly balanced.

This is an example of an intelligent, gallant and well-mannered person who values ​​friendship and family relationships. The only drawback in the character of this bright representative of the strong half of humanity is love of love, which, alas, the young man himself does not want to fight, as well as integrity, which with age threatens to transform into dogmatism and pedantry.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone - emerald, moonstone, tiger's eye, black and white sapphire.
  • Name day - does not celebrate.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Virgo.
  • Patron planet – Mercury, Uranus.
  • Favorable colors are brown, dark green, crimson, blue.
  • Totem animal – deer, sheep.
  • Favorable plant: mint, lavender.

Famous people named Arslan

  • Arslan Firat (1970) is a professional boxer from Germany in the first heavy weight category.
  • Arslan Khasanov (1988) – Russian journalist, writer.
  • Arslan Tolgay (1990) – midfielder of the German football team Besiktas (Hamburg).

Name Arslan in different languages

The translation of the name Arslan into foreign languages ​​is consistent with the Russian meaning. So, in German, English, Italian, French, Spanish the adverb is translated as – Arslan.

In Chinese the name sounds like -阿爾斯蘭 (Ā’ěr sī lán), in Japanese - アルスラーン (Arusurān).

Origin and character of the name Arslan
The origin of the name Arslan is Turkic, which means “lion”; translated from Arabic it has the etymological meaning “arsyl, an” - “wild, beast”. He is a strong, charismatic and charming man.


Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Arslan

Origin and meaning

The male name Arslan came into modern languages ​​from the ancient Turkic peoples and means “lion”, “wild beast”. It is common in the East. It occurs quite often in the Uzbek and Tatar languages. Previously, it was part of the honorary nickname of the Turkestan khans. Translated from the Mari language, the name of the bird “eagle” means and serves as a symbol of freedom, heavenly heights, and the proud character of this people. Many researchers consider this name to be a guardian angel for boys.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: hyacinth, sapphire
  • Color: crimson, blue
  • Plant: mint, lavender
  • Animal: sheep, deer
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character traits

The secret of the name is revealed when meeting Arslan. The child differs from his peers in his belligerent character, fights, and bad behavior at school. He doesn't like to read, but he knows how to listen like no one else.

The name Arslan testifies to a person’s powerful energy, his strong-willed character, strength and fearlessness. When angry, he is unpredictable and dangerous. In the family and in life he is considered the darling of fate. Such a man is fearless and uncompromising when it comes to his beliefs, family, and interests. He is a protector, a warrior. A matured young man never demands much from life; he knows the value of every step, movement, and deed.

Outwardly, Arslan looks sociable and extraordinary. But a deeper acquaintance makes it possible to understand that he is only interested in the material aspects of any conversation. He does not like to take risks, so he spends a long time “procedurally” discussing any deal, project, agreement. Easily convinces interlocutors with a strict but cunning manner of communication and a set of convincing arguments.

Arslan has many authoritative patrons and assistants. Considers himself gullible. Many are convinced that the bearer of this name can become a very rich person if he stops helping a huge number of relatives and friends. But he always laughs it off cheerfully.

Interests and hobbies

Arslan's hobby is a luxurious vacation. In this concept he puts all the available entertainment among friends and women. His passion is also interesting and promising work, where he can reveal his potential.

Profession and business

Arslan is not afraid of difficulties. He is able to clearly formulate thoughts and does not hide his desire to occupy a leadership position. Panic and cowardice are unusual for him. A feature of his professional character is honesty and the ability to keep his word. Professions of a businessman, technical worker, consultant and psychologist, tailor, ophthalmologist, dispatcher or designer are considered successful for such a name. In business, he is most suited to the role of manager, logistics specialist, and sales agent.

The tendency to alcoholism can be hereditary. However, Arslan is well versed in the history of his family and knows its weaknesses. He knows how to control himself during rest and feasting. Predisposed to liver diseases.

Sex and love

Arslan is a conservative. In relationships with women, he adheres to traditions. He is not a monogamist, so he has many fans. He is a passionate lover, which girls really like. Always looking for new adventures, but does not respect talkative and emancipated women. On top of everything, he is also a gallant gentleman. But he can be rude and cruel. In sex he wants to command.

Family and marriage

You won't envy Arslan's wife. If she wants to save the family, she must turn a blind eye to her husband’s many hobbies, long business trips and the constant presence of one of his relatives in the house. Such a man treats children well, but rarely raises them. His task is to provide financially for his family, elderly parents and loved ones. He respects his wife, knows how to be courteous, strict and kind. He listens to her opinion, is always ready to listen, give advice and help.

