What is common between Onegin and Pechorin. Comparative characteristics of Onegin and Pechorin

What a short time separates Pushkin's Onegin and Lermontov's Pechorin! First quarter and forties of the 19th century. And yet these are two different eras, separated by an unforgettable event in Russian history - the uprising of the Decembrists. Pushkin and Lermontov managed to create works that reflect the spirit of these eras, works that touched upon the problems of the fate of the young noble intelligentsia, who could not find application for their forces.

Herzen called Pechorin "Onegin's younger brother", so what do these people have in common and how do they differ?

Onegin, before becoming a "young rake", received a traditional upbringing and an extensive, but rather superficial education. Because he ended up being able to speak "perfectly" French, dance the mazurka easily, and "bow casually," "the world thought he was smart and very nice." However, quickly fed up with the fruitless fuss of secular life, Onegin begins to be weary of it, but finds nothing in return. Realizing the worthlessness of the existence of secular people, Onegin begins to despise them, withdraws into himself, indulges in the “Russian blues”. Living only for himself, not taking into account the feelings and experiences of other people, Onegin commits a number of unworthy acts. By the time he met him, Pushkin noted in Onegin "an inimitable strangeness", "a sharp chilled mind", "unwitting devotion to dreams", an internal gap and misunderstanding between him and the people around him. Despite deep contempt for the "light", Onegin remains dependent on public opinion, and as a result, kills his friend Lensky. Egoism leads the "ardent rake" to a heavy emotional drama and discord with oneself.

We do not know much about Pechorin's past, mainly from the pages of his own diary, from his conversations with other people. We learn that Pechorin’s “soul is corrupted by light”: “From childhood, everyone read signs of bad properties on my face that were not there; but they were supposed - and they were born. Now, those around him often do not understand either Pechorin's thoughts or his actions, and he (and often quite justifiably) considers himself head and shoulders above those around him. Unlike Onegin, Pechorin does not shy away from people, does not avoid contact with them, but, on the contrary, becomes an extremely subtle psychologist, able to understand not only other people's actions and thoughts, but also feelings. Unfortunately, communication with him most often brings people and even himself only suffering and dissatisfaction. Unlike Onegin, Pechorin is not yet tired of life, he interferes in everything, is interested in many things, but he is not able to truly love and be friends. And if only Tatyana suffers from Pushkin's love for Onegin (and after - from Onegin's love), then Pechorin brings misfortune to all the women he encounters: Bela, Vera, Princess Mary, even a friend of smugglers. material from the site

Onegin's problem is in his inability to make his life interesting, bright, to fill it with significant events. Pechorin is concerned with the question of the purpose of his own life, its meaning. The consciousness of lost opportunities constantly haunts him, since his belief in his "high-value" does not find real, confirmation. Both one and the second value their freedom, liberty, but it turns out that they too often sacrifice to her what is really dear to them.

Differences in the fates and characters of the heroes are explained by differences in eras: the life of Russia on the eve of the December uprising (Onegin) and the severe political reaction after the defeat of the Decembrists (Pechorin). Both Onegin and Pechorin belong to the type of "superfluous people", that is, such people for whom there was neither place nor business in the society around them. And yet, even despising the environment, Onegin and Pechorin were the children of this society, that is, the heroes of their time.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • how Pechorin differs from Onegin
  • Onegin and Pechorin value their freedom, not attachment to anything
  • How does Rudin differ from Onegin, Pechorin Yuoblomova
  • differences between Pechorin and Onegin
  • comparative characteristics of Onegin and Pechorin

(Advanced people of the 19th century)
My life, where are you going and where?
Why is my path so obscure and mysterious to me?
Why do I not know the purpose of labor?
Why am I not the master of my desires?

Pushkin worked on the novel "Eugene Onegin" for many years, it was his favorite work. Belinsky called in his article "Eugene Onegin" this work "an encyclopedia of Russian life." Indeed, this novel gives a picture of all strata of Russian life: the high society, the small estate nobility, and the people - Pushkin studied the life of all strata of society at the beginning of the 19th century well. During the years of the creation of the novel, Pushkin had to go through a lot, lose many friends, experience bitterness from the death of the best people in Russia. The novel was for the poet, in his words, the fruit of "the mind of cold observations and the heart of sad remarks." Against the broad background of Russian pictures of life, the dramatic fate of the best people, the advanced noble intelligentsia of the Decembrist era, is shown.

