The interpretation of the dream is cut off in dream books. Why do you dream about tree branches? I dreamed about trimming trees and bushes

A tree in a dream is a person, his life and health / a person as a cosmic phenomenon; the fate of a certain person / in men’s dreams, a tree can symbolize a woman’s body and desires directed towards it.

Most often, what you do with a tree affects your loved ones.

What someone else does to a tree concerns you.

Green tree - your well-being, happiness in marriage / a person in the prime of life / the visible in a person - as opposed to the spiritual - the invisible.

A flowering tree – your happy days / a person preparing for life’s journey / a bride of marriageable age.

Before our eyes it became without leaves, it was easily pulled out - the husband and beloved died.

A tree with fruits is your well-being, the result of your labors, the acquisition of spiritual treasures, a fruitful period of your life / a woman in the prime of life and beauty.

A leafy dry tree means misfortune, a difficult time in your life, a broken life, despair.

Withered tree - labors and sorrows / spiritually passive person.

Yellow autumn tree - sad old age / young old woman / ancient wisdom of extinct races.

Red autumn tree - drunkard / self-absorbed person / cheerful, happy old age.

A tree in the snow - variable happiness / a person who has outlived himself, hopelessly behind the times.

Broken tree - illness, quarrels.

A tree broken by lightning is misfortune generated by pride.

A tree torn out by a storm is irrevocable misfortune for a person’s fate.

What happens to the tree:

the tree becomes covered with leaves and flowers before our eyes - unexpected joy / experiencing a second youth.

A storm tears off all the leaves from a tree - temporary misfortunes.

Before our eyes, a tree instantly withers and flies away - sadness.

A tree easily pulls out of the ground - you will lose a friend.

The tree itself unexpectedly falls - misfortune, someone’s unexpected death, unjustified fear for one’s health.

A tree falls, washed away by water - irreparable harm to health from sensual love, voluptuousness.

A tree falls, undermined by an animal - misfortune from unbridled passions and debauchery.

A flaming tree is health that is dying in labor.

A green tree is cut down - the end of hopes / to have an evil feeling towards another person.

To cut down a dead tree means to say goodbye to someone in your life with whom it is high time to part with long ago / to acquire an illness / to touch upon the memory of a dead person.

Relocating the tree means loss.

To tear a green tree out of the ground means to nourish vengeful feelings; your angry feelings towards a certain person needlessly spread to others.

A felled tree - your fate does not depend on your will / a foregone conclusion / a missing or seriously ill person.

A fallen dry tree is a certain deceased / death of the spiritual principle in a person.

Seeing a rotten trunk on the ground means oblivion of your work.

To see a log on the road means you will have to remember a deceased or long-forgotten person.

Planting a tree is wealth.

Grafting a rootstock means wealth.

Cutting branches from a standing tree means unfairly slandering or thinking badly about a person / benefit at the expense of health.

Cutting branches from a felled tree is a sad duty; work that goes against your conscience and sense of duty.

Sitting under a tree means protecting your happiness, fearing for it.

Climbing a tree is an honor.

Climb high and feel fear - a certain event will allow you to look into the future.

Sitting on a tall tree is good news.

Climbing to the top of a tree is melancholy; to be burdened by gray everyday life.

To climb down from a tree upside down is to mentally penetrate into a certain world.

Falling from a tree is a danger to the life of a wife (husband); you bring into your life something incompatible with its foundations.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Seeing a branch in a dream foretells changes for the worse, failure. A broken branch means trouble and shame.

A dry, leafless branch means sad news about friends and acquaintances who are far away. A branch with leaves and fruits portends wealth and good leisure time among like-minded people.

A branch with ripe berries means success in your undertaking and happiness. Willow branch - to joy.

Break a branch - men will avoid you. Breaking pine branches - children will show kindness and care for you.

Holding a branch in your hands means a change in business.

Branches brought into the house do not bode well, and most importantly, they mean your confusion in a situation that is extremely important to you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Branch

A green or blooming branch: a symbol of friendship and success in new endeavors. Such a dream foreshadows good friends and success in implementing new plans.

A dry, broken branch: a sign of failure, discord with loved ones and difficult experiences.

Interpretation of dreams from Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hair cut - loss.

What does the dream portend: Trim

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Pruning fruit trees leads to material loss (the more branches you cut, the more you will lose). Pruning bushes is a waste of time.

Trim in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A bun or lock of hair. True love.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Trimming

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Trim - for a funeral.

Dream meaning - Nails

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For the sleeper. Long - disappointed hopes. Short ones - haste. Brilliant - unexpected news, deceitful friend. Cutting off, trimming means failure. Grabbing your nails - to glory. Suddenly money and wealth grew. There are no nails, pulling them out is a must. Danger and misfortune. Someone is cutting...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Nails?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreaming of excessively long nails is a sign that you will soon become rich. If you dreamed of too short nails, big losses await you. Cutting your nails in a dream is a harbinger of family discord. Pulled nails are a very bad sign: you will soon...