Arslan's compatibility in love and marriage

Characteristics of the name by letter

A – activity, desire for undertakings, desire to achieve success in life, desire for comfort. The bearer of a name with this letter has strength and fortitude, independence, external brightness, and leadership qualities. He acts in his own way, does not like to adapt to other people.
The letter “A” at the beginning of the name symbolizes hard work, perseverance in achieving goals, and initiative. In a love relationship, such a person strives for leadership and diversity.
Repeating a letter in a name indicates excessive openness and a waste of energy.

R – courage, desire for active action, responsibility, ability to delve into the essence of what is happening, confidence in one’s rightness. The bearer of a name with this letter is an optimist. Doesn't get discouraged and doesn't give up when faced with failures. Risk-prone. As a life partner, he chooses a strong-willed, faithful and capable partner in difficult times.

S – prudence, logical thinking. Such a person is endowed with extravagance and brightness. He is prone to authority, strives to gain authority and material well-being. Can be irritable and capricious. In his professional activities he proves himself to be a hardworking and diligent worker. Love relationships often end in disappointment due to excessive demands on the other half.

L – aesthetic view of things, creative abilities. Such a person is interesting in communication, knows how to win over, give in and adapt to other people. Loves surprises and unusual situations. Knows how to love, remains faithful to the chosen one. Wants to share knowledge, emotions and sensations with his other half. Strongly attached to family.

N – inner strength, fortitude, sharp mind. Such a person is selective in everything, uncompromising, and does not know how to compromise. In his work he shows himself to be a diligent, efficient and responsible employee; he does not like monotonous work. Takes care of your health. In love, he makes excessive demands on the chosen one.

Characteristics of a name according to numerology

4 – perseverance, conscientiousness, independence, organizational skills, reliability. Such a person shows persistence in achieving his goals. Knows how to find a way out of a difficult situation. Strives to achieve recognition in society. Endowed with willfulness, prefers to live by his own rules and laws. In professional activities he becomes an executive and scrupulous worker. Prefers to work alone. Manages money carefully and is not prone to waste. He is sociable and has many friends. Has a tendency to depression. In love he becomes a reliable partner. She loves children and takes care of them.

Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Arslan
Good names for boys. What does the name Arslan mean? Character traits, hobbies, health, love and family, compatibility of the bearer of the name.


Arslan - the meaning of the name

Name meaning: lion

Short form: Arsi, Aslan, Alan

The meaning of the name Arslan, translated from the Turkic dialect, is interpreted as “lion,” which initially makes its bearer a strong and courageous person. The name Arslan is widespread among the Tatars and other nations of the Muslim faith.

Among the Slavs, this name came into use as Ruslan, and took root well in the village. Soviet space. But the original Arslan itself is practically not used among Christians; only families with different religions of parents or those who have immigrated from Muslim countries can name their children it.

Characteristics of a name in childhood

Already from childhood, the named Arslan manifests a masculine character. He stands out for his cockiness and courage, often starting fights and conflicts himself. The boy’s leadership positions emerge initially, and they outline some characteristics.

Little Arslan will not fight or pick on a weaker opponent; these traits pass on to the teenager, and later on to the man. This behavior makes the child stand out from the crowd and in some way exalts him.

A boy named Arslan is not lacking in perseverance and hard work. This applies to any field of activity. Therefore, at school our hero is an excellent student, putting great effort even in those sciences for which he is not particularly inclined. The boy is not deprived of talents, he:

  • draws well,
  • has charisma
  • artistic abilities.

If talents are identified and developed in time, then the future career of a boy named Arslan may be connected with art.

Character of the name

One of Arslan's positive qualities is punctuality and responsibility.

If he gave his word or promised to do something, our hero will definitely do it, even to the detriment of his own interests.

Over time, some bearers of the name Arslan acquire such a trait as authority. This is most likely due to their strong-willed nature, combined with a certain activity or occupation. To a greater extent, this character trait is manifested when Arslan occupies a high position that requires strict management.

Our hero chooses his profession independently, without taking into account outside advice.

Arslan Saparniyazovich Satubaldin (Kazakh footballer, goalkeeper of Kostanay Tobol)

  • He can often mind his own business, but he also copes with it successfully.
  • For a man whose name is Arslan, his financial well-being is important. Therefore, from an early age he strives for independence and stability, and he manages to achieve this.
  • He should have his own home, comfortable and convenient.
  • Arslan's persistent character, ability to achieve goals and sociability often propel him to the rank of leader.
  • Hard work and the desire to learn new things at any age help our hero keep abreast of all matters and innovations.