Lermontov's Hero of Our Time would have been impossible without Onegin, because the realistic novel created by Pushkin opened the first page in the history of the great Russian novel of the 19th century.

Pushkin embodied in the image of Onegin many of those features that were later deployed in individual characters of Lermontov, Turgenev, Herzen, Goncharov. Eugene Onegin and Pechorin are very similar in character, both of them are from a secular environment, received a good upbringing, they are at a higher stage of development, hence their melancholy, spleen and dissatisfaction. All this is characteristic of more subtle and more developed souls. Pushkin writes about Onegin: "The blues was waiting for him on guard, and she ran after him, like a shadow or a faithful wife." The secular society in which Onegin moved, and later Pechorin, spoiled them. It did not require knowledge, a superficial education was enough, more important was the knowledge of the French language and good manners. Eugene, like everyone else, "danced the mazurka easily and bowed at ease." He spends his best years, like most people of his circle, on balls, theaters and love interests. Pechorin leads the same way of life. Very soon, both begin to understand that this life is empty, that nothing is worth behind the "external tinsel", boredom, slander, envy reign in the world, people spend the inner forces of the soul on gossip and anger. Petty fuss, empty talk of "necessary fools", spiritual emptiness make the life of these people monotonous, outwardly dazzling, but devoid of internal "content. Idleness, lack of high interests vulgarize their existence. A day is like a day, there is no need to work, there are few impressions, therefore the most intelligent and the best fall ill with nostalgia. They essentially do not know their homeland and people. Onegin "wanted to write, but hard work was sickening to him ...", he also did not find the answer to his questions in books. Onegin is smart and could benefit society , but the lack of need for labor is the reason that he does not find something to his liking. From this he suffers, realizing that the upper stratum of society lives off the slave labor of serfs. Serfdom was a disgrace to Tsarist Russia. Onegin in the village tried to alleviate the position of his serfs ("... with a yoke he replaced the old quitrent with a light one ..."), for which he was condemned by his neighbors, who considered him an eccentric and a dangerous "freethinker". Pechorin is also not understood by many. In order to reveal the character of his hero more deeply, Lermontov places him in a variety of social spheres, confronts him with a wide variety of people. When a separate edition of A Hero of Our Time was published, it became clear that before Lermontov there had been no Russian realistic novel. Belinsky pointed out that "Princess Mary" is one of the main stories in the novel. In this story, Pechorin talks about himself, reveals his soul. Here, the features of "A Hero of Our Time" as a psychological novel were most pronounced. In Pechorin's diary, we find his sincere confession, in which he reveals his thoughts and feelings, mercilessly scourging his inherent weaknesses and vices: Here is a clue to his character and an explanation of his actions. Pechorin is a victim of his hard time. The character of Pechorin is complex and contradictory. He talks about himself; “There are two people in me: one lives, in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him.” In the image of Pechorin, the character traits of the author himself are visible, but Lermontov was wider and deeper than his hero. Pechorin is closely associated with advanced social thought, but he considers himself among the miserable descendants who roam the earth without conviction or pride. "We are not capable of greater sacrifices, either for the good of mankind or for our own happiness," says Pechorin. He lost faith in people, his disbelief in ideas, skepticism and undoubted egoism - the result of the era that came after December 14, the era of moral decay, cowardice and vulgarity of the secular society in which Pechorin moved. The main task that Lermontov set himself was to sketch the image of a contemporary young man. Lermontov poses the problem of a strong personality, so unlike the noble society of the 30s.