I had a dream “Fingers”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Scratching your finger means profit. A severed finger with blood means the loss of a relative. Cutting a finger means trouble that you can cause to a friend. Burn your finger - enter into a second marriage. Being without fingers at all is a sign that you are at risk...

I had a dream “Nails”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Long, beautifully trimmed nails - receive wealth and honor. Dreaming of unusually long nails means trouble and cruelty. Cutting your nails means resentment, irritation, quarrel. If you bite your nails, you will receive a gift. Shiny nails - to unexpected news. To see a bright manicure on a woman -...

Braids - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Braiding your hair means a new boyfriend, cutting your hair means losing your hair.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Flower?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

White and red flowers in a dream mean quick fun and joy. White or red flowers, as well as a bouquet of them, mean that a joyful event and fun awaits you soon. White flowers in a dream mean melancholy and loneliness, and red...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Hair?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

White hair means peace of mind. Holding white cut hair in your hand - the dream marks the beginning of a new stage in your life or in your relationship with your loved one. Hair length is also of great importance, but we only take long hair into account. Shave...

Dream - Clothes

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

New clothes in a dream are always associated with new plans and foretell good luck in business, new acquaintances, new relationships, a new period in life or a profitable business, if you like these things. Such a dream is especially favorable if you put clothes on yourself...

Dreaming of Fingers - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

I have a dream about Fingers

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Fingers are very beautiful - happiness in love. Pointing fingers means big changes. An extra finger is an inheritance. Lost - litigation. Scratching your finger is profit. Trimming means trouble for a friend. Burn - enter into a second marriage. A hand without fingers means losing children.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Fingers

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Beautiful, well-groomed fingers mean good luck in business and in love. Dirty, sick - to failure, shame. Pointing a finger means change. An extra finger means receiving an inheritance. To lose means the loss of a relative. Trim, mutilate - cause trouble to a friend or...

Why do you see Curls in your dreams?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing curls means that in reality you will be seduced, but this will only cause you trouble in the future. Seeing your curls is a sign of a successful turn in your affairs, caring for them - in reality you will experience great doubts, combing them to your satisfaction, curling them - ...

Why do you dream about Braids in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you braid your children's hair, it means you will save time and money by following the advice of well-meaning people. Unraveling your braids means that in reality you will encounter a money problem. Seeing yourself with long braids means good luck in love. Short braids - to...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Nails?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Long - outside help. Getting a manicure means convincing others of your importance. Trimming your nails is a controversial issue. Cleaning your nails means stagnation in business.

Dream - Curls - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing curls in yourself is a sign of a successful turn of affairs. There are big doubts about caring for your curls. Combing your curls brings satisfaction. Curl your curls - go to great lengths. Trim your curls - your business proposals will remain unheeded. Light curls portend failures...

Interpretation of sleep Nails

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Clean and long nails mean good luck and profit. Dirty - melancholy, grief. Long fingers - help in trouble. Short ones - sadness. Pulling out is a necessity. Trimming means disputes, stagnation.

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Why do you dream about tree branches? According to the dream book, they indicate family ties, the well-being of relatives, the successful course of affairs, and prosperity. But sometimes such a sign in a dream warns of a quarrel, mistake or damage because of someone. For a correct interpretation, details should be taken into account.

Successful endeavors, good news

Did you dream about how they turn green or bloom in the spring? The vision symbolizes friendship, the success of new ventures, and the implementation of plans.

Seeing tree branches in a dream with thick foliage rustling on them means: you will soon receive pleasant news from good friends or relatives.

Why do you dream of standing under a branchy, spreading crown? The dream book tells you: you are looking for housing, and this search will be very successful.

Possible illness, difficulties ahead

Dry branches promise unpleasant news from loved ones who are now far away. Dried twigs portend illness.

Have you seen bare tree branches in a dream? There will be financial difficulties ahead. You will have to limit your spending and distribute even small amounts sparingly.

Family ties

Often dreamed branches represent relatives: brothers, sisters, children. If the crown is thick, this is a sign of a large family.

Beautiful lush young branches of a tree in a dream promise numerous descendants in the future who will be distinguished by good health.

Why does a married, childless woman dream of flowers blooming on bare branches? The dream book promises: she will be able to give birth to a child.

What were they like?

There are different interpretations of dreams about branches of different trees:

  • birch trees - joy ahead;
  • oak - you will be strong in spirit;
  • cypress - good luck;
  • maple - success of endeavors;
  • apple trees - an offer will be received for a new business relationship or project;
  • pears - you will become an object of gossip;
  • cherries - meeting with a young girl;
  • plums - tender love;
  • peach - meeting a capricious woman;
  • palm trees - you will gain respect and authority;
  • ate - prosperity.