His sharp mind and acquired knowledge help in the correct analysis and calculation of any projects. But if the risk is not justified and not supported by documents, he will not take it, even when it promises exorbitant fees. This could become a stumbling block between the so-called Arslan and his superiors.

One of Arslan's disadvantages is secrecy, that’s why our hero doesn’t have many friends, and with the ones he has, he doesn’t fully open his soul. He keeps all his problems and secret dreams to himself and doesn’t let anyone in on them. And here is our hero himself always supports friends, comes to their rescue.

Arslan's stubbornness is also a negative quality. It interferes with his path to career advancement. He will never take the first step if he is not completely confident in the success of the enterprise.

Love and family relationships

Our hero loves beautiful women and treats everyone of the opposite sex courteously. Next to him he wants to see an ideal companion, beautiful, smart, kind, thrifty and with a strong character.

Having married, Arslan devotes himself entirely to his family and participates in raising children.

In some matters he can be radically strict with them. The domineering nature of our hero softens in the family circle. When making important decisions, he He listens to the opinions of all family members, sometimes he can rely on the opinion of his wife.

Arslan - the meaning of the name
The meaning of the name Arslan corresponds to the interpretation of “strong lion”. A bully and fidget in childhood turns into a responsible and powerful man who loves comfort and financial freedom.

The meaning of the name Arslan, translated from the Turkic dialect, is interpreted as “lion,” which initially makes its bearer a strong and courageous person. The name Arslan is widespread among the Tatars and other nations of the Muslim faith.

Among the Slavs, this name came into use as Ruslan, and took root well in the village. Soviet space. But the original Arslan itself is practically not used among Christians; only families with different religions of parents or those who have immigrated from Muslim countries can name their children it.

Already from childhood, the named Arslan manifests a masculine character. He stands out for his cockiness and courage, often starting fights and conflicts himself. The boy’s leadership positions emerge initially, and they outline some characteristics.

Little Arslan will not fight or pick on a weaker opponent; these traits pass on to the teenager, and later on to the man. This behavior makes the child stand out from the crowd and in some way exalts him.

A boy named Arslan is not lacking in perseverance and hard work. This applies to any field of activity. Therefore, at school our hero is an excellent student, putting great effort even in those sciences for which he is not particularly inclined. The boy is not deprived of talents, he:

  • draws well,
  • has charisma
  • artistic abilities.

If talents are identified and developed in time, then the future career of a boy named Arslan may be connected with art.

Character of the name

One of Arslan's positive qualities is punctuality and responsibility.

If he gave his word or promised to do something, our hero will definitely do it, even to the detriment of his own interests.

Over time, some bearers of the name Arslan acquire such a trait as authority. This is most likely due to their strong-willed nature, combined with a certain activity or occupation. To a greater extent, this character trait is manifested when Arslan occupies a high position that requires strict management.

Our hero chooses his profession independently, without taking into account outside advice.

Arslan Saparniyazovich Satubaldin (Kazakh footballer, goalkeeper of Kostanay Tobol)

  • He can often mind his own business, but he also copes with it successfully.
  • For a man whose name is Arslan, his financial well-being is important. Therefore, from an early age he strives for independence and stability, and he manages to achieve this.
  • He should have his own home, comfortable and convenient.
  • Arslan's persistent character, ability to achieve goals and sociability often propel him to the rank of leader.
  • Hard work and the desire to learn new things at any age help our hero keep abreast of all matters and innovations.

His sharp mind and acquired knowledge help in the correct analysis and calculation of any projects. But if the risk is not justified and not supported by documents, he will not take it, even when it promises exorbitant fees. This could become a stumbling block between the so-called Arslan and his superiors.

One of Arslan's disadvantages is secrecy, that’s why our hero doesn’t have many friends, and with the ones he has, he doesn’t fully open his soul. He keeps all his problems and secret dreams to himself and doesn’t let anyone in on them. And here is our hero himself always supports friends, comes to their rescue.

Arslan's stubbornness is also a negative quality. It interferes with his path to career advancement. He will never take the first step if he is not completely confident in the success of the enterprise.

Love and family relationships

Our hero loves beautiful women and treats everyone of the opposite sex courteously. Next to him he wants to see an ideal companion, beautiful, smart, kind, thrifty and with a strong character.

Having married, Arslan devotes himself entirely to his family and participates in raising children.

In some matters he can be radically strict with them. The domineering nature of our hero softens in the family circle. When making important decisions, he He listens to the opinions of all family members, sometimes he can rely on the opinion of his wife.