Belinsky wrote that "Pechorin is the Onegin of our time." The novel "A Hero of Our Time" is a bitter reflection on the "history of the human soul", a soul ruined by the "brilliance of a deceitful capital", seeking and not finding friendship, love, happiness. Pechorin is a suffering egoist. About Onegin, Belinsky wrote: "The forces of this rich nature were left without application: life without meaning, and the novel without end." The same can be said about Pechorin. Comparing the two heroes, he wrote: "... There is a difference in the roads, but the result is the same." With all the difference in appearance and the difference in characters and Onegin; both Pechorin and Chatsky belong to the gallery of "superfluous people for whom there was neither place nor business in the surrounding society. The desire to find one's place in life, to understand the "great purpose" is the main meaning of the novel of Lermontov's lyrics. Are not these reflections occupied by Pechorin , lead him to a painful answer to the question: “Why did I live?” This question can be answered with the words of Lermontov: “Perhaps, by heavenly thought and fortitude, I am convinced that I would give the world a wonderful gift, and for that - immortality he ... "In Lermontov's lyrics and Pechorin's thoughts, we meet the sad recognition that people are skinny fruits that have ripened before time. in "A Hero of Our Time" we so clearly hear the voice of the poet, the breath of his time. Depicted the fate of his heroes, typical of their generation? Pushkin and Lermontov protest against reality, which forces people to waste their strength for nothing.

The undoubted similarity of the images of Eugene Onegin and Grigory Pechorin was noted by one of the first V.G. Belinsky. “Their dissimilarity among themselves is much less than the distance between Onega and Pechora ... Pechorin is the Onegin of our time,” the critic wrote.

The lifetime of the characters is different. Onegin lived in the era of Decembrism, free-thinking, rebellions. Pechorin is the hero of the era of timelessness. Common to the great works of Pushkin and Lermontov is the depiction of the spiritual crisis of the noble intelligentsia. The best representatives of this class turned out to be dissatisfied with life, removed from social activities. They had no choice but to waste their strength aimlessly, turning into "superfluous people."

The formation of characters, the conditions for the education of Onegin and Pechorin, no doubt, are similar. These are people of the same circle. The similarity of the heroes lies in the fact that both of them have gone from agreement with society and themselves to the denial of light and deep dissatisfaction with life.

“But sooner the feelings in him cooled down,” Pushkin writes about Onegin, who “fell ill” with the “Russian melancholy.” Pechorin is also very early "... despair was born, covered with courtesy and a good-natured smile."

They were well-read and educated people, which put them above the rest of the young people of their circle. Education and natural curiosity of Onegin is found in his disputes with Lensky. One list of topics worth it:

... Tribes of past treaties,

The fruits of science, good and evil,

And age-old prejudices

And fatal secrets of the coffin,

Fate and life...

Evidence of Onegin's high education is his extensive personal library. Pechorin, on the other hand, said this about himself: “I began to read, to study - science was also tired.” Possessing remarkable abilities, spiritual needs, both failed to realize themselves in life and squandered it for nothing.

In their youth, both heroes were fond of carefree secular life, both succeeded in the "science of tender passion", in the knowledge of "Russian young ladies". Pechorin says about himself: “... when I met a woman, I always guessed accurately whether she would love me ... I never became a slave to my beloved woman, on the contrary, I always acquired invincible power over their will and heart ... Is that why I never really do not I value ... "Neither the love of the beautiful Bela, nor the serious enthusiasm of the young Princess Mary could melt the coldness and rationality of Pechorin. It only brings misfortune to women.

The love of the inexperienced, naive Tatyana Larina also leaves Onegin indifferent at first. But later, our hero, at a new meeting with Tatyana, now a secular lady and a general, realizes that he has lost in the face of this extraordinary woman. Pechorin is not at all capable of a great feeling. In his opinion, "love is satiated pride."

Both Onegin and Pechorin value their freedom. Eugene writes in his letter to Tatyana:

Your hateful freedom

I didn't want to lose.

Pechorin bluntly declares: "... twenty times my life, I will even put my honor at stake, but I will not sell my freedom."

The indifference to people inherent in both, disappointment and boredom affect their attitude towards friendship. Onegin is friends with Lensky "there is nothing to do." And Pechorin says: “... I am not capable of friendship: of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits this to himself; I can’t be a slave, and in this case commanding is tedious work, because you have to deceive along with it ... ”And he demonstrates this in his cold attitude towards Maxim Maksimych. The words of the old staff captain sound helplessly: “I have always said that there is no use in someone who forgets old friends!”

Both Onegin and Pechorin, disappointed in the life around them, are critical of the empty and idle "secular mob". But Onegin is afraid of public opinion, accepting Lensky's challenge to a duel. Pechorin, shooting with Grushnitsky, takes revenge on society for unfulfilled hopes. In essence, the same evil trick led the heroes to the duel. Onegin "swore Lensky to infuriate and take revenge in order" for a boring evening at the Larins'. Pechorin says the following: “I lied, but I wanted to defeat him. I have an innate passion to contradict; my whole life has been only a tribute to sad and unfortunate contradictions of heart or mind.