You will suffer damage, make a mistake

Did you see a train breaking tree branches in a dream? The dream book explains: someone will not take into account your interests on the way to their own goal, so they can cause serious damage.

For a woman to break twigs means: she will do something that will repel men who might become admirers. Due to the dreamer’s oversight, potential gentlemen will avoid her.

What did they do with them?

Remember what you had to do with them:

  • break - quarrel with a relative or loved one;
  • sawing dry ones - get rid of unnecessary things, memories;
  • trim, forming a crown - separation awaits;
  • propping it up so as not to break under the weight of the fruits - to prosperity.

Miller's Dream Book: Wealth awaits you

Why do you dream of tree branches with green leaves and fruits? The dream promises wealth and a pleasant pastime in the company of friends.

Prosperity and career success await you

Did you dream about strong healthy branches? Good luck and prosperity will soon await the sleeper. He will receive profit, which will become the basis of his prosperity.

Did you see flowers on them in a dream? The dream book is encouraging: friends will help you achieve success in your professional field.

Seeing a branch in a dream foretells changes for the worse, failure. A broken branch means trouble and shame.

A dry, leafless branch means sad news about friends and acquaintances who are far away. A branch with leaves and fruits portends wealth and good leisure time among like-minded people.

A branch with ripe berries means success in your undertaking and happiness. Willow branch - to joy.

Break a branch - men will avoid you. Breaking pine branches - children will show kindness and care for you.

Holding a branch in your hands means a change in business.

Branches brought into the house do not bode well, and most importantly, they mean your confusion in a situation that is extremely important to you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Tree

A tree in a dream is a person, his life and health / a person as a cosmic phenomenon; the fate of a certain person / in men’s dreams, a tree can symbolize a woman’s body and desires directed towards it.

Most often, what you do with a tree affects your loved ones.

What someone else does to a tree concerns you.

Green tree - your well-being, happiness in marriage / a person in the prime of life / the visible in a person - as opposed to the spiritual - the invisible.

A flowering tree – your happy days / a person preparing for life’s journey / a bride of marriageable age.

Before our eyes it became without leaves, it was easily pulled out - the husband and beloved died.

A tree with fruits is your well-being, the result of your labors, the acquisition of spiritual treasures, a fruitful period of your life / a woman in the prime of life and beauty.

A leafy dry tree means misfortune, a difficult time in your life, a broken life, despair.

Withered tree - labors and sorrows / spiritually passive person.

Yellow autumn tree - sad old age / young old woman / ancient wisdom of extinct races.

Red autumn tree - drunkard / self-absorbed person / cheerful, happy old age.

A tree in the snow - variable happiness / a person who has outlived himself, hopelessly behind the times.

Broken tree - illness, quarrels.

A tree broken by lightning is misfortune generated by pride.

A tree torn out by a storm is irrevocable misfortune for a person’s fate.

What happens to the tree:

the tree becomes covered with leaves and flowers before our eyes - unexpected joy / experiencing a second youth.

A storm tears off all the leaves from a tree - temporary misfortunes.

Before our eyes, a tree instantly withers and flies away - sadness.

A tree easily pulls out of the ground - you will lose a friend.

The tree itself unexpectedly falls - misfortune, someone’s unexpected death, unjustified fear for one’s health.

A tree falls, washed away by water - irreparable harm to health from sensual love, voluptuousness.

A tree falls, undermined by an animal - misfortune from unbridled passions and debauchery.

A flaming tree is health that is dying in labor.

A green tree is cut down - the end of hopes / to have an evil feeling towards another person.

To cut down a dead tree means to say goodbye to someone in your life with whom it is high time to part with long ago / to acquire an illness / to touch upon the memory of a dead person.

Relocating the tree means loss.

To tear a green tree out of the ground means to nourish vengeful feelings; your angry feelings towards a certain person needlessly spread to others.

A felled tree - your fate does not depend on your will / a foregone conclusion / a missing or seriously ill person.

A fallen dry tree is a certain deceased / death of the spiritual principle in a person.

Seeing a rotten trunk on the ground means oblivion of your work.

To see a log on the road means you will have to remember a deceased or long-forgotten person.

Planting a tree is wealth.

Grafting a rootstock means wealth.

Cutting branches from a standing tree means unfairly slandering or thinking badly about a person / benefit at the expense of health.

Cutting branches from a felled tree is a sad duty; work that goes against your conscience and sense of duty.

Sitting under a tree means protecting your happiness, fearing for it.

Climbing a tree is an honor.

Climb high and feel fear - a certain event will allow you to look into the future.

Sitting on a tall tree is good news.

Climbing to the top of a tree is melancholy; to be burdened by gray everyday life.

To climb down from a tree upside down is to mentally penetrate into a certain world.

Falling from a tree is a danger to the life of a wife (husband); you bring into your life something incompatible with its foundations.

Interpretation of dreams from