The tragedy of feeling one's own uselessness is deepened in both by an understanding of the uselessness of one's life. Pushkin bitterly exclaims about this:

But it's sad to think that in vain

We were given youth

What cheated on her all the time,

That she deceived us;

That our best wishes

That our fresh dreams

Decayed in rapid succession,

Like leaves in autumn rotten.

The hero of Lermontov seems to echo him: “My colorless youth passed in the struggle with myself and the world; Fearing ridicule, I buried my best qualities in the depths of my heart: they died there... Knowing well the light and springs of life, I became a moral cripple.

Pushkin's words about Onegin, when

Killing a friend in a duel

Having lived without a goal, without labor

Until the age of twenty-six

Languishing in the idleness of leisure.,

he "began wandering without a goal", can also be attributed to Pechorin, who also killed the former "friend", and his life continued "without a goal, without labor." Pechorin during the trip reflects: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born?

Feeling "immense forces in his soul", but completely wasting them in vain, Pechorin is looking for death and finds it "from a random bullet on the roads of Persia." Onegin, at the age of twenty-six, was also "hopelessly tired of life." He exclaims:

Why am I not pierced by a bullet,

Why am I not a sickly old man?

Comparing the description of the life of the heroes, one can be convinced that Pechorin is a more active person with demonic features. “To be the cause of suffering and joy for someone, without having any positive right to do so - is this not the sweetest food of our pride?” - says the hero of Lermontov. As a person, Onegin remains a mystery to us. No wonder Pushkin characterizes him like this:

A sad and dangerous eccentric,

Creation of hell or heaven

This angel, this arrogant demon,

What is he? Is it an imitation

An insignificant ghost?

onegin image pechorin intelligentsia

Both Onegin and Pechorin are selfish, but thinking and suffering heroes. Despising the idle secular existence, they do not find ways and opportunities to freely, creatively resist it. In the tragic outcomes of the individual fates of Onegin and Pechorin, the tragedy of "superfluous people" shines through. The tragedy of the “superfluous person”, in whatever era he appears, is at the same time the tragedy of the society that gave birth to him.

Eugene Onegin from the novel of the same name in verse by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" and Grigory Pechorin from "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov, although the heroes of completely different works. have similar looks. No wonder VG Belinsky remarked: "Pechorin is the Onegin of our time." Eugene Onegin appears as a reflection of the era of the 20s, the period of the Decembrists and social upsurge, Pechorin is a representative of the third decade of the 19th century, called "cruel". Time has determined both the common features of the characters and their differences.

Both Pechorin and Onegin are representatives of high society. The formation of their characters, education and upbringing took place in the same conditions. In their youth, both heroes were fond of a carefree secular life, they led it idly. They could not realize themselves in life, despite their outstanding abilities. The heroes are not capable of true love, thus they bring only suffering to the ladies in love with them.

Onegin and Pechorin stand out among the surrounding secular society. They both start friendship out of boredom. From a duel with former friends, to which fate leads both, they emerge victorious. M.Yu. Lermontov himself, when he gives his hero the surname Pechorin, as if hints at his resemblance to Onegin: Onega and Pechora are rivers flowing in Russia. V. G. Belinsky notes: "Their dissimilarity among themselves is much less than the distance between Onega and Pechora. Sometimes in the very name that a true poet gives to his hero, there is a reasonable necessity, although, perhaps, invisible by the poet himself ..."

But we find significant differences in the characters of the characters, their attitude to life and values. Onegin is bored, he is tired of life. The young man does not seek to change anything, disappointed in this world. Pechorin is somewhat different. He is not indifferent, active, "furiously chasing life, looking for it everywhere." Pechorin is a deep, passionate nature, he is a philosopher and thinker. He is interested in the world around him in all its manifestations, he thinks a lot. analyzes, keeps diary entries. The hero is inspired by nature and in his diaries often notes its beauty, which Onegin is simply not able to see due to his character. The attitude of the characters towards society is also different. Onegin fears the condemnation of others and therefore decides to participate in a duel. Although Eugene understands that he must refuse, public opinion becomes more important to him than friendship. Onegin does not enter into open conflict with society, he avoids people. What about Pechorin? He neglects the opinions of others, always does what he considers necessary. Gregory puts himself above society, treating it with disdain. Pechorin is not afraid to go into direct conflict with others. As for the duel with Grushnitsky, he agrees to it solely out of noble intentions, wanting to protect the honor of Princess Mary and his own name.

Onegin is "an egoist involuntarily." it was his dependence on the conventions of a society he despised and his inability to abandon them that made him so. Pechorin has a contradictory nature, his egoism stems from his own convictions and judgments about the world. Public opinion, the established order does not affect his worldview in any way.

Eugene Onegin and Grigory Pechorin are among the brightest characters in the literature of the 19th century. Comparing the heroes, you can find many similarities and differences in their characters, beliefs and destinies. Each of them is a hero of his time. Both novels were enthusiastically received by the public, widely discussed and criticized. It is also important to note the artistic skill of the writers, who extremely accurately reflected the nature of each of the eras in their works.

Comparative characteristics of Onegin and Pechorin
What a short time separates Pushkin's Onegin and Lermontov's Pechorin! First quarter and forties of the 19th century. And yet these are two different eras, separated by an unforgettable event in Russian history - the uprising

Decembrists. Pushkin and Lermontov managed to create works that reflect the spirit of these eras, works that touched upon the problems of the fate of the young noble intelligentsia, who were unable to find application for their forces.
Herzen called Pechorin "Onegin's younger brother", so what do these people have in common and how do they differ?
Onegin, before becoming a “young rake”, received a traditional upbringing and an extensive, but rather superficial education. Because he ended up being able to “perfectly” speak French, dance the mazurka easily, and “bow casually,” “the world thought he was smart and very nice.” However, quickly fed up with the fruitless fuss of secular life, Onegin begins to be weary of it, but finds nothing in return. Realizing the worthlessness of the existence of secular people, Onegin begins to despise them, withdraws into himself, indulges in the “Russian melancholy”. Living only for himself, not taking into account the feelings and experiences of other people, Onegin commits a number of unworthy acts. By the time he met him, Pushkin noted in Onegin “an inimitable strangeness”, “a sharp, chilled mind”, “an involuntary devotion to dreams”, an internal gap and misunderstanding between him and the people around him. Despite deep contempt for the “light”, Onegin remains dependent on public opinion, and as a result, he kills his friend Lensky. Egoism leads the “rake of the ardent” to a heavy spiritual drama and discord with oneself.
We do not know much about Pechorin's past, mainly from the pages of his own diary, from his conversations with other people. We learn that Pechorin’s “soul is corrupted by light”: “From childhood, everyone read signs of bad properties on my face that were not there; but they were supposed - and they were born. Now, people around often do not understand either Pechorin's thoughts or his actions, and he (and often quite justifiably) considers himself head and shoulders above those around him. Unlike Onegin, Pechorin does not shy away from people, does not avoid contact with them, but, on the contrary, becomes an extremely subtle psychologist, able to understand not only other people's actions and thoughts, but also feelings. Unfortunately, communication with him most often brings people and even himself only suffering and dissatisfaction. Unlike Onegin, Pechorin is not yet tired of life, he interferes in everything, is interested in many things, but he is not able to truly love and be friends. And if only Tatyana suffers from Pushkin's love for Onegin (and after - from Onegin's love), then Pechorin brings misfortune to all the women he encounters: Bela, Vera, Princess Mary, even the smugglers' friend.
Onegin's problem is in his inability to make his life interesting, bright, to fill it with significant events. Pechorin is concerned with the question of the purpose of his own life, its meaning. The consciousness of lost opportunities constantly haunts him, because his belief in his “high purpose” does not find real, confirmation. Both one and the other value their freedom, liberty, but it turns out that they too often sacrifice to her what is really dear to them.
Differences in the fates and characters of the heroes are explained by differences in eras: the life of Russia on the eve of the December uprising (Onegin) and the severe political reaction after the defeat of the Decembrists (Pechorin). Both Onegin and Pechorin belong to the type of “superfluous people”, that is, people for whom there was neither place nor business in the society around them. And yet, even despising the environment, Onegin and Pechorin were the children of this society, that is, the heroes of their time.
